И Руслан очень элегантный, таких редко встретишь. Он, как А.Горшков, про которого всегда говорили, что он самый элегантный фигурист. Вы не знаете, где сейчас Руслан?
Ну как как можно было потерять такой талант? Лена ты восхитительна! Ну никто не сможет заменить её! Я раньше была в восторге от Саши Степановой но она во многом уступает Лене! Как жаль ну почему почему? Вот кто бы мог утереть нос французам это Никита Кацалапов и она Елена!
Ruslan keeps the distance and that's good. As he matures he'll become a perfect frame for the sassy Elena. They do have some chemistry and I believe it way more that I/K.
Figure8snowman 10 minutes ago Yep, having a bad day and filled with anger. Hopefully it gets better. For now though Elena is one of the most beautiful & gifted skaters. She & Ruslan should savor up to the future great results. Stick to skating. Your comments are trash & insulting to skating fans around the world.
Figure8snowman you are russian? I am not and whats more I am a man and maybe strange but i dont care if she s beauty or not,this is figure skating not miss world,i dont say she is not talended skater ,only that the fd is just boring and not filled figures that hard as brits had,they have better lifts(the first one was just awesome),artistry and transition, elena and that ruslan were 4 on cup of china and i agree with that place,their PCS on FD there was 45.66, here on COfR 52.06 funny and Elena sleeped with morozow when he was her coach, live with that
Figure8snowman Am I racist? Only because I asked about your nationality ?You are out of you rmind? I bet you are russian so thats why you are talking about her like that her beauty etc thats why you are NOT objective....and pretensious and meanly you dont have arguments WHY they are so good....coz they have a chemistry? thats stupid and say nothing seriously and stop insulting ME 'cos i am not doing so ,You are offending me all the time elena is (S) coz sleeped with her own coach and thats the true and this is NOT racist(wtf?) to all women , whats your problem?
Твизлы Руслан не дотягивает немного, а С Кацалаповым, там Синицына никакая в твизлах.Да, трудно с новым партнёром, непросто сработать то, что нарабатывалось в паре годами .Но Руслан молодец, все равно❤
boring and nothing special fp's brits much much better and the difference between them in FP was only 2points (wtf) too much points but that normal ecouse the event took place in RUSSIA ad most of the russians was overscored like Stolbova/Klimov- ridiculous score for their boring programs ,, Sergei VORONOV (how did he get PCS so high? thats a mystery..)
Figure8snowman IAM objective and you are not I think because Elena is beautiful skater and only for that they could have 10 points extra ,this program did not deserve its 96 points,around 90 yes like in cup of china ,
Все пары так обнимаются. Благодарят друг друга. Не нравится - не смотрите. Завидуете? Завидуйте молча. Щепетильно на сердце это как? Учите русский. В русском языке такой фразы нет. )) А мне как-то легко на сердце от такого катания. Прекрасные ребята. Прокат на одном дыхании. Все бы так танцевали, встав в пару полгода назад. А то и "старички" такие ошибки делают, что становится удивительно... Ничего - на ошибках учатся.
Лена , как ты по настоящему прекрасна , чудо .Такой талант потеряли.Такая редкость , бриллиант фигурного катания.
Olga Shcherbachenko ,напишу,а вернее добавлю:Это бриллиант любую оправу украсит-ЛЮБУЮ.Как люди их полюбили...и я в том числе.
Обожаю эту программу, даже не знаю почему
Лена танцует супер,красота!!!
Елена прекрасна всегда и украсит любого партнера !
Спасибо за талант !
Жаль,что сейчас не видим_!
Елена прекрасная !!!
И Руслан очень элегантный, таких редко встретишь. Он, как А.Горшков, про которого всегда говорили, что он самый элегантный фигурист. Вы не знаете, где сейчас Руслан?
Ну как как можно было потерять такой талант? Лена ты восхитительна! Ну никто не сможет заменить её! Я раньше была в восторге от Саши Степановой но она во многом уступает Лене! Как жаль ну почему почему? Вот кто бы мог утереть нос французам это Никита Кацалапов и она Елена!
Allora il primo è il mio, mi sento come se stasera avessi vinti io, è bellissimo. la riscossa di due anime meravigliose.
Ruslan keeps the distance and that's good. As he matures he'll become a perfect frame for the sassy Elena. They do have some chemistry and I believe it way more that I/K.
10 minutes ago
Yep, having a bad day and filled with anger. Hopefully it gets better. For now though Elena is one of the most beautiful & gifted skaters. She & Ruslan should savor up to the future great results.
Stick to skating. Your comments are trash & insulting to skating fans around the world.
Figure8snowman you are russian? I am not and whats more I am a man and maybe strange but i dont care if she s beauty or not,this is figure skating not miss world,i dont say she is not talended skater ,only that the fd is just boring and not filled figures that hard as brits had,they have better lifts(the first one was just awesome),artistry and transition, elena and that ruslan were 4 on cup of china and i agree with that place,their PCS on FD there was 45.66, here on COfR 52.06 funny
and Elena sleeped with morozow when he was her coach, live with that
am I to answer to a racist? Slovak or Chech - couldn't care less )))
Calling Elena s'^t is racist to women. Also " life with it "?! Huh?
Figure8snowman" live with that"i changed it a couple of minutes ago
Figure8snowman Am I racist? Only because I asked about your nationality ?You are out of you rmind? I bet you are russian so thats why you are talking about her like that her beauty etc thats why you are NOT objective....and pretensious and meanly
you dont have arguments WHY they are so good....coz they have a chemistry? thats stupid and say nothing seriously and stop insulting ME 'cos i am not doing so ,You are offending me all the time
elena is (S) coz sleeped with her own coach and thats the true and this is NOT racist(wtf?) to all women , whats your problem?
Твизлы Руслан не дотягивает немного, а С Кацалаповым, там Синицына никакая в твизлах.Да, трудно с новым партнёром, непросто сработать то, что нарабатывалось в паре годами .Но Руслан молодец, все равно❤
Sorry, folks. Had to call a racist on what he really is. Thank you for the video!
Растерялась все сама!
Комментатор, несет, мясо!🙄 Горшков, убивал на по вал ,Своей, стройностью! Дело,Все, в мастерстве!😀
i feel so sorry for C/B,I love their FD I hoped to see them on GPF instead i have to look at that "lady"and her next lover
Что за комментатор....что за "катят"???? Дальше будет "ложИть".....
boring and nothing special fp's brits much much better and the difference between them in FP was only 2points (wtf)
too much points but that normal ecouse the event took place in RUSSIA ad most of the russians was overscored like Stolbova/Klimov- ridiculous score for their boring programs ,, Sergei VORONOV (how did he get PCS so high? thats a mystery..)
You are just a hater. Plus having a bad day, I guess.
Figure8snowman hahah hater having a bad day ? i am objective ,my dear all of russians were overscored and many people think so, their fd is weak
You don't know what objective means. You are on the opposite side what of what objective stands for - SUBJECTIVE )))
Figure8snowman IAM objective and you are not I think because Elena is beautiful skater and only for that they could have 10 points extra ,this program did not deserve its 96 points,around 90 yes like in cup of china ,
Let the world judge as they read this. Don't delete your spam & people will tell who is objective here )))
как она Касалапова обнимала с показухой, так и нового. Щепетильно на сердце.
Все пары так обнимаются. Благодарят друг друга. Не нравится - не смотрите. Завидуете? Завидуйте молча. Щепетильно на сердце это как? Учите русский. В русском языке такой фразы нет. )) А мне как-то легко на сердце от такого катания. Прекрасные ребята. Прокат на одном дыхании. Все бы так танцевали, встав в пару полгода назад. А то и "старички" такие ошибки делают, что становится удивительно... Ничего - на ошибках учатся.