😊 옷 관리하는 법 궁금해요! ❤ 저도 마음에 드는 옷 오래오래 입고 싶어서요❤ - 나만의 세탁 루틴이 있다면? 옷을 잘 입기 위해서 화장실 청소 습관처럼 매일 조금씩 하는 습관이 있나요? - 세탁물 분류 어떻게 하세요? (흰색, 검정색, 청바지, 드라이클리닝->4가지로 하시나요?) - 흰 옷을 변색없이 오랫동안 입으시는데 특별한 방법이 있으신가요? 특히, 블라우스 흰색 카라! - 세제는 어떤거 사용하시나요? 구연산, 과탄산소다, 베이킹 소다 등 사용하시나요? - 계절별, 소재별로 옷을 특별히 관리하시나요? - 아니면 모든 옷들은 드라이 클리닝 하시나요?
Enjoying all your videos so much. You are explaining everything in a very detailed way. Like your style so much. Great variety of clothes for different looks. Such an amazing wardrobe.😍😍🤍🤍
Oink Oink.. I am standing by the Window in my room.. Looking Outside from inside the room.. in my hand I am holding unto your Picture.. asking myself.. I do miss YOU.. why do I keep on missing YOU.. wondering about the Truck.. the Mail man who drives his truck has Not arrived yet.. I been waiting for this Truck.. and I am looking at the rain.. it is falling Hard as I am looking in the room.. looking through the Window.. waiting for the Truck.. I have wrote YOU a letter.. for few days I have Not written because I was sick.. I been dying in the bed.. could Not get UP out of the Bed.. and when YOU are so sick.. I think it is My Heart.. My Heart is dying because I am missing YOU.. and just can't handle this Pain of missing YOU so much.. for few days as I would be laying in the Bed.. only thing that I could do is grab hold unto your Picture.. and it made me so Mad.. made sick to my stomach because when YOU are so sick.. and having fever.. and trying to eat has been so hard.. coughing and throwing UP all over the Place.. and only thing I be thinking is YOU.. writing you the Letter.. and turning toward looking at the desk.. and every time I would get Out of the bed.. and my Head be killing me.. trying to pull the chair to sit by the desk.. and I would PULL out the Piece of Paper.. holding the Pen in my Hand.. wanting to write.. wanting to tell You something that I needs to say.. and I just can't write YOU On the paper.. and when YOU have to lay back down on the bed because YOU are so sick.. a doctor came to see me.. and told me for few days I needed to rest.. and I knew that is the only thing I could do.. but when I look toward the Desk.. only thing I can think of is the Mail Man who drives his truck.. coming to the Mail Box.. and I know that I am suppose to write YOU the Letter and fold it into half and put into the envelope and give it to HIM so that He can take it to YOU.. when YOU are unable to sit UP.. and the Moment YOU sit up.. trying to move.. my Head be banging Hard from the Inside.. with a fever that won't leave me alone.. it hurts me the Most because I am thinking of YOU.. and I am wondering.. what if YOU are standing out by the front door.. and YOU are waiting outside.. and YOU be looking at the Truck.. the mail Man who takes you the Letter to YOU.. I remember last time I went.. I was in the truck with the Mail Man.. and I wanted to be the One to tell YOU that It is me who has been writing you all these letters. that I wanted to show YOU for the first time.. that the One who sits be this side.. who sits in the room.. who sits on the chair by the desk.. that it is I who would pull out the Clean sheet of paper in front of Me.. and I would sit looking at your Picture.. I would stare at your Smile.. and I would ask myself.. is My Heart be moving because of YOU.. am I allowed to move my Heart.. am I allow to tell YOU that my Heart is moved when I see YOU.. that I do have a Name.. that I do have a Heart and yes.. most times I be missing YOU.. wanting to see YOU again and over and over I want to see YOU.. that I wanted YOU to know for sure that even though YOU may not see me Much.. but I just wanted to show UP one day to tell YOU.. I do have a Face.. that I do have a Name and that I want you to remember me.. Not to forget who is the ONE who loves you the Most.. and Not to forget me at all.. so I remember asking the Mail MAN.. if I can go with him to the Place where YOU live.. just to see YOU.. I just wanted to see YOU for the first time without Having Your Picture in my Hand for once.. How does My Heart feel when I see YOU face to face.. to meet YOU even from afar.. from the distance but enough to know that I am looking at the One who I love the Most.. I remember you took my breath away as I stood there.. I told the Mail MAN not to leave so fast.. that even with this much of space and distance I am alright as long as I am standing there looking at YOU.. I felt my Heart and it started to beat so fast.. did Not know that It was my Heart making the Noise.. beating from inside.. it felt like I was listening to a Drum beating somewhere but I believe.. I know that It was My Heart when I saw YOU standing by the front door.. I wanted to walk over.. and go to YOU and give you the Letter inside the envelope but.. I had to tell myself.. Not Now.. Not yet.. so I do remember opening the Mail Box and putting the envelope inside your mail box.. as the mail man asked me if He could go.. and I told HIM that He can go now.. as the Truck started to leave your mail box.. I just could not hold it in anymore.. I felt my tears.. and It ran down two lines as I would watch the Truck.. the mail man drives off.. because I am wondering now.. when can I see YOU again.. How long is it going to be from that time I was there.. will YOU let me visit you again or are you going to react the same way.. standing by your front door and Not moving at all.. YOU know that I am Not a stranger anymore.. but I feel like YOU are treating me as One.. you know that I been telling YOU what is in my Heart.. at least you can let me know that YOU been receiving the Letters and Knows that YOU been reading the Letters right?? Do you even take the time to read or do you just look at the envelope and PUT it on the side so that It can sit there to ROT like my Heart.. when the Mail MAN drove the Truck back to the My Mail Box.. I would thank him for taking me to the Place.. where YOUR MAIL BOX was.. and the mail man looks at me and noticed that I was crying and asked me why.. and I would turn to him and tell him.. what if YOU don't read any of the Letters that I write and give to YOU.. what if YOU do not open any of the envelope and the mail man tells me.. if I love YOU.. just to believe in the Love of giving.. if I really do Love you so much.. for me to always have the open Heart and just to wait.. to be patient with YOU will heal in time.. Just to Wait on YOU.. and it breaks my heart that this is the Only words I would hear.. I wanted to hear that YOU do take your time and you would open the envelope and YOU would sit and read the Letters.. and I started to cry louder.. of course He looks at me and decides He should go.. and I would watch the Truck.. the Mail Man drives Off.. I felt so broken hearted.. I do remember that it started to rain as I would stand there crying.. maybe this is the reason why I gotten so sick.. I stood there and it started to rain down on me hard.. as I would just turn and LOOKING at the MOON.. and did not care about how heavy the rain waters hit me.. getting me wet.. very wet all over the place.. but ALL I think was.. the distance that YOU made me feel.. and that I am Not a stranger any more.. I know that I can't be just a stranger to YOU right.. I been telling YOU.. writing you Letters.. and I have been telling YOU My Heart.. that from my Heart.. when I grab HOLD unto your Picture.. all I can think of is telling YOU how much I love YOU.. and I stood looking UP at the Moon.. and I do remember just going to sleep after getting wet.. for few days it has been so hard.. when you feel like YOU are dying from the inside.. with Hot fever.. and your burning UP because YOU are so sick.. can't get UP to eat.. and coughing and just feeling so down and Hurting all over.. the few days goes by.. and I am able to move Now.. and able to eat well.. and I been thinking of YOU more clearly.. but for some reason.. when I did Not touch the paper.. and did Not hold UP the Pen to write a Letter to YOU and Only thing I did was to Hold Unto your Picture and just stare at YOU and Your smile.. YOU start to miss something deep within.. I started to miss writing you a Letter.. and I knew I had to get the Letter Out.. so I went over to the Desk.. pulling out a clean sheet of White piece of paper.. and started to write YOU what is in my Heart.. and do YOU know what I been saying to you through the Letter.. I started to tell YOU about the few days that has been happening.. How I had to lay on the Bed and just could Not move much.. about the time I went over with the Mail man.. in his truck.. I would tell YOU through the writing that I felt like YOU giving me the distance and felt like a stranger instead but in my Heart.. I wanted YOU to feel close to Me.. for YOU to know that I been waiting for something that YOU can open UP with a smile.. just like the Picture YOU gave me with this Big Smile.. but My Heart broke when I saw the distance.. of course I know that it does take time for YOU to come close and Yes.. meeting YOU and seeing you the First time when YOU did Not expect was My Mistake.. maybe YOU did Not think that it was me in the Truck with the Mail Man.. or just surprised to see me without telling you in the Previous Letters I wrote to YOU.. and even though I wanted to surprise YOU.. I wanted in a way that Not like I am a stranger but that close person.. and I would share and write about the experience with the doctor who came into the home.. and How much I did Not like the fact that I had to lay there and do Nothing.. I just wanted you to know that I wanted to see YOU because I wanted to see if YOU loved Me.. if YOUR Heart would ever open to accept me as I am.. and to know that I been loving YOU for a Long time.. that I just can't stop but still be missing YOU and still be waiting for YOU because I know that I love YOU.. I wrote a Long Letter.. two Letters and folded into Halves and Put into the envelope.. Right after I finished the two Letters.. I had so much on my Mind and so much to say.. which is needed to come Out to tell YOU the Heart of Mine.. I would put the One Letter in One envelope and the second one in a different envelope.. and as I stand UP to leave.. I turn to Look at the window in the room.. and I just could Not believe what my eyes were seeing.. It started to rain down Hard.. this time I am not going to stand Out there to get very wet.. because of the rain.. it torn me into pieces and I got so sick because of it..
You are all I think about and All who I miss the Most.. I am in the ROOM.. sitting by the desk with the Picture.. I am LOOKING at the new BOOK you gave me and has told me that I can Now be a part of the circle for the BOOK club at the Library.. I could not believe that I can Now and HOW you have given me the permission and allowing me to open my Heart to YOU.. I am looking at the Note Book in front of Me.. Looking at the pen and with the New Book.. I just can't stop smiling.. when YOU love deeply.. this kind of experience takes you so much deeper that I never Knew.. How can I even explain this Kind of feeling.. this Kind of experience that I never had.. but I would put your picture in front of the desk.. and I would look at you.. YOU are so Beautiful.. WHY are you so Beautiful to Me.. just remembering going to the Library I had No expectation.. I only wanted to try something New.. wanting to start reading some Books.. I been writing on the NOTE BOOK for a Long time and wanted to go further on my Learning on this Journey of becoming truly the strongest and smartest MAN there can Be.. and I would be looking at few books that would interest me and while I grabbed a book to read.. I saw YOU walking with your Friend.. and you were checking OUT.. and my eyes watching you out of NOWHERE.. I would not know why but I knew there was something Different.. I just could NOT KNOW WHY.. and I saw YOU with your Friend and sitting on a table.. what drew me to you is the LINES that the people came across your table.. I was Not sure.. may be you were an Author writing a BOOK.. and I wanted to see what was going On.. I would stand far giving the ROOM and the distance because I was NOT sure what was happening at the table you were sitting.. People sat Down.. like an Interview they wanted to be a part.. I went out of that Library wondering.. what is this ALL about.. YOU were NOT signing any BOOKS.. so it must be something More personal NOT business.. I remember I would show UP at the same Library.. few times I would go.. on the day I saw you the first time.. leaving he distant.. giving you the room and the space and just looking at the table from a far.. always there would be a LINES of people.. lining UP for something.. I remember after few times.. and ONE day at the Library I was Not thinking but walking and I ran across and Bump into YOU Out of accident.. and when I lifted UP to look.. it was YOU and YOU were picking UP the Books on the ground.. I saw you close UP.. and I knew.. it was YOU.. with your friend at the table in this Library.. and How people were making lines waiting for YOU.. I remember I was nervous to ask YOU as a stranger.. but I had to ask YOU something before I would Never get to say to you what I needed to say at the MOMENT.. I grabbed your wrist.. but gently let go to grab YOUR ATTENTION and YOU looked at me surprised but I would say.. I wanted to ask YOU something.. because I would watch a LINES of people waiting and I would see you and your Friend sitting on the Table and ONE BY ONE.. they will come and it seems like YOU were doing some kind of Interview.. YOUR friend which is a lady smiles.. and Tells me.. YOU are the Owner of several big Libraries around.. and I am thinking.. for people to work here and I see that YOU smiled looking at me.. the friend would say to me.. YOU created circle for only very small group people can come and sharing this BOOK CLUB you are creating for the group to get close too.. and Yes.. a lot of people are showing UP lately after knowing who YOU are.. the Owner of chains of BIG LIBRARIES.. and I am thinking.. and you would smile as YOU collected the BOOKS.. and I do remember following you at the table.. and asked YOU.. I want to be a part of this BOOK Club.. HOW do I get IN to this Club.. and I do remember.. you giving me this BIG BOOK.. telling me to read It and finish it about a week and Write a summary of and show it to YOU.. I do remember doing a research On you and that is when I find Out about your Child hood.. as a YOUNG GIRL.. you fell in love with reading BOOKS.. and became a Librarian and became the Owner of MAJOR BIG LIBRARIES and how it just kept on growing over time.. and I started to fall in Love with the Person who has so MUCH BIG DREAMS of becoming major for the Companies.. but when I look at YOU.. YOU are so ordinary.. that is when I saw the BIG HEART.. that YOU did not have to show Off to LOOK so Big.. People all knew already who you are and that is what makes PEOPLE falls so in love with YOU and even Myself.. I did NOT know and I did NOT even ask YOU but I wanted to know More about YOU so I would do some research.. which I was blown into pieces of How you worked so Hard to get to that Place.. and Now.. after YOU TOLD ME and after I gave you the full report and the summary of the BOOK I read and I would sit.. waited in the Line for few hours for me to get to YOU and when My turn came to YOU.. I just did NOT tell you about the story and the summary of the Book you gave me to read but I also showed YOU the NOTE BOOK.. just thinking about the Library and the table.. I would sit across looking at YOU.. and I would put the NOTE BOOK down on the Table.. while you were holding the Summary paper I wrote about the BOOK and YOU would look at me wondering about this NOTE BOOK.. and I would open to share with YOU.. I wrote YOU a LOVE LETTER.. can I read it for YOU.. WILL you please have the Heart to listen to what I wrote to YOU in this LOVE LETTER.. it is NOT going to be that LONG.. please.. just give me few minutes.. I will not take much time.. I see you smile and I grabbed the paper out of the NOTE BOOK which was attached at first.. and I would look at the Letter.. there is something that I must tell you.. that I am NOT much of a BOOK reader.. and ever since I did a research on you and found a lot about you through the Search.. I am NOT sure how much of it is truth but.. I am sure many things that was written on you must be true.. and I would think of it as being true to me so I wanted to tell YOU my Heart.. was it the Ambitious Heart.. the WILL or the Determination of.. is it the BIG DREAMS you have.. the education.. I am NOT sure what it is about YOU.. but I look at your Heart.. the Heart to Dream BIG means YOU have a BIG HEART.. which is so Beautiful to Me.. I begin to feel something inside my SOUL.. maybe the story of HOW YOU.. and at first I was NOT sure if I be the fit for this CLUB.. the More I think of YOU and the More I would LOOK at your Picture.. I wanted More.. I wanted to be close to YOU.. and I wanted More.. I started to look at my Heart and It started to Tell me.. the More I looked at the Picture of YOU.. I just wanted More.. I needed More.. the More I asked myself.. the More I think of YOU.. the Picture would come into my hands as I would LOOK at you.. I know that right Now it is the early stage of anything that could Happen.. I know that YOU would say HOW CAN I want More or Need more when I just met YOU and it wasn't too long ago.. I am NOT sure why I am able to tell YOU THIS.. but.. it started with me asking myself WHY I want More of YOU.. the More becomes a NEED to start loving YOU.. but when I make a decision for something.. when I know this is It and I want More.. I know myself just too well never to Let YOU go.. of course YOU WILL say I am crazy.. that something is NOT clicking right with YOU but.. Just How you are able to fulfill your DREAMS and DESIRES to come true.. I do also have DREAMS and DESIRES that I do have made something work.. and that is why I am asking YOU to Open your Heart for me and you will see HOW FAR MY LOVE for you can go.. I truly believe that WHEN YOU LOVE.. it starts very small.. loving YOU may seems so small at this Point but remember that I never give UP.. when I need or want More.. YOU WILL see HOW BIG it can grow because that is HOW BIG MY HEART will show YOU when I do prove to YOU that I really do Love YOU.. ALL I am asking you is a SMALL CHANCE.. do Not think of it much because when you give me the TIME.. I can show you How BIG and REAL MY HEART can be the way I love YOU.. just the WAY you have become the major share holders and Owner of Many Libraries in business.. it starts with One Piece of paper in this NOTE BOOK.. all it takes it take ONE PIECE of paper Out and let me share something.. tell you something that is real.. tell you how real MY HEART can be.. and HOW LOUD the Love can be when I tell you how much I love you.. and I would look at you.. will you accept this Paper I am giving you.. and I would look at you.. and I see your hand grabbing the One Piece of paper.. I just could NOT believe that YOU have taken it.. and it got to My Heart.. I thought YOU would reject me but when I saw the hand grabbing to see.. YOU are looking at me HOW FAR can I go to tell YOU that I love you.. it means everything to Me when YOU take it because I am putting everything on the Line for YOU.. telling you that I am giving my Heart to you and that when I do.. it means I want to tell you something that I believe NO OTHER MAN can tell you because that is HOW FAR I shall go where YOU will find NO OTHER MAN in this world who can tell you the words that I can tell you as long as YOU are taking the Letter from ME.. I will promise you that I don't give UP that easily and I will never start something that I just cannot finish.. I am here to WIN.. I am here to WIN to Love YOU.. to tell YOU that I want to win so that I can keep on telling YOU how much I love you.. even when I die and be in the grave I can tell you in the grave that I love you after I am gone.. I will appear to you in Dreams if I can't as a person to tell YOU that I love you.. as LONG AS you can open the door.. and I am able to look at the NOTE BOOK
Takes ONE SHEET of paper at a time is all I am asking for.. Please.. only One paper is needed to say as much as I can to tell you.. I LOVE YOU.. YOU are the ONLY ONE who can let this happen.. so Please.. help me so that I can love YOU.. HELP ME so that I can really really Love YOU or who can tell you that I love YOU.. and as I am in the room.. I am looking at the NOTE BOOK in the top of the desk.. and I start to cry.. looking at your Picture next with the New BOOK you just gave me.. of course I need to read another BIG BOOK but it is okay as long as I can give you a Letter.. to tell you that this Letter in this NOTE BOOK belongs to YOU because it can only come out of my Heart to tell you HOW MUCH I really love YOU.. as I can feel the tears running down my cheeks.. I can't believe that YOU have accepted me to join the BOOK CLUB.. but I know that I am Nothing.. that I am just NO BOBY.. I saw lawyers and Doctors lined UP.. I saw Producers and Actors and all these big timers.. BUSINESS OWNERS TOO showing you their Cards.. executives and presidents and CEOS of companies and they would sit.. as I would also wait in the Line.. making me feel so small.. feels like I should NOT ever be there.. why am I at this LINE when I know I just got nothing.. BUT even though I may feel so SMALL and feels like I can't amount to anything.. I do have one thing that I can share with YOU.. HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU.. the size of my Heart of loving you can only GROW wider and bigger because I know that ONE PIECE of PAPER is small but think about enduring through time.. that can OUT LAST anything when it comes from the SOUL of the Heart.. because I know that MY HEART of loving YOU WILL grow to be the SIZE as BIG as the MOON and the SUN you see.. WHY.. because I just love you as YOU are.. I love you as the person and as the woman of my Dreams and the DREAMS of loving YOU is BIG as the MOON and the SUN.. ALL I can say to YOU.. Please give me the room and the time.. I can show YOU that YOU WILL see later down the road that I love you that MUCH and that BIG.. that YOU are the LOVE of My Life.. my everything.. my ALL.. my forever and ever LOVE.. I love you and I miss you.. Thinking about meeting you at the Library and seeing you sitting on the chair with your friend.. as you open the Note book and holding the Pen.. and the way you love to study and love to learn drives me crazy.. the smile that makes your face to shine.. My Heart.. I just could not help but to say to YOU.. WHY are you so Beautiful.. why are you so Beautiful is the only words that came OUT of my Mouth.. I remember before I walked into the Library.. after finishing reading the Book you gave me and walking In.. the table where I met you.. wanted to be a part of the circles and How I saw nothing but Lines of people standing there.. felt like YOU were an author.. who just wrote and published a BOOK and giving signatures of your NAME.. felt like YOU are a star when I was standing in the Line waiting to come to YOU.. I would wonder what makes you so Special.. why does people keeps on going and standing in the Line and I would watch More people walking into the Door and looking at the Book I just read.. and How you wanted me to share what I read with YOU.. but looking at the Line.. people were holding their books and they are all different books.. and I remember when I sat for my turn and I would ask YOU.. there are so many people waiting in the Line.. the BOOKS are all different.. and I would hear you share.. that YOU LOVED to read BOOKS.. that when you were young.. your ROOM was filled with many books and it would just grow by the Day and YOU would fall in Love with reading BOOKS ever since.. and it became your Best friend.. and I would look at you.. and I am thinking How hard it must be to choose people to get into your circles because by Now.. I know that YOU have read millions of Books and how it is filled and I would look at you.. and I would say.. I know that I may Not be able to read BOOKS as much as YOU DO.. but there is something that I must tell YOU before YOU Let me go.. you would LOOK at me telling me to go on and to share.. and also I would bring OUT a NOTE BOOK.. I see that YOU have a NOTE BOOK and a Pen.. I too have a NOTE BOOK and a Pen with me.. when YOU were young.. YOU Loved to read BOOKS right.. but I wanted to tell YOU a secret.. when I was YOUNG.. I would open this NOTE BOOK and with the Pen I would write.. I would use the time I have to write a Letters.. I know it may not be Much to YOU what I can bring to the Table.. will you please give me Your ear to hear me OUT what I wrote on the NOTE BOOK before I go.. it is a Love Letter I wrote to YOU.. I am NOT much of a reader and I am sure there are MANY PEOPLE who has shown UP.. who can read A lot more books than me.. but I been writing many letters and sharing a lot of stories when I was young.. that something that It has been with me since I was young.. I remember my Mother told me once.. when She was young.. she had two things she loved to enjoy.. ONE was drawing Pictures and the Other is writing stories.. and in years of her schooling.. My Mother told me that when she went into the Contest.. the Teachers would say my Mother was the best writer and won in the classes and I know that I have this thing in me.. that when I share and I write.. like HOW you love to read MANY BOOKS.. I can write letters like I am writing a BOOK.. can I share with You before I go and I see you smile.. and I would Open the NOTE BOOK.. and I am looking at the Page of the paper filled with the ink letters.. my hands would touch the sheet in front and I would tell you this.. I been practicing writing a Love story to YOU.. I would try to spend Hours of thinking of what I should tell YOU.. My Heart hurts and my Mind hurts too.. because trying to figure Out what to say to YOU.. it is NOT easy.. it is NOT that simple at all because it needs to be something that can capture your Attention.. what Should I say to YOU.. what truly inspires me to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I would sit and think.. looking at the sheet of Piece of paper before Me.. what should I say to YOU.. and I would close my two eyes.. thinking of YOU.. and missing YOU.. and I would open my eyes and I would look for your Picture.. when I am able to pull the picture out of the BOOK and I am looking at YOU.. my Heart says.. DON'T be afraid to love YOU.. and just be real.. have Heart to Heart and just share and tell YOU HOW it is to be Me.. on the Other side.. just to be ME.. and I would smile after I see your Picture.. as I would hold the Pen in the hand and LOOKING at the Piece of Paper.. my eyes filled with tears.. my Heart aches and it is like.. I want to be with YOU.. but why can't I be with YOU.. why can't I be the One who is next to you to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I want to say it to YOU.. but is it this difficult to let you know this Heart of Mine.. I know that I am trying to finish reading this BOOK.. I did finish it reading but it has taken me A lot more longer because I kept on thinking of YOU.. opening to read.. from the page to page.. my hands would be looking for your picture.. hands are touching the top of the desk.. My Heart is crying inside of me asking me where is YOUR PICTURE.. but I know that when I spend more time looking at your Picture.. the time that I needs to read.. I know I would rather LOOK at you and the Picture of YOU.. more than LOOKING at the page to page to of reading.. I am more touched and inspired of the Beauty of you.. the way YOU are so Beautiful.. which blows my mind.. I can spend hours of looking at YOU and the Picture you gave me but I know that YOU have given me a BOOK to read.. and wanted to see if I would keep my Word.. to keep my Promises to YOU and that is why I had to lay it down but after reading the pages of the BOOK.. I just could Not stop my Mind of thinking of YOU and just wanting to say something to YOU.. that is when on the Break times I would get.. I would open the NOTE BOOK and I would grab the Pen and had to tell YOU before it is just too late.. if I can't get these words out to YOU NOW.. then I know that I can't tell you anything Later because what If.. I see lines and I see Many young Men.. they too join in the Line.. just to be a part of the growing circle.. but I have one thing that I have been practicing for a LONG TIME.. I was given to write.. I was made to be a writer ever since I was young.. and ON my lonely days when I be in the room alone.. I would write my Heart Out.. I would practice writing on pieces of papers.. filled in my eyes because I felt alone and lonely in some nights.. when YOU were shy.. and could NOT speak as much as some people could.. and that is when I started to practice my craft to become the Best writer I can be.. I know I may not have the BIG Vocabulary or you can sense that I am smart.. I know that I am NOT but I do have Heart.. I have the Heart to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I have the Heart to tell YOU that I miss YOU.. that NO MATTER where you are.. that I want to tell YOU that I miss YOU and that I am so sorry that I love YOU.. I have the Heart to keep on going on until YOUR HEART can open to receive and to know that MY HEART to love YOU is as BIG as the MOON you see up in the sky at NIGHT.. that when YOU know how much I love you and YOU know that on the Other side I am waiting for YOU TO love me back.. that ONE DAY or some day soon.. when YOU GO out at night and see the BIG MOON.. you will then realize HOW much I Love YOU.. that I am waiting until your Heart opens UP to me and to know that I will never stop but keep on telling you that I love YOU.. and I would be waiting until you see me through it ALL.. and I know it will happen one day.. I believe it will because.. when I was young and I saw that I was able to write on this NOTE BOOK.. I am able to know if it will
Succeed or NOT.. if I was wasting my TIME or NOT.. when I saw the NOTE BOOK and I grabbed the Pen.. I just knew that One Day I am able to share to a lot More than just to Me.. when I first wrote on the Piece of Paper.. it was just to myself.. looking at the paper that was in front of me.. I was Unable to share to anyone because I knew that I was not that smart.. who ever thought that I would come this very far.. who in this world ever thought I would still able to write and so much time has passed by since I wrote to myself.. but Now.. I am able to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I am able to tell you that I had to practice.. Night after Night alone in the room.. crying looking at myself and saying that I am just a NOBODY.. but NOW to share.. I love YOU.. that is how much I had to work with myself.. How much I had to practice alone in the room with a Pen and a Paper.. Now I am able to say to YOU.. I miss YOU.. DO YOU Hear me.. do you feel me on the Other side.. can YOU PLEASE see my Heart that I love you as YOU can look UP at the MOON.. when YOU are standing on the ground and YOU LOOK UP at the MOON.. even that far of the distance.. HOW far it was to reach YOU and STILL HOW FAR it is to reach YOU today.. but I kept on trying until YOU can see that I never give UP on loving YOU.. I wanted to tell YOU.. that back then there was NO reach for Me.. but Now.. I am able to share to YOU and to tell YOU that I love YOU.. it took me years of work and trying Hard.. practicing through the Night.. writing on Pieces of papers.. my fingers would hurt.. and now.. I had to endure that Pain of going and doing alone.. but I know that I can't let my Heart go of loving YOU.. it is because I love you too much Now.. and as I would be sitting down.. opening the Pages of the BOOK to read.. I would think about.. IF I wanted to love YOU.. how can I show you that I love you this MUCH.. is it by reading many books.. but I know that I can't tell you by showing you all these BOOKS I have read because YOU wanted me too.. YOU WILL never see my side.. YOU WILL never see my Heart and that is when I opened the NOTE BOOK and LOOKING at the Blank sheet of papers and its pages to write.. I started to write on the NOTE BOOK to tell YOU.. HOW it feels to be me here on the Other side.. sharing something that is MORE than the BOOKS you can read.. it is my Heart.. Heart to Heart of telling YOU that I love YOU.. I wanted to show to share to tell YOU that It is just more than impression.. but my expression to share that I really do LOVE YOU.. as I would be sitting on the table.. looking at you on the other side sitting next to your friend.. I would be reading you the Letter I wrote to tell YOU.. but I know it is just the beginning to tell YOU face to face that when I put into the WORK.. it goes far more than YOU expected.. if you tell me to go one mile.. I will show you two miles instead because it is MY HEART that I love YOU.. I love you enough to show you I can go more than what YOU expect of me because that is what a LOVE is.. to Love you more than the next person standing next to YOU.. that I believe in Love.. I came from the Lowest Place.. I started to share and write when I was YOUNG and it started me sitting in the room alone.. that I had no one to share with in the Beginning when I was in the room.. but NOW.. all the years of practice the art and the craft.. I am NOW able to share and tell YOU this.. I never gave UP and NOW I am here to tell YOU this.. I miss you and I love YOU.. a MAN of my own words to KEEP on sharing and telling YOU that I love you for ever and ever MORE.. I love you.. I am waiting for you to call me on the Phone.. You told me that YOU are going to ask me something.. am I the One who suppose to call YOU.. but I heard.. last night you messaged me on the Phone.. and YOU send me a picture.. and below the Picture YOU send.. you wrote and said to me.. YOU wanted to tell me something.. and I have been waiting.. I just could not go to Sleep.. just keep on thinking about what YOU needs to say.. are you trying to break UP with Me.. is this the Word true what I am feeling.. we have been together for few years Now.. and when YOU told me YOU have something to say.. it felt so Serious that I got sick in my stomach.. YOU know that I love YOU.. ever since the first day I laid my eyes on you.. It was at the Library.. I saw you walk into the Library and YOU were with Your friend.. and as I was checking OUT a book to read at Home.. I stopped.. My Book in my hands dropped on the Floor.. and you stopped.. with your friend.. both helping me to gather some few Books.. of course I was thinking about just One book to take home.. but.. I just wanted to start over.. wanted to get into the Books and to know More.. when I saw YOU helping me Out.. My Heart felt troubled.. because I never felt this way before.. and I saw YOU looking at the front covers of the Books.. and YOU would look at me as you would gather some of the Books and putting into my hands.. I begin to wonder.. what is this that My Heart be feeling.. I told YOU thank YOU for the Help.. as I got UP.. I wanted to drop the books again on the Floor.. because what if this is the last time I see you again.. But.. at least I know that I have met you in this Library.. and I would walk out of the Library front door.. But.. I did Not even give YOU my Name.. How about asking for Your Name.. I don't even know your Name.. but.. I think it is just too late to ask for Now.. I would be in the room.. sitting by the desk.. holding a Book.. and I would open to read from Page to page.. I wanted to read further.. but my eyes would stop.. my Mind would go to a different place.. I just could Not focus on these pages of the BOOK.. I am wondering.. what is wrong with Me.. why can't I just focus and zoom into these pages.. I went to the Library to borrow Books so that I can read.. but I would be looking back.. thinking of YOU.. I don't even have any pictures of YOU.. so I can see vague picture of YOU in my mind.. I would lift the Book closer.. and I would look at the page and looking into the words.. the sentences of the written word on the page of this Book.. but I would smile.. blinking my eyes fast.. I feel so hot.. and Now.. I just can't read this Book.. and I would close the BOOK.. and I would stand UP.. stretch.. but it is YOU.. what are you doing to Me.. I don't even know your Name.. I did not even give YOU my Name.. will I be able to see YOU at that Library.. will you be there at the same location.. YOU took me by a great surprise.. Now I feel so dumb.. I should of asked for YOUR name.. or gave YOU my Name.. what did I just walk off without any introduction.. is it just too late Now to ask for Your Name.. and I am standing alone in the room.. trying to get YOU off my Mind.. but I just can't.. I would sit back down.. looking at the Book on top of the desk.. and I would Open the book.. looking into the page.. I would start to read Out loud.. trying to get YOU off my Mind.. My Heart is crying inside because YOU have done something to My Heart.. as I would sit.. looking at the Page.. reading.. trying to even finish the first page.. But I just keep on thinking of YOU.. and I would smile.. WHY am I smiling if I don't even know your Name.. and I just sat down.. and I am thinking about going back to that Library tomorrow.. I try to sleep.. after brushing my teeth.. and laying inside the covers.. this warm blanket.. trying to sleep laying in the bed.. I would sit UP on the Bed.. tell me WHY.. I needs to sleep.. but WHY can't I just sleep.. I would lay back down on the bed.. thinking of YOU.. I would have these flash backs.. I would be at the counter.. as I am getting the Books check Out.. and I would take the few Books in my arms.. and when I turn around and I start to walk.. I see two Ladies walking side by side.. One is YOU.. and your dress.. Your dazzling smile.. holding a cup of coffee and YOU are smiling as YOU are looking at your Friend as walking together.. I just could Not help it.. my body wanted to fall to Hit the ground but it was the Books instead that came Out of my arms and Hits the floor.. I am laying on the Bed.. this part keeps on flashing back and forth.. looking at YOU.. just my mind was blown.. YOU are so Beautiful.. and I would say it is so WOW.. YOU are truly beautiful.. that it made my arms to tremble and shake.. made the Books to jump Out of my arms and wanted to hit their heads on the Floor.. I guess the Books knows what my eyes sees and it blown them into pieces like pages are falling apart and ripping.. because YOU are so Beautiful.. I just could not help it but to fall with the Books.. when I saw YOU helping me on the Floor.. I was truly amazed of Your Heart.. even Your Heart is so Beautiful.. those hands which came to help even though it was all at my fault.. I am the One who dropped the Books.. and It was Not for you to act upon it but.. when I saw How you helped.. those hands of giving free service.. It really took my breathe away as I watch YOUR hands be moving and helping.. gathering and I felt something in my Heart.. I felt my Heart wanted to exhale and kick the breathe Out of me.. as I am laying trying to sleep.. I just couldn't.. Moved by the thought of Your hands and Your Heart of help.. I would be looking UP at the ceiling.. I just could not sleep through the Night.. Maybe because the Next day.. I am going to that Library.. what if YOU show UP.. what If YOU come.. at least I needs to know Your Name.. or if I can give YOU my Name.. I can't rest until I know that Name of yours.. the Next Day comes.. I am laying in the covers.. did Not sleep through the Night.. just thinking about what if I see you there again.. what am I suppose to say to YOU.. HOW DO I tell you that I have a Name and if I can know your name.. I am standing and looking at the Phone.. Looking at your Picture.. and reading over and over the Message YOU sent me.. I been waiting for Your Call.
This Phone.. maybe YOU are busy.. Maybe you have forgotten to call me.. and It is just getting to My Head because I truly want to know what YOU want to say.. I know that lately it has been rough.. YOU been pushing me back and telling me that YOU don't want to hang out much.. and I felt the distance of YOU pushing me away.. YOU use to call me a lot on the Phone.. but lately.. I haven't received much calls from YOU.. and Now.. I feel like an End is coming to this relationship.. I remember you be asking me.. what happened to the TIME I was at the Library.. that urgency I had.. just to know Your Name.. what happened to that thrill and the excitement I brought to the relationship because so much change has come.. and YOU been wondering and asking.. do I even matter to YOU.. DO I even love YOU much and It really got to my Heart.. that this feeling.. what has happened to Us is what YOU would say and asking me.. what happened to Me.. and YOU would sent me a New Picture.. and YOU are looking so Beautiful in this picture.. and YOU look so much happier.. But I am wondering.. where are YOU at.. who are you with that is making YOU this Happy.. YOU are smiling a lot lately but you and I have not been around.. I have been missing in action for awhile and I know that something that YOU are going to say.. I know it is going to Hurt Me more than it hurts YOU.. are you leaving Me.. is there another Man who been loving YOU.. is something going on that YOU are Not telling me.. something that I needs to Know and YOU are going to break out a very Hurtful news.. as the Phone rings and I know that it is YOU.. I see your number.. should I pick UP the phone.. if this news YOU are going to break Out is going to Hurt Me and crushes me.. I don't want to hear it from YOU.. I don't want to lose YOU.. I just can't lose YOU now.. we been together for awhile and Now.. and as I pick UP the Phone.. I hear Your Voice.. of course I don't say a word and I hear You telling me.. and YOU ask me.. DO I love YOU.. and I would be still.. I hear YOU asking me again.. DO I LOVE YOU.. but why are you asking me this if YOU know the truth.. YOU know that I love YOU.. I told you many times how much I love YOU but when YOU ask me like this.. it seems like YOU don't get it.. or you just don't know.. if I tell YOU that I do really love YOU.. what are you going to say next.. so I would answer YOU.. I do really really Love YOU.. I have told YOU many times that I do.. and I hear you say.. why Don't I tell YOU lately.. that YOU don't feel it any more.. and I would be still and silent.. and I would say.. I guess the relationship grows.. and it can mature because I am thinking that YOU already Know this.. I have been telling YOU for a long long time Now that I always loved YOU.. maybe YOU are changing.. or am I the One who is changing.. we are suppose to grow and change even in this relationship.. and I would hear you say.. YOU don't feel it any more and I don't say it much to you.. and I would say.. YOU know that I can't never let YOU go and I would say.. are you trying to break things off with me.. do YOU want to leave me.. and I would hear the word Yes.. that YOU wanted to spend some time alone and that YOU had to go.. I would hear the Phone hang UP on the Other side.. it crushed me hard.. I knew that it was going to come.. but did Not think that it would last this Long.. What am I suppose to do Now.. I feel so Hurt.. I feel so Hurt because I been loving YOU for a long time.. why don't you see it.. why don't you feel like.. what more do I must do to let YOU know How much I love YOU.. am I not good for YOU.. is it because I am Poor.. It is because I am poor right.. and what YOU saw was nothing.. that YOU knew there is Nothing more I can give YOU and that you wanted much More stuff.. but why did it last for years.. it could of ended sooner right.. but It took this Long.. for a very long time and Now YOU wanted to end this relationship.. how about my Pain.. what about my suffering and how about my tears.. my Heart gets broken easily.. it tears and torn because I loved YOU.. is it because I love YOU more.. YOU Know that I can love you more and more.. but WHY.. you told me that YOU never felt this way before.. so those words meant empty.. because I do truly tell YOU what I means.. I share to YOU that I do Love YOU.. why can't you see my Heart.. the way I tell YOU.. why can't you see me.. Please see Me.. see me as I am who do love YOU.. I am wondering why did YOU want to break up with Me.. Did you not told me that YOU loved me.. One night.. when we were sitting Out by the park.. you were inside the front passenger of the car.. I was sitting on the driver side.. I saw you unlocking.. opening the door.. and YOU went Out.. telling me to come out side.. I have never heard the excitement of your Voice.. I do remember unlocking the driver side of the door and I went out side.. YOU are the One who told me that YOU loved the night.. of course I am truly Opposite because I love the new Day.. love watching the Sun in the middle of the day.. YOU are looking UP toward the sky.. finger Points and I turn to LOOK toward your finger pointing.. telling me that YOU love the Moon.. and looking around the sky are many stars shining across the sky and telling me.. if I have the camera.. please take the Picture of the Moon for YOU.. and I am wondering.. why do YOU love the Moon so much.. why are you telling me these things when I love the Sun.. in the day.. but.. I did not say a Word to you because I saw that big smile on your face.. YOU looked so lovely.. so Beautiful.. so wonderful this very night.. I just did Not want to say.. I brought the Camera which was in the back seat.. so Opening the Door behind the driver's door.. I would take the Camera Out.. when I look at the camera.. I think of you the Most.. because I am most happiest when I get to take a picture of YOU.. when YOU are smiling and when YOU are at the most happiest. just watching you smile.. makes me smile inside.. because I don't like to see you sad at all.. as I showed you the camera in my hand.. I see you turning.. Looking UP towards and finger Points at the MOON.. telling me to take the picture of that Moon.. but.. I want to take a picture of YOU instead.. because YOU are so much prettier.. much beautiful than that Moon I see up on the sky.. of course I did what YOU say.. I would look UP.. putting my eyes close and looking through the Lens.. and I press the button and it click to take a Picture.. and I would look at you after I taken the picture.. Can I take a Picture of YOU too.. I know that this camera is crying for me to see through the lens o this Camera because I love taking pictures of YOU.. when YOU smile.. the Picture comes out just too perfect.. and I see you telling me yes.. I would move back.. walking few steps back and I stop.. you are standing by the Door.. the passenger door.. my eye get closer and looks through the lens.. and I am Zooming in closer.. looking at YOU.. and I see you smile.. that is when My Finger presses and it clicks.. taking the Picture of YOU.. and that very Night.. I just found something More about YOU.. that YOU love staring at the Moon and loves the Night.. and I remember you be saying.. the reason why YOU love the Moon.. it brings true Peace in your Heart.. everything is silent.. everything is still and that is just the way YOU like to live.. of Course.. when YOU told me this.. I did not want to bring any problems to YOU.. but No one is perfect.. I am Not perfect.. and I am standing in the Room.. all by myself.. after I heard from YOU.. on the Phone telling me that YOU wanted to break UP with me.. I would stay still.. walking into my room.. looking at the desk.. there is two pictures on the top of the desk.. and the first picture is the MOON.. and the second picture is YOU standing by the passenger door of the car.. with that Big Smile.. I just could not hold my emotions In.. so I started to cry.. tears kept on running down my eyes.. what did I do.. what did I say to YOU.. when was the last time we fought or argued.. as I am wiping the tears from my eyes.. next to the two pictures is this One Book.. and I know that I must return this Book back to the Library.. even though I want to read the Book.. I am feeling so much pain right Now.. I am feeling so much Hurt.. why does it hurt so Much to Love YOU.. why does it has to hurt so much.. did YOU ever loved Me.. that Night.. I remember after I took the two picture.. I went closer to YOU.. and I asked you.. can I hold you and wrap my arms around YOU.. would you please let me feel you close.. because YOU know that I love YOU.. as I would walk closer.. I see you walk closer to me and My arms fold and wrap around YOU.. and I just could Not breathe because My Heart kept on beating so fast.. I know that It must means that I really really love YOU.. I remember you be telling me in my arms.. YOU can feel and hear my Heart Beat.. and I would turn to your ear and I would whisper.. because I love you so much.. and from the words of YOUR lips I heard.. I love you.. and it just melted my Heart.. I wanted to fall down.. making my legs grow so weak.. because hearing this from YOU.. like my Heart always wanted to hear.. and Now.. I am in the room.. thinking about the Park.. and How you told me these things.. and even realized How much YOU loved the MOON.. many nights I would walk out side at Night now.. after knowing these things about YOU.. I would walk out side alone.. looking UP toward the Sky.. I would come across the Moon.. some days I will Not see it.. but from time to time when I do see It.. I would point my finger at the Moon.. just thinking about YOU when YOU did It.. My Heart.. OH My Heart.. and just going back when My arms.. Holding YOU close.. my Heart kept on racing and Beating.. and I just wanted to be still and stay still for a Long time.. it was not even too long ago when this happened to Me.. But
I am starting to like the Moon.. and it became loving the MOON and I realize.. it does bring Peace because of the stillness of the Night.. quiet and silent.. and I would be staring at the MOON.. and whenever I see that Moon.. I think of YOU.. I think of YOUR smile.. I think of the camera.. and taking the picture of YOU with your Smile.. and Now.. it is heart breaking.. It hurts me so bad because I still love YOU.. why did you tell me that night that YOU loved me.. I heard from the words of your lips that YOU too love me.. when I held you and wrapped my arms around YOU.. I meant those words that I have spoken to YOUR ear because it came from my Heart.. I felt it that Night because it was the Night when you shared something that YOU told me you never told before.. and knowing that I loved to take pictures of YOU.. even what you loved the Most.. you have expressed your Heart to me.. I felt your words when YOU told me holding you still.. underneath the Stars and the Moon.. but.. why are you telling me now that YOU want to break up.. why don't you tell me the reason for the breaking UP.. is it because of Me or is it because of someone else.. or you never loved me in the first place but just wanted to say it to make me feel good at that moment.. my hand grabs the Picture of YOU.. smiling.. standing by the passenger car door.. and I am looking at YOU through the picture.. I am aching so Much right Now.. I feel like YOU have torn my Heart into pieces.. why is it hurting me so bad.. why are you hurting me like this.. and I would starts to close both of my eyes.. My Heart.. WHY does it feel like my Heart is tearing from the Inside.. Like I want to grab this BOOK.. and tear the pages into pieces.. why does it hurt me so Hard.. and I open both eyes and tears runs down from both eyes.. It hurts.. It hurts me so Bad.. these tears.. is it turning to red.. it burns my Heart as my tears just running down.. and I would pull out the chair and sit.. putting the picture on the top of the Desk.. why does it has to hurt me so Much.. I know that Night.. I told YOU because I really do love YOU.. my Heart hurts.. and I feel these tears from out of my eyes.. this pain that is killing me and eating me from the inside because I love YOU.. and I wanted to call YOU on the Phone to explain.. but I am Not going to make myself look so dumb.. maybe I do deserve this Pain.. maybe there is something I have been holding back.. I am still wondering why do you have to tell me those two words.. Break Up.. and Now it hurts me deeply.. so trying to get YOU off my Mind.. I would grab the Book.. and I would open the front.. the first page and I would look at the first chapter of the Book.. and I start to read the sentences of the first Page.. but I just keep on thinking of YOU.. My Heart just can't read.. my eyes just don't want to read right Now.. only thing is that tomorrow I must go to the Library.. I know that YOU will be there.. a project with friends.. so I know that if I go there tomorrow.. I may find you working on a project.. but I am thinking.. I am not invited.. so I would get UP on the Chair.. and I would go to the Bed.. and just sit on the top of the Bed.. I know that I won't be sleeping through the Night.. I am thinking of YOU just too much.. so I would get Out of the Bed.. and I would walk out of the front Door.. and I would be walking Out side in the Night.. and as I would turn to Look UP.. I see the Moon.. I don't want to see the Moon this very Night.. because I know that I be thinking of YOU.. I am already thinking of How much I am hurting inside.. now.. Knowing How much YOU love looking UP at the MOON.. at this Very Night.. I just can't deal with this Pain More.. it is hurting More and More as I am looking UP at it.. I have the Picture.. the first Picture.. the One I took of the Moon in my hand.. and I would start to cry looking at It.. When we went back into the Car.. and we both are sitting.. I am on the driver side and YOU on the Passenger side.. YOU would ask me.. when the Picture comes Out.. Please show it to YOU.. and if YOU can have this Picture.. as I am standing here all alone.. I would say.. DID you not tell me that YOU wanted this Picture.. YOU asked me if I have this Picture.. please give it to YOU and that you wanted to keep it forever in your Heart.. I have the picture with Me.. YOU told me to bring the Camera Out.. when we were at the Park.. YOU told me if I have the camera.. if I can take a Picture of the Moon.. I saw your Finger pointing UP toward this MOON.. I have taken the Picture.. it is Not my picture but Your Picture of this Moon.. can YOU please come and get it.. YOU told me when I get this picture to give it to YOU.. you wanted to keep it forever.. what am I going to do with this picture when it is Not mine but Yours.. and I turn to LOOK UP at the Moon.. Please come and get your Picture because I love YOU.. I asked you to love me.. I even told YOU that I love YOU.. you told me that you loved Me.. then why are you not getting this Picture.. YOU told me how much YOU loved the Moon.. Here is the Moon that YOU love.. I just want to give it back to YOU because YOU can hate me.. but I will always love YOU.. I will still love YOU until you know that I love YOU and that YOU know in your Heart that YOU love me too.. I am sitting by the desk.. Looking at the Book.. I opened the Book.. trying to focus to read this Page.. for some reason.. YOU keep on showing UP in my Mind.. I can feel My Heart Beating faster when I think of YOU.. trying to tell My Heart to stop beating so Fast.. I needs to erase YOU off my Mind.. I have your Picture laying on the TOP of this desk.. I know that I should put it away.. because I know that when I turn my Head and I look towards your Picture.. I know that I would think of YOU first.. but I have this ONE BOOK.. and I went to the Library to borrow it.. I am still stuck with the first Page.. the first chapter and whenever My eyes tries to read the first line sentence of this first page.. I would turn my Head towards your Picture and I get stuck right there looking at YOU.. I can feel my Heart beating fast from the Inside.. and My hand.. into the fist wants to Beat down on the chest.. so that I can stop hearing.. or feeling the Beating so Fast of this Heart.. I would turn to look at your Picture and tries to put the face Down.. turning the Picture over so that I don't look at your Beautiful face of this Picture.. my hand just can't.. I am shivering and shaking.. my hand whenever I touch the picture.. My Heart wants to cry every time I turn the Picture over so that I don't look at YOU.. why am I so addicted to YOU.. it is like a Cup of Coffee.. I just can't stop.. I tell myself I needs to stop because but I just don't.. Please tell me How to stop.. because My Heart keeps on beating so Fast.. when My Head turns to look at YOUR picture.. my eyes looks at YOU.. I can feel my Heart.. the beating grows faster and Louder I hear My Heart keep on crying and calling Out Your Name.. I am spinning around and around because It feels so crazy all of the sudden Attack that has been happening to me recently.. but I have borrowed this One Book.. and I do remember YOU are telling me that YOU loved this Book.. and Have read many times.. and the Next time we meet at the Library.. YOU are asking me if I can share and tell you the story about what I felt about this Book that came from YOU.. so I am trying Hard at this Point.. to get it right.. to go on this Pace.. I saw YOU smiling and YOU asked me.. can we be Library Partners.. and I am thinking what is that.. I do remember asking YOU.. what is the meaning of being the Library Partners.. YOU smile so Big and told me that we can share the Books we read together.. I can share my Heart and my thoughts to YOU about the BOOK and that YOU also able to give your Point of view.. I remember our hands touched and we shake our hands being the Library Friends.. of course that is How I left the Library.. but for some reason.. I asked you another before I left the Library.. I asked.. can I have your Picture.. and I am speaking to my own Head.. why would I ask you this if we are Just Friends.. YOU SMILED and gladly given me a Picture of YOU.. I was shocked that YOU did because I wanted to see if YOU would really give me Your Picture.. of course at the Library.. YOU were holding a Book and told me.. YOU have just finished reading this One BOOK that was in your hands.. and it can be a start and gave me the Book.. of course I would look at the title and I would look at the Cover of this Book.. it seems so Boring.. it is a History BOOK.. I did so horrible when I have taken the History class because It was so Boring and it felt Like I was going back to school.. I guess.. of course YOU are so Beautiful.. I did not decline it because I wanted to show YOU that I can be Your Library Partner.. my Heart came alive after we shaken our hands.. it was my first day going to the Library and Never expected to Meet YOU.. SO Beautiful.. I felt something in my Heart.. I do not know what it was but I felt My Heart.. it Bumped into something.. LIKE the Beating was very fast I felt.. I am trying to read this History Book.. about someone's Life.. I do not like the Cover of this Book.. it seems so Boring to Me but I know that I Must.. I would read the Back.. it seems interesting but.. at the same time It seems like a BORING story to Me.. I am trying to read the first line of the sentence.. I am yawning Out loud.. My Head turns too keep on looking at your picture.. YOUR Picture is more exciting to Me.. because I just can't pass the first Line of the sentence of this BOOK.. What have YOU done to Me.. I am also asking myself a question.. am I making the right decision.. Usually when I make a decision.. I try to keep it all the way.. but this.. It be hard.. I am flipping through the pages.. and It also got pictures.. black and white pictures of the Old Times.. and I know.. it is Not going to be easy for me
옷 관리 잘하는 거 너무 멋있다..
소희 생일 브이로그 때 저 시스루 하트 셔츠는 진짜 찾아도 안 나오던데 10년 전에 산 거라 그렇구나 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 소희가 입는 것들 다 잘 어울리고 다 예뻐☺️
오 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 소희가 대놓고 해 주는 공답이라니💛 마쟈 커뮤니티에도 소희 옷 정보 물어보는 분들 많다구~
오늘도 다 알려주는 우리 언니....💛
옷이 중요한게 아니라 옷걸이가 중요하죠. 😊
맞는말인듯해요.. 아무리 멋있는 옷이라도 옷걸이가 안좋으면 옷이 빛이 안나요
한숨도 놓치기 싫은 쏳찐템 소개다. 왜케 귀엽지? 사람자체가 러블리 하고 상큼한 것이야.
쏘히!!! 소히님이 옷 많은건 잘 아는데 관리 어떻게하는지 어떻게 정리하는지 궁금해요ㅠㅠ 니트티도 옷걸이에 하셧던데 그럼 늘어나진않을까요? 소희님만의 옷정리법,관리팁 이런거궁금하다눙!!
진짜 진심이 느껴지게 다 알려주는 소희...짱👍🏻
모델이 이쁘면 뭘 입어도 이쁘답니다;
소희씨가 입으면 뭘 입어도 이쁘죠
언니 유툽 보는거 너무 힐링이에요 ㅠㅠㅠ 대치동스캔들 너무 잘봤어요❤❤
소희가 하나하나 소개해주니까 영상이 안끝났으면 좋겠다 😂❤ 역시 하나를 사도 제대로 구매해서 활용을 잘 하는 안소희 짱 🎉🎉
컨텐츠 너무 좋아요...❤ 주기적으로 모아서 해주길
소희님!! 이 컨텐츠 정말 너무 좋아요🤍 소희님이 착용한 아이템들 더 너뮤 귱금했는데 직접 소개해주시니 진짜 치여요..☺️ 저는 요즘 자주 착용하시는 링귀걸이도 너뮤 궁금했는데 이번 영상에소는 안나왔네요ㅠㅠ 담에 꼭 소개해주세요!!
hue 드립 넘 귀엽ㅜㅜ 진짜 사복소희 타이틀 어디 안 간다...❤ 이쁜 옷들 잘 소화하는 솧 보면서 대리만족😊
소희가 입어서 더 이쁜거쥐 ㅠㅠ
웅니 걍 사랑해❤ 오래오래 활동해주ㅑ🥹💗
사랑해요 소희…언니…월요일이지만 언니덕에 행복하게 시작 !
이런 콘텐츠 넘 환영이잖아❤
소희님 저랑 데이식스 음악취향 겹치네요^^ 저도 어쩌다보니 최애곡중 하나인데,,ㅎ love me or leave me 도 추천드릴게요!! 소희 착장들 다 존예....❤
house of sunny 가디건 입은 소희 올해 좀 자주 본것같은데 이렇게 봐도 역시 예쁘다
톤이 다 한결같아요 취향 확고!! 너무 예뻐요>< 옷방 너무 궁금해요오
목소리 너무 편안하고 듣기좋아요❤
사람 그 자체가 아름다운 사람인 것 같아요~ 세상 이상형~ +_+ 존재해주셔서 고맙습니다~행복하세요~
티셔츠는 모두 드라이클리닝을 맡기는 건가요? 세탁기에 돌리면 아무리 약하게 세탁해도 목이 늘어날 수 밖에 없던데 어떻게 수년동안 입은 티셔츠가 목이 하나도 늘어나지 않는건지 궁금하네여
저도 옷 관리 어떻게 하는지 궁금해요!
소희씨는 컬러조합도 이쁘고 마음씨도 이쁘고 얼굴도 이쁘시네요
정보 공유감사합니다 :)
ㅠㅠㅜㅠ 헉 항상 궁금했는데 감사해요🤍
오늘입은 탑 정보도!! 🙏🥹🥹
‘포르테포르테(Forte Forte)’래요~
오늘 탑 하의 목걸이 다 너무 예뻐요ㅠㅠ
😊 옷 관리하는 법 궁금해요!
❤ 저도 마음에 드는 옷 오래오래 입고 싶어서요❤
- 나만의 세탁 루틴이 있다면? 옷을 잘 입기 위해서 화장실 청소 습관처럼 매일 조금씩 하는 습관이 있나요?
- 세탁물 분류 어떻게 하세요?
(흰색, 검정색, 청바지, 드라이클리닝->4가지로 하시나요?)
- 흰 옷을 변색없이 오랫동안 입으시는데 특별한 방법이 있으신가요? 특히, 블라우스 흰색 카라!
- 세제는 어떤거 사용하시나요? 구연산, 과탄산소다, 베이킹 소다 등 사용하시나요?
- 계절별, 소재별로 옷을 특별히 관리하시나요?
- 아니면 모든 옷들은 드라이 클리닝 하시나요?
👍🏾👍🏾너무 재밌어여 몰입해서 볼수밖에!!
아기자기한 템들 언니닮았으:!::!:;>;>잇템도 귀욤🙃🙂
진짜 안소희 존예
아 따셔!!
역시 따뜻한 소희
소희는 아직도!! 귀여워!!
소희는 이쁩니다 😍😍😍😍😍😍
완전 공답요정이네 ㅠㅠ ❤
설명 상세히 넘 잘 해주셔서 옷도 구경하고 꿀팁도 얻으면서 잼께 봤어요ㅎㅎ😊❤ 감사합니당
옷관리도 진짜 궁금해ㅜㅜ
Enjoying all your videos so much. You are explaining everything in a very detailed way. Like your style so much. Great variety of clothes for different looks. Such an amazing wardrobe.😍😍🤍🤍
나두 솧히가 온호프 화보 찍을 때 입었던 분홍 나시 블라우스 앤아더스토리즈꺼 샀눈데,, 엄청 잘입네요 여름 몇년간 ♥️ 휴 그때 해외직구 첨 해봤지 모야,,, ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
옷 가방 신발 관리법 알려주세용~!
Love you sohee ❤
즐거운 추석연휴 보내세요💖
Sohee you look so beautiful! You do not age 😊.
소곤소곤하게 말하는 소희님의 목소리와 사부작사부작 거리는 옷을 만지는 소리를 계속 듣다보니까 잠이..Zzz
그래도 아직은 소희지
눈👀알 귀염🤭🤭🤭
옷 관리 비법 제발알려주세요🥺🥺 어떻게 몇년씩 깨끗하게 입으세요 최고에요
하트목걸이는 어디걸까요 😂😂
청담스캔들 재밌게 봤어요!!
옷이 소희빨인거지💛
언니..셀린느 가디건자켓 사이즈 모에요..
너무 예뻐요 ^^ 사랑합니다
언니학생이라 돈이없는데 언니따라하고싶어요.. 저렴이템옷도 많이 입어주세용......
소희님 옷관리 어떻게 하는지도 궁금해요!! 옷 몇년간입으면 꼭 늘어지고 바래던데,,ㅠ
소희님 퍼스널컬러가 뭔가요???ㅜㅜ
리던 청바지 어디서 구매하나용 😂
루즈 아니구 루제!
소희님 영상을 잘볼게요
소희는 무해하고 정보는 유익하네요. 구웃
옷커버비닐은 어디서 사신건가요?😊
옷걸이 어디꺼 쓰시는지 알려주실 수 있나요?
Meow meow 😽😽
이뿌다 😊
흰색 바람막이 화장품 묻는거 어떻게 관리하시나요??? ㅜㅜ
소희 언니 사랑해요:)
만듀야.. 입었을 때 다리가 길어 보이는게 아니라 만듀 다리가 긴 거예요..(부승관 표정)
Oink Oink.. I am standing by the Window in my room.. Looking Outside from inside the room.. in my hand I am holding unto your Picture.. asking myself.. I do miss YOU.. why do I keep on missing YOU.. wondering about the Truck.. the Mail man who drives his truck has Not arrived yet.. I been waiting for this Truck.. and I am looking at the rain.. it is falling Hard as I am looking in the room.. looking through the Window.. waiting for the Truck.. I have wrote YOU a letter.. for few days I have Not written because I was sick.. I been dying in the bed.. could Not get UP out of the Bed.. and when YOU are so sick.. I think it is My Heart.. My Heart is dying because I am missing YOU.. and just can't handle this Pain of missing YOU so much.. for few days as I would be laying in the Bed.. only thing that I could do is grab hold unto your Picture.. and it made me so Mad.. made sick to my stomach because when YOU are so sick.. and having fever.. and trying to eat has been so hard.. coughing and throwing UP all over the Place.. and only thing I be thinking is YOU.. writing you the Letter.. and turning toward looking at the desk.. and every time I would get Out of the bed.. and my Head be killing me.. trying to pull the chair to sit by the desk.. and I would PULL out the Piece of Paper.. holding the Pen in my Hand.. wanting to write.. wanting to tell You something that I needs to say.. and I just can't write YOU On the paper.. and when YOU have to lay back down on the bed because YOU are so sick.. a doctor came to see me.. and told me for few days I needed to rest.. and I knew that is the only thing I could do.. but when I look toward the Desk.. only thing I can think of is the Mail Man who drives his truck.. coming to the Mail Box.. and I know that I am suppose to write YOU the Letter and fold it into half and put into the envelope and give it to HIM so that He can take it to YOU.. when YOU are unable to sit UP.. and the Moment YOU sit up.. trying to move.. my Head be banging Hard from the Inside.. with a fever that won't leave me alone.. it hurts me the Most because I am thinking of YOU.. and I am wondering.. what if YOU are standing out by the front door.. and YOU are waiting outside.. and YOU be looking at the Truck.. the mail Man who takes you the Letter to YOU.. I remember last time I went.. I was in the truck with the Mail Man.. and I wanted to be the One to tell YOU that It is me who has been writing you all these letters. that I wanted to show YOU for the first time.. that the One who sits be this side.. who sits in the room.. who sits on the chair by the desk.. that it is I who would pull out the Clean sheet of paper in front of Me.. and I would sit looking at your Picture.. I would stare at your Smile.. and I would ask myself.. is My Heart be moving because of YOU.. am I allowed to move my Heart.. am I allow to tell YOU that my Heart is moved when I see YOU.. that I do have a Name.. that I do have a Heart and yes.. most times I be missing YOU.. wanting to see YOU again and over and over I want to see YOU.. that I wanted YOU to know for sure that even though YOU may not see me Much.. but I just wanted to show UP one day to tell YOU.. I do have a Face.. that I do have a Name and that I want you to remember me.. Not to forget who is the ONE who loves you the Most.. and Not to forget me at all.. so I remember asking the Mail MAN.. if I can go with him to the Place where YOU live.. just to see YOU.. I just wanted to see YOU for the first time without Having Your Picture in my Hand for once.. How does My Heart feel when I see YOU face to face.. to meet YOU even from afar.. from the distance but enough to know that I am looking at the One who I love the Most.. I remember you took my breath away as I stood there.. I told the Mail MAN not to leave so fast.. that even with this much of space and distance I am alright as long as I am standing there looking at YOU.. I felt my Heart and it started to beat so fast.. did Not know that It was my Heart making the Noise.. beating from inside.. it felt like I was listening to a Drum beating somewhere but I believe.. I know that It was My Heart when I saw YOU standing by the front door.. I wanted to walk over.. and go to YOU and give you the Letter inside the envelope but.. I had to tell myself.. Not Now.. Not yet.. so I do remember opening the Mail Box and putting the envelope inside your mail box.. as the mail man asked me if He could go.. and I told HIM that He can go now.. as the Truck started to leave your mail box.. I just could not hold it in anymore.. I felt my tears.. and It ran down two lines as I would watch the Truck.. the mail man drives off.. because I am wondering now.. when can I see YOU again.. How long is it going to be from that time I was there.. will YOU let me visit you again or are you going to react the same way.. standing by your front door and Not moving at all.. YOU know that I am Not a stranger anymore.. but I feel like YOU are treating me as One.. you know that I been telling YOU what is in my Heart.. at least you can let me know that YOU been receiving the Letters and Knows that YOU been reading the Letters right?? Do you even take the time to read or do you just look at the envelope and PUT it on the side so that It can sit there to ROT like my Heart.. when the Mail MAN drove the Truck back to the My Mail Box.. I would thank him for taking me to the Place.. where YOUR MAIL BOX was.. and the mail man looks at me and noticed that I was crying and asked me why.. and I would turn to him and tell him.. what if YOU don't read any of the Letters that I write and give to YOU.. what if YOU do not open any of the envelope and the mail man tells me.. if I love YOU.. just to believe in the Love of giving.. if I really do Love you so much.. for me to always have the open Heart and just to wait.. to be patient with YOU will heal in time.. Just to Wait on YOU.. and it breaks my heart that this is the Only words I would hear.. I wanted to hear that YOU do take your time and you would open the envelope and YOU would sit and read the Letters.. and I started to cry louder.. of course He looks at me and decides He should go.. and I would watch the Truck.. the Mail Man drives Off.. I felt so broken hearted.. I do remember that it started to rain as I would stand there crying.. maybe this is the reason why I gotten so sick.. I stood there and it started to rain down on me hard.. as I would just turn and LOOKING at the MOON.. and did not care about how heavy the rain waters hit me.. getting me wet.. very wet all over the place.. but ALL I think was.. the distance that YOU made me feel.. and that I am Not a stranger any more.. I know that I can't be just a stranger to YOU right.. I been telling YOU.. writing you Letters.. and I have been telling YOU My Heart.. that from my Heart.. when I grab HOLD unto your Picture.. all I can think of is telling YOU how much I love YOU.. and I stood looking UP at the Moon.. and I do remember just going to sleep after getting wet.. for few days it has been so hard.. when you feel like YOU are dying from the inside.. with Hot fever.. and your burning UP because YOU are so sick.. can't get UP to eat.. and coughing and just feeling so down and Hurting all over.. the few days goes by.. and I am able to move Now.. and able to eat well.. and I been thinking of YOU more clearly.. but for some reason.. when I did Not touch the paper.. and did Not hold UP the Pen to write a Letter to YOU and Only thing I did was to Hold Unto your Picture and just stare at YOU and Your smile.. YOU start to miss something deep within.. I started to miss writing you a Letter.. and I knew I had to get the Letter Out.. so I went over to the Desk.. pulling out a clean sheet of White piece of paper.. and started to write YOU what is in my Heart.. and do YOU know what I been saying to you through the Letter.. I started to tell YOU about the few days that has been happening.. How I had to lay on the Bed and just could Not move much.. about the time I went over with the Mail man.. in his truck.. I would tell YOU through the writing that I felt like YOU giving me the distance and felt like a stranger instead but in my Heart.. I wanted YOU to feel close to Me.. for YOU to know that I been waiting for something that YOU can open UP with a smile.. just like the Picture YOU gave me with this Big Smile.. but My Heart broke when I saw the distance.. of course I know that it does take time for YOU to come close and Yes.. meeting YOU and seeing you the First time when YOU did Not expect was My Mistake.. maybe YOU did Not think that it was me in the Truck with the Mail Man.. or just surprised to see me without telling you in the Previous Letters I wrote to YOU.. and even though I wanted to surprise YOU.. I wanted in a way that Not like I am a stranger but that close person.. and I would share and write about the experience with the doctor who came into the home.. and How much I did Not like the fact that I had to lay there and do Nothing.. I just wanted you to know that I wanted to see YOU because I wanted to see if YOU loved Me.. if YOUR Heart would ever open to accept me as I am.. and to know that I been loving YOU for a Long time.. that I just can't stop but still be missing YOU and still be waiting for YOU because I know that I love YOU.. I wrote a Long Letter.. two Letters and folded into Halves and Put into the envelope.. Right after I finished the two Letters.. I had so much on my Mind and so much to say.. which is needed to come Out to tell YOU the Heart of Mine.. I would put the One Letter in One envelope and the second one in a different envelope.. and as I stand UP to leave.. I turn to Look at the window in the room.. and I just could Not believe what my eyes were seeing.. It started to rain down Hard.. this time I am not going to stand Out there to get very wet.. because of the rain.. it torn me into pieces and I got so sick because of it..
You are all I think about and All who I miss the Most.. I am in the ROOM.. sitting by the desk with the Picture.. I am LOOKING at the new BOOK you gave me and has told me that I can Now be a part of the circle for the BOOK club at the Library.. I could not believe that I can Now and HOW you have given me the permission and allowing me to open my Heart to YOU.. I am looking at the Note Book in front of Me.. Looking at the pen and with the New Book.. I just can't stop smiling.. when YOU love deeply.. this kind of experience takes you so much deeper that I never Knew.. How can I even explain this Kind of feeling.. this Kind of experience that I never had.. but I would put your picture in front of the desk.. and I would look at you.. YOU are so Beautiful.. WHY are you so Beautiful to Me.. just remembering going to the Library I had No expectation.. I only wanted to try something New.. wanting to start reading some Books.. I been writing on the NOTE BOOK for a Long time and wanted to go further on my Learning on this Journey of becoming truly the strongest and smartest MAN there can Be.. and I would be looking at few books that would interest me and while I grabbed a book to read.. I saw YOU walking with your Friend.. and you were checking OUT.. and my eyes watching you out of NOWHERE.. I would not know why but I knew there was something Different.. I just could NOT KNOW WHY.. and I saw YOU with your Friend and sitting on a table.. what drew me to you is the LINES that the people came across your table.. I was Not sure.. may be you were an Author writing a BOOK.. and I wanted to see what was going On.. I would stand far giving the ROOM and the distance because I was NOT sure what was happening at the table you were sitting.. People sat Down.. like an Interview they wanted to be a part.. I went out of that Library wondering.. what is this ALL about.. YOU were NOT signing any BOOKS.. so it must be something More personal NOT business.. I remember I would show UP at the same Library.. few times I would go.. on the day I saw you the first time.. leaving he distant.. giving you the room and the space and just looking at the table from a far.. always there would be a LINES of people.. lining UP for something.. I remember after few times.. and ONE day at the Library I was Not thinking but walking and I ran across and Bump into YOU Out of accident.. and when I lifted UP to look.. it was YOU and YOU were picking UP the Books on the ground.. I saw you close UP.. and I knew.. it was YOU.. with your friend at the table in this Library.. and How people were making lines waiting for YOU.. I remember I was nervous to ask YOU as a stranger.. but I had to ask YOU something before I would Never get to say to you what I needed to say at the MOMENT.. I grabbed your wrist.. but gently let go to grab YOUR ATTENTION and YOU looked at me surprised but I would say.. I wanted to ask YOU something.. because I would watch a LINES of people waiting and I would see you and your Friend sitting on the Table and ONE BY ONE.. they will come and it seems like YOU were doing some kind of Interview.. YOUR friend which is a lady smiles.. and Tells me.. YOU are the Owner of several big Libraries around.. and I am thinking.. for people to work here and I see that YOU smiled looking at me.. the friend would say to me.. YOU created circle for only very small group people can come and sharing this BOOK CLUB you are creating for the group to get close too.. and Yes.. a lot of people are showing UP lately after knowing who YOU are.. the Owner of chains of BIG LIBRARIES.. and I am thinking.. and you would smile as YOU collected the BOOKS.. and I do remember following you at the table.. and asked YOU.. I want to be a part of this BOOK Club.. HOW do I get IN to this Club.. and I do remember.. you giving me this BIG BOOK.. telling me to read It and finish it about a week and Write a summary of and show it to YOU.. I do remember doing a research On you and that is when I find Out about your Child hood.. as a YOUNG GIRL.. you fell in love with reading BOOKS.. and became a Librarian and became the Owner of MAJOR BIG LIBRARIES and how it just kept on growing over time.. and I started to fall in Love with the Person who has so MUCH BIG DREAMS of becoming major for the Companies.. but when I look at YOU.. YOU are so ordinary.. that is when I saw the BIG HEART.. that YOU did not have to show Off to LOOK so Big.. People all knew already who you are and that is what makes PEOPLE falls so in love with YOU and even Myself.. I did NOT know and I did NOT even ask YOU but I wanted to know More about YOU so I would do some research.. which I was blown into pieces of How you worked so Hard to get to that Place.. and Now.. after YOU TOLD ME and after I gave you the full report and the summary of the BOOK I read and I would sit.. waited in the Line for few hours for me to get to YOU and when My turn came to YOU.. I just did NOT tell you about the story and the summary of the Book you gave me to read but I also showed YOU the NOTE BOOK.. just thinking about the Library and the table.. I would sit across looking at YOU.. and I would put the NOTE BOOK down on the Table.. while you were holding the Summary paper I wrote about the BOOK and YOU would look at me wondering about this NOTE BOOK.. and I would open to share with YOU.. I wrote YOU a LOVE LETTER.. can I read it for YOU.. WILL you please have the Heart to listen to what I wrote to YOU in this LOVE LETTER.. it is NOT going to be that LONG.. please.. just give me few minutes.. I will not take much time.. I see you smile and I grabbed the paper out of the NOTE BOOK which was attached at first.. and I would look at the Letter.. there is something that I must tell you.. that I am NOT much of a BOOK reader.. and ever since I did a research on you and found a lot about you through the Search.. I am NOT sure how much of it is truth but.. I am sure many things that was written on you must be true.. and I would think of it as being true to me so I wanted to tell YOU my Heart.. was it the Ambitious Heart.. the WILL or the Determination of.. is it the BIG DREAMS you have.. the education.. I am NOT sure what it is about YOU.. but I look at your Heart.. the Heart to Dream BIG means YOU have a BIG HEART.. which is so Beautiful to Me.. I begin to feel something inside my SOUL.. maybe the story of HOW YOU.. and at first I was NOT sure if I be the fit for this CLUB.. the More I think of YOU and the More I would LOOK at your Picture.. I wanted More.. I wanted to be close to YOU.. and I wanted More.. I started to look at my Heart and It started to Tell me.. the More I looked at the Picture of YOU.. I just wanted More.. I needed More.. the More I asked myself.. the More I think of YOU.. the Picture would come into my hands as I would LOOK at you.. I know that right Now it is the early stage of anything that could Happen.. I know that YOU would say HOW CAN I want More or Need more when I just met YOU and it wasn't too long ago.. I am NOT sure why I am able to tell YOU THIS.. but.. it started with me asking myself WHY I want More of YOU.. the More becomes a NEED to start loving YOU.. but when I make a decision for something.. when I know this is It and I want More.. I know myself just too well never to Let YOU go.. of course YOU WILL say I am crazy.. that something is NOT clicking right with YOU but.. Just How you are able to fulfill your DREAMS and DESIRES to come true.. I do also have DREAMS and DESIRES that I do have made something work.. and that is why I am asking YOU to Open your Heart for me and you will see HOW FAR MY LOVE for you can go.. I truly believe that WHEN YOU LOVE.. it starts very small.. loving YOU may seems so small at this Point but remember that I never give UP.. when I need or want More.. YOU WILL see HOW BIG it can grow because that is HOW BIG MY HEART will show YOU when I do prove to YOU that I really do Love YOU.. ALL I am asking you is a SMALL CHANCE.. do Not think of it much because when you give me the TIME.. I can show you How BIG and REAL MY HEART can be the way I love YOU.. just the WAY you have become the major share holders and Owner of Many Libraries in business.. it starts with One Piece of paper in this NOTE BOOK.. all it takes it take ONE PIECE of paper Out and let me share something.. tell you something that is real.. tell you how real MY HEART can be.. and HOW LOUD the Love can be when I tell you how much I love you.. and I would look at you.. will you accept this Paper I am giving you.. and I would look at you.. and I see your hand grabbing the One Piece of paper.. I just could NOT believe that YOU have taken it.. and it got to My Heart.. I thought YOU would reject me but when I saw the hand grabbing to see.. YOU are looking at me HOW FAR can I go to tell YOU that I love you.. it means everything to Me when YOU take it because I am putting everything on the Line for YOU.. telling you that I am giving my Heart to you and that when I do.. it means I want to tell you something that I believe NO OTHER MAN can tell you because that is HOW FAR I shall go where YOU will find NO OTHER MAN in this world who can tell you the words that I can tell you as long as YOU are taking the Letter from ME.. I will promise you that I don't give UP that easily and I will never start something that I just cannot finish.. I am here to WIN.. I am here to WIN to Love YOU.. to tell YOU that I want to win so that I can keep on telling YOU how much I love you.. even when I die and be in the grave I can tell you in the grave that I love you after I am gone.. I will appear to you in Dreams if I can't as a person to tell YOU that I love you.. as LONG AS you can open the door.. and I am able to look at the NOTE BOOK
Takes ONE SHEET of paper at a time is all I am asking for.. Please.. only One paper is needed to say as much as I can to tell you.. I LOVE YOU.. YOU are the ONLY ONE who can let this happen.. so Please.. help me so that I can love YOU.. HELP ME so that I can really really Love YOU or who can tell you that I love YOU.. and as I am in the room.. I am looking at the NOTE BOOK in the top of the desk.. and I start to cry.. looking at your Picture next with the New BOOK you just gave me.. of course I need to read another BIG BOOK but it is okay as long as I can give you a Letter.. to tell you that this Letter in this NOTE BOOK belongs to YOU because it can only come out of my Heart to tell you HOW MUCH I really love YOU.. as I can feel the tears running down my cheeks.. I can't believe that YOU have accepted me to join the BOOK CLUB.. but I know that I am Nothing.. that I am just NO BOBY.. I saw lawyers and Doctors lined UP.. I saw Producers and Actors and all these big timers.. BUSINESS OWNERS TOO showing you their Cards.. executives and presidents and CEOS of companies and they would sit.. as I would also wait in the Line.. making me feel so small.. feels like I should NOT ever be there.. why am I at this LINE when I know I just got nothing.. BUT even though I may feel so SMALL and feels like I can't amount to anything.. I do have one thing that I can share with YOU.. HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU.. the size of my Heart of loving you can only GROW wider and bigger because I know that ONE PIECE of PAPER is small but think about enduring through time.. that can OUT LAST anything when it comes from the SOUL of the Heart.. because I know that MY HEART of loving YOU WILL grow to be the SIZE as BIG as the MOON and the SUN you see.. WHY.. because I just love you as YOU are.. I love you as the person and as the woman of my Dreams and the DREAMS of loving YOU is BIG as the MOON and the SUN.. ALL I can say to YOU.. Please give me the room and the time.. I can show YOU that YOU WILL see later down the road that I love you that MUCH and that BIG.. that YOU are the LOVE of My Life.. my everything.. my ALL.. my forever and ever LOVE.. I love you and I miss you.. Thinking about meeting you at the Library and seeing you sitting on the chair with your friend.. as you open the Note book and holding the Pen.. and the way you love to study and love to learn drives me crazy.. the smile that makes your face to shine.. My Heart.. I just could not help but to say to YOU.. WHY are you so Beautiful.. why are you so Beautiful is the only words that came OUT of my Mouth.. I remember before I walked into the Library.. after finishing reading the Book you gave me and walking In.. the table where I met you.. wanted to be a part of the circles and How I saw nothing but Lines of people standing there.. felt like YOU were an author.. who just wrote and published a BOOK and giving signatures of your NAME.. felt like YOU are a star when I was standing in the Line waiting to come to YOU.. I would wonder what makes you so Special.. why does people keeps on going and standing in the Line and I would watch More people walking into the Door and looking at the Book I just read.. and How you wanted me to share what I read with YOU.. but looking at the Line.. people were holding their books and they are all different books.. and I remember when I sat for my turn and I would ask YOU.. there are so many people waiting in the Line.. the BOOKS are all different.. and I would hear you share.. that YOU LOVED to read BOOKS.. that when you were young.. your ROOM was filled with many books and it would just grow by the Day and YOU would fall in Love with reading BOOKS ever since.. and it became your Best friend.. and I would look at you.. and I am thinking How hard it must be to choose people to get into your circles because by Now.. I know that YOU have read millions of Books and how it is filled and I would look at you.. and I would say.. I know that I may Not be able to read BOOKS as much as YOU DO.. but there is something that I must tell YOU before YOU Let me go.. you would LOOK at me telling me to go on and to share.. and also I would bring OUT a NOTE BOOK.. I see that YOU have a NOTE BOOK and a Pen.. I too have a NOTE BOOK and a Pen with me.. when YOU were young.. YOU Loved to read BOOKS right.. but I wanted to tell YOU a secret.. when I was YOUNG.. I would open this NOTE BOOK and with the Pen I would write.. I would use the time I have to write a Letters.. I know it may not be Much to YOU what I can bring to the Table.. will you please give me Your ear to hear me OUT what I wrote on the NOTE BOOK before I go.. it is a Love Letter I wrote to YOU.. I am NOT much of a reader and I am sure there are MANY PEOPLE who has shown UP.. who can read A lot more books than me.. but I been writing many letters and sharing a lot of stories when I was young.. that something that It has been with me since I was young.. I remember my Mother told me once.. when She was young.. she had two things she loved to enjoy.. ONE was drawing Pictures and the Other is writing stories.. and in years of her schooling.. My Mother told me that when she went into the Contest.. the Teachers would say my Mother was the best writer and won in the classes and I know that I have this thing in me.. that when I share and I write.. like HOW you love to read MANY BOOKS.. I can write letters like I am writing a BOOK.. can I share with You before I go and I see you smile.. and I would Open the NOTE BOOK.. and I am looking at the Page of the paper filled with the ink letters.. my hands would touch the sheet in front and I would tell you this.. I been practicing writing a Love story to YOU.. I would try to spend Hours of thinking of what I should tell YOU.. My Heart hurts and my Mind hurts too.. because trying to figure Out what to say to YOU.. it is NOT easy.. it is NOT that simple at all because it needs to be something that can capture your Attention.. what Should I say to YOU.. what truly inspires me to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I would sit and think.. looking at the sheet of Piece of paper before Me.. what should I say to YOU.. and I would close my two eyes.. thinking of YOU.. and missing YOU.. and I would open my eyes and I would look for your Picture.. when I am able to pull the picture out of the BOOK and I am looking at YOU.. my Heart says.. DON'T be afraid to love YOU.. and just be real.. have Heart to Heart and just share and tell YOU HOW it is to be Me.. on the Other side.. just to be ME.. and I would smile after I see your Picture.. as I would hold the Pen in the hand and LOOKING at the Piece of Paper.. my eyes filled with tears.. my Heart aches and it is like.. I want to be with YOU.. but why can't I be with YOU.. why can't I be the One who is next to you to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I want to say it to YOU.. but is it this difficult to let you know this Heart of Mine.. I know that I am trying to finish reading this BOOK.. I did finish it reading but it has taken me A lot more longer because I kept on thinking of YOU.. opening to read.. from the page to page.. my hands would be looking for your picture.. hands are touching the top of the desk.. My Heart is crying inside of me asking me where is YOUR PICTURE.. but I know that when I spend more time looking at your Picture.. the time that I needs to read.. I know I would rather LOOK at you and the Picture of YOU.. more than LOOKING at the page to page to of reading.. I am more touched and inspired of the Beauty of you.. the way YOU are so Beautiful.. which blows my mind.. I can spend hours of looking at YOU and the Picture you gave me but I know that YOU have given me a BOOK to read.. and wanted to see if I would keep my Word.. to keep my Promises to YOU and that is why I had to lay it down but after reading the pages of the BOOK.. I just could Not stop my Mind of thinking of YOU and just wanting to say something to YOU.. that is when on the Break times I would get.. I would open the NOTE BOOK and I would grab the Pen and had to tell YOU before it is just too late.. if I can't get these words out to YOU NOW.. then I know that I can't tell you anything Later because what If.. I see lines and I see Many young Men.. they too join in the Line.. just to be a part of the growing circle.. but I have one thing that I have been practicing for a LONG TIME.. I was given to write.. I was made to be a writer ever since I was young.. and ON my lonely days when I be in the room alone.. I would write my Heart Out.. I would practice writing on pieces of papers.. filled in my eyes because I felt alone and lonely in some nights.. when YOU were shy.. and could NOT speak as much as some people could.. and that is when I started to practice my craft to become the Best writer I can be.. I know I may not have the BIG Vocabulary or you can sense that I am smart.. I know that I am NOT but I do have Heart.. I have the Heart to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I have the Heart to tell YOU that I miss YOU.. that NO MATTER where you are.. that I want to tell YOU that I miss YOU and that I am so sorry that I love YOU.. I have the Heart to keep on going on until YOUR HEART can open to receive and to know that MY HEART to love YOU is as BIG as the MOON you see up in the sky at NIGHT.. that when YOU know how much I love you and YOU know that on the Other side I am waiting for YOU TO love me back.. that ONE DAY or some day soon.. when YOU GO out at night and see the BIG MOON.. you will then realize HOW much I Love YOU.. that I am waiting until your Heart opens UP to me and to know that I will never stop but keep on telling you that I love YOU.. and I would be waiting until you see me through it ALL.. and I know it will happen one day.. I believe it will because.. when I was young and I saw that I was able to write on this NOTE BOOK.. I am able to know if it will
Succeed or NOT.. if I was wasting my TIME or NOT.. when I saw the NOTE BOOK and I grabbed the Pen.. I just knew that One Day I am able to share to a lot More than just to Me.. when I first wrote on the Piece of Paper.. it was just to myself.. looking at the paper that was in front of me.. I was Unable to share to anyone because I knew that I was not that smart.. who ever thought that I would come this very far.. who in this world ever thought I would still able to write and so much time has passed by since I wrote to myself.. but Now.. I am able to tell YOU that I love YOU.. I am able to tell you that I had to practice.. Night after Night alone in the room.. crying looking at myself and saying that I am just a NOBODY.. but NOW to share.. I love YOU.. that is how much I had to work with myself.. How much I had to practice alone in the room with a Pen and a Paper.. Now I am able to say to YOU.. I miss YOU.. DO YOU Hear me.. do you feel me on the Other side.. can YOU PLEASE see my Heart that I love you as YOU can look UP at the MOON.. when YOU are standing on the ground and YOU LOOK UP at the MOON.. even that far of the distance.. HOW far it was to reach YOU and STILL HOW FAR it is to reach YOU today.. but I kept on trying until YOU can see that I never give UP on loving YOU.. I wanted to tell YOU.. that back then there was NO reach for Me.. but Now.. I am able to share to YOU and to tell YOU that I love YOU.. it took me years of work and trying Hard.. practicing through the Night.. writing on Pieces of papers.. my fingers would hurt.. and now.. I had to endure that Pain of going and doing alone.. but I know that I can't let my Heart go of loving YOU.. it is because I love you too much Now.. and as I would be sitting down.. opening the Pages of the BOOK to read.. I would think about.. IF I wanted to love YOU.. how can I show you that I love you this MUCH.. is it by reading many books.. but I know that I can't tell you by showing you all these BOOKS I have read because YOU wanted me too.. YOU WILL never see my side.. YOU WILL never see my Heart and that is when I opened the NOTE BOOK and LOOKING at the Blank sheet of papers and its pages to write.. I started to write on the NOTE BOOK to tell YOU.. HOW it feels to be me here on the Other side.. sharing something that is MORE than the BOOKS you can read.. it is my Heart.. Heart to Heart of telling YOU that I love YOU.. I wanted to show to share to tell YOU that It is just more than impression.. but my expression to share that I really do LOVE YOU.. as I would be sitting on the table.. looking at you on the other side sitting next to your friend.. I would be reading you the Letter I wrote to tell YOU.. but I know it is just the beginning to tell YOU face to face that when I put into the WORK.. it goes far more than YOU expected.. if you tell me to go one mile.. I will show you two miles instead because it is MY HEART that I love YOU.. I love you enough to show you I can go more than what YOU expect of me because that is what a LOVE is.. to Love you more than the next person standing next to YOU.. that I believe in Love.. I came from the Lowest Place.. I started to share and write when I was YOUNG and it started me sitting in the room alone.. that I had no one to share with in the Beginning when I was in the room.. but NOW.. all the years of practice the art and the craft.. I am NOW able to share and tell YOU this.. I never gave UP and NOW I am here to tell YOU this.. I miss you and I love YOU.. a MAN of my own words to KEEP on sharing and telling YOU that I love you for ever and ever MORE.. I love you.. I am waiting for you to call me on the Phone.. You told me that YOU are going to ask me something.. am I the One who suppose to call YOU.. but I heard.. last night you messaged me on the Phone.. and YOU send me a picture.. and below the Picture YOU send.. you wrote and said to me.. YOU wanted to tell me something.. and I have been waiting.. I just could not go to Sleep.. just keep on thinking about what YOU needs to say.. are you trying to break UP with Me.. is this the Word true what I am feeling.. we have been together for few years Now.. and when YOU told me YOU have something to say.. it felt so Serious that I got sick in my stomach.. YOU know that I love YOU.. ever since the first day I laid my eyes on you.. It was at the Library.. I saw you walk into the Library and YOU were with Your friend.. and as I was checking OUT a book to read at Home.. I stopped.. My Book in my hands dropped on the Floor.. and you stopped.. with your friend.. both helping me to gather some few Books.. of course I was thinking about just One book to take home.. but.. I just wanted to start over.. wanted to get into the Books and to know More.. when I saw YOU helping me Out.. My Heart felt troubled.. because I never felt this way before.. and I saw YOU looking at the front covers of the Books.. and YOU would look at me as you would gather some of the Books and putting into my hands.. I begin to wonder.. what is this that My Heart be feeling.. I told YOU thank YOU for the Help.. as I got UP.. I wanted to drop the books again on the Floor.. because what if this is the last time I see you again.. But.. at least I know that I have met you in this Library.. and I would walk out of the Library front door.. But.. I did Not even give YOU my Name.. How about asking for Your Name.. I don't even know your Name.. but.. I think it is just too late to ask for Now.. I would be in the room.. sitting by the desk.. holding a Book.. and I would open to read from Page to page.. I wanted to read further.. but my eyes would stop.. my Mind would go to a different place.. I just could Not focus on these pages of the BOOK.. I am wondering.. what is wrong with Me.. why can't I just focus and zoom into these pages.. I went to the Library to borrow Books so that I can read.. but I would be looking back.. thinking of YOU.. I don't even have any pictures of YOU.. so I can see vague picture of YOU in my mind.. I would lift the Book closer.. and I would look at the page and looking into the words.. the sentences of the written word on the page of this Book.. but I would smile.. blinking my eyes fast.. I feel so hot.. and Now.. I just can't read this Book.. and I would close the BOOK.. and I would stand UP.. stretch.. but it is YOU.. what are you doing to Me.. I don't even know your Name.. I did not even give YOU my Name.. will I be able to see YOU at that Library.. will you be there at the same location.. YOU took me by a great surprise.. Now I feel so dumb.. I should of asked for YOUR name.. or gave YOU my Name.. what did I just walk off without any introduction.. is it just too late Now to ask for Your Name.. and I am standing alone in the room.. trying to get YOU off my Mind.. but I just can't.. I would sit back down.. looking at the Book on top of the desk.. and I would Open the book.. looking into the page.. I would start to read Out loud.. trying to get YOU off my Mind.. My Heart is crying inside because YOU have done something to My Heart.. as I would sit.. looking at the Page.. reading.. trying to even finish the first page.. But I just keep on thinking of YOU.. and I would smile.. WHY am I smiling if I don't even know your Name.. and I just sat down.. and I am thinking about going back to that Library tomorrow.. I try to sleep.. after brushing my teeth.. and laying inside the covers.. this warm blanket.. trying to sleep laying in the bed.. I would sit UP on the Bed.. tell me WHY.. I needs to sleep.. but WHY can't I just sleep.. I would lay back down on the bed.. thinking of YOU.. I would have these flash backs.. I would be at the counter.. as I am getting the Books check Out.. and I would take the few Books in my arms.. and when I turn around and I start to walk.. I see two Ladies walking side by side.. One is YOU.. and your dress.. Your dazzling smile.. holding a cup of coffee and YOU are smiling as YOU are looking at your Friend as walking together.. I just could Not help it.. my body wanted to fall to Hit the ground but it was the Books instead that came Out of my arms and Hits the floor.. I am laying on the Bed.. this part keeps on flashing back and forth.. looking at YOU.. just my mind was blown.. YOU are so Beautiful.. and I would say it is so WOW.. YOU are truly beautiful.. that it made my arms to tremble and shake.. made the Books to jump Out of my arms and wanted to hit their heads on the Floor.. I guess the Books knows what my eyes sees and it blown them into pieces like pages are falling apart and ripping.. because YOU are so Beautiful.. I just could not help it but to fall with the Books.. when I saw YOU helping me on the Floor.. I was truly amazed of Your Heart.. even Your Heart is so Beautiful.. those hands which came to help even though it was all at my fault.. I am the One who dropped the Books.. and It was Not for you to act upon it but.. when I saw How you helped.. those hands of giving free service.. It really took my breathe away as I watch YOUR hands be moving and helping.. gathering and I felt something in my Heart.. I felt my Heart wanted to exhale and kick the breathe Out of me.. as I am laying trying to sleep.. I just couldn't.. Moved by the thought of Your hands and Your Heart of help.. I would be looking UP at the ceiling.. I just could not sleep through the Night.. Maybe because the Next day.. I am going to that Library.. what if YOU show UP.. what If YOU come.. at least I needs to know Your Name.. or if I can give YOU my Name.. I can't rest until I know that Name of yours.. the Next Day comes.. I am laying in the covers.. did Not sleep through the Night.. just thinking about what if I see you there again.. what am I suppose to say to YOU.. HOW DO I tell you that I have a Name and if I can know your name.. I am standing and looking at the Phone.. Looking at your Picture.. and reading over and over the Message YOU sent me.. I been waiting for Your Call.
This Phone.. maybe YOU are busy.. Maybe you have forgotten to call me.. and It is just getting to My Head because I truly want to know what YOU want to say.. I know that lately it has been rough.. YOU been pushing me back and telling me that YOU don't want to hang out much.. and I felt the distance of YOU pushing me away.. YOU use to call me a lot on the Phone.. but lately.. I haven't received much calls from YOU.. and Now.. I feel like an End is coming to this relationship.. I remember you be asking me.. what happened to the TIME I was at the Library.. that urgency I had.. just to know Your Name.. what happened to that thrill and the excitement I brought to the relationship because so much change has come.. and YOU been wondering and asking.. do I even matter to YOU.. DO I even love YOU much and It really got to my Heart.. that this feeling.. what has happened to Us is what YOU would say and asking me.. what happened to Me.. and YOU would sent me a New Picture.. and YOU are looking so Beautiful in this picture.. and YOU look so much happier.. But I am wondering.. where are YOU at.. who are you with that is making YOU this Happy.. YOU are smiling a lot lately but you and I have not been around.. I have been missing in action for awhile and I know that something that YOU are going to say.. I know it is going to Hurt Me more than it hurts YOU.. are you leaving Me.. is there another Man who been loving YOU.. is something going on that YOU are Not telling me.. something that I needs to Know and YOU are going to break out a very Hurtful news.. as the Phone rings and I know that it is YOU.. I see your number.. should I pick UP the phone.. if this news YOU are going to break Out is going to Hurt Me and crushes me.. I don't want to hear it from YOU.. I don't want to lose YOU.. I just can't lose YOU now.. we been together for awhile and Now.. and as I pick UP the Phone.. I hear Your Voice.. of course I don't say a word and I hear You telling me.. and YOU ask me.. DO I love YOU.. and I would be still.. I hear YOU asking me again.. DO I LOVE YOU.. but why are you asking me this if YOU know the truth.. YOU know that I love YOU.. I told you many times how much I love YOU but when YOU ask me like this.. it seems like YOU don't get it.. or you just don't know.. if I tell YOU that I do really love YOU.. what are you going to say next.. so I would answer YOU.. I do really really Love YOU.. I have told YOU many times that I do.. and I hear you say.. why Don't I tell YOU lately.. that YOU don't feel it any more.. and I would be still and silent.. and I would say.. I guess the relationship grows.. and it can mature because I am thinking that YOU already Know this.. I have been telling YOU for a long long time Now that I always loved YOU.. maybe YOU are changing.. or am I the One who is changing.. we are suppose to grow and change even in this relationship.. and I would hear you say.. YOU don't feel it any more and I don't say it much to you.. and I would say.. YOU know that I can't never let YOU go and I would say.. are you trying to break things off with me.. do YOU want to leave me.. and I would hear the word Yes.. that YOU wanted to spend some time alone and that YOU had to go.. I would hear the Phone hang UP on the Other side.. it crushed me hard.. I knew that it was going to come.. but did Not think that it would last this Long.. What am I suppose to do Now.. I feel so Hurt.. I feel so Hurt because I been loving YOU for a long time.. why don't you see it.. why don't you feel like.. what more do I must do to let YOU know How much I love YOU.. am I not good for YOU.. is it because I am Poor.. It is because I am poor right.. and what YOU saw was nothing.. that YOU knew there is Nothing more I can give YOU and that you wanted much More stuff.. but why did it last for years.. it could of ended sooner right.. but It took this Long.. for a very long time and Now YOU wanted to end this relationship.. how about my Pain.. what about my suffering and how about my tears.. my Heart gets broken easily.. it tears and torn because I loved YOU.. is it because I love YOU more.. YOU Know that I can love you more and more.. but WHY.. you told me that YOU never felt this way before.. so those words meant empty.. because I do truly tell YOU what I means.. I share to YOU that I do Love YOU.. why can't you see my Heart.. the way I tell YOU.. why can't you see me.. Please see Me.. see me as I am who do love YOU.. I am wondering why did YOU want to break up with Me.. Did you not told me that YOU loved me.. One night.. when we were sitting Out by the park.. you were inside the front passenger of the car.. I was sitting on the driver side.. I saw you unlocking.. opening the door.. and YOU went Out.. telling me to come out side.. I have never heard the excitement of your Voice.. I do remember unlocking the driver side of the door and I went out side.. YOU are the One who told me that YOU loved the night.. of course I am truly Opposite because I love the new Day.. love watching the Sun in the middle of the day.. YOU are looking UP toward the sky.. finger Points and I turn to LOOK toward your finger pointing.. telling me that YOU love the Moon.. and looking around the sky are many stars shining across the sky and telling me.. if I have the camera.. please take the Picture of the Moon for YOU.. and I am wondering.. why do YOU love the Moon so much.. why are you telling me these things when I love the Sun.. in the day.. but.. I did not say a Word to you because I saw that big smile on your face.. YOU looked so lovely.. so Beautiful.. so wonderful this very night.. I just did Not want to say.. I brought the Camera which was in the back seat.. so Opening the Door behind the driver's door.. I would take the Camera Out.. when I look at the camera.. I think of you the Most.. because I am most happiest when I get to take a picture of YOU.. when YOU are smiling and when YOU are at the most happiest. just watching you smile.. makes me smile inside.. because I don't like to see you sad at all.. as I showed you the camera in my hand.. I see you turning.. Looking UP towards and finger Points at the MOON.. telling me to take the picture of that Moon.. but.. I want to take a picture of YOU instead.. because YOU are so much prettier.. much beautiful than that Moon I see up on the sky.. of course I did what YOU say.. I would look UP.. putting my eyes close and looking through the Lens.. and I press the button and it click to take a Picture.. and I would look at you after I taken the picture.. Can I take a Picture of YOU too.. I know that this camera is crying for me to see through the lens o this Camera because I love taking pictures of YOU.. when YOU smile.. the Picture comes out just too perfect.. and I see you telling me yes.. I would move back.. walking few steps back and I stop.. you are standing by the Door.. the passenger door.. my eye get closer and looks through the lens.. and I am Zooming in closer.. looking at YOU.. and I see you smile.. that is when My Finger presses and it clicks.. taking the Picture of YOU.. and that very Night.. I just found something More about YOU.. that YOU love staring at the Moon and loves the Night.. and I remember you be saying.. the reason why YOU love the Moon.. it brings true Peace in your Heart.. everything is silent.. everything is still and that is just the way YOU like to live.. of Course.. when YOU told me this.. I did not want to bring any problems to YOU.. but No one is perfect.. I am Not perfect.. and I am standing in the Room.. all by myself.. after I heard from YOU.. on the Phone telling me that YOU wanted to break UP with me.. I would stay still.. walking into my room.. looking at the desk.. there is two pictures on the top of the desk.. and the first picture is the MOON.. and the second picture is YOU standing by the passenger door of the car.. with that Big Smile.. I just could not hold my emotions In.. so I started to cry.. tears kept on running down my eyes.. what did I do.. what did I say to YOU.. when was the last time we fought or argued.. as I am wiping the tears from my eyes.. next to the two pictures is this One Book.. and I know that I must return this Book back to the Library.. even though I want to read the Book.. I am feeling so much pain right Now.. I am feeling so much Hurt.. why does it hurt so Much to Love YOU.. why does it has to hurt so much.. did YOU ever loved Me.. that Night.. I remember after I took the two picture.. I went closer to YOU.. and I asked you.. can I hold you and wrap my arms around YOU.. would you please let me feel you close.. because YOU know that I love YOU.. as I would walk closer.. I see you walk closer to me and My arms fold and wrap around YOU.. and I just could Not breathe because My Heart kept on beating so fast.. I know that It must means that I really really love YOU.. I remember you be telling me in my arms.. YOU can feel and hear my Heart Beat.. and I would turn to your ear and I would whisper.. because I love you so much.. and from the words of YOUR lips I heard.. I love you.. and it just melted my Heart.. I wanted to fall down.. making my legs grow so weak.. because hearing this from YOU.. like my Heart always wanted to hear.. and Now.. I am in the room.. thinking about the Park.. and How you told me these things.. and even realized How much YOU loved the MOON.. many nights I would walk out side at Night now.. after knowing these things about YOU.. I would walk out side alone.. looking UP toward the Sky.. I would come across the Moon.. some days I will Not see it.. but from time to time when I do see It.. I would point my finger at the Moon.. just thinking about YOU when YOU did It.. My Heart.. OH My Heart.. and just going back when My arms.. Holding YOU close.. my Heart kept on racing and Beating.. and I just wanted to be still and stay still for a Long time.. it was not even too long ago when this happened to Me.. But
I am starting to like the Moon.. and it became loving the MOON and I realize.. it does bring Peace because of the stillness of the Night.. quiet and silent.. and I would be staring at the MOON.. and whenever I see that Moon.. I think of YOU.. I think of YOUR smile.. I think of the camera.. and taking the picture of YOU with your Smile.. and Now.. it is heart breaking.. It hurts me so bad because I still love YOU.. why did you tell me that night that YOU loved me.. I heard from the words of your lips that YOU too love me.. when I held you and wrapped my arms around YOU.. I meant those words that I have spoken to YOUR ear because it came from my Heart.. I felt it that Night because it was the Night when you shared something that YOU told me you never told before.. and knowing that I loved to take pictures of YOU.. even what you loved the Most.. you have expressed your Heart to me.. I felt your words when YOU told me holding you still.. underneath the Stars and the Moon.. but.. why are you telling me now that YOU want to break up.. why don't you tell me the reason for the breaking UP.. is it because of Me or is it because of someone else.. or you never loved me in the first place but just wanted to say it to make me feel good at that moment.. my hand grabs the Picture of YOU.. smiling.. standing by the passenger car door.. and I am looking at YOU through the picture.. I am aching so Much right Now.. I feel like YOU have torn my Heart into pieces.. why is it hurting me so bad.. why are you hurting me like this.. and I would starts to close both of my eyes.. My Heart.. WHY does it feel like my Heart is tearing from the Inside.. Like I want to grab this BOOK.. and tear the pages into pieces.. why does it hurt me so Hard.. and I open both eyes and tears runs down from both eyes.. It hurts.. It hurts me so Bad.. these tears.. is it turning to red.. it burns my Heart as my tears just running down.. and I would pull out the chair and sit.. putting the picture on the top of the Desk.. why does it has to hurt me so Much.. I know that Night.. I told YOU because I really do love YOU.. my Heart hurts.. and I feel these tears from out of my eyes.. this pain that is killing me and eating me from the inside because I love YOU.. and I wanted to call YOU on the Phone to explain.. but I am Not going to make myself look so dumb.. maybe I do deserve this Pain.. maybe there is something I have been holding back.. I am still wondering why do you have to tell me those two words.. Break Up.. and Now it hurts me deeply.. so trying to get YOU off my Mind.. I would grab the Book.. and I would open the front.. the first page and I would look at the first chapter of the Book.. and I start to read the sentences of the first Page.. but I just keep on thinking of YOU.. My Heart just can't read.. my eyes just don't want to read right Now.. only thing is that tomorrow I must go to the Library.. I know that YOU will be there.. a project with friends.. so I know that if I go there tomorrow.. I may find you working on a project.. but I am thinking.. I am not invited.. so I would get UP on the Chair.. and I would go to the Bed.. and just sit on the top of the Bed.. I know that I won't be sleeping through the Night.. I am thinking of YOU just too much.. so I would get Out of the Bed.. and I would walk out of the front Door.. and I would be walking Out side in the Night.. and as I would turn to Look UP.. I see the Moon.. I don't want to see the Moon this very Night.. because I know that I be thinking of YOU.. I am already thinking of How much I am hurting inside.. now.. Knowing How much YOU love looking UP at the MOON.. at this Very Night.. I just can't deal with this Pain More.. it is hurting More and More as I am looking UP at it.. I have the Picture.. the first Picture.. the One I took of the Moon in my hand.. and I would start to cry looking at It.. When we went back into the Car.. and we both are sitting.. I am on the driver side and YOU on the Passenger side.. YOU would ask me.. when the Picture comes Out.. Please show it to YOU.. and if YOU can have this Picture.. as I am standing here all alone.. I would say.. DID you not tell me that YOU wanted this Picture.. YOU asked me if I have this Picture.. please give it to YOU and that you wanted to keep it forever in your Heart.. I have the picture with Me.. YOU told me to bring the Camera Out.. when we were at the Park.. YOU told me if I have the camera.. if I can take a Picture of the Moon.. I saw your Finger pointing UP toward this MOON.. I have taken the Picture.. it is Not my picture but Your Picture of this Moon.. can YOU please come and get it.. YOU told me when I get this picture to give it to YOU.. you wanted to keep it forever.. what am I going to do with this picture when it is Not mine but Yours.. and I turn to LOOK UP at the Moon.. Please come and get your Picture because I love YOU.. I asked you to love me.. I even told YOU that I love YOU.. you told me that you loved Me.. then why are you not getting this Picture.. YOU told me how much YOU loved the Moon.. Here is the Moon that YOU love.. I just want to give it back to YOU because YOU can hate me.. but I will always love YOU.. I will still love YOU until you know that I love YOU and that YOU know in your Heart that YOU love me too.. I am sitting by the desk.. Looking at the Book.. I opened the Book.. trying to focus to read this Page.. for some reason.. YOU keep on showing UP in my Mind.. I can feel My Heart Beating faster when I think of YOU.. trying to tell My Heart to stop beating so Fast.. I needs to erase YOU off my Mind.. I have your Picture laying on the TOP of this desk.. I know that I should put it away.. because I know that when I turn my Head and I look towards your Picture.. I know that I would think of YOU first.. but I have this ONE BOOK.. and I went to the Library to borrow it.. I am still stuck with the first Page.. the first chapter and whenever My eyes tries to read the first line sentence of this first page.. I would turn my Head towards your Picture and I get stuck right there looking at YOU.. I can feel my Heart beating fast from the Inside.. and My hand.. into the fist wants to Beat down on the chest.. so that I can stop hearing.. or feeling the Beating so Fast of this Heart.. I would turn to look at your Picture and tries to put the face Down.. turning the Picture over so that I don't look at your Beautiful face of this Picture.. my hand just can't.. I am shivering and shaking.. my hand whenever I touch the picture.. My Heart wants to cry every time I turn the Picture over so that I don't look at YOU.. why am I so addicted to YOU.. it is like a Cup of Coffee.. I just can't stop.. I tell myself I needs to stop because but I just don't.. Please tell me How to stop.. because My Heart keeps on beating so Fast.. when My Head turns to look at YOUR picture.. my eyes looks at YOU.. I can feel my Heart.. the beating grows faster and Louder I hear My Heart keep on crying and calling Out Your Name.. I am spinning around and around because It feels so crazy all of the sudden Attack that has been happening to me recently.. but I have borrowed this One Book.. and I do remember YOU are telling me that YOU loved this Book.. and Have read many times.. and the Next time we meet at the Library.. YOU are asking me if I can share and tell you the story about what I felt about this Book that came from YOU.. so I am trying Hard at this Point.. to get it right.. to go on this Pace.. I saw YOU smiling and YOU asked me.. can we be Library Partners.. and I am thinking what is that.. I do remember asking YOU.. what is the meaning of being the Library Partners.. YOU smile so Big and told me that we can share the Books we read together.. I can share my Heart and my thoughts to YOU about the BOOK and that YOU also able to give your Point of view.. I remember our hands touched and we shake our hands being the Library Friends.. of course that is How I left the Library.. but for some reason.. I asked you another before I left the Library.. I asked.. can I have your Picture.. and I am speaking to my own Head.. why would I ask you this if we are Just Friends.. YOU SMILED and gladly given me a Picture of YOU.. I was shocked that YOU did because I wanted to see if YOU would really give me Your Picture.. of course at the Library.. YOU were holding a Book and told me.. YOU have just finished reading this One BOOK that was in your hands.. and it can be a start and gave me the Book.. of course I would look at the title and I would look at the Cover of this Book.. it seems so Boring.. it is a History BOOK.. I did so horrible when I have taken the History class because It was so Boring and it felt Like I was going back to school.. I guess.. of course YOU are so Beautiful.. I did not decline it because I wanted to show YOU that I can be Your Library Partner.. my Heart came alive after we shaken our hands.. it was my first day going to the Library and Never expected to Meet YOU.. SO Beautiful.. I felt something in my Heart.. I do not know what it was but I felt My Heart.. it Bumped into something.. LIKE the Beating was very fast I felt.. I am trying to read this History Book.. about someone's Life.. I do not like the Cover of this Book.. it seems so Boring to Me but I know that I Must.. I would read the Back.. it seems interesting but.. at the same time It seems like a BORING story to Me.. I am trying to read the first line of the sentence.. I am yawning Out loud.. My Head turns too keep on looking at your picture.. YOUR Picture is more exciting to Me.. because I just can't pass the first Line of the sentence of this BOOK.. What have YOU done to Me.. I am also asking myself a question.. am I making the right decision.. Usually when I make a decision.. I try to keep it all the way.. but this.. It be hard.. I am flipping through the pages.. and It also got pictures.. black and white pictures of the Old Times.. and I know.. it is Not going to be easy for me
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Until now so u beautiful