Looks like a few people have revisited this since Jeff passed away. A bit of background. This was early in the afternoon, well before the show that evening. Which is why some of the guys look a bit comfy....The line-up was awesome and we had a blast that day. I didn't realize this would be one of the last times we got to see that band together. Never miss a chance to see your favorite band, you never know what's gonna happen... RIP Jeff and Gary,
Jimmy, I'm so glad to see this! Like so many, I've been a Cinderella fan since the 80s and Jeff's passing has brought back memories. I saw them in Charlotte in '86. Seeing this must be surreal for you. Thanks for the comments too. Love & Respect 🎸💕 RIP 🙏 Jeff LaBar RIP 🙏 Gary Corbett
How great to see them together, just being themselves. They are all 4, great, talented guys. It makes my heart hurt to see Jeff though.🎸💕🎵 RIP 🙏 Jeff LaBar RIP 🙏 Gary Corbett
Huge Cinderella fan!! Unfortunately I never got to see them live. But the Night Songs albums is one of my favourite albums of all time. Still can’t believe that Jeff is gone, I think about him a lot. If any of you haven’t already listened to Jeff’s solo album “One For The Road” I would highly recommend it!! Thanks for sharing this cool piece of Cinderella history with us!! Rest In Peace Jeff LaBar, and also Gary Corbett 🕯️🎸
OMG! Tom smiled.. and laughed!! It's been way too long since I've seen him do either. Note to Tom- do that more often.. Anybody know if Eric and his wife have had their baby yet?
Still feels like a sucker punch to the gut to remember the fact that Jeff is no longer with us, especially when you realize his death could've been prevented had he reached out for help or if somebody close to him had cared enough to drag his ass kicking and screaming into rehab. I can only hope he's in a better place now where his soul found the peace of mind that eluded him in this life.
Me and my bro, his daughter and best friend we were there it was sick, very hott too lol we Arizonians are used to the heat but not the humidity. Good we love you guys!
Looks like a few people have revisited this since Jeff passed away. A bit of background. This was early in the afternoon, well before the show that evening. Which is why some of the guys look a bit comfy....The line-up was awesome and we had a blast that day. I didn't realize this would be one of the last times we got to see that band together. Never miss a chance to see your favorite band, you never know what's gonna happen... RIP Jeff and Gary,
Jimmy, I'm so glad to see this! Like so many, I've been a Cinderella fan since the 80s and Jeff's passing has brought back memories. I saw them in Charlotte in '86. Seeing this must be surreal for you. Thanks for the comments too.
Love & Respect 🎸💕
RIP 🙏 Jeff LaBar
RIP 🙏 Gary Corbett
Eric looks like a stranger !!! RIP Jeff ,you are and will ALWAYS be missed !
How great to see them together, just being themselves. They are all 4, great, talented guys. It makes my heart hurt to see Jeff though.🎸💕🎵
RIP 🙏 Jeff LaBar
RIP 🙏 Gary Corbett
Huge Cinderella fan!! Unfortunately I never got to see them live. But the Night Songs albums is one of my favourite albums of all time. Still can’t believe that Jeff is gone, I think about him a lot. If any of you haven’t already listened to Jeff’s solo album “One For The Road” I would highly recommend it!! Thanks for sharing this cool piece of Cinderella history with us!! Rest In Peace Jeff LaBar, and also Gary Corbett 🕯️🎸
RIP Jeff!
I LOVE THESE GUYS!!! Thank you for the video....I'm happy because it's so rare now, that Tom makes an interview...cool.
Love Cinderella. Keep on rocking Tom Keifer
I love you Tom !
OMG! Tom smiled.. and laughed!! It's been way too long since I've seen him do either. Note to Tom- do that more often..
Anybody know if Eric and his wife have had their baby yet?
Toms pants... I never thought I would live to see the day... XD
tom not wearing leather pants is just... weird
Cinderella unglammed!
When I go to see Cinderella i expect the base player to have long blonde hair
Still feels like a sucker punch to the gut to remember the fact that Jeff is no longer with us, especially when you realize his death could've been prevented had he reached out for help or if somebody close to him had cared enough to drag his ass kicking and screaming into rehab. I can only hope he's in a better place now where his soul found the peace of mind that eluded him in this life.
I'm sorry but you know NOTHING about rehab. Or addiction..you can't force anyone
Me and my bro, his daughter and best friend we were there it was sick, very hott too lol we Arizonians are used to the heat but not the humidity. Good we love you guys!
They all just sit there like they haven’t made some of the best kick ass music, Just Chill..
Lol look at them now!!! thyre drinking water now!! This band is Awesome!!!!!!!
Welcome back to new world Cinderella!
Long Life Cinderella!
What a great festival! Wish they would do it again!
Love this! Cinderella is the best !!! :o)
Awesome band and great live! Nice pants Tom! Lol
I see they let Fred Coury talk in interviews as much as they let him play on the albums
Probably the sweats are comfortable on the bus.
Dude I have always loved Toms sense of style. But damn what is up with the granpa pants?
7worldpeace7 I read he is 6'3".
Fred's wife is a lucky lady!
Jeff looks like he doesn't fit in.