My prosthetic leg isn't working out...🦿

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024


  • @r0cketplumber
    @r0cketplumber 2 роки тому +168

    Jo, this reminds me of a guy I knew many years ago.
    In the early 90s my coworker Bill Almassey was a double amputee, a Hungarian WWII veteran who found a land mine outside of Kiev the hard way in '43.
    We shared an office, and one frosty Colorado winter day he entered click-clunking on his prostheses, and touched the case on his computer to keep from static zapping it, just as I usually did. Then he turned to me, grinned, and in his accent said "I don't need to do zis, I am izolated from ground!"
    Maybe so, but he sure shocked me...
    A few months later I had eye surgery to reduce the scarring from burns many years before, and my good results encouraged Bill to get the cataract surgery he'd been putting off. He was absent for a couple weeks, and when I saw him again he was beaming. "I had my cataracts done, replaced my hearing aids, and got new prostheses! I feel like a new man!"

    • @LittleDergon
      @LittleDergon 2 роки тому +18

      What a super story, thanks for sharing 😁 just shows how much having people around who are experiencing what you are experiencing can be super helpful as you can encourage each other and share useful things, like new technology

  • @moniquereed3294
    @moniquereed3294 2 роки тому +366

    I'm not an amputee or a prosthetist, but my first thought when I saw you trying it out in the doctor's office was, "That looks like normal movement!" You looked very sure-footed on the rocks and stairs. I hope the new leg works out for you, and good luck with the upcoming surgery.

    • @lisastenzel5713
      @lisastenzel5713 2 роки тому +10

      Totally agree! Natural normal movement
      Crazy..I had so much hope for the other one. But really cool it will be payed for👍

  • @johnmoloney5296
    @johnmoloney5296 2 роки тому +207

    From an above knee amputee to a below knee amputee I wish every success with the new prostheses great to see you smiling again ☺️

    • @johnmoloney5296
      @johnmoloney5296 2 роки тому +6

      Have a great day/night/afternoon whatever it is in your part of the's approaching 7 am here in Ireland 🤮😉

  • @homerfeltheim12345
    @homerfeltheim12345 2 роки тому +102

    It’s kinda frustrating how insurance only covers one foot. I went with a college park foot that covers the widest amount of my daily life and gym/active life but it’ll never be perfect. Having a second foot would allow finer tuning

  • @Kenjiro5775
    @Kenjiro5775 2 роки тому +72

    As an mechanical engineer, your specific feedback is the most valuable input in the design process. Really glad you found a set that feels good and gets you back to your usual activities. 😁👍

  • @Paulgray172
    @Paulgray172 2 роки тому +84

    I know you say Venmo me jokingly, but I think a lot of us would be happy to contribute to help you get a leg that expands your ability to do things. Because you’ve helped us all a lot, and it would be a nice way for us to help you back :)

    • @CrayCrayslab
      @CrayCrayslab 2 роки тому +8

      Yeah I'd love to help her get a foot attuned to more specific needs

    • @keladry12
      @keladry12 2 роки тому +3

      Contribute to the patreon! That's a great way to contribute to projects you love! :)

  • @dawnmontgomery73
    @dawnmontgomery73 2 роки тому +58

    My brother-in-law just had his leg amputated last week at the same point as yours. His was due to broken bones(work injury) in his foot not healing properly and eventually causing severe infection. I know it’s way too soon right now, but once he’s feeling better I’m going to send him a link to your channel so that maybe it can help him through not only the emotional aspect of his journey knowing he’s not alone but also maybe learn about the process of getting a prosthetic and what to watch for. Thank you for all you do💕

    • @harmonicaveronica
      @harmonicaveronica 2 роки тому +1

      There are probably a few videos that may be applicable right now! I know I've seen ones that address the grief of losing a limb

    • @scottsutherland8857
      @scottsutherland8857 2 роки тому +2

      I had my leg taken off last December. Same situation, infection from a corrective surgery. Joe really helped give me some perspective going forward with my new lifestyle. Definitely worth it for new amputee’s to take in some, if not most, of her videos.
      Thx Joe 🍻

  • @obieobrien5883
    @obieobrien5883 2 роки тому +97

    Can’t say you didn’t try the new leg. Sturdy is safer…

  • @leocervidae
    @leocervidae 2 роки тому +8

    I’m an engineering student with a big interest in prosthetics (more so in hands tho) and this is why designing new prosthetics is very difficult. Often times things get researched it seems amazing, but you can’t get big enough test group (since everyone needs a different prosthetic) or afford to give everyone a prosthetic for weeks or months. You’re completely right that the only way to test it is everyday life. Too much research is getting stuck in the lab.
    Also that “right” feeling is something else, often times when prosthetics go out you never here back from the patient unless something is wrong. Prosthetists get a lot of negative feedback but not a lot of positive. Because the positive is just meant to slip into every day life normally. This can sometimes skew results a lil. It also means data is just so hard to get! So if you get a new prosthetic make sure you really amp up how “normal” it is, how easy or pain free it is.

  • @ProstheticFitness
    @ProstheticFitness 2 роки тому +1

    Amputee AND prosthetist here. That foot you didn't like is one I use for myself, and I love it! But as you say, everyone is different, and what works for some does not work for others. That other foot you got will have a bit less dorsiflexion and plantarflexion, but should have better axial and multiaxial rotation, which is what it sounds like you need more.

  • @jo_clarke1960
    @jo_clarke1960 2 роки тому

    I maybe late to the party but I'm glad you found a leg which does what you want/need. Equipment is/can be the most important and personal relationship for someone with a disability. My mate bought a new chair few years ago, it was what he wanted/needed but, he just couldn't get on with it.
    It was adjusted here and there and tested but, he reverted back to one of his old chairs. Then there was a need for a chair that wasn't carrying the evidence of years of abuse, so he had no choice other than to get the chair sorted or buy a new one. After 3 years, we finally got the setting within the ballpark and he was pretty comfy, a few more adjustments with use and it was done, after 4 year.
    Recently he had to revert to using an old chair after a breakage and he was so shocked at the difference even though the other chair had been used for 5/6 comfortable years.
    Fortunately we are the same build so I can use his chair and have done with old ones while playing sports and I can feel difference's however, they are nothing like the tiny little thing he can pick up and sometimes realise before something goes badly wrong, like a breakage

  • @mlthg81
    @mlthg81 2 роки тому +29

    I just received the Echelon ER. I like it so far especially now that I can wear a variety of shoes.I do not walk around as much as you do as I have problems with my other leg which might be amputated as well, so maybe that's why I'm okay with it. I'm glad you like this new one and that the insurance company will pay for it . Personally your videos have helped me a lot since I became an amputee. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences.

  • @SageK253
    @SageK253 2 роки тому +6

    I love your point about how when it really works, it just feels normal. When I've gotten new mobility aides, I've had the same thing. The ones that just work into my day to day routine without feeling *like a mobility aid* are the ones that have stayed long-term.

  • @sadworm9538
    @sadworm9538 2 роки тому +1

    I had no idea prosthetic ankles had so much flexibility and can absorb shocks. I can't walk with AFO's which basically leave my ankles fused at 90 degrees and it's so weird knowing there's plenty of tech out there just only after amputation. So happy this new foot's working for you!

  • @cosmiosa
    @cosmiosa 2 роки тому +1

    Unrelated to the video, but last Friday I picked up a barbie with a prosthetic leg at a garage sale. My little sibling asked me why someone may have a prosthetic, and once I explained, they understood well. Watching your videos helped a lot when it came to understanding some parts of living with a prosthetic leg, and the comments helped me understand different reasons. I know that when my sibling is older, I'll probably show them your videos. Right now they just can't sit still that long.

  • @cinemacritic4801
    @cinemacritic4801 2 роки тому

    Hello Jo:
    Long-time viewer and relatively new commenter. The sparkle in your eyes as you tried on and tested the various leg prospect options...speaks volumes ❤🌟!! I'm a fellow disabled 23 yr old girl/woman who has been battling/thriving with T1D (Type 1 Diabetes) for 5 years now and can definitely relate to the authentic and unrivaled joy that you experienced in the search to obtain the right medical equipment for your body.
    My journey throughout the years has been fraught with many insurance company coverage issues regarding my medical need for CGMs (Continuous Glucose Monitors) & reliable Insulin pump equipment as well as academic discrimination, whilst; being a former student in college.
    The first insulin pump that I utilized was a tube pump and I found myself hating my body and struggling to stay in a safe range with this equipment. About 1 year later I was allowed to switch to a tube-less pump and it completely changed my whole perspective on life as well as my T1D management. Your statement regarding how each disabled individual may have varying opinions on what works well for their body or their management is so profound and I love/appreciate your voice and representation in the disabled community!! You are truly a wonderful individual and a remarkable warrior!! Keep doing what you love and sharing this amazing content with the world!! Lots of love and all the best to you in your future endeavors 😁🙌🌟❤💝💙.

  • @IsisAlv
    @IsisAlv 2 роки тому +22

    it's f'd up that people have to dispose a disgusting amount of money to have prosthetics. i know it is something expensive to make and it requires really specialized knowledge but that should be a right. people shouldn't have to budget for a LEG

  • @lycanfpv9530
    @lycanfpv9530 2 роки тому +13

    I too have been battling finding a good socket. I finally after 2years of surgeries & non weight bearing got a boa socket(below knee) instant comfort. Unfortunately I still have to go through surgery to remove ankle bone spur. Keep up the great vids.. I watched your vids all when I was in the hospital and now for info & tips

  • @StormHunt1
    @StormHunt1 2 роки тому +28

    It’s almost midnight here. I saw this UA-cam notification and basically started to panic. I thought you were quitting UA-cam. I’m really happy you got toe leg situation sorted out according to your comfort. Just know you’ve been a huge support for me through the past of year of my life which was really rough. 🥰😊

  • @Birdmanondaweb
    @Birdmanondaweb 2 роки тому +10

    I'm glad the new one works for you. Feeling good in your body is SO important for not only your physical, but your mental health as well. Wishing you the best.

  • @JRSofty
    @JRSofty 2 роки тому +2

    I would never have expected to see the same kind of "testing" area that you find at shops to buy hiking boots (at least here in Europe) for testing how the boot fits for you and different ground coverings. It makes absolute sense and it's awesome to see that this is part of the try out before you even go home.

  • @erictaylor5462
    @erictaylor5462 2 роки тому +2

    I got this hydraulic foot based on *YOUR* video! Now I'm stuck with it.
    But the good news is, I could not be happier. This leg is really working well for me.
    Like you said, the fit of a prosthetic leg is really personal. Also, even I didn't know how important a good prosthetist is until I had a really good one.
    If you are on the Portland area Rachel at Oregon Artificial Limb is the best I've ever had.
    OAL is also one of the oldest, if not *THE* oldest prosthetic companies in Portland, and maybe the entire State.
    It's a bit tricky to get to, but once you find it, ther are fantastic to work with.

  • @trenae77
    @trenae77 2 роки тому +1

    I have always loved how frank and open you are about your situation. A channel like this is a godsend to any individual dealing with prosthetic issues. You help them learn how to become their own best advocate. How to push through physical and emotional pain, while accepting that there are times when the load DOES become too much. You paint a picture that is both hopeful and optimistic, but does not negate the reality of life. Praying that you find a prosthetic that ticks the most possible boxes for not only your needs but your wants! And praying for you that you continue to find moments of joy in life, and support when you need it most.

  • @wild4202
    @wild4202 2 роки тому +1

    I am so glad you found a prosthetic that works for you. Thank God they let you try them a while at home before you have to purchase it. I couldn’t imagine if they didn’t do that. Thanks for keeping us updated and for sharing your life with us. I know it’s isn’t easy to put yourself out there.

  • @non-binarycode4868
    @non-binarycode4868 2 роки тому +1

    I love that Jo doesn’t add extra shit to get to the 10 minute mark, the video is how long the video is and there’s not like 2-3 minutes of extra rambling or anything to fill the time up

  • @carebear5343
    @carebear5343 2 роки тому

    I love seeing you happy full of hope. My shoulder hurts so bad at the moment. I can't stop the tears from streaming down my face. I am having thoughts that I can't stop. This is so painful. I just want to sleep.

  • @Micetticat
    @Micetticat 2 роки тому +8

    Good luck with your surgery and I'm glad you found such a great new prothesis for the next couple of years. It is amazing how much study and innovation goes into these products. And you walk so fluidly and naturally on all the legs you use. From watching some of your previous videos I'm aware of how difficult the process has been for you: congratulations for your success.

  • @meglyy
    @meglyy 2 роки тому

    Just choked on my pita bread at “….sooo Venmo me??”
    Jo you’re hysterical and awesome, sending you all the positive vibes and support. ♥️♥️♥️

  • @trixxay9922
    @trixxay9922 2 роки тому +4

    Hey jo! I've been following your Channel and your progress for more than 2 years now and I just got graduated. It's official i'm a prosthetist now 😘 thank you for inspiring us

  • @lyrablack8621
    @lyrablack8621 2 роки тому +9

    I'm so glad you were able to make an informed decision! Never apologize for knowing you and your wants and needs c:

  • @billhilton5369
    @billhilton5369 2 роки тому

    I have lost both feet below the knee due to diabetes. I had lost my right foot 7 years ago and lost my left foot in February. I had asked my prosthetist to look into the Freedom Innovations Kinnex 2.0 ankles. Wow. I can actually walk around in the yard without my knee being whipped around due to uneven turf. I can walk up and down ramps (kind of strange when you consider that ramps are created for the handicapped!) and I have less trouble now driving (using my feet), going up and down stairs and in general just walking around!

  • @jennagreatbanks1074
    @jennagreatbanks1074 2 роки тому +1

    As some one who has seen you from first new leg to this current one. Your walking looks 100% natural with this new one as compared to your very first one and the first one after your second surgery. Way to go!!!!

  • @ronaldsmith8811
    @ronaldsmith8811 2 роки тому +8

    Your gate with this newest incarnation of jo ankle looked totally natural.. I’m excited for you hun.

  • @ozmainthedark
    @ozmainthedark 2 роки тому +2

    I think your self care and good decision making in this video is infectious. I need to get some basic self care stuff done which I've put off for WAY too long trying to make bigger decisions.

  • @alexander1941
    @alexander1941 2 роки тому +1

    In my insomnia I saw what looked like sad news, so I clicked on newest video...and glad to see u found what works! God bless!

  • @4kedhorn
    @4kedhorn 2 роки тому +2

    YOU'RE AMAZINGGGG!!! I try on my very first socket and leg? and foot? this friday. I'm so glad I found your social medias and I love how open you are about it all. I know EVERYBODY wants to be your friend and that's not practical but I wish I could share back how this all goes for me. I'm going to get my life back and go on amazing adventures and I cant wait!!!!

  • @PatrickJDoyle-bw3fu
    @PatrickJDoyle-bw3fu 2 роки тому +15

    Very awesome, glad the "new and improved" is working so well.

  • @RustyDust101
    @RustyDust101 2 роки тому +2

    I'm still so P.O.'d that in the USA the insurance companies can deny you coverage of an essential part that makes your life worth more, much more livable than just, barely, surviving.
    So good to hear that your insurance agreed to this prosthetic.

    • @lisastenzel5713
      @lisastenzel5713 2 роки тому

      Right?! Like ....I don't think we have such differences in prostetics. You loose a leg = you should get back to normal as soon and as much as possible. I might be wrong, I hardly see any amputees here. But my guess that is, cos you can't tell them apart from 2-meat-legged people...

  • @AlexMadinger
    @AlexMadinger 2 роки тому

    "having a piece of equipment, that is with me pretty much all of the time, that I don't have to think about is so important. this just fits." awesome!

  • @georgebusby6466
    @georgebusby6466 2 роки тому

    I'm sorry that your leg wasn't working for you, but very happy your prosethetist was able to fit your new one so that she works for you!

  • @tomstanziola1982
    @tomstanziola1982 2 роки тому +6

    Hello from Pennsylvania, Jo!!! 👋 I wish you all the best!!! Lots of love from your biggest admirer!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🌹

  • @johnthompson6656
    @johnthompson6656 2 роки тому +9

    I've found the extended turnaround time between fitting and first use is often problematic for me. You want to be back on your prosth.and you have to avoid settling for a compromise fit. I've never had a feeling like I could turn down the first leg.

  • @PostTraumaticVictory
    @PostTraumaticVictory 2 роки тому +1

    “Ladies and gentlemen… her” took me out 🤣❤️

  • @charlesmckinley29
    @charlesmckinley29 2 роки тому

    Jo, very glad this worked out for you! Praying you are ok the thumbnail had you looking really bummed.

  • @teewithmarie694
    @teewithmarie694 2 роки тому +1

    It is crazy how natural the walking looks

  • @andreag8508
    @andreag8508 2 роки тому

    I love how other creators I watch are like "link to my makeup/outfit below!" and youre like "links to me leg bellow!" The world is such a diverse place! glad you are liking your new leg! Happy new leg day!

  • @hurricane7800
    @hurricane7800 2 роки тому +2

    I'm super happy for you that it seems to work! Best of luck with the surgery and I wish you (in advance) a speedy recovery!

  • @otakusmiles7672
    @otakusmiles7672 2 роки тому +4

    As an arm prosthetic user, I completely understand so so many of these points! And honestly your comfort comes above most things when it comes to prosthetics.
    On a side note, I heard a pound and a half heavier and was a little shocked, but I hadn't given it much thought that leg prosthetics would be and are much heavier, as my arm prosthetics were always fairly light. A pound would feel crazy different on my arm, but that's cool that there's different difficulties when it comes to different types of prosthetics and that we're all just trying our best to overcome our situations.
    I'm glad you've found something that works for you and I'm hoping that your surgery goes really well!!!

  • @invisibleabi999
    @invisibleabi999 2 роки тому

    I thought this was going to be about a prosthetic in general not working for you and i was so sad for you having to make another drastic change, but a new leg is exciting and i'm so happy this one is working for you!

  • @blaireshoe8738
    @blaireshoe8738 2 роки тому

    Can a voice glow? I feel like your voice is glowing. This was a bizarrely calming video to watch right before bed. Happy you found a leg that works great for you. I wonder if Zach would be able to let you "test" the high heel leg out again if you had an event you really wanted to wear heels to. I'm glad you were able to try it, even though it didn't end up being the right leg for you. Heh. Right leg. I need sleep, the double meaning is way too funny to me rn :)

  • @captcurt31
    @captcurt31 2 роки тому +3

    Good to hear that the new leg is starting off.... on the right foot.

  • @mikepupillo2648
    @mikepupillo2648 2 роки тому

    Your so cute. Stay positive. I know so many people who are better off. And I get oh poor me. But you make me feel better.

  • @helenbryant404
    @helenbryant404 2 роки тому +2

    So good to see you looking so happy! I was worried that there wouldn't be a happy ending and was all ready to start suggesting crowd funding! Here's to a very bright future for you both - at least for the next couple of years... 😉

  • @christesta2521
    @christesta2521 Рік тому

    I'm seeing your clip Jo almost a year after you recieved your new leg. Hopefully as of today all is working out with your prosthesis.

  • @thebandplayedon..6145
    @thebandplayedon..6145 2 роки тому +4

    Congratulations on the new one being the right one, you definitely seem pretty comfortable, and super happy with it That's awesome, well deserved Yay!

  • @DWPersianExcursion
    @DWPersianExcursion 2 роки тому +5

    Love from Texas ❤️

  • @orionlintner8093
    @orionlintner8093 2 роки тому

    I am a below the knee amputee and you are an inspiration

  • @alandickerson3379
    @alandickerson3379 2 роки тому +1

    I was happy to see this newest video! I am very happy you have found a workable and comfortable prosthetic leg!! You are very inspirational as well as very sweet! Good luck on your surgery!! Take good care!!

  • @carolynandcocohaywood2638
    @carolynandcocohaywood2638 2 роки тому

    Brilliant that you have found the one.

  • @amyt6254
    @amyt6254 2 роки тому

    That’s great your newest prosthetic leg seems to be working!

  • @anthonyward8223
    @anthonyward8223 2 роки тому

    I only have a KAFO but with the metal in what's left of my Left Kneecap, but it doesn't take an amputation to struggle with walking
    After using the temporary braces that had to be replaced every 3-4 months for 3+ years. Then the VA had a KAFO custom made for me, My Kafo is described as an American Flag and after learning to know when I need to go in and have things tightened or checked out my only complaint is when it does have a serious problem it has to be sent back to California which takes around 5-8 weeks. so, then I only go out when necessary.
    But you are an inspiration to those who struggle with walking.
    When the weather is good I sometimes walk 3-5 miles sometimes 2 twice a week, and go to a great number of my appointment's on public transit on some I take 2 buses and 2 trains and still walk 3.6 miles round trip
    But at almost 72yrs of age that's not so bad.

  • @belyear
    @belyear 2 роки тому

    Your video lifted my spirits. Thank you

  • @OneAdditionsWifey
    @OneAdditionsWifey 2 роки тому +7

    At least you have the leg a try; not everything always works out but it’s best to try it out sometimes :)

  • @bramk4156
    @bramk4156 2 роки тому

    Its nice to see you happy again

  • @johndej
    @johndej 2 роки тому +4

    This is exciting news! I'm glad you've found one that meets your needs (kneeds ?? :). At the beginning of this I was wondering if your surgery might be off the table, but I'm glad that you are upbeat and ready to face that. Have a great week!

  • @scottsutherland8857
    @scottsutherland8857 2 роки тому

    Just got that exact Fillauer model myself 2 weeks ago. Love it!!!

  • @bretmaples
    @bretmaples 2 роки тому +1

    Glad you found something you like.

  • @stokesstittjr624
    @stokesstittjr624 2 роки тому +1

    Also good look with your operation 🙏🏿🙏🏿

  • @VirgilOvid
    @VirgilOvid 2 роки тому +1

    Your gait looks a lot more natural with this one! I think this is a great fit for you. Would love to see some hiking and running videos too.

  • @bethmeredith
    @bethmeredith 2 роки тому

    So happy to found the right fit for you.

  • @marikotrue3488
    @marikotrue3488 2 роки тому +4

    Congratulations to the new addition. May the next 2 - 3 years pass swiftly beneath you. Tried to be poetic, anyway so happy for Jo.

  • @ami._.amanda1
    @ami._.amanda1 2 роки тому +2

    soo good to see you on yt!

  • @duffweld
    @duffweld 2 роки тому +1

    So glad you’re doing well with new foot. I’m lucky to have one that works perfectly for me too

  • @weathermann1505
    @weathermann1505 2 роки тому +8

    I’m hopefully get my leg in 2 weeks

    • @FootlessJo
      @FootlessJo  2 роки тому +2

      Good luck!!!!

    • @weathermann1505
      @weathermann1505 2 роки тому


    • @kirin1230
      @kirin1230 2 роки тому

      How'd it go?

    • @weathermann1505
      @weathermann1505 2 роки тому

      @@kirin1230 I had to wait for assistance a little longer than expected but my next appointment is Friday

  • @firsttpt
    @firsttpt 2 роки тому +1

    I think Zach must have a pretty rewarding job. Sometimes.

  • @muriel5826
    @muriel5826 2 роки тому +1

    You look really comfortable in this one. Btw, your doggo chilling in the foreground - awesome

  • @pikeyMcBarkin
    @pikeyMcBarkin 2 роки тому

    great to see you again Jo! Thanks for the update video!

  • @CinkSVideo
    @CinkSVideo 2 роки тому +1

    Have you looked at the Lindhe Xtend foot? That one was designed around responsiveness to uneven terrain.
    Though…it looks like you’ve found the right foot! Yay.

  • @amandazaczek7968
    @amandazaczek7968 2 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing! My amputation was in January and I love your videos

  • @louiskat1900s
    @louiskat1900s 2 роки тому

    Hey Jo, I'm not an amputee, but have been watching for most of you're journey on youtube. I wanted to share an achievement of mine with you though. I was diagnosed with fibro in 2017 and was bed ridden for a couple of years (while having a very young child) but this past week I took my kid (now 9) on an outback adventure where I finally got to HIKE! my lack of fitness held me back, but I am so proud of my self and my body for doing what it did. For everyone else, never wait to do things you want to do. I've always wanted to go hiking and traveling, but kept putting it off as a teen and in my 20's, and at 25 got fibro which meant I couldn't do either. it's taken me almost a decade to be able to do housework, study, go out and be social, paint again. Don't wait until it's not possible to do things that make you happy

  • @catfdljws
    @catfdljws 2 роки тому

    I guess the problem is that generally insurance wants to think that "one leg fits all", so to speak. The idea that they should only have to cover one thing. Reality is that you have two different needs. At home and at social events, you need something that has a more natural walk and posture. On hiking, you need something that's going to hold up and hold your balance on obnoxious terrain.
    "One for casual, one for best" as the Brits might say.
    But the costs of these things means insurance tends to push patients to only getting one, it seems.

  • @juanfootjohn2125
    @juanfootjohn2125 2 роки тому

    So I decided against an ankle like that because I thought all the dirt and grit im in all the time would wear it out. After hearing your thoughts I think that I made the right decision I hadn't thought about the things you talked about. But make good sense.
    It's great to be hearing from you again you were missed big time around the tubes.
    Thank you so much.

  • @SnowPink90
    @SnowPink90 2 роки тому

    I am sooo happy for you and that this leg is going to work out great!! It was so wonderful to see a smile and upbeat you!!
    You certainly are an inspiration!!🤗🥰

  • @ElynevanOpzeeland
    @ElynevanOpzeeland 2 роки тому +1

    that is sad to hear, hope the new leg continues to be a good fit for you!

  • @claire2088
    @claire2088 2 роки тому +2

    Glad you're enjoying your new leg- do you get really excited for what the future of prosthetic innovations could bring? Like the shock absorbers on this one sound better then the last- and who knows what new feature will make the next one awesome

  • @donh4750
    @donh4750 2 роки тому

    Congrats on your new leg/foot

  • @jeanieolahful
    @jeanieolahful 2 роки тому

    That’s awesome! I’m very happy for you!

  • @cm1706
    @cm1706 2 роки тому

    So wonderful to see you happy and with a prosthetic that fits your lifestyle!!

  • @tenebrousoul9368
    @tenebrousoul9368 2 роки тому +4

    Much love Jo

  • @ricanryker6441
    @ricanryker6441 2 роки тому

    Thanks to you, you inspire me so much, going to have below knee & your giving me courage to take the plunge, I have been fighting with ankle pain since 90s ligament/tendon repair arthrodesis twice, fusion & now BKA Tired of being tired thnx

  • @LadyNicoMura
    @LadyNicoMura 2 роки тому +1

    I'm so excited for you.
    And proud of how well you seem to cope considering whatcyou have been through ... ♡
    Hope the leg suits your needs and the surgery is gonna go well.
    Love from germany

  • @raytalbot5890
    @raytalbot5890 2 роки тому

    Sound advice, I was told that new feels strange but not necessary wrong. 🇬🇧🇬🇧👍👍

  • @gamewrit0058
    @gamewrit0058 2 роки тому

    Hi, Jo, so happy to see you so happy with your new leg! Movement looks great, and the prosthetic does, too!

  • @Serel25
    @Serel25 2 роки тому

    I love your videos because you always take a few opportunities to make us laugh. Your personality is 100! Love you and your pups! Good luck for your surgery ❤️❤️❤️

  • @Wendy_Scotland
    @Wendy_Scotland 2 роки тому +2

    You got a new pupper? Who's the cutie?

  • @SvetaFromUkraine
    @SvetaFromUkraine 2 роки тому

    No way, I knew you lived in Colorado, but had no idea you lived in the Springs!! Me too! I hope to see you around town, I've loved your energy and positivity ever since the algorithm plopped one of your videos in my feed.

  • @prestonj1025
    @prestonj1025 2 роки тому

    Cool.. I'm glad it is working out for you!

  • @nathanielovaughn2145
    @nathanielovaughn2145 2 роки тому

    The bed to your left looks VERY comfy. I would just curl up with your dog and take a nap.

  • @Rikrobat
    @Rikrobat 2 роки тому +1

    New leg looking absolutely baller~ I'm glad she's working out better for you!

  • @justanotherasmrtist9034
    @justanotherasmrtist9034 2 роки тому +1

    I’m so glad you found a leg that works. I’d also like to say I just got twitch because of you! Can’t wait to watch your streams