I Only Ate Sam's Club Food Court for 24 HOURS!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TimmyTakeout
    @TimmyTakeout  Рік тому +48

    For 50% off with HelloFresh PLUS free shipping, use code 50TAKEOUT at bit.ly/3XWvk5r

    • @Blitzkrieg1976
      @Blitzkrieg1976 Рік тому +5

      You are honestly the best spokesperson for Hello Fresh! Timmy, never change. You are amazing, babe! P.s...my eyeglasses eat my hair sometimes, and when it happens in front of other people, oh dear my heart. Glasses swinging from my hair, and omg I can't even 🤣🤣🤣

    • @evamckenzie2596
      @evamckenzie2596 Рік тому +2

      ​@rogue46871 😂😂 💯 Agree on everything you said.🥰

    • @Willowtree82
      @Willowtree82 Рік тому +1

      You should do a five star bakery challenge where you try deserts from five star bakeries

    • @angeladiego7933
      @angeladiego7933 Рік тому +1

      Love u timmy i wanna see your boo again please love your video and thank u for the hello fresh i am going to make your meal thank u ❤❤❤❤❤

    • @Sayduh32
      @Sayduh32 Рік тому +3

      I think we are overdue for a FOOD BATTAAALLLEEEE… zazazah

  • @ashleytaylor7210
    @ashleytaylor7210 8 місяців тому +15

    I understand not defending her when you didn’t feel comfortable doing so…I’ve learned most people don’t want that anyhow, BUT I would encourage you to say something directly to the employee instead of the jerk. Like, “you’re doing such a great job”…or “you’re valuable here, thank you”. I’ve done this before and it completely shifted the employees attitude after the incident….she smiled so big, and even gave me extra food lol

  • @shirleychen8555
    @shirleychen8555 Рік тому +64

    LOOOOL I love how he has now made his slogan, "You may not like me in the beginning but I will grow on you"

    • @bernadettechute7998
      @bernadettechute7998 3 місяці тому +1

      Totally true! I love his videos now!!

    • @kareninalabama
      @kareninalabama Місяць тому

      It's like I've said before: Timmy is addictive in the best possible way. Once you've watched one of his videos, you can't help yourself; you crave more, more, MORE TIMMY! 😄

  • @juliestates5677
    @juliestates5677 Рік тому +168

    I think we should develop a “Timmy’s Vocabulary sheet”! We can make a drinking game.. everytime he says ‘iconic, Slaying, Girlie, Queenie, or trashy - take a shot!! 😅 I love Timmy’s flair and kind heart - what fun videos. They never fail to make me smile. LOVE your Jennifer Coolidge impersonation! You SLAYED it Girlie!! 😊 Keep living your best life and we are here to enjoy the journey!!

  • @keepingupwiththecockerhams9081
    @keepingupwiththecockerhams9081 Рік тому +43

    The fact that you prefilmed this just for us to not miss out while you are out of town is so sweet!! I feel loved, lol

  • @belindasbubble
    @belindasbubble Рік тому +43

    You know it's a good Timmy video when he mentions he got the gout, that he's half Cuban and that he has dry eyes, all in one !

  • @kimmurray9346
    @kimmurray9346 Рік тому +48

    I absolutely lost it at the STUNNIN’ brownie sundae! Absolutely cackling at the hot dog bites! I’m just so happy to see you on a Tuesday!
    I’ve been broken since I turned 30 and more specifically after I gave birth at 35! I’ll be 45 next month. My body has been protesting my choices for 15 years 🎉

  • @naka67
    @naka67 Рік тому +20

    Love you timmy, thanks for your videos. As a 37 year old woman who struggles badly with adhd & anxiety who stutters really badly when talking esp when nervous. Seeing your growth the last few years has been so inspiring. I hope I can learn to push myself out my comfort zone like you have ❤❤❤

  • @ellencain6114
    @ellencain6114 Рік тому +45

    As a fellow Floridian, you should do an all day Publix!
    Their bakery is great for breakfast! Publix has the best heros (although your our ultimate favorite hero!)
    for lunch! And hot foods...fried chicken, mojo pork, Mac n cheese! And back to the bakery for desserts!

    • @Katenpotatoes
      @Katenpotatoes Рік тому +4

      Don't forget the subs, sushi, rice and noodles Bowls

    • @Rachel_Nyx
      @Rachel_Nyx 7 місяців тому

      I’ve never been to a publix, I don’t think we have those in pennsylvania. What’s a hero?

    • @TeacherGymMama
      @TeacherGymMama 6 місяців тому

      @@Rachel_Nyxit’s a sub/hoagie

  • @cherylg5002
    @cherylg5002 Рік тому +66

    My husband and daughter were in the other room, my daughter hears me burst out laughing and goes “mommy must be watching Timmy” 😂
    You literally make my day every time! ❤Love Sams club!

  • @xxbeerice9360
    @xxbeerice9360 Рік тому +9

    Goes to show the crust “This one’s more slappable, ya know?” & casually slaps himself in the face with pizza. I love you Timmy 🍅

  • @umonki2
    @umonki2 Рік тому +4

    “That was really generous….. ELLEN!!” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that made my day. You are the best lol

  • @mommyoftoomanywilson6745
    @mommyoftoomanywilson6745 Рік тому +13

    Dead at the brownie sticking to your teeth. I almost choked on my drink.

  • @MakaylaBayla
    @MakaylaBayla Рік тому +35

    You have convinced my fiancé and I to get a Costco membership and those cute little cards 😂❤ Love you Timmy, keep posting ♾️!!! You really do make all of our days every time you post! (Also I’m so proud of how far you are coming on your speech, you have progressed so much and you are so brave.) ❤

  • @susanwalgren3939
    @susanwalgren3939 Рік тому +5

    Hi Timmy! You give me lots of food ideas when I am looking for something different to eat. A suggestion: carry a cooler with a ice pack -so when u get ice cream and drinks they stay cold in your car.

  • @sherrygrimsley3921
    @sherrygrimsley3921 Рік тому +11

    Timmy, I don't know if you will see this, but you are the Queen of food description. No one can make food sound sooo yummy like you. Girl you are amazing 🎉. Love you!

  • @becca6136
    @becca6136 Рік тому +2

    I've been watching you for ~4 years and so proud to see how much your channel (and YOU) have grown! Sending all the love and good vibes your way

  • @Niknacpaddywac
    @Niknacpaddywac Рік тому +3

    One week spends $70 for lunch at the Ritz the next week spends $2 for lunch at Sam's! Love the videos as always!🥰🤣

  • @The.Hawaiian.Kingdom
    @The.Hawaiian.Kingdom 6 місяців тому +2

    The balloon releasing air sound effect for the muted part, is the most Timmy coded thing ever.

  • @anonimai
    @anonimai Рік тому +6

    You've gotta try the rotisserie chicken at these grocery stores! Would be a great option for dinner!

  • @AnotherEmmaLouise
    @AnotherEmmaLouise Рік тому +3

    Hey 👋 I found you through your disney vlogs and throughly enjoyed your fresh take on disney food 😊 binge watching my way around your channel now, i think you're great!

  • @lindaritchie4845
    @lindaritchie4845 Рік тому +2

    You are such an empathetic soul. I love that about you.

  • @amyjo6371
    @amyjo6371 Рік тому +3

    You cheer me up! you have no idea what I have been going through. You truly cheer me up queen!

  • @tidbitlover
    @tidbitlover Рік тому +2

    I've been watching you for about 6 years now and it's so great to have watched your channel evolve and grow. You are absolutely hilarious and I always enjoy watching you! Much love❤

  • @jiggetyjes
    @jiggetyjes 10 місяців тому +1

    Sam’s Club is a core memory for me. For a few years when I was a kid, I lived on a family property in rural Tennessee (grandparents, mom, aunt & uncle, cousins plus me and my siblings), so we had to buy in bulk. Taking a trip into town was just as cumbersome as it sounds so we’d make a day of grocery shopping. All the kids would become exhausted from walking around the warehouse so when one of the adults didn’t want to lug us around on the flatbed carts, we’d hang in the food court. We were so “well-behaved” the food court employees would give us free frozen yogurt. What they didn’t know is our family was not into gentle parenting and acting out in public carried a heftier punishment. So, win win?

  • @mariainct8514
    @mariainct8514 Рік тому +18

    Yay!! Perfect way to make a boring Tuesday sooo much better!!! You made my day. But now I'm jelly bc I'm craving churros!!! Love you 🤟🌈🌞

  • @sydgh412
    @sydgh412 Рік тому +9

    my mom, sister and i absolutely love you and your videos! thank you for making us laugh! 💗

  • @Rei-jm7eq
    @Rei-jm7eq Рік тому +5

    Great review! I have a Sam's Club near me but I haven't been because Costco is closer. I love their trash pizza, so it's good to know I'm not missing much with Sam's! And you're so sweet, Timmy! I'm so glad people are kind to you and that you find us to be more uplifting than most. The internet can be so negative, but you bring so much positivity to your content that it's contagious!

  • @TealTearz
    @TealTearz Рік тому +22

    Lots of people act like entitled, feral animals nowadays, I swear. You got people out here actually wondering why nobody wants to work customer service jobs for living-under-a-bridge-wages. I felt second-hand cringe at that Chipotle story. Stay safe out there Timmy!

  • @MsEmpress4life
    @MsEmpress4life Рік тому +4

    I love the evolution of Timmy.. I subscribed when you were tasting OPRAHS’ food and I have only seen you become better. From the kitchen counter to the car😊😊😊
    You Rock and I wish only great things for you…
    You should do a hotel review with Alejandro.
    It could be a hotel couples edition.

    • @smome777
      @smome777 Рік тому

      Awww I haven't watched him in a moment and I'm happy he's still with his man

    • @TimmyTakeout
      @TimmyTakeout  Рік тому

      You are so sweet omg thank u!!!

  • @karert1
    @karert1 Рік тому +4

    Hi Timmy! Wonderful as always. You're so much fun.
    A suggestion. Keep a few bottles of water in the car in case you forget to order a drink. They can live in the glove compartment or under the passenger seat to keep cool.
    The Ritz review was fabulous, BTW.

  • @janelleelizabeth
    @janelleelizabeth Рік тому +1

    As an Australian, the rule is 100% if you’re in its house, you leave it. If it’s in your house - fair game. We built indoors for a reason

  • @Stuckwthme
    @Stuckwthme 9 місяців тому +1

    I could listen to your story times all day. Especially when you go off on a tangent 😂

  • @Ani87407
    @Ani87407 Рік тому +2

    Great video! Yeah I’m always nice to people in fast food or any customer service role. I worked in fast food when I was a teen and retail stores also. People are sooooo mean! I’ve had customers made me cry, that’s why now I’m super nice to them, even though I don’t work in customer service any longer

  • @acornies8597
    @acornies8597 Рік тому +1

    You deserve way more subs!! your videos are so entertaining and fun to watch especially if you’re feeling down. You were my favorite youtuber since 2013

  • @slo88805
    @slo88805 Рік тому +2

    “If you eat too much Oscar Meyer ham, it’s over for your foot, Queen.” 😂🤣🤣 I love you, Timmy!! 😆💕

  • @whitneymoore6982
    @whitneymoore6982 Рік тому +3

    It's so funny cause all the costcos around me you can't get past the people without your card. I almost got tackled by the two women who check receipts when I went to buy a pizza and didn't have my card out 😂

  • @aryanna2814
    @aryanna2814 Рік тому +1

    Omg LMFAO dude I was dying when he said u might not like me now but you will 😂 I used to watch just for the food and now I watch cus I wanna see him specifically!

  • @rainbowblossom143
    @rainbowblossom143 Рік тому +1

    Hi Timmy! I started watching you a couple months ago and I always watch your videos as soon as they come out. I absolutely love your personality and outlook. I hope to see many more videos from you!

  • @rivermoon9580
    @rivermoon9580 Рік тому +2

    Me and my husband were in the chic fil a drive thru yesterday and he was so excited for his food, he started tapping on the steering wheel with his fingers. 😂 we always quote or say stuff from your videos and have a giggle. When ur new videos pop up, we both are like DONT WATCH WITHOUT ME.🤣

    • @TimmyTakeout
      @TimmyTakeout  Рік тому

      LMAO omg I love that so much! Love you both!

  • @DeeEss_on_YT
    @DeeEss_on_YT Рік тому +2

    Timmy had me cracking up with that brownie in his teeth while shouting out 😂😂😂😛

  • @melissaguynn1753
    @melissaguynn1753 Рік тому +6

    Making my Tuesday even better! So excited!

    • @BananaMan-yn8vl
      @BananaMan-yn8vl Рік тому +1

      Today's Tuesday?! I'm living in the past 😂thought it was Monday

  • @chatnoir2266
    @chatnoir2266 Рік тому

    You really do have the nicest comment section! I literally cried just at the end of your video of you thanking us for being supportive because I'm one of those people you replied to last week about a comment I left and it made me feel so seen that you replied back. But I don't expect it because you get SO many comments in the comment section and it's impossible to reply to every one. I know how much you love us by how hard you work and how much attention and love you put into every video. Just seeing how much your fans love you makes me so happy for you :) your videos are fantastic and I've been watching for years and hope you continue getting so much success and your comment section always treat you like the queen you are!

  • @PleaseJustCallMeBean
    @PleaseJustCallMeBean 3 місяці тому

    Omg Slay! The line “ subscribe you might like me later” is the best I’ve heard all day! You win UA-cam! At least for today for sure. 😘😘💚⭐️💚

  • @CarrieLemieux
    @CarrieLemieux Рік тому +6

    Sam’s club is owned by Walmart. Also, in the northeast we have another store, similar to Sam’s and Costco…. It’s called BJs. You should road trip your way up here and check it out.

  • @melindablunk613
    @melindablunk613 Рік тому

    I can’t with the brownie sundae. You kill me. Your videos never cease to entertain. Honestly, you’re the best UA-camr.

  • @tiasmith2021
    @tiasmith2021 Рік тому +1

    Now I want to try the sundae and pizza pretzel!! great video as always!!

  • @MichaelRigdon9630
    @MichaelRigdon9630 Рік тому +1

    Love your videos my dude! Like you said in the beginning you grew on me, and I’m so glad you did 😂 one of the best UA-cam channels I’ve watched

  • @sherriejeffords7443
    @sherriejeffords7443 Рік тому

    When you got the brownie stuck in your teeth and you said stunning! I almost died! I love you so much! You make my day

  • @mollythomason5666
    @mollythomason5666 Рік тому +3

    Timmy I just wanna say I found your channel in 2013. I haven’t watched in a while but I’m so proud to see you in your new driving era! Your next era could be learning to ride a bike then you could ride to different food places lol

  • @jcat1977
    @jcat1977 Рік тому +2

    Timmy you took me back to 1975 when you started talking about landsharks!😅😂 SNL skit

  • @melaniekniefel2385
    @melaniekniefel2385 Рік тому +2

    Hey Timmy! Now that you're driving...how about a Dollar Tree cookie taste test???????

  • @laurafoote214
    @laurafoote214 10 місяців тому +1

    between the foggy glasses and the brownie teeth, i'm dying LOL.......shark's apartment 🤣

  • @LainTohini
    @LainTohini 9 місяців тому

    If you ever come to Massachusetts, please do an "eating at market basket" for 24 hours. They have an amazing kitchen!

  • @BananaMan-yn8vl
    @BananaMan-yn8vl Рік тому +1

    Been under the weather so I appreciate this video queen ❤🙏. Watching this while having chicken noodles soup

  • @EreIGo
    @EreIGo Рік тому +2

    After putting the mustard & ketchup on, turn the dog so the goo is next to the bun. At least, that’s what I do & yes…mustard is mandatory. Great video as always!

    • @Koji-888
      @Koji-888 29 днів тому

      Seems like a given. But I don’t think we’re in the majority of common sense. ツ
      I open the bun slightly and squirt it between the bun and dog. Then turn the dog 1/2 turn.

  • @kels23x7
    @kels23x7 Рік тому

    I love watching your videos and my 7 year old now always asks to watch your videos when I say she can watch UA-cam. Thanks for all the laughter and love 🖤

  • @crystalbrown8483
    @crystalbrown8483 Рік тому

    Your videos always make me laugh, even on my worst days. Thank you for that. I would love to see you make a video trying to make restaurant copycat recipes and seeing how they compare with the real thing. I love these videos, but I miss your cooking videos too! Love you Timmy!

  • @AmberDrennen-b2v
    @AmberDrennen-b2v Рік тому

    Thank you for your videos Timmy! Love how creative you have been with your new adventures. I would love to see an occasional Crumbl review if you can fit that in.

  • @celestinaanderson3979
    @celestinaanderson3979 Рік тому +1

    Been waiting all day for you!!!❤❤❤❤😂😂😂Are you feeling better King???

  • @mandiegal3312
    @mandiegal3312 Рік тому +1

    Let me tell you girl... I'm 4'11 and this 6ft+ girl started a fight with me at a party and she threw a beer bottle at me so I ducked and then my small girl syndrome kicked in and I just jumped as high as I could grabbed her hair and pulled her down to my level and whooped that ace....now we were in highschool and I'm grown and not into that kind of violence anymore but for a split second I thought...."self you're gana get your ass kicked" but guess what??? Size does not matter all the time!!! Stand up for what you believe in queen ❤ love ya!!

  • @Abnermality
    @Abnermality Рік тому +1

    Omg i was so excited to see you uploaded

  • @gaelanholden3993
    @gaelanholden3993 Рік тому +1

    Hello Timmy! ive been a secret watcher but enjoy your content and your sense of humor~! im also really shy in social settings and speech too because I was homeschooled until sophomore year of high school which was the scariest thing ever haha..

  • @deanaestep5782
    @deanaestep5782 8 місяців тому

    When you screamed w the brownie on your teeth 😮😂 I did a double take. Hilarious

  • @trenna08
    @trenna08 Рік тому

    When Timmy started talking about the bee and insects and personal space 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 same. I feel the same

  • @ambervandermate3009
    @ambervandermate3009 Рік тому +1

    Focus Arianna! 😅 you make me laugh so much! Love your channel!

  • @MrScuffy123456
    @MrScuffy123456 7 місяців тому

    I absolutely love watching you. THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO.

  • @nickinicks9861
    @nickinicks9861 Рік тому +1

    I’m a New subscriber, & I absolutely love your videos , you are so funny I be laughing at some points to tears ,& it feels like I’m hanging out with my friend for the day

    • @TimmyTakeout
      @TimmyTakeout  Рік тому

      Aw omg that makes me so happy! Thank you!😭

  • @aliyamarie6603
    @aliyamarie6603 Рік тому +2

    Sam’s club is owned by Walmart. Costco is so much better! Love your videos Timmy! ❤

  • @makaylaberry5892
    @makaylaberry5892 Рік тому

    The Ritz video was the most amazing thing I've ever watched I enjoyed it so much it was perfect

  • @jamiesnyder5129
    @jamiesnyder5129 Рік тому +1

    Another great video Timmy. Keep bringing them please. 👏❤️😋 I love your Hotel reviews too

  • @toshacole345
    @toshacole345 5 місяців тому

    I love watching your videos and I jump around. But I was having a crappy day and I completely understand how that poor girl at Chipotle felt. But watching this video made me laugh out loud and help make my heart happy. Thank you for being you. Slay Queen!

  • @shellielong8295
    @shellielong8295 Рік тому

    Lol omg you should be a comedian Timmy!!! The Mountain man, bird food, scooper story: hilarious!!

  • @celestinaanderson3979
    @celestinaanderson3979 Рік тому +3

    I love when you have Hello Fresh. Missed your iconic kitchen and watching you cook!! Has Oona visited lately??❤❤❤

    • @lampw65
      @lampw65 Рік тому +1

      Oona! Miss her! 😂

  • @aimisjournal
    @aimisjournal Рік тому


  • @ECT821
    @ECT821 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for all the laughs and smiles.

  • @aAngel93
    @aAngel93 Рік тому

    Hey timmy! You could totally take her a kind hearted card and maybe a flower and write a kind note in the card it would probably make the gal at Chipotle feel alot better 😊

  • @taratharp5653
    @taratharp5653 Рік тому +1

    I have been waiting for a new video!!! So awesome queen ❤❤❤

  • @pandacatkiller107
    @pandacatkiller107 Рік тому

    I have been watching video after video!! I am literally obsessed and cannot wait for the videos to come!!

  • @rebeccagarcia89
    @rebeccagarcia89 Рік тому

    Lol Timmy I love ur personality! The way u got when u walked into the store and when you said "fancy establishment" lol I cracked up! Ur mine and my sister's type of people! Love it! 😊😂

  • @amys
    @amys Рік тому

    Timmy this video was the best! You made me laugh multiple times. I will say I used to work at sams when I was in college and the pizza was SO good back then. I've heard they've changed it since then, such a shame. I've never tried the pizza pretzel but I'm going to now! Keep being you!

  • @mikchivious
    @mikchivious Рік тому

    There’s actually a show on the history channel that shows you how Sam’s came about and their competitors. Sam Walton actually took the idea from others that had similar concept and put his name on it. It’s been some time since I watched it so I can’t remember the competitive stores but it’s actually pretty interesting.

  • @Bxr12
    @Bxr12 Рік тому +2

    Great video as always Timmy you always make me laugh. I also feel your pain about the glasses steaming up when you get out of a car. I’m in Providenciales, Turks and Caicos and it’s so hot year round it’s a daily occurrence. Also, best of luck to us all in this region for hurricanes this year it’s supposed to be a bad season. Fingers crossed!

  • @teridoster5840
    @teridoster5840 Рік тому +15

    Such a fun video! No matter how crappy I’m doing or how sad I’m feeling, I’m always so happy when I see your face in my feed! You are simply a bright light in what has become a pretty dark world for me since losing my hubby, and I wanna thank you for that🤗
    In the future if you want to try out shopping at a Sam’s Club, I’m pretty sure you can get a one day trial pass (at least I know you used to be able to). I did it a few years back while visiting friends in another state, I’d wanted to go there forever but sadly i live in one of the only 6 states that don’t have any😢
    Omg, that customer sounds awful! I feel so bad for employees when people take sh*t out on them. It’s so true that they don’t really see them as people, I absolutely hate @sshats like that🤬

    • @TimmyTakeout
      @TimmyTakeout  Рік тому +4

      Teri you are so wonderful and you deserve so much happiness! I’m so sorry for what you’ve gone through! You are amazing!❤

    • @teridoster5840
      @teridoster5840 Рік тому +3

      @@TimmyTakeout aww, thanks, you’re too sweet 💜

    • @conniewiebusch5397
      @conniewiebusch5397 Рік тому +2

      I have been that employee yelled at for 20 minutes because corporate wouldn't allow us to order one of his prescriptions because it was too expensive. No note, no communication. Nobody prepared me for the wrath of this man nor stepped in while he yelled at me. I vomited afterwards. I knew I couldn't continue to work there after that day.

    • @crystalbrown8483
      @crystalbrown8483 Рік тому +1

      I'm so sorry for your loss. I know exactly what you mean about these videos brightening up your day. I lost my brother to cancer a couple of weeks ago, and these videos were the first thing to get me smiling and laughing again. Timmy is a gift. I wish you peace and comfort during this time of grief. It's a hard road.

  • @kathyterrell2452
    @kathyterrell2452 Рік тому +13

    That muscular man was in a bad mood due to the steroids honey.

  • @jackiegaughan3964
    @jackiegaughan3964 Рік тому

    I’m in LOVE with YOU! 😂❤😂❤Timmy you are a ray of sunshine and since I found you, I need my vitamin T to make my day. Love, Jackie 😘

  • @Miss-Stakes
    @Miss-Stakes Рік тому

    Great vid. Needed cheering up and watching your video's never fails to do so ❤

  • @jenniferdarden7843
    @jenniferdarden7843 5 місяців тому +1

    New Timmy lover...found you last week while sick with covid and I am in love❤❤❤I went all the way back to your first video and I am a fan❤❤

  • @heatherrae5414
    @heatherrae5414 Рік тому

    TIMMYYY!!! I miss your kitchen food reviews!!! And you’re slayyyiiinng that green!! STUUUNNING ❤❤❤ LOVE YOU 🥰

  • @susanfisher5186
    @susanfisher5186 Рік тому

    I love Sam's for shopping over Costco. Honestly - their service at the food place could step it up a bit- but I do love their food there. Costco just does it faster and more courteously. I think Costco has bigger more ovens for pizzas. On the other hand lines usually shorter at Sam's plus they have a scan and go app. No waiting on lines at all. Oh and with my higher priced membership I can shop at 8am at Sam's.

  • @brendalynn0
    @brendalynn0 Рік тому +1

    Girl that pizza pretzel works my bussy out! So good!!

  • @chriztee2020
    @chriztee2020 Рік тому +1

    I LOVE your Jennifer Coolidge! 🤣

  • @kelleywatkins3882
    @kelleywatkins3882 Рік тому

    You didn’t have to say anything to Mr. Muscular just give him a ticket to the gun show 💪 💪 18:52

  • @lindak1768
    @lindak1768 Рік тому

    We are addicted to Sam’s frozen yogurt. We get a swirl every time we go. 😂 Costcos is twice as high. It’s richer and supposedly real ice cream so I figure that means twice as many calories! We get theirs also, but go to Sam’s most often. Sam’s has better pizza also. Sometimes I get a hotdog. Sams seems to have a problem with their soda machine. Sometimes not enough fizz, sometimes not enough syrup.

  • @sierrab5010
    @sierrab5010 Рік тому

    That’s interesting! In California, there’s big screens showing the foods and a big menu in front and you have to order at the cashier!

  • @percymounce
    @percymounce Рік тому +1

    I love your videos and your enthusiasm! You always brighten my day. Especially after something bad has happened!

  • @natalierodriguez7093
    @natalierodriguez7093 Рік тому +1

    Omg that comment that you said that was so Generous, Ellen had me cracking up for legit minutes.

    • @natalierodriguez7093
      @natalierodriguez7093 Рік тому

      Ps my husband is looking at me laughing at your video now he wants to have me committed 😂😂😂

  • @simplysavyyy
    @simplysavyyy 10 місяців тому

    I actually love sam’s for the groceries tbh. I have a huge family and regretted dropping my membership a few years ago I got it back last October because of the cost at normal stores tbh.

  • @comingupcravzy5428
    @comingupcravzy5428 8 місяців тому

    I just stumbled on you so am watching all the videos now. I have an eating disorder but a son who loves food and wants to be a good blogger. This helps me actually eat a meal a day with him.

  • @hollycobble4748
    @hollycobble4748 Рік тому

    You and the birds in almost every video! 😂 cracks me up!