How to Enter the Offensive Zone

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @KylePawluk
    @KylePawluk Рік тому +43

    You addresses my problem with entering through the middle. too much speed and i close gap on myself thanks coach👍

  • @vant5276
    @vant5276 Рік тому +72

    “You can just toe drag 4 times and score as well” that really got me

    • @Train2point0
      @Train2point0  Рік тому +9


    • @RacIoControl
      @RacIoControl Рік тому +5

      Buddy, I can’t even toe drag 1 time 😂

    • @bobbobertson7568
      @bobbobertson7568 Місяць тому

      That what half my team in adult league does. They sometimes complete 1 to 2 before turning it over. Every time.

  • @ElyWaves.
    @ElyWaves. 11 місяців тому +3

    Incredible video honestly. This gives you the best option regardless of what the defense is doing. Exactly what you need

    • @Train2point0
      @Train2point0  11 місяців тому

      Bingo, glad you see it that way👍

  • @mattraven69
    @mattraven69 Рік тому +12

    I played my first game last week and almost caught a pass in the slot. I adore Jason Yee hockey every sunday. Im so stoked to get to practice tonight

    • @Train2point0
      @Train2point0  Рік тому +1

      Love to hear it. Thanks for the kind words and hope it went well.

    • @uajioogebi7686
      @uajioogebi7686 8 місяців тому

      i love seeing how horrible other people are it makes me feel way better abt myself

  • @brianog5267
    @brianog5267 Рік тому +3

    Wow so well described….excellent teaching session… I may be 57 overweight and unable to skate but I learn something new about hockey everyday for the past 45 years!

  • @CousinPaddy
    @CousinPaddy Рік тому +3

    I never had the opportunity to learn formally so thanks for the good content👍🏻

  • @MicBergsma
    @MicBergsma 3 місяці тому +1

    Thanks, going to work on this … playing in league in-line hockey on Maui

  • @grahamchan4266
    @grahamchan4266 Рік тому +4

    Thanks I was wondering why with my cuts to the middle I'm ending up getting poked. I end up running into the defense. Driving wide always works better for me!
    Im also a typical speed player and can lean in and push to the goal alot of the time.

  • @drzoltanvajo142
    @drzoltanvajo142 Рік тому

    This is pure gold! BTW, the "McDavid method" was extensively used by Wayne Gretzky playing with Jarri Kuri :)

  • @jasonmunger8409
    @jasonmunger8409 Рік тому +2

    This was a great video, thank you. But as good as your instruction is, my favorite part was still 3:37. lol

  • @dannytrader2865
    @dannytrader2865 Рік тому

    Keep up the great videos, man! Well done!

  • @Train2point0
    @Train2point0  Рік тому +4

    Thanks for watching! Let us know in the comments which method you prefer when entering the offensive zone!

  • @AricGardnerMontreal
    @AricGardnerMontreal Рік тому +1

    Another great video

  • @BlakeKubeska
    @BlakeKubeska Рік тому +1

    Hey Jason, I noticed you’re at Richmond Ice Centre. I’m close by there.
    Just wanted to let you know if you need a partner or test dummy with any of these vids/demos, I’m around.

  • @jimbodangle178
    @jimbodangle178 2 місяці тому

    Should mention that you should be looking at the defenders feet and be attacking the feet on that middle crossover. Attacking the middle feet on a middle crossover will, usually, make that defenseman crossover, hence why the cross back wide is so effective.
    Attack the feet, make them cross, go the other side

  • @jamesk2207
    @jamesk2207 Рік тому +1

    Your videos are awesome 👍

    • @Train2point0
      @Train2point0  Рік тому

      Glad you're finding value in them 🙌

  • @DerektheGuitarist
    @DerektheGuitarist Рік тому

    amazing, exactly what I needed

  • @coachspiegs
    @coachspiegs Рік тому

    Great video and info. Thanks!

  • @HorridBee248
    @HorridBee248 4 місяці тому

    Richmond Ice Centre. The nostalgia 😢

  • @pitbullgait
    @pitbullgait Рік тому +1

    How do yous control a heavy looking appearance with loose skates when skater is at full speed downhill and his current weekly countering light noise system is still forcing him to extreme extension with that looose tops. His punch turns turnbacks entering the zone are looking well enough at low speed and medium speed downhill style, but at top speed the punch turns turnbacks ankle collapse becomes too much and it's as if he can't bring his mechanics out of a hole coming out of that punch turnback

    • @Train2point0
      @Train2point0  Рік тому

      Lean, Y-angle, shin angle and hip twist all working together to bring yourself out of the punch.

  • @sami4madi
    @sami4madi 3 місяці тому

    thanks 😊

  • @joshuamay7807
    @joshuamay7807 3 місяці тому

    how do I enter the zone from the left side as a LW? I always get the puck and it feels like I'm off to the races but I don't have a pattern of entry in mind usually.

  • @OnGuardBJJ
    @OnGuardBJJ Рік тому

    Great vids

  • @TheoPitsiavas
    @TheoPitsiavas 7 місяців тому

    So good

  • @danielwilliams8079
    @danielwilliams8079 Рік тому

    Solid video

  • @toastbills9774
    @toastbills9774 Місяць тому

    thanks for breaking that down for me, it's like chess openings every chess master uses to start the game

    • @Train2point0
      @Train2point0  Місяць тому

      You are very welcome, great analogy.

  • @grizzlyblair
    @grizzlyblair Рік тому

    just curious, what bevel do you sharpen your skates at

    • @Train2point0
      @Train2point0  Рік тому

      Depends on how hard the ice is. Personal preference for everyone but the better your mechanics are the less sharp they need to be.

  • @40mmmikemike
    @40mmmikemike Рік тому

    How to enter the after life 3:37 (probably hell in Marchands case)

  • @ShaeFesai
    @ShaeFesai Рік тому +3

    hey can you make a video of no talking just examples of these in game

  • @Koaxt0
    @Koaxt0 Рік тому

    This helps

  • @uli.sheven26
    @uli.sheven26 Рік тому

    Спасибо...ты крутой тренер

    • @Train2point0
      @Train2point0  Рік тому

      Thanks for the kind words. All the best!

  • @peterkortvel
    @peterkortvel 4 місяці тому

    Love “your brand could be here poster” if they only knew their ad will get 100thousands of views in UA-cam 🤣

  • @Kaseleb.
    @Kaseleb. 19 днів тому

    Sending this to my team after losing 13-0 with 6 shots and they had 73😂

  • @JJ-bf6dx
    @JJ-bf6dx 10 місяців тому +2

    Fake slapshot, spinorama, toe drag, triple deke

  • @otrhalekdds
    @otrhalekdds 5 місяців тому

    Pavel Datsyuk is the who pioneered all this. Not McDavid