Awesome! But a one thing. Thunderbolt is missing his rotator box, control panels, and blower pipe. I know Thunderbolt is your first character, but I think these details would make him better looking. Just a suggestion. But as said before, Awesome video and channel!
You know, since StormWatcher has his own built-in Doppler radar, he should work with either WHELEN News or the National Weather Service as a meteorologist.
Also, The Script Is Right Here: This TSM Episode Is Called: 550's Cloning Machine 550: Man, I Wish That I Had More of me Since im the only 550 left in the USA. I Hailed from Colorado and there's not much sirens there for me to hang out with. Wait, I know! I Can Build a cloning machine! Yes! This is gonna be so awesome! But first, I Need to get supplies At Snerbymart: 550: Hello White 2T22: Hi. How May I help You? 550: Do you guys sell equipment or machinery? White 2T22: No we don't. But There is a Home Depot across the street 550: Ok thanks At The Home depot: 550: Hello Orange Square Horned Hurricane: Hi. How May I Help 550: Where's The machinery? Orange Square Horned Hurricane: It's Over There In Isle 6 550: ok Thanks When 550 Got Everything That He Needed: 550: OK. Now Time To Build 5 Hours Later... 550: OK It's Finally Done. Now Time To Test It *Clones 550 Successfully* 550: Holy Crap It Worked! 550's Clone: Huh? Where Am I? 550: Welcome To The World 550's Clone: What's My Name? 550: Idk. I'll Just Call You Twin 550's Clone: Um, Ok Meanwhile: 1003: Huh, What's This? Wow, a Cloning Machine! Wait, I Have An Idea! I'm Gonna Clone myself Several times and I'm Gonna make all of them chase after my thunderbaby! This Is Gonna Be Hilarious! About 15 Clones Later... 1003: Ok Army, Thunderbolt Is over there. Now Chase Him! All of 1003's Clones: Yes Miss! Thunderbolt: Ah, What a Nice day! All of 1003's Clones: Get Over here, Thunderbaby Thunderbolt: HOLY CRAP! THERES LIKE 20 1003S! AAAAAH! Oh Wait! I Can Fire my Lazor At them! *Fires His Lazor* 1003: Dangit! He Destroyed all of My clones! Thunderbolt: Now 1003, Please Explain Why There Was a Massive amount of Clones of You after me 1003: Um Um, Idk Thunderbolt: Ugh, Fine. If It Was you, which it probably was, Don't do that again Later: EOWS 612: Huh, a Cloning Machine. I Wonder If I Can Tease Whelen With a Lot of Mes. Hahahahahahaha This Is Gonna Be so funny 5 Clones Later: EOWS 612: OK. Now To Tease Whelen. Wait, He Was Collector Rings Now. Dang It. Wait, I Can Make Fun of HPSS-16R Instead! Hahahahahahahahahahaha! When 612 and all of His Clones Was at HPSS-16R's House: All of EOWS 612's Clones: Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings HPSS-16R: OK. First of all, That's rude. Second of all, why is there a bunch of You, EOWS 612? EOWS 612: Well, It's a Long story *Gas Powered Mobil Directo shows Up* Gas Powered Mobil Directo: HPSS-16R, I Seen a Cloning Machine Outside. And How Can I Use It- *EOWS 612 Fires His Lazor at Gas Powered Mobil Directo, Causing Him To Explode In a Fireball* EOWS 612: That Should Teach Him. He Can't Just State Like That HPSS-16R: What The Heck Is Your Problem? Now There's only one Gas Powered Mobil Directo Left In the US And It's The Inactive one In Culver City California *Gas Powered Mobil Directo's Head Grows Back* Gas Powered Mobil Directo: You know What? I'll Get you, You Giant Set of Rock Band Speakers EOWS 612: Hey! Don't Call me That! Later on: P50: Oh Yes! Another cloning machine! Now Time To Clone myself again! But This time, I'm Gonna Clone myself twice. Hahahahahahahaha *P50 Clones Himself In The Machine Twice* P50: Yes! Now I must Tease everyone! Whelen: Stop right there P50! You are under arrest! P50: Why? I Did Nothing wrong!! Whelen: You threatened To Tease everyone in TSM world with your clones. Now come on, You And Your clones are going to jail once again P50: Dang It Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Hahahahahahahaha! I called the cops on you Whelen: He's Right P50: Goddangit You Blue Gassy Toilet. You're Such a Snitch Gas Powered Mobil Directo: CALL ME A TOILET AGAIN AND SEE WHAT HEPPENS Whelen: Ok Ok ok That's Enough *Whelen Takes P50 To Jail* Meanwhile Again: 550: Well Crap. I Forgot That I Left This out in The open. Let's pick it back up and take it home... Wait, Why Is P50 there With a Clone? Oh no, P50 Used my Cloning Machine To Make another clone. This Is bad!! Wait, I Can use this glitch potion on His Clone! Hahaha! Now his clone will turn out very bad *550 Sneaks up and Spills the potion on P50's Clone's Head* P50's Clone: Hey! Why Did You Do th... uuggh I Don't feel so good *Turns P50's Clone into a Glitchy P50* P50's Clone: wHaT dId yOu Do tO mE yOu IdIoT 550: Hahahahahahaha You Look So Stupid P50's Clone: iMmA fIrEn MaH lAzOr BLLLALALALALSKRHTYUTUFHFHDHRHDHUDRDTRDOUFFOYOOYFYFORC *P50's Clone Explodes* P50: What? That Wasn't Supposed To Happen! Whelen: Aha! I Found You. Now Come On, Today Is Punishment Day For breaking out of Jail P50: Oh No no no no no no no no no no!! Not Punishment Day! 550: Haha! Later on at night: 550: Besides The Part When other Sirens Used It, I Had Fun With My Cloning Machine 550's Clone: You Said It. Now Let's Have a Tempest Cola *Doorbell Rings (You know, The one That sounds Like an EOWS Chime) * 550: I'll Get It *Opens Door* 550: Hello? 500: Hi 550: Oh Hey Bro. And Why Are You with PN-20, 8 Port Banshee, And STM-10? PN-20: We Need You To Destroy That Cloning Machine 8 Port Banshee: Yea. It's getting Way Too Dangerous. HOR Sirex And HOR Super Sirex Cloned themselves and Started making fun of My hat HOR Sirex, HOR Super Sirex, And Their clones: Hahahahahahahaha Look At that stupid Hat 8 Port Banshee: Oh shut up!! STM-10: Yeah. And ATI Cloned Himself And He Won't Stop Bleeping. I Tried Sounding off, But It was no use. I Can't Get rid of The noise 500: So We Need You To Destroy It 550: What? All of Those Sirens Acaully did That? 500, 8 Port Banshee, PN-20, And STM-10 All Together: Yes! Destroy It Now 550: Ugh. Ok.. *550 Fires His Lazor at The Machine* 550: There. It's gone 500: OK good. Now See You Later *500 Leaves With The others* 550: That's Sad. 5 Hours of work For Nothing 550's Clone: Hey, don't be Sad. At Least I'm Still Here 550: I Guess You Have a Point *Doorbell Rings Again* 550: I'll Get It *Opens Door* 550: Hello? P50: Hey There, Double Vision 550: Hey! Don't Call me That *A Whole Team of Whelens Tackle P50* Whelen #1: How Many times Do We Have To Tell You To Not Break Out of Jail? Whelen #2: This Is The 100th Time That You Broke out of Jail 550: LOL that's What you get for Calling Me Double Vision, Barf bucket 550's Clone: Yeah. Now Since P50 Is Gone, We Can Have our Tempest Cola In Peace *Both of The 550s Drink Their Tempest Cola And Burps loudly* 2810: Hey. What Do You Say? 550: *The Random Sirens Shorts Groan* 550's Clone: Go Away! We Don't Care! *Gas Powered Mobil Directo Appears And Fires His Lazor at 2810* 550: Good Riddance Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Agreed. Now Let's Take his Pole to West Shore Serv- *2810's Head Grows Back* Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Dangit! 2810: How Dare You Fire your Lazor at Me, You Blue Gassy Toilet! Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Are You Kidding Me? Like, Come on Man. You're Not P50. Now I'm Going To Take you To a Place Where everyone Burps 2810: Oh no no no no no no no not the burp asylum! *Gas Powered Mobil Directo Takes 2810 To The Burp Asylum* 550: Serves Him Right 550's Clone: Agreed The End
Voice glitches detected 2:24 to 2:33 - Chrysler's and Allertor's voice sounded like p50s. 3:31 - The word "Agreed" said by 4004 sounded like ATI's. 4:33 - ATI said Ok. It had Ms Sam voice. 5:13 - 4004 sounded like Whelen.
Solar panel please make a another video with Chrysler and alletor and thunder bolt in a helicopter and p-50 where p-50 makes the same fart prank on Chrysler and p-50 gets arrested and out do the rest that you want
Episode Request: Tornado Siren Madness: Hurricane Irma part 3Thunderbolt: gosh it really looks messy around hereStormwatcher: I agree maybe we shall clean that up soonMegablaster: I already cleaned up all the dead sirensThunderbeam: they're at West Shore Services(At the Whelen News station)Vortex: there's a lot of toilets troll faces and other kinds of memesATI: we should clean that up soon Vortex: I agree(At the TSM Zoo)Zookeeper (White 2t22): that storm did a lot of damage some of the animals flew out of their exhibits and hit the ground (Back with the gang)Modulator: that storm was pretty devastating Thunderbolt: I agreeStormwatcher: I see a dead animal Thunderbolt: it looks like a dead flamingo it must of flew out of its exhibitStormwatcher: well lets call the zookeeper(Stormwatcher calls the zookeeper)(The zookeepers iPhone 6 plays "Dance Like an Animal" by Eric Herman)Zookeeper: um hello Stormwatcher: yes it's Stormwatcher I saw one of your flamingoes died Zookeeper: (teary eyed) aw that's sad news Stormwatcher: maybe we should bring it to the animal cemeteryZookeeper: well that's fineStormwatcher: ok now bye alright gangThunderbolt: yes(Back at West Shore Services)Thunderbeam: I heard some animals from the zoo have died during the storm oh I know I should create an animal cemetery and throw them all in there (Thunderbeam picks up all the dead animals and throws them into the animal cemetery he created)Model 7: hmm this TSM Zoo seems pretty damaged the ticket booth is beaten and the entrance sign is damagedMaybe I should fix this (2 minutes later) alright the ticket booth is complete now the sign(3 minutes later) all complete looks good as new now now everyone could come inAll sirens: woo hoo!(The End)
I got a request for a new one: Meet E class.Thunderbolt: Lets watch tv. Turns the tv on. Whelen on the news: Today is a big in TSM world. 2 new sirens, E class and EC8 arrived at hickory ridge park. At hickory ridge park. Thunderbolt: Hello E class and EC8. E class and EC8: hi, who are you. Thunderbolt: I’m thunderbolt. ATI: hi E class. You look just like me. E class: that’s right I have the same voice as you. ATI: Nice. Thunderbolt: Hey 2001, DC, SRN and 130. Why all of you guys look different. Red 2001:We got new paint job, I,m DC: I’m orange. Yellow SRN: I’m yellow. Green 130: I’m green. Thunderbolt: Hello allertor and HPSS32. HPSS32: Hi and who are you, you look just like me. EC8: I’m EC8. HPSS32: nice to meet you. Blue equinox. Hey you must E class. E class: that’s right. Purple 508: nice to meet you. Allertor: equniox 508 and roundback m. Why you look so different just like 2001, DC, SRN and 130. Purple 508: It’s because we got new paint job blue equniox: im painted blue.”, 508 painted purple and roundback painted Scarlet. P-10: wow, that is great. P-10: Hello EOWS 612, EOWS 408, EOWS 1212 and EOWS 816. All: Hi P-10. And Who are you. E class: I’m E class and this is EC8. EOWS 816: Nice to meet you. Allertor: Hello 2810 and who is his 2810: this is my 2910. Allertor: nice to meet you 2910. 2810:Anyways let’s try the tempest cola. All drinks. ATI: that was good. P50: well we’ll a new siren here. Wel prepare to get beaten up. P50 beats up E class) E class: ouch that’s hurts. Later. Whelen: P50 you are under arrest for beating up a new siren, E class. P50 ugh. THE END
I have a request called 2001-130's new paint 2001-130; lets watch tv.(turns the tv on) Do you want a new paint, well go to megablasters sheld. 2001-130: I want a new paint. later. 2001-130: Hey modulator, you look like a rainbow. Rainbow Modulator: because megablaster painted me rainbow. P50: Hello rainbow mentos. Modulator: P50 DONT YOU CALL ME THAT EVER AGAIN!. P50: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. 2001-130: I need new paint, but where do I get paint. Modulator: Go to megablasters repair sheld. At megablaster sheld. Megablaster: Hello 2001-130. 2001 130: Hi megablaster, you look like an EOWS 408. Megablaster: thats right, anyways, what brings you here: 2001-130: Im here for my new paint. Megablaster: ok, what color. 2001-130: Green. Megablaster: sounds good. Later. Megablaster: ok you are painted green, you may now leave. Green 2001-130: thanks. at 2001,s house. 2001, DC and SRN. Hello 2001-130, why you look so different. Green 2001-130, I got my new paint. Ok. 2 days later. Green 2001-130, Hey 2001, why are you red. DC, why are you orange? and SRN, why are you yellow. Yellow 2001 SRN. We got new paint just like you. Green 2001-130: ok lets go to TSM park. at TSM park. EOWS 816 hello. Red 2001: Hi! Who are you, EOWS 816: im EOWS 816, I am one of the EOWS 612's brothers. Orange 2001 DC, wow. that is awesome. Red 2001: Hi equniox, you look blue. Blue Equniox: Thats right and I also got new paint. purple 508: Equniox is right. plus I also got new paint. Orange 2001 DC: Wow that is awesome. lets go to ATI"s appetizers. At ATI's Appetizers. Hello, I'm SMR-15 and I will be your today. First things first, what do you want to drink. Red 2001: Me DC, SRN and 130 will have a tempest cola. Blue Equniox: I will have a P50 punch. Purple 508: And i will have a E57UP. SMR-15 sounds good. 1 minute later. SMR: Here are your drinks. All: thanks. Next what do you want to eat. Red 2001: I will have thunder pizza. Orange DC: I will have tornadic fries SRN: I will have a eclipse pizza. Green 2001-130: I will have a screamer salad. Blue equniox. Me and 508 Will have a hurricane pizza. SMR-15: Ok I will back in 32 minutes. 32 minutes later. SMR-15: Here are your foods. All: thanks. All eats and drinks. brups. 2810: Hey, what do you say? All: excuse me. later. SMR-15: Here's the bill. Red 2001 pays the bill. SMR-15: Thank you for coming to ATI's appetizers, have a great day! All: thanks! THE END........
I have a script for glue chaos. , time 9 a.m. ,, I really want to make one on me so bad let's see if they have any glue online I will get on my laptop to see all out of glue. At 10:00 am. P50: I know what to do I will call myself as a last piece of candy I had a red one this is a peers and say hello. Later. Thunderbolt: let's watch some TV. TV: good morning today I have some news. what the weather today a tropical storm names hurricane Lane in Hawaii a lot of people watch hurt they should go to today in Panama Beach a very good wave someone says that's a very good way was awesome but it cost chaos turns to another Channel beeeeeeep. Huh that's weird usually a channel does not do that telephone rings tboit hlow. alerter I need your help what why cuz I am stuck on the piece of glue oh no p50 let's go check out the city at the city. Red p50. Weatherman: you need to get on the plane now cuz p50 is causing me much blue he's using a lot of experiments for glue. At the. Airport. Attention all purposes has been canceled to Panama City Florida we only have a plane available to Houston Texas so please get your bags and get ready to go on the plane. A Houston Texas. Since we're in Texas I need to find my new home my GPS says take a right onto Interstate 610 , 2001: let's take a plane to Panama City Florida. Tboit: canceled remember 2001: how about a bus. Tboit: ldk in Mobile Alabama. ,2001DC : I will call Thundehello. why didn't you call me for I was wondering where you were I'm in Texas Houston okay I will call you later. To be continued Tboit:hello
3:31 4004 had ati's voice for a second
4:32 ATI had 4004's voice for a second.
It makes me feel like ATI has gone through puberty really quickly.
@@JJP_SirenProductions06 lol
3:30 whelen talked like ati lol
8:10 collector, rings, collector, rings, collector, rings, collector rings! HAHAHAHA got me there LMAO
At 3:31 whelen sounds like ati
4:32 Voice Error
2:28 I noticed a mistake alertors voice is not the real one
3:02 Hey Greenfield’s Girl Scout 2001-130 Siren!
When the phone rang, it made me wanna download it if it's in youtube 5:53
That is so funny
I kinda expected it though
Awesome episode, can’t wait for part 3!
You should add a hand crank siren in the show
BSP, is that Twister?
I went to West Shore services 2 days ago
The thunderbolt 1000t looks weird without the eyes.
Awesome! But a one thing. Thunderbolt is missing his rotator box, control panels, and blower pipe. I know Thunderbolt is your first character, but I think these details would make him better looking. Just a suggestion. But as said before, Awesome video and channel!
whelen thinks while he farts kills me with laughter
Wow, that was fast! Thanks you!
Where is thor guard?
3:06 Rip girl scouts 2001 siren
I still hear strange rumbling sounds coming from outside the storm shelter.
You know, since StormWatcher has his own built-in Doppler radar, he should work with either WHELEN News or the National Weather Service as a meteorologist.
Shelby Thibodeau How about Storm Prediction Center?
@@moonprincess500 That too!
Nice video
I like the new guy storm watcher
The fix n clean parts were so cool!
What app or website you use to draw movies like that, i want to do it too
Is movie maker
Ktg 10 is movie maker
3:21 Memes everywhere!
How’s the mini thunderbolt coming along?
1:16 What was Whelen (WPS-4004?) saying?
0:49 - Thunderbolt's voice glitched
The speaker grills on the TV are 3016s speaker grills
i have a question? Do You use Windows movie maker If you do i can animate like you then.
Finally! It's Here! Also, I Have Another TSM Script (If You Want To Do It)
Also, The Script Is Right Here:
This TSM Episode Is Called:
550's Cloning Machine
550: Man, I Wish That I Had More of me Since im the only 550 left in the USA. I Hailed from Colorado and there's not much sirens there for me to hang out with. Wait, I know! I Can Build a cloning machine! Yes! This is gonna be so awesome! But first, I Need to get supplies
At Snerbymart:
550: Hello
White 2T22: Hi. How May I help You?
550: Do you guys sell equipment or machinery?
White 2T22: No we don't. But There is a Home Depot across the street
550: Ok thanks
At The Home depot:
550: Hello
Orange Square Horned Hurricane: Hi. How May I Help
550: Where's The machinery?
Orange Square Horned Hurricane: It's Over There In Isle 6
550: ok Thanks
When 550 Got Everything That He Needed:
550: OK. Now Time To Build
5 Hours Later...
550: OK It's Finally Done. Now Time To Test It
*Clones 550 Successfully*
550: Holy Crap It Worked!
550's Clone: Huh? Where Am I?
550: Welcome To The World
550's Clone: What's My Name?
550: Idk. I'll Just Call You Twin
550's Clone: Um, Ok
1003: Huh, What's This? Wow, a Cloning Machine! Wait, I Have An Idea! I'm Gonna Clone myself Several times and I'm Gonna make all of them chase after my thunderbaby! This Is Gonna Be Hilarious!
About 15 Clones Later...
1003: Ok Army, Thunderbolt Is over there. Now Chase Him!
All of 1003's Clones: Yes Miss!
Thunderbolt: Ah, What a Nice day!
All of 1003's Clones: Get Over here, Thunderbaby
Thunderbolt: HOLY CRAP! THERES LIKE 20 1003S! AAAAAH! Oh Wait! I Can Fire my Lazor At them! *Fires His Lazor*
1003: Dangit! He Destroyed all of My clones!
Thunderbolt: Now 1003, Please Explain Why There Was a Massive amount of Clones of You after me
1003: Um Um, Idk
Thunderbolt: Ugh, Fine. If It Was you, which it probably was, Don't do that again
EOWS 612: Huh, a Cloning Machine. I Wonder If I Can Tease Whelen With a Lot of Mes. Hahahahahahaha This Is Gonna Be so funny
5 Clones Later:
EOWS 612: OK. Now To Tease Whelen. Wait, He Was Collector Rings Now. Dang It. Wait, I Can Make Fun of HPSS-16R Instead! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!
When 612 and all of His Clones Was at HPSS-16R's House:
All of EOWS 612's Clones: Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings Collector Rings
HPSS-16R: OK. First of all, That's rude. Second of all, why is there a bunch of You, EOWS 612?
EOWS 612: Well, It's a Long story
*Gas Powered Mobil Directo shows Up*
Gas Powered Mobil Directo: HPSS-16R, I Seen a Cloning Machine Outside. And How Can I Use It-
*EOWS 612 Fires His Lazor at Gas Powered Mobil Directo, Causing Him To Explode In a Fireball*
EOWS 612: That Should Teach Him. He Can't Just State Like That
HPSS-16R: What The Heck Is Your Problem? Now There's only one Gas Powered Mobil Directo Left In the US And It's The Inactive one In Culver City California
*Gas Powered Mobil Directo's Head Grows Back*
Gas Powered Mobil Directo: You know What? I'll Get you, You Giant Set of Rock Band Speakers
EOWS 612: Hey! Don't Call me That!
Later on:
P50: Oh Yes! Another cloning machine! Now Time To Clone myself again! But This time, I'm Gonna Clone myself twice. Hahahahahahahaha
*P50 Clones Himself In The Machine Twice*
P50: Yes! Now I must Tease everyone!
Whelen: Stop right there P50! You are under arrest!
P50: Why? I Did Nothing wrong!!
Whelen: You threatened To Tease everyone in TSM world with your clones. Now come on, You And Your clones are going to jail once again
P50: Dang It
Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Hahahahahahahaha! I called the cops on you
Whelen: He's Right
P50: Goddangit You Blue Gassy Toilet. You're Such a Snitch
Whelen: Ok Ok ok That's Enough
*Whelen Takes P50 To Jail*
Meanwhile Again:
550: Well Crap. I Forgot That I Left This out in The open. Let's pick it back up and take it home... Wait, Why Is P50 there With a Clone? Oh no, P50 Used my Cloning Machine To Make another clone. This Is bad!! Wait, I Can use this glitch potion on His Clone! Hahaha! Now his clone will turn out very bad
*550 Sneaks up and Spills the potion on P50's Clone's Head*
P50's Clone: Hey! Why Did You Do th... uuggh I Don't feel so good
*Turns P50's Clone into a Glitchy P50*
P50's Clone: wHaT dId yOu Do tO mE yOu IdIoT
550: Hahahahahahaha You Look So Stupid
*P50's Clone Explodes*
P50: What? That Wasn't Supposed To Happen!
Whelen: Aha! I Found You. Now Come On, Today Is Punishment Day For breaking out of Jail
P50: Oh No no no no no no no no no no!! Not Punishment Day!
550: Haha!
Later on at night:
550: Besides The Part When other Sirens Used It, I Had Fun With My Cloning Machine
550's Clone: You Said It. Now Let's Have a Tempest Cola
*Doorbell Rings (You know, The one That sounds Like an EOWS Chime) *
550: I'll Get It
*Opens Door*
550: Hello?
500: Hi
550: Oh Hey Bro. And Why Are You with PN-20, 8 Port Banshee, And STM-10?
PN-20: We Need You To Destroy That Cloning Machine
8 Port Banshee: Yea. It's getting Way Too Dangerous. HOR Sirex And HOR Super Sirex Cloned themselves and Started making fun of My hat
HOR Sirex, HOR Super Sirex, And Their clones: Hahahahahahahaha Look At that stupid Hat
8 Port Banshee: Oh shut up!!
STM-10: Yeah. And ATI Cloned Himself And He Won't Stop Bleeping. I Tried Sounding off, But It was no use. I Can't Get rid of The noise
500: So We Need You To Destroy It
550: What? All of Those Sirens Acaully did That?
500, 8 Port Banshee, PN-20, And STM-10 All Together: Yes! Destroy It Now
550: Ugh. Ok..
*550 Fires His Lazor at The Machine*
550: There. It's gone
500: OK good. Now See You Later
*500 Leaves With The others*
550: That's Sad. 5 Hours of work For Nothing
550's Clone: Hey, don't be Sad. At Least I'm Still Here
550: I Guess You Have a Point
*Doorbell Rings Again*
550: I'll Get It
*Opens Door*
550: Hello?
P50: Hey There, Double Vision
550: Hey! Don't Call me That
*A Whole Team of Whelens Tackle P50*
Whelen #1: How Many times Do We Have To Tell You To Not Break Out of Jail?
Whelen #2: This Is The 100th Time That You Broke out of Jail
550: LOL that's What you get for Calling Me Double Vision, Barf bucket
550's Clone: Yeah. Now Since P50 Is Gone, We Can Have our Tempest Cola In Peace
*Both of The 550s Drink Their Tempest Cola And Burps loudly*
2810: Hey. What Do You Say?
550: *The Random Sirens Shorts Groan*
550's Clone: Go Away! We Don't Care!
*Gas Powered Mobil Directo Appears And Fires His Lazor at 2810*
550: Good Riddance
Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Agreed. Now Let's Take his Pole to West Shore Serv-
*2810's Head Grows Back*
Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Dangit!
2810: How Dare You Fire your Lazor at Me, You Blue Gassy Toilet!
Gas Powered Mobil Directo: Are You Kidding Me? Like, Come on Man. You're Not P50. Now I'm Going To Take you To a Place Where everyone Burps
2810: Oh no no no no no no no not the burp asylum!
*Gas Powered Mobil Directo Takes 2810 To The Burp Asylum*
550: Serves Him Right
550's Clone: Agreed
The End
Voice glitches detected
2:24 to 2:33 - Chrysler's and Allertor's voice sounded like p50s.
3:31 - The word "Agreed" said by 4004 sounded like ATI's.
4:33 - ATI said Ok. It had Ms Sam voice.
5:13 - 4004 sounded like Whelen.
Troll at 1:15
7:45 That must have hurt.
The deadly winds sounded more stronger than the previous part of hurricane irma.
Good luck in there guys, Hurricane florence is heading towards the US. i think.
possibly texas isnt hit lol
at 0:36 he said I think it's the
light switch
3:31 whelens voice sounds like ati’s voice bsp fix this
can you make a part four and so on please
4:23 there’s a glitch where ati’s voice sounds different
Give some love to the meltdown
3:32 Whelen brand had same voice as ati then at 4:35 ati had same voice as the whelen
7:12 Sounds like a rapping beat
Why does the news & weather station have a troll face?
Just Plain Weird Goat because in the 1st video irema there was a EAS that was a meme it was super funny
Solar panel please make a another video with Chrysler and alletor and thunder bolt in a helicopter and p-50 where p-50 makes the same fart prank on Chrysler and p-50 gets arrested and out do the rest that you want
Also was that storm shelter in 1st irema video was fake I knew there was a siren in there witch was storm watchers first saw a dead siren
Atleast 2810s antenna isn't broken lol
What happened to selfish buisnessman thunderbeam? Lol
5:18 so some of them aren't alive?
do one about hurricane ian
its been a long time!
you shuld in clude a 3t22 siren in your next epasode
Episode Request: Tornado Siren Madness: Hurricane Irma part 3Thunderbolt: gosh it really looks messy around hereStormwatcher: I agree maybe we shall clean that up soonMegablaster: I already cleaned up all the dead sirensThunderbeam: they're at West Shore Services(At the Whelen News station)Vortex: there's a lot of toilets troll faces and other kinds of memesATI: we should clean that up soon Vortex: I agree(At the TSM Zoo)Zookeeper (White 2t22): that storm did a lot of damage some of the animals flew out of their exhibits and hit the ground (Back with the gang)Modulator: that storm was pretty devastating Thunderbolt: I agreeStormwatcher: I see a dead animal Thunderbolt: it looks like a dead flamingo it must of flew out of its exhibitStormwatcher: well lets call the zookeeper(Stormwatcher calls the zookeeper)(The zookeepers iPhone 6 plays "Dance Like an Animal" by Eric Herman)Zookeeper: um hello Stormwatcher: yes it's Stormwatcher I saw one of your flamingoes died Zookeeper: (teary eyed) aw that's sad news Stormwatcher: maybe we should bring it to the animal cemeteryZookeeper: well that's fineStormwatcher: ok now bye alright gangThunderbolt: yes(Back at West Shore Services)Thunderbeam: I heard some animals from the zoo have died during the storm oh I know I should create an animal cemetery and throw them all in there (Thunderbeam picks up all the dead animals and throws them into the animal cemetery he created)Model 7: hmm this TSM Zoo seems pretty damaged the ticket booth is beaten and the entrance sign is damagedMaybe I should fix this (2 minutes later) alright the ticket booth is complete now the sign(3 minutes later) all complete looks good as new now now everyone could come inAll sirens: woo hoo!(The End)
No. i will do the Hurricane irma part 3. not you.
even this script make no sence and it has bad grammar in it.
Lol its sense not sence
i my god the random faces on the tv
Why 2001, why hurricane
Are used to have a hurricane Sally
Look there's me dead that Hurricane siren is me ZG7 3:01
Hahah I live where there is a Chrysler air raid siren
Secret Easter eggs the faces 3:30
5:35 poor sth-10 😢
I have done Like this show
8:07-8:19 LOL
WHY. STORM WATCHER IS IN IT AND TALKING BUT NOT EARPI- You know what? Forget it. BSP Obviously doesn't like earpiercer.
Sorry, i didn't include earpiercer :/
@@SchucoCanAmGuy I don't like you either
4:33 ATI???
Or is it 4:24
Super Sirex was killed and Sirex
Hey bsp do you play FORTNITE
Uhhb no. Fortnite is cringe.
Yeah, its cancer to me and its actually getting old at all.
I see you used my friends script
I got a request for a new one: Meet E class.Thunderbolt: Lets watch tv. Turns the tv on. Whelen on the news: Today is a big in TSM world. 2 new sirens, E class and EC8 arrived at hickory ridge park. At hickory ridge park. Thunderbolt: Hello E class and EC8. E class and EC8: hi, who are you. Thunderbolt: I’m thunderbolt. ATI: hi E class. You look just like me. E class: that’s right I have the same voice as you. ATI: Nice. Thunderbolt: Hey 2001, DC, SRN and 130. Why all of you guys look different. Red 2001:We got new paint job, I,m DC: I’m orange. Yellow SRN: I’m yellow. Green 130: I’m green. Thunderbolt: Hello allertor and HPSS32. HPSS32: Hi and who are you, you look just like me. EC8: I’m EC8. HPSS32: nice to meet you. Blue equinox. Hey you must E class. E class: that’s right. Purple 508: nice to meet you. Allertor: equniox 508 and roundback m. Why you look so different just like 2001, DC, SRN and 130. Purple 508: It’s because we got new paint job blue equniox: im painted blue.”, 508 painted purple and roundback painted Scarlet. P-10: wow, that is great. P-10: Hello EOWS 612, EOWS 408, EOWS 1212 and EOWS 816. All: Hi P-10. And Who are you. E class: I’m E class and this is EC8. EOWS 816: Nice to meet you. Allertor: Hello 2810 and who is his 2810: this is my 2910. Allertor: nice to meet you 2910. 2810:Anyways let’s try the tempest cola. All drinks. ATI: that was good. P50: well we’ll a new siren here. Wel prepare to get beaten up. P50 beats up E class) E class: ouch that’s hurts. Later. Whelen: P50 you are under arrest for beating up a new siren, E class. P50 ugh. THE END
Bertha Tapia ?
Collector ring collector rings collector rings ha ha haha ha
I have a request called 2001-130's new paint
2001-130; lets watch tv.(turns the tv on) Do you want a new paint, well go to megablasters sheld. 2001-130: I want a new paint. later. 2001-130: Hey modulator, you look like a rainbow.
Rainbow Modulator: because megablaster painted me rainbow. P50: Hello rainbow mentos. Modulator: P50 DONT YOU CALL ME THAT EVER AGAIN!. P50: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
2001-130: I need new paint, but where do I get paint. Modulator: Go to megablasters repair sheld. At megablaster sheld. Megablaster: Hello 2001-130. 2001 130: Hi megablaster, you look like an EOWS 408. Megablaster: thats right, anyways, what brings you here: 2001-130: Im here for my new paint. Megablaster: ok, what color. 2001-130: Green. Megablaster: sounds good. Later. Megablaster: ok you are painted green, you may now leave. Green 2001-130: thanks. at 2001,s house. 2001, DC and SRN. Hello 2001-130, why you look so different. Green 2001-130, I got my new paint. Ok. 2 days later. Green 2001-130, Hey 2001, why are you red. DC, why are you orange? and SRN, why are you yellow. Yellow 2001 SRN. We got new paint just like you. Green 2001-130: ok lets go to TSM park. at TSM park. EOWS 816 hello. Red 2001: Hi! Who are you, EOWS 816: im EOWS 816, I am one of the EOWS 612's brothers. Orange 2001 DC, wow. that is awesome. Red 2001: Hi equniox, you look blue. Blue Equniox: Thats right and I also got new paint. purple 508: Equniox is right. plus I also got new paint. Orange 2001 DC: Wow that is awesome. lets go to ATI"s appetizers. At ATI's Appetizers. Hello, I'm SMR-15 and I will be your today. First things first, what do you want to drink. Red 2001: Me DC, SRN and 130 will have a tempest cola. Blue Equniox: I will have a P50 punch. Purple 508: And i will have a E57UP. SMR-15 sounds good. 1 minute later. SMR: Here are your drinks. All: thanks. Next what do you want to eat. Red 2001: I will have thunder pizza. Orange DC: I will have tornadic fries SRN: I will have a eclipse pizza. Green 2001-130: I will have a screamer salad. Blue equniox. Me and 508 Will have a hurricane pizza. SMR-15: Ok I will back in 32 minutes. 32 minutes later. SMR-15: Here are your foods. All: thanks. All eats and drinks. brups. 2810: Hey, what do you say? All: excuse me. later. SMR-15: Here's the bill. Red 2001 pays the bill. SMR-15: Thank you for coming to ATI's appetizers, have a great day! All: thanks! THE END........
2:23 voice like a jerk siren
Yes it is plane engine
I have a script for glue chaos. , time 9 a.m. ,, I really want to make one on me so bad let's see if they have any glue online I will get on my laptop to see all out of glue.
At 10:00 am.
P50: I know what to do I will call myself as a last piece of candy I had a red one this is a peers and say hello. Later. Thunderbolt: let's watch some TV. TV: good morning today I have some news.
what the weather today a tropical storm names hurricane Lane in Hawaii a lot of people watch hurt they should go to today in Panama Beach a very good wave someone says that's a very good way was awesome but it cost chaos turns to another Channel beeeeeeep. Huh that's weird usually a channel does not do that telephone rings tboit hlow. alerter I need your help what why cuz I am stuck on the piece of glue oh no p50 let's go check out the city at the city. Red p50. Weatherman: you need to get on the plane now cuz p50 is causing me much blue he's using a lot of experiments for glue. At the. Airport. Attention all purposes has been canceled to Panama City Florida we only have a plane available to Houston Texas so please get your bags and get ready to go on the plane. A Houston Texas. Since we're in Texas I need to find my new home my GPS says take a right onto Interstate 610 , 2001: let's take a plane to Panama City Florida. Tboit: canceled remember 2001: how about a bus. Tboit: ldk in Mobile Alabama. ,2001DC : I will call Thundehello. why didn't you call me for I was wondering where you were I'm in Texas Houston okay I will call you later. To be continued Tboit:hello
@@SchucoCanAmGuy shut up
@@prodbyicewolf no u
Usz jzah akosa jsg51793
Collector rings collector rings collector rings collector rings
I hate that music
No First Comments because No One Cares
Bart Sampson no one cares about u
Stop trying to roast me tryhard
@@ravensight1 Actually nobody cares about you weeb
Where is thor guard?