Thank you for the great video! 🙏🇩🇪 2 nagging questions persist for a while for me: 1) how do we meassure the direction and local speed of motion in rather distant galaxies? 2) do the galaxy cluster motion maps somehow respect that the date spans several billion ly so don't see a fill picture as per now. We see further away galaxies where they were a long time ago. More nearby galaxies thus react to their "recent" positions (less back in the past). Could we interpolate a galaxy super cluster map of real "today" for all of them?
I wasn’t going to post this but because you’re trying to sell something I have to say something. I purchased 2 of your “Incredible Universe: Volume 1” books in September. As of right now I still have yet to receive these book even with an expected delivery before Christmas. I had sent 2 emails to the Astrum email in early and mid December and didn’t receive any correspondence back until the new year. The didn’t apologize for failing to inform their customer, through the email, that they were running behind on shipping, they didn’t apologize for ignoring my email until the new year, and when I told them I still hadn’t receive my books they didn’t even send a responds email apologizing for the delay. Instead they boasted that 80% of their customers did get the book. That is not only a terrible responds to the 20% of people that you failed, it’s not even something worth boasting about. With that all said I will never buy anything from Astrum, not because of the quality (I still have no idea what the quality of the book is) but because of the terrible lack of customer service or care. I do not recommend dealing with Astrum as an active consumer but rather a passive viewer.
I'm taking a strong liking to the Timescape model as an explanation for why voids are expanding space quickly, i.e. because there's no mass there, time moves more quickly, so the rate of expansion there is happening faster than in places where there is mass and thus a slower rate of time. So voids like the Great Repeller are 'pushing' us quickly away if only because time is faster and thus we're speeding away from it faster and faster.
Exactly what I was thinking about! That would not only explain the overall structure of the universe with "filaments" and "voids", but also how all of this would come to be in a relatively short timeframe. The voids would expand, pushing the "mass" together in tight areas. Counter-intuitive to an expanding universe, where mass would spread evenly into every direction.
Makes me wonder if there is life in parts of the universe closer to these voids. If time passes faster nearer to them, abiogenesis may happen more frequently. Conversely, abiogenesis seems to be one of those difficult things that takes forever, so it may be that the slower time is, the more likely there are long enough stretches of it to give it a chance to happen. Or, it may have nothing to do with it at all. 😁
@@JariDawnchildlife appeared on earth, as far as we can tell, essentially as soon as earth cooled enough for liquid water. The longest step in evolution was the jump from single to multicellular life. Literally took billions of years.
@@undertow2142 There were a LOT of chance events that were necessary for complex life to happen that would not necessarily happen anywhere else. A commonly cited example is the time a single celled organism tried to eat another by engulfing it, but instead of consuming it, for some reason it incorporated that cell into its own cell to produce energy for it, allowing the cell to put resources into becoming more complex, instead of constantly looking for sources of energy. Thus, the mitochondria was born. It only happened once ever. But it was enough that literally everything with a mitochondria is related to THAT cell. And complex life could never exist without a mitochondria. A similar event happened for chloroplasts, which produce chlorophyll, which generate energy for plant cells. Some algae type cell tried eating a photosynthetic cell, and decided not to digest it and just like the mitochondria, the chloroplast was born, and every single plant cell is now related to that one cell. If neither of these events happened, life wouldn't have been able to get very complex. Multicellular life would likely exist, but its size would be limited by the significantly lower amount of energy at their disposal. As well as having to dedicate practically all of their time to energy production (eating and respiration), and not anything else that might lead to evolution. Both the mitochondria, and the chloroplast are vital for respiration in higher life forms. Yet, if not for these extremely chance events, life as we know it would have never developed. There would be life. But it would just be extremely rudimentary. BUT for all we know, life could have found some other way. My example alone demonstrates there are at least 2 possibilities for symbiants to be incorporated into energy production. For all we know, there could be, and probably are other ways to generate energy that could have wound up as the norm.
If you’re being honest.. learn to pose through UA-cam, and either learn phone photography and take selfies with a phone stand, or get a college student or random person who wants to get into photography who needs people to shoot with. You can find them online in your area using social media sites like Facebook. If they are a city over or near you, bam. Learn to pose and know you will feel awkward but the more you do it, even in a mirror the better you will be. You will set yourself apart by simply having more professional looking photos that are tailored to your life. Oh.. get in shape, no point in tinder if you’re not on your A game.
Thumbnail really be like: "Destroy it now. Please if ever you have put faith in my guidance , let it be now. Ive seen entire nations destroyed by a single seed and it looked exactly like this!"
Everyone assumes that spacetime is static, a tensor field, and mass moves through it. What if spacetime itself can move without the need for mass? It's already expanding despite mass, so what if it's twisting and spiraling on it's own and mass is being dragged along? That would explain both dark energy and dark matter. Spacetime is a fluid.
spacetime means nothing. Its a concept with no tangible science or usage attached. Explain the tangible link between space and time and you will come up empty just like everyone else. Yet its talked about as if it were real.
Exactly . Galaxies and black holes and stars are like eddies that emerge in a flowing river . Influenced by the general flow of the river but independent structure . There are also different types of structures , but all based on the same principle … just like in a river there are different kinds of eddies.
I was talking to my brother about this exact postulation a couple months ago, but since I'm no physicist, I have no idea where to even start with the necessary math to try to figure that out.
"Everyone assumes…" - nobody assumes that. Who's everyone? GR says that spacetime is a _dynamic_ manifold, whose geometry is determined by its mass-energy content. As the great Wheeler put it, "Matter tells the spacetime how to curve; [the curved] spacetime tells the matter how to move". Spacetime isn't a fluid, but it's fluid indeed.
I would love to have the electric art viewable in all its original glory online😍: your visuals are (some of) what I use to enhance my class notes to students in class!
@markcoleman9892 One pole attracts, the other expells. What happens when objects of reverse polarity fall into the Attractor? Are they still attracted, or are they repelled away? Same with the Dipole Repeller. If an object being repelled reverses polarity, is it still repelled, or does it become attracted? Electromagnetic currents flow throughout the universe, maybe these anomalies are like diodes or transistors in a vast cosmic circuit board.
Gravity far, FAR outweighs any electromagnetic influence. Gravitational time dilation - and the lack of it - is operating. Electomagnetic forces do NOT dilate time. Stop. Just stop.
@EnthDGree I don't believe I said anything about time dilation. I was commenting on what looked like a cosmic magnet, complete with positive and negative poles. Of the forces, both strong and weak nuclear forces are apparent in everything we see. Gravity seems to be the weakest, though in massive objects its strength is undeniable, and electromagnetism the least understood. Or maybe I'm looking in the wrong journals.
Government has far too much attraction to money than it's visible structure would indicate. I postulate the existence of "dark government" to account for the missing political mass. And Washington DC is it's own "Zone Of Avoidance". 😮
I wish, I was like the Shapley Attractor, sucking money out of wallets. But I'm afraid, my wallet has a similar expanding void than yours 😋 Maybe someone should devise a theory for a financial dipole repeller. Financial voids always seem to get bigger while financial over-densities also seem to grow. 🤔
Thank you for covering this! There isn't anything comparable to your coverage. Does anyone else see the electromagnetic fields? There was an abandoned "plasma universe" theory, but it really looks like plasma/electromagnetism is a major component that shouldn't entirely be thrown out. Also, taking a page from Hubble, run the clock back and you have all that mass originating in the great repeller. So much we have are still oblivious to.
One thing that's hard for me to wrap my head around is the fact that the farther you look in space, the further back in time you are looking. When I see a representation of superclusters, I always think, "well, that's not all at the same time, so I wonder what it actually looks like". What we observe is not only distances in space, but distances in time as well.
Galaxy collisions indeed do help star formation, and are even too good at that. The final product of a galaxy merger is commonly an elliptical galaxy, and they all are characteristically yellow-ish. The merger causes one final huge starburst, which uses up most of the available gas. After tens of millions of years, huge stars explode as supernovae; after billions, Sun-like stars die. What remains are mainly red dwarfs, the small red stars with the theoretical lifespan into the trillions of years.
@@cykkm mmm food for thought indeed. tho weather the local group goes into a giant galaxy cluster someday. or we are in our own void with just andromeda. we still get the andromeda collision that would kill us off if that final star burst was to happen
Just being aware of all the galaxies and potential habitats for life, it seems kind of awesome that we are living in times, when we can learn all sorts of stuff about them through supercomputers in our pockets through global web. Was this planned? How is it possible? how consciousness arises, what gave the life priviledge to exist? Why now? Why here? Why as a human? Those questions will never leave my mind.
You got a couple of basic hypotheses. The nihilistic "happy accident" hypothesis, and the deistic "It's by design" hypothesis. There could be more. I tend to lean towards the latter based on the Finely Tuned Universe theory, and the rather bizarre explanations of how life plausibly arose (UV activated enzymes in the high UV early solar system leading to early photosynthesis and auto-catalytic reactions or something like that?) . Seems more than just coincidence.
@@LyricsQuest I think the rare earth theory makes more sense. life is so incredibly sensitive in the grand scheme of the universe that we are insanely lucky to have met enough of the requirements for life to even be possible that it eventually developed here over time
@@HearMeLearn Rare earth theory makes sense in a universe where the laws of physics/elementary-table/fundamental-constants even remotely enable the possibility. The probability of a random configuration of those values enabling the possibility is pretty close to 0, or at least I strongly suspect that.
@@LyricsQuest To me, that just adds more mystery. Who made god? What came before this god? Did a god really create a universe just for us? Or are we somehow an unintended consequence? Etc. That's why I opt to sit on the fence, and I don't think any reasonable god could blame me for that. Also, with a possible 20 sextillion planets, with a possible billion Goldilocks zone planets in our galaxy alone, to me, it seems optimistic that there is at least some form of life out there. I definitely see the merit in the design perspective, though. Life does seem too complex and fragile to have occurred randomly. Hence, the fence.
voids don't generate a repulsive force themselves; the combination of their low gravitational influence and the universe's expansion via dark energy (assuming that isn't disproven soon, which lots of info is suggesting) leads to the relative observed motion of galaxies moving away from these underdense regions towards higher dense areas like the great attractor. but there is still not any anti-gravity thing. so yah gotta watch the whole video to get the real answer. really good job explaining it.
You're right, this repelling effect of voids' faster-than-average expansion may be the solution (but number crunching needs to be done first!). Come think of it, there is no gravity as a force that can push or pull in GR. All that's in space is in free fall, i.e. inertial for the purposes of GR. It's all about the geometry of spacetime, which is itself created by the mass-energy densities. You can interpret some geometric effects as "repelling force of gravity", I see nothing wrong with that, as long as you keep in mind this is only a translation into the Newtonian gravity concepts.
The additional motion towards the Great Attractor comes from the Shapely Super Cluster, and the motion towards that additional comes from the Vela Super Cluster.
Beautiful description of this complex subject. Thank you! My question doesn’t seem to come up in the simplest to complex explanations of spatial movement within our universe. I understand that all observed objects are not in the position they are today but rather they are where they were, so many years ago, according to the number of light years away they are. When elements are mapped in space, how is their position of today determined, since all we know is where it was in the past?
I assume this is why red-shifting is even brought up as a useful topic. We can determine element composition of far away galaxies through the light spectrum being observed. We know where they were, and whether they are traveling closer or further from us. There is probably some formula to determine where something currently is based on shift×lightspeed÷distance.
With all of this talk of Dark Energy actually being Gravity fuelled time-dialation, could this 'repelling' force actually be caused by time moving relatively faster in that low mass/low-gravity sector?
Whenever I get overwhelmed with the cares of everyday life and the struggles we have in the world trying not to create more wars, I think how great it is that there is a cadre of academics putting all their time into just imagining answers they themselves can't explain to questions that don't matter to anyone actually living a life, and never will.
You clearly think pure research is a waste of time, but it's been critical to our advancement even when it may not have been clear at the time what it would lead to. Einstein's General Relativity made GPS possible by precisely predicting how time flows differently at different gravitational potentials. Without these corrections, GPS would drift by 11 kilometers per day. Abstract algebra and number theory led to public key cryptography, which enables secure internet communication and underpins everything from online banking to digital signatures. Maxwell's equations, developed as pure mathematical theory of electromagnetism, led to the prediction and later development of radio waves, which revolutionized human communication. Fourier's abstract mathematical analysis of heat flow created tools that now power digital signal processing, from MP3 compression to MRI imaging. The big difference between us and other animals is that we can think deeply. The money spent on pure research is insignificant to that spent by humans for the explicit purpose of killing other humans.
Never will? Possibly never will. It's ground work for the future. Technology moves fast, who knows, humanity might one day need the answers. We have already got plenty of technology we use every day derived from space exploration.
Technology exists to eventually be used when it makes sense to use it. A technology "discovered" in an instant of time and then applied 50+ years later has happened multiple times throughout human history. Just because it might not be useful today it doesn't mean that it won't be useful later or serve as a base for another technology or theory that might explain the unknown better. It's all about stages of understanding throughout a timeframe.
We should be able to see the Great Attractor in 100 million years when the Zone of Avoidance has moved around to block the other half of exogalactic space.
This needs more attention, so I'm glad to see this report, even though it is long overdue. But now we need to consider the recent claims concerning the "timescapes" theory, which calls into question the existence of dark energy. It would seem to have some bearing on the interpretation of the data concerning the movement of galaxies.
@@thekaxmax Not to quibble but Dark Energy isn't a description of observations, it is proposed as a real thing in its own rite which could _explain_ observations. Otherwise we would just call it "cosmic redshift" or something of that nature.
@@crawkn It's analysed as a real thing that causes a real observed effect. But no-one knows what it _actually_ is, that's the problem. Whereby my statement.
It is likely that the fictitious force of the Dipole Repeller is caused by time dilation due to gravity as outlined in the timescape model. Time runs faster in a void because of gravity's time dilation. This gives the expansion of the universe more time to expand the void. This creates a fictitious force that seems to push everything away from it.
Is this enough to explain away dark matter I wonder, time would move faster towards the edges of galaxies with less mass density the further you get from the core. So it looks like the outer edges are orbiting much faster to keep pace with the rest of the galaxy, but experience time differently. Like how extreme could this dilatation be just from natural forces. It would probably color shift stars closer to the core vs the edge though, and be easily observable in other galaxies.
That's the most succinct summary I've read so far. Mass causes time to be slower, so we see a massless void expand. Like the hypothetical of falling into a black hole: you'd see other galaxies' eons in your black hole seconds.
As the near perfect void of the Di-pole Repeller essentially "pushes" matter towards an Attractor, what would the absolutely perfect void beyond the edge of the Universe do?
The Hubble images of hundreds of galaxies are truly mind-blowing. More so, because every galaxy you look at is a different age and you are literally looking into the past, depending on the distance. As a result, the entire image is an illusion, since everything you see doesn't exist in our relative time. 😲
I wonder how this theory would stand up in the "Timescape" model and maybe also factor in that gravity over very long distances does not seem to decline by 1/r^2 but only by 1/r
There are serious problems with these models. They agree with some observations but fail on others. No one has come up yet with the way to reconcile MOND and GR. We'll see indeed. I'm not too excited about them, frankly.
4:20 - I've been waiting for a mission that sends a telescope as far away as possible (like the Voyager missions but w/ telescopes) to look back and study the Milky-way from the outside... Or as far away as we can get and still stay in control. 🤔👍
Anti-matter magnetic monopole pusher? (If I have to guess, I guess big!) 😀👍🏻🍻
День тому+1
Wow, swelling of voids is interesting, maybe this pushes everything, as the density decreases faster than in denser regions, and it looks like self accelerating process
This is probably a stupid question, but do we know we are attracted i.e. accelerating to these zones, or if actually we were travelling that way anyway, and the gravitational force is less of a factor in our movement than anticipated? I guess i'd have to read the paper. But Timescape Theory seems to provide some explanation of why this might appear to be happening :)
i would think we are riding a toroid of ashes from a quasar ejecta the filaments inside filaments is indicative of electro energy highways that seem to fractal into largere and larger structures
Does anyone know why the apparent lack of mass at the Shapley super cluster isn't being attributed to Dark Matter? I'm not a fan of dark matter personally, but observations of gravitational pulls where there isn't enough apparent mass sounds just like how Dark Matter is 'measured' as well.
Given all this talk of gravity, I'd appreciate your take on the Timescape hypothesis. Differing time dilation values based on the inhomogeneity of matter, like what you describe here, are of interest to me.
Most people don't realize that the models being "seen" through telescopes today are actually very complex algorithmic interpolations of a ton of raw data. Somewhere in all of that code are bugs and errors. So when something "impossible" appears, the first thought of the physicist is "wow we found something new and unique" ... when a more rational thought would be, "wow we stumbled upon an interesting bug in our code... lets try to recreate it so that we can find it." Then do a painful analysis of the actual data collected keeping a special focus on "impossible" data values which are often indicative of equipment problems or bugs in code.
Is the space really void? Consider that Webb is said to have found material on the perimeter of our expanding big bang universe which must be older than our big bang. That suggests that there are bodies of mass that exist in relation to our universe and they would be imparting gravity.. Indeed, it would offer a better explanation for the missing gravity that holds our universe together than our current theory of "dark matter". And might also explain other anomalies including the variable rate of expansion anomaly. ...
The presence of voids in space creates a unique gravitational effect that can appear to push galaxies away from them. This phenomenon is influenced by the universe's ongoing expansion and gravitational forces.
The Casimir effect is quantum in origin, and shows up at tiny scales. The "innate pushing component" may well be dark energy, which also innately repelling. Let's wait for an uncontested numeric computation showing whether dark energy density is enough for the repeller to work, or something else unaccounted for shows up.
So... to the Pullyou cluster we have added the Pushme cluster. I thought it was just Xarkewgarluocarqa forgetting to turn off the repulsor module again.
I have joked for a while that dark energy is the nothing from never ending story. One thing should be taken into consideration is virtual particles that are poping in and out of existence in vacuum. In these voids time flows differently than in high mass areas. Particles that are separated before being cancled by its virtual twin may get a temporal kick that may help separate out other Particles from the quantum foam:55
This may be a complete indication of my lack of knowledge of space, not to be confused as any lack of fascination of space, but isn’t the definition of Void a complete emptiness? So, how can there be anything in said Void like a galaxy? Or is this beyond me (pun intended)?
The definition is really "relative emptiness". Even in the vacuum of space, there are still a few stray atoms bouncing around. The same goes for interstellar space - there are gasses, dusts, and even whole planets. The same goes for voids - there are still galaxies in them, but much, much, much fewer than we would expect if galaxies were evenly distributed.
In addition to the timescape model, has nobody mapped the effect of magnetic fields in the filiments of the universe on the motion of galaxies and super clusters?
Beyond The Great Attractor is the Greater Attractor, being pulled by the theoretical Even Greater Greater Attractor. As the walls of galaxies continue to move, it is possible the Attractors presage the Big Crunch, which in trillions of years, probably on a Tuesday, will return the Universe to a singularity and creating the next Big Bounce on the path to Eternity. Or not.
I heard that there's a study on standard candles that suggests that galactic voids create an illusion of increasing expansion due to time dilation inside the voids due to lack of mass.
In the discussion of lift on a wing, the Bernoulli Principle was only one of three mentioned. Impact force on the inclined plane below was one, lessened faster and lengthier flow above was two, but the recombining impact of both rejoining behind the wing was the surprise. A pinching reverse-flow affected the trailing edge and was pushing it ahead. So, since nobody can explain why or how lines of gravitational flux will become evenly distributed in divergent radials from an object of mass, I have to assume a current stream is placid in open interstellar space. There, gravitational waves may pass a Voyager in flight, but only on the shores of planet surfaces will the density increase to amplify those compressed lines of inflow to the huge congregation of converging vectors that grow closer and more forceful as they seek to reconcile within each and every atom in the lump. I'm guessing too, that if The Dipole Repeller is not a pinching-push effect caused by the current flows and eddies of interstellar gravity, then it's an invisible something that would be extremely important to know.
Could it be that it's simple buoyancy at work? Not pushing, an invisible something being pushed or suspended on a vortex or eddy current? Or is that just that the Milky Way is caught in a jet stream of gravitation? River currents over rocky bottoms are not equal nor even regular, backflows and undertows are typical, as you'll watch dry leaves descend into the Maelstrom. Can you model those slipstreams in the way that airfoils are integrated with an entire aircraft? Supersonic in space is likely as variable as it is in earth's altitudes and windspeeds. It would be important to have a 3D map of any such low or high pressure anomalies, don't you think?
Rotation is imparted on floating objects by some influence creating an imbalance, but that energy might compel its influencer to react too, in the way Jackie Gleason applied side-English to a cue ball. Wouldn't that be reasonable?
If you understand the Penrose explanation of the universe structure through black hole formation. This shouldn't even be a question. But it's going to be a few hundred years probably before people agree on this stuff
Nevermind the shell game with measuring distance by standardizing luminosity, I'll give you that for sake of the argument. The absurdity comes about when measuring a supercluster, which spans millions to billions of light years. The light we look at to determine the galaxy's relative position in the cluster is not indicative of where the galaxy and it's gravitational center are now. That's also assuming gravity pulls what, predictably from what has been elsewhere in relation to something that is no longer where it was when the original pull was 'happening'. THAT'S JUST FOR STARTERS. I'M NO EINSTEIN. HAVE HIM CALL ME. How is this not relevant? I LOVE BEING TOLD I'm wrong. Someone school me bad.
It's alright in GR. “where the galaxy [is] and its gravitational center are now” is relative to an observer, but we can impose a valid coordinate system on spacetime and perform these computations precisely.
There are some very weird observations occurring that don't line up with our current theories in physics. I keep hoping to see physics catch up with reality.
Yes, as the Universe expands, more space is created, and the dark energy's content is proportional to the amount of space. Your question about time is not well-posed. Time as a sort of process or entity is rather a philosophical concept; in physics, we only care about _time intervals,_ something we can measure with a stopwatch. What happens to the time intervals depends on the observer; only the spacetime intervals are invariant (observer-independent) in GR; space intervals (distances) and time intervals aren't invariant alone.
Imagine what little people would think sitting on a barely survivable atomic shell within your body before the first cell devision. They would never know the universe from their perspective is actually an undetectable speck inskde a biological being forming, and the last 14bn years have just been a few seconds.
Yes, I get that if there galaxies pulling from you, at all 4 directions, and you remove them on only 1 side, the scales would tip, for sure; but calling the absence of mass a 'repeller' is rather click-baity, tbh.
Get your hands on one of our premium Astrum posters -
What is the music called by your cassini youtube shorts video
I have tried searching for it for the last 1½ years
The posters look great. Too expensive for me, by far (not even close), so I'll have to pass, but I wish you all the best nonetheless.
Love the content, but please tone down the music. It’s very distracting. 🙁
@@putrid.pI saw the prices and will definitely pass. Yikes!!
Thank you for the great video! 🙏🇩🇪 2 nagging questions persist for a while for me:
1) how do we meassure the direction and local speed of motion in rather distant galaxies?
2) do the galaxy cluster motion maps somehow respect that the date spans several billion ly so don't see a fill picture as per now. We see further away galaxies where they were a long time ago. More nearby galaxies thus react to their "recent" positions (less back in the past).
Could we interpolate a galaxy super cluster map of real "today" for all of them?
I wasn’t going to post this but because you’re trying to sell something I have to say something. I purchased 2 of your “Incredible Universe: Volume 1” books in September. As of right now I still have yet to receive these book even with an expected delivery before Christmas. I had sent 2 emails to the Astrum email in early and mid December and didn’t receive any correspondence back until the new year. The didn’t apologize for failing to inform their customer, through the email, that they were running behind on shipping, they didn’t apologize for ignoring my email until the new year, and when I told them I still hadn’t receive my books they didn’t even send a responds email apologizing for the delay. Instead they boasted that 80% of their customers did get the book. That is not only a terrible responds to the 20% of people that you failed, it’s not even something worth boasting about. With that all said I will never buy anything from Astrum, not because of the quality (I still have no idea what the quality of the book is) but because of the terrible lack of customer service or care. I do not recommend dealing with Astrum as an active consumer but rather a passive viewer.
That’s why I never trust anyone selling stuff on UA-cam. Hope you get your stuff soon.
Thank you for the advice
Hope your books arrive soon and thanks for telling us your experience, I for one will heed your warning..Happy New Year !
Hmm. I'll be keeping that in mind. Seems like Astrum just isn't so high a quality UA-cam channel...
if this is true, Astrum did a really crappy thing and they should own up
Very, Very well done visually representing the verbal explanation of it all. Loved this video!!!
Gravity has nothing to do with the cosmos formation. We were sold a lie.
Amazing to me how much we still don't know; how many true mysteries remain in our understanding of the universe.
I'm taking a strong liking to the Timescape model as an explanation for why voids are expanding space quickly, i.e. because there's no mass there, time moves more quickly, so the rate of expansion there is happening faster than in places where there is mass and thus a slower rate of time. So voids like the Great Repeller are 'pushing' us quickly away if only because time is faster and thus we're speeding away from it faster and faster.
Exactly what I was thinking about! That would not only explain the overall structure of the universe with "filaments" and "voids", but also how all of this would come to be in a relatively short timeframe. The voids would expand, pushing the "mass" together in tight areas. Counter-intuitive to an expanding universe, where mass would spread evenly into every direction.
Makes me wonder if there is life in parts of the universe closer to these voids. If time passes faster nearer to them, abiogenesis may happen more frequently. Conversely, abiogenesis seems to be one of those difficult things that takes forever, so it may be that the slower time is, the more likely there are long enough stretches of it to give it a chance to happen. Or, it may have nothing to do with it at all. 😁
@@JariDawnchildlife appeared on earth, as far as we can tell, essentially as soon as earth cooled enough for liquid water. The longest step in evolution was the jump from single to multicellular life. Literally took billions of years.
@@undertow2142 There were a LOT of chance events that were necessary for complex life to happen that would not necessarily happen anywhere else. A commonly cited example is the time a single celled organism tried to eat another by engulfing it, but instead of consuming it, for some reason it incorporated that cell into its own cell to produce energy for it, allowing the cell to put resources into becoming more complex, instead of constantly looking for sources of energy. Thus, the mitochondria was born. It only happened once ever. But it was enough that literally everything with a mitochondria is related to THAT cell. And complex life could never exist without a mitochondria.
A similar event happened for chloroplasts, which produce chlorophyll, which generate energy for plant cells. Some algae type cell tried eating a photosynthetic cell, and decided not to digest it and just like the mitochondria, the chloroplast was born, and every single plant cell is now related to that one cell.
If neither of these events happened, life wouldn't have been able to get very complex. Multicellular life would likely exist, but its size would be limited by the significantly lower amount of energy at their disposal. As well as having to dedicate practically all of their time to energy production (eating and respiration), and not anything else that might lead to evolution. Both the mitochondria, and the chloroplast are vital for respiration in higher life forms.
Yet, if not for these extremely chance events, life as we know it would have never developed. There would be life. But it would just be extremely rudimentary. BUT for all we know, life could have found some other way. My example alone demonstrates there are at least 2 possibilities for symbiants to be incorporated into energy production. For all we know, there could be, and probably are other ways to generate energy that could have wound up as the norm.
The Great Repeller is what they call me on Tinder
are you also expanding more rapidly than your more attractive counterparts?
Solid jab mate
If you’re being honest.. learn to pose through UA-cam, and either learn phone photography and take selfies with a phone stand, or get a college student or random person who wants to get into photography who needs people to shoot with. You can find them online in your area using social media sites like Facebook. If they are a city over or near you, bam.
Learn to pose and know you will feel awkward but the more you do it, even in a mirror the better you will be.
You will set yourself apart by simply having more professional looking photos that are tailored to your life. Oh.. get in shape, no point in tinder if you’re not on your A game.
Another excellent video, graphics are great, narrative is just right, not mathy, not to simple😊😊
Thumbnail really be like:
"Destroy it now. Please if ever you have put faith in my guidance , let it be now. Ive seen entire nations destroyed by a single seed and it looked exactly like this!"
Everyone assumes that spacetime is static, a tensor field, and mass moves through it. What if spacetime itself can move without the need for mass? It's already expanding despite mass, so what if it's twisting and spiraling on it's own and mass is being dragged along? That would explain both dark energy and dark matter. Spacetime is a fluid.
i like this... like a fluid which mass is there but is ultimately dragged around by the vortices created by other mass
spacetime means nothing. Its a concept with no tangible science or usage attached. Explain the tangible link between space and time and you will come up empty just like everyone else. Yet its talked about as if it were real.
Exactly . Galaxies and black holes and stars are like eddies that emerge in a flowing river . Influenced by the general flow of the river but independent structure . There are also different
types of structures , but all based on the same principle … just like in a river there are different kinds of eddies.
I was talking to my brother about this exact postulation a couple months ago, but since I'm no physicist, I have no idea where to even start with the necessary math to try to figure that out.
"Everyone assumes…" - nobody assumes that. Who's everyone? GR says that spacetime is a _dynamic_ manifold, whose geometry is determined by its mass-energy content. As the great Wheeler put it, "Matter tells the spacetime how to curve; [the curved] spacetime tells the matter how to move". Spacetime isn't a fluid, but it's fluid indeed.
Outstanding video 👏👏👏👏
I would love to have the electric art viewable in all its original glory online😍: your visuals are (some of) what I use to enhance my class notes to students in class!
Happy NY 🙃 to you and yours Alex. Respect from Manchester (UK) :)
I'm not even 1:42 into the video and from the graphic I saw a magnet on an immense scale.
Magnet - or magnetic FIELD generated from the flow of electricity? 🖖
One pole attracts, the other expells. What happens when objects of reverse polarity fall into the Attractor? Are they still attracted, or are they repelled away? Same with the Dipole Repeller. If an object being repelled reverses polarity, is it still repelled, or does it become attracted? Electromagnetic currents flow throughout the universe, maybe these anomalies are like diodes or transistors in a vast cosmic circuit board.
The universe is electric and the gravity model of cosmology a lie.
Gravity far, FAR outweighs any electromagnetic influence.
Gravitational time dilation - and the lack of it - is operating. Electomagnetic forces do NOT dilate time.
Stop. Just stop.
I don't believe I said anything about time dilation. I was commenting on what looked like a cosmic magnet, complete with positive and negative poles. Of the forces, both strong and weak nuclear forces are apparent in everything we see. Gravity seems to be the weakest, though in massive objects its strength is undeniable, and electromagnetism the least understood. Or maybe I'm looking in the wrong journals.
This video did a really great job of explaining this complicated topic! Thank you!
I enjoy the way you explain our universe. Love your videos. Thank you 😊
This is the best channel on youtube! You've helped me travel far away on many sleepless nights
There is a noticeable void expanding in my wallet. It continually pushes cash away from it's pocket of space.
Nah everything's fine. Other wallets just have more gravity than yours 😂
Government has far too much attraction to money than it's visible structure would indicate. I postulate the existence of "dark government" to account for the missing political mass. And Washington DC is it's own "Zone Of Avoidance". 😮
I wish, I was like the Shapley Attractor, sucking money out of wallets. But I'm afraid, my wallet has a similar expanding void than yours 😋 Maybe someone should devise a theory for a financial dipole repeller. Financial voids always seem to get bigger while financial over-densities also seem to grow. 🤔
You must be married 😂
Thank you for covering this! There isn't anything comparable to your coverage. Does anyone else see the electromagnetic fields? There was an abandoned "plasma universe" theory, but it really looks like plasma/electromagnetism is a major component that shouldn't entirely be thrown out. Also, taking a page from Hubble, run the clock back and you have all that mass originating in the great repeller. So much we have are still oblivious to.
Thumbnail looks like a wild rune
So dope. Thinking in multiple dimensions isn't always easy but your videos are so well communicated.
Like always, really really good stuff!
Another enjoyable, informative video and pleasing soundtrack as well. Thank you.
Thank U Astrum you inspire so many /tip hat.
One thing that's hard for me to wrap my head around is the fact that the farther you look in space, the further back in time you are looking. When I see a representation of superclusters, I always think, "well, that's not all at the same time, so I wonder what it actually looks like". What we observe is not only distances in space, but distances in time as well.
it sure be nice having a void push the local group into a large galaxy cluster. galaxy colisions can help star formation
Its a torus
It's wizards that make stars, not physics...
If Dark Energy holds, we will never reach another galaxy cluster.
Galaxy collisions indeed do help star formation, and are even too good at that. The final product of a galaxy merger is commonly an elliptical galaxy, and they all are characteristically yellow-ish. The merger causes one final huge starburst, which uses up most of the available gas. After tens of millions of years, huge stars explode as supernovae; after billions, Sun-like stars die. What remains are mainly red dwarfs, the small red stars with the theoretical lifespan into the trillions of years.
@@cykkm mmm food for thought indeed. tho weather the local group goes into a giant galaxy cluster someday. or we are in our own void with just andromeda. we still get the andromeda collision that would kill us off if that final star burst was to happen
That’s so interesting and the visuals and demonstration explained it perfectly! So more so a lack of pull than push
Why on earth 😂 have I never heard of this channel????? I got a lot of videos to catch up on! Yesssss
Astrum is top-notch content, so you'll certainly enjoy each and every one of them!
Watching this helps me put everything in perspective again.
Just being aware of all the galaxies and potential habitats for life, it seems kind of awesome that we are living in times, when we can learn all sorts of stuff about them through supercomputers in our pockets through global web. Was this planned? How is it possible? how consciousness arises, what gave the life priviledge to exist? Why now? Why here? Why as a human? Those questions will never leave my mind.
You got a couple of basic hypotheses. The nihilistic "happy accident" hypothesis, and the deistic "It's by design" hypothesis. There could be more. I tend to lean towards the latter based on the Finely Tuned Universe theory, and the rather bizarre explanations of how life plausibly arose (UV activated enzymes in the high UV early solar system leading to early photosynthesis and auto-catalytic reactions or something like that?) . Seems more than just coincidence.
@@LyricsQuest I think the rare earth theory makes more sense. life is so incredibly sensitive in the grand scheme of the universe that we are insanely lucky to have met enough of the requirements for life to even be possible that it eventually developed here over time
@@HearMeLearn Rare earth theory makes sense in a universe where the laws of physics/elementary-table/fundamental-constants even remotely enable the possibility. The probability of a random configuration of those values enabling the possibility is pretty close to 0, or at least I strongly suspect that.
@@LyricsQuest To me, that just adds more mystery. Who made god? What came before this god? Did a god really create a universe just for us? Or are we somehow an unintended consequence? Etc. That's why I opt to sit on the fence, and I don't think any reasonable god could blame me for that. Also, with a possible 20 sextillion planets, with a possible billion Goldilocks zone planets in our galaxy alone, to me, it seems optimistic that there is at least some form of life out there. I definitely see the merit in the design perspective, though. Life does seem too complex and fragile to have occurred randomly. Hence, the fence.
Space never ceases to AMAZE.
voids don't generate a repulsive force themselves; the combination of their low gravitational influence and the universe's expansion via dark energy (assuming that isn't disproven soon, which lots of info is suggesting) leads to the relative observed motion of galaxies moving away from these underdense regions towards higher dense areas like the great attractor. but there is still not any anti-gravity thing. so yah gotta watch the whole video to get the real answer. really good job explaining it.
You're right, this repelling effect of voids' faster-than-average expansion may be the solution (but number crunching needs to be done first!). Come think of it, there is no gravity as a force that can push or pull in GR. All that's in space is in free fall, i.e. inertial for the purposes of GR. It's all about the geometry of spacetime, which is itself created by the mass-energy densities. You can interpret some geometric effects as "repelling force of gravity", I see nothing wrong with that, as long as you keep in mind this is only a translation into the Newtonian gravity concepts.
I always feel calm and full of wonder after watching these amazing videos.
Thank you.
Looking at a detailed multidimensional map of the universe is like looking at a map of the human brains neurologic wavelengths/electrical activity. 🤔
Only less complex
If something faster than light exists I can imagine the universe being an organic entity of some sort.
@@ZumaZoom07 how the hell does that follow?
Kinda looks a bit like a brain mri, but a bit bigger, or maybe we're just really really small
Kinda, except not, not even close really
Everytime i watch one of ur videos i am humbled as to how beautiful the universe is
The additional motion towards the Great Attractor comes from the Shapely Super Cluster, and the motion towards that additional comes from the Vela Super Cluster.
To me, Dipole and Repeller both sound like band names.."Are you going to the show tonight? I hear Dipole is opening for Repeller....."
Beautiful description of this complex subject. Thank you! My question doesn’t seem to come up in the simplest to complex explanations of spatial movement within our universe. I understand that all observed objects are not in the position they are today but rather they are where they were, so many years ago, according to the number of light years away they are. When elements are mapped in space, how is their position of today determined, since all we know is where it was in the past?
I assume this is why red-shifting is even brought up as a useful topic. We can determine element composition of far away galaxies through the light spectrum being observed. We know where they were, and whether they are traveling closer or further from us.
There is probably some formula to determine where something currently is based on shift×lightspeed÷distance.
an amazing great video highlighting our living galaxy to infinity and beyond
Very well done! Thank you again for your fantastic videos.
With all of this talk of Dark Energy actually being Gravity fuelled time-dialation, could this 'repelling' force actually be caused by time moving relatively faster in that low mass/low-gravity sector?
I asked AI about that, and it said time dilation wouldn't be significant enough. Sources were provided.
There is something familiar about this😅
Thank you for sharing.😊👋👍
I wonder if we can see all this in its entirety in our afterlife🤔🥰
Incredible video thank you for your hard work and sharing your knowledge with us
Whenever I get overwhelmed with the cares of everyday life and the struggles we have in the world trying not to create more wars, I think how great it is that there is a cadre of academics putting all their time into just imagining answers they themselves can't explain to questions that don't matter to anyone actually living a life, and never will.
Unless the Universe is our life. 🙏
Agreed. Our problems really aren't that big in the grand scheme of things.
You clearly think pure research is a waste of time, but it's been critical to our advancement even when it may not have been clear at the time what it would lead to.
Einstein's General Relativity made GPS possible by precisely predicting how time flows differently at different gravitational potentials. Without these corrections, GPS would drift by 11 kilometers per day.
Abstract algebra and number theory led to public key cryptography, which enables secure internet communication and underpins everything from online banking to digital signatures.
Maxwell's equations, developed as pure mathematical theory of electromagnetism, led to the prediction and later development of radio waves, which revolutionized human communication.
Fourier's abstract mathematical analysis of heat flow created tools that now power digital signal processing, from MP3 compression to MRI imaging.
The big difference between us and other animals is that we can think deeply. The money spent on pure research is insignificant to that spent by humans for the explicit purpose of killing other humans.
Never will? Possibly never will. It's ground work for the future. Technology moves fast, who knows, humanity might one day need the answers. We have already got plenty of technology we use every day derived from space exploration.
Technology exists to eventually be used when it makes sense to use it. A technology "discovered" in an instant of time and then applied 50+ years later has happened multiple times throughout human history. Just because it might not be useful today it doesn't mean that it won't be useful later or serve as a base for another technology or theory that might explain the unknown better. It's all about stages of understanding throughout a timeframe.
We should be able to see the Great Attractor in 100 million years when the Zone of Avoidance has moved around to block the other half of exogalactic space.
Oh man, can barely wait!
As they say on another channel, it will be a long one, so you might want to grab a drink and a snack.
Very interesting. Expanding Space-time implies that difference areas of the Universe are aging at different rates, correct?
The motions are amazing. Everything go round and round😂 spiral movements from the smaller to the biggest object with ierarcy as Universe order.
"expanding field of research": good one!
Yikes, I didn't notice!
Wow dood you nailed those French names, oof. We need a new Observatory Chandra 2.0
This needs more attention, so I'm glad to see this report, even though it is long overdue. But now we need to consider the recent claims concerning the "timescapes" theory, which calls into question the existence of dark energy. It would seem to have some bearing on the interpretation of the data concerning the movement of galaxies.
Not so much whether Dark Energy exists but a potential explanation for the observations that got called 'Dark Energy'.
@@thekaxmax Not to quibble but Dark Energy isn't a description of observations, it is proposed as a real thing in its own rite which could _explain_ observations. Otherwise we would just call it "cosmic redshift" or something of that nature.
@@crawkn It's analysed as a real thing that causes a real observed effect. But no-one knows what it _actually_ is, that's the problem. Whereby my statement.
@thekaxmax whether it exists is a fundamentally different question than what it is (which assumes it exists).
It is likely that the fictitious force of the Dipole Repeller is caused by time dilation due to gravity as outlined in the timescape model. Time runs faster in a void because of gravity's time dilation. This gives the expansion of the universe more time to expand the void. This creates a fictitious force that seems to push everything away from it.
Is this enough to explain away dark matter I wonder, time would move faster towards the edges of galaxies with less mass density the further you get from the core. So it looks like the outer edges are orbiting much faster to keep pace with the rest of the galaxy, but experience time differently. Like how extreme could this dilatation be just from natural forces. It would probably color shift stars closer to the core vs the edge though, and be easily observable in other galaxies.
That's the most succinct summary I've read so far. Mass causes time to be slower, so we see a massless void expand.
Like the hypothetical of falling into a black hole: you'd see other galaxies' eons in your black hole seconds.
"The Milky Way getting in the milky way" is some stellar comedy right there 🫡🤌👌
The moon from the last video’s thumbnail would make for an awesome poster!
As the near perfect void of the Di-pole Repeller essentially "pushes" matter towards an Attractor, what would the absolutely perfect void beyond the edge of the Universe do?
The Hubble images of hundreds of galaxies are truly mind-blowing. More so, because every galaxy you look at is a different age and you are literally looking into the past, depending on the distance. As a result, the entire image is an illusion, since everything you see doesn't exist in our relative time. 😲
SEA is the best space channel
I wonder how this theory would stand up in the "Timescape" model and maybe also factor in that gravity over very long distances does not seem to decline by 1/r^2 but only by 1/r
What are those math equations meanings?
There are serious problems with these models. They agree with some observations but fail on others. No one has come up yet with the way to reconcile MOND and GR. We'll see indeed. I'm not too excited about them, frankly.
Not only that - but entrophic
"...factor(s) are completely overlooked; esp. as to whether and to what extent they contribute to the decay if forward momentum...
4:20 - I've been waiting for a mission that sends a telescope as far away as possible (like the Voyager missions but w/ telescopes) to look back and study the Milky-way from the outside... Or as far away as we can get and still stay in control. 🤔👍
It's a really long way to get that perspective change. Even just getting to the nearest star is a major challenge. Space is big...
Anti-matter magnetic monopole pusher? (If I have to guess, I guess big!) 😀👍🏻🍻
Wow, swelling of voids is interesting, maybe this pushes everything, as the density decreases faster than in denser regions, and it looks like self accelerating process
Hi, Astrum. Any news on the progress of "Incredible Universe"?
This is probably a stupid question, but do we know we are attracted i.e. accelerating to these zones, or if actually we were travelling that way anyway, and the gravitational force is less of a factor in our movement than anticipated? I guess i'd have to read the paper. But Timescape Theory seems to provide some explanation of why this might appear to be happening :)
So it's a less dense area that doesn't attract, not one that repels
i would think we are riding a toroid of ashes from a quasar ejecta the filaments inside filaments is indicative of electro energy highways that seem to fractal into largere and larger structures
Love your work, love your art. Thank you!
Does anyone know why the apparent lack of mass at the Shapley super cluster isn't being attributed to Dark Matter? I'm not a fan of dark matter personally, but observations of gravitational pulls where there isn't enough apparent mass sounds just like how Dark Matter is 'measured' as well.
Given "Dark Matter' is the name given to whatever is giving a certain set of observations, yes. And that effect definitely exists.
Being high and listening to Sims songs just before this is really messing with me. Cool man
“Gravity “. Through observation we can deduce no push or pull it’s a compressor based on permeability
“Nothing is coming.” Is more true than one thinks.
Given all this talk of gravity, I'd appreciate your take on the Timescape hypothesis. Differing time dilation values based on the inhomogeneity of matter, like what you describe here, are of interest to me.
I am glad that I won't be around for the calamity of our galactic super cluster smashing into another galactic super cluster.
Perhaps it's a magnificently gigantic toroidal structure with the shapley attractor at the other end. 🤷🏽
Most people don't realize that the models being "seen" through telescopes today are actually very complex algorithmic interpolations of a ton of raw data. Somewhere in all of that code are bugs and errors. So when something "impossible" appears, the first thought of the physicist is "wow we found something new and unique" ... when a more rational thought would be, "wow we stumbled upon an interesting bug in our code... lets try to recreate it so that we can find it." Then do a painful analysis of the actual data collected keeping a special focus on "impossible" data values which are often indicative of equipment problems or bugs in code.
can you please please tell us how did you made these simulations , which library did u use which data set and which language ?
Is the space really void? Consider that Webb is said to have found material on the perimeter of our expanding big bang universe which must be older than our big bang. That suggests that there are bodies of mass that exist in relation to our universe and they would be imparting gravity.. Indeed, it would offer a better explanation for the missing gravity that holds our universe together than our current theory of "dark matter". And might also explain other anomalies including the variable rate of expansion anomaly. ...
The presence of voids in space creates a unique gravitational effect that can appear to push galaxies away from them. This phenomenon is influenced by the universe's ongoing expansion and gravitational forces.
Could a void have an actual innate pushing component like the Casimir effect acting on cosmic scales?
The Casimir effect is quantum in origin, and shows up at tiny scales. The "innate pushing component" may well be dark energy, which also innately repelling. Let's wait for an uncontested numeric computation showing whether dark energy density is enough for the repeller to work, or something else unaccounted for shows up.
The TimeScape model might eliminate dark energy. Its based on relatively too.
So... to the Pullyou cluster we have added the Pushme cluster. I thought it was just Xarkewgarluocarqa forgetting to turn off the repulsor module again.
I have joked for a while that dark energy is the nothing from never ending story.
One thing should be taken into consideration is virtual particles that are poping in and out of existence in vacuum. In these voids time flows differently than in high mass areas. Particles that are separated before being cancled by its virtual twin may get a temporal kick that may help separate out other Particles from the quantum foam:55
50% of my motion to get a pie is I was already going that way anyway before the pie pulled me.
This may be a complete indication of my lack of knowledge of space, not to be confused as any lack of fascination of space, but isn’t the definition of Void a complete emptiness? So, how can there be anything in said Void like a galaxy? Or is this beyond me (pun intended)?
The definition is really "relative emptiness". Even in the vacuum of space, there are still a few stray atoms bouncing around.
The same goes for interstellar space - there are gasses, dusts, and even whole planets.
The same goes for voids - there are still galaxies in them, but much, much, much fewer than we would expect if galaxies were evenly distributed.
The Sahara is still a desert even if there is a small oasis here and there. Voids are just massive ares with very little stuff in them.
Those poster look real legit and the Premier Special seems worth it. What are they made of?
Who made the art on the posters?
In addition to the timescape model, has nobody mapped the effect of magnetic fields in the filiments of the universe on the motion of galaxies and super clusters?
Beyond The Great Attractor is the Greater Attractor, being pulled by the theoretical Even Greater Greater Attractor.
As the walls of galaxies continue to move, it is possible the Attractors presage the Big Crunch, which in trillions of years, probably on a Tuesday, will return the Universe to a singularity and creating the next Big Bounce on the path to Eternity.
Or not.
I heard that there's a study on standard candles that suggests that galactic voids create an illusion of increasing expansion due to time dilation inside the voids due to lack of mass.
In the discussion of lift on a wing, the Bernoulli Principle was only one of three mentioned. Impact force on the inclined plane below was one, lessened faster and lengthier flow above was two, but the recombining impact of both rejoining behind the wing was the surprise. A pinching reverse-flow affected the trailing edge and was pushing it ahead. So, since nobody can explain why or how lines of gravitational flux will become evenly distributed in divergent radials from an object of mass, I have to assume a current stream is placid in open interstellar space.
There, gravitational waves may pass a Voyager in flight, but only on the shores of planet surfaces will the density increase to amplify those compressed lines of inflow to the huge congregation of converging vectors that grow closer and more forceful as they seek to reconcile within each and every atom in the lump. I'm guessing too, that if The Dipole Repeller is not a pinching-push effect caused by the current flows and eddies of interstellar gravity, then it's an invisible something that would be extremely important to know.
Could it be that it's simple buoyancy at work? Not pushing, an invisible something being pushed or suspended on a vortex or eddy current? Or is that just that the Milky Way is caught in a jet stream of gravitation? River currents over rocky bottoms are not equal nor even regular, backflows and undertows are typical, as you'll watch dry leaves descend into the Maelstrom. Can you model those slipstreams in the way that airfoils are integrated with an entire aircraft? Supersonic in space is likely as variable as it is in earth's altitudes and windspeeds. It would be important to have a 3D map of any such low or high pressure anomalies, don't you think?
Rotation is imparted on floating objects by some influence creating an imbalance, but that energy might compel its influencer to react too, in the way Jackie Gleason applied side-English to a cue ball. Wouldn't that be reasonable?
Amazing intro
If you understand the Penrose explanation of the universe structure through black hole formation. This shouldn't even be a question. But it's going to be a few hundred years probably before people agree on this stuff
Sounds like a Universal magnetic field to me, especially since there is an attractor and repellor.
Nevermind the shell game with measuring distance by standardizing luminosity, I'll give you that for sake of the argument. The absurdity comes about when measuring a supercluster, which spans millions to billions of light years. The light we look at to determine the galaxy's relative position in the cluster is not indicative of where the galaxy and it's gravitational center are now. That's also assuming gravity pulls what, predictably from what has been elsewhere in relation to something that is no longer where it was when the original pull was 'happening'. THAT'S JUST FOR STARTERS. I'M NO EINSTEIN. HAVE HIM CALL ME. How is this not relevant? I LOVE BEING TOLD I'm wrong. Someone school me bad.
It's alright in GR. “where the galaxy [is] and its gravitational center are now” is relative to an observer, but we can impose a valid coordinate system on spacetime and perform these computations precisely.
Why would I get dizzy when we live in a universe bound by the laws of relativity?
There are some very weird observations occurring that don't line up with our current theories in physics. I keep hoping to see physics catch up with reality.
As the universe expands, is new space created in voids? If so could this be a pushing force? What happens to time there if space is increasing?
Maybe it expanded too much in one place and created voids 😮
Yes, as the Universe expands, more space is created, and the dark energy's content is proportional to the amount of space. Your question about time is not well-posed. Time as a sort of process or entity is rather a philosophical concept; in physics, we only care about _time intervals,_ something we can measure with a stopwatch. What happens to the time intervals depends on the observer; only the spacetime intervals are invariant (observer-independent) in GR; space intervals (distances) and time intervals aren't invariant alone.
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
William Shakespeare
Imagine what little people would think sitting on a barely survivable atomic shell within your body before the first cell devision. They would never know the universe from their perspective is actually an undetectable speck inskde a biological being forming, and the last 14bn years have just been a few seconds.
Yes, I get that if there galaxies pulling from you, at all 4 directions, and you remove them on only 1 side, the scales would tip, for sure; but calling the absence of mass a 'repeller' is rather click-baity, tbh.