Watch This if You are Experiencing an Existential Crisis

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @Teuts2000
    @Teuts2000 Рік тому +132

    I'm turning 43 this weekend. Im married with 4 children and I have suddenly lost a child, a brother and my father all too soon due to disease and accident. My only advice would be do not let fear of losing your loved ones stop you from making relationships and having children. Anxieties will remain but if you determine to stay alone or static, you'll never experience the joy and comfort of what life and love truly have to offer.

    • @livingchariot
      @livingchariot Рік тому +2

      Beautifully said🤍

    • @CarnageJesterX
      @CarnageJesterX 10 місяців тому +4

      So fight club isn't wrong.... as that is the message. To stay static or still in place is no life at all.
      So the channel has it wrong.

  • @p.wynnmarkstall1737
    @p.wynnmarkstall1737 Рік тому +31

    In 2017, my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. He is still here, but there are definitely nights I cling to him and try to only cry silently.
    Some day - hopefully a very long time from now, but some day - I will have to say goodbye to my best friend.
    The idea alone is shattering to even consider - I am sobbing as I type this.
    But I wouldn’t give up our life together for anything.

  • @thomasblackcraft
    @thomasblackcraft Рік тому +82

    I feel like almost everyone ignored the fact that he WAS the guy he really wanted to be. I always thought that was the deepest part. He was looking for something that was already there and he couldn’t recognize it. It seems like no one discusses that part… lol….

    • @gabrielvalencia1287
      @gabrielvalencia1287 Рік тому +14

      Tyler is an independent autonomous part of his psyche, so dissociated from the narrator that when tyler enters it's like a demon possessing his body. They're different guys

    • @angelpunch0
      @angelpunch0 Рік тому +7

      I always bring this up and NO ONE listens me. It's crazy, it's almost like the revelation that the 'nameless MC' wasn't as irrelevant as he thought he was wasn't a major plot point

    • @chrisspencer6502
      @chrisspencer6502 Рік тому +6

      Yeah, that's what it's about really the part of giving up everything in the film sets him on the path to shooting himself.
      So yes it was wrong. However it was the realization that he was a leader and could take control that makes him want to change

    • @spintillimdizzy2340
      @spintillimdizzy2340 Рік тому +5

      @@gabrielvalencia1287 They're not different lol Its his shadow. That exists within all of us you just might be numb to it.

    • @Feefa99
      @Feefa99 Рік тому

      @@spintillimdizzy2340 lizard brain and therefore our impulses are not us, it's just part of us.

  • @DMGaina
    @DMGaina Рік тому +14

    It's about letting go of MATERIAL GOODS and expectations of society and not people and your own health.
    It's about loosing your ego

    • @borsook666
      @borsook666 Рік тому +2

      Yup. And the human sacrifice scene proves that. Tyler wants the meaningful change but also identifies how the real meaning of life got corrupted and his approach gets more and more radical

    • @markedoner1eford653
      @markedoner1eford653 11 місяців тому +2

      Go ahead and become hobo.
      Lets see how much happier and freer you will become.

  • @태이씨
    @태이씨 Рік тому +16

    As someone who's struggling with a chronic illness (and not even in the worst form of it), every day spent without being sick and every day my family spends healthy is the best day regardless of what else happens.

    • @litjay7073
      @litjay7073 Рік тому +4

      Same here! I too suffer from chronic illness and pain and my advice is a saying I found when I wanted to join the military… “Embrace the Suck” and “Get Comfortable with being Uncomfortable” embrace it all! The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. It’s all apart of this life of ours and the only one we’re going to get. Make it as beautiful as you can.

  • @daniel_netzel
    @daniel_netzel Рік тому +14

    Beautiful video Lars, and definitely hits close to home. Life is crazy and unpredictable, and pain can certainly unlock potential or whatever, but yeah the older I get the less I want any of it. When I was young I used to think of it all as necessary to be an artist, the worse the suffering the better the art, but as I've grown I feel like when tragedy happens all you can do is try to find something, ANYTHING positive about it, but thats more about making peace with the things you can't change.

  • @ssjbargainsale
    @ssjbargainsale Рік тому +11

    I wish I could think like that. Waking up everyday seems more like suffering. Everyday it gets harder

  • @burlacuninel5981
    @burlacuninel5981 Рік тому +5

    Thanks man, you cant imagine how many people needed this

  • @zombiewriter7530
    @zombiewriter7530 9 місяців тому +2

    I've lost 7 people close to me in the last 5 years. And I've recently been hit with an unfair diagnosis so young in life. I can relate. I can understand.

  • @Feefa99
    @Feefa99 Рік тому +6

    People often tell that what does not kill you makes you stronger, but truth is that often it'll just let you traumatized and scarred forever. Life with struggle isn't really that good.

    • @spintillimdizzy2340
      @spintillimdizzy2340 Рік тому +2

      If thats the story you continously tell yourself then that is what it will be. We created the notion of trauma as humans and the way that we intepret it is through a lense of bias that reinforces the suffering and "scarring" that you're talking about. Two things can be true at once you can be stronger from your experiences along with the fact that you are emotionally scared a more realistic view would be that these things exist on a spectrum and is not always one or the other. Sometimes you will be empowered by loss other times you will suffer.

    • @Feefa99
      @Feefa99 Рік тому +2

      @@spintillimdizzy2340 Whatever I think less suffering is better for everyone, if you disagree ask any war veteran. I know it's an extreme degree and I agree everything is on spectrum. But you must now your lines.

    • @spintillimdizzy2340
      @spintillimdizzy2340 Рік тому

      @@Feefa99 Some war veterans actually miss fighting in war thats where they felt most enlightened.

    • @Feefa99
      @Feefa99 Рік тому

      @@spintillimdizzy2340 You forgot to explain why it's good thing? The state obviously failed to integrate them back to society

    • @spintillimdizzy2340
      @spintillimdizzy2340 Рік тому +1

      @@Feefa99 good and bad are relative concepts lol what’s good to one person can be bad to someone else. Some people thrive for violence your undermining the fact that war may have been an outlet for many young men.

  • @BehindtheCurtain
    @BehindtheCurtain Рік тому +2

    Great video, Lars. One of the reasons I love About Time, is that it's a film about falling in love with life despite imperfections, pain, and failure. Enjoying the ride, even with its bumps. Thank you for sharing your story.

    @CYI3ERPUNK Рік тому +3

    fear is the mindkiller ; memento mori ; stay strong everyone ; losing my cat was the hardest pain of my life , SO FAR , but i am under no illusions that suffering is part of being a living being , we can also choose to be happy regardless , and this world is full of beauty and wonder ; i wouldnt trade my years with that cat for anything ; excellent video =] stay strong everyone

  • @clinteastwood9742
    @clinteastwood9742 Рік тому +6

    being 51 and a huge fan of Fight Club (book and film), I'm just gonna quote Woody Allen: “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” Don't overthink everything and just enjoy you life (wich seems really nice from what I see).

    • @salosegura711
      @salosegura711 Рік тому

      funny quote coming from an evil pedo and non believer....

  • @johnnyhellfire6
    @johnnyhellfire6 Рік тому +7

    Idk, lose your job, your home, your stuff, everything locked in a storage unit to be bought and sold by the highest bidder, your life held hostage, living on the streets, a slave to a substance, only thing you have is the chothing on your back and a back pack of the wreakage of your life, no place to sleep, miles away from home and no one loves you... Please, tell me more about after surviving all that, that im not free... Because i dont think you understand true lose, or true freedom...

    • @nicbarth3838
      @nicbarth3838 4 місяці тому

      are you free? it depends on what you want or not idk

    • @johnnyhellfire6
      @johnnyhellfire6 4 місяці тому

      @@nicbarth3838 I am very much free now, I work when I want to and enjoy life with more vigor. My everyday is now a Saturday afternoon, which is quite nice

    • @johnnyhellfire6
      @johnnyhellfire6 4 місяці тому

      @@nicbarth3838 I am very free now, I have my own business doing something I'm passionate about, with someone I love, and everyday is like a Saturday afternoon. It's quite nice

  • @veganrican606
    @veganrican606 4 місяці тому +1

    "The things you own end up owning you." Tyler Durden.
    He wasn't wrong about everything.

  • @andrewcamden
    @andrewcamden Рік тому +8

    Losing everything is what makes you willing to put up with anything. That's why the owner-class WANTS you to be poor. It's not enough for the owner class to simply be rich, other people have to be poor, desperate, and willing to become sex workers, mercenaries, etc.

    • @traiascacodreanu4553
      @traiascacodreanu4553 Рік тому +1

      Losing everything doesn't mean losing your fucking money.

    • @Feefa99
      @Feefa99 Рік тому

      @@traiascacodreanu4553 everything what we do and we're dependent is linked to the economy

  • @n8_b_h
    @n8_b_h 6 місяців тому

    protecting what you love is better than losing everything

  • @kayagoksoy
    @kayagoksoy Рік тому +6

    I feel like you actually just proved the quote correct though. Fight Club and The Fountain should be watched back to back.

    • @TheSquad4life
      @TheSquad4life 10 місяців тому +1

      I know couple months have passed but how exactly did he prove the point . I am not being a d*ck I just don’t see it. Maybe it’s going over my head

    • @kayagoksoy
      @kayagoksoy 10 місяців тому +2

      @@TheSquad4life Sorry for the late reply, saw the notification and put it on a mental shelf and forgot lol.
      As he tells his personal life got better and better with so many nice things going on and afterwards seeing people getting ill leading into a loaded fear of losing health and everything he got, anxiety etc. which are very valid but ends up interpreting the quote very literally I think.
      The quote goes "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything." Originally aimed at consumerism and how materials had overtook meaning in our lives. So losing all the needless garbage that one tries to fill the void in their lives with opens the possibility of enlightment to be free to pursue meaning or anything etc. Though Palahnuik was going for more anarchy in the lines.
      But in the context of a normal life we can inheritely never be really free by the literal definition of the quote, as long as we are connected to people and loved ones. So putting it in a more mundane condition it becomes more to illustrate you don't have to lose all you've got to realise you should be free of the burden of fear, we never get anything for ever. Similar to what Yoda says in Star Wars: "Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose."
      As he goes along in the video with memento mori and how no one should experience such pain of losing a child and into the final two lessons saying its not by losing everything we are free but with accepting the pain and loss it comes down to the same message I think, in a weird circular way, that when you accept you've already lost everything in life in a long enough time frame you are free to cherish everything you've got. To me anyway, I thought he came into the same conclusion but from a roundabout way.
      Hope that makes sense and sorry for any grammatical errors.

  • @MisterJingo93
    @MisterJingo93 4 місяці тому

    I am going to be 29 in july, and I can tell with confidence, that tragedy and personal loss does not turn you into batman.

  • @curiousworld7912
    @curiousworld7912 Рік тому +1

    I don't know who said it, but love makes hostages of us. Things which never before were a concern, suddenly feel frightening. That can certainly lead to anxiety, and phrases like 'it's all part of a plan', 'what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger', or whatever, are hardly helpful, or true. If there is a 'plan', we don't know what that might be, and a lot of people do 'break' when they lose someone, or everything. It's not weakness - it's perfectly human. We each react to fear or love or any stimulation, as individuals; we can't generalize feelings like this. I believe it's perfectly normal to want a happy life - who doesn't? But, you're right - we have to understand that if you live long enough, you will experience loss. And, while it can sound cliche', it is most helpful to live in the moment - the past is just that, and we have little control of the future. 'Control' is largely an illusion. (And, I wish you and your lady, well. :) )

  • @JClautie15
    @JClautie15 Рік тому +9

    Didn't know that I needed to hear this today. Your thoughts were wonderful. It makes me appreciate living. I'm going to turn 30 in a couple of weeks so this hit hard. Thank you for sharing. ❤

  • @blackdynamite2129
    @blackdynamite2129 Рік тому +11

    It's only after we've lost everything are we free to do anything.

    • @lkae4
      @lkae4 Рік тому +1

      That's dumb. So you must lose your parents do to anything? Only orphans are truly free? That's so dumb.

    • @gabrielvalencia1287
      @gabrielvalencia1287 Рік тому +2

      I've lost everything and I'm free to do anything, but I think I'm just goanna hang out instead

    • @blackdynamite2129
      @blackdynamite2129 Рік тому

      @@lkae4 you created that narrative about parents, moron. You're projecting lil bro, it applies to many things smooth brain

    • @adamthenewman
      @adamthenewman Рік тому +2

      no. the point of what he is saying is that when you are tied down by life’s strings such as friends, possessions, family, or a job you are not always free. it is once you lose these things that you exist by yourself essentially in a vacuum. meaning you are not tied down by anything so you are free to take whatever direction you want in life.

    • @rogue9230
      @rogue9230 Рік тому +1

      @@lkae4storytellers actually explains the meaning on this quote more in depth in his “the freedom we find in chaos” video

  • @stargazerbird
    @stargazerbird 4 місяці тому

    After a family tragedy when I was 9 followed by other sadnesses inside two years I never really attach completely to anyone or anything. I guess I was young enough that I turned it off. I probably miss out on the highs but I have survived well and enjoy my life. My only blip was a love affair. I truly felt alive for a few months but of course that went bad. If you feel life that deeply all the time I envy you because even the harshest life is more joy than pain.

  • @tarek_maza
    @tarek_maza Рік тому +3

    This essay proves that Fight Club got it right!

    • @Theanomaly369
      @Theanomaly369 11 місяців тому

      Exactly! How blind can one be?

  • @richardrude2819
    @richardrude2819 Рік тому +7

    Thank you for being so open and vulnerable. This video is beautiful and made me cry

  • @InMaTeofDeath
    @InMaTeofDeath Рік тому +1

    Not a surprise at all that the people who have invested themselves in the chains of this world would end up feeling that losing them is less free.

  • @talessmovies
    @talessmovies 11 місяців тому

    What’s the website you use for backround music

  • @meetgangwani2886
    @meetgangwani2886 Рік тому +1

    Can you share the music used in this video
    Or does anybody knows what music is that

  • @KingSNAFU
    @KingSNAFU Рік тому +1

    I don't think self imposed adversity does anything for anyone, its a misguided and pointless flex. There's much more to be gained from the unfortunate, ill-timed adversity that comes from living. I try to minimize tragedy and adversity but I don't go to absurd lengths to avoid it but I don't run towards it.

  • @klajdi1795
    @klajdi1795 8 місяців тому

    This video is perfection. Thank you man ❤

  • @rrAinierr
    @rrAinierr Рік тому +2

    I think once someone faces the true reality of this idea, it alters the way you look at life a bit (for the better I'd like to hope).
    Given your two lessons/advice, how have you managed to practice them despite that fear and resistance? I believe that you are right in both of your points, yet it's kind of an "easier said than done" type thing.
    How do you deal with those feelings of anxiety for future loss when trying to practice the lesson of only dealing with problems when they arrise?
    How do you accept the pain when your mind and body are resisting?
    Lastly, thank you for making this video and sharing. I think this video in it of itself was a brutal reminder of things I run away from instead of facing them.

  • @ManSeekingMeaning
    @ManSeekingMeaning 9 місяців тому

    I loved Fight Club and all it’s cynicism and nihilism for years. From fourteen to twenty. Now, at 29, I can’t say I feel the same, nor have I for some time. I have a wife and daughter - the greatest blessing in the world - and I find purpose in the miraculous and mundane of daily life. Everything I naively liked about Fight Club comes across as angry, embittered, small minded, and selfish now. That’s not to say the film isn’t brilliant on every level (IT IS), or that it doesn’t have layers of meaning and some messages worth discussing. It simply means it’s no longer the anthem of truth that I once thought it was as a child.

  • @calholli
    @calholli Рік тому +2

    "Wanting is the source of all misery" --- Buddha

  • @CharlesVanNoland
    @CharlesVanNoland Рік тому

    Literally just showed this movie to my oldest daughter lastnight. Trippy.

  • @oisindowling7085
    @oisindowling7085 Рік тому +1

    I know the video has a broader point but just my thoughts on Tyler’s quote, I believe the author was trying to demonstrate that Tyler is acting like a cult leader. If you give up everything then all you have left are Tyler and Project Mayhem which you are now “free” to devote yourself wholly to.

  • @MagmaleV
    @MagmaleV Рік тому

    You can be happy even if you are not free to do literally anything, so you don't really need to lose everything. But you better imagine this possibility, so you don't lose yourself, if you really will lose everything, because it can happen to any of us.

  • @glennac
    @glennac Рік тому

    Hey! That was Max Headroom in that scene with Joseph Gordon-Levitt. 😄

  • @whybegin1285
    @whybegin1285 11 місяців тому +1

    Tyler Durden was into nihilism not adversity for adversity's sake. You actually never identified with Durden because you misunderstood what the character stood for. On the brink of self-annihilation, Durden does realize a form of self-actualization, but has to completely overcome his nihilistic masculine self in order to do so. In a way the journey you are discussing in the video is much closer to Durden's than your original conception of it, although it still is not quite the same.

  • @CarnageJesterX
    @CarnageJesterX 10 місяців тому +1

    You can't compare a Tyler Durden lifestyle to yours... You have a voice, you have 300k+ people who listen to you. You are not invisible. You have a gf or wife, Tyler has nothing. You have a pet that gives you unconditional love ❤️, Tyler had nothing.
    Again, it's about finding purpose. Your purpose is to stay healthy, to care for your loved ones & pet. So the message still holds true. The whole movie isn't about the message of minimalism or creating chaos or disturbance to society. The clerk has a gun to his head & made him be a vet or die. Choose life instead of slow death at a bad job. It's all about finding purpose in your life. So your title is click bait & wrong.
    You can't prepare for bad days, it can happen anytime. That's stupid to tell people that they shouldn't have to deal with death or pain. That's the normal way of life. Live in reality instead of fantasy, that's what fight club broke down. The illusion of society, you are not your job, your clothes or fancy car.
    BTW, if you are over 25 & just learned that health is important, then you don't reflect inward enough to notice your own health problems until they give you panick attacks. You should have learned about health in school & death from grandparents or pets dying. So I don't know why you rambled on about why fight club got it wrong, when it's exactly spot on to your life. The veterinarian store clerk is you, & you just got a glimpse into your future as a health scare instead of gun to your head. That's when you put your life into perspective, what's important to you. So you have it wrong. I think you just have a liberal ideology, you now think fight club is toxic masculinity or something lol😂

  • @chrisspencer6502
    @chrisspencer6502 Рік тому +1

    Ask a counter question here. What if you or your partner had an existential crisis build on getting the dog and you or your gf left the relationship, because the idea of the commitment was too intimidating?
    You'd have two choices
    1. Rebuild your life around new life freedom
    2. Hold on to your relationship and be crushed by the what if or getting it back. Leaving you unhappy.
    Fight club gets it wrong clearly because he shoots himself in the face.
    Although its a partial truth built on eastern philosophy that giving up your possessions and bonds can free you from the trappings of indulgence.

    • @nicbarth3838
      @nicbarth3838 4 місяці тому

      kinda but what are we defining as indulgent?

  • @ElBromoHojo
    @ElBromoHojo Рік тому

    There are indeed things you can only do once you have lost everything, but there are also things you can only do once you have gained everything.

  • @rhandyrhoads12
    @rhandyrhoads12 Рік тому +11

    Generic video essay title

  • @gorequillnachovidal
    @gorequillnachovidal Рік тому +4

    most of your pain will come from love.....but without love there is nothing to set against the suffering of life

  • @batcatmemes005
    @batcatmemes005 Рік тому

    simply it's a Great Video!

  • @JanSanono
    @JanSanono 10 місяців тому

    Goeie video man. Fight Club blijft m’n favoriete film, omdat ik op een filosofisch niveau geen enkele andere film gezien heb waarbij ik zó verwant voel met de narrator. Ik interpreteer het dan ook als een diep, primitief verlangen naar de totale controle over het eigen leven. Denk wel dat je niet hebt opgemerkt dat Tyler Durden inherent een hypocriet karakter is. Hij zeikt over hoe Calvin Klein wil dat we eruit zien terwijl hij wordt gespeeld door Brad Pitt, hij wil dat de narrator het stuur loslaat terwijl dat het ultieme einde van alle vrijheid betekent: de dood. Ook het primitieve in ons, althans, in ieder geval in mij, is ook niet het orakel, maar het gaat mijns inziens vooral om datgeen te koesteren en in te zetten wanneer het uitkomt. Om te ontsnappen aan de wereld die ons nagelaten is met alle stress en alle angst. Om te slaan en geslagen te worden. En om alles in perspectief te plaatsen.

  • @rekon798
    @rekon798 Рік тому

    Beautiful video!

  • @organicmilk5
    @organicmilk5 Рік тому +1

    Wow. I just watched fight club the other night again this is such a coincidence lmao

  • @briansinger5258
    @briansinger5258 Рік тому

    Halloween is the necessary worship of death, lest we forget to accept it, embrace it, and use the fear to inform our will lose everything though, eventually. That's the letting go. Everything else is cake.
    "And when you look down, you'll see tiny figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on the empty car pool lane of some abandoned superhighway." (We only need to go back when we forget where we're from.)

  • @faceman7966
    @faceman7966 Місяць тому

    Amazing video... hidden gem channel

  • @Lotus-Son
    @Lotus-Son Рік тому

    The writing definitely came in the context/time of a rich, stable economy in the US (country where the movie was penned and written around).
    And you can tell. It’s like that old saying about “it’s easy to say money doesn’t matter when you already have it.”
    Also by this logic alone, without even taking into consideration that life isn’t that black & white and it’s grey/gradient and everyone’s individual situation can’t be fixed with one sentiment/principle, a homeless person devoid of all materials down to just surviving day to day is the most “free” / happy person.
    And I don’t think that’s the case with the entire transient population. What the homeless teach us is that when stripped of all narcism/ego/material/consumption, we’re still beings that will never be free of our own biology and primitive needs/mind/emotions.
    The very concept of being “freed” of anything I don’t believe is truly real. At best, find a pathway in life that you can find the most joy in, materials or no materials. That differs from each individual to the next. Or at least define (just for YOURSELF) what YOU need to shed or “let go of” in your life to make it a meaningful existence for you.
    And the answer simply isn’t down to “just throw out material possessions and uh, GO AGAINST SOCIETY! Yeah! That’ll show em!” It takes time to learn what “letting go” will look like for you. Life is complicated and takes more than 2 hours of movie run-time to fix.

  • @spintillimdizzy2340
    @spintillimdizzy2340 Рік тому

    Theres a reason hope was contained inside pandoras box.

  • @jiraiya5928
    @jiraiya5928 Рік тому

    What is the name of all the music pieces used in this

  • @snim9515
    @snim9515 Рік тому

    Can you name the shows you play in the video?

  • @TheThreatenedSwan
    @TheThreatenedSwan 11 місяців тому +1

    I always saw it as precisely because of the malformed social environment that people like Durden pop up. He doesn't sit outside of the environment or even seeks to, rather he is a reactive product of it. Though yes he still fails to acquiesce to his situation in a pro-social way

  • @Strykenine
    @Strykenine Рік тому +3

    It's interesting. I saw this film when I was in high school and thought it was very profound. A lot of the people that I hung out with did as well, and the messages resonated with us. Problem is that if you have a family and loose it, or if you have a career and loose it, or if you have freedom and loose it, humans don't just turn around and remake themselves.
    Also, when you're 17 and a dipshit you have no idea about what loss is. Real loss occurs when something is taken away from you that you can't replace. Real loss is burying a child or a sibling. Real loss is spending ten years of your life in prison. Real loss is trauma and can't be waved away with pithy slogans.
    This movie offers violent nihilism and at forty it's hard to remember what I thought was so gripping about Tyler Durden.
    Good quotes though.

    • @spintillimdizzy2340
      @spintillimdizzy2340 Рік тому +5

      You're missing the point. Its not about losing everything. Its the fact that you never really had anything to begin with, the reality is that all this stuff that you believe you possess whether it be relationships, physical objects, health, etc is not actually yours, there is no you. Ownership is an idea that you project into the material world but its not real and the attachment is what keeps us in the same cycles numbness of suffering.

    • @TheSquad4life
      @TheSquad4life 10 місяців тому

      This means you’ve matured even at 32 I don’t think of the themes of fight club same way I did as a teen when I saw it .

    • @ManSeekingMeaning
      @ManSeekingMeaning 9 місяців тому

      @@spintillimdizzy2340If you don’t own the love you have for your child or spouse and receive the love they give in turn, if you’re able to just lose those closest to you and shrug it off because they were never “yours”, you’re just a sick person.

    • @spintillimdizzy2340
      @spintillimdizzy2340 9 місяців тому

      @@ManSeekingMeaning you’re conflating what im saying

  • @aliifliss114
    @aliifliss114 Рік тому

    That's nice but I feel like the quote in Fight Club wasn't supposed to apply to people we care about, just the material things..

  • @Ash3n
    @Ash3n Рік тому

    i like this video

  • @papercut7141
    @papercut7141 10 місяців тому

    Hold up. People thought Durden was the good guy?

  • @nezukochaaaaaaan9810
    @nezukochaaaaaaan9810 Рік тому

    Nice video but the last half had nothing to do with fight club

  • @kokomanation
    @kokomanation Рік тому

    The philosophy of Fight Club cannot be applied in the 21 st century

  • @jkennethjames4601
    @jkennethjames4601 Рік тому

    Regardless of whether or not you may have misinterpreted the quote (honestly not sure ) I thought this video was beautiful and almost made me cry but I’m at work so can’t do that😂

  • @amindegoat2363
    @amindegoat2363 Рік тому

    Are you Dutch? Your accent sounds really Dutch.

  • @dawfydd
    @dawfydd Рік тому

    Its always been easier to build a statue to a hero than make changes in your own life, its from firefly though i likely butchered it, also every hero who had a statue made of him was some kind of bastard or the other.
    its true that losing things can give you clarity but like common sense used to be common its not something that requires loss, you can almost stumble onto these things its all about keeping an open mind and always learning but most people take one side of an argument and live believing they couldn't be wrong.
    When the truth is almost every opinion we hold is wrong because nuance doesn't like black and white, we shouldn't be so hung up on right and more concerned with as this video says finding happiness and not being comfortable in mediocre, That said i'm plenty mediocre myself.

  • @houragents5490
    @houragents5490 10 місяців тому

    Uh oh, WMAF. Now that's a yikes.

  • @juxibomb
    @juxibomb Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing.

  • @DanHowardMtl
    @DanHowardMtl Рік тому

    This might be OK but for the annoying manipulative music and movie clips. What, you can't sell this snake-oil without it?

    • @joshuabushman7
      @joshuabushman7 Рік тому

      So right. Saying not all horrific things happen for a reason is totally snake poison. Get a grip

  • @SiriusBlack1337
    @SiriusBlack1337 Рік тому

    Ask people who are going through MECFS or any brutal disabling chronic illness. They've lost money people family relationships career abilities and themselves because of it. They are not free, they want to die.

  • @vazzified9636
    @vazzified9636 Рік тому
