I tried to fix my relationship, but she refused it, she said " its not natural ", and we end the relationship yesterday 25/01/21, I tried my best to maintain our relationship but she gave up.
@@idontknow4224 you did your best and it’s not your fault if she gave up. I know it’s hard to lose someone that you love but you’ll be fine 🥺 if you need to talk I’m here for you
4 of my siblings are dead bc of my abusive father who murdered them with a bat knife and gun! I used to hate them but in all that hate was pain from protecting them now it’s just me and my 4 older brothers. I have a broken family and every time I go to my cheer practice I have to explain y I have a new cut on my body that makes deep scars
"it must be nice to love someone who puts you first, then walk away when they expect it in return" those lines I felt them, this is song is really good
I just found out my friend killed herself. We were supposed to be sober buddies but she relapsed and committed. This song is one of the few things keeping me from sobbing my eyes out. Man I love this song
@@polinaanselmo6814 thank you🥺 I’ve done okay, I didn’t take time off school after she passed so I don’t have work to catch up on, but my bday was four days after she died and I’ve relapsed a couple times but I’ve done okay I think?
iv thought of killing myself I lost my father to drugs and I lost my grandpa mark and my pet snowball I felt like I lost everything I was so desperate to find my father that I ended up talking to a groomer without knowing it was my father's old phone number... I regret it a lot and on top of that I called sphcopath satan sociopath and some over rude names by my mother and sister and I thought the only people I could trust my grandma, she is the most trustworthy person to me and about it being Christmas I didn't think I would have a second one without my father I am the oldest therefor it made me feel like I'm going to be the adult after my father left it left me in pieases but I'm getting therapy to help me with with the stuff I'm going threw its not your fault because by reading your story it sounds just like mine a little I hope you get threw this.
This song cuts deep. I loved her so much and she left after 9 years. Soul crushing. I pray she comes back and thats all i have to hold on to at this point.
4 of my siblings are dead bc of my abusive father who murdered them with a bat knife and gun! I used to hate them but in all that hate was pain from protecting them now it’s just me and my 4 older brothers. I have a broken family and every time I go to my cheer practice I have to explain y I have a new cut on my body that makes deep scars
My sis and my best friend have boyfriend's and I'm single to some ppl I'm ugly just know if ur reading ur Worth it and should love yourself no matter what don't let ppl tell you any less you are beautiful intelligent and smart gn and love you all
Its not about the song that is making your heart destroyed but the people you lost, and cant stop reliving it over and over again. 😭😭😭😥😢😓😞😣😖 thanks dude for this song, its the best thing I've heard today.
I cannot even actually really explain how much your songs are helping me rn and how many times you’ve sang multiple lyrics that hit so hard … and I’ve said in real life before 🥺😔🖤
First heard this on Grey’s and immediately played it constantly. Now, it’s been over a month since I lost my mom and this song just resonates through my entire being.
Me and someone I love used to listen to Anson all the time. I got so excited everytime he made a new song. When Safe and Sound came out, I sent it to him..super happy. But this is the first song Anson has made with him not in my life. I broke him to build him up stronger, but it still feels so wrong. He'll never know how much I love him.😔💔
My boyfriend just broke up with me today. I started listening to this song and realized how true it is. I loved you Oakley... I loved you so damn much. Was it because I tried too hard? Or was it because I didn't try hard enough... You let go of me... I opened up to you and you told your friends I was crazy. As much as I want to hate you... I still love you. I'm sorry for not being able to be happy all the time. I skipped classes for you, I helped you when you felt depressed, I helped you with homework, I helped you when your family was fighting... But you couldn't help me. Thank you for loving me, if you ever did in the first place.
im going through a breakup right now, and i literally relate to every word you just said..i hope you’re doing okay. because i know how painful this is.
You know, I see people who miss their bestfriend or a family member that they lost to suicide or something else, and I feel really sorry for them. But am I the only one who misses their self? Like, I can't regonize 'me' anymore 😅
I just wanna go back to to cheerful self where i dont cry every night before i go to sleep or just cry everyday and night bc i miss it... i miss it so fricking much
Don’t give up, you’re not alone in this. I will always be here to talk with you if you want. Do you have discord? Mine's: BeaAfton#4110. Come talk to me, friend, let things out if you want. I’ll listen and always be here for you, just remember that.
the vocals are amazing. you made this video with good quality. this is a very sad song. whoever had or have been heartbroken just know im here for you. (:
Its hard to find the real kind of friend, the one that never uses you selfishly. Someday we'll all get the right one, even if it hurts when you search for them. I feel that too, just blank smiles surrounding me.
My best friend of 7 years commited suicide on 6.4.21 and this was her favorite song. I never thought it was that good but here I am at 2 AM crying my eyes out a year later wishing she was still here. R.I.P Ally
Awh I'm so sorry. It's gonna be really hard but I promise that you'll find closure sometime. It might take months or even years but you'll get there eventually 🙏
he's one of those that you can add a new song to a playlist and know you'll love it without even hearing one second ❤️ and his voice always makes me cry when i think about it
How have I only just found that Anson made a full version!! I’ve literally waited for this moment for so long. Well this will now be on repeat for a long time!
Nobody: Me: Listening to this and getting sad over a non- existent being. But seriously, I’m very sorry if their is someone you think of when listening to this song. I understand how you feel. May the lord bless you ❤️
I miss my old self and my old life... when I was happy and not covering up... when I had a life... when I had friends and felt loved... I'm 11 and I have one other 11yro friend shes also suicidallike I am I'm trying my best to support her without losing myself even more
@@mimigabugabu6858 I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m so sorry that it feels like the world is not the same as it used to be. Today isn’t the nicest era to live in Ik, but you matter and you have a worth. You may have heard this before but you are loved without a doubt and there are people who do care about you, even if you don’t see it. I want you to stay on this Earth because your life has just begun and things CAN get better with time. I’ve learned that. I lost my grandpa who I looked up to and loved very much 6 years ago and I still miss him dearly. I had also lost some family members a year ago. I tell myself that things will get better and I try to find the good in things. Please try not to surround yourself in a negative environment because that can make things harder for you. I am saying all of this because i do care about you, I care about everyone in a way. There is nobody on this planet that I truly hate.... so please, stay. ❤️
@@mimigabugabu6858 you are brave and strong. You are so young, but know that you aren’t crazy for having those feelings. It’s something that’s hard to control and often times feels uncontrollable. But life is worth living. You matter. One person has an infinite ripple effect. You’re amazing!
😭I would walk through hell to get to my uncle and my grandparents that's have passed away I would do anything to see em again one day this song has helped me through so much because I thought I was worthless but I finally realized I am an amazing person that have people who loves me and this song helps me so much and I wanted to thank u for this song that helped me through bullying for so many years
This song reminds me of a book I read in English class. The book was called unbroken, and it was about a ww2 POW from America, who was held in Japan, abused, beaten and starved. When he escaped, he had PTSD and became addicted to many different bad things, finally healed through Christianity.
Honestly listening to this song brings alot of memories. For the past days i've been wanting to cry my eyes out, but i force myself not to..i didn't want to feel weak nor go back to being the depressed girl i used to be in the past. But eventually i did and it's today, i feel like im losing myself slowly, im just tired of everything and i say this everytime i wish everything would just stop that way i could put the pieces together and pace them together. It's like everything inside is slowly breaking, and it's....i just can't take it anymore. i know we all go through tough times but im always thinking like damn this really is who i am, this is how the world is. The only person whose actually keeping me from leaving this world is my best friend, his always there for me and the thought of losing him just breaks me..we've both gone through the same thing and i can't help but breakdown because at times i feel useless like i can't help him. we love each other and always will, im very grateful for him.
4 of my siblings are dead bc of my abusive father who murdered them with a bat knife and gun! I used to hate them but in all that hate was pain from protecting them now it’s just me and my 4 older brothers. I have a broken family and every time I go to my cheer practice I have to explain y I have a new cut on my body that makes deep scars
@@KenzieB1221 That must be terrible, I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through, I’m sorry for your losses and I hope you find a safe place.
@Insert Name Here yeah it’s been a hard life but I’m pregnant now which is just another thing to deal with plus there twins and the baby daddy left so the only people I can trust to help me is my older brothers
This is "me" right now and in the past... REALLY. Except the second line, all the entire song is like a representation of many, many thoughts in my mind the last 4 years and 7 months. No word was never enough. Nothing was never enough. I was never enough. Since the start to the very end. It never mattered. I never mattered. To him.
Just listened to this about 15 times in a row. Didn't make her come back. Only made me more depressed. She will never understand how hard I really tried, and how little I felt she did....
my girlfriend broke up with me a month before our 3 year anniversary this July. . . said she would be back and just needed some space. . .i prayed to God every single day to make things right between us and hoping she'd return. . .i truly loved that girl and while i was waiting on her she was already falling for someone else. . .since then the world turned upside down for me but i still miss her everyday :(
Oh my goodness. This speaks to me on every level, honestly. This is a ten out of ten, for a teenager and young adult! I love most songs he makes, anyways, just recently his voice sounds more mature.
Its been two months since you posted this but I just wanted to say I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for what you went through and what you still may be going through. Stay strong, love
The words, the song, the feeling it’s talking about... everything in the song is fantastic. But, I think is the feeling that i get in my when i listen to it what makes it... magical. I don’t know why but this song comforts me, i don’t know why but this song makes me fly, i don’t know why but the things it makes me feel... why do i feel like if it was so close if nothing like that ever happened to me? How can music be this magical?
personally I lost a best friend and one that I really trusted. I would do anything to get them back. I felt broken and lonely. If anyone is going through this it will be ok! we can do this!
This is a masterpiece! You're the Artist that make meaningful songs that relates to many people Keep going bruddah I really hope you would be successful and be famous this year!
This hit home it’s so hard to see the person you love the most walk away after you trying everything I’m not perfect but my love was real and unconditional yet sometimes it’s just not enough but I pray no matter what you gotta wish the best to that person and ask God to protect them that’s true love 🙏🙏🙏
I fell in love with the boy next door. We dated for an amazing 6 months before his parents made it so we coouldnt talk. "I'll wait for you" he said. "Dont forget about me" he said. "Please wait for me" he said. Now hes off with her forgetting about all of our memories, and I'm still waiting for him because I could never stop loving him.
@@bridgettfisher same here...and everyone tells me to move on and i try and try but nothing works and no one really understands the way I feel....just wish he would follow up on his promise to come back for me
@@giannazeringue6837 Exactly, it's like everybody thinks that just because he did a couple bad things were gonna stop loving them. I think thats the point of love, to love them no matter what, better or worse, even if worse is all we ever get.
@@bridgettfisher i think im starting to realize that not all endings are failures, and that love may not always be enough....i hope for the both of us we can find love:)
That‘s me in every friendship ✌🏼 it is what it is.... I will go cry again hahaha ... thanks for the Song !!!!🙏🏼🔥😍🤪 It really made my day so have a nice day!!!!😌🤗😝
You never really know if you’re making memories with someone until they just up and leave you I wish the best of luck to everyone that relates to this song
It's not the song that's making you sad.
It's the person you're thinking about.
You know what?... yea, it’s the person I think about while listening that makes the song sad... Damn....
Youu're toottaallyy rightt...
This song remember me a lot about things that hurt me and the ppl who hurt me😔😔😔😔😔
Yo now I'm gonna be think about that all day...
thank you for uploading this!
I love this song :D
i love u:'(
Love the song man
"Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory." - Dr. Seuss
And then the memory...speaks volumes...louder every second....
I hope she remembers me After all things that ive done for her :(
Dang... that hurt
Dr. Seuss said that if you're wondering :)
@@carolinejohnston_59 Thank you
When you're happy, you enjoy the melody but when you're broken you understand the lyrics
In that case I'm still whole
100% true I understand the lyrics completely
You said take the train
I would/could stay and you know that
“You don’t want me
Nothing I can do
‘Cus you don’t wanna try”
This moment is so heartbreaking..
I tried to fix my relationship, but she refused it, she said " its not natural ", and we end the relationship yesterday 25/01/21, I tried my best to maintain our relationship but she gave up.
@@idontknow4224 you did your best and it’s not your fault if she gave up. I know it’s hard to lose someone that you love but you’ll be fine 🥺 if you need to talk I’m here for you
@@noodlesoup4631 thank you, yeah you right, im in good shape right now and be better soon, its just matter of time. 👍🙏
@@idontknow4224 yeah you’ll be fine :) good luck bro ~
@@CattyLover98 he made the song finally
FInallyyyy!! I didn’t even think he’ll make it at this point. Great surprise. 😭
I've been waiting for this one and boys will be boys🥺
Who else loves his voice?
Honesty! Its so dramatic😩❤
@@jessahkendall679 it's a voice that u can't hate
I really love his voice. ❤️❤️❤️
Who doesn't?
This singer...must´ve really been through some hard shit... God bless him!!
“We didn’t know we were making memories we just thought we were having fun”
-Winnie The Pooh
its always the cartoons that give the best advice
That hit hard
@@joychong7078 That is so true we just don't realise it unti we get older sadly
im truly sorry if you’re lying in bed right now relating to every word he’s singing in a negative way. i hope you feel better soon loves
You don’t need to be sorry 😔
I listen to this whenever I miss him cause he loved Anson, We broke up and he stopped talking to me after awhile
Damn it...
This is helping me learn a lesson:
Never give so much of youself to another person that if they abandon you, you lose yourself along with them
That's a lesson I need to learn..tired of being broken
@@danialedwards Same
4 of my siblings are dead bc of my abusive father who murdered them with a bat knife and gun!
I used to hate them but in all that hate was pain from protecting them now it’s just me and my 4 older brothers. I have a broken family and every time I go to my cheer practice I have to explain y I have a new cut on my body that makes deep scars
It's been 7 yrs since my husband left me, and it still hurts
Monster High Monster High
this was worked on for 1 whole year. it definitely deserves a lot of love. this is a masterpiece, pure masterpiece.
"it must be nice to love someone who puts you first,
then walk away when they expect it in return"
those lines I felt them, this is song is really good
The song hits different when you just broke up.
I feel you! Keep strong. I believe in you!
It really does. I miss him but I have to move on. It was better for both of us
Especially after getting cheated on...
@@rossmcmillan721 period- that shit hurts
@@rossmcmillan721 ouch!
it's heartbreaking that I can feel us drifting apart and there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.
Did things get resolved? I hope so.
I feel this exact same thing
I just found out my friend killed herself. We were supposed to be sober buddies but she relapsed and committed. This song is one of the few things keeping me from sobbing my eyes out. Man I love this song
im very sorry to hear that just remember that she's watching over you
please. Please, i beg you. stay strong. I believe in you and I'm so proud of how far you've come. You got this, I love you.
@@polinaanselmo6814 thank you🥺 I’ve done okay, I didn’t take time off school after she passed so I don’t have work to catch up on, but my bday was four days after she died and I’ve relapsed a couple times but I’ve done okay I think?
@@sarahbrown1710 im sure her death impacted you a lot. But you don't need it. You have to tell yourself that/
i’ve been waiting for this for so longgg
iv thought of killing myself I lost my father to drugs and I lost my grandpa mark and my pet snowball I felt like I lost everything I was so desperate to find my father that I ended up talking to a groomer without knowing it was my father's old phone number... I regret it a lot and on top of that I called sphcopath satan sociopath and some over rude names by my mother and sister and I thought the only people I could trust my grandma, she is the most trustworthy person to me and about it being Christmas I didn't think I would have a second one without my father I am the oldest therefor it made me feel like I'm going to be the adult after my father left it left me in pieases but I'm getting therapy to help me with with the stuff I'm going threw its not your fault because by reading your story it sounds just like mine a little I hope you get threw this.
This song cuts deep. I loved her so much and she left after 9 years. Soul crushing. I pray she comes back and thats all i have to hold on to at this point.
Greys hit different last night with this song. 🥺💔
Wait this was on GREY'S??
@@brianahgrace7785 yeah. When she was on the beach with derek.
“When I am afraid,
I put my trust in you.
In God, whose word I praise,
in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.
What can flesh do to me?”-psalm 56:3-4
I've found so much music through this channel, and just want to say thank you so much for what you do!
this song hits hard when you know you been through a lot
4 of my siblings are dead bc of my abusive father who murdered them with a bat knife and gun!
I used to hate them but in all that hate was pain from protecting them now it’s just me and my 4 older brothers. I have a broken family and every time I go to my cheer practice I have to explain y I have a new cut on my body that makes deep scars
This song is amazing and makes you realize just how much you would do for the ones you love..
hey❤️. it’s all gonna be okay bb, you’ve got this
thank you
My sis and my best friend have boyfriend's and I'm single to some ppl I'm ugly just know if ur reading ur Worth it and should love yourself no matter what don't let ppl tell you any less you are beautiful intelligent and smart gn and love you all
It's crazy how many people come back to this everyday. This song is legendary 💕
2022 anyone??
2024 g
i was crying to this in november/december 2019 and still crying/relating to it in january 2021. nice
Rest In Peace Andrea....❤️🙏
Grey's anatomy 17x08
I love, just for that. We miss DeLuca more than Derek 😭
what a spoiler....
@@musaacuminata7972 AHHH sorry😭
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 came here after watching grey’s
Its not about the song that is making your heart destroyed
but the people you lost, and cant stop reliving it over and over again. 😭😭😭😥😢😓😞😣😖
thanks dude for this song, its the best thing I've heard today.
I cannot even actually really explain how much your songs are helping me rn and how many times you’ve sang multiple lyrics that hit so hard … and I’ve said in real life before 🥺😔🖤
I wish there were someone who would walk throw hell for me i only got brats who push me to it
hey it'll be okay. add my tiktok or snapchat if you wanna talk about it. Tiktok: broken...tweets.._ snap: ugly_freakk
Aww u will find someone u can trust and will walk anywhere with u I wish u luck
@@Rixrixiexirxx well I dont know bc I rather not have friends that use me and after make me fell horrible but that is me
@@Rixrixiexirxx Fake friends make you feel lonelier than when your actually alone
@@Rixrixiexirxx id rather be alone than have to deal with toxic people
Guys he made it! I can't put it into words- I'm that proud. I've been here since day one. I love you Anson!
First heard this on Grey’s and immediately played it constantly. Now, it’s been over a month since I lost my mom and this song just resonates through my entire being.
This song is legit a masterpiece 🥺
I know we don’t talk anymore but thank you for recommending good songs to me. It feels like we’re still somehow connected to each other :)
Me and someone I love used to listen to Anson all the time. I got so excited everytime he made a new song. When Safe and Sound came out, I sent it to him..super happy. But this is the first song Anson has made with him not in my life. I broke him to build him up stronger, but it still feels so wrong. He'll never know how much I love him.😔💔
you did such a great job..I'm so proud of you😭♥️
Why break him
this song just hits different. period.
Rest in Peace Andrew Deluca... We'll miss you so much ♥️
everyone is talking about the people they lost but
i lost
Even though you miss your past self, the current you is still you.... Try to fall in love with yourself again
theres still time to find a better version of yourself and fall in love w/ yourself all over again
@@clankclank79 Are you an army BTW..💜💜💜
@@madhumitha26ss no, but I like some bts songs
You can always find yourself again and I hope you do🙏🏼praying for you💙
My boyfriend just broke up with me today. I started listening to this song and realized how true it is. I loved you Oakley... I loved you so damn much. Was it because I tried too hard? Or was it because I didn't try hard enough... You let go of me... I opened up to you and you told your friends I was crazy. As much as I want to hate you... I still love you. I'm sorry for not being able to be happy all the time. I skipped classes for you, I helped you when you felt depressed, I helped you with homework, I helped you when your family was fighting... But you couldn't help me. Thank you for loving me, if you ever did in the first place.
im going through a breakup right now, and i literally relate to every word you just said..i hope you’re doing okay. because i know how painful this is.
Damn, I never get tired of Listening to Anson's Songs
It's Full of Emotions
You know, I see people who miss their bestfriend or a family member that they lost to suicide or something else, and I feel really sorry for them.
But am I the only one who misses their self? Like, I can't regonize 'me' anymore 😅
Nope you are not the only one. I think I've lost myself by walking through hell for people...
This comment hid hard... losing people has changed me so much so I barely recognise myself in the mirror 😫
Nope I’m the same
i havent read someone more relatable in my life...
I just wanna go back to to cheerful self where i dont cry every night before i go to sleep or just cry everyday and night bc i miss it... i miss it so fricking much
it’s my birthday today. everyone by my boy bsf wished me a happy birthday. this song is helping me a lot.
Happy late birthday
Happy late birthday
Happy very late birthday 🎉
Belated Happy Birthdayyy!!! have a nice dayy
I waited like 6 months for this song to release
51 people disliked this because their eyes filled with tears couldn't see the like button
Ngl, I was crying when I liked and misclicked at first
Probably dude.
Make that 882 people now
How can ppl hate such a gem-like song is beyond my understanding
i firmly they removed the dislike bc of the hate on this song
"it must be nice to love someone who puts you first." yes, yes it would.
I'm so glad he makes songs with such meaningful lyrics like this with that voice 😍
i’m so so tired bro. i don’t have anyone to talk too and i know no ones gonna see this but i’m at the end. i don’t what to do anymore.
NO.NONONONOONONONONONOONONONONONONO. please don't give up! I love you and if you want to talk I'm here, ok♥️ I hope your okay. Please be okay.
I’ll always be here if you need me🥰
Don’t give up, you’re not alone in this. I will always be here to talk with you if you want. Do you have discord? Mine's: BeaAfton#4110. Come talk to me, friend, let things out if you want. I’ll listen and always be here for you, just remember that.
I'm here. 💛
Hey I'm here for you ik idk you but I'm here plz dont take your life ik its alot not to try but I'm here
Never saw or heard from you again. Nearly forty years ago, still wish it had ended so differently. But yeah, that's life.
the vocals are amazing. you made this video with good quality. this is a very sad song. whoever had or have been heartbroken just know im here for you. (:
I try to convince myself I'm not depressed but for some reason I keep coming back to this song every night
Its hard to find the real kind of friend, the one that never uses you selfishly. Someday we'll all get the right one, even if it hurts when you search for them. I feel that too, just blank smiles surrounding me.
My best friend of 7 years commited suicide on 6.4.21 and this was her favorite song. I never thought it was that good but here I am at 2 AM crying my eyes out a year later wishing she was still here. R.I.P Ally
Awh I'm so sorry. It's gonna be really hard but I promise that you'll find closure sometime. It might take months or even years but you'll get there eventually 🙏
RIP Ally 🖤
I am so sorry for your loss , may Ally rest in peace 🕊️
he's one of those that you can add a new song to a playlist and know you'll love it without even hearing one second ❤️ and his voice always makes me cry when i think about it
How have I only just found that Anson made a full version!! I’ve literally waited for this moment for so long. Well this will now be on repeat for a long time!
Thank you Jesus for saving Justin he’s one of a million ❤
I’m sorry but this song would have been so absolutely perfect for the last episode of supernatural! I can’t get over how perfect it is!
this song gives me feelings I didn’t even know I could feel, so underrated I hope this blows up.
They left becoz thier love died when the flower stopped blooming not knowing it was time for the roots to grow deeper ❣️
I still love her ❤
It must be nice to love someone who puts you first, then walk away when they expect it in return... those words hit harder than the rest of the song.
This song just sounds so beautiful without taking into consideration the lyrics , If you just listen to the melody and his voice = magic ✨
Me: Listening to this and getting sad over a non- existent being.
But seriously, I’m very sorry if their is someone you think of when listening to this song. I understand how you feel. May the lord bless you ❤️
I miss my old self and my old life... when I was happy and not covering up... when I had a life... when I had friends and felt loved... I'm 11 and I have one other 11yro friend shes also suicidallike I am I'm trying my best to support her without losing myself even more
@@mimigabugabu6858 I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m so sorry that it feels like the world is not the same as it used to be. Today isn’t the nicest era to live in Ik, but you matter and you have a worth. You may have heard this before but you are loved without a doubt and there are people who do care about you, even if you don’t see it. I want you to stay on this Earth because your life has just begun and things CAN get better with time. I’ve learned that. I lost my grandpa who I looked up to and loved very much 6 years ago and I still miss him dearly. I had also lost some family members a year ago. I tell myself that things will get better and I try to find the good in things. Please try not to surround yourself in a negative environment because that can make things harder for you. I am saying all of this because i do care about you, I care about everyone in a way. There is nobody on this planet that I truly hate.... so please, stay. ❤️
@@mimigabugabu6858 you are brave and strong. You are so young, but know that you aren’t crazy for having those feelings. It’s something that’s hard to control and often times feels uncontrollable. But life is worth living. You matter. One person has an infinite ripple effect. You’re amazing!
@@carliebond3716 thank u :)
😭I would walk through hell to get to my uncle and my grandparents that's have passed away I would do anything to see em again one day this song has helped me through so much because I thought I was worthless but I finally realized I am an amazing person that have people who loves me and this song helps me so much and I wanted to thank u for this song that helped me through bullying for so many years
This song reminds me of a book I read in English class. The book was called unbroken, and it was about a ww2 POW from America, who was held in Japan, abused, beaten and starved. When he escaped, he had PTSD and became addicted to many different bad things, finally healed through Christianity.
Honestly listening to this song brings alot of memories. For the past days i've been wanting to cry my eyes out, but i force myself not to..i didn't want to feel weak nor go back to being the depressed girl i used to be in the past. But eventually i did and it's today, i feel like im losing myself slowly, im just tired of everything and i say this everytime i wish everything would just stop that way i could put the pieces together and pace them together. It's like everything inside is slowly breaking, and it's....i just can't take it anymore. i know we all go through tough times but im always thinking like damn this really is who i am, this is how the world is. The only person whose actually keeping me from leaving this world is my best friend, his always there for me and the thought of losing him just breaks me..we've both gone through the same thing and i can't help but breakdown because at times i feel useless like i can't help him. we love each other and always will, im very grateful for him.
Just be glad you still have a best friend kid. Mine committed suicide 2 month ago
@@The_Duke_of_Heartz I’m sorry for your loss, stay strong, I hope you’re doing okay.
4 of my siblings are dead bc of my abusive father who murdered them with a bat knife and gun!
I used to hate them but in all that hate was pain from protecting them now it’s just me and my 4 older brothers. I have a broken family and every time I go to my cheer practice I have to explain y I have a new cut on my body that makes deep scars
@@KenzieB1221 That must be terrible, I can’t even begin to imagine what you’re going through, I’m sorry for your losses and I hope you find a safe place.
@Insert Name Here yeah it’s been a hard life but I’m pregnant now which is just another thing to deal with plus there twins and the baby daddy left so the only people I can trust to help me is my older brothers
This is "me" right now and in the past... REALLY. Except the second line, all the entire song is like a representation of many, many thoughts in my mind the last 4 years and 7 months.
No word was never enough. Nothing was never enough. I was never enough. Since the start to the very end. It never mattered. I never mattered. To him.
YOU TOO!!! EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR THE BETTER. Never give up and love everyone ❤️❤️✨
@@julietteoh_xx :)
crying my eyes out while screaming this song at the top of my lungs really hits hard when thinking about them
I never had a crush and I’m 17. But now I do and I can never tell her, suddenly all these kind of songs hit different
Just listened to this about 15 times in a row. Didn't make her come back. Only made me more depressed. She will never understand how hard I really tried, and how little I felt she did....
I don't need to walked through the hell , hell walks with me.
It's in my head.
“I am in hell”
here for you. 🖤
@@addi1137 thanks
I often wander if that's the great irony, that actually everyone here is already gone, and we're already there.
my girlfriend broke up with me a month before our 3 year anniversary this July. . . said she would be back and just needed some space. . .i prayed to God every single day to make things right between us and hoping she'd return. . .i truly loved that girl and while i was waiting on her she was already falling for someone else. . .since then the world turned upside down for me but i still miss her everyday :(
She didn't deserve you:/
Oh my goodness. This speaks to me on every level, honestly. This is a ten out of ten, for a teenager and young adult! I love most songs he makes, anyways, just recently his voice sounds more mature.
Struggling right now to recover a break up, you get here and nothing prepared for how you’d feel when that person let go of you
"cus when you said jump i said how high, but when i jumped you said goodbye"
You are over flowing with emotion until the end of the song💔
Fr tho but then I have to keep replying it
“The twins didn’t make it “ worst moment of my life 😭🥺 I didn’t even get to say goodbye
Its been two months since you posted this but I just wanted to say I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for what you went through and what you still may be going through. Stay strong, love
@@marianavila3291 Thank you so much 🥺 I needed that 💖😭
@@boba_edits6442 Of course darling! Anytime
Incredible singer, incredible voice and incredible song that ones for you nan ❤
The words, the song, the feeling it’s talking about... everything in the song is fantastic. But, I think is the feeling that i get in my when i listen to it what makes it... magical. I don’t know why but this song comforts me, i don’t know why but this song makes me fly, i don’t know why but the things it makes me feel... why do i feel like if it was so close if nothing like that ever happened to me?
How can music be this magical?
you never seem to realize how important someone is until the person you thought would never leave leaves but in a way youll never meet again
personally I lost a best friend and one that I really trusted. I would do anything to get them back. I felt broken and lonely. If anyone is going through this it will be ok! we can do this!
I'm leaving this comment so when someone likes it i got reminded of this masterpiece again 😍
Truly a masterpiece
Anyone who is reading this I wish you the best of luck nd from one stranger to another I hope you get better and I love you.
3 years down I’m still bumping 😤💯
This song is really good and it makes me feel so relaxed because I have been so stressed all the time.
This is a masterpiece! You're the Artist that make meaningful songs that relates to many people Keep going bruddah I really hope you would be successful and be famous this year!
I'm laying here listening to this and I realized even when you lonely use that to keep pushing to make yourself better.
I have listened to this every day since my friend showed it to me. Sometimes multiple times. Thank you.
Maybe one day I’ll be enough but when that day eventually comes I probably won’t be here anymore
i don't know but this made my chess feel heavy that I wanna cry.
and i rarely cry because of a song.
Sometimes I feel like my for you page knows me better than anyone else, I miss my best friend
This song really hits deep in the feels😔
that intro,
"all you need is music"
is so true, it helps me feel calm and better!!
This hit home it’s so hard to see the person you love the most walk away after you trying everything I’m not perfect but my love was real and unconditional yet sometimes it’s just not enough but I pray no matter what you gotta wish the best to that person and ask God to protect them that’s true love 🙏🙏🙏
I fell in love with the boy next door. We dated for an amazing 6 months before his parents made it so we coouldnt talk. "I'll wait for you" he said. "Dont forget about me" he said. "Please wait for me" he said. Now hes off with her forgetting about all of our memories, and I'm still waiting for him because I could never stop loving him.
This hits hard ......still in love fourteen years later.
@@giannazeringue6837 Yeah, it feels like a nightmare I cant wake up from.
@@bridgettfisher same here...and everyone tells me to move on and i try and try but nothing works and no one really understands the way I feel....just wish he would follow up on his promise to come back for me
@@giannazeringue6837 Exactly, it's like everybody thinks that just because he did a couple bad things were gonna stop loving them. I think thats the point of love, to love them no matter what, better or worse, even if worse is all we ever get.
@@bridgettfisher i think im starting to realize that not all endings are failures, and that love may not always be enough....i hope for the both of us we can find love:)
That‘s me in every friendship ✌🏼 it is what it is.... I will go cry again hahaha ... thanks for the Song !!!!🙏🏼🔥😍🤪 It really made my day so have a nice day!!!!😌🤗😝
I don't show many emotions, especially crying. This got me
When your happy you enjoy the melody and when your sad/heartbroken you understand the lyrics x
You never really know if you’re making memories with someone until they just up and leave you I wish the best of luck to everyone that relates to this song
Ansons music kept me breathing, thank you💜🕊