Coaching Session 41 with Felix - 29 July 2024

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @kunal2june
    @kunal2june  2 місяці тому

    Biggest problem identified is "Hand getting pulled back way too much"
    1. Isolated forehand loop.
    2. FH anwhere on half table.( focus on footwork and transfer of weight)
    3. FH loop on a backspin ball
    4. One Backspin one topspin to FH
    5. Backhand isolated
    6. One Backhand One Forehand
    7. Serve and Attack - improving old findings. Identifying new issues and trying to fix them.

  • @kunal2june
    @kunal2june  2 місяці тому

    Isolated forehand loop
    1. Feedback @58 -> Elbow in front. Felix demo available.
    2. Feedback @1:28 -> Relax arm and shoulders + elblow in front from the start of the shot.
    3. Feedback -> step wider or drop your body(chest) low.
    4. Feedback @2:00 -> Start with curling in ( using your left hip by dropping left leg) not by going back. Felix demo of wrong feedback available.
    This feedback instantly imporved my consistencey and shot quality.
    5. Feedback @3:42 -> Start along the body and follow-through along the body. When you hit, you are taking your bat away from your body. And your elbow is going out. Felix demo of wrong technique availble.
    6. VERY IMPORTANT FEEDBACK @4:00 -> Twist forward remaining along the body. Don't twist up. STABLE. Felix demo of both right and wrong technique available.
    7. I told Felix at 4:40 that my shoulders are getting tired.
    Feedback = During preparation i. drop your forearm down ii. open your forearm a little. ( its like you didn't move your forearm at all during shot. Relax your forearm a little.)
    8. My feedback to Felix -> Instant gratification felt. Quality of shots improved.
    9. Feedback of caution from Felix @5:04 -> You have to make sure that you are not opening from your shoulder but only from elblow.
    10. I told Felix that -> By opening my forearm from elbow, i can feel my shoulders are pretty relaxed. However, i can feel extra power to control. So need to adapt to this feeling to control power and ensure that ball doesnt go out of table.
    *********@**5:27** I can clearly see that i am raising up instead of twisting inside and transferring weight to left leg*********
    Felix mentioned this @5:25
    11. VERY IMPORTANT FEEDBACK @5:55 -> Remember, Accelerate just above the ball. Don't accelerate up. Accelerate sideways. Felix demo available for right and wrong technique.
    12. Question from Kunal to Felix -> How do i accelerate and when? After i have relaxed by forearm by opening elbow?
    1. After you done your preparation and you FEEL that your body will explode forward.
    2. But the acceleration is NATURAL - After you twist your body ( forward) -> your arm will spread up naturally.
    11. Feedback @7:38 -> Don't stiffen your shouler. Will get tired. Relax them rather.
    12. Feednack @8:40 -> Accelerate forward not up. You raise up your right hip ( which means you are acceleration up not forward)
    After doing one by one ( perfect action with weight transfer) , i started doing it correctly @8:58
    However @9:07, i can feel that i switched from transferring weight from right to left leg smoothly to using my right waist again.
    13. Feedback @9:14 -> Less use of wrist.
    14. Feedback @9:39 -> Twist and downward. (Since still using my right waist!!).
    Anywhere in forehand ( focus on footwork and transfer of weight)
    1. Self-feedback -> After so much push, i was able to transfer weight to left leg during this drill. The key i felt was staying relaxed even after preparation to be able to transfer weight effectively.
    2. Feedback @10:04 -> Side-step.
    3. Feedback @10:20 -> Shorter transition. You are twisting too much. Twist from the hip and keep it short.
    4. Is your forearm relaxed? NO, Still need to relax your forearm.
    @11:52 -> Felix = First priority of this drill is to move to the ball + relax
    If you are not using your footwork then you will pull your arm wide and use the wrong technique. So footwork first.
    Fresh Drill
    1. Feedback@12:48, actually you are adding force from your forearm and not from the legs and core. Still you can add force from the twist. Felix demo available.
    2. I fixed it instantly. Felix said, yeah good. And the quality of shots improved drastically.
    3. Feedback @13:29 from Felix, during wrong technique, i dropped my bodyweight only on my right waist but not the legs. But during the right technique i was able to relax and drop down my body weight to my legs during preparation.
    4. Feedback @14:02 , you are pulling the shoulders. Don't do that. You can open from your elbow along the body but not shoulders. Still you are pulling back your shoulders.
    5. Feedback @14:24, better that i am able to open elbow and keep shoulders relaxed. But in preparation, i can still twist less.
    6. How to achieve above @14:36, Feeling is sidestep and drop the bodyweight. Twist is less.
    You are twisting too much and hence not dropping the bodyweight (centre of gravity)
    ***7. Feedback @15:36 -> Sometimes the ball comes on your right near the table. You twist back rather than going near the ball.You should step in (two step footwork) and close in during preparation. Felix demo available.
    Feel the feeling of going forward ( not safety) Remember FZD's motto -Always forward
    8. Self feedback@15:39 : Watch the ball also for footwork.
    After finishing of the drill. Felix said OK. Not good.
    Self reason : Two step footwork was not implemented when the ball was coming to the right.
    Shoulders not relaxed.
    Probably too much twisting.

    **********************Next round of drill******************
    Before the drill feedback from Felix @17:55: Keep your elbow in front + relax your forearm
    Self feedback -> This drill was better than before.
    ***VERY IMP FEEDBACK TO HELP IMPROVE Felix feedback @18:42 -> still can improve on preparation by twisting inside not back.Once you are down, you are twisting back too much.
    Feedback @19:29 -> Main problem is this one ( the ball that comes to your right forehand)
    You can make it look like this 19:35. Felix demo available.
    You are taking your hand too far away to hit that ball.
    Feedback @20:25 -> Don't twist your right leg too much. Just a little and then stop.Felix demo available @20:25

  • @kunal2june
    @kunal2june  2 місяці тому

    **********************FH loop on a backspin ball******************
    1. Feedback @23:06 -> You start by twisting more inside( than pulling back) and up (natural)
    2. Amazing feedback from Felix @23:20(Combining footwork with preparation) -> Twist and move together during preparation.
    3. Feedback @25:50 -> Footwork to move and loop using FH from BH is better than my footwork to loop using FH from far right.
    4. Feednack @26:06 -> I started side-stepping to the right along with preparation. Felix said that's it.
    5. Self feedback -> Its a mindset issue. to go for micro movements from foot to come near the ball.
    6. Checking with Felix @27:27 -> It is a very small movement right. Felix's comments -> Sometimes you might have to jump in the same position.
    7. Sharing with Felix @28:15 -> Its such a small movement that my mind is being lazy about doing it. IT knows that it can reach with a bigger movement out of habit. But less quality and strategic offcourse.
    8. Feedback from Felix @28:28 -> Watch Felix's racket to confirm which side i have to move.( where the ball is going)
    9. I hit lots of good side-stepping shots untill 30:04 when i missed one again.
    10. @30:02 ->Feedback with Felix -> First i have to be able to move side-ways as first improvement. Then i also have to move inside as next improvement when looping underspin ball.
    11. Hit some really good shots towards the end. Not only side-stepping to the right but also getting inside.
    **********************One Backspin one topspin to FH******************
    1. Feedback @32:38 -> After looping first US ball, you have to hold the bat on your right. Not allow it to go all the way to the top. This is to ensure that you are ready for the next shot.
    2. Feedback @35:08 -> You are accelerating earlier from your forearm. Accelerate from the middle.
    3. Feedback @34:59 -> Lots of your loops on first US ball are going to the net. This is coz you are raising up your arm. Go forward and photo finish like Felix. [Demo available at 34:55]
    4. Feedback @35:34 -> Relax and lower your CoG. Go down feeling your left hip before executing the shot.
    5. Feedback @36:56 -> Reason you are not able to hit the second ball effectively. This is coz the first ball, you lift up too much you can't be in proper position to hit second ball. You are raising up too much. Also first one you can hit SLIGHTLY HIGHER to ensure it stays on table and doesn't catch net.
    6. @37:38 -> This approach above worked and i have more time for the second ball.
    7. Felix @38:33 -> It's ok to hit higher. Just make sure that your are not raising up.

  • @kunal2june
    @kunal2june  2 місяці тому

    **********************Backhand isolated******************
    1. Feedback @42:11 -> Don't raise up too much. Rather small and compact flick movement on top of ball. I hit one BH that was decent and appretiated by Felix.
    2. Feedback @42:18 -> Yes, better from Felix. [Since i am executing compact movement]
    3. Shoulders getting tired. Reason1= use left leg to generate power Reason2= lean on top of ball.use body to support higher elbow. Reason3 = don't try to add power but rely on compact acceleration using flick to generate speed. Reason4= contact ball near body
    4. Feedback @42:45 -> Few high quality shots with good feeling. Felix also said GOOD!
    5. Feedback @43:17 -> Mainly it is back and forth movement. Don't get down with your knees.
    6. Feedback @44:13 -> When contacting the ball, just go a little forward with your knee to add power and stop immedately. No need to get down.
    7. Feedback @44:48 -> This compact flicking movement along with taking your knee slightly forward is simliar to forehand technique to generate power and spin using compact motion.
    8. Sharing my toughts with Felix @45:51 -> to generate power, it should be via lower legs. This is keep your shoulders relaxed too.
    9. Feedback @45:55 -> Very good demo from Felix how to use BH near the table. You need shoulders to rotate your elbow to generate speed. otherwise all relaxed.
    10. Feedback @46:18 -> The eblow don't move at all while hitting either backhand or forehand shots. The gap between the elbow and waist(body) always remains constant.Felix demo available. Don't move it at all. Even during push ( 46:16)
    11. Feedback @43:30 -> Best backhand rally of the training.
    **********************One Backhand One Forehand******************
    1. Feedback @47:15 -> Use your left leg (only slight knee forward movement) when executing BH, use right leg (only slight knee forward movement) when executing FH
    2. Feedback @47:24 -> Side step to the right while preparing. (relaxed micro-movement)
    3. Feedback @48:23 -> After executing BH, when you switch to FH, do pull your hand back. Rather it should be along the body (less twist) with compact motion. Eventually finishing with elbow forward.
    4. Feedback @48:31 -> After executing BH and finishing racket in front -> Change bat angle from BH to FH using your forearms -> The move your bat along the body. Felix demo available at 48:31.

  • @kunal2june
    @kunal2june  2 місяці тому

    **********************Serve and Attack******************
    1. S1
    + Good transition to ready position.
    - Couldn't close bat and take it back on the rigth side to prepare
    ***********- Didn't use left foot to step inside closer to the ball.[new major issue identified]*****
    2. S2
    - Couldn't close bat and take it back on the rigth side to prepare
    ***********- Bum not back and leaning forward.[new major issue identified]*****
    3. S3 after net ball
    - Feedback = start high, lean more inside
    4. S4, better control, ball went to the net.
    - Step in to reach near the ball. Alternatively, lean forward with bum back to control the ball better as suggested by Felix. Demo from Felix available.
    IMAGINE Felix leaning forward over the table with his racket ready on the right hand side!!
    5. S5, was able to execute backhand cleanly. Missed next topspin ball due to big low to high motion during contact. keep it short.
    6. S6
    I was able to hit two consecutive balls on BH. Before hitting the third ball, i changed the angle of my bat unnecessarily.
    Note : once the angle of bat is closed and the balls are coming long, keep it closed!!
    7. S7 missed.
    Looks like again not going back but rather down more.
    8. Snext - Ball mised on backhand completely.
    Felix feedback -> When you use your backhand, use your foot to adjust to the length of the ball.Especially use your left leg to come near the ball.
    9. Snext -> I looped 3 balls in my BH (keeping the bat angle same), then looped one ball in my forehand ( though didn't go down with left leg to twist inside). The second ball went into net due to lack of power and spin!!
    10. Snext @53:30-> feedback from Felix - the reason i missed next ball coz i was standing up rather than bum back and racket closed trying to stay on top of ball when executing shot.
    ***********[new major issue identified] = BUM BACK!!*****
    11. S@54:00 = Two backhands , then two forehands, then ball on table.
    Issues = not able to hold the bum back low position; too much change of bat angle; raising my elbow leading to introducting on shoulder in the game. Need to relax and stay stable in low position.
    This will ensure that shoulders are relaxed and i am able to close bat angle and stay on top of ball.
    12. S@54:52 = I looped a forehand ball on the right to Felix's backhand. However, i extended my arm. Need to use footwork to side step to right and get near the ball before executing a nice clean shot.
    13. S@55:00 = I served, ball came to my FH. I tried to loop and missed it.
    Issues = i was not stable with ready position
    Feedback from Felix -> I am raising my shoulder rather than starting with leg -> arms along the body-> transfer weight to forearms and execute a forward shot.
    Felix @55:08 -> Once you go down while serving, your body goes down and stays there.
    Demo from Felix of pushing the ball -> Look at how easily Felix is able to push the ball (by taking bat down) and keep heavy spin.
    14. Next underspin ball that i tried to loop went on net. Feedback from Felix @55:18 -> Close bat angle ( on table itself) before executing shot.
    Key feedback from Felix -> Put it neural to be able to change to both BH or FH.
    15. @55:28 -> I looped a ball but took my hands and eblow very high. Hence was not able to come back to close the bat to execute the BH. Ball flew away out of table.
    16. @55:39 -> i looped third ball successfully. However demo of correct technique from Felix available. Have to go forward rather than going up.
    Felix brought his left leg forward.
    I asked right or left leg? Felix answered : it depends.
    16. Best rally of the bat at 56:12 (Total = 28 shots in rally)
    Feedback from Felix -> You need to relax and stand down in a conforming way. You stand up.
    17. Next S -> casual and didn't close bat angle.Ball went out.
    18.@56:50 -> Ball went on net. Didn't start on right and side for proper acceleration.
    19. 57:03 -> Hit some good backhands. Missed on forehand. Felix said its ok. I tried well by staying low and showing a sense of purpose.
    Reason = less power since i didn't go down with left hip to prepare effectively.
    20. 57:12 -> Was not ready for forehand. No preparation. No sense of purpose.
    Felix showed @57:14 -> how to prepare for forehand.
    ***********21. [new major issue identified] @**57:30** When serving , go down and stop. Don't go forward. Felix demo available.*****
    @57:54 -> Less arms and more body. Kick with your body.
    I tried successfully at 58:10
    But missed the forehand. Felix feedback = not staying low and raising the hand, elbow and shoulder to exectute FH. Elbow always low. never raised!!
    22. Again at 58:20, backhand is good but forehand i am raising my eblow and not staying low to use legs and keep elbow steady.
    23. @58:30-> More sense of purpose to tranfer weight and stay low. Though too much movement still. Also missed backhand since angle not closed and not compact shot.
    Felix said BETTER!!!
    Next feedback from Felix @58:45 -> twisting to the right when executing BH since not using footwork to keep ball in the middle of body.
    Self feedback explained to Felix -> Left leg should be inside.
    24. 58:58 -> Took the bat down . Not able to hit BH in 3rd ball. Leg should come inside with bum back.
    25. Feedback from felix at 59:11 -> And don't twist your wrist when preparing backhand. Just take the bat inside taking support from the shoulders. No twisting of wrist.
    26. 59:38 -> I am so much twisting from right waist!! SHIT! has to change this.
    27. 59:45 -> Due to sense of purpose, attempt to stay low Felix said GOOD! I missed backhand that can be taking from FH without changing the bat angle.
    28. @1:00:15 -> Felix nodded coz i hit shots with purpose and quality. Though i missed the last BH. Should have let come in to me.
    29. @1:00:35 -> Went down with my bat!! Ball flew. Go inside. Feedback from Felix available.
    I think i told Felix - No power coz i am not preparing well from left leg.
    30. Missed a backhand loop on US ball coz i didn't accelerate from right side + didn't move left leg inside. Felix demo of correct technique available.
    31. 1:01:31 -> What a backhand from Felix. Like telling me there a long way to go for me.GREAT ROAD AHEAD!!