This one, this is perfect, sounds exactly like the original without ANY slight differences. Will be using in a cover i'm making, and will be sure to credit you in desc.
@@eddiz Ah, gotcha, didn’t know it was that simple lol, I thought you HAD to redo all the boyfriend vocals which sounds like a nightmare especially on an 8 min song. Thanks for making it so easily accessible to use for the technology cavemen like me over here.
If you are going to use this please credit me
You can put the music plis
Will do
Wow your good at covers
This one, this is perfect, sounds exactly like the original without ANY slight differences. Will be using in a cover i'm making, and will be sure to credit you in desc.
Its because it is the original, i took the og flp and removed all other vocal tracks
@@eddiz Ah, gotcha, didn’t know it was that simple lol, I thought you HAD to redo all the boyfriend vocals which sounds like a nightmare especially on an 8 min song. Thanks for making it so easily accessible to use for the technology cavemen like me over here.
@@nathaniorio I did take a while because I didn’t know how to do the “Oo yeah ha ha” parts at the eggman, so they sound kinda messed up.
@@eddiz where do you get the og flp??
@@eddiz are you sure???? Because these vocals doesn't have the pitch effect at the beginning.
I finally figured out what made 0:41 sound so good.
Thank you.
My favorite part 😍💕
Alt title: Triple Trouble but it’s the base of covers: BF Vocals
7:56 my favorite part
This is actually better than the other triple trouble but only bf
i was trying to find this but the crap algorithm didnt help
thank you man you are a life saver
5:01 Oh Yeah Ah Ah
He do be spitting bars tho.
You my friend are a god for making just what I was looking for and doing it so perfectly, just bravo!
yooo ty ur a real one i was searching for this now that the fnf update has separated vocal tracks since i'm doing a fanchart of triple trouble lol
Happy 100 subs! I’m glad i was the one who was the 100th! Now its time to celebrate!
03:45 i loved this part
dont worry he is rehearsing his lines
fun fact: everyone use this for the tt covers lol
y e s
i didnt?
yoo I'm using this, all credits will be given
This channel deserves more subs bro
I got a tweet app
thanks for this man this really helped
My ADHD everytime I try to focus in class:
criminally underrated
I'm gonna use this for Audacity eddiz for my COVER!
Is there a version of this that I can
find that includes the instrumental?
Fnf you are not alone mods be like:
I thought you will mix the instrumental and boyfriend
guess who just got him to 200 subs
What app did you use to make this?
FL Studio 20 free trial
@@eddiz ok i figured thx
@@eddiz how did u open the flp with the trial version??
@@solar.mp3 I downloaded the flp, then double clicked it
@@eddiz and how is hard to make DUET triple trouble like endless old
Im gonna use this :D
Thank you so much
can use.mp3
Xenophane pls
I’ll credit you if I will upload to YT if I even get this out lol (cover)
No song no taisl sonic egg mam e sla Drepresiv
Its kind of boring beacuse its the instrumental, But i appreciate beacuse its only bf, nothing else