Jai Shri Ram There is a type of karma known as agami karma. This refers to those that we perform out of our free will and which will have consequences on the future. For instance deciding to drive on a rainy day , a person can have an accident and so forth. Shri Rama Raksha strotra invokes Shri Ram for protection against all unforeseen calamities. It is be noted that some results are already predetermined based on prarabdha karma and these the soul has to go through.
Namaste The Rishi is Budh Kaushik who received this in a dream from Shri Shankar Himself Devata is Shri Sita and Ramchandra together. Devata is that with which we seek to become One i.e. unite our consciousness Here we seek to Unite our consciousness with Sita-Ram The Shakti is Sita Ma meaning it is She who empowers this mantra leading the aspirant to fulfillment (A person can randomly create any mantra , but it wont have any power) The chandda or method of poetry is Anusthub which has 32 syllables , comprising of 8 syllables each in 4 lines Kilaka is Hanuman. It means that the potential of this mantra cannot be unlocked (Kilaka means lock) unless we reverentially see Hanuman's blessings Thanks
Namaste For last two months or so I had discontinued chanting Shri Ram Raksha Strotra due to office work etc. Today morning I got a dream in which I was chanting Shri Ram Raksha Strotra with a relative sitting besides me. In the dream I forgot the last few lines of the strotra and my relative mentioned that I have become forgetful I then remembered the lines and even as I was chanting the lines , I woke up and completed the strotra Henceforth planning to resume daily chanting of the strotra as I used to do earlier
Jai Shri Ram In my horoscope Mangal and Shani are weak and I was also going through a bad dasha astrologically. Following things happened A) Twice in dreams my Guru told me to worship hanuman B) Unexpectedly I got a hanuman locket when my Shani period started.I got the locket on Shanivaar. C) I got further dreams where a person told me that only because of Hanuman, the effect of the bad period is not showing. D) After some time , On a Mangalvaar the locket broke and I checked to find that the bad period of Shani had just ended (Which means the locket had served the purpose and was not required further). I also got a dream where I saw that a big Shani temple had opened. Ultimately the period went off very smoothly without any issues. Honouring my Guru's word , I worship Hanuman daily. Thanks.
Om Shri Ram Dutaya Namaha Many hymns of praise exist for Anjani Putr Hanuman. Why is Hanuman Chalisa the most popular amongst all of them. Chalisa or 40 represents a mandala. A mandala is a sacred circle and circle denotes completion. Thus Hanuman chalisa is a complete hymn in that it covers all essential attributes and actions of Anjani Putr Hanuman. The author is the revered modern day saint Goswami Tulsidas. In Bhavishyottar Purana,Lord Shankara tells Maa Parvati that Valmiki Himself will reincarnate as Tulsidas to compose his Ramayana in vernacular language (Awadhi) in Kali Yuga. As per Maharishi Jaimini’s Katapayadi Sankhya , the word “Hanuman Chalisa” has its numerical equivalent as 737508 which corresponds to Meena Rasi. Meena Rasi or Pieces sign is a Moksha Rasi or one which confers liberation. Thus Hanuman chalisa has a liberating effect. Thanks
आराम: कल्पवृक्षाणां विराम: सकलापदाम् । अभिरामस्त्रिलोकानां राम: श्रीमान् स न: प्रभु: ॥१६॥
तरुणौ रूपसंपन्नौ सुकुमारौ महाबलौ । पुण्डरीकविशालाक्षौ चीरकृष्णाजिनाम्बरौ ॥१७॥
फलमूलशिनौ दान्तौ तापसौ ब्रह्मचारिणौ । पुत्रौ दशरथस्यैतौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ ॥१८॥
शरण्यौ सर्वसत्वानां श्रेष्ठौ सर्वधनुष्मताम् । रक्ष:कुलनिहन्तारौ त्रायेतां नो रघुत्तमौ ॥१९॥
आत्तसज्जधनुषा विषुस्पृशा वक्षया शुगनिषङ्ग सङिगनौ । रक्षणाय मम रामलक्ष्मणावग्रत: पथि सदैव गच्छताम् ॥२०॥
संनद्ध: कवची खड्गी चापबाणधरो युवा । गच्छन् मनोरथोSस्माकं राम: पातु सलक्ष्मण: ॥२१॥
रामो दाशरथि: शूरो लक्ष्मणानुचरो बली । काकुत्स्थ: पुरुष: पूर्ण: कौसल्येयो रघुत्तम: ॥२२॥
वेदान्तवेद्यो यज्ञेश: पुराणपुरुषोत्तम: । जानकीवल्लभ: श्रीमानप्रमेयपराक्रम: ॥२३॥
इत्येतानि जपेन्नित्यं मद्भक्त: श्रद्धयान्वित: । अश्वमेधाधिकं पुण्यं संप्राप्नोति न संशय: ॥२४॥
रामं दूर्वादलश्यामं पद्माक्षं पीतवाससम् । स्तुवन्ति नामभिर्दिव्यैर्न ते संसारिणो नर: ॥२५॥
रामं लक्ष्मण-पूर्वजं रघुवरं सीतापतिं सुंदरम् । काकुत्स्थं करुणार्णवं गुणनिधिं विप्रप्रियं धार्मिकम् ।
राजेन्द्रं सत्यसंधं दशरथनयं श्यामलं शान्तमूर्तिम् । वन्दे लोकभिरामं रघुकुलतिलकं राघवं रावणारिम् ॥२६॥
रामाय रामभद्राय रामचंद्राय वेधसे । रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीताया: पतये नम: ॥२७॥
श्रीराम राम रघुनन्दन राम राम । श्रीराम राम भरताग्रज राम राम ।
श्रीराम राम रणकर्कश राम राम । श्रीराम राम शरणं भव राम राम ॥२८॥
श्रीरामचन्द्रचरणौ मनसा स्मरामि । श्रीरामचन्द्रचरणौ वचसा गृणामि ।
श्रीरामचन्द्रचरणौ शिरसा नमामि । श्रीरामचन्द्रचरणौ शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥२९॥
माता रामो मत्पिता रामचन्द्र: । स्वामी रामो मत्सखा रामचन्द्र: ।
सर्वस्वं मे रामचन्द्रो दयालुर् । नान्यं जाने नैव जाने न जाने ॥३०॥
दक्षिणे लक्ष्मणो यस्य वामे च जनकात्मजा । पुरतो मारुतिर्यस्य तं वन्दे रघुनंदनम् ॥३१॥
लोकाभिरामं रणरङ्गधीरं राजीवनेत्रं रघुवंशनाथम् । कारुण्यरूपं करुणाकरन्तं श्रीरामचन्द्रं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥३२॥
मनोजवं मारुततुल्यवेगं जितेन्द्रियं बुद्धिमतां वरिष्ठम् । वातात्मजं वानरयूथमुख्यं श्रीरामदूतं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥३३॥
कूजन्तं राम-रामेति मधुरं मधुराक्षरम् । आरुह्य कविताशाखां वन्दे वाल्मीकिकोकिलम् ॥३४॥
आपदामपहर्तारं दातारं सर्वसंपदाम् । लोकाभिरामं श्रीरामं भूयो भूयो नमाम्यहम् ॥३५॥
भर्जनं भवबीजानामर्जनं सुखसंपदाम् । तर्जनं यमदूतानां रामरामेति गर्जनम् ॥३६॥
रामो राजमणि: सदा विजयते रामं रमेशं भजे । रामेणाभिहता निशाचरचमू रामाय तस्मै नम: ।
रामान्नास्ति परायणं परतरं रामस्य दासोऽस्म्यहम् । रामे चित्तलय: सदा भवतु मे भो राम मामुद्धर ॥३७॥
राम रामेति रामेति रमे रामे मनोरमे । सहस्रनाम तत्तुल्यं रामनाम वरानने ॥३८॥
इति श्रीबुधकौशिकविरचितं श्रीरामरक्षास्तोत्रं संपूर्णम् ॥
॥ श्री सीतारामचंद्रार्पणमस्तु ॥
अस्य श्रीरामरक्षास्तोत्रमन्त्रस्य।
बुधकौशिक ऋषि: ।
श्रीसीतारामचंद्रोदेवता ।
अनुष्टुप् छन्द: ।
सीता शक्ति: ।
श्रीमद्हनुमान् कीलकम् ।
श्रीसीतारामचंद्रप्रीत्यर्थे जपे विनियोग: ॥
॥ अथ ध्यानम् ॥
ध्यायेदाजानुबाहुं धृतशरधनुषं बद्धपद्मासनस्थं । पीतं वासोवसानं नवकमलदलस्पर्धिनेत्रं प्रसन्नम् ॥
वामाङ्कारूढ-सीता-मुखकमल-मिलल्लोचनं नीरदाभं । नानालङ्कारदीप्तं दधतमुरुजटामण्डनं रामचंद्रम् ॥
॥ इति ध्यानम् ॥
चरितं रघुनाथस्य शतकोटिप्रविस्तरम् । एकैकमक्षरं पुंसां महापातकनाशनम् ॥१॥
ध्यात्वा नीलोत्पलश्यामं रामं राजीवलोचनम् । जानकीलक्ष्मणोपेतं जटामुकुटमण्डितम् ॥२॥
सासितूणधनुर्बाणपाणिं नक्तं चरान्तकम् । स्वलीलया जगत्त्रातुमाविर्भूतमजं विभुम् ॥३॥
रामरक्षां पठेत्प्राज्ञ: पापघ्नीं सर्वकामदाम् । शिरो मे राघव: पातु भालं दशरथात्मज: ॥४॥
कौसल्येयो दृशौ पातु विश्वामित्रप्रिय: श्रुती । घ्राणं पातु मखत्राता मुखं सौमित्रिवत्सल: ॥५॥
जिव्हां विद्यानिधि: पातु कण्ठं भरतवंदित: । स्कन्धौ दिव्यायुध: पातु भुजौ भग्नेशकार्मुक: ॥६॥
करौ सीतापति: पातु हृदयं जामदग्न्यजित् । मध्यं पातु खरध्वंसी नाभिं जाम्बवदाश्रय: ॥७॥
सुग्रीवेश: कटी पातु सक्थिनी हनुमत्प्रभु: । ऊरू रघुत्तम: पातु रक्ष:कुलविनाशकृत् ॥८॥
जानुनी सेतुकृत्पातु जङ्घे दशमुखान्तक: । पादौ बिभीषणश्रीद: पातु रामोSखिलं वपु: ॥९॥
एतां रामबलोपेतां रक्षां य: सुकृती पठॆत् । स चिरायु: सुखी पुत्री विजयी विनयी भवेत् ॥१०॥
पातालभूतलव्योम चारिणश्छद्मचारिण: । न द्र्ष्टुमपि शक्तास्ते रक्षितं रामनामभि: ॥११॥
रामेति रामभद्रेति रामचंद्रेति वा स्मरन् । नरो न लिप्यते पापै भुक्तिं मुक्तिं च विन्दति ॥१२॥
जगज्जेत्रैकमन्त्रेण रामनाम्नाभिरक्षितम् । य: कण्ठे धारयेत्तस्य करस्था: सर्वसिद्धय: ॥१३॥
वज्रपंजरनामेदं यो रामकवचं स्मरेत् । अव्याहताज्ञ: सर्वत्र लभते जयमंगलम् ॥१४॥
आदिष्टवान् यथा स्वप्ने रामरक्षामिमां हर: । तथा लिखितवान् प्रात: प्रबुद्धो बुधकौशिक: ॥१५॥
Джей Шри Рама!🙏🙏🙏✨✨💖💞💖💞✨✨☀️🌈☀️🌈☀️🌈💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💌
Jai Shree Ram .Jai SiaRam.🌹👣🪔🪷🙏✡️⚛️🔯🕉️🌺👣🪔🌹
Felt very good nice my baby always sleeps after putting this on❤😊😊🌹🌹🙏☺️
Jai Shri Ram
There is a type of karma known as agami karma.
This refers to those that we perform out of our free will and which will have consequences on the future.
For instance deciding to drive on a rainy day , a person can have an accident and so forth.
Shri Rama Raksha strotra invokes Shri Ram for protection against all unforeseen calamities.
It is be noted that some results are already predetermined based on prarabdha karma and these the soul has to go through.
The Rishi is Budh Kaushik who received this in a dream from Shri Shankar Himself
Devata is Shri Sita and Ramchandra together. Devata is that with which we seek to become One i.e. unite our consciousness
Here we seek to Unite our consciousness with Sita-Ram
The Shakti is Sita Ma meaning it is She who empowers this mantra leading the aspirant to fulfillment (A person can randomly create any mantra , but it wont have any power)
The chandda or method of poetry is Anusthub which has 32 syllables , comprising of 8 syllables each in 4 lines
Kilaka is Hanuman. It means that the potential of this mantra cannot be unlocked (Kilaka means lock) unless we reverentially see Hanuman's blessings
For last two months or so I had discontinued chanting Shri Ram Raksha Strotra due to office work etc.
Today morning I got a dream in which I was chanting Shri Ram Raksha Strotra with a relative sitting besides me.
In the dream I forgot the last few lines of the strotra and my relative mentioned that I have become forgetful
I then remembered the lines and even as I was chanting the lines , I woke up and completed the strotra
Henceforth planning to resume daily chanting of the strotra as I used to do earlier
Super 👌 ❤ 😊
.very Nice nice video
Jai Shri Ram
In my horoscope Mangal and Shani are weak and I was also going through a bad dasha astrologically.
Following things happened
A) Twice in dreams my Guru told me to worship hanuman
B) Unexpectedly I got a hanuman locket when my Shani period started.I got the locket on Shanivaar.
C) I got further dreams where a person told me that only because of Hanuman, the effect of the bad period is not showing.
D) After some time , On a Mangalvaar the locket broke and I checked to find that the bad period of Shani had just ended (Which means the locket had served the purpose and was not required further). I also got a dream where I saw that a big Shani temple had opened.
Ultimately the period went off very smoothly without any issues.
Honouring my Guru's word , I worship Hanuman daily.
राम लक्ष्मण जानकी जय बोलो हनुमान की
Hare krishna
Rama Rama jaye Shree ram🥰🥰🤗🤗❤️❤️❤️
Jai shree ram 🧡 Jai bajrangbali 🧡
👌👌शुद्ध व स्पष्ट उच्च|रण केले आहे, उत्तम 🌸🌸🙏श्रीराम सर्वांचे रक्षण करो |
*****प्रभू जय श्रीराम*****
Very nice to hear and we can have correct pronounce in order
Jai Shree Hanuman!!!
जय श्री राम
। जय श्री राम । 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
जय श्रीराम
Jai shree Ram
Jai shri Ram jai Hanuman
Sia Ram Chandra ki jai
Om Shri Ram Dutaya Namaha
Many hymns of praise exist for Anjani Putr Hanuman.
Why is Hanuman Chalisa the most popular amongst all of them.
Chalisa or 40 represents a mandala. A mandala is a sacred circle and circle denotes completion. Thus Hanuman chalisa is a complete hymn in that it covers all essential attributes and actions of Anjani Putr Hanuman.
The author is the revered modern day saint Goswami Tulsidas. In Bhavishyottar Purana,Lord Shankara tells Maa Parvati that Valmiki Himself will reincarnate as Tulsidas to compose his Ramayana in vernacular language (Awadhi) in Kali Yuga.
As per Maharishi Jaimini’s Katapayadi Sankhya , the word “Hanuman Chalisa” has its numerical equivalent as 737508 which corresponds to Meena Rasi. Meena Rasi or Pieces sign is a Moksha Rasi or one which confers liberation. Thus Hanuman chalisa has a liberating effect.
Jai Sree Ram 🙏❤️🙏
Jai shri
Shri ram🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Jami shri ram
Jay shree Ram 🙏
जय श्रीराम!!
Thankyou for this video ❤️❤️
Jay shri ram
रामरक्षा खूप सुंदर म्हटले आहे
जय सियाराम
🌹🙏जय श्री राम 🙏🌹
Jay shree ram☺️☺️
#Distroy❤Evil who ,,,,doing politics ,,on take Your Holly Name🌹Ram#Jay shree Ram
Who is the artist in lady voice?
Lyrics r there it could be better for me thax
Jay Shriram
जय shree राम 🙏🙏😀❤️
Jay Shri ram
Jay shree ram 🙏
Jai shree Ram 🙏🙏
Jai shree Ram
Jay shri ram