ap kat is waaay better rn. but i won't play her every game tho, she has too many bad matchups. she shines really well when there are lots of games happening with jglers and supps (common in high elo) and if the enemy is squishy or just lots of plays can happen around you.
it's probably because he was very fed, but I think mainly because he bought the rod (1200gold), that's the build path for both Kat's second items: Zhonyas OR Shadowflame. i could be wrong but because he already had rod and then got more gold 6:09 (2550gold) he instead opted for dcap :D
the new skin is on fireeee. kind of concept we needed, i love red hair but the chroma looks awesome too
Yeah Lich Bane, the only build that works for Kat now lol, anyway well played!
+ Conq
my build bro
ap kat is waaay better rn. but i won't play her every game tho, she has too many bad matchups. she shines really well when there are lots of games happening with jglers and supps (common in high elo) and if the enemy is squishy or just lots of plays can happen around you.
might i ask what's the reason for conq + lich over nashors? I'm a lowly diamond player xd so I was curious
Oh damn I thought conqueror was exclusive to her AD builds 😮 imma give this a try.. ty!!!!!
I start to play yesterday like that, Conq + Lich feels too good right now.
i played with conq too and its very good, but why dcap 2nd? because u had the gold to buy it?
it's probably because he was very fed, but I think mainly because he bought the rod (1200gold), that's the build path for both Kat's second items: Zhonyas OR Shadowflame. i could be wrong but because he already had rod and then got more gold 6:09 (2550gold) he instead opted for dcap :D
if you are very fed dcap second is the best damage spike, the problem is getting the components
thankss man, I've been practicing kata for a week and when galio picks mid, I know it's a lose game xD
Galio is far from the worse honestly
Just wait till you lane against vlad or annie
is the new rune + build set up in the room with us?
your thought on the new skin?
But why conq tho?
this music is horrible
then mute it
@teszafek I still wanna hear the game sounds pip squeek
must be click bait bc i dont see anything new
But what ist new here?
Conqeuror + Lichbane
@Nyrolol ahhhh, ye i Just startes using that combo 2 days ago feels nice
Ap vs galio is wild
Ad isn’t good😊 anymore
Thoughts on Dark Harvest (buffed) with stormsurge and shadowflame?
better than this for sure below emerald