what makes it more frustrating is that Guy himself gets to show off more than his team. As much as I love Guy and some of the other Jounins, the side characters I really wanted to see shine were the members of the Konoha 11. Asuma's team had their moments (especially Shikamaru), but team Kurenai and team Guy really got shafted. smh
Comedy_ Express lol the only way that team 10 has ever contributed after the very beginning of shippuden to the story is neji dying. Thats pretty sad isnt it?
This ending made me realize how much I would loved to see tenten's fighting style and just her character in general be more relevant to the plot, would've been so cool. its such a waste how they just never utilised her character properly at all honestly asddjghadfkjs
team guy is criminally underrated. Neji dies, Tenten is given little to no screen time and even fewer wins. and Lee is forever stuck in the shadow of his master.
I started to rewatch the og naruto recently and it angers me how sasuke just steals lee's taijutsu and gets to show off in front of the whole village when lee spent his whole life to get to this point and has to watch everyone fangirling over sasuke's taijutsu
@@GoncaloDCa I never really got how that worked, I mean the Sharingan is supposed to copy movements like hand signs right? it shouldn't just be able to make your legs move faster and stronger than they've been built to.
@@FBILink That might had made since a few years ago But even Haru has screentime now. They gave her screen time in royal plus all the other P5 games now
Jup. With Konohamaru, it was a game. He used wide movements, slow attacks, giving his Junior (and kinda pupil) opportunities to make moves. With Neji, it was more like a dance, both not being serious, just enjoying the time together. With Ten-Ten, Naruto is on the defensive because she has the range advantage, and Naruto (who doesn't have that much personal connection with her) becomes more serious. And with Lee, it is just utter Chaos, as Lee is such a good fighter that everything but fight instinct takes a step back, for a chaotic but powerful exchange of blows.
I can’t stop rewatching Tenten’s sequence. The choreography is SO smooth, it really shows that she’s a true weapon master. If only she had gotten more fights like this in the actual show, she would probably be a widely beloved character.
She could've been like Shigure from Ken'ichi, History's Strongest Disciple, plus use space/time ninjutsu techniques or just more cool summoning type jutsu
I like how graceful and strategic nejis fighting style is with naruto. It feels so smooth with limited unnecessary movements all so strategic and in a coordinated sequence.
@@yvthanrosemary she and her team are about 1 year older than the rest of the genin. They would've been 18 by the time the show ended. But, no matter how old someone is, if they are not your spouse, you do not get to look at their body like that.
When you have an entire team dedicated to martial arts and weapon's training but don't give them screen time instead everyone stands in a circle throwing hand signs.
Word out of every team this one definitely had the least screentime in shippuden. Nonetheless I dont understand why people are mad when the fights are mostly ninjutsu. That literally makes sense tho. Ninjas started when the sage of 6 paths gave them power. They used their chakra to fight. Tyjutsu became old fashioned
Fight with Konohamaru: More like a sparring, Naruto is clearly superior than him and he makes it friendly Fight with Neji: A hard one, Neji's technique is gracious and Naruto actually lose when Neji does an ippon on him. Fight with Tenten: It's like a dance, and it's one of the first times Naruto fights with a kunai. It proves that Tenten had a latent potential that Kishi didn't know how to pursue Fight with Rock Lee: Desperate, energic and powerful. Naruto does an extreme to protect himself most of the time, but manage to adjust somewhat.
Naruto is basically toying with konohamaru Naruto has to be more calculated and precise against neji Naruto is more fluid against Tenten and then there's Lee, where Naruto just has to go balls to wall crazy
this is exactly why i love this ending so much lol he strategically fights each person different, and lets loose with Lee. its funny these fighting scenes during the credits are better than most fights today
@@kingnamor777 I know but in base his taijutsu was never that good. The way he is fighting in this ending is what I wish how he fought before Sage Mode
I love the fact that sparring with Neji is very safe compared to the others. The gentle fist is less dangerous if you're not trying to disrupt the opponent's chakra.
What's more interesting is when sparring with neji is all about being technical and not wasting unnecessary movements that was why most of his movements doesn't create any opening.
Love the different feeling of each opponent Konohamaru: Don’t let your guard down just because he’s younger Neji: Don’t rush in you’ll be countered take your time Tenten: Keep your distance watch the weapon and find an opening Lee: No time to think fight fast and fight hard Plus the little details like Naruto playing around with Konohamaru, Him and Neji smiling while fighting, his hesitation to go in against Tenten when she spun the staff, and getting put on the defensive against Lee
@@Gadget-Walkmen no he shouldn't seeing as there was no build up to his death, if there was thn yes. If anything the ppl that should've died would have been Sai and Hinatas father (mainly him seeing as it was his responsibility to protect Neji)
I love the small detail of Ten Ten shifting her grip lower to counter naruto pulling out a kunai for extra reach on his shorter weapon. If only she got more screen time and was able to do something noticeable in the series with her weapon mastery, but thats Shounen anime discarding side characters.
That's more kishimoto unable to handle his rookie 9 at all because other shonens are able to handle all their main cast of characters and supporting characters well like One Piece who gives spotlight to ALL the spotlight.
Don't say Shonen anime, just say Naruto, not all of them do this, like the guy said above, One Piece usually gives spotlight to it's side characters, hell, the protagonist literally gets saved by them
I love not only the different styles but also the lil details on the characters themselves- like how Naruto is being more playful with Konohamaru and how much respect there is between him and Neji, is really cute.
The fact that tenten got like 10 minutes of canon screentime total in all of naruto, and she still has a nice little fanbase proves that if she would have been used more she would have easily been a fan favorite. I can see why considering her and temari were like the only young females that didn't spend all of their screentime obsessing over some boy.
To be fair.... LOTS of characters in the canon actually had huge fan bases while having little screen time. Kishi was able to create a huge amount of characters that had a huge amount of popularity... If the character talked at some point in the series and were properly named, they might have had popularity. Think about it... there are more liked than forgotten characters
Tenten was basically sucking neji when he was fighting naruto.. “ThAtS wHy NeJi Is ThE gReAtEsT hIs ByAkUgAn Is ThE BeSt.” That was so annoying but other than that yeah, tenten pretty cool
I think this is honestly my favorite Naruto Ed. The choreography is so smooth and it’s really nice to see not only how better Naruto got with his fighting skills, but how his relationship grew with each of these characters. It’s just so cute and wholesome 🥰❤️❤️
Konohamaru: Come on big bro otherwise I'll take the Hokage bro from you!! Neji: Don't just block, but counterattack as well. Focus on where I aim. Now faster. Tenten: Alright up, down, left, right, block. Up, down, left, right, block....Now up, up left right left block weave block left up right Sansetsukon SPECIAL COMBO UNLOCKED. Rock LEE: THE POWER OF YOUTH NARUTO. GIVE ME EVERYTHING NO HOLDING BACK OUR SPRINGTIME IS NOW
I can't stop watching this. The storytelling, the animation, the colo palette, the flow with the great music. One of many Naruto ops/eds that I wish was longer, but this might take the cake. Definitely for Shippuden.
According to certain fansubs of this ending, the flyer literally translates to *I want the Smoke* *Meet me at the Shark Tank Dojo* *Signed,* *_NARUTO UZUMAKI_*
That match up is the same as the Lee and Garaa match up. The issue is having the ninetails makes him immune to gentle fist, because it's chakra Neji can't block off. Think Ereaserhead from my hero, if he were fighting someone who's quirk was to reflect other people's quirk back at them. Both of their specialties are knocked out, but the other guy would win the war in quirk combat. Chakra becomes such an integral part of combat later that naruto is the most powerful, based on how much he has alone.
i still come back and listen to this every now and then good vibe, clean fluid animation. i wish all the people who worked on this ed, long and prosperous health
I feel like the flow of the ending goes like this: Konohamaru: The Warm Up Neji: Strategic Hand to Hand Combat TenTen: Weapons Training Lee: Speed Combat
When the "Hey, Hey HEY! I THINK YOU CAN DoO IT!!" comes on, another wave of grooviness hits with the energy rise of Naruto and Lee sparring!!! It's such a catchy song!!!
Nah, she's not underrated, just underdeveloped but she would be more popular if Kishimoto took the time to give her some canon screentime since she's the only one who fights like a ninja
1:27 Rock Lee deserves more. Multiple opening and ending and non-canon stories about him. Is like they know he is a fan favorite, but Kishimoto still didn't know what to do with him
Aside from tenten looking so cute in this ending. It really highlights her skill. This is what we needed more of in the show. And she could use multiple weapons and switch between them to really emphasise her ability
The moment the show started to go for large scale explosive attacks TenTen had no chance of fighting with her weapon centric design. I do wish the show had kept battles to smaller scale to let characters like TenTen have a chance to shine.
@@l1_nimbus23 She's technically using a nerfed version of flying raijin when summoning 1000 weapons during her twin rising dragon. She's one of the few characters that has a bridge towards learning that skill but ofc she's not a main character (or even an existing character)
Tenten's fighting style in the hands of a different writer could be really cool. Kishi's just a really, really boring shonen writer. For an example of a weapons-specialist done right, check out Zazie's fights in Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, chapters 22, 23, 83, 90, 91, 98, 100. Awesome char.
@@datboisus339 Dude, you need to understand my comment. You notice how my comment has 13 likes? That means 13 people saw the logic in it and agreed. Now if 13 people agreed that means that the comment makes sense and you're not understanding it.
Uhhh...no that's not true man...just take a look at Kakashi vs Obito, Madara vs Shinobi Alliance, Rock Lee vs Gaara, Killer Bee vs Sasuke, Kakashi vs Hidan and Kakuzu, Naruto vs Sasuke (both fights), Orochimaru vs Third Hokage, Sasuke vs Orochimaru (from OG Naruto), Jirayja vs Pain
OP and ED credits screen are usually outsourced to different studios, often outside Japan because the inhouse studio literally don't have time for that, especially for long running series like Naruto. That's why many OP and ED has higher art and animation quality, sometimes even OOC concept.
@Mark Stein This is what really annoys me, they had the perfect opputunity to bring back Hidan during Boruto but no they had some crappy version of him instead. Missed Oppotunity.
Tenten is such a cool character i mean she is not annoying like Sakura and she is always helpful in some way i just watched like Episode 404 and 405 and those Tenten fillers i loved them
For me both were annoying. Mainly cuz of tenten acting so arrogant in the OG Naruto series when all she did was throw weapons basically. During the war her keep on saying that she was so good with that sage of 6 paths ninja tool when it can brew up all 5 elements when swung had nothing to do with her talent. I do think she had the potential to be a cool character especially here but majority of the few times when they shown her just didn’t care for her. Think the village hidden in the stars she had kind of good moments
@Sabre 43 I agree. She could have been so well written, but she just missed the mark so many times. Lee and Guy proved that you don't need ninjutsu to be a great shinobi, but TenTen didn't come across the way they did.
@@potentdelirium exactly then this moment I nvr see it enough attention like some of Sakura’s other moments but what about when she saved kankuro from sasori’s poison with such little time and ingredients. Think that was a good showing for her. But then later on when tenten appears it’s like really this girl is a chunin
@@sabre4382many characters were annoying. That’s normal. Naruto himself was super annoying at times Sasuke was worse than all of em combined. We only loved Hinata bc she had no personality whatsoever
I love how Naruto takes each person's fighting style whenever it switches, and it really shows how much he's grown, and I love that little detail *Edit: I meant that he's generally grown as a fighter and a person. Dont pull a Madara and start the 5th Great Ninja War in the replies*
All the side characters in Naruto were done dirty, but Ten Ten probably had the most unfair treatment. In introducing her fighting style, she had to go up against Tamari, who made her look like a chump because the sand ninja were Jonine level. She didn't get to be in Sasuke's retrieval, which both Lee and Neji got to shine in. And in Shippuden, she's barely given any screen time. Admittedly, her fighting style on the surface is the most boring, she's a weapons expert, but they could've easily made that more interesting with the right set up.
Girls like Tenten is so attractive to me. They don't seek attention like Sakura, Ino but also not shy or have low confidence like Hinata. They work hard for the thing they do or their craft.
You mean chicks with actual aspirations that don't involve stalking/fangirling over some guy they've never had a real conversation with? I like those as well.
I remembered when this first dropped. Showed it to friends at the time and they were just simping for Tenten I'm sitting there like "bro, he's matching everyone's energy, self improving and sharing the wealth" Just an all around great credits that lives rent free in my mind to this day. Stay improving, love yourself and put any extra bit towards other people you care about. They don't need all of it, just the right amount to show you who they are as people in your life. Take care
@@ttm3622 11 does indeed come right after 10, you're going to pass your Kindergarten math test with flying colors little guy I can just tell, keep at it kiddo!
@@Scribbles-hz9ec I agree, a lot of wasted potential. The original Naruto series was great because of the konoha 11 were all had important roles to play while Shippuden, especially at the end, completely focused on Naruto an the sharingan users
I love this so much. There is so much detail to every fight, like that konohamaru often has moments where he just stands still and watches Narutos next move very carefully to dodge it porperly. Or how Naruto is looking for neji before he enters the fight with a surprising attack that Naruto barely dodges. That perfectly shows nejis carefull and smart fightingstyle. Ten Ten is actually the one most dominating Naruto, keeping him on distance all the time not even letting him do a real attack once. In the fight with lee both of them actually get hit a few times right in the face (you can see the sweat flying) while in all the other fights all attacks are blocked or dodged
THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I"M SAYIN!!! Everyone's so focused on Tenten in those shorts (not gonna lie, she looks fine in them), but they didn't even realize that we pretty much got the dream match of Naruto V.S. Rock Lee!!!
Nobody is talking about the fact that this is the MOST VIEWED ending??? Pd: all Guy's team deserves more screen time and character develop, specially Tenten :(
I really like two main things about this ending 1. You can clearly see all the characters have their own fighting style 2. I really like the fact that the fights dont have a clear winner and just move on in midfight to the next one basically
I love how this actually shows the difference in the fighting styles, and how Naruto's is definitely not a 'proper' style, honestly, he'd probably benefit from break dancing lessons - it seems to fit his fighting style
Yes team Guy was the team that was sticking to thé roule of Naruto combat style de were introduced in Naruto as a kid and then choose their path and diversity in it. That one of the things i really like about them. But in shinppuden, since the rule of their World wasn't respected and we get into mecha combat with Giants invocation....... We don't get to much of différent combat style now...
This actually shows that Naruto had some pretty rad hand to hand combat skills. If he can mess with both Neji and Lee, plus ten ten's skill with weapons. Das my boi Naruto
I really loved this ending. It came at the perfect time in the anime, right after Naruto had gotten back from training with the frogs and learned Frog Kata. Naruto was always pretty meh at taijutsu up until that frog training, getting regularly shown up whenever he got into a 1 on 1 taijutsu fight and instead had to rely on clones or rasengan to win fights. But after studying Frog Kata with the toads, finally Naruto had actual taijutsu skills, and this ending showed that Naruto could toy around with Konohamaru fighting with a clone, and could fight on par with Team Guy, who were all taijutsu specialists.
The way I still come back to this ED so many times. My fave ED, this team deserved way more shine, Neji and Naruto's match always got me smiling (dang I miss Neji) and Tenten honestly deserved so much better, plus this song is a complete jam! A comfort ED that'll never get old for me.
Honestly the choreo in this ending is probably still some of my favorite in the entire franchise It's just great to see classic taijustu from a lot of side characters that haven't been featured as much in Shippuden Also I really love how each character's personal style just shines here and Naruto has to change his approach for each person Just a great ending altogether
Donovan Spencer yea this was amazing it represents everyone’s styles this goes to show how much work they put in just for an outro how swiftly and fluently the movements went its flat out amazing they put all work into this
I love the end frame of them relaxing after training. Gives me memories of after school soccer or basketball practice, we'd all go to the school canteen and buy a couple milk drinks or juice and lay in the middle of the soccer field or stairs leading towards the basketball court. Can't believe that was only 8 years ago, damn time flies. In my mid twenties now and engaged.. far out. I'm happy I made the memories though, sad I can't relive them. :D
I like how Konahamaru fights like Naruto, and while both Lee and Neji fight using Taijutsu, Neji is more about where to strike and thus Naruto focuses more on blocks and precise movement, where Lee is all about controlling the battle so Naruto has to fight aggressive or else he’ll constantly be on the defensive. Really highlights the styles in which they all fight
Love, love this ending. Super dig the upbeat feel, and I love how it showcases Naruto's vastly improved hand-to-hand combat skills that he had just learned.
The real depressing thing about this is that there is more variation in fighting during this ending than there was for most of Shippuden. I mean I love Naruto but god damn I can't help but switch off when I see him pulling the Shadow Clone and Rasengan combo for the 600th time.
@@kbreezy2025 Yea but I love hand to hand fights way more. The most memorable fights in Part 1 were hand to hand. The best animation in Shippuden was hand to hand. At least my opinion. Everyone remembers Madara taking out an alliance hand to hand, but hardly anyone remembers the gold and silver brothers doing something similar....why because they used tailed beast chakra. People remember Kakashi vs Obito due to the emotion and phsyical display. Yet hardly anyone remembers Sasuke vs Orochimaru. Sure they remember Sasuke beating Orochimaru, but people watch the fight and are like "Oh yea he just slashed and genjutsu like his brother...."
Naruto poster: who tryna catch these hands. Neji: I'm destined for the win. Tenten: I'm 10/10 no way I can miss this win and screentime Lee: my blood is boiling guy sensei Konohamaru: this is my chance to show big bro naruto what I can do
Watch Naruto Shippuden here! got.cr/cc-nsop
@@AzureRapid00 Yes >:)
Bro y’all update this still??
no im broke :(
This is the most amount that Team Guy ever does in Shippuden after the Save the Kazekage Arc.
You're not wrong
Bro wtf you’re everywhere 💀
what makes it more frustrating is that Guy himself gets to show off more than his team. As much as I love Guy and some of the other Jounins, the side characters I really wanted to see shine were the members of the Konoha 11. Asuma's team had their moments (especially Shikamaru), but team Kurenai and team Guy really got shafted. smh
Comedy_ Express lol the only way that team 10 has ever contributed after the very beginning of shippuden to the story is neji dying. Thats pretty sad isnt it?
My homegirl Tenten was in the spotlight for 17 seconds. That's more than I could have ever hoped for.
This ending made me realize how much I would loved to see tenten's fighting style and just her character in general be more relevant to the plot, would've been so cool. its such a waste how they just never utilised her character properly at all honestly asddjghadfkjs
Tenten best girl
@@Leafeon-gd5en kishimoto and female characters man.
She had an whole ep
@@animevision2663 Not enough
Naruto: :Lets throw hands
Konohamaru: Lets throw flips
Neji: Lets throw palms
Tenten: Lets throw weapons
Lee: I'll throw you
Itachi: I’ll choke Sasuke
Sasuke: Let's throw a Chidori to Sakura
Mr: Teuchi: Lets throw bowls
Me: let's throw sakura to test enemy ability
Creators: Lets throw in godly abilities
team guy is criminally underrated. Neji dies, Tenten is given little to no screen time and even fewer wins. and Lee is forever stuck in the shadow of his master.
Go On Keep Spittin
@@Yami_D_Blade ???
@@festral7509 He’s saying you’re speaking facts or the truth. So he’s saying keep talking them facts.
I started to rewatch the og naruto recently and it angers me how sasuke just steals lee's taijutsu and gets to show off in front of the whole village when lee spent his whole life to get to this point and has to watch everyone fangirling over sasuke's taijutsu
@@GoncaloDCa I never really got how that worked, I mean the Sharingan is supposed to copy movements like hand signs right? it shouldn't just be able to make your legs move faster and stronger than they've been built to.
*this ending has more tenten screen time than the actual anime*
tenten is basically like haru from p5. character with no screen time
@@FBILink That might had made since a few years ago But even Haru has screentime now. They gave her screen time in royal plus all the other P5 games now
It's only fair that happen because she wasn't in the NARuTo ending 8 where it had only Hinata, ino and Sakura only.
Also she hits more attacks to
Animation for Konohamaru, Tenten, and Neji: Smooth, clear, crisp, easy to follow.
Animation for Lee: *crack*
“I am speed”
@@Ty-yk8oy "I am on speed"
@@thepeopleonthecouch2928 "I am speed"
Can't wait for metal lee to be nervous
@@DR3AMS-YT "Am speed"
Konohamaru: Agile
Neji: Graceful
Tenten: Parry
Lee: *lee*
Gotta admit though. Lee brought that *SMOKE*
Lee is just Lee ;w;
@Ke’Morii Lee and Neji were always my favourites
vanex neji has some amazing blocks look at that
I like how Naruto adapts to each fight and with Lee he just goes bananas.
He really does 😂 the one between him and konohamoru was pretty cool u never see actually see them spar only sexy jutsu competition.
Which is adapting to the fight
gotta match lee's energy or you get run over, jinchiuriki or not lol.
You can tell that whoever animated the ending really enjoys Rock Lee cause that part was really just oozing with passion, love that
Jup. With Konohamaru, it was a game. He used wide movements, slow attacks, giving his Junior (and kinda pupil) opportunities to make moves. With Neji, it was more like a dance, both not being serious, just enjoying the time together. With Ten-Ten, Naruto is on the defensive because she has the range advantage, and Naruto (who doesn't have that much personal connection with her) becomes more serious. And with Lee, it is just utter Chaos, as Lee is such a good fighter that everything but fight instinct takes a step back, for a chaotic but powerful exchange of blows.
One of the best examples that the animators of Naruto know good choreography. Plus music is top
Iirc they never have the same animator
There is a rotation of staff though. Fun fact: Naruto vs Lee is animated byYoshimichi Kameda. known for his work as director of Mob Psycho 100
I’m the 700th like
Studios usually always outsource their openings and endings, lol. Which is why they always look so good
That explains why a lot of fights feel different.
Outro: naruto lookin' like a professional fighter
Actual show: RASENGAN!!!!!!!!
Don’t forget bigger Rasengan 😆😆
Or giant rasengan
Or the Ultra big ball tailed beast Rasenshuriken
Dont forget every reason shuriken with another element
And atleast one shadow clone don’t forget the shadow clone
Everyone taking about tenten, but we all gonna ignore the fact that this is the most taijutsu ever done within shippuden
Kakashi vs Obito?
Kakashi vs kakazu?
final Naruto vs Sasuke?
Sakura vs Sasori? Madara's introduction?
Goku vs Vegeta?
Neji smiling was heartwarming. It was like he was sarcastically thinking "Swear we've done this before"
you don't make sense
@@neilesguerra you seem a bit confused
@@thato8000 I gave you a thumbs down
@@neilesguerra what a peculiar specimen. Are you a... sad man
Yura Yura...
*Fight with konohamaru:* Call me sensei
*Fight with Neji:* Don't touch me please
*Fight with Tenten:* Breakdancing
*Fight with Lee:* Power of youth
Of course!
@@justabby4528 go off bestie
@@Cully_Redfield your name's hilarious by the way...
@@justabby4528 My name is my occupation my child
I can’t stop rewatching Tenten’s sequence. The choreography is SO smooth, it really shows that she’s a true weapon master. If only she had gotten more fights like this in the actual show, she would probably be a widely beloved character.
Exactly 😭
AND she thicc
She could've been like Shigure from Ken'ichi, History's Strongest Disciple, plus use space/time ninjutsu techniques or just more cool summoning type jutsu
The swing got more screen time than ten ten
MY FAV OUTRO! makes me wanna be active
Didn't expect you to be here haha
Let's ignore the fact it's not that popular, still one of the best outros
Bruh samee
The black hokage used to use it in his intros🔥💯
I like how positive it feels
The title of the song is what starts this
@@shiro4095wdym it isnt popular, this is by far one of the popular ones
I like how graceful and strategic nejis fighting style is with naruto. It feels so smooth with limited unnecessary movements all so strategic and in a coordinated sequence.
1: Tenten is freaking hot
2: Gotta love Lee. He really is one of Naruto's best friends
Ten ten is 15
@@yvthanrosemary She's still hot
@@yvthanrosemary she and her team are about 1 year older than the rest of the genin. They would've been 18 by the time the show ended.
But, no matter how old someone is, if they are not your spouse, you do not get to look at their body like that.
Lee and shikamaru
When you have an entire team dedicated to martial arts and weapon's training but don't give them screen time instead everyone stands in a circle throwing hand signs.
You mean magical gang signs
@@gerolee1367 that's probably the best summary of the jutsu hand signs I've ever seen
Team guy is literally the second strongest
Word out of every team this one definitely had the least screentime in shippuden. Nonetheless I dont understand why people are mad when the fights are mostly ninjutsu. That literally makes sense tho. Ninjas started when the sage of 6 paths gave them power. They used their chakra to fight. Tyjutsu became old fashioned
normal people: Martial Art
me, an intelectuall: Taijutsu
normal people: Fighting
@@m_ali_0450 yes hahahaaha kk
@Justadice J wow ur so cool
Me an idiot: thai jitsu
Ppl with low IQ: Dancing
Fight with Konohamaru: More like a sparring, Naruto is clearly superior than him and he makes it friendly
Fight with Neji: A hard one, Neji's technique is gracious and Naruto actually lose when Neji does an ippon on him.
Fight with Tenten: It's like a dance, and it's one of the first times Naruto fights with a kunai. It proves that Tenten had a latent potential that Kishi didn't know how to pursue
Fight with Rock Lee: Desperate, energic and powerful. Naruto does an extreme to protect himself most of the time, but manage to adjust somewhat.
Naruto is basically toying with konohamaru
Naruto has to be more calculated and precise against neji
Naruto is more fluid against Tenten
and then there's Lee, where Naruto just has to go balls to wall crazy
This how I imagined the Naruto characters training and improving their skills.
this is exactly why i love this ending so much lol he strategically fights each person different, and lets loose with Lee. its funny these fighting scenes during the credits are better than most fights today
If only Naruto's skills were that good during the show
@@isaiahqjones2991 Naruto got skills when went Sage mode against. That where he improve his fighting art. But never at the same level as Rock Lee.
@@kingnamor777 I know but in base his taijutsu was never that good. The way he is fighting in this ending is what I wish how he fought before Sage Mode
Ikr, it looks fresh asf
Ten Ten as well lul
@@hellothere10yearsago97 ur name tricked me
But then he won't have the power of *YOUTH!*
0:57 AW, I love that part where Tenten changes her position with the staff, that's some nice detail.
I feel like that was her way of saying "lets have a good fight"
@@DarkClassicGamer Yep.
You felt wrong, dude, lol
I love the fact that sparring with Neji is very safe compared to the others. The gentle fist is less dangerous if you're not trying to disrupt the opponent's chakra.
What's more interesting is when sparring with neji is all about being technical and not wasting unnecessary movements that was why most of his movements doesn't create any opening.
I feel like Neji was coaching Naruto a bit in that one. Like "hell yeah you improved bro. Nicely done. Now, avoid the stick.'
@@ChasehaWingmore of a friendly match both of them are smiling as they are sparring which considering it’s neji that’s surprising 😮
@@sabre4382 Not that surprising considering how much Neji had come to respect Naruto, and well, you know...
Trust me neji's gentle fist hits harder than a punch.
*Taijutsu levels based on video-games*
Konohamaru: Beginner
Tenten: Medium
Neji: Hard
omowanamo shinderrru
@@popn6189 NANI ?!
@@hugobou19 say nani again! say it! I double dog dare you
@@popn6189 Okay !
Rock lee:2020
I love the choreography of this
Finn naruto probably has one of the best choreography
shenron yep
Wtf choreography??
@@ayatokirishima678 ???
Love the different feeling of each opponent
Konohamaru: Don’t let your guard down just because he’s younger
Neji: Don’t rush in you’ll be countered take your time
Tenten: Keep your distance watch the weapon and find an opening
Lee: No time to think fight fast and fight hard
Plus the little details like Naruto playing around with Konohamaru, Him and Neji smiling while fighting, his hesitation to go in against Tenten when she spun the staff, and getting put on the defensive against Lee
Word. Konahamaru was just flexing all the techniques that Naruto taught him. And neji and Naruto have so much respect for each other
Rock Lee was like “F...IT LET’S GO CHAMP !” 😂😂😂😂
I just like this comment
Interesting take
don't think that in a fight against the staff user keeping a distance is a good idea
I’ll always love this. They were the first ones in his age range to take him seriously
The amazing Animator who draw this perfect art was “Yoshimichi Kameda”
Yasser sama yo!!!its the dude who worked on one punch man, fma and mob psycho. This dude Is amazing
Kermit the Frog
Yeah sure
He only animated Lee's segment
432neptune oh
respect. this opening is incredible
I like how neji kept a smile in the fight 😭
He should have never died
hes sooo beautiful
@@ampocalypsew3883 yes he should have, but not like that. It was bad death just so naruto and Hinata could hold hands.
@@Gadget-Walkmen no he shouldn't seeing as there was no build up to his death, if there was thn yes. If anything the ppl that should've died would have been Sai and Hinatas father (mainly him seeing as it was his responsibility to protect Neji)
Neji was the only one on Team ten to hit Naruto and take him down.
I love the small detail of Ten Ten shifting her grip lower to counter naruto pulling out a kunai for extra reach on his shorter weapon. If only she got more screen time and was able to do something noticeable in the series with her weapon mastery, but thats Shounen anime discarding side characters.
That's more kishimoto unable to handle his rookie 9 at all because other shonens are able to handle all their main cast of characters and supporting characters well like One Piece who gives spotlight to ALL the spotlight.
Just here to say Neji was the only one to hit and take down Naruto.
Don't say Shonen anime, just say Naruto, not all of them do this, like the guy said above, One Piece usually gives spotlight to it's side characters, hell, the protagonist literally gets saved by them
That was actually a nice touch, never noticed it
One piece is unnecessarily long with plenty of filler and bloat so they can do that. Naruto was anime that eventually got the point
I love not only the different styles but also the lil details on the characters themselves- like how Naruto is being more playful with Konohamaru and how much respect there is between him and Neji, is really cute.
The fact that tenten got like 10 minutes of canon screentime total in all of naruto, and she still has a nice little fanbase proves that if she would have been used more she would have easily been a fan favorite. I can see why considering her and temari were like the only young females that didn't spend all of their screentime obsessing over some boy.
To be fair.... LOTS of characters in the canon actually had huge fan bases while having little screen time. Kishi was able to create a huge amount of characters that had a huge amount of popularity...
If the character talked at some point in the series and were properly named, they might have had popularity. Think about it... there are more liked than forgotten characters
The first time Temari appears she says Sasuke is handsome lol
@@Dani12FCB And Tenten blushed and said that Sasuke was cute when his group met the team 7 lol
@@Dani12FCB @M.o.l.a true but finding someone handsome is different from obsessing though lol
Tenten was basically sucking neji when he was fighting naruto..
“ThAtS wHy NeJi Is ThE gReAtEsT hIs ByAkUgAn Is ThE BeSt.”
That was so annoying but other than that yeah, tenten pretty cool
*Fights the boys*
Naruto: Lets have a friendly hand to hand sparring match!
Naruto: I'mma stab you!
Fr man pulled out the strap
I mean, using a weapon to fight against someone with a weapon is fair
@@inazumarai7690 Ones a pole the other is a kunai 💀💀
@@notreyone4 spoken like someone who's never been hit by a staff or pole
@@revanruler6404 u aint have to call me out like that 😂😂
Fun fact: This is one of the few endings that sasuke's not in.
True and number 8 as well
And thank God for it
My favorite Ed doesn't have Sasuke in it: Ed 28
In other words is one of the good endings
Sakura not in too
I think this is honestly my favorite Naruto Ed. The choreography is so smooth and it’s really nice to see not only how better Naruto got with his fighting skills, but how his relationship grew with each of these characters. It’s just so cute and wholesome 🥰❤️❤️
When an ending have better animation than meliodas vs escanor
That's easy, man!
I heard the animators had short deadline and its the reason of the bad animation
Thegiantfrikigamer they had a very short deadline which may have been the reason for the animation
Al chile.. 🤣
That fighting scene was so bad that even a fan made another fight scene with better animation
This ending makes me sad cause they could’ve used this whole concept for filler and it would’ve been better than 80% of the filler they actually made
The filler gives the side characters more screen time than the actual canon
@@nataliawashington872 lol true.
would have been a headache to figure out interesting fights, think of these poor animators
I argue most of the filler is pretty good
Konohamaru: Come on big bro otherwise I'll take the Hokage bro from you!!
Neji: Don't just block, but counterattack as well. Focus on where I aim. Now faster.
Tenten: Alright up, down, left, right, block. Up, down, left, right, block....Now up, up left right left block weave block left up right Sansetsukon SPECIAL COMBO UNLOCKED.
deserves more attention!
Good description
It seems like they would say ilthis
If this doesn't reach top comment...someone getting bodied.
@@JohnPerry27 Wow I didn't know it had many likes lol
I can't stop watching this. The storytelling, the animation, the colo palette, the flow with the great music. One of many Naruto ops/eds that I wish was longer, but this might take the cake. Definitely for Shippuden.
Rock lee was coming for Nauto’s entire life.
But honestly that's so in character for Lee
@@TheFighterBros eh
Naruto was like it’s a sparing match bro chill
give lee, give lee....hashiriraseee...
1:30 rock lee won
Did Naruto just put out an "I want smoke" flyer and then proceeded to take on the entirety of team 3 + change?
I don't think he could've ran into a worse team to do a shark tank against tbh
Yes ... yes he did
According to certain fansubs of this ending, the flyer literally translates to
*I want the Smoke*
*Meet me at the Shark Tank Dojo*
@@IanNewYashaTheFinalAct you're messing with me!!! 🤯
@@IanNewYashaTheFinalAct you’re cappin right?
It's a real shame we never got a proper rematch like this between Naruto and Neji.
Kinda of an unfair fight for Neji. Naruto literally counters his entire fighting style xD
That match up is the same as the Lee and Garaa match up. The issue is having the ninetails makes him immune to gentle fist, because it's chakra Neji can't block off. Think Ereaserhead from my hero, if he were fighting someone who's quirk was to reflect other people's quirk back at them. Both of their specialties are knocked out, but the other guy would win the war in quirk combat. Chakra becomes such an integral part of combat later that naruto is the most powerful, based on how much he has alone.
i still come back and listen to this every now and then
good vibe, clean fluid animation. i wish all the people who worked on this ed, long and prosperous health
1:12 I actually wish rock lee had this outfit in the series. It would look dope.
It looks kinda like the outfit he wore as an academy student
@@Tigerman4545 yeah
Metal Lee could have had this outfit but no they wanted to make him a coward lol
all of them should wear the clothes they were wearing in here
Doesn't have enough youth
I feel like the flow of the ending goes like this:
Konohamaru: The Warm Up
Neji: Strategic Hand to Hand Combat
TenTen: Weapons Training
Lee: Speed Combat
Perfect but i think Konohamaru was more like Multi Opponent Training
I do like how they used Team guy with Naruto as well, since it was stated that Team guy's Taijutsu was the best out of everyones.
Vegito Blue Sure that could work as a title but I see one mistake.
*have you forgotten this is kid konohamaru vs naruto?*
i always felt konohamru was more of a clone training jutsu lol
Every frame of this could be a wallpaper
It’s certainly choopy enough for that.
(Not criticism I know that it’s intended, just saying)
@@Buphido it's "choppy" so the animation can flow probably, you're not supposed to stop and pause the video to inspect each frame.
@@Buphido that’s not what “choppy” means.
When the "Hey, Hey HEY! I THINK YOU CAN DoO IT!!" comes on, another wave of grooviness hits with the energy rise of Naruto and Lee sparring!!! It's such a catchy song!!!
Tenten ♡ underrated af
Nah, she's not underrated, just underdeveloped but she would be more popular if Kishimoto took the time to give her some canon screentime since she's the only one who fights like a ninja
Obigadu lindo ou kida
For good reason😂
She's NOT "underreated", there's nothing to her character at all.
Am I the only person who thinks Naruto vs Lee is sick?
@@khaliddano2711 i like nejis better
ReSt Blaze to me it’s just cool seeing tenten doing something dope like this
Damn right
Lol its funny to see a taijutsu master fight Evenly with naruto using....taijutsu. Even in the song visuals Lee can't win 😂😂
The person that animated it is widely respected
Rock Lee: *Appears*
Boss music: allow me to introduce myself
Drunken fist lee: exists
Unbeatable boss music: hello
1:27 Rock Lee deserves more. Multiple opening and ending and non-canon stories about him. Is like they know he is a fan favorite, but Kishimoto still didn't know what to do with him
Aside from tenten looking so cute in this ending. It really highlights her skill. This is what we needed more of in the show. And she could use multiple weapons and switch between them to really emphasise her ability
The moment the show started to go for large scale explosive attacks TenTen had no chance of fighting with her weapon centric design.
I do wish the show had kept battles to smaller scale to let characters like TenTen have a chance to shine.
@@Lyralye23 even if so there's alot of powerful ninja weapons tht can go toe toe wit sum strong ninjas if only they gave sum to her
@@Lyralye23 It's a shonen series dude bigger battles is one of shonen's biggest tropes
@@l1_nimbus23 She's technically using a nerfed version of flying raijin when summoning 1000 weapons during her twin rising dragon. She's one of the few characters that has a bridge towards learning that skill but ofc she's not a main character (or even an existing character)
Tenten's fighting style in the hands of a different writer could be really cool. Kishi's just a really, really boring shonen writer.
For an example of a weapons-specialist done right, check out Zazie's fights in Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, chapters 22, 23, 83, 90, 91, 98, 100. Awesome char.
I still can't believe this ending was in a filler arc
Like they'd put these characters in a main arc ending lol.
what arc was it?
Luciano Junior it was the arc right after Naruto saves Konoha from pain.
Naruto Uzumaxi Oh hi Naruto
This ending the prize you get after watching it
Tenten was KILLING IT and you cant change my mind, I love her
하..ㅈㄴ좋아 봉쓰는거하며, 근거리타입 장거리타입까지 제작진이 공부하고 너무 잘보여줘서 좋음
This outro is just *SO FREAKING SMOOTH*
Yeah, not by fps but i really love taijutsu battles in naruto, that makes me love this outro most, i wish someone made a 60fps version of this.
0:56 did god just drop a kunai for Naruto?
To be honest it was Problably Rock Lee trying to make it fair.
Bob Sponge but bro he was fighting tenten
@@datboisus339 So?
Bob Sponge so he wouldn’t if anything rocklee would gave him a kunai when they were fighting but he didn’t cuz Naruto got better at taijutsu
@@datboisus339 Dude, you need to understand my comment. You notice how my comment has 13 likes? That means 13 people saw the logic in it and agreed. Now if 13 people agreed that means that the comment makes sense and you're not understanding it.
The most screen time Tenten has ever received. Could have been the coolest female character on the show.
Even the worst filler focused on Tenten was at least an 8/10.
Any of the girls could've claimed that title, I'm still salty Kishimoto shat on Hinata the way he did
@@mikhailthegreatestdragon3627 his fav female character was tenten too, i love her so much ;
Well, she got an episode for the Infinite Tsukuyomi...
So in other words, no episode.
funny how the hand-to-hand fights in this ending were choreographed better than most hand-to-hand fights in the actual anime
But they more like breakdancing here
@@firstofficer296 martial arts is like dancing when you think of it
Uhhh...no that's not true man...just take a look at Kakashi vs Obito, Madara vs Shinobi Alliance, Rock Lee vs Gaara, Killer Bee vs Sasuke, Kakashi vs Hidan and Kakuzu, Naruto vs Sasuke (both fights), Orochimaru vs Third Hokage, Sasuke vs Orochimaru (from OG Naruto), Jirayja vs Pain
OP and ED credits screen are usually outsourced to different studios, often outside Japan because the inhouse studio literally don't have time for that, especially for long running series like Naruto.
That's why many OP and ED has higher art and animation quality, sometimes even OOC concept.
Best ending? My top 3 definitely
Toby you ever heard the kekai sensen ending ?
@@fatherfather2357 I'm talking about Naruto bro :)
Toby no shit but I asked if you ever heard he Kekai sensen ending lmfaoo 😂😂 I was just asking
This,6 and 28
@@fatherfather2357 it's shit 2 this
Neji is alive. Neji is alive. Neji is alive.
Neji is dead
Neji isnt alive. Neji isnt alive. Neji isnt alive.
why are my eyes sweating
But ten tails is alive
Man, I wish Kishimoto used tenten a lot more.
I agree, I love her concept and design, is really cool, such a waste of potential if you ask me
Mark Stein i mean technically isn’t hidan still alive? haha
@Mark Stein This is what really annoys me, they had the perfect opputunity to bring back Hidan during Boruto but no they had some crappy version of him instead. Missed Oppotunity.
you want kishimoto to "use" tenten?
Tenten should've had Shin Uchiha's technique
Tenten is such a cool character i mean she is not annoying like Sakura and she is always helpful in some way i just watched like Episode 404 and 405 and those Tenten fillers i loved them
For me both were annoying. Mainly cuz of tenten acting so arrogant in the OG Naruto series when all she did was throw weapons basically. During the war her keep on saying that she was so good with that sage of 6 paths ninja tool when it can brew up all 5 elements when swung had nothing to do with her talent. I do think she had the potential to be a cool character especially here but majority of the few times when they shown her just didn’t care for her. Think the village hidden in the stars she had kind of good moments
@Sabre 43 I agree. She could have been so well written, but she just missed the mark so many times. Lee and Guy proved that you don't need ninjutsu to be a great shinobi, but TenTen didn't come across the way they did.
Your comment looks like sakura haters😂, tenten n sakura both are good, n sakura also helpful, it just haters not see it
@@potentdelirium exactly then this moment I nvr see it enough attention like some of Sakura’s other moments but what about when she saved kankuro from sasori’s poison with such little time and ingredients. Think that was a good showing for her. But then later on when tenten appears it’s like really this girl is a chunin
@@sabre4382many characters were annoying. That’s normal.
Naruto himself was super annoying at times
Sasuke was worse than all of em combined. We only loved Hinata bc she had no personality whatsoever
I love how Naruto takes each person's fighting style whenever it switches, and it really shows how much he's grown, and I love that little detail
*Edit: I meant that he's generally grown as a fighter and a person. Dont pull a Madara and start the 5th Great Ninja War in the replies*
????? He doesn't even fight this well in the Anime until the great ninja war.
@@testedalexthegreat1759 u are saying?
@@lazyprogrammer9290 Exactly what I said.
@@testedalexthegreat1759 cuz he never gets a chance to I mean if he rlly had to he could
@3rd Way he didn’t turn it off he just used it up 💀
Everybody talkin' about Tenten or Lee but let's look at Neji
Gabriel Da Silva ok I looked at Neji. Anyways, back to Lee
But I can't even see him
@@LEGEGG0 Rip neji lol
I can’t stop myself from watching this over and over
Demise1 same
Twenty years of naruto, truly the greatest anime ever, thank you kishimoto for this epic.
If only we saw more of Tenten fighting. She's a really good fighter but she barely gets any screentime
All the side characters in Naruto were done dirty, but Ten Ten probably had the most unfair treatment. In introducing her fighting style, she had to go up against Tamari, who made her look like a chump because the sand ninja were Jonine level. She didn't get to be in Sasuke's retrieval, which both Lee and Neji got to shine in. And in Shippuden, she's barely given any screen time. Admittedly, her fighting style on the surface is the most boring, she's a weapons expert, but they could've easily made that more interesting with the right set up.
Gotta love how the Rock Lee fight was the most intense, but the Neji one was the one where Naruto never had the upper hand
Girls like Tenten is so attractive to me. They don't seek attention like Sakura, Ino but also not shy or have low confidence like Hinata. They work hard for the thing they do or their craft.
Ten ten and temari
@@lydellzamorano4341 Yes she is too
You mean chicks with actual aspirations that don't involve stalking/fangirling over some guy they've never had a real conversation with? I like those as well.
Yeah she’s honestly the best girl in my opinion, I feel so sad chase she barely has screen time ☹️
I remembered when this first dropped. Showed it to friends at the time and they were just simping for Tenten
I'm sitting there like "bro, he's matching everyone's energy, self improving and sharing the wealth"
Just an all around great credits that lives rent free in my mind to this day.
Stay improving, love yourself and put any extra bit towards other people you care about. They don't need all of it, just the right amount to show you who they are as people in your life.
Take care
Bro Tenten didn't get any character development otherwise she is so good
Even i would simp for her :(
I mean bro, how can you NOT simp for Tenten after seeing 0:10?
@@Borchert97correction: 0:11
@@ttm3622 11 does indeed come right after 10, you're going to pass your Kindergarten math test with flying colors little guy I can just tell, keep at it kiddo!
@@Borchert97 bro is upset
*Neji was alive. Neji is alive. Neji will be alive forever.*
In our hearts at least
hes still dead
hes still dead
He’s still dead
There is no war in ba sing sei
This ending makes me sad of what could've been of all the side characters.
At least Lee got his own spin-off hahah
What ruined shippuden for me was the lack of general character development for the other characters
@@Scribbles-hz9ec I agree, a lot of wasted potential. The original Naruto series was great because of the konoha 11 were all had important roles to play while Shippuden, especially at the end, completely focused on Naruto an the sharingan users
@@animefan3612 the writers felt bad for him after Lee vs gaara
Y’all talkin bout lee what about neji should have killed of kiba or kankuro
Everybody gangsta until tenten pulls out her stick
Tenten whipped out that stick ngl.
Futanari artists would like to know your location
The most epic weapon ever a stick
_Oh my._
I love this so much. There is so much detail to every fight, like that konohamaru often has moments where he just stands still and watches Narutos next move very carefully to dodge it porperly. Or how Naruto is looking for neji before he enters the fight with a surprising attack that Naruto barely dodges. That perfectly shows nejis carefull and smart fightingstyle. Ten Ten is actually the one most dominating Naruto, keeping him on distance all the time not even letting him do a real attack once. In the fight with lee both of them actually get hit a few times right in the face (you can see the sweat flying) while in all the other fights all attacks are blocked or dodged
Meanwhile every comments focus on Tenten. I'm just simple man getting hype by Naruto and Rock Lee sparring out!
I watched it at .25 speed to see who won
1 hit each
JazzyAKOtaku to be fair when it comes to Tenten, she doesn’t get a lot focus.
White knight nerd I'm here for TENTEN
THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I"M SAYIN!!! Everyone's so focused on Tenten in those shorts (not gonna lie, she looks fine in them), but they didn't even realize that we pretty much got the dream match of Naruto V.S. Rock Lee!!!
Oh I love this ending! The music, animation, Naruto being like Goku calling everyone to fight
Fist of the North star did it first
Armedas WorkShops Rome did it first
Nobody is talking about the fact that this is the MOST VIEWED ending???
Pd: all Guy's team deserves more screen time and character develop, specially Tenten :(
Knowledge is Peace No they did not. People wouldn’t feel that way if they didn’t think so.
Hopefully she gets a lot of sct I
In boruto
Team 8 is probably second to Team 7 in screen time. 3rd is Team 10, while the last is Guy’s group.
@@datboisus339 I don't think so :(
Rock lee has his own spin off which is cool
The rhythm between the music and the animation is insane in this ending, I remember staying til the end every time
Why I love this video
1 Rock Lee is my favorite Naruto character
2 Very good song
3 Tenten is best girl
I agree with all the statements here
I’m sorry how can you say Tenten is best girl when she was on screen for like 10 seconds and didn’t even exist in Shippuden.
I mean Tenten or Hinata has to be best girl
I agree 👍
+ 1
I really like two main things about this ending
1. You can clearly see all the characters have their own fighting style
2. I really like the fact that the fights dont have a clear winner and just move on in midfight to the next one basically
Real talk, why is this some of the best fight choreography in the entire series.
Bandon Eple because the only time they used the people who made this was in Kakashi vs Obito.
And in case people don’t realize I’m joking. I have no idea whether or not they used these guys for Kakashi vs Obito.
Naruto changing his fighting style for every one of his opponents is the coolest thing about this ed
I love how this actually shows the difference in the fighting styles, and how Naruto's is definitely not a 'proper' style, honestly, he'd probably benefit from break dancing lessons - it seems to fit his fighting style
Yes team Guy was the team that was sticking to thé roule of Naruto combat style de were introduced in Naruto as a kid and then choose their path and diversity in it. That one of the things i really like about them. But in shinppuden, since the rule of their World wasn't respected and we get into mecha combat with Giants invocation....... We don't get to much of différent combat style now...
I got the idea that when he developed the sennin mode learned some frog style. But I might be wrong
@@anthortort2737 Yes Naruto learned Frog Kata while developing his sage mode to better utilize it.
A little late, but isn't there a legit dancing fighting style? Capoeira I think it was called?
This actually shows that Naruto had some pretty rad hand to hand combat skills. If he can mess with both Neji and Lee, plus ten ten's skill with weapons.
Das my boi Naruto
This was just an outro nothing serious
@@layton6202 well when he fought momoshiki he had rad tai jutsu
@@yusei6309 I guess
ください殺して i mean he did teach taijutsu to academy kids
And he never used them again
I really loved this ending. It came at the perfect time in the anime, right after Naruto had gotten back from training with the frogs and learned Frog Kata. Naruto was always pretty meh at taijutsu up until that frog training, getting regularly shown up whenever he got into a 1 on 1 taijutsu fight and instead had to rely on clones or rasengan to win fights. But after studying Frog Kata with the toads, finally Naruto had actual taijutsu skills, and this ending showed that Naruto could toy around with Konohamaru fighting with a clone, and could fight on par with Team Guy, who were all taijutsu specialists.
Naruto was meh in taijutsu *outboxes 3 tomoe Sasuke*
@@PayArcanum what about rinnigen sakura with his sharigan
Didn't notice that, thank you
@@Noob_Prodigy Yeah that too I just was saying before he even trained a lot.
Not meh in the data books kid naruto ranked at like a b
The way I still come back to this ED so many times. My fave ED, this team deserved way more shine, Neji and Naruto's match always got me smiling (dang I miss Neji) and Tenten honestly deserved so much better, plus this song is a complete jam! A comfort ED that'll never get old for me.
Honestly the choreo in this ending is probably still some of my favorite in the entire franchise
It's just great to see classic taijustu from a lot of side characters that haven't been featured as much in Shippuden
Also I really love how each character's personal style just shines here and Naruto has to change his approach for each person
Just a great ending altogether
Donovan Spencer yea this was amazing it represents everyone’s styles this goes to show how much work they put in just for an outro how swiftly and fluently the movements went its flat out amazing they put all work into this
I love how nejis punches go with the song at 0:41
When Rock Lee came in it was like the video got to ×2 speed
I love the end frame of them relaxing after training. Gives me memories of after school soccer or basketball practice, we'd all go to the school canteen and buy a couple milk drinks or juice and lay in the middle of the soccer field or stairs leading towards the basketball court. Can't believe that was only 8 years ago, damn time flies. In my mid twenties now and engaged.. far out. I'm happy I made the memories though, sad I can't relive them. :D
Imagine if the whole series was in that are style. I think it would've beeen pretty cool
Khomotso Legodi nah
@@dtwins613 Wdym it would be different from most shonen animes
BeWaRe Jay different doesn’t mean better I like it but I think the original art style and and animation seems more clean and smooth
Drowzy Twinz Opinion
BeWaRe Jay I know
I like how Konahamaru fights like Naruto, and while both Lee and Neji fight using Taijutsu, Neji is more about where to strike and thus Naruto focuses more on blocks and precise movement, where Lee is all about controlling the battle so Naruto has to fight aggressive or else he’ll constantly be on the defensive. Really highlights the styles in which they all fight
Ten ten in tight shorts and a cut off tank top makes me do partial expansion jutsu
Don't let Tsunade-sama hear that
@@pendragon0905 u watch sub NANIIIIII????!!!!????
You down bad you suffering
Naruto never disappoints in terms of openings and endings.
Love, love this ending. Super dig the upbeat feel, and I love how it showcases Naruto's vastly improved hand-to-hand combat skills that he had just learned.
The real depressing thing about this is that there is more variation in fighting during this ending than there was for most of Shippuden. I mean I love Naruto but god damn I can't help but switch off when I see him pulling the Shadow Clone and Rasengan combo for the 600th time.
Alex Barnes Kakashi vs Obito?
That’s his bread and butter it’s like saying watching goku do the Kamehameha gets old it’s iconic
@@kbreezy2025 Yea but I love hand to hand fights way more. The most memorable fights in Part 1 were hand to hand.
The best animation in Shippuden was hand to hand.
At least my opinion. Everyone remembers Madara taking out an alliance hand to hand, but hardly anyone remembers the gold and silver brothers doing something similar....why because they used tailed beast chakra. People remember Kakashi vs Obito due to the emotion and phsyical display. Yet hardly anyone remembers Sasuke vs Orochimaru. Sure they remember Sasuke beating Orochimaru, but people watch the fight and are like "Oh yea he just slashed and genjutsu like his brother...."
@@MrAstrothousand98 ur absolutely right
MrAstrothousand98 its not made to appeal only to you
Naruto poster: who tryna catch these hands.
Neji: I'm destined for the win.
Tenten: I'm 10/10 no way I can miss this win and screentime
Lee: my blood is boiling guy sensei
Konohamaru: this is my chance to show big bro naruto what I can do
Nachar Robinson pretty much 😂😂
My blood is boiling guy sensei lol
Is this really what the poster says? 😂😂
I could hear this post
I’m deadddddd 😭