Only 1k views is criminal, love the subtle sound track in the back bro 🙏🙏, maybe turn down the background track by litterally 1 or 2 percent and it would be perfect🙏🙏
I appreciate the criticism brotha, I did have a few issues with this video, this was recorded after my softwares reset so some settings are different. Ty for the support 💪🏻
Look mum I’m on tv
Can I have my luck back now please 😭 🤝
Never 😡
Sassy the Sasquatch
That's my dawg right there!
Kioshii be hitttin
@Dboh Kioshii always comes out with the cleanest bills
Yerrr frrr
@@Dboh me and my guy have been friends for almost 2 years now, w Kioshii
@AOnomad-xz1lx yessir that’s dope!
are you playing this on ps5? or ps4? or pc, i want to play bo2 again
I play this on the Xbox 360, you can get it on the Xbox one and play it backwards compatible. PlayStation servers are separate 🙃
gee wilkilers
Whitest thing you have ever said
Used to be in soar those were the days probably a different clan tho
May have been another. @SoaRGaming
Only 1k views is criminal, love the subtle sound track in the back bro 🙏🙏, maybe turn down the background track by litterally 1 or 2 percent and it would be perfect🙏🙏
I appreciate the criticism brotha, I did have a few issues with this video, this was recorded after my softwares reset so some settings are different. Ty for the support 💪🏻
Xvyas here
Welcomee back brotha!
@ we gotta play again dude
Yessir for sure, games are kind of dead because of BO6 but when it’s active we will
Dboh you hav a cool az voice when chp dragged me in to hidden call i lowk thought you were jesus
😭 that’s dope
@ what call was this in? I low-key don’t remember you 😂 very bad at remembering
@@Dbohit removed my comment but my tag was Xeot kG
@desertx1753 was this on discord or something??
Maybe I’ll play wit dboh one day 😁
You know damn well you are one of the GUYS
@ yessir 🫡 I’ll have my system back soon
Let’s gooooo