Many have tried but none have done it better. what a way to tell a story; soulfully expressed. The story accompanies by the instruments , it leads by the vocal and the beat of his heart which is the essense of the story, not driven by the beats intruments , and unnecessary inflection ,but pure concentration from start to finish resigned fate. GOLD. After he is done with it , it vanished, no after taste ,no flaw to critisize, no need to improve, he had it just the right portions . it is his story and no one should tell it but him. he leaves you craving for more. if it were fine cuisine you would go for second, third,four.....helpings, yet not satisfied and not realized you had over ate and got overweight from it. this is a musing of an insomniac trying to get shut eye with the sound of a dead man haunting my pillow to no avail.
សម្លេងទេវតាប្រទាន។ សែនពីរោះគ្មានគូប្រៀប។
@@harrisonphin1235 by
この歌手は 天才人ですね
Coucou bien merci
Many have tried but none have done it better. what a way to tell a story; soulfully expressed.
The story accompanies by the instruments , it leads by the vocal and the beat of his heart which is the essense of the story, not driven by the beats intruments , and unnecessary inflection ,but pure concentration from start to finish resigned fate. GOLD. After he is done with it , it vanished, no after taste ,no flaw to critisize, no need to improve, he had it just the right portions . it is his story and no one should tell it but him. he leaves you craving for more. if it were fine cuisine you would go for second, third,four.....helpings, yet not satisfied and not realized you had over ate and got overweight from it. this is a musing of an insomniac trying to get shut eye with the sound of a dead man haunting my pillow to no avail.
Iiokiliii it imimil it ikimikilikikikikikikiimikimiikikikililikikik up i
គឹម សំអែល អ្នកច្រៀង មិនមែនលោកតាស៊ីន ស៊ីសាមុតទេ
ចប់បាត់ហើយ បើមិនដឹងកុំថាល្អជាង
ពិតជាពីរោះរណ្តុំដួងចិត្ត មែនដូនតាខ្ញុំ
រកអោយដូចមិនបានទេ។ ក្មេងសាក្រោយអោយតែប្រហែលបានហើយ