RAF Upwood abandoned - no ads

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @matthewphillips8767
    @matthewphillips8767 2 роки тому +3

    Wonderful footage superbly done. I have been airsofting here many times over the years I remember some cracking days in the height of summer where we must of had nearly 100 players per team.. amazing fun not to mention the men that served and perished from this air base during ww2 along with the many flying training accidents that occurred around the base.. very sad to see it go as I love history.. allways enjoyed being there and could sense the ghosts from the past around the place.. gonna head there tomorrow for one last look around as been meaning to do so for ages.. this video is a fitting tribute to the memory of the site and those who served there 👍👍

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  2 роки тому

      Thank you Matthew for your thoughts and for watching. I hope your re-visit does what you want it to.

  • @geoffstone356
    @geoffstone356 2 роки тому +2

    Super, well crafted video John, enjoyed watching it and the day out 🙂

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  2 роки тому

      Thanks Geoff. The Timelapse segments didn't make the cut, they looked poor compared to drone footage! LOL. It was a super day out for sure.

  • @serraios1989
    @serraios1989 2 роки тому +2

    Beautiful scenery and music
    Thank you John

  • @Danny-zi6xw
    @Danny-zi6xw 2 роки тому +3

    so sad to see a local icon of mine being destroyed gradually.

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  2 роки тому

      I can only imagine, such a shame it’s been left to rot. 😏

  • @Jaw0lf
    @Jaw0lf 2 роки тому +2

    Super quality drone footage, well filmed and put together John!
    Which drone was used?

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  2 роки тому +1

      Thank you. It was a Mavic Air 2018 model, 4K @ 25fps with 64ND filter on lens.

  • @Glyn001
    @Glyn001 2 роки тому +1


  • @jkgoodtimes1067
    @jkgoodtimes1067 2 роки тому +1

    Awesome shots! Visited 5 years ago and would love to return to explore again, could you tell me if it’s still easy to access now and whereabout you recommend parking? As I am assuming things have changed a little - thank you so much!

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  2 роки тому +1

      Worth a re-visit before it’s all gone to housing development. No security and easy access on foot from car. Park here; what3words address.

    • @jkgoodtimes1067
      @jkgoodtimes1067 2 роки тому +1

      Awesome stuff - thanks so much for your reply!

    • @watzh1205
      @watzh1205 2 роки тому +1

      @@jkgoodtimes1067 for an update for it mate literally just been there today and nothing has changed as you see in the video very easy in and still lots to explore minus the buildings that were knocked down

    • @watzh1205
      @watzh1205 2 роки тому +1

      @@jkgoodtimes1067 also id prefer parking in one of the estates down the road becuase of cctv and stuff so and maybe a facemask for the cameras just in case

  • @5142Katie
    @5142Katie 2 роки тому

    I thought they'd pulled everything down by now. Glad to see they haven't!
    Do you think they'd let people in on foot? I wanted to photograph ti's place a few years ago and then they started developing some of the land and had security at the main entrance

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  2 роки тому

      Nope still there, although there are plans to continue to housing development. Many of the buildings have been removed. No security present, so easy to get in. Suggest going sooner rather than later.

  • @Bethany0Grace
    @Bethany0Grace Рік тому

    Hey, would you be able to provide the exact coordinates of the base? I tried to visit and struggled to find anything other than a recycling plant. Thank you

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  Рік тому

      (52.4329066, -0.1270253) here you go

    • @Bethany0Grace
      @Bethany0Grace Рік тому

      @@johntisbury Thank you very much. Am I right to assume it's still there and has not been demolished yet?

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  Рік тому

      @@Bethany0Grace no problems. In terms of its current state I have no idea. This video was shot last year. Housing development was happening but don’t know the schedule or scope.

    • @Bethany0Grace
      @Bethany0Grace Рік тому +1

      @@johntisbury Hi, thought I'd give you an update and anyone else who's interested in exploring here. It took three attempts to finally get onto the site. We found the gate (thanks to your coordinated) and walked through, it's quite funny how open it all is. It was incredibly dark, we had a torch but kept it off, to not draw attention. We followed the path and could see the silhouettes of the buildings a little way off. There was a glowing light on the side of the wall, and realised there was a fire going, we could hear talking and screaming, so put it down to teenagers messing around and left, as it didn't seem safe and was very isolated. On leaving the gates, we could hear a car driving up behind us, we rushed to get out and back onto the country path to the right, and we watched another car pull up outside the gate for a few minutes before they both drove off in opposite directions. I think it's easy to guess what they were up to perhaps.

      Anyways, we thought it would be a good idea to come back in the day. We came back the following week at 9am, and we explored the building to the right (assuming some sort of reception) which was amazing, there was a dog bed in there and black bags of rubbish, We assumed the homeless, it seemed empty and very quiet though. We spent 20 minutes in there before we heard someone making a shushing noise in a back room. We left immediately. When you get into the site there are still around 15 buildings, we went in a few but heard snoring in one and what sounded like someone shaking out/ flapping a sheet in another. We didn't get to explore a lot, out of worry about who might be around. We also saw a man pacing behind one of the buildings. I have hunches that there may be somewhat of a homeless community there on the site. We didn't feel safe there, felt like we were being watched as it's so open but also didn't want to disturb anyone who might be using it as a means to live.
      We also followed the dirt path that went straight from the main gate, this led up to what seemed like an abandoned factory and to the right garages/ units. It was riddled with security cameras though, we didn't get too close. Did you find this? Do you know what it is exactly?
      If anyone is interested in exploring here, it is an amazing site, it's huge, interesting building structures, and some amazing graffiti and great for photography. It is very isolated though and seemingly occupied. So stay safe.

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  Рік тому

      Thanks for the update, you were brave going at night. Your return during daylight was a better outcome. Glad you found it and enjoyed it. I didn’t get to the disused factory.

  • @EVPuzzle
    @EVPuzzle 2 роки тому +1

    Cool place . I'm looking into hiring ex RAF Coltishal for an EV photo shoot . Incredible place including hangers and runway access

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks Nigel. I suspect RAF Coltishal would be an epic location.

  • @danielscotcher
    @danielscotcher Рік тому

    Awsome video, I made a similar one, great cinematic

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  Рік тому

      Thank you Daniel glad to hear you liked it. It’s a great location.

    • @danielscotcher
      @danielscotcher Рік тому

      @@johntisbury I made mine back in May 2020 I’m not even sure if this place still exists 🤔 I wonder. Need to find some more places

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  Рік тому

      @@danielscotcher it was certainly due to be flattened for new housing.

  • @petervalentine722
    @petervalentine722 9 місяців тому

    I wonder if the drone operator who took this realises that he/she is in breach of the Air Navigation Order which prohibits drone flying inside the restricted airspace of aerodromes. Upwood is a licenced airfield by the CAA and any drone operator faces prosecution unless he/sh has specific permission from the airfield operator to fly within 2 miles radius from the centre of the main runway.
    That drone was flying in the circuit pattern of the Gliding Club. The penalties for operating a drone in restricted airspace are very serious.

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  9 місяців тому

      RAF Upwood is an abandoned airfield and is not within a FRZ (Flight Restricted Zone) as defined by the CAA and/or NATS UK. This can be confirmed here: nats-uk.ead-it.com/cms-nats/opencms/en/uas-restriction-zones/
      Did you know that if the drone was within a FRZ it would not be able to take off due to restrictions placed in the software. The abandoned RAF Upwood is in an area of increased risk as defined in the Drone Assist app. This Drone Assist app is used to determine any restrictions, risks or FRZs before flying. The Nene Valley Gliding Club operate in that area. There's a note that states: Area of Increased risk Upwood Glider Site. 'This MAY raise security, privacy or safety concerns'. There is an Increased risk for drone operations of encountering aerial vehicles at this location. This is an awareness message rather than restriction or do not fly zone.
      The drone flights to capture this video had one single flight where a maximum altitude of 209ft was achieved. The permitted maximum altitude is 400ft. VLOS (Visual Line of Sight) was maintained at all times. The remaining drone flights were a maximum altitude of 29ft from ground level.
      Incidentally, did you know that the Warboys Model Aircraft Flying club are less than half a mile from the edge of the Nene Valley Glider Club site. I'm not aware of any incidents or issues between these two parties.

    • @petervalentine722
      @petervalentine722 9 місяців тому

      Upwood Airfield is most definitely not an abandoned airfield. It is a licenced airfield as is shown on current charts.
      Thus it has it's own restricted airspace of 2000ft AGL and 2 miles radius from the centre of the runway.
      No aircraft may fly within this zone and that includes drones.
      If you are in any doubt you should call the CAA.

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  9 місяців тому +1

      @@petervalentine722 below is a link to the list of current permanent aerodrome licences from the CAA's website. RAF Upwood does not appear on that list, ergo it is not a licensed airfield. www.caa.co.uk/data-and-analysis/approved-persons-and-organisations/approved-organisations/aerodrome-licences/
      I believe you are referring to the Nene Valley Gliding Club Site: Lat and Long: N52°25.947 W000°08.851. This location does not appear on the CAA's website as a permanent aerodrome licence holder. It is not a FRZ location as defined by the CAA and NATS (National Air Traffic control Services). Please go and check out the links I have supplied: nats-uk.ead-it.com/cms-nats/opencms/en/uas-restriction-zones/
      The above location, which I referred to in my previous reply, does have a 2000ft AGL and a 2 mile radius from the centre of the runway. The Drone Assist app I used to identify restricted and hazards refers to the Nene Valley Gliding Club site. There's a note for the location that states: 'Area of Increased risk Upwood Glider Site. This MAY raise security, privacy or safety concerns. There is an Increased risk for drone operations of encountering aerial vehicles at this location'. This is an awareness safety message rather than a do not fly zone.
      It is worth mentioning that during the flight time there we did not encounter any gliders or other aircraft in our vicinity. There were not any NOTAMs in place in the location where we flew either.

  • @eddieworkman5855
    @eddieworkman5855 Рік тому

    anyone thats homeless probably stay there lol

    • @johntisbury
      @johntisbury  Рік тому

      I believe it is frequented by homeless people.