Good morning!! I was able to use my 20% off without any questions. Not sure why they didn’t take them because they were sent out for candle day. That wasn’t right.
I called again today to see if they could do an adjustment and they said the best they can do is give me a 20% off lol. I was like, “I don’t need a coupon. I still have one, remember, you didn’t allow me to use it!” 🤣
I used a 20% off and a free body care coupon without a problem. The sales associate asked me if I had any coupons as she was ringing up my items. I do find their rules to be inconsistent from store to store.
BBW associate here. I have never heard of this and took many 20% off coupons last weekend that worked just fine. I do know we can’t combine a members exclusive barcode with any other coupon, but that’s it. Sorry this happened to you. And yes, Winter is divine. A must for me every year.
I put my winter candle straight away in my candle crock and get a lot of compliments on how good my house smells. Has a good throw. I bought 8 this year, 13 last year. I hope you like it.
Yeah, last year one of my local stores wouldn't even take a $10 off $40. I haven't shopped in that store since. This year I didn't shop BBW at ALL. Happy about that for sure!
Winter is my all time favorite winter scent ever. I always have stock and it is very similar to Homeworx's Holiday Wishes and Woodland Cabin, which I also have many back ups of. Here in New England I will burn Winter, and Winter-adjacent scents, throughout January and February, or whenever we have snow. My 18 yr old son loves Tree Farm. When his ex-girlfriend dragged him into BBW to smell things when Christmas shopping last year, he came home and told me I had to get this awesome candle he smelled. I pulled one out and lit it up right then to his shock lol.
If I’d had a 20% coupon, I would’ve taken it in and would have purchased twice as many candles. In fact, on Sunday, I was debating whether to buy my Goose Creek cart and had decided to skip it. But then they sent me a last minute 15% coupon so they got $100 from me. 😮 Anyway, your BBW experience just makes me lean toward other companies. After all, Kringle is actively interacting with us and acting on our feedback.
Winter is amazing it was one of Harry’s creations back in his Bbw days. It is similar to HW holiday wishes or even Woodland Cabin. It’s a staple for me. Glad you like it
Hey Mel, I’ve had my share of experiences at BBW. I think it all depends on the person behind the register. Anyway, I found Winter this year and instantly thought of Kringle’s Cozy Christmas which is one of my favorites from Kringle. They smell almost identical to me. Sorry about your BBW experience. Have a great day!🙂
Alf’s little snores gave me so much joy🤗 also can’t believe how the associate talked about your friends! I’ve never heard of them not taking the 20% on candle day and I was personally a past employee.
That’s so crazy about the coupon! I was able to use mine in store 😅 also side note - you look so pretty!!! Your hair and everything, absolutely glowing!!!
I didn’t have a coupon BUT.. I was in store the day b4 candle day and I was worried bc some candles I wanted were in very short supply. The associate told me that if I purchased at full price the day I was there that I could come back any day during the candle sale and get a price adjustment for the candle day price. So awesome.
Yay you got your Vanilla Balsam :) I wish all the wicks had the grasshopper legs which last longer and even go all the way in my novice experience with them. Nice haul, I got the ones except the Coffee aka Freshly Brewed Coffee one. They have three different wick sets: thick, rope-like (we all hate), grasshopper/spider-leg (the best) and a variation of both (white and thin). My Flannel has this one. Looking forward to the reviews. To da loo.
Yes Melanie. I used my 20% off coupon with no questions asked! I don’t like the games they are playing lately. If you give me a coupon and it says nothing about limitations I’m going to expect to use it! Crazy
The same thing happened to me at my local BBW but instead I had my coupon loaded on my app and was told that I couldn't use my coupon ($10 off $40) and showed me the fine print. I asked when they started doing that because I along with half of BBW customers always use a coupon when they have sales and stack. She said well we can try it and she scanned it and it worked. The sales associate was new but there were other employees there that should have known. She said some people have been coming in with coupons and they would not work. I told her that is probably because BBW has been issuing coupons that are not valid at the present time but will be at a later date and also if they try to use a paper coupon and then try to use it when it is on the app it will not go through; you either have to use the paper coupon or the one loaded on the app but not both.
I shopped early access on the BBW app, so I had to use the candle day code. I couldn’t stack the 20% off on it. I picked up 5 candles: Vanilla Balsam, Cinnamon Spiced Vanilla, Fresh Orange x2, & Pineapple Mango. Agreed that you could have stacked your 20% off coupon in store. I’m not shy about asking to speak with a store manager. Enjoy your candles! R🍁
Every year I do a huge online order right when the sale starts, then if I can I do a store order during the weekend. I started trying to do an online order at 6am Friday morning...and still couldn't by Sunday. It kept going to an error page when I went to the BBW site. When I finally got on the site, it would go to the error page when I when to page 2 of the candles or tried to go to checkout. Now the site works fine, but I couldn't place any order for 3 days. I never went to the store because I was so irritated and annoyed with the company after days of time wasted trying to place a single order.
I had been saving my 20% coupon for candle day and I went in on Friday and when I went to my app to pull up my coupon it WAS GONE. BBW had pulled my coupon from my wallet on my app. The associate who was helping me told me she had the same coupon in her app and it was also gone. She didn’t know why they did it but they certainly did. I was able to use the 10 off 40 so I only took 4 candles and 1 hand sanitizer to make the $40 before tax total. I’ll still buy candles from them but only during the very best sales and in small quantities. That’s the repercussion of their new policy. In the end they are saving ME money and hoarding candles.
You got Winter - this makes me so happy! It’s my all-time favorite BBW candle. That said, performance has declined in recent years - strength and throw is not what it once was and I’m currently lamping last year’s version because the wicks dudded out almost immediately. Now that I’ve really hyped it up for you, here’s hoping this year’s Winter has returned to its true glory so you get the best experience your first time with it!
It's a little bit crazy how many stores, be it a store manager or a district manager, try to make up their own policies. Especially about returns. But the coupon thing at your store is nuts. I had absolutely no problem using the 20% off on candle day which I had also saved just for that! I bought 15 candles total, but I think a couple might get returned or exchanged. My favorites include Iced Winter Balsam and Frosted Forest (which I personally like better than Vanilla Balsam) and Christmas Cider. I was lucky to get 2 of the speciality bow lid candles (1 each Tis the Season and The Perfect Christmas). A few others rounded out my haul!
Wow! I went in on Saturday and was able to use my coupon without an issue! I think if they wouldn’t have let me use it, I would not have bought them just on the principle 😮
I used my 20% of no problem and my 10 off $40 as well and I got my 2 free body care items. And I had a free reward in my app and used that as well. I am sorry that happened to u
I only had a $10 off $40, so only purchased 5 candles so I could use it. I went in to store looking for Vanilla Balsam and a Coffee scented candle and they had neither. 😞 Vanilla Balsam escapes me year after year. I, of course, found 5 others I was happy to bring home.
Normally I sit in front of a big window but my 9 foot Christmas tree is placed there so it’s the Christmas lights 🤣. They do provide a lovely glow for sure!
Here in mid Cali - had no problems with my 20%. What a line of bull from Customer Service! I had a different issue/problem when trying to use two gift cards as showing no balance - contacted customer service and after 44 minutes on phone with them, no resolve. Went back to store to sort out and store was a great help on phone with their go-to person.
Hi Melanie- I used my 20% off coupon in store with no problem. I agree with other comments about BBW business practices. Additionally, if you think about it, their business model relies on drastic swings in pricing designed to squeeze every penny they can out of consumers…and achieve well-above industry average margins. Living in the city where BBW headquarters is located, you hear a lot about what goes on within the company. It’s sufficient to say the culture is highly dysfunctional and they have been successful in spite of themselves. The company was managed very differently under the leadership of Lex Wexner vs. teams in place over the last several years. I’m still a fan of some products; their business practices have just adversely impacted my view of the company.
Oh yes, the company seems like a bit of a mess. They certainly don’t take customer feedback 🤣. I think they keep being successful because the products are readily available in store, they do frequent sales and have time in the industry on their side. Name recognition is huge. Unfortunately I think that also means you can cut corners and people will still buy because of the reasons above. I’ve owned a couple of businesses so I always find it interesting how companies run their show.
I used a 10 off 40 this year, but last year my store told me they wouldn’t take ANY of my coupons. I called customer service and they told me that taking coupons is at the location’s discretion. 🤨 Sounds like BS to me.
Nice haul. That’s aggravating on the coupon. I need to try vanilla balsam I guess. I love their white balsam and vanilla . It hasn’t been back in a bit . I love their iced winter balsam so got one of those.
Sorry in advance for the ignorant question. When you melt a candle for the scent, how do you know it’s “done” with? A candle burns out and when it’s gone.. it’s gone. I’ve had a wax warmer before but I annoyed me that the wax would never disappear lol so there were no clear signs that it was finished with.
As an associate I took tons of 20% off coupons on that day. I have no idea what any of them are talking about. It is not a company wide policy. As long as the coupon is within the time to be used why would we not accept it? I’m sorry you experienced that :( hopefully that never happens again
You know my thoughts on them not using your 20% off. The only thing I can see is online you had to use a promo code to get $9.95 and I wonder if he didn’t understand that you were in store and not online since you can’t use multiple promo codes on the website. I’d be bringing my receipt to a different store and getting my money back, that’s not fair.
Sorry I should have continued watching to hear you did call the 1800. I am so sorry this happened. The store associates ask me if I have any coupons?? Further, I guess people will learn that when they have a sale before candle day with a 20% or 25% the candles will be cheaper than candle day and people won’t even bother with the event anymore. The average person will go buy there on that day but there were not any new scents this year
Shoot. Well since they gave me issues with my coupon I will happily take back anything that sucks haha! I normally don't do that but I will do it just out of spite in this case lol.
Nice haul❤, you can use 20% , I did or you can use 10 off 30 or 40 in store. Online was a code. Sorry you experienced that in store. Happy Holidays & Tfs❤❤
Check out my Candle Crock & Candle Lamp 101 here: This will explain the crocks. All the ins and outs. They are not regular crock pots. They are candle crocks. Here are two great neutral options: White option - Ivory option -
Oh the association was definitely thinking about their numbers for the day, I also had the same issue until I ask her if she can show me the policy on paper and that’s when she let me use my 20%
I went into my store on Friday and bought 6 candles. I was able to use my $10 off $40, a reward, and a free body care coupon. I asked a worker at the start of my shop about using so many rewards/coupons, and she said it would be fine.
I used my 20% coupon/ bodycare coupon for candle day, but there was an issue with my scanning the coupon 😊 but they had to override it...the holiday help didn't know how the do it so an associate that's been working there did it for me [ paper coupon ]
All coupons stopped (mail and app) two years ago. I’ve called twice to ask about it and both times been told not to worry, I would start getting coupons again, but I still haven’t gotten a single one.
Wow that’s crazy that the associate wouldn’t let you use the 20% coupon! I skipped candle day this but I have never had an issue with using any type of coupon on candle day in my stores. It just sounds like some of these associates don’t know what they are doing.
I was able to use my disappointing! I love Winter and wish they would have had different packaging for it, so afraid its going to disappear in future years as it seems to have lost popularity. Also, what crock is your favorite? I need to grab one.
Right? I just talked to another associate to get a formal answer about what the policy was and got nowhere again. They just essentially said so sorry about your experience... do you want a 20% off coupon lol! I was like no thanks, I STILL have the one you already sent me that I couldn't use. I don't need another coupon. Weird.
The only thing I have seen is that they only honour the percentage coupon up until a certain dollar value like 250 dollars * that is the idea I don't know the actual value per say but its roughly that amount. That was put into place this year .
Yes, I recall that change, which is a strange choice but I suppose they were tired of the people who purchase extraordinary amounts. Silly on BBWs part.
That's a weird line of questioning from the Cust. Serv! I'd be like..."Oh I have a special way of asking for my discount alright" 😁 I have called Customer Service so many times and asked them why I have never received a coupon despite all my efforts to sign up for them. They never answer me and just e-mail me a coupon, hmmm I think I have turned into my granny Betty fussing over coupons 🤣 I tried Winter for the first time this year, it reminded me of a pomander. I had to crock it because the wick drifted a bit and melted the label. It was a power house in that crock so good!
YES!!! Not only did I use it but they asked me if I had any coupons to add!! I would have asked for a superviser on the phone because they did you dirty!! Such nonsense!!
They be lying about coupon! It states nothing about it in their policy. Maybe next time print out policy and take it with you. Good haul i only. Got 3 candies. 1 forever red and 2 emily in Paris macaron cloud.
That was not true! I used both my 20% in to different transactions, and another 10 off 40 at a different store. I would take your recirpt back to a different store and get your difference back!
I am never lucky enough to get the 20 or 25% off coupons to use on Candle Day but I've seen people use them for years, including this year, without issue. My experience has been that since BBW changed their "return" policy - what was it - a couple of years ago (?), consistency with regard to all of their policies has gone out the window... and you will get a different experience depending on the individual stores. This may not be how it is supposed to be, but it is how it is. And every time I've needed to speak with customer service since that time, the experience has been absolutely awful. I've literally been told that I have to "replace" a broken candle with the same candle even though they no longer have that specific candle. So, it's your fault that you packed my candles shitty, and then I can't get a replacement of a different (same priced) candle because the one that I really want is out of stock now? I placed an online order against my better judgment for Candle Day because I couldn't get to the store early, and now I'm still sitting here holding my breath praying that nothing gets cancelled (still no shipment after placing the order on Friday, which is fine except for you know, the issues that tend to occur) or arrives broken because I won't be able to replace the candle like I used to be able to do easily and if I only paid $9.95 for a candle, it'd be nice to have a replacement rather than a refund, but they force it. The customer service is the main reason that I don't purchase as many candles from BBW anymore. Not the only reason, of course (um, subpar candles, right?), but definitely the biggest because I do still love the fragrances. OMG, yes, those thick rope-like wicks are horrible. Agreed, either they dud out or they soot like crazy. I also have crazy trouble burning the neutrals packaging. Do you? They burn SO HOT and the sooting starts earlier than the usual half way point. So I have been staying away from them. If I do get them, I do like you and use the candle crock or lamp. I love Winter! I feel like the orange has gotten brighter over the years, and I'm not hating on it. I also love Tree Farm, and it's the reason I picked up Kringle's Tranquil Winter. I really like the apple mixed with tree and am looking forward to burning those this winter!
They do seem to have changed a lot of the policies this year. Change can be ok but they aren’t really making it a pleasurable shopping experience anymore. Sorry you had to deal with that!
Canadian here. Used multiple $10 off $40, split into separate transactions to get the best deal (actually was a better price than the 20% off!) I have never had an issue. That is BS!
Ooookayyyyy. I received a BBW shipment today that was almost completely incorrect. I ordered 5 candles & 1 candle sleeve. I received 9 candles, only 2 of which I actually ordered. Customer service on the phone was helpful; they ordered the 3 missing candles & sleeve to be shipped to me & said I could take the 7 wrong candles to a local BBW store. Too bad I can’t stand Black Cherry Merlot & ‘Tis the Season! Someone loves those & ordered several dupes. Check your BBW boxes right when you receive them, people! Apparently, Candle Day madness affected the shipping department, too. 😵💫 R🍁
@ It was actually amusing because I received the candle I wanted most, Fresh Orange. 🍊 I’m on an orange kick lately; expecting delivery of Kringle Reserve Orange this week. 😉 I’ll be taking the multitude of Black Cherry Merlot & ‘Tis the Season candles back to BBW tomorrow. R🍁
So, I did, again today. They told me there is nothing they can do lol. So unhelpful. I am just going to walk away. At this point I am must too busy work wise with holiday orders to keep calling or trying to get an adjustment. Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth tho.
that's strange, I wonder if they were seasonal employees? Or maybe that particular store's management is just cheap and doesn't want y'all using the good coupons. I was able to use mine no problem. I haven't shopped candle day in 2 or 3 years, but this year I did get some marshmallow fireside and island margarita (two of my favorites, I burn both year-round) and a cookie butter truffle to try.
I don't think she was. I have seen here there for well over a year. Might just be the store's policy from what I am gathering. Wonder if the coupons affect their numbers.....
The guy you talked to made it sound like your friends showed their boobs or something to use the coupon😂 I used mine and a coupon for a free body care with no problem on candle day. That is just crazy.
Ok BBW, did you have printed on the coupons any exclusions? I mean I know online that you couldn’t use coupons because you needed a code to get the sale (I didn’t buy anything anyway) but I don’t know how that would apply to instore. Honestly, I find the inconsistency exhausting…,
That is one of the weirdest conversations ever! Very annoying! I only want to see videos with cute dog snoring in the background from now on. I too participated in candle day for the first time in a long time. I want to say maybe the last time was 2018 or 2019!
Oh, that is BS about the coupon! I wasn't able to use it for my online member early access order because you needed a code, but my store took my 20% off coupon without issue on Saturday.
I've watched quite a few hauls, and everyone was able to use their coupons. I would email customer service. I oft times get better customer service e-mailing a company rather than calling their customer service.
Good morning!! I was able to use my 20% off without any questions. Not sure why they didn’t take them because they were sent out for candle day. That wasn’t right.
I called again today to see if they could do an adjustment and they said the best they can do is give me a 20% off lol. I was like, “I don’t need a coupon. I still have one, remember, you didn’t allow me to use it!” 🤣
I used a 20% off and a free body care coupon without a problem. The sales associate asked me if I had any coupons as she was ringing up my items. I do find their rules to be inconsistent from store to store.
BBW associate here. I have never heard of this and took many 20% off coupons last weekend that worked just fine. I do know we can’t combine a members exclusive barcode with any other coupon, but that’s it. Sorry this happened to you. And yes, Winter is divine. A must for me every year.
Thanks for sharing that!
I put my winter candle straight away in my candle crock and get a lot of compliments on how good my house smells. Has a good throw. I bought 8 this year, 13 last year. I hope you like it.
Yeah, last year one of my local stores wouldn't even take a $10 off $40. I haven't shopped in that store since. This year I didn't shop BBW at ALL. Happy about that for sure!
Winter is my all time favorite winter scent ever. I always have stock and it is very similar to Homeworx's Holiday Wishes and Woodland Cabin, which I also have many back ups of. Here in New England I will burn Winter, and Winter-adjacent scents, throughout January and February, or whenever we have snow. My 18 yr old son loves Tree Farm. When his ex-girlfriend dragged him into BBW to smell things when Christmas shopping last year, he came home and told me I had to get this awesome candle he smelled. I pulled one out and lit it up right then to his shock lol.
That is so funny about your son! He has great taste!
If I’d had a 20% coupon, I would’ve taken it in and would have purchased twice as many candles. In fact, on Sunday, I was debating whether to buy my Goose Creek cart and had decided to skip it. But then they sent me a last minute 15% coupon so they got $100 from me. 😮
Anyway, your BBW experience just makes me lean toward other companies. After all, Kringle is actively interacting with us and acting on our feedback.
I hear you on the Kringle thing! It's great when a company has such great customer engagement.
Winter is amazing it was one of Harry’s creations back in his Bbw days. It is similar to HW holiday wishes or even Woodland Cabin. It’s a staple for me. Glad you like it
Can't wait to try it!
Hey Mel, I’ve had my share of experiences at BBW. I think it all depends on the person behind the register. Anyway, I found Winter this year and instantly thought of Kringle’s Cozy Christmas which is one of my favorites from Kringle. They smell almost identical to me. Sorry about your BBW experience. Have a great day!🙂
Alf’s little snores gave me so much joy🤗 also can’t believe how the associate talked about your friends! I’ve never heard of them not taking the 20% on candle day and I was personally a past employee.
Totally agree! I was surprised too! There are no tricks for using coupons 🤣
That’s so crazy about the coupon! I was able to use mine in store 😅 also side note - you look so pretty!!! Your hair and everything, absolutely glowing!!!
Thank you so much! I am glowing from the Christmas tree in front of me lol! Maybe I should keep it up year round lol!
I was able to use my 20 % off. I'm sorry that you had that experience.
I will say the coupon drama was a bit frustrating. 😅
I watch a few candle channels but love hearing your reviews because we have the same scent preferences! It makes it so easy to pick some!
That is so awesome to hear! I love that we have similar taste!
I didn’t have a coupon BUT.. I was in store the day b4 candle day and I was worried bc some candles I wanted were in very short supply. The associate told me that if I purchased at full price the day I was there that I could come back any day during the candle sale and get a price adjustment for the candle day price. So awesome.
That's really smart! Great idea and I’m glad your store accommodated you.
Yes, I had several coupons and went to two different stores and used them with no problems.
Yay you got your Vanilla Balsam :) I wish all the wicks had the grasshopper legs which last longer and even go all the way in my novice experience with them. Nice haul, I got the ones except the Coffee aka Freshly Brewed Coffee one. They have three different wick sets: thick, rope-like (we all hate), grasshopper/spider-leg (the best) and a variation of both (white and thin). My Flannel has this one. Looking forward to the reviews. To da loo.
Yessss, I love Vanilla Balsam too! I am not a fan of the rope wicks, they are a pain!
Yes Melanie. I used my 20% off coupon with no questions asked! I don’t like the games they are playing lately. If you give me a coupon and it says nothing about limitations I’m going to expect to use it! Crazy
I work at Bbw. We definitely took plenty of coupons and I used one for my transaction as well
I am so glad to hear that! It sounds like the associate who helped me must have been mistaken.
Oh hell no! I and everyone I know used them on candle day, some had 25 percent off and used it
The same thing happened to me at my local BBW but instead I had my coupon loaded on my app and was told that I couldn't use my coupon ($10 off $40) and showed me the fine print. I asked when they started doing that because I along with half of BBW customers always use a coupon when they have sales and stack. She said well we can try it and she scanned it and it worked. The sales associate was new but there were other employees there that should have known. She said some people have been coming in with coupons and they would not work. I told her that is probably because BBW has been issuing coupons that are not valid at the present time but will be at a later date and also if they try to use a paper coupon and then try to use it when it is on the app it will not go through; you either have to use the paper coupon or the one loaded on the app but not both.
I'm in Southern Oregon in Medford and I was allowed to use the 20% off. So crazy.
I just bought 4 candles. 2 vanilla balsam and 2 merry cookie. Vanilla balsam is soooooo good!!
I went shopping with my daughter who had a 20% off coupon, and we had no problem using it. Sorry that happened to you!
That is so weird! Makes me think I might have gotten the wrong info from the store employee 😬
There was no issue with scanning. I’ve never been told they won’t take my coupon.
I shopped early access on the BBW app, so I had to use the candle day code. I couldn’t stack the 20% off on it. I picked up 5 candles: Vanilla Balsam, Cinnamon Spiced Vanilla, Fresh Orange x2, & Pineapple Mango. Agreed that you could have stacked your 20% off coupon in store. I’m not shy about asking to speak with a store manager. Enjoy your candles! R🍁
Every year I do a huge online order right when the sale starts, then if I can I do a store order during the weekend. I started trying to do an online order at 6am Friday morning...and still couldn't by Sunday. It kept going to an error page when I went to the BBW site. When I finally got on the site, it would go to the error page when I when to page 2 of the candles or tried to go to checkout. Now the site works fine, but I couldn't place any order for 3 days. I never went to the store because I was so irritated and annoyed with the company after days of time wasted trying to place a single order.
I got 14 candles. Nice haul. Sorry about the 20%. Have a wonderful week ❌️ ⭕️
Thanks, great haul Lisa!
I had been saving my 20% coupon for candle day and I went in on Friday and when I went to my app to pull up my coupon it WAS GONE. BBW had pulled my coupon from my wallet on my app. The associate who was helping me told me she had the same coupon in her app and it was also gone. She didn’t know why they did it but they certainly did. I was able to use the 10 off 40 so I only took 4 candles and 1 hand sanitizer to make the $40 before tax total. I’ll still buy candles from them but only during the very best sales and in small quantities. That’s the repercussion of their new policy. In the end they are saving ME money and hoarding candles.
You got Winter - this makes me so happy! It’s my all-time favorite BBW candle. That said, performance has declined in recent years - strength and throw is not what it once was and I’m currently lamping last year’s version because the wicks dudded out almost immediately. Now that I’ve really hyped it up for you, here’s hoping this year’s Winter has returned to its true glory so you get the best experience your first time with it!
I'll make sure to report back on this year's Winter performance!
It's a little bit crazy how many stores, be it a store manager or a district manager, try to make up their own policies. Especially about returns. But the coupon thing at your store is nuts. I had absolutely no problem using the 20% off on candle day which I had also saved just for that! I bought 15 candles total, but I think a couple might get returned or exchanged. My favorites include Iced Winter Balsam and Frosted Forest (which I personally like better than Vanilla Balsam) and Christmas Cider. I was lucky to get 2 of the speciality bow lid candles (1 each Tis the Season and The Perfect Christmas). A few others rounded out my haul!
It is crazy how much inconsistency there is with B&BW. I’ve definitely had both amazing experiences and some frustrating ones so it is what it is! 🤣
Wow! I went in on Saturday and was able to use my coupon without an issue! I think if they wouldn’t have let me use it, I would not have bought them just on the principle 😮
Sugar Cookie is awesome. I exchanged another candle yesterday for a backup
That's great to hear!!!
I used my 20% of no problem and my 10 off $40 as well and I got my 2 free body care items. And I had a free reward in my app and used that as well. I am sorry that happened to u
I only had a $10 off $40, so only purchased 5 candles so I could use it. I went in to store looking for Vanilla Balsam and a Coffee scented candle and they had neither. 😞 Vanilla Balsam escapes me year after year. I, of course, found 5 others I was happy to bring home.
I was able to get Coffee, and it smells wonderful and strong on cold. They had Vanilla Balsam, but it smelled light to me.
I also used the coupon. That’s crazy! I’m annoyed for you!! ❤
I know! So frustrating!
What lighting are you using? Is it all natural I love it!
Normally I sit in front of a big window but my 9 foot Christmas tree is placed there so it’s the Christmas lights 🤣. They do provide a lovely glow for sure!
Here in mid Cali - had no problems with my 20%. What a line of bull from Customer Service! I had a different issue/problem when trying to use two gift cards as showing no balance - contacted customer service and after 44 minutes on phone with them, no resolve. Went back to store to sort out and store was a great help on phone with their go-to person.
What the heck!! They took my 20% off coupon just fine! That’s nuts
Winter is my fav!!! I have 6 or 7 back ups from year’s past. It’s a sibling to Homeworx Holiday Wishes. I hope you enjoy it.
I’m so excited to light it up!
Hi Melanie- I used my 20% off coupon in store with no problem. I agree with other comments about BBW business practices. Additionally, if you think about it, their business model relies on drastic swings in pricing designed to squeeze every penny they can out of consumers…and achieve well-above industry average margins. Living in the city where BBW headquarters is located, you hear a lot about what goes on within the company. It’s sufficient to say the culture is highly dysfunctional and they have been successful in spite of themselves. The company was managed very differently under the leadership of Lex Wexner vs. teams in place over the last several years. I’m still a fan of some products; their business practices have just adversely impacted my view of the company.
Oh yes, the company seems like a bit of a mess. They certainly don’t take customer feedback 🤣. I think they keep being successful because the products are readily available in store, they do frequent sales and have time in the industry on their side. Name recognition is huge. Unfortunately I think that also means you can cut corners and people will still buy because of the reasons above. I’ve owned a couple of businesses so I always find it interesting how companies run their show.
I used a 10 off 40 this year, but last year my store told me they wouldn’t take ANY of my coupons. I called customer service and they told me that taking coupons is at the location’s discretion. 🤨 Sounds like BS to me.
Yes the Pomegranate candle is a new scent! I got one too.
I used my 20% with no issues
Nice haul. That’s aggravating on the coupon. I need to try vanilla balsam I guess. I love their white balsam and vanilla . It hasn’t been back in a bit . I love their iced winter balsam so got one of those.
It is such a good scent combination!
My store took coupons. Sadly, I had already used my 20% off when the candles were $10.95, so all I had was a $10/$40.
That’s crazy about the coupon! I didn’t get any coupons, so I’m not sure what my store was doing.
Sorry in advance for the ignorant question. When you melt a candle for the scent, how do you know it’s “done” with? A candle burns out and when it’s gone.. it’s gone. I’ve had a wax warmer before but I annoyed me that the wax would never disappear lol so there were no clear signs that it was finished with.
When you stop smelling it. At least that’s my standard. Once the fragrance oils are gone, it’s out.
I used my 20% and 10 off 40 not an issue
Wow I can't believe they didn't let you use the 20% in store. I used 2 20% offs and no questions or issues. That's crazy.
It's so inconsistent store to store. 😔
As an associate I took tons of 20% off coupons on that day. I have no idea what any of them are talking about. It is not a company wide policy. As long as the coupon is within the time to be used why would we not accept it? I’m sorry you experienced that :( hopefully that never happens again
You know my thoughts on them not using your 20% off. The only thing I can see is online you had to use a promo code to get $9.95 and I wonder if he didn’t understand that you were in store and not online since you can’t use multiple promo codes on the website. I’d be bringing my receipt to a different store and getting my money back, that’s not fair.
I was able to use the $10 off 40 the 20% off and also a free full size product coupons.
Wow that’s awesome you were able to use all of them!
Sorry I should have continued watching to hear you did call the 1800. I am so sorry this happened. The store associates ask me if I have any coupons?? Further, I guess people will learn that when they have a sale before candle day with a 20% or 25% the candles will be cheaper than candle day and people won’t even bother with the event anymore. The average person will go buy there on that day but there were not any new scents this year
I heard the Merry Cookie you purchased smelled bad when burning.
Shoot. Well since they gave me issues with my coupon I will happily take back anything that sucks haha! I normally don't do that but I will do it just out of spite in this case lol.
Nice haul❤, you can use 20% , I did or you can use 10 off 30 or 40 in store. Online was a code. Sorry you experienced that in store. Happy Holidays & Tfs❤❤
How do you use the candles after you no longer burn them. Can you explain and what crock you use? Is it an actual crockpot?
Check out my Candle Crock & Candle Lamp 101 here:
This will explain the crocks. All the ins and outs.
They are not regular crock pots. They are candle crocks. Here are two great neutral options:
White option -
Ivory option -
Thank you!!!! @@MrKongsMom
Oh the association was definitely thinking about their numbers for the day, I also had the same issue until I ask her if she can show me the policy on paper and that’s when she let me use my 20%
🤣 called her out, huh?
I went into my store on Friday and bought 6 candles. I was able to use my $10 off $40, a reward, and a free body care coupon. I asked a worker at the start of my shop about using so many rewards/coupons, and she said it would be fine.
That’s fantastic! I love when it’s a smooth shopping experience.
I used my 20% coupon/ bodycare coupon for candle day, but there was an issue with my scanning the coupon 😊 but they had to override it...the holiday help didn't know how the do it so an associate that's been working there did it for me [ paper coupon ]
All coupons stopped (mail and app) two years ago. I’ve called twice to ask about it and both times been told not to worry, I would start getting coupons again, but I still haven’t gotten a single one.
Wow that’s crazy that the associate wouldn’t let you use the 20% coupon! I skipped candle day this but I have never had an issue with using any type of coupon on candle day in my stores. It just sounds like some of these associates don’t know what they are doing.
I was able to use my disappointing! I love Winter and wish they would have had different packaging for it, so afraid its going to disappear in future years as it seems to have lost popularity. Also, what crock is your favorite? I need to grab one.
My fave crocks are the ones linked in my weekly home fragrance roundup video. You can get them at Boscovs. They are awesome and super neutral.
That is soooooo crazy because I used a 25% off in store! 😂
Right? I just talked to another associate to get a formal answer about what the policy was and got nowhere again. They just essentially said so sorry about your experience... do you want a 20% off coupon lol! I was like no thanks, I STILL have the one you already sent me that I couldn't use. I don't need another coupon. Weird.
Sugar Cookie is good burning. I think you would like it 🙂
I know some 20% off coupons were issued starting the day after Candle Day ended so maybe the cashier assumed it was that one 🤔 weird!
Of course you can use that coupon on Candle Day! That’s insane they denied you
It's wild, right?!
Oh to add, the store that refused the 20% said the one coupon they were taking was the 10 off 40🙅♀️ . Crazy.
RIGHT? Why is a 10 off 40 ok but the 20% not???? A coupon is a coupon. AND neither stated on them that they could not be used on candle day.
Good morning. I only had the $10 off $40. Sorry they didn’t let you. Great picks.
Thanks! I think I got a really good haul, even with the coupon drama. 😉
I was able to use my 20% coupon. Their employees associates are so inconsistent
The only thing I have seen is that they only honour the percentage coupon up until a certain dollar value like 250 dollars * that is the idea I don't know the actual value per say but its roughly that amount. That was put into place this year .
Yes, I recall that change, which is a strange choice but I suppose they were tired of the people who purchase extraordinary amounts. Silly on BBWs part.
That's a weird line of questioning from the Cust. Serv! I'd be like..."Oh I have a special way of asking for my discount alright" 😁 I have called Customer Service so many times and asked them why I have never received a coupon despite all my efforts to sign up for them. They never answer me and just e-mail me a coupon, hmmm I think I have turned into my granny Betty fussing over coupons 🤣 I tried Winter for the first time this year, it reminded me of a pomander. I had to crock it because the wick drifted a bit and melted the label. It was a power house in that crock so good!
They are so weird with how they decide who gets coupons and when you can apparently use them. It's a coupon.
YES!!! Not only did I use it but they asked me if I had any coupons to add!! I would have asked for a superviser on the phone because they did you dirty!! Such nonsense!!
That's great to hear! I'm so glad your store was on top of it. I'm glad you got to use your coupons!
I used my 20% off coupon like I have every year. Sorry that happened to you! 😢
They be lying about coupon! It states nothing about it in their policy. Maybe next time print out policy and take it with you. Good haul i only. Got 3 candies. 1 forever red and 2 emily in Paris macaron cloud.
That was not true! I used both my 20% in to different transactions, and another 10 off 40 at a different store. I would take your recirpt back to a different store and get your difference back!
OH, I love the snoring in the background. It's so soothing. HAHAHA Sounds like my Boston Terrier!
Best snores in town 🤣
One store took mine while another one did not.
Wild. So there is just no consistency. You'd think with how big they are that they would have one policy for all the stores to avoid issues.
I am never lucky enough to get the 20 or 25% off coupons to use on Candle Day but I've seen people use them for years, including this year, without issue. My experience has been that since BBW changed their "return" policy - what was it - a couple of years ago (?), consistency with regard to all of their policies has gone out the window... and you will get a different experience depending on the individual stores. This may not be how it is supposed to be, but it is how it is. And every time I've needed to speak with customer service since that time, the experience has been absolutely awful. I've literally been told that I have to "replace" a broken candle with the same candle even though they no longer have that specific candle. So, it's your fault that you packed my candles shitty, and then I can't get a replacement of a different (same priced) candle because the one that I really want is out of stock now? I placed an online order against my better judgment for Candle Day because I couldn't get to the store early, and now I'm still sitting here holding my breath praying that nothing gets cancelled (still no shipment after placing the order on Friday, which is fine except for you know, the issues that tend to occur) or arrives broken because I won't be able to replace the candle like I used to be able to do easily and if I only paid $9.95 for a candle, it'd be nice to have a replacement rather than a refund, but they force it. The customer service is the main reason that I don't purchase as many candles from BBW anymore. Not the only reason, of course (um, subpar candles, right?), but definitely the biggest because I do still love the fragrances.
OMG, yes, those thick rope-like wicks are horrible. Agreed, either they dud out or they soot like crazy. I also have crazy trouble burning the neutrals packaging. Do you? They burn SO HOT and the sooting starts earlier than the usual half way point. So I have been staying away from them. If I do get them, I do like you and use the candle crock or lamp.
I love Winter! I feel like the orange has gotten brighter over the years, and I'm not hating on it. I also love Tree Farm, and it's the reason I picked up Kringle's Tranquil Winter. I really like the apple mixed with tree and am looking forward to burning those this winter!
They do seem to have changed a lot of the policies this year. Change can be ok but they aren’t really making it a pleasurable shopping experience anymore. Sorry you had to deal with that!
@@MrKongsMom My thoughts exactly. Not giving customers a good shopping experience at all. 😣
No coupon for me. in 🇨🇦 tho!
Canadian here. Used multiple $10 off $40, split into separate transactions to get the best deal (actually was a better price than the 20% off!) I have never had an issue. That is BS!
That is a great strategy! It makes sense to split the transactions!
I was able to use my 20% off at my store.
Ooookayyyyy. I received a BBW shipment today that was almost completely incorrect. I ordered 5 candles & 1 candle sleeve. I received 9 candles, only 2 of which I actually ordered. Customer service on the phone was helpful; they ordered the 3 missing candles & sleeve to be shipped to me & said I could take the 7 wrong candles to a local BBW store. Too bad I can’t stand Black Cherry Merlot & ‘Tis the Season! Someone loves those & ordered several dupes. Check your BBW boxes right when you receive them, people! Apparently, Candle Day madness affected the shipping department, too. 😵💫 R🍁
That's awful! I'm so sorry. 😩 How on earth did they mess that up so badly???
@ It was actually amusing because I received the candle I wanted most, Fresh Orange. 🍊 I’m on an orange kick lately; expecting delivery of Kringle Reserve Orange this week. 😉 I’ll be taking the multitude of Black Cherry Merlot & ‘Tis the Season candles back to BBW tomorrow. R🍁
I would call the 1800 number because it is not true. Lots of UA-cam influencers talk about using them. I would ask for a refund
So, I did, again today. They told me there is nothing they can do lol. So unhelpful. I am just going to walk away. At this point I am must too busy work wise with holiday orders to keep calling or trying to get an adjustment. Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth tho.
If that was a policy why wouldn’t the coupon say excludes candle day? I used one without any question.
I used my free gift coupon reward, but it wouldn’t allow me to stack any other coupon online. I thought it was because I was online
that's strange, I wonder if they were seasonal employees? Or maybe that particular store's management is just cheap and doesn't want y'all using the good coupons. I was able to use mine no problem. I haven't shopped candle day in 2 or 3 years, but this year I did get some marshmallow fireside and island margarita (two of my favorites, I burn both year-round) and a cookie butter truffle to try.
I don't think she was. I have seen here there for well over a year. Might just be the store's policy from what I am gathering. Wonder if the coupons affect their numbers.....
I do believe customer service is clueless!!!
I would tend to agree 🤣
I used my $10 off of $40 with no problem.
The guy you talked to made it sound like your friends showed their boobs or something to use the coupon😂 I used mine and a coupon for a free body care with no problem on candle day. That is just crazy.
Right??? LOL
Ok BBW, did you have printed on the coupons any exclusions? I mean I know online that you couldn’t use coupons because you needed a code to get the sale (I didn’t buy anything anyway) but I don’t know how that would apply to instore. Honestly, I find the inconsistency exhausting…,
No exclusions for candle day listed. I think it was just my store.
That is one of the weirdest conversations ever! Very annoying!
I only want to see videos with cute dog snoring in the background from now on.
I too participated in candle day for the first time in a long time. I want to say maybe the last time was 2018 or 2019!
Alf has the best soft snores. He lulls me to sleep with them nightly.
Associate here. Yes you are allowed to use your 20% off on the candle day price. Must have been a new associate who wasn’t trained properly
She was not new. I have seen here there many times over the past couple of years actually. Must be my store manager's policy.
I used my 20% coupon no problem. sorry they done that to u...
I not only was able to use my 20% off coupon, but I also used a reward to get a free candle. 🕯️
That stinks that happened to you. 😑
That’s awesome you got a free one!
I did two separate orders and used two coupons! Sorry you were lied to.
Yeah it seems like I am the only one who had this dang issue. VERY annoying.
Bbw needs consistency with the rules at every store rather than employees making them up just because they don’t want someone to get a good deal.
Oh, that is BS about the coupon! I wasn't able to use it for my online member early access order because you needed a code, but my store took my 20% off coupon without issue on Saturday.
It’s good that your store let you use the coupon! I think I’m learning that maybe my store was the problem.
You are allowed to use your coupons on candle day... sorry you couldn't use the coupon.
It is a bummer that I couldn't use the coupon this year! I guess it wasn't meant to be.
I was able to used it. Im sorry you had an awful experience.
I've watched quite a few hauls, and everyone was able to use their coupons. I would email customer service. I oft times get better customer service e-mailing a company rather than calling their customer service.
I actually messaged them online and got nowhere again. Such a bummer. Very inconsistent it seems like!