What I've been struggling with

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @shawnee.
    @shawnee. 2 роки тому +28

    God has been speaking the same thing to me recently , that is so interesting. I have children that are getting older , 11 years and 8 years , and this world is just such a worrisome place to raise children, and it has caused me enormous stress their entire lives trying to protect them and keep their innocence and goodness. But recently , God has really been showing me that He is in Control. It is my job to Pray for them and over them & Guide them in Truth, but that I need to have Faith in who He is , and the Control that He has. It was a freeing revelation, and seems we got the same message. God is So Good🙏

  • @briannenicoleerman
    @briannenicoleerman 2 роки тому +10

    Sarah, this video is SO incredibly timely for me. I have been sick for the last year and a half. I was mostly bed-ridden last year and am just now seeing progress in my health with working with a naturopath.
    One of the things I dealt with was MAJOR adrenal fatigue. It is SO real. One of my friend’s moms suggested this natural supplement to me that helps with heightened cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and I just take one pill every night before bed and WOW, it has made SUCH a difference! It was one of the biggest things that got me out of bed again! It’s 100% natural and you could totally run it by your naturopath, but I just had to share it with you because I really think it would help! It’s called Cortisol Manager by the brand Integrative Therapeutics.
    Anyways, thank you so much for making this video. It made me feel less alone and I can COMPLETELY relate to everything you’re feeling and processing through. Praying for divine health over you!

  • @nikkiisrael2708
    @nikkiisrael2708 2 роки тому +18

    Sarah, don’t worry about being human and having human needs, emotions and daily circumstances to deal with. We don’t have to be super spiritual, and you don’t have to have such high expectations of yourself. We love you as you are, and you know what I did yesterday? I went back to bed and stay there until two in the afternoon! LOL
    I didn’t care what anybody thought, and I knew that Jesus was helping me to get through what was a very difficult day.
    Take time off if you need to, because burnout is not good. And we need to be healthy in spirit, soul, and body.
    God bless
    I love your honesty and vulnerability, it’s very refreshing and will help many. 🤗❤️

  • @ChristineSmileyFace
    @ChristineSmileyFace 2 роки тому +11

    Judges 6:12 " The Lord is with you, Mighty Warrior "
    Sarah, I hold you in prayer right now. The battle against the flesh and spirit is real and thank you for sharing your heart cry with us all to give evidence of this. May we weep with one another and experience the grace, love and mercy of our Saviour.
    Love you and your ministry. Sending prayers and a double portion of blessings to you 🙏❤️

  • @VanessaChiarella
    @VanessaChiarella 2 роки тому +1

    You have a calming presence 💕

  • @anchy0027
    @anchy0027 2 роки тому +6

    Dear Sara, what you are going through is a normal path and belongs to life experience. I was just like you, try to please everybody and that bothered me so much. My problem was that I often felt sorry for others and tried to solve their problems, and I put myself on hold. But then I didn't live my life, but passively waited if someone needed me. One day a female acquaintance contacted me saying she wanted to have coffee with me. I never liked her as a person, but I always felt sorry for her because no one wanted to hang out with her because of her asociality and strangeness. Keeping in mind that I'm a Christian and I don't want to reject people just like that, I met her a couple of times and at the same time I prayed to God to show me the way whether I should continue to hang out with her. The first couple of coffees were ok. After that she started using me in terms of my time. Coffee with me wasn't enough for her, but she always asked me for some favor that she could have done herself if she wanted to. The icing on the cake happened when I agreed to meet her just because I promised her and I didn't feel good. That was a good lesson for me because then the person in question stayed somewhere and left me waiting. When you don't feel well, it's usually intuition that warns us of danger. I didn't actually know that acquaintance, and I gave her the epithets of a good person and a victim. And she is actually a totally different person. First we need to meet someone, and then decide if we will give her our precious time. Hold on! God bless you :)

  • @RASHASA1237
    @RASHASA1237 2 роки тому +1

    Will be praying for you!!! GOD is in control of it all!!! I love you!!! Be blessed!!!

  • @christined.butcher6498
    @christined.butcher6498 2 роки тому +1

    Sarah, thank you so much for sharing this. This is so encouraging, because I am someone who gets sick often, and recently have been feeling ill for almost three weeks, with body aches, fatigue and a fever. It's a non-diagnosable condition for right now, but I want to believe sincerely that the Lord is using this. But I do pray for God's healing (please pray for me if you read this!). Will be praying for you too, but grateful you can see, Sarah, that He uses all things for the good.

  • @shawnee.
    @shawnee. 2 роки тому +7

    You really do look beautiful today, and your voice is always lovely , and a reflection of the purity of your soul. Thanks for coming and sharing with us ♡ all Glory to God

    • @kadd4415
      @kadd4415 Рік тому

      That's so true. I totally relate to what Sarah is saying about pushing ourselves, not disappointing others, etc. Then showing herself a little under the weather but willing to minister- wow, that comes from a strong faith and a pure heart. That's beautiful.

  • @debbiecastro9706
    @debbiecastro9706 2 роки тому +4

    Praying for you Sarah!! Thank you for sharing, I know it's not easy. It is such a valuable reminder to take care of the body God has given us.

  • @remote_with_russ
    @remote_with_russ 2 роки тому +7

    Sarah, I've really been enjoying listening to your thoughts and your videos. Almost 50 now and I have started waking up the same time in the middle of night due to hormonal changes. I've been using that time to pray over things that concern me in the world, which has been nice, because I tend to be too occupied throughout the day to remember to pray. I'm sorry to hear you're struggling but I can tell you have a strong faith and understanding God has His purposes for everything. ♥

  • @krupaabrokwaa
    @krupaabrokwaa 2 роки тому +7

    sis, your channel continues to remind me how much I need to be transparent in my content creating too! this is setting people free and there is nothing more powerful than this! your treasure in heaven is great my sister!

    • @katsiarynareutovich3496
      @katsiarynareutovich3496 2 роки тому +2

      yes, I agree! I can see when I am transparent, people become it too, God is moving in our sincerity

  • @mykalasteadman
    @mykalasteadman 2 роки тому +1

    I struggled with adrenal fatigue a few years ago, actually after a mission trip I did for my church. It’s so hard that it’s not a officially recognized issue, and I felt awful. Videos like yours are so validating, thank you for sharing. 💕 I hope you have so much grace for yourself. You’re not alone:)

  • @dinaeilo8648
    @dinaeilo8648 2 роки тому +17

    Thanks for sharing Sarah... I'm in a season of chronic stress and depression too right now... or probably worse. It's hard but hang in there. I'm going through a lot emotionally... it's draining me. 😣😧😔

    • @millier9658
      @millier9658 2 роки тому +2

      Same here Dina ♥️
      I feel like I need to be patient with this whole process. Hugs xx

    • @dinaeilo8648
      @dinaeilo8648 2 роки тому +2

      @@millier9658 it's hard... especially when you're in the waiting season. When GOD has promised you something and weeks and months go by without it coming to pass... it's tough... at the same time imagine being on antidepressants and therapy and days like this one... you still feel alone and sad about the situation. Nights like these I cry myself to sleep honestly. 😔😭

    • @millier9658
      @millier9658 2 роки тому +2

      @@dinaeilo8648 baby girl, I feel you 100.
      I'd never experienced a major depressive episode until April when my world has totally collapsed. I lost 15 kg as I couldn't eat. The meds I was given made everything much worse and I was living a nightmare (thankfully I would still feel 'normal' at times ). I am feeling better now but I am certainly not quite there yet at all.
      Healing to you and me and well, all of us really

  • @amigdala_cr
    @amigdala_cr 2 роки тому +6

    Dear Sarah, I started following your channel because we were very alike in that one particular time of my life. And the things you described in this video are exactly the things I was going through last year at this time. I couldt stop doing! I forgot how to just be! It is a process that gets better with time and a lot of that time I was spending with God. He was there for me every day, whenever I needed Him and each day I felt more and more closer to Him because of it. Now I am in this phase of my life where I am very content with little that I do in a day, I am not judging myself for it and I am actually very grateful for that I was going through last year at this time. Often I think about that time today and I am so amazed by the grace that God has given me since then. God uses those times to build a stronger relationship with us. At first I didnt want to "bother" God and always tried to do it myself. But as time went on, I couldnt hold the smallest things in order without His help. He was so patient with me through that time and waited and waited till I finally realised that I NEED Him. We cant do things wihout him. I am also ambitious as you are, but I realised that if I am being ambitious without giving Him glory for it, I am not doing myself a favour. Sooner or later I will fall hard if I am trying to do it all alone. Now when I am in those times, I am not sad or irritated as I used to be. Now I know, God is doing His part. I am probably doing something wrong and He is trying to show His glory through me. In those times I always repeat 2 Cor 12:10 to myself: "Therefore I take pleasure in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, and difficulties for Christ; for when I might be weak, then I am strong." And it works. As I give the wheel to my Creator and Savior, I am safe. I will pray for your healing with the Lord and I know you will soon be even stronger than you used to be! xx

  • @elei417
    @elei417 2 роки тому +2

    May the almighty God heal you! 💕

  • @lauramahon6550
    @lauramahon6550 2 роки тому +1

    I totally understand this. The Lord has been speaking this to me for a long time and I found it so difficult to take the rest and say 'no' to things. When covid hit, part of me was relieved that a whole lot of things got cancelled but then the pandemic brought other stresses which affected my sleep. I also found I was getting really sick every couple of weeks, flu like viruses and having listened to your video it seems that this was my body's response to burnout too. I'm trying to now live a life with clearer boundaries and more rest/downtime and also trust the Lord more. Thanks for sharing your journey and I pray God will continue to heal and restore you.

  • @e11ionore79
    @e11ionore79 2 роки тому +1

    Hey, so sorry to hear that🥺🥺🥺Burnout is very hard thing. Experienced that last year in September, was anxious all the time, health problems started and the worst I didn’t understand the reason and pushed even harder. It took several months of not working at all and in very relaxed mode to recover but it was soo worth it. I reevaluated all things that I put on pedestal instead of God, made so many things I made idols of. Sometimes we run and don’t notice there are more important things - like God, health, peace. Wish you to recover🙏💙

  • @fishyfieable
    @fishyfieable 2 роки тому +1

    OMG sarah,I’ve been having the same thing you’ve been having too!! Adrenal fatigue. It’s good to know I’m not alone trying to get myself better from it. Thank you for speaking out about this☺️

  • @bullesavon9672
    @bullesavon9672 2 роки тому +1

    Try cutting down on caffeine especially on coffee.
    It burns out your adrenals in the long run, it also releases your insuline and cortisol which puts you in the fight or flight mode.
    Try green tea instead.
    I noticed when I get off coffee and switch to green tea I feel much better, less anxiety and less intrusive thoughts.

  • @nikiszarvas4702
    @nikiszarvas4702 2 роки тому +4

    thank you for this Sarah, going through similar things but God is so gentle with talking to us about these things.

  • @theonegrateful-leper
    @theonegrateful-leper 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much Sarah for this.
    Will be praying for your health.

  • @justme8101
    @justme8101 2 роки тому +10

    Hi Sarah I understand so much of this video.
    I have lived with m.e and fibromyalgia for many years.
    I have written a book which is my autobiography and testimony in poetry.
    And I had to stop chasing perfection
    This was hard as I liked things just so
    But I'd have to make some drastic changes
    And would have to learn how to let go
    Or perhaps, it's approval addiction
    It's not easy for you to say no
    But with this unhealthy need for affirmation
    People pleasing, you'll have to let go
    Keeping you in my prayers

  • @annikaa1903
    @annikaa1903 2 роки тому +4

    Thank you for sharing Sarah, I do struggle with same problem. It has been better for about 6 month. But since August i have pushed myself too much and now I have a cold and fever... its been a while since the last time i got sick. So I was almost surprised it was back.
    So your story remined me that I have to take care of my self and not push myself too much right now. God bless you!

  • @katsiarynareutovich3496
    @katsiarynareutovich3496 2 роки тому +2

    Hey Sarah. I am happy to have listened to your experience. I can relate to it. I am a similar type of person and I am learning to let go, to relax and to say "yes" to things that I need in the moment (some rest, a trip, some help from others etc.) It is a process, but even with my little attempts it brings so much relief :D Sending hugs to you all the way from Poland

  • @mijay1985
    @mijay1985 2 роки тому +2

    Sarah, please look into doing castor oil packs... doing this strengthened my immune system so much

  • @Oscarnodwannabe
    @Oscarnodwannabe 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you for sharing ♥ I needed this message

  • @candiceortiz1666
    @candiceortiz1666 2 роки тому +2

    Sarah!! Your are truly adorable, it’s not easy being transparent!! But you spoke such beautiful truth! And it was absolutely much needed!! Thank you thank you! For listening to the Holy Spirit Sarah You are awesome 👏🏼 wow, thank you, wow I really believe God has to slow you down to speak to you more deeply he’s such a good good father! Sarah your amazing! And BEAUTIFUL!! I’ve been watching your videos for a few months now and you are so genuine and sweet thank you for speaking truth thank you for hearing from God in speaking truth over this podcast thank you thank you for everything you said today it was truly spot on and so encouraging thank you!! May You be healed and rest Beautifully well! And May God truly truly refresh you!!!

  • @nossirius7864
    @nossirius7864 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for sharing Sarah :)

  • @heavenishome14
    @heavenishome14 2 роки тому +4

    hey Sarah I love your video and I just really wanted to say that what your going through is for your God glory and for you good and I will be praying for you God is going to get you out of the problem what your going through I love your videos and my girlf love your videos too I pray you get a across of this and I will be praying for you God bless you and your husband❤

  • @virginied6581
    @virginied6581 2 роки тому +1

    You are so loved by God may The mighty Love of God strengthen you Sarah you are chosen so the victory is yours no matter the situation you are an overcomer 🔥🔥🔥
    I send you love from France 🇫🇷 🥰🥰🥰 rest in The Lord dearie 💕💕

  • @deborahpendleton5977
    @deborahpendleton5977 2 роки тому +2

    Hi Sarah, thank you for sharing. I get it. I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Adrenal Fatigue ) and Fibromyalgia back in 2001 after suffering extreme fatigue, brain fog and burning pain in my joints specifically my fingers, hands and limbs. I have experienced these conditions on and off for more than 24 years and it had a huge impact on my life with work and Ministry. I am learning to pace myself and understand what it is to walk by the spirit and not do more than God has called me to do. God is beginning to heal me after 24 years of struggle. I will pray 🙏 for you Sarah. I am hopi g to do your Christian Life Coaching Course which starts in 2023. Just waiting for Registration. God bless, Deborah (Australia)

  • @theparttimehomemaker
    @theparttimehomemaker 2 роки тому

    I see a lot of similarities between myself and you. I recently experienced burnout from work and my physical health paid for it. I'm praying God helps me with managing my stress and overwhelm 🙏🏽

  • @RedeemedBeautyFromAshes
    @RedeemedBeautyFromAshes 2 роки тому +1

    I also struggle with the people pleasing. I struggle when people are unreliable and it has happened a lot in my life, not because they could not but because they just chose not to and I grew up not wanting to be that person. I am also the same that when it comes to being tired or burned out I then feel like I have to go because I am choosing not too be there. I neglect myself and my health over not wanting to be seen as unreliable. Since the times I have chosen not to go I stopped getting invited. It’s a process but I thought I was the only one who struggled with that. Definitely a hard one 🥺😭. I want to share and be there but I know that if I am not physically, emotionally and spiritually well it will not be intentional and I will just be physically there but not actually present. It’s just hard for people to see that since I am the “life of the party”. The Lord is teaching me how to take care of myself this season and I didn’t know how much I people pleased and neglected myself for others. I always ended up tired and exhausted and burned out and regretting going. I didn’t want to disappoint others because I hate it when I do and then I realized disappointing myself hurts and feels worse. Not only when you promise yourself something and don’t do it but when you realize you have a choice and can choose to choose yourself over others. Most importantly when you choose him, how he sees and how much he cares for you him over the what others think and how they see you. Life changing.

  • @analizcassiba344
    @analizcassiba344 2 роки тому +2

    “But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.I praise God for what he has promised. I trust in God,so why should I be afraid?

  • @Dreamgiirl23
    @Dreamgiirl23 2 роки тому +3

    Yes…. REST 💜

  • @robintriumphs
    @robintriumphs 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for this video it blessed me 🤍🙏🏾✨

  • @Celine.4
    @Celine.4 2 роки тому +1

    So encouraging 🥰🙏🏼

  • @dorism5304
    @dorism5304 2 роки тому +3

    Hi Sarah 😊Thank you for this message💕We’ll continue praying for you and trust God that things will get better for you ❤️

  • @livs2045
    @livs2045 2 роки тому +3

    Thanks for sharing. I struggle with depression as well. I pray that God will overwhelm u with His amazing peace and joy. In Jesus name. Stay blessed 🙏❤️

  • @ekelindaadaku
    @ekelindaadaku 2 роки тому +2

    Hugging you all the way from here🥰🥰...

  • @umida.mukhitdinova
    @umida.mukhitdinova Рік тому

    My coffee and sugar addiction led me to severe adrenal fatigue which Im trying to recover from second year. I finally cut out all carbs 3 months ago and all caffeine 1 months ago and now Im recovering very slowly following carnivore way of eating 🙏💝

  • @KelsOneInaMillion
    @KelsOneInaMillion 2 роки тому +2

    Hi Sarah, sorry you aren't feeling well. I am praying for renewed health, strength and joy for you! Do you have any messages about how to regain relationship with God after a loss? My father passed away a few weeks ago and I feel like I was lost my connection with self and God since his departure.

  • @EstelleWalter
    @EstelleWalter 2 роки тому +1

    I've been struggling with burnout (getting there anyway) and God showed me through my Christian family that it was because I was trying to make ministry without God guiding me into what to do. I relied on my plans and strength to obey what God had told me to do. I'd encourage you to maybe check this - and check with the Lord about the fact that the fatigue might be a spiritual thing happening? :)

  • @jesusiskingofmyheart
    @jesusiskingofmyheart 2 роки тому +2

    Where are your glasses from?! They're so cute ❤😍

    • @NowBloom
      @NowBloom  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you! 🤍 I actually got them when I was living in the Philippines several years ago and I can’t remember the name of the brand but now I usually buy my glasses from Zenni because they’re really inexpensive and I feel like they might have a style like this! 💕🙏

  • @millier9658
    @millier9658 2 роки тому +2

    1 min in and let me tell you, you look so beautiful!

  • @hg3895
    @hg3895 2 роки тому +1

    I recommend the book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero. I've had adrenal fatigue before, it was awful, also had MCS/CFS and fibromyalgia. The Lord is our healer. Take care of yourself

  • @kadd4415
    @kadd4415 Рік тому

    17:17 God is the God of boundaries and He knows better than me. I pray that He is the Lord over the boundaries of my life. Amen. Thank you that was so helpful for me. :)

  • @B.H.1987
    @B.H.1987 2 роки тому +2

    I haven’t watched the entire video but just by going through segments of it and by reading the comments I’ll say this, do read this book 📕 “A mind of your own” by Dr. Kelly Brogan, it’s legit. The food we eat - in addition to other life habits - play a significant role in our mental and physical health. Give it a shot! I talk from personal experience.

  • @millier9658
    @millier9658 2 роки тому +1

    Yes, learning to trust God is not easy at all. Ahhh.

  • @ObeyJesusOurLord
    @ObeyJesusOurLord Рік тому

    Hope your adrenal fatigue is gone! May God's healing hand be upon you!

  • @Williamb612
    @Williamb612 Рік тому

    Sarah…you may have long term Covid…it can last several years and the symptoms you describe are very typical for those who have it. The Covid test will not surface it once the initial Covid strain has taken root. Many never knew they even had Covid, then the long term effects set in….and yes these come and go for sometimes a year or more.

  • @emilyvancleave4437
    @emilyvancleave4437 2 роки тому +1

    You might want to look into reactivated EBV, Epstein Barr Virus, it can come on from stress. I deal with lots of health issues and adrenal fatigue as well so I feel for you, praying for healing! ❤️

  • @Dreamgiirl23
    @Dreamgiirl23 2 роки тому +2

    Your so cute love you pretty girl ! 💜😘

  • @lightinthedarkness_J812
    @lightinthedarkness_J812 2 роки тому +1

    Also recommend doing muscle testing to find out what type of supplements to take and how many.