Around the World in Eighty Days is an animated television series that lasted one season of 16 episodes, broadcast during the 1972-1973 season by NBC. It was the first Australian-produced cartoon to be shown on American network, looks like it was shown in Russia also.
this was during the fading days of the USSR, at this point the USSR supported more countries, shit they got a mcdonalds in 1989, so the USSR at this point was a shell of it's former self.
Это эфир(судя по таймеру)после дневного перерыва.80 дней вокруг света был очень популярным мультсериалом в те времена кстати.Первый раз я посмотрела его просто попадая,потом уже полностью...
@ceremoniesandmore "Земляника". Поёт Ольга Зарубина. Затем - начало песни "Подорожник" -Алиса Мон. "Strawberry". Olga Zarubina sings. Then - a beginning of Alisa Mon's song "Plantain".
Это не реконструкция - это вольная фантазия, т.к. испытательная таблица появлялись только перед начло эфира ранним утром, и поздней ночью перед концом вещания. И да - когда включали испытательную таблицу, то играла не музыка, а тональный звук частотой 1000 Гц
@@willy.william4582 In the late USSR, during perestroika, television generally showed Western series and films (limited, mainly from Italy, Turkey and Eastern Europe and South America) and Western cartoons (also limited). In the USSR, they showed such series as Octopus, Slave of Izuara, Saga of Forsytes, etc.
Это не реальный и не реконструированный фрагмент советского телевидения: 1) во время трансляции испытательной таблицы не играла музыка - звучал тотальный сигнал частотой 1000 Гц 2) испытательную таблицу включали ранним утром перед началом эфира, и поздей ночью перед окончанием эфира - в середине трансляционного времени никто испытательную таблицу не включал 3) затавка передач была совершено иной
The summer is red in the meadows. You say in vain that we are different. Scattered through the colors of the rainbow paint. We are with you - for love, we - for berries. Chorus: Strawberries, wild strawberries, Quench our thirst! Only sweeter than strawberries Your lips are tender. It is visible, the sun has dropped Kiss ray in the grass. To mom did not scold I'm lying to something. By night, the stars of the stars, the distance is dotted, But take your time home, know, have time. We are with you - for love, the matter is clear. Do not be cunning, do not say that we are different. Chorus: Strawberries, wild strawberries, Quench our thirst! Only sweeter than strawberries Your lips are tender. It is visible, the sun has dropped Kiss ray in the grass. To mom did not scold I'm lying to something. The summer is red in the meadows. You tell me again that we are different. See, we stretch one berry together? This means, we will not part with you. Chorus: Strawberries, wild strawberries, Quench our thirst! Only sweeter than strawberries Your lips are tender. It is visible, the sun has dropped Kiss ray in the grass. To mom did not scold I'm lying to something. Strawberries, wild strawberries, Quench our thirst! Only sweeter than strawberries Your lips are tender. It is visible, the sun has dropped Kiss ray in the grass. To mom did not scold I'm lying to something. Rough English translation of 1st song. By Google translate, was way to sleepy to translate manually.
Just think, who tf would watch TV before noon? Kids are in school, adults in work, retired in park talking to each other. There is no reason to broadcast between midnight and 3pm on weekdays and between midnight and 7am on weekend or state endorsed holidays.
Very intersting to realize not only they aired Passpartu (Around the world in 80 days) in the USSR but also they left the original english voices in the introduction song. We also had that cartoon here in Guatemala in the 80s, but fully in Spanish, even the introduction, pretty entertaining by the way :D
@@edgarenriqueespana8013 Yes but dubbing in Russia and many other eastern countries was and is still today done so you hear the original speech in background and then one man or woman speak over in its language. Still used for example in Ukraine and Poland (I have some Ukranian and Polish tv channels). Maybe because its very cheap to do this way. In Germany, Italy and many other countries they also dub everything but there all characters have its own actor in voice. An example here A Finnish movie dubbed to Russian. German way to dub. Polish way to dub
@@edgarenriqueespana8013 that's how they always do it, it's also a thing, in the 1990 there was a sitcom called Krutoye Pike which was a parody of an American action tv series where the Russian speaking actors spoke English and then it was dubbed over into Russian with a single voice
@@AvidanTheExpositor The famines ended in 1947, she would've been born during the era of self-sufficiency. Not only that but she was 3, she wouldn't remember anything from Russia.
Easy. If you grow up with everyone around you telling you propaganda against your country, potentially even discriminating against you due to your birthplace, it's easy to hate the country that people bullied you because of.
@@squash8226 toilet paper shortage was for the whole history of the ussr, people wiped their asses with newspaper from the start of ussr to its fall. what a shithole
1523-1528 - это номера передатчиков, вроде, а что такое ГРРС? Сколько раз слушал по "Маяку" песню про подорожник, а что это Алиса Мон пела - ни сном ни духом.
PVE1981 ГРРС - главная радиорелейная станция, она принимала сигнал со спутника потом передавала его (или местной студии, который попросту вклинивался в передачи ЦТ) дальше по радиорелейному каналу. Несмотря на то, что в 80-е уже вовсю были геостационарные спутники "Экран" и аппаратура для приёма с них, релейка была нужна для передачи сигнала местных телестудий. Кстати, УЭИТ с этим ID (ГРРС) была очень нозящей - появлялась при уходе спутника на этой самой станции в самый неподходящий момент, к примеру в середине "Рабыни Изауры". Спутник обычно возвращался в пределах минуты, но иногда были и длительные задержки, когда всё самое интересное уже закончилось :) 1523-1528 - это просто текущее время. Оно ставилось всегда перед началом передач. В перерыве обычно висел год, иногда прошлый или позапрошлый :)
6:55 Заставка КаГБэ намекае.. А лучше все было з тачнасдьйу - да наоборот (гребаный ваш рад),а именно вечером! А что - подходящее времйа.. Днем ведь никта не Ле*ит (разве чта старые и маладые (бадьные и здаровые (дети - иба (не)Тихий час (да и то не Везде))))!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16 from the Bible ❤🥰
82dorrin It's just a very fascinating country, especially with its long and strong history. Plus, it has that "socialist culture" that you don't get with other countries.
+Frank Perry (ReservoirDog) In the Czech republic. Yes, we are democratic for 26 yrs, but I suppose our government doesn't know how to use democracy, it's slow and inefficient. Also we have cities of prefabs and lots of supporters of Russia and/or Communistic party. Through we are in the EU, our country is much more poor that our western neighbours. A year ago they told in the TV, that the Czech republic will have same salaries as in Austria in some 130 years and that we will never have same salaries as in Norway.
That song at the beginning is awesome!
Olga Zarubina - Zemlyanika
+Kynney Able (Kynneyable) Thanks!
I know, right!
Kynney Able
what is name of the second song in
23 : 4
AnalogueAudio1985 I'm trying the bass tab for it and I can't, it's making me upset lol
0:35 I saved your ears.
0:35 Я cэкономил ваши уши.
no thanks i like being deaf
Google translate I see
0:35 We saved OUR ears
why this post is I cannot go 0:35 ??? why guys?? bcuz of 8 years of posting
Love that funky intro
05:00 TV Soviet Startup (1989)
3:30 the tune here is a vibe
Oh my god. Soviet Saturday morning cartoons? I’ll plop down in front of my government owned television set and enjoy a big bowl of borscht :D.
Ah, good times. Sad that USSR fell.
it's an australian cartoon called "around the world in 80 days"
Now it's time for Worker and Parasite!
who the fuck eats borszcz in the morning
dumb westerners
In Soviet Rusia, Card Tests You :D
Around the World in Eighty Days is an animated television series that lasted one season of 16 episodes, broadcast during the 1972-1973 season by NBC. It was the first Australian-produced cartoon to be shown on American network, looks like it was shown in Russia also.
I remember watching it in the UK when I was little
@@worldcomicsreview354 me too :).
this was during the fading days of the USSR, at this point the USSR supported more countries, shit they got a mcdonalds in 1989, so the USSR at this point was a shell of it's former self.
pretty sure the person who made goodnight kiwi (how one of our only 2 channels at the time signed off), who was sam harvey. worked on that
@@automatedinsanityWe watched it in 1981 in the USSR
0:36 good music starts
I thought I was rick rolled for a moment
I didn't know Rick Roll was thing 8 years ago.
@@anarghyasumanth8590 It Was even 10 years ago lol
I suppose from after 1985 because it has something 'gorbachevian' inside... My sensation
Хорошее Радио в СССР было. Без долбанного гламура и песни добрые.
Krusty the Clown: "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?"
so much memories. I had about & when it fell down
Это эфир(судя по таймеру)после дневного перерыва.80 дней вокруг света был очень популярным мультсериалом в те времена кстати.Первый раз я посмотрела его просто попадая,потом уже полностью...
Oh my I hope that isn't what I think it is at 7:00.
Morning Wood
MrCPmovieproductions LOL!!!
"Земляника". Поёт Ольга Зарубина. Затем - начало песни "Подорожник" -Алиса Мон.
"Strawberry". Olga Zarubina sings. Then - a beginning of Alisa Mon's song "Plantain".
This is a reconstruction (as in fake).
Это не реконструкция - это вольная фантазия, т.к. испытательная таблица появлялись только перед начло эфира ранним утром, и поздней ночью перед концом вещания.
И да - когда включали испытательную таблицу, то играла не музыка, а тональный звук частотой 1000 Гц
I came here for “soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh”
0:36 so psychologic this song please name of song
Olga Zarubina - Zemlyanika
are you japanese?
nop cuckorean
@@teruterubozo dead link
the fact that this video is old aswell... 14 years ago
opening tone is BRUTAL
which one? the one at 6:10?
0:35Song starts
Hi! I like looking at these videos, Soviet television is very interesting!
(P. S. What's the title of the song beginning at 0:37? I like it!)
Paolo Asuncion
It's called Zemlyanika (Strawberry)
sharon.amy.alfred bit to late to answer an 7 year old comment maybe
sire cartier who knows maybe he saw
mans probably been waitin 7 years for that answer
At what time did the Worker and Parasite show come on?
That's surely an American show.
nakedmambo nay it was an East Germany cartoon.
Right after "shoe and shoelace". One is worthless without the other
@@sutherlandA1 I hear they're making a reboot of both, including a new character.
I found the title and the singer's name in English further on in the comments. Now I can do some research myself.
Please share comrade
Olga Zarubina Strawberries🙏🏾
07:10 What's with the bourgeois cartoon characters?
Its an Australian cartoon called "around the world in 80 days". Yah, i don't know how this found its way to the ussr.
@@willy.william4582 In the late USSR, during perestroika, television generally showed Western series and films (limited, mainly from Italy, Turkey and Eastern Europe and South America) and Western cartoons (also limited). In the USSR, they showed such series as Octopus, Slave of Izuara, Saga of Forsytes, etc.
@@TheIvankuz Cool to know! Thanks for the history lesson. :)
"Землянику" поёт Ольга Зарубина.
Иван Афонин gr8 music m8
Leon. раньше хоть песни,как песни были,а щас одно дерьмо.
Это не реальный и не реконструированный фрагмент советского телевидения:
1) во время трансляции испытательной таблицы не играла музыка - звучал тотальный сигнал частотой 1000 Гц
2) испытательную таблицу включали ранним утром перед началом эфира, и поздей ночью перед окончанием эфира - в середине трансляционного времени никто испытательную таблицу не включал
3) затавка передач была совершено иной
Спасибо. Хотелось спросить про частоту звука
warning for headphone users: Put you own volume on 1 and put the video volume on 1!
What is the music called? I really like it :)
strawberry by olga something
Who was singing on first song ? Alla Pugacheva ?
No, it is Olga Zarubina.
wow so good quality
why no anthem?
Soviet Union First Region. It's an image received in the Far East of the Soviet Union. Did you record the satellite broadcast?This is Tokyo.
What are those songs in the beginning about? What do they say? I don't understand any Russian, and I want to understand why they played it.
The summer is red in the meadows.
You say in vain that we are different.
Scattered through the colors of the rainbow paint.
We are with you - for love, we - for berries.
Strawberries, wild strawberries,
Quench our thirst!
Only sweeter than strawberries
Your lips are tender.
It is visible, the sun has dropped
Kiss ray in the grass.
To mom did not scold
I'm lying to something.
By night, the stars of the stars, the distance is dotted,
But take your time home, know, have time.
We are with you - for love, the matter is clear.
Do not be cunning, do not say that we are different.
Strawberries, wild strawberries,
Quench our thirst!
Only sweeter than strawberries
Your lips are tender.
It is visible, the sun has dropped
Kiss ray in the grass.
To mom did not scold
I'm lying to something.
The summer is red in the meadows.
You tell me again that we are different.
See, we stretch one berry together?
This means, we will not part with you.
Strawberries, wild strawberries,
Quench our thirst!
Only sweeter than strawberries
Your lips are tender.
It is visible, the sun has dropped
Kiss ray in the grass.
To mom did not scold
I'm lying to something.
Strawberries, wild strawberries,
Quench our thirst!
Only sweeter than strawberries
Your lips are tender.
It is visible, the sun has dropped
Kiss ray in the grass.
To mom did not scold
I'm lying to something.
Rough English translation of 1st song. By Google translate, was way to sleepy to translate manually.
@@josephstalin7995 I heard from someone that this song isn't about strawberries (if you know what I mean)
In other video's comment sections, they say that they would broadcast the Mayak radio station when there was no tv programming to broadcast
2:25: kinda reminds me of a Wii.
(please come back kitty. I want you back)
What song 4:23?
Was expecting the anthem to play
Земляника (first song in the opening) it’s so good
Wait a minute : the TV opens at 3:30 pm , thanks for 24/7 TV
Just think, who tf would watch TV before noon? Kids are in school, adults in work, retired in park talking to each other. There is no reason to broadcast between midnight and 3pm on weekdays and between midnight and 7am on weekend or state endorsed holidays.
Finally in the 80s headsets are not yet invented
Nostalgi :)
@SMGJohn I don't think you're being serious about it
7:08 - So... Where are moose n squirrel?
What is name of the Cartoon ? is it A Russian anime ?
Around the World in 80 Days, an Australian production from 1972. Aired on NBC in the US in the early 70s.
Very intersting to realize not only they aired Passpartu (Around the world in 80 days) in the USSR but also they left the original english voices in the introduction song. We also had that cartoon here in Guatemala in the 80s, but fully in Spanish, even the introduction, pretty entertaining by the way :D
@@edgarenriqueespana8013 Yes but dubbing in Russia and many other eastern countries was and is still today done so you hear the original speech in background and then one man or woman speak over in its language. Still used for example in Ukraine and Poland (I have some Ukranian and Polish tv channels).
Maybe because its very cheap to do this way.
In Germany, Italy and many other countries they also dub everything but there all characters have its own actor in voice.
An example here
A Finnish movie dubbed to Russian.
German way to dub.
Polish way to dub
@@edgarenriqueespana8013 that's how they always do it, it's also a thing, in the 1990 there was a sitcom called Krutoye Pike which was a parody of an American action tv series where the Russian speaking actors spoke English and then it was dubbed over into Russian with a single voice
My girlfriend was born in Russia but moved to U.S when she adopted at the age of 3, and now she's hates russia? But how with things like this?
easy. people were starving and wiping their asses with newspaper. if you choose to see only the good you will see only the good.
@@AvidanTheExpositor The famines ended in 1947, she would've been born during the era of self-sufficiency.
Not only that but she was 3, she wouldn't remember anything from Russia.
Easy. If you grow up with everyone around you telling you propaganda against your country, potentially even discriminating against you due to your birthplace, it's easy to hate the country that people bullied you because of.
@@squash8226 toilet paper shortage was for the whole history of the ussr, people wiped their asses with newspaper from the start of ussr to its fall. what a shithole
Love the elevator 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵
That first cartoon looks like the reverse of Rocky and Bullwinkle.
sick synth
This sounds like a cartoon character at 4:41
music: 0:36
В крестик в центре экрана мы магнит подносили
Funky communist beats
Hey the comments got nuked on the Original Olga Zarubina channel 😳 what's that about 😳🤔🤨
How do you get past the ad
Ok rip headphone users..
whats the name of the second song
I wonder what the cartoon's name was.
"Around the World in 80 Days", an American cartoon from 1972.
@@stevieg7672and Australian
Tv ussr
Like tvri in my country
Не раньше 1988 года
IS 6:07 not :D
Name of music's russian lenguage please?
1523-1528 - это номера передатчиков, вроде, а что такое ГРРС?
Сколько раз слушал по "Маяку" песню про подорожник, а что это Алиса Мон пела - ни сном ни духом.
PVE1981 ГРРС - главная радиорелейная станция, она принимала сигнал со спутника потом передавала его (или местной студии, который попросту вклинивался в передачи ЦТ) дальше по радиорелейному каналу. Несмотря на то, что в 80-е уже вовсю были геостационарные спутники "Экран" и аппаратура для приёма с них, релейка была нужна для передачи сигнала местных телестудий. Кстати, УЭИТ с этим ID (ГРРС) была очень нозящей - появлялась при уходе спутника на этой самой станции в самый неподходящий момент, к примеру в середине "Рабыни Изауры". Спутник обычно возвращался в пределах минуты, но иногда были и длительные задержки, когда всё самое интересное уже закончилось :) 1523-1528 - это просто текущее время. Оно ставилось всегда перед началом передач. В перерыве обычно висел год, иногда прошлый или позапрошлый :)
1523-1538 это часы
Olga Zarubina, i still find you beautiful ^_^
Што є друга пісня?
Алиса Мон- Подорожник трава
@@lunamia5511, дякую.
6:55 Заставка КаГБэ намекае..
А лучше все было з тачнасдьйу - да наоборот (гребаный ваш рад),а именно вечером!
А что - подходящее времйа..
Днем ведь никта не Ле*ит (разве чта старые и маладые (бадьные и здаровые (дети - иба (не)Тихий час (да и то не Везде))))!
Зоофилийа - не думайу..
Как и Толератность!
Адназначна ИнтерАнал 0 дад..
This is just like koreas
6:09 thank me later
what the FUCK is that supposed to be at 7:00?
matty jazzy It says "Mult Films" -the company
Ну.. Это неплохая конечная минута ))
Очевидно, это фэйк, но выглядит всё равно супер.
omw to sus town
Kick in 0:35
Kick in 2: 6:08
700th like :)
кто ето поёт.
песня класс
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16 from the Bible ❤🥰
Our great comrade ✊🏼 Jesus ❤
I wish I was born in the USSR
+Frank Perry (ReservoirDog) Why?
82dorrin It's just a very fascinating country, especially with its long and strong history. Plus, it has that "socialist culture" that you don't get with other countries.
+Frank Perry (ReservoirDog) I was born in ex-communist country. No, you don't wish that.
Kryštof Vinter Which one?
+Frank Perry (ReservoirDog) In the Czech republic. Yes, we are democratic for 26 yrs, but I suppose our government doesn't know how to use democracy, it's slow and inefficient. Also we have cities of prefabs and lots of supporters of Russia and/or Communistic party. Through we are in the EU, our country is much more poor that our western neighbours. A year ago they told in the TV, that the Czech republic will have same salaries as in Austria in some 130 years and that we will never have same salaries as in Norway.
Same as north Korean television
TV USSR start-up
Hilarious fake.
Nothing but loud ads that hurt my ears
USSR test card sucks.
no u