Wow! Almost at 10k subscribers Mike. Great job. I remember the days of the videos of your kids riding on their motor bikes lol. I think the fact that you’re a type of guy that most people can relate to and the topics and discussions (along with some reviews), is the reason I always look forward to your content. Looking forward to more. Also, spotlight how your TF display is looking currently in a future video.
Your comments on X-Transbots Aegis made me remember why you're one of the only reviewers that prefers toon accurate that I still subscribe to. With you, it never turns into whining about it not looking exactly like the cartoon. You are always willing to roll with a change if you feel it makes the characters look cooler. From somebody who usually prefers stylized takes on G1 or toy inspiration, I really appreciate that about you. Keep up the awesome work, buddy :-)
Great vid and a good topic., as seen in the large amount of replies here. I really hope that XTB Springer will hit it out of the park. FT is better but have some issues too. They really stepped up with there engineering/transformation, but there figures aren’t the most articulated. They really need to work on that Most of my figures are TT and FT, but a got some really great XTB too (seaspray/scourge/hoist/trailbreaker) and FT needs to hit the nail on the head before I will exchange them. One big thing that FT got over all other parties is when I pick up a FT figure it feels solid, heavy and looks premium. If XTB wants to compete with them they need to give there customers the same feeling. Then your in the same league. For example: TT mp-51 has a lot of diecast parts and therefore is robust, easy to transform and poses really great (very good balance). TT isn’t blind to the competition so they adept and made that product premium. XTB needs to look at that instead of increasing prices. Anyways, this is my opinion about this 😉 Cheers 😎👊
You are right if XTB put all these figures out for lower prices the consumers would have accepted minor issue but for the PREMIUM price and more issues not acceptable
I like both Xtransbots and FansToys but FansToys QC is a lot better. If I’m paying over $100 for a figure I want good QC not junk. Xtransbots better get their act together or they will continue to loose customers. Thanks for the video!
BBTS sale? He's quite chunky and I think about getting a newer version but then I think about that sale price and how Springer isn't a character I'm too fond of so maybe once people start ditching their MMCs or even Apaches, I might upgrade.
@@sidearmsalpha I was never big on Springer's alt modes and UT's modes look good enough to me. The others don't wow me enough to bother getting another. Now, the Trailbreaker wars on the other hand, I'm willing to wait for FT. Meanwhile I chose Badcube for the Hoist, coincidentally also on sale.
Allen is an underrated figure. Springer's a soldier, so he should be physically imposing. The only real negative is the incorrect thigh colour and that's a minor issue.
I feel bad for XTB. They'd better get some non-broken Lockes into reviewers hands soon. I STILL don't have my trailer from a US retailer yet, so I can't comment on that, but I am still really excited about it. I didn't think the price was out of line compared to what else is out there in that price range. It's the biggest, most complicated part. What did people expect?! I do hope they make it through this rough patch. After that, I think it's best they stick to their core market, not taking on FT directly.
I collect what looks best for me. I have all of Fanstoys. I have Andras from X-Transbots. I have some other good-looking aftermarket toys mixed in, also. But, I mainly gravitate towards Fanstoys. I do recognize great art & engineering from other companies, as I see ‘em.
Really wanted to get into XTB/KFC,but after their missteps lately,I dunno. The Junkions,Trailbreaker,and Hoist seem to be good figures,though. I only have Apollyon,maybe my luck with that figure influenced my opinion on the company. But the recent debacles definitely had an effect. I'm hoping their upcoming figures are of better quality than Locke. I do like Fanstoys,but I'm not a fanatic,they arent perfect. They need actual competition.
I like Xtransbots stuff. They have their issues of course. But trying to get in on the FT releases is difficult because of how quickly the preorders sellout (WTF?) and then potentially having to pay the late tax later makes me avoid their products where I can get ahold of Xtransbots or another 3P.
I agree that competition really brings out the best among the rest. The only issue is that they don't listen to the reviewers who give their negative remarks after reviewing their products
They should get back to sending out review samples. XTB never sell out preorders anymore but good products reviewed by trusted reviewers could give them the edge
Hey Mike. Love your content. Im just getting into Masterpiece the last couple of years. Im trying to decide if i should get Quietus reissue or Eligos Metal version and Virtua Premuium version or Apache reissue. Just an fyi, i went with Fans Toys Sovereign and X Transbots Commander Stack. Curious to know what is your opinion.
Been a subscriber for a couple of years and yes you have been saying Virtus will be better than FT version. I honestly believe he will. Very impressed with the articulation and how he looks slimed down compared to FT version. I purchased Locke from showz on the 5th, no shipment notice due to CNY. I’m actually excited to compare him to Koot cause I feel athletically, XTB did improve Kup. If I could do my Menasor combined mode over again, I would chose XTB. Dx9 is cool, but paint and proportions look better on the XTB. I will be in on their future combiners. Thanks for putting out great content. Keep up the good work.
Yes it seems ShowZ shipped out by the cut off date but not all packages left the docks by the date. I have more than enough to keep me busy LOL. I am more interested in getting LOCKE now after all the debate so see how he stacks up. Thanks for the support!
XTB always puts out an aesthetically beautiful product but transformation and quality aren’t always there. But fanstoys articulation has t been best either. I root for XTB either way. Fingers crossed on springer. Their Locke has some major quality issues
And it was all fine until they decided they could charge as much if not more than Fanstoys, and that's ridiculous. I have lot of older XTB stuff, they were fine, not exceptional but cheap enough and they filled the spaces in my collection. Their idea of challenging Fanstoys when they clearly have no capacity to do so is plain foolish.
@@davidez4640- agreed. I like the way their menasor looks but I had pieces break off and things like light up features in head don’t work. Also pretty flimsy... then I see their Locke. If their springer isn’t quality, probably start not to invest in their product as much. Not at those prices.
Great video Mike!! Definitely all great points! Imo X-transbots sculpt, paint apps are on par with Fanstoys. But there engineering and design is horrible. They really need to get a handle that.
I got their Boost a few months ago and that figure's transformation (especially the hands and arms) and uneven colors were such a letdown. I got a stress mark on the front end that folds back in robot mode and now it doesn't lock completely in car mode. I just needed a decent Windcharger in bot mode anyway but that figure is so disappointing for the price.
@@sidearmsalpha yes I also have Boost and his feet transformation was really bad. I also hated how I could never get his chest tabbed to the tires in the middle.
As somebody who owns a good amount of XTB’s pieces and only a handful of FTs’ figures, I have to say that it’s really disappointing to see them tail off like this. Mike always says that competition is good; this is what I’ve been wanting to hear for a long time and as someone who is slavish to the G1 show aesthetic, I’ve really been rooting for XTB and MakeToys to step things up and really challenge FT for the place on the top of the mountain where when I hear that a toon-accurate figure is being released, I stop and say “I’m going to wait to see what THIS company’s version looks like.” But XTB, even with Virtus and Locke looking remarkable, just isn’t that company for me yet. You can’t tell people to just glue their $160 piece if it breaks on them.
@@christianc.christian5025 I agree. I keep rooting for, and purchasing product from, both XTB and MakeToys. I still have their Coneheads on pre-order. More 3rd Party in the game also helps keep them safer from being gone after by Takara or Hasbro. I miss the days of more 3rd Party then one could keep track of.
@@lowellmartens6135 And it without doubt forces Takara to up their own game. I've had MT's Coneheads pre-ordered for a long time and have been hopeful about them in general. But when you look into their web presence, you get why people are so skeptical. They have no social media updates and a constantly changing release calendar. We need at least one 3P company aside from FT that is intent on consistently making premium, cartoon-accurate products.
@@christianc.christian5025 I hope Maketoys is still actually around. Their Thrust got pushed back to 2022,for crying out loud. FT needs real competition,man.
I’ve always seen XTB as the underdog to FT that were a good alternative choice. With XTB recent price increase but quality remained the same or worse I started to lose confidence in XTB. I guess the price is the driving reason why XTB is starting to look dishonest. I can respect the price increase only if it’s valid i.e. better engineering, materials, etc but if the price increase is just to appear that they are competitive with FT then that’s just crapping on your customers, IMO. Thanks for the video.
Locke seems to be a dud from all the pictures and reviews, seems like it was rushed out to beat Chinese New Year. I canceled my preorder, which wasn't hard since I was already leaning against it due to the 160 price tag. I haven't canceled the Springer, I'm hoping it won't be a mess but if it is I'll be getting the MMC one. I cracked open my FT Magnum and XTB Scorge and you can feel the quality difference tbh.
Those are great figures and their Traibreaker is good also. Scourge is solid and skids is fine they can do some good work if they want to but seems like they are rushing getting so many figures released close together
You said it best the fandom speaks with its wallets. Ft sells out with a couple hours xtb still stays on shelves. It’s not a rivalry it’s ft being the world champ and xtb trying to be the USA/intercontinental champ
While more stylized I prefer the Fanstoys springer to the XTB so far. I hope the XTB is head and shoulders above the FT's however so I can get a FT version for cheap used. I just don't like the skinny arms on XTB. To me springer is basically Wayne from Letterkenney
It really sucks that XTB couldn't kill it with this figure as it seemed that this was going to be the one to propel them in to FansToys level market perception. I am still hopeful that the few reviews I have seen showcasing the failures are outliers and the majority of people will in fact have perfect figures but I am not optimistic. It really is a shame, all I think most collectors want is awesome well made figures and we don't really care who makes them.
@@tydiriumhanger1320 Haha, I had heard you say that on a previous video and immediately thought, "That's the abyss/demon/angel from the Bible... It's too great of a reference to let slide."
Aesthetically, Locke looks the Part. Without having him in hand, Locke is the better than Koot, based on looks alone. I am holding out hope that FansToys does a Re-Issue on FT29 Quietus. I have the XTBs and think he's good, but FTs is better, one of each would be EXCELLENT. I passed on FTs Seaspray, looked cheap & was not aesthetically pleasing. That said, did pick up XTBs and was impressed. FTs Neptune 2.0 looks good but not good enough to replace XTBs. XTBs Menasaur is Awesome! Slightly undersized, but not by much. The Bots & Alt are Awesome! Although Crackup is color correct, wish he was a pure white. Am looking forward to FTs. I also think XTBs Gravestone beats out FTs RoadKing. Not saying RoadKing is junk...... He's NOT. Looking forward to XTBs Gravestone G2 Colors. Yes, i was disappointed in the Trailer Fiasco, however, all things considered XTB still comes in well below FTs and only slightly more than DX9s. The Springer wars are crazy. There are no less than 4 to choose from, 3 of which are incredible and don't think you can go wrong with any of them. Dr.Egg is very cool and well DONE! But! ....... BUT ! ! ! It is OVERPRICED, which really hurts it & that's why I passed. Looking forward to the Omni-Bots. Yes! YES ! Y-E-S ! ! ! I am EXCITED about the Omni-Bots! Well Done XTB. Making 'Bots that no one else has made. Defensor/Protectobots are much needed. If MMCs is as good as their Bruticus, I am in. But do prefer a LARGER COMBINED MODE. Thanks for the vid. Well Done!!!
I mean transbots has gone so down hill with terrible qc, cramming stuff in for a higher price point, terrible transformations and the whole menasor thing was just insulting.
It is really strange to see how XTB operates. They are just so inconsistent with their releases, but when they have something good, it's as good as FT in most cases. I am in on the youth version of Monolith, even though I normally prefer the show aesthetic. I like that look more in this case, but I want the current versions face sculpt, hopefully they will have extras with that set. Otherwise, they are a great secondary option to FT for not wanting the best of the best of certain characters. The cannibalizing is annoying that these companies do and I wish they would all just create characters that haven't ever been made or are long overdue for a v2.
True I would like to get new characters not the same ones over and over! That said we are getting some new characters this year from XTB and MMC while Fanstoys is making replacement or upgraded versions of characters we have but I look forward to them all
XTB always nails the cartoon look best but are the least enjoyable to transform. I guess that's the trade-off. Yet FT doesn't impress me as much as it used to. However it shakes out, at least it makes for more good discussion videos like this.
Both the price increase on Fans Toys and X-Transbots is a bit too much but I think Fans Toys are releasing a better overall product. Fans Toys Stunticons are better, their Kup is better, their Cyclonus is way better and even though I think X-Tranbots Seaspray is very good I believe the Fans Toys one is going to be better. After seeing their MX-XI Locke I'm starting to second guess my decision of preordering the X-Transbots Virtus not because Locke is bad but because I think that for the price point it's not good enough. Maybe I will give up on it and go for the MMC one since the Fans Toys is way more expensive and it has that thing were the arms after being raised cant be opened to the side, it limits posing quite a bit and gets on my nerves a lot. In my opinion X-Tranbots Quintesson Judge was a complete flop (maybe not even a flop because I was kind of expecting it to fail as soon as I saw the electronics), it's way to expensive (ridiculously so) and I couldn't care less for the electronics, for me both the light features and the voice chip are completely useless. I never use electronics, for some one like me who only want's it to look good on a shelve the dead eyes are a big let down. Besides, the electronics make it a bit fragile and less durable, I would much rather if it had no electronics and a bit of articulation on the faces or even interchangeable expressions. If X-Transbots raised their prices thinking that it would bring them closer to Fans Toys they are completely mistaken, to stand a chance competing with Fans Toys what they should have done was actually maintaining the price point and increasing the quality. That way maybe the Fans Toys fanboys would be forced to rethink what they buy.
You are right! I have not picked up that figure in a while and just remember him being light. Thanks for giving me a reason to handle that great figure again
XTB should make their version of Galvatron for people that can't spend $300+ for a FT Galvatron. Since there were no updates for XTB, I had to grudgingly spend $300 for the FT version. Grrr....
I agree - if there is a chance money can be made, then any business should look into it. Maybe XTB will revisit the Abaddon figure. I don't mind having more options to choose from.
So XTB Menasor when combined is "display not play"? Yeah, that's a no from me. No ratchets, AND that worrisome bit in Motormaster? Uh-uh...I don't think so. Kup Wars? Nope. Even Toyworld's offering destroys the XTB. And FansToys poops all over the both of'em. Hoist & Trailbreaker...what about the old MMC ones? Those weren't too shabby... As for the Springer Wars, I think that Open and Play is probably the next best thing to MMC. FansToys has strange proportions in the vehicle modes, and Toyworld is fugly. Meanwhile, I need MMC to tackle Superion. Maybe in the stylized Reformatted line instead of the more G1 styled Ocular Max line, to look good next to their Predaking.
Yep definitely some give and take from XTB These days. I do have a newly found appreciation for MMC with the smoother transformations and closer to G1 designs.
Mike it seems their Kup would be the correct pricing if you are looking what FansToys are charging. I have seen Koot for 200.00 for the aftermarket prices. FansToys Menasor will be 800.00 + I feel like FansToys gets a pass on pricing and their horrible engineering. Let's just face FansToys isn't fun to transform but they look good on the shelves.
Yes I do like the look of Fanstoys on the shelf and no they are not fun to transform. Now XTB is trying to not be fun to transform but that is the price we pay for good in both modes....and there is the price of $$$
@@tydiriumhanger1320 I do agree with you. However I do feel XTB gets hate for what FansToys and Takara do. I mean FT has been raising price since I go into collecting. The community says it's the price of doing business, but when XTB does it or another company it's outrage. I know you have covered this topic before.
I think you’ve feel into the trap that a lot of people fall into. Weight does not equate to premium or high end. Diecast doesn’t make a great figure. It just makes it heavy. That’s why people keep thinking fanstoys is a premium maker. But I all actuality they are really brittle decent figures. Nothing more.
Yes Fanstoys Diecast give them that premium feel but the scuplt and paint go a long way also. FT is not perfect either and it is good to have both around for options come on TE for more characters
I think Xtransbots omnibots is their pocket stay in their lane. That Defensor might be a failure because of the menasor tabocle. I think Fanstoys makes the best transformers period, but I don't want to see NO MORE combiners from them lol. They'll take forever making one bot it would be a 5 year project no way. I think Mmc might be the quiet winner of the defensor. Just because how Xtb been conducting business , plus that Locke was big let down all I hear is negative, then good!
Virtus and Locke both look great. But I’m really beginning to think that XTB is never going to justify their rivalry with FT by actually releasing superior products. It’s a shame too because with how great-looking some of their releases have been, I was holding onto a pipe-dream that XTB would do a 12-inch, fully cartoon-accurate set of Dinobots to split the difference between GP and FT. But I’m really not optimistic at this point.
@@bpo1975 definitely subjective, Takara's cassettes are awfully small for me; in the cartoon they were often depicted as big as autobot carbots, other times as small as humans, so both scales are "right", thanks to the inconsistency of the cartoon.
Locke, a piece of Sh#@t, they are good company but that was horrible, i got my money back for that and was very disappointed...i hope they correct these issues on future releases
I actually think the pricing on their trailer was fine. $200 was a good price. It’s a huge, complex toy. $230 is a fair price. Locke and dr egg are both overpriced though. By a lot. Locke should be $100. Dr egg probably less than that. But I bought them both, and that is just the way of things, the way of the Force.
Yes they are both overpriced but you bring up a good point that you actually bought them and you have a more educated opinion to discuss the matter. I feel a bit in the dark until I get my version of a figure before I can truly talk bad about them
😎 📹 mike 🙏. Where r u finding these prices for koot and others I watched showZstore till he sold out an they had him @$159 everywhere else was sold out, I would love to find him for what u r saying 👍. I don't own any x-transbots, locke would've been my 1st but thats out the window literally 🤣. They r nowhere near Fanstoys in any possible way imo, they r not worth the $$ @all. Little concerned about how Fanstoys Menasor will be with all the w8 on the arms and all the die-cast, but im all in i have all of them and those r premium quality bots not that x-transbots 🗑(imo)their price hike is NOT JUSTIFIED @ALL Especially with locke. Thanks again bro 🙏
I need someone to sweep the leg on current MP-13 prices. So it would be most helpful if XTB would release a blurry Soundwave render that would in turn get FT to (at least) put out a street date for SonicWave flooding the market with low milage MP-13's from the FT faithful😉
XTB IMO are definitely not in the same league as FT. I really wish they were. They have had a few great figures, but unfortunately, most of the time, they wind up being a disappointment. After trailergate, and now Locke, is it? I think if Springer is a miss, that will probably be it for me. I will say, I think their Menasor is esthetically superior to dx9. XTB does not have a good track record, and I will always bet against them vs. FT, until they give me a reason not to.
i take it you you've not got your xtb locke yet lol, what xtb have done with this figure is pretty unforgiveable, i will never pre order another XTB figure again until i've seen people review it to just get a general opinion of it, i got locke and i've been burned, i basically gotta lose out on postage to send this pile of junk back to xtb in china or TRY sell this thing for a loss, and lets get this right straight away it's not just QC it's also flat out terrible design to, it's a shame to because with a few bits of tinkering here and there this thing would have destroyed koot but least koot is a workable toy that you can transform without it breaking into pieces, so xtb premium? lol not in this lifetime or even the next
I would just like to say that there is no way XTRANSBOTS is on the same level as FANSTOYS. take this crap XTB just released Locke the shit falls apart ass you pick up and people are still trying to compare it to koot. There's no comparison FANSTOYS is number one
I think x-transbot in someway is up there with fantoys, like I hope there Springer will be better then fantoys..I have been seeing x-transbot kup, on UA-cam almost all of them dont like it..some are even saying dont buy this figure. It's been braking. Kup is my favorite, have fantoys kup and to me it's still the best its solid and it doesn't break..I even got the reissue one..I love the x-transbot seaspray and I love it and better then fantoys one.and their trailbreaker..I will not get the fantoys one I am fine with this one..and I love there wheelie..x-transbot and fantoys are neck and neck in my opinion but I am a fantoys person..
At least these 3rd party combiners don't have "Gorilla Arms" like the Hasbro ones.
Wow! Almost at 10k subscribers Mike. Great job. I remember the days of the videos of your kids riding on their motor bikes lol. I think the fact that you’re a type of guy that most people can relate to and the topics and discussions (along with some reviews), is the reason I always look forward to your content. Looking forward to more. Also, spotlight how your TF display is looking currently in a future video.
Thanks for the kind words and appreciate having you along for the ride! Will need to show an update to my display in the 10k to make that special!
Your comments on X-Transbots Aegis made me remember why you're one of the only reviewers that prefers toon accurate that I still subscribe to. With you, it never turns into whining about it not looking exactly like the cartoon. You are always willing to roll with a change if you feel it makes the characters look cooler. From somebody who usually prefers stylized takes on G1 or toy inspiration, I really appreciate that about you. Keep up the awesome work, buddy :-)
I've always liked both. I look forward to seeing where they go from here.
There sure is good to be found with both!
Great vid and a good topic., as seen in the large amount of replies here.
I really hope that XTB Springer will hit it out of the park. FT is better but have some issues too.
They really stepped up with there engineering/transformation, but there figures aren’t the most articulated. They really need to work on that
Most of my figures are TT and FT, but a got some really great XTB too (seaspray/scourge/hoist/trailbreaker) and FT needs to hit the nail on the head before I will exchange them.
One big thing that FT got over all other parties is when I pick up a FT figure it feels solid, heavy and looks premium. If XTB wants to compete with them they need to give there customers the same feeling. Then your in the same league.
For example: TT mp-51 has a lot of diecast parts and therefore is robust, easy to transform and poses really great (very good balance).
TT isn’t blind to the competition so they adept and made that product premium. XTB needs to look at that instead of increasing prices.
Anyways, this is my opinion about this 😉
Cheers 😎👊
You are right if XTB put all these figures out for lower prices the consumers would have accepted minor issue but for the PREMIUM price and more issues not acceptable
I like both Xtransbots and FansToys but FansToys QC is a lot better. If I’m paying over $100 for a figure I want good QC not junk. Xtransbots better get their act together or they will continue to loose customers. Thanks for the video!
I do hope XTB improves on their QC because I want them to stick around
@@tydiriumhanger1320 me too. I was all about buying more Xtransbots figures but now I think I’ll wait until the reviews before purchasing.
I’m extremely excited about Xtransbot’s Omnibots.
Same, and nobody else is going to do them
I look forward to them also and just checked that I have all 3 vintage ones for comparisons. LOL
@@martynbrooker7116 There will be no competition so it is a win for them and collectors
@@tydiriumhanger1320 All I need now is someone to get me a Brainstorm, Highbrow, Thrust & Ramjet now Maketoys have apparently left the building....
Looks at ongoing Springer wars. Meanwhile still satisfied with the Unique Toys version I got for $60 sale.
BBTS sale? He's quite chunky and I think about getting a newer version but then I think about that sale price and how Springer isn't a character I'm too fond of so maybe once people start ditching their MMCs or even Apaches, I might upgrade.
@@sidearmsalpha I was never big on Springer's alt modes and UT's modes look good enough to me. The others don't wow me enough to bother getting another. Now, the Trailbreaker wars on the other hand, I'm willing to wait for FT. Meanwhile I chose Badcube for the Hoist, coincidentally also on sale.
Allen is an underrated figure. Springer's a soldier, so he should be physically imposing. The only real negative is the incorrect thigh colour and that's a minor issue.
Yes Unique toys is solid and BEEFY!
I feel bad for XTB. They'd better get some non-broken Lockes into reviewers hands soon. I STILL don't have my trailer from a US retailer yet, so I can't comment on that, but I am still really excited about it. I didn't think the price was out of line compared to what else is out there in that price range. It's the biggest, most complicated part. What did people expect?! I do hope they make it through this rough patch. After that, I think it's best they stick to their core market, not taking on FT directly.
So true we need options and GOOD options which they will be getting back to core figures with more simplistic engineering
I collect what looks best for me. I have all of Fanstoys. I have Andras from X-Transbots. I have some other good-looking aftermarket toys mixed in, also. But, I mainly gravitate towards Fanstoys. I do recognize great art & engineering from other companies, as I see ‘em.
Really wanted to get into XTB/KFC,but after their missteps lately,I dunno. The Junkions,Trailbreaker,and Hoist seem to be good figures,though. I only have Apollyon,maybe my luck with that figure influenced my opinion on the company. But the recent debacles definitely had an effect. I'm hoping their upcoming figures are of better quality than Locke. I do like Fanstoys,but I'm not a fanatic,they arent perfect. They need actual competition.
Funny my Apollyon was fine but others have slight issues. KFC Transistor is the best Blaster out and their Reflector is solid
I like Xtransbots stuff. They have their issues of course. But trying to get in on the FT releases is difficult because of how quickly the preorders sellout (WTF?) and then potentially having to pay the late tax later makes me avoid their products where I can get ahold of Xtransbots or another 3P.
Yes it is super easy to get XTB you can even wait til release and watch a bunch of reviews before you buy like it is 2014 or something
Actually, there is no rivalry, Keith doesn't mind being 2nd place.
XTB Galvatron is in a redesign
# pack of the Quintesson judges coming
That would be interesting to see what a redesigned Galvatron could be but pack of judges for $400
I agree that competition really brings out the best among the rest. The only issue is that they don't listen to the reviewers who give their negative remarks after reviewing their products
They should get back to sending out review samples. XTB never sell out preorders anymore but good products reviewed by trusted reviewers could give them the edge
Hey Mike. Love your content. Im just getting into Masterpiece the last couple of years. Im trying to decide if i should get Quietus reissue or Eligos Metal version and Virtua Premuium version or Apache reissue. Just an fyi, i went with Fans Toys Sovereign and X Transbots Commander Stack. Curious to know what is your opinion.
Been a subscriber for a couple of years and yes you have been saying Virtus will be better than FT version. I honestly believe he will. Very impressed with the articulation and how he looks slimed down compared to FT version.
I purchased Locke from showz on the 5th, no shipment notice due to CNY. I’m actually excited to compare him to Koot cause I feel athletically, XTB did improve Kup.
If I could do my Menasor combined mode over again, I would chose XTB. Dx9 is cool, but paint and proportions look better on the XTB. I will be in on their future combiners.
Thanks for putting out great content. Keep up the good work.
Yes it seems ShowZ shipped out by the cut off date but not all packages left the docks by the date. I have more than enough to keep me busy LOL. I am more interested in getting LOCKE now after all the debate so see how he stacks up. Thanks for the support!
XTB always puts out an aesthetically beautiful product but transformation and quality aren’t always there. But fanstoys articulation has t been best either.
I root for XTB either way. Fingers crossed on springer. Their Locke has some major quality issues
And it was all fine until they decided they could charge as much if not more than Fanstoys, and that's ridiculous. I have lot of older XTB stuff, they were fine, not exceptional but cheap enough and they filled the spaces in my collection. Their idea of challenging Fanstoys when they clearly have no capacity to do so is plain foolish.
@@davidez4640- agreed. I like the way their menasor looks but I had pieces break off and things like light up features in head don’t work. Also pretty flimsy... then I see their Locke. If their springer isn’t quality, probably start not to invest in their product as much. Not at those prices.
Yep FT had been hit and miss on articulation for sure GO SPRINGER!
Great video Mike!! Definitely all great points! Imo X-transbots sculpt, paint apps are on par with Fanstoys. But there engineering and design is horrible. They really need to get a handle that.
Seems like a few of XTB's releases were great and now they went way over engineered
16:30 how many will trust xtb going forward? Not many unless they make amends for this Locke figure.
Not sure how they could at this point but hope they make running changes if there are true issues and not just the few QC issues slip past
I really like XTB but for me it’s always a hit or miss on their bots. I hope QC gets better.
I got their Boost a few months ago and that figure's transformation (especially the hands and arms) and uneven colors were such a letdown. I got a stress mark on the front end that folds back in robot mode and now it doesn't lock completely in car mode. I just needed a decent Windcharger in bot mode anyway but that figure is so disappointing for the price.
@@sidearmsalpha yes I also have Boost and his feet transformation was really bad. I also hated how I could never get his chest tabbed to the tires in the middle.
Yes they seem to be Hit or miss these days but I have faith Virtus will redeem them
@@sidearmsalpha Boost is fine for me but not fun to transform. BBTS clearanced him out for $24 bucks so randomly
I hope XTB sticks around, but FTs is a mush superior product. I do not own one XTB that I have a FTs version of, where I like the XTB more.
Yes Fanstoys figures all feel solid!
As somebody who owns a good amount of XTB’s pieces and only a handful of FTs’ figures, I have to say that it’s really disappointing to see them tail off like this.
Mike always says that competition is good; this is what I’ve been wanting to hear for a long time and as someone who is slavish to the G1 show aesthetic, I’ve really been rooting for XTB and MakeToys to step things up and really challenge FT for the place on the top of the mountain where when I hear that a toon-accurate figure is being released, I stop and say “I’m going to wait to see what THIS company’s version looks like.”
But XTB, even with Virtus and Locke looking remarkable, just isn’t that company for me yet. You can’t tell people to just glue their $160 piece if it breaks on them.
@@christianc.christian5025 I agree. I keep rooting for, and purchasing product from, both XTB and MakeToys. I still have their Coneheads on pre-order. More 3rd Party in the game also helps keep them safer from being gone after by Takara or Hasbro. I miss the days of more 3rd Party then one could keep track of.
@@lowellmartens6135 And it without doubt forces Takara to up their own game.
I've had MT's Coneheads pre-ordered for a long time and have been hopeful about them in general. But when you look into their web presence, you get why people are so skeptical. They have no social media updates and a constantly changing release calendar.
We need at least one 3P company aside from FT that is intent on consistently making premium, cartoon-accurate products.
@@christianc.christian5025 I hope Maketoys is still actually around. Their Thrust got pushed back to 2022,for crying out loud. FT needs real competition,man.
I’ve always seen XTB as the underdog to FT that were a good alternative choice. With XTB recent price increase but quality remained the same or worse I started to lose confidence in XTB. I guess the price is the driving reason why XTB is starting to look dishonest. I can respect the price increase only if it’s valid i.e. better engineering, materials, etc but if the price increase is just to appear that they are competitive with FT then that’s just crapping on your customers, IMO. Thanks for the video.
Locke seems to be a dud from all the pictures and reviews, seems like it was rushed out to beat Chinese New Year. I canceled my preorder, which wasn't hard since I was already leaning against it due to the 160 price tag.
I haven't canceled the Springer, I'm hoping it won't be a mess but if it is I'll be getting the MMC one.
I cracked open my FT Magnum and XTB Scorge and you can feel the quality difference tbh.
What scale was XTB going for with Dr. Egg? Titan Class?
LOL they got stuck in 2003 with the 12 inch MP craze!
My Locke seems to be okay, but I won't transform it. I'm hoping that Virtus is THE Springer.
I hope my LOCKE is problem free but Springer will be a Huge let down if it has issues
@@tydiriumhanger1320 If Virtus is a let down, I'll try to get Saltus.
klaatu, paean, neptune are the 3 XTB best offerings in my opinion.didn’t get their trailbreaker, got the MMC one instead.
Those are great figures and their Traibreaker is good also. Scourge is solid and skids is fine they can do some good work if they want to but seems like they are rushing getting so many figures released close together
I canceled my preorder for Locke. No way in hell I’m getting that piece of trash. So, I’m looking at you Koot.
Koot is solid but will be interesting to see how Locke turns out
You said it best the fandom speaks with its wallets. Ft sells out with a couple hours xtb still stays on shelves. It’s not a rivalry it’s ft being the world champ and xtb trying to be the USA/intercontinental champ
True you can wait and see with XTB! You can not do the same with FT if you think for a day you are out of that race!
While more stylized I prefer the Fanstoys springer to the XTB so far. I hope the XTB is head and shoulders above the FT's however so I can get a FT version for cheap used. I just don't like the skinny arms on XTB. To me springer is basically Wayne from Letterkenney
Yes there are things to like about both Springers and I will make that decision in person when I get Virtus and keep my favorite version
@@tydiriumhanger1320 Well let me know if you want to sell me the FT version.
It really sucks that XTB couldn't kill it with this figure as it seemed that this was going to be the one to propel them in to FansToys level market perception. I am still hopeful that the few reviews I have seen showcasing the failures are outliers and the majority of people will in fact have perfect figures but I am not optimistic. It really is a shame, all I think most collectors want is awesome well made figures and we don't really care who makes them.
So true that it does not matter who makes the figures as long as they are good
ABba-Don. Ab-uh-don. Stress on the first syllable.
Oh thanks for spelling it out for me
@@tydiriumhanger1320 Haha, I had heard you say that on a previous video and immediately thought, "That's the abyss/demon/angel from the Bible... It's too great of a reference to let slide."
Aesthetically, Locke looks the Part. Without having him in hand, Locke is the better than Koot, based on looks alone.
I am holding out hope that FansToys does a Re-Issue on FT29 Quietus. I have the XTBs and think he's good, but FTs is better, one of each would be EXCELLENT.
I passed on FTs Seaspray, looked cheap & was not aesthetically pleasing. That said, did pick up XTBs and was impressed. FTs Neptune 2.0 looks good but not good enough to replace XTBs.
XTBs Menasaur is Awesome! Slightly undersized, but not by much. The Bots & Alt are Awesome! Although Crackup is color correct, wish he was a pure white. Am looking forward to FTs.
I also think XTBs Gravestone beats out FTs RoadKing. Not saying RoadKing is junk...... He's NOT. Looking forward to XTBs Gravestone G2 Colors.
Yes, i was disappointed in the Trailer Fiasco, however, all things considered XTB still comes in well below FTs and only slightly more than DX9s.
The Springer wars are crazy. There are no less than 4 to choose from, 3 of which are incredible and don't think you can go wrong with any of them.
Dr.Egg is very cool and well DONE! But! ....... BUT ! ! ! It is OVERPRICED, which really hurts it & that's why I passed.
Looking forward to the Omni-Bots. Yes! YES ! Y-E-S ! ! ! I am EXCITED about the Omni-Bots! Well Done XTB. Making 'Bots that no one else has made.
Defensor/Protectobots are much needed. If MMCs is as good as their Bruticus, I am in. But do prefer a LARGER COMBINED MODE.
Thanks for the vid. Well Done!!!
Yes XTB has made some good figures in the past and now hitting a rough patch but will get back on track....I hope
I mean transbots has gone so down hill with terrible qc, cramming stuff in for a higher price point, terrible transformations and the whole menasor thing was just insulting.
They have created many issues lately!!
It is really strange to see how XTB operates. They are just so inconsistent with their releases, but when they have something good, it's as good as FT in most cases. I am in on the youth version of Monolith, even though I normally prefer the show aesthetic. I like that look more in this case, but I want the current versions face sculpt, hopefully they will have extras with that set. Otherwise, they are a great secondary option to FT for not wanting the best of the best of certain characters. The cannibalizing is annoying that these companies do and I wish they would all just create characters that haven't ever been made or are long overdue for a v2.
True I would like to get new characters not the same ones over and over! That said we are getting some new characters this year from XTB and MMC while Fanstoys is making replacement or upgraded versions of characters we have but I look forward to them all
When you have something that you like even though it's not exactly accurate then it becomes the standard. It's just human nature😀
Some characters could use a bit of modern interpretation to improve them while still staying close to the origins
sticking with FT only for now
XTB always nails the cartoon look best but are the least enjoyable to transform. I guess that's the trade-off. Yet FT doesn't impress me as much as it used to. However it shakes out, at least it makes for more good discussion videos like this.
Both the price increase on Fans Toys and X-Transbots is a bit too much but I think Fans Toys are releasing a better overall product. Fans Toys Stunticons are better, their Kup is better, their Cyclonus is way better and even though I think X-Tranbots Seaspray is very good I believe the Fans Toys one is going to be better.
After seeing their MX-XI Locke I'm starting to second guess my decision of preordering the X-Transbots Virtus not because Locke is bad but because I think that for the price point it's not good enough. Maybe I will give up on it and go for the MMC one since the Fans Toys is way more expensive and it has that thing were the arms after being raised cant be opened to the side, it limits posing quite a bit and gets on my nerves a lot.
In my opinion X-Tranbots Quintesson Judge was a complete flop (maybe not even a flop because I was kind of expecting it to fail as soon as I saw the electronics), it's way to expensive (ridiculously so) and I couldn't care less for the electronics, for me both the light features and the voice chip are completely useless. I never use electronics, for some one like me who only want's it to look good on a shelve the dead eyes are a big let down. Besides, the electronics make it a bit fragile and less durable, I would much rather if it had no electronics and a bit of articulation on the faces or even interchangeable expressions.
If X-Transbots raised their prices thinking that it would bring them closer to Fans Toys they are completely mistaken, to stand a chance competing with Fans Toys what they should have done was actually maintaining the price point and increasing the quality. That way maybe the Fans Toys fanboys would be forced to rethink what they buy.
Yes in all these cases I would have preferred a cheaper options with less engineering or gimmicks
Xtransbots Neptune has a ton of diecast.
You are right! I have not picked up that figure in a while and just remember him being light. Thanks for giving me a reason to handle that great figure again
XTB should make their version of Galvatron for people that can't spend $300+ for a FT Galvatron. Since there were no updates for XTB, I had to grudgingly spend $300 for the FT version. Grrr....
Would be a big seller if XTB did make Glavatron and if they actually beat Fanstoys for a lower price they would be back on track
I agree - if there is a chance money can be made, then any business should look into it. Maybe XTB will revisit the Abaddon figure. I don't mind having more options to choose from.
So XTB Menasor when combined is "display not play"? Yeah, that's a no from me. No ratchets, AND that worrisome bit in Motormaster? Uh-uh...I don't think so.
Kup Wars? Nope. Even Toyworld's offering destroys the XTB. And FansToys poops all over the both of'em.
Hoist & Trailbreaker...what about the old MMC ones? Those weren't too shabby...
As for the Springer Wars, I think that Open and Play is probably the next best thing to MMC. FansToys has strange proportions in the vehicle modes, and Toyworld is fugly.
Meanwhile, I need MMC to tackle Superion. Maybe in the stylized Reformatted line instead of the more G1 styled Ocular Max line, to look good next to their Predaking.
Yep definitely some give and take from XTB These days. I do have a newly found appreciation for MMC with the smoother transformations and closer to G1 designs.
Mike it seems their Kup would be the correct pricing if you are looking what FansToys are charging. I have seen Koot for 200.00 for the aftermarket prices. FansToys Menasor will be 800.00 + I feel like FansToys gets a pass on pricing and their horrible engineering. Let's just face FansToys isn't fun to transform but they look good on the shelves.
Yes I do like the look of Fanstoys on the shelf and no they are not fun to transform. Now XTB is trying to not be fun to transform but that is the price we pay for good in both modes....and there is the price of $$$
@@tydiriumhanger1320 I do agree with you. However I do feel XTB gets hate for what FansToys and Takara do. I mean FT has been raising price since I go into collecting. The community says it's the price of doing business, but when XTB does it or another company it's outrage. I know you have covered this topic before.
I think you’ve feel into the trap that a lot of people fall into. Weight does not equate to premium or high end. Diecast doesn’t make a great figure. It just makes it heavy. That’s why people keep thinking fanstoys is a premium maker. But I all actuality they are really brittle decent figures. Nothing more.
Yes Fanstoys Diecast give them that premium feel but the scuplt and paint go a long way also. FT is not perfect either and it is good to have both around for options come on TE for more characters
Xtrans bots following the fake price increase but xtrans doesn’t control their supply - big difference!
True they put it all out there and it sits for months if not a year
I think Xtransbots omnibots is their pocket stay in their lane. That Defensor might be a failure because of the menasor tabocle. I think Fanstoys makes the best transformers period, but I don't want to see NO MORE combiners from them lol. They'll take forever making one bot it would be a 5 year project no way. I think Mmc might be the quiet winner of the defensor. Just because how Xtb been conducting business , plus that Locke was big let down all I hear is negative, then good!
MMC has been doing some great work and I might be in on their Defensor...but the size
Y✌️😮✌️O. Mike FTs Is Still Number 1 But XTB Is On Their Heels In Some Cases Now!
Virtus and Locke both look great. But I’m really beginning to think that XTB is never going to justify their rivalry with FT by actually releasing superior products.
It’s a shame too because with how great-looking some of their releases have been, I was holding onto a pipe-dream that XTB would do a 12-inch, fully cartoon-accurate set of Dinobots to split the difference between GP and FT.
But I’m really not optimistic at this point.
That is a good way to put it
@@christianc.christian5025 Yes Dinos are simple designs that could look awesome for a good price....GO XTB!
@@tydiriumhanger1320 $249 a figure; 12" tall; cartoon accurate? I'd grab all of them now.
Nothing to add here for once lol. Pretty much my take as well.
Glad you enjoyed! Thanks
Trash bots sucks, they do not compare to FT Keith would like ppl to think this...he is not even close
I with Fanstoys would do the Autobot Cassettes; the KFC/XTB versions are garbage, excluding Rewind and Eject.
Why not MMC, as they did deception cassettes and they are awesome?
@@davidez4640 They're very beautiful but just too big, IMO. The cassette scale that Takara and KFC set is the right one.
@@bpo1975 definitely subjective, Takara's cassettes are awfully small for me; in the cartoon they were often depicted as big as autobot carbots, other times as small as humans, so both scales are "right", thanks to the inconsistency of the cartoon.
@@davidez4640 Very true.
I look forward to the Acoustic wave and his cassettes. If that goes well we will get a Blaster with his cassettes and who know maybe all the tapes
Locke, a piece of Sh#@t, they are good company but that was horrible, i got my money back for that and was very disappointed...i hope they correct these issues on future releases
That is unfortunate and I hope mine is not the same experience!
LOL I will save that for the LOCKE review and hope I do not have to use it!!
So many DeFANSders here
They are everywhere!
They have both made some good stuff. They have both made some lousy stuff. They are both WAY overpriced.
I actually think the pricing on their trailer was fine. $200 was a good price. It’s a huge, complex toy. $230 is a fair price. Locke and dr egg are both overpriced though. By a lot. Locke should be $100. Dr egg probably less than that. But I bought them both, and that is just the way of things, the way of the Force.
Yes they are both overpriced but you bring up a good point that you actually bought them and you have a more educated opinion to discuss the matter. I feel a bit in the dark until I get my version of a figure before I can truly talk bad about them
Apache is not sold out you can find it at some Chinese sellers
Thanks for the input you may have helped out some fellow collectors
X-Tranabots is a mess
Sounds like you just watched me transform their Menasor! LOL
@@tydiriumhanger1320 ahahaha no mistaking Xtransbots QC does not warrant prices. Out since Eligios
😎 📹 mike 🙏. Where r u finding these prices for koot and others I watched showZstore till he sold out an they had him @$159 everywhere else was sold out, I would love to find him for what u r saying 👍. I don't own any x-transbots, locke would've been my 1st but thats out the window literally 🤣. They r nowhere near Fanstoys in any possible way imo, they r not worth the $$ @all. Little concerned about how Fanstoys Menasor will be with all the w8 on the arms and all the die-cast, but im all in i have all of them and those r premium quality bots not that x-transbots 🗑(imo)their price hike is NOT JUSTIFIED @ALL Especially with locke. Thanks again bro 🙏
Koot was $130 last summer when he was re-issued. That's when i bought mine.
Those are preorder prices but once preorders sell out any other stock goes up along with higher prices. That is the new modern trend these days
I need someone to sweep the leg on current MP-13 prices. So it would be most helpful if XTB would release a blurry Soundwave render that would in turn get FT to (at least) put out a street date for SonicWave flooding the market with low milage MP-13's from the FT faithful😉
So true if XTB entered that race Fanstoys would step up with their Soundwave. Takara would take the hit on the secondary market
Xtrans is disappointing. Canceled my locke order.
It is sad hope mine doe not break LOL
XTB IMO are definitely not in the same league as FT. I really wish they were. They have had a few great figures, but unfortunately, most of the time, they wind up being a disappointment. After trailergate, and now Locke, is it? I think if Springer is a miss, that will probably be it for me. I will say, I think their Menasor is esthetically superior to dx9. XTB does not have a good track record, and I will always bet against them vs. FT, until they give me a reason not to.
Lets hope they get through this rough patch and Virtus gets them back on track
Fanstoy way better and beyond individual figures period...
This may be a huge win for FT if Springer is not great but will be a huge loss for the fans
i take it you you've not got your xtb locke yet lol, what xtb have done with this figure is pretty unforgiveable, i will never pre order another XTB figure again until i've seen people review it to just get a general opinion of it, i got locke and i've been burned, i basically gotta lose out on postage to send this pile of junk back to xtb in china or TRY sell this thing for a loss, and lets get this right straight away it's not just QC it's also flat out terrible design to, it's a shame to because with a few bits of tinkering here and there this thing would have destroyed koot but least koot is a workable toy that you can transform without it breaking into pieces, so xtb premium? lol not in this lifetime or even the next
Now I am not looking forward to min LOCKE but Gotta to what I gotta do! Hope they do not let me down on Springer
I would just like to say that there is no way XTRANSBOTS is on the same level as FANSTOYS. take this crap XTB just released Locke the shit falls apart ass you pick up and people are still trying to compare it to koot. There's no comparison FANSTOYS is number one
Well If LOCKE falls apart I still have koot. Worst case will be convert LOCKE to alt mode and use for comparisons
I think x-transbot in someway is up there with fantoys, like I hope there Springer will be better then fantoys..I have been seeing x-transbot kup, on UA-cam almost all of them dont like it..some are even saying dont buy this figure. It's been braking. Kup is my favorite, have fantoys kup and to me it's still the best its solid and it doesn't break..I even got the reissue one..I love the x-transbot seaspray and I love it and better then fantoys one.and their trailbreaker..I will not get the fantoys one I am fine with this one..and I love there wheelie..x-transbot and fantoys are neck and neck in my opinion but I am a fantoys person..
I have been rooting for the underdog of XTB for a while and hope they can deliver going forward!