How did you play mostly during the original two original "Infamous" ? Me, I had a great time in "Empire city". Looking out mostly for myself, Trish and Zeke, gaining the public's love and praise in good karma only so I could abuse that power and arrest sick civilians under the suspicion of them being infiltrated brainwashed agents of the gangs...but despite that fun, I had to say no to using the Ray Sphere a second time, despite having shifted towards Infamous karma. I couldn't use Trish's memory to justify that kind of atrocity, especially because in a way, my powers were all that was left of her. Her faith in them. I may have ruined our relationship. But I wasn't going to ruin the memory of it. Oh ! And I can proudly say I did not need Sasha or her Reapers to take control. Because I wasn't a brute; In 2, I did not abuse my power. I followed most of Kuo's suggestions and did the majority of good karma missions (I'm really interested in seeing that nice Ice soldier's story through), it was especially funny to use a good karma power (the gravity one) to execute those militia soldiers on the roof during that bad karma mission but still be seen as the hero by the innocent people... But, the Beast was still coming. I need as many allies as I can in case the RFI doesn't work. So I had to please Nix by accepting to switch powers with her, and I needed that monster army, not only because they might be more useful than regular town folk, but also because I don't trust that world's governments to leave me alone after the Beast is dealt with. I want an insurance policy. Besides, there are other ways to expose Bertrand later.
I think for the future it should be more broad as far as choice making. Choices that aren’t necessarily good or evil but just choices with different outcomes and story trajectory.
@@denzel6185remake would be better only if done right if not just do a full remaster and work on a brand new infamous 3!! I wasn’t for Yotei being made next but sucker punch is going for low hanging fruit
I want Infamous 3 as well. Like, it's almost kind of implied that Cole might be coming back. At least, that's my opinion, maybe I'm reading too much into the lightning strike at the end of Infamous 2.
3:53 and the saddest part is it didn't have to be this way. In fact, according to the audio logs, Kessler at first tried to find a way to eliminate the casualties part, which Wolfe did. Unfortunately, due to Bertrand's pressure (it seems the measure would take a while to come into fruition) and the fact Kessler realized Cole may not become what he wants him to be due to his humanity, that way was never explored.
I love the way Cole looks in Outlaw karma. I also love experimenting with his powers on both sides of the karmic spectrum, hence why I follow my own convictions in a neutral way so I can experience both sides of his powers and see how this mix affects the story.
They should've brought back Cole... He was the only one whom you felt the consequences of his choices just as much as you saw it reflected on his body...
@@JabamiLain I was always a hero karma guy but I never saw anything bad about the outlaw karma. If anything it made him distinguished and the game heavily implied that that was the karma Kessler wanted him to be because that was when he was at his strongest and ready for the big evil in the sequel. You saw the consequences of his choices literally being seared into his flesh from the beginning to the end and no game before or since has had the guts to create such an earned transformation.
@@white0thunderwhite0thunder71 indeed. But I think he wants you to go Infamous, because Outlaw rank means you're rotten, but not to the core, meaning not all your evil powers are unlocked. You should know though, there are lots of bad things in being evil karma, especially in the first game, as you help Reapers gang take over. Same goes for the second game's events, since aside of the monster army you can only get in evil, you can only build an army of rebels, policemen and find an ally in a deserting ice soldier in good karma. For me, being evil works because I take longer to get there, since I am super strategic about. Instead of going on a frenzy against everyone, I mostly help everybody I can, conquer the cities mostly through good karma missions, and reserve the brutality for my enemies (and it's incredibly easy, they are numerous, it also helps that trading powers with Nix lowered my karma). Though I must confess, in the first game, despite working with the police, I may have indiscriminately arrested sick civilians for thinking they were being brainwashed by the gangs. I like to think refusing to activate the Ray Sphere a second time was kind of a redeeming point though.
Good to see you cover my favorite super hero/Anti hero Cole. Also: Bring back the conscience video's. I originally subscribed to you because of them. They where funny and original.
The Infamous video game series is a treasure to the people who played it and followed the lore through The Black Mastadonte HGH past videos. While the OGs have Cole in their hearts, the newbies (i.e., me. lol) enjoyed Delsin Rowe and Abigail "Fetch" Walker in the ISS timeline. P.S: I won't spoil the future HGH from the end of this video, but since he said "it will be longer than God of War," it is enough to get me hyped when it premires. 😎
I think they should of release 2 more DLC on Hank and Eugene. It would be cool to be Hank and do the high risk heist he was doing and I’m pretty sure they can throw something cool together for Eugene.
Ty for putting this video together. These games were phenomenal and yet are so forgotten. No one I run into has ever heard of them, and it feels so lonely. Not to mention 1 & 2 were PS3 exclusives... so rip to me ever getting to play them again. If they do ever get remaster by some MIRACLE, someone let me know in a response lmao. I'd actually break down and cry >.>
Damn. Laura Bailey voiced two Abby’s in the video game realm. Her beloved character Fetch and her most hated character Abby in TLoU2 who has a mean stroke in golf.
Even though none of the first game's bad guys appeared, thanks to the fact I was unable to conquer two portions of the final district, I like to believe in my story, the First Sons were technically still intact (to a point), and they were under orders that if Kessler was to meet his untimely end, they were to submit to Cole. Unfortunately, Sasha manages to take control of them. And even though this managed to have Moya survive the comics events, while the agent was busy in keeping Kessler's reshaping of the government intact, Sasha and the remaining First Sons went into hiding, eagerly awaiting for the new world that Cole will bring about after the Beast's defeat.
I fucking miss Infamous bro, it was literally the one reason i got playstation to begin with, Infamous Second Son is one of my favorite games of all time
It’s crazy how sucker punch never gave fans of the franchise any explanation on what happened or if they are completely done with the series till this day they will not talk about it
I feel like infamous 2nd son was supposed to still have Delson but it was supposed to be based off a bad ending. (Which was supposed to be the actual script) this would explain the copy power
Yeah it was revealed that they wanted to do the evil ending but 78% of players did the good ending it was weird to me bcuz i was like a conduit literal saved you all why are yall against them lmao
Infamous hasn’t had sequels because Second Son couldn’t have happened in either ending of infamous 2. Good ending, all conduits and gene carriers die. Ending bad, all humans die.
What's crazy to me is how Zeke didn't say anything about wanting powers in Infamous 2 after they found the power transfer device that was proven to he able to give normal humans powers. That could've been not only a cool call back but also a quick way to heal him of the plague.
Damn bro you all know that Delsin Rowe and Abigail are totally together somewhere in the infamous background living together with no care right now taking down drugs dealers just for the s**TS and giggles.
unfortunately, infamous first blood isn’t canon. it doesn’t make any sense in the timeline anyway; cole was way too busy dealing with bertrand and the beast to become a vampire.
What's so crazy about the cast of InFamous Second Son / First Light is that Troy Baker (Delsin) also is cast as Joel from TLoU, and Laura Bailey (Fetch) is cast of Abby in TLoU2. If you know the lore of all these 4 characters in total then you know how funny this is. AND Ashley Johnson (Ellie in TLoU) voices that hacker girl in InFamous First Light, so basically the voice of Ellie talks with Abby (what are the odds lol)
I’d love to see a deep dive into resident evil. So we can learn about all the different viruses and everything involved in there making with the new resident evil 4 out now
Was I the only one who got more and more motivated to go villain the more audio logs I heard ? I thought the transition from good to evil would be more painful, but it was actually easier than I thought. I mean, I had the police's trust in both games, wasn't allied to any gang, I didn't activate the Ray Sphere a second time, got back with Trish for a time and a good Ice Soldier trusted me even after I got Nix's powers. Aside from not exposing Bertrand so I could gain a Conduit army, Trish dying hating me for arresting sick civilians without proof that they were infiltrated/brainwashed agents of the gangs, and Zeke being killed by me (it actually hurt more than I thought it would), what do I really have to regret ? I saved more people, got to get back at the world governments for trying to use Conduits (which will consequentially change the world's political structure), and thanks to the audio logs, I know that once the West Coast is healed and Cole's army is built, Cole just needs to find a couple of scientists to work on Wolfe's way to create Conduits without bloodbath. Cole is definitely going to Hell, but at least others get their chance at better lives in a brand new world. Mathematically speaking, my sacrifice is acceptable.
Well, Reggie may not like powers, but he supported his brother in every step of the way, and in good karma, we knew that he started to feel proud of using his powers for good. Even when Delsin chose the way of infamy, Reggie stills supports him.
Infamous 2 is probably tied with the Witcher 3 for my favourite game of all time. It holds a very special place for me and I honestly think I might have completed it like 50+ times no joke lmao.
How many LoZ games are there?? I feel like that's gonna be a multi hour video my brother in rice. Even so, that's the content that gets me out of bed in the morning
16:39 she was afraid that Hank would expose all the horrible things she does to conduits. And how she sets up conduits to escape and catching them again, so she can stay in business and in control.
I loved the first 2 games, but didn’t get around to Second Son. Then I saw it cheap on the PS store a few weeks ago and finished the story a couple of days ago.
100% played the first infamous from 2009 on repeat. Still never got all the trophies... But a masterpiece is timeless!! I got all the Infamous 2 dlc for skins and powers, hours of my teens drained to point where I instinctively know where 36% of blastcore/blastshards are located. Festival of Blood was and still is a cake walk while giving you new game play mechanics to enjoy. With more lore being scripted via UGC (User Generated Content) from other Players and the Devs. too. Infamous Second Son brought something new to table with being able to keep comfortable button layout that's still very much the same as it's predecessor. Meaning you can speedrun the entire series with ease!!
According to data suckerpunch got from people who played inFAMOUS 2, the players chose the good ending where Cole dies which is why Delsin is the playable character in Second Son. I think suckerpunch made the evil ending canon and had Cole be one of the conduits the military and in particular Augustine fought in the war. Thats how she got her powers and Delsin's parents were killed in the war and Delsin got his abilities but they were dormant until he met Hank.
Like not gonna lie, loved the video before but the voice actor marriage call out is simply plus ultra. I've always said the same thing about "after the recording session" when you find out she's lust and he's colonel mustang from fma
Bro is the ending of your intro a full song? I find myself opening a video and rewatching like 8 seconds of it so I can hear it, it sounds dope. Edit: Legit wondered how long the part was I listened to, almost 8 seconds exactly lol. :39 to :47 before i rewind. It bumps.
Thanks for watching, fam. Be sure to let me know who else you want to see me cover in Honest Gaming History in the comments below
How did you play mostly during the original two original "Infamous" ?
Me, I had a great time in "Empire city". Looking out mostly for myself, Trish and Zeke, gaining the public's love and praise in good karma only so I could abuse that power and arrest sick civilians under the suspicion of them being infiltrated brainwashed agents of the gangs...but despite that fun, I had to say no to using the Ray Sphere a second time, despite having shifted towards Infamous karma. I couldn't use Trish's memory to justify that kind of atrocity, especially because in a way, my powers were all that was left of her. Her faith in them. I may have ruined our relationship. But I wasn't going to ruin the memory of it. Oh ! And I can proudly say I did not need Sasha or her Reapers to take control. Because I wasn't a brute;
In 2, I did not abuse my power. I followed most of Kuo's suggestions and did the majority of good karma missions (I'm really interested in seeing that nice Ice soldier's story through), it was especially funny to use a good karma power (the gravity one) to execute those militia soldiers on the roof during that bad karma mission but still be seen as the hero by the innocent people... But, the Beast was still coming. I need as many allies as I can in case the RFI doesn't work. So I had to please Nix by accepting to switch powers with her, and I needed that monster army, not only because they might be more useful than regular town folk, but also because I don't trust that world's governments to leave me alone after the Beast is dealt with. I want an insurance policy. Besides, there are other ways to expose Bertrand later.
I missed these videos
Bro that NARUTO jacket is fire please give the link
Make a video on where you think the series should go. Or better yet call me and I’ll tell you where I think I should go and we can debate over that. 😊
Can you do a video on the resistance series? That would be dope
Love the whole "Choose between good and evil and everything around changes too" games.
Dishonored moment
I think for the future it should be more broad as far as choice making. Choices that aren’t necessarily good or evil but just choices with different outcomes and story trajectory.
The best part of Second Son is Delsin saying he's going to shake every single conduit's hand when he releases them
i think that happens only in the evil karma path
So many great moments and you like this one???
@@Domi_inks yes
Even though it’s not canon I really want them to make a dlc with delsin and the conduits at curdan cay
Seeing an infamous 1 and 2 Remastered with the graphics of infamous second son would be nostalgia at its finest
A remake would be even better
@@denzel6185remake would be better only if done right if not just do a full remaster and work on a brand new infamous 3!! I wasn’t for Yotei being made next but sucker punch is going for low hanging fruit
I want Infamous 3 as well. Like, it's almost kind of implied that Cole might be coming back. At least, that's my opinion, maybe I'm reading too much into the lightning strike at the end of Infamous 2.
Played all the games, really loved this series when I was younger.
Hell yeah same.
3:53 and the saddest part is it didn't have to be this way. In fact, according to the audio logs, Kessler at first tried to find a way to eliminate the casualties part, which Wolfe did. Unfortunately, due to Bertrand's pressure (it seems the measure would take a while to come into fruition) and the fact Kessler realized Cole may not become what he wants him to be due to his humanity, that way was never explored.
Infamous 3 should be about a conduit war
That would open the door to pvp multiplayer 🤔
It’s can be a comic sires
@@glichtvstudio942infamous already is but im still down
Give us INfamous lll
Idk if there will be a infamous 3 bro lol
inFAMOUS vs [PROTOTYPE] Has always been my fave match up evee
Man this series was my SHIT!back in the day they gotta bring this back with a remake a remaster something!
Same here man this game was awesome 👌
19:21 the dialog is hella funny the next morning. Fetch explaining how her neon goes haywire when she....uh reaches her climax 😂😂
Infamous needs to come back
Make a infamous game where u can customize your character pick a power and have a whole conduit war going on
That'd be so lit
I love the way Cole looks in Outlaw karma.
I also love experimenting with his powers on both sides of the karmic spectrum, hence why I follow my own convictions in a neutral way so I can experience both sides of his powers and see how this mix affects the story.
They should've brought back Cole... He was the only one whom you felt the consequences of his choices just as much as you saw it reflected on his body...
Speaking of that, I enjoyed his looks in "Outlaw" karma from both games. What about you ? Or did he look too ugly for you ?
@@JabamiLain I was always a hero karma guy but I never saw anything bad about the outlaw karma. If anything it made him distinguished and the game heavily implied that that was the karma Kessler wanted him to be because that was when he was at his strongest and ready for the big evil in the sequel. You saw the consequences of his choices literally being seared into his flesh from the beginning to the end and no game before or since has had the guts to create such an earned transformation.
@@white0thunderwhite0thunder71 indeed. But I think he wants you to go Infamous, because Outlaw rank means you're rotten, but not to the core, meaning not all your evil powers are unlocked.
You should know though, there are lots of bad things in being evil karma, especially in the first game, as you help Reapers gang take over. Same goes for the second game's events, since aside of the monster army you can only get in evil, you can only build an army of rebels, policemen and find an ally in a deserting ice soldier in good karma.
For me, being evil works because I take longer to get there, since I am super strategic about. Instead of going on a frenzy against everyone, I mostly help everybody I can, conquer the cities mostly through good karma missions, and reserve the brutality for my enemies (and it's incredibly easy, they are numerous, it also helps that trading powers with Nix lowered my karma).
Though I must confess, in the first game, despite working with the police, I may have indiscriminately arrested sick civilians for thinking they were being brainwashed by the gangs. I like to think refusing to activate the Ray Sphere a second time was kind of a redeeming point though.
Good to see you cover my favorite super hero/Anti hero Cole.
Also: Bring back the conscience video's. I originally subscribed to you because of them. They where funny and original.
The Infamous video game series is a treasure to the people who played it and followed the lore through The Black Mastadonte HGH past videos. While the OGs have Cole in their hearts, the newbies (i.e., me. lol) enjoyed Delsin Rowe and Abigail "Fetch" Walker in the ISS timeline.
P.S: I won't spoil the future HGH from the end of this video, but since he said "it will be longer than God of War," it is enough to get me hyped when it premires. 😎
I think they should of release 2 more DLC on Hank and Eugene. It would be cool to be Hank and do the high risk heist he was doing and I’m pretty sure they can throw something cool together for Eugene.
Missed your character lore videos bro keep it up! We love to see it!!
I love this series. Sadly i would always do the good missions, I'm too good natured
Really reccomend to play them on Evil its so much more fun😂
Same here.
You did crazy timing for me because I went back to play Infamous
I like the Infamous series, I wish that Sucker Punch could give use a Infamous 1 and 2 remastered collection.
Fair though Reggie also had to accept what the Augustine did to his tribe so, kinda can't blame him after the first impression.
Though only with Abigails part, you could tell Eugene wasn't there to fight for hurting people
Ty for putting this video together. These games were phenomenal and yet are so forgotten. No one I run into has ever heard of them, and it feels so lonely. Not to mention 1 & 2 were PS3 exclusives... so rip to me ever getting to play them again.
If they do ever get remaster by some MIRACLE, someone let me know in a response lmao. I'd actually break down and cry >.>
We really back with the gaming videos and I love it! Still watching the other joints and enjoying them too!
This game still holds up. Reminds of static shock. One of my favorite tv show growing up.
Damn. Laura Bailey voiced two Abby’s in the video game realm. Her beloved character Fetch and her most hated character Abby in TLoU2 who has a mean stroke in golf.
XD that's hilarious as all 3 are in critical role together. Laura, Travis, and Ashley Johnson
Even though none of the first game's bad guys appeared, thanks to the fact I was unable to conquer two portions of the final district, I like to believe in my story, the First Sons were technically still intact (to a point), and they were under orders that if Kessler was to meet his untimely end, they were to submit to Cole. Unfortunately, Sasha manages to take control of them. And even though this managed to have Moya survive the comics events, while the agent was busy in keeping Kessler's reshaping of the government intact, Sasha and the remaining First Sons went into hiding, eagerly awaiting for the new world that Cole will bring about after the Beast's defeat.
I fucking miss Infamous bro, it was literally the one reason i got playstation to begin with, Infamous Second Son is one of my favorite games of all time
50% tapping & 50% story telling 😂
It’s crazy how sucker punch never gave fans of the franchise any explanation on what happened or if they are completely done with the series till this day they will not talk about it
ANOTHER BANGER donte, my your content don’t miss 🎉
I’m still pissed that they didn’t make the “evil” ending canon in the second game.
What I wouldn’t give for this series to come back…….
Yo Legend of Zelda is next? Awesome. I've been asking for it in the last Honest Gaming History along with Metroid. Thanks man and good luck on it
this game's timeline is very simple to follow. donte, good on you for doing this.
We need infamous second son 2 so we can play as Eugene
Right?! Lol
Woahhhhh the intros back??!!!
Lightning god forced to make bad decisions because morals
Currently replaying and reliving Infamous Second Son🔥
You made me wanna play again
I feel like infamous 2nd son was supposed to still have Delson but it was supposed to be based off a bad ending. (Which was supposed to be the actual script) this would explain the copy power
Yeah it was revealed that they wanted to do the evil ending but 78% of players did the good ending it was weird to me bcuz i was like a conduit literal saved you all why are yall against them lmao
Bro is consistently pushing content
My favorite game series. Ty bruh 🥛🐌
Ah, nice to see you cover games again it feels quite ancient.
Kessler knew what buttons to push with Zeke because he knew him before Cole did. I loved this game, just replayed it last week.
They should make a game on Kessler how he got his powers and how he went back in time
The story of Dante, Vergil, and Nero killed me😂😂
Love your videos man, so entertaining keep it up 🔥🔥🔥
For what I know, Cole became a patron saint on his town, after sacrificing himself for the better good of humanity.
I didn’t know I wanted this…but I did
Ayeeeeee that intro stay fire 🔥!
Infamous hasn’t had sequels because Second Son couldn’t have happened in either ending of infamous 2. Good ending, all conduits and gene carriers die. Ending bad, all humans die.
It's really a reboot
@@HELLO_KORO no it was stated to happen within the same continuity of infamous 1 and 2.
Damn this brings back some memories :)
What's crazy to me is how Zeke didn't say anything about wanting powers in Infamous 2 after they found the power transfer device that was proven to he able to give normal humans powers. That could've been not only a cool call back but also a quick way to heal him of the plague.
Damn bro you all know that Delsin Rowe and Abigail are totally together somewhere in the infamous background living together with no care right now taking down drugs dealers just for the s**TS and giggles.
Infamous third son💀
Great game, I loved the twist at the end of the infamous 1. Loved it so much.
What about cole turning into a vampire And fighting the king of all vampires story ????
unfortunately, infamous first blood isn’t canon. it doesn’t make any sense in the timeline anyway; cole was way too busy dealing with bertrand and the beast to become a vampire.
What's so crazy about the cast of InFamous Second Son / First Light is that Troy Baker (Delsin) also is cast as Joel from TLoU, and Laura Bailey (Fetch) is cast of Abby in TLoU2. If you know the lore of all these 4 characters in total then you know how funny this is.
AND Ashley Johnson (Ellie in TLoU) voices that hacker girl in InFamous First Light, so basically the voice of Ellie talks with Abby (what are the odds lol)
Finished Infamous 1 a few weeks ago and finished Infamous 2 two weeks after. Currently started Second Son last week.
This was my first PS3 game!
Eugene had that h&m drip
Ngl nice vid💯
Also gained new subscriber
I have a question. Have you done a story recap of the Prototype games? I think it would be really fun with your style
I’d love to see a deep dive into resident evil. So we can learn about all the different viruses and everything involved in there making with the new resident evil 4 out now
Thats actually on my todo list lol
@@TheBlackMastadonte sweet. Another idea would be Metroid series or Castlevania those are classics like doom
im still hurt that this isnt on pc
Same. It needs a PC port
I love this channel!! Go head my young gent!!
Sadly I didn't own a PlayStation at the time so I never got to experience these masterpieces.
We can all agree Delsin is the MOST broken character ever having the ability to control 3 types of matter
Was I the only one who got more and more motivated to go villain the more audio logs I heard ? I thought the transition from good to evil would be more painful, but it was actually easier than I thought.
I mean, I had the police's trust in both games, wasn't allied to any gang, I didn't activate the Ray Sphere a second time, got back with Trish for a time and a good Ice Soldier trusted me even after I got Nix's powers.
Aside from not exposing Bertrand so I could gain a Conduit army, Trish dying hating me for arresting sick civilians without proof that they were infiltrated/brainwashed agents of the gangs, and Zeke being killed by me (it actually hurt more than I thought it would), what do I really have to regret ?
I saved more people, got to get back at the world governments for trying to use Conduits (which will consequentially change the world's political structure), and thanks to the audio logs, I know that once the West Coast is healed and Cole's army is built, Cole just needs to find a couple of scientists to work on Wolfe's way to create Conduits without bloodbath.
Cole is definitely going to Hell, but at least others get their chance at better lives in a brand new world. Mathematically speaking, my sacrifice is acceptable.
Still waiting for you to cover Siegfried from Soul Calibur
To be fair, Cole could learn time travel powers. Homie just died before we could see it
What if he was flung forward in time with his death, just without a body
The Cowboy Bebop intro earned you a subscriber 😅
It's crazy because I literally just downloaded first light and second son
Perfect timing lol
Well, Reggie may not like powers, but he supported his brother in every step of the way, and in good karma, we knew that he started to feel proud of using his powers for good. Even when Delsin chose the way of infamy, Reggie stills supports him.
Can you do the story of halo and gears of war, because I basically want to hear about war
The first game was so good as a kid, literally was my first game I tried to get all the trophies for as a kid
Thanks for making this!
Since you’re next video will be on THAT, how about looking into the Legacy of Kain saga?
That would be interesting
Infamous 2 is probably tied with the Witcher 3 for my favourite game of all time. It holds a very special place for me and I honestly think I might have completed it like 50+ times no joke lmao.
How many LoZ games are there?? I feel like that's gonna be a multi hour video my brother in rice. Even so, that's the content that gets me out of bed in the morning
16:39 she was afraid that Hank would expose all the horrible things she does to conduits. And how she sets up conduits to escape and catching them again, so she can stay in business and in control.
I loved the first 2 games, but didn’t get around to Second Son. Then I saw it cheap on the PS store a few weeks ago and finished the story a couple of days ago.
100% played the first infamous from 2009 on repeat. Still never got all the trophies... But a masterpiece is timeless!!
I got all the Infamous 2 dlc for skins and powers, hours of my teens drained to point where I instinctively know where 36% of blastcore/blastshards are located.
Festival of Blood was and still is a cake walk while giving you new game play mechanics to enjoy.
With more lore being scripted via UGC (User Generated Content) from other Players and the Devs. too.
Infamous Second Son brought something new to table with being able to keep comfortable button layout that's still very much the same as it's predecessor.
Meaning you can speedrun the entire series with ease!!
damn good ol trip down memory lane, the infamous series was so good
I do remember when u had less subs and I always comeback and you see grow more and more and I’m happy for yiu
I’ve missed honest gaming history so much!!!
An infamous game the size of a modern day cod would be amazing to hold us over till the end of time
the writers really need to sit down a give us a good infamous story
@@TheBlackMastadonte yep
15:00 I’ve played this game like 3 times since I was like 6, how did I not learn he was one of us
(Native American btw)
According to data suckerpunch got from people who played inFAMOUS 2, the players chose the good ending where Cole dies which is why Delsin is the playable character in Second Son. I think suckerpunch made the evil ending canon and had Cole be one of the conduits the military and in particular Augustine fought in the war. Thats how she got her powers and Delsin's parents were killed in the war and Delsin got his abilities but they were dormant until he met Hank.
Like not gonna lie, loved the video before but the voice actor marriage call out is simply plus ultra. I've always said the same thing about "after the recording session" when you find out she's lust and he's colonel mustang from fma
subbed just for that sick intro
Thanks fam
Hyped for the Zelda vid , this vid was fire.
Me and the bros on our way to rescue the scientists because Trish ain't worth it
I Hurd they was making a new infamous game but I forgot where I found tht out
Yooo new vid let's go
Bro is the ending of your intro a full song? I find myself opening a video and rewatching like 8 seconds of it so I can hear it, it sounds dope.
Edit: Legit wondered how long the part was I listened to, almost 8 seconds exactly lol. :39 to :47 before i rewind. It bumps.
Completion 2. Way to go
Infamous 2 Festival of Blood was good as well, different take, a vampire conduit was so cool, and flying as a bat was lit