When this first came out I thought it made no sense that Radahn would be the one to come back but honestly I kind of like it now. Not a new take but the contrast with Radahn being quite naturally liked and Miquella resorting to charming people into following him, probably out of paranoia or something, is a cool little characterization. And the fact that later down the line Radahn would probably end up getting the Godfrey treatment because his war would be over
Sorry for the long write-up. A few points I think are worth bringing up: -Miquella and Radahn's story reads more like a series of tragedies, rather than some sort of giant machiavellian web spun by either. GRRM designed the demigods as noble figures which Fromsoft then tore apart and perverted through the Shattering. That's why they're both equally tragic heroes and heinous villains. -Miriel mentions how breaking a solemn vow can lead to *disastrous* consequences. Exactly how these play out is a mystery, but Radagon broke his to Rennala and look where they ended up. This is also why it *had* to be Radahn, and Miquella couldn't just pick a replacement on the fly (though cut content implies *we* could have taken his place). -I don't really buy the charmed theory when the vow was first made. This is mostly because the actual origin of those powers was tied to his Great-Rune, and partially because of what a *solemn vow* implies: true consent. The other factor is why the hell would he ever say no? -Consider for a moment the larger belief system in the Lands Between; the Golden Order, Empyreans and Two-Fingers. Pre-Shattering, no-one knew about the Lands of Shadow, and thus would not have been aware of what God-hood actually implied. However, the importance of Empyreans and their destined role as future Gods was. Miquella's proposal was the equivalent of a divine gift, and while all the Demigods harbored some doubts, Radahn was pretty loyal. It's not unrealistic to think that Godfrey's biggest fan-boy would say yes when the prodigal son of his divine mother, chosen by the Two-Fingers (and from their POV the Greater Will itself) offered him Lordship. Miquella's instigation seems to me a simple case of a boy crushing on an idealized version of his brother, with neither one being in a position to really understand what they'd just gotten themselves into. -I've gradually come to the opinion that Radahn's battle at Caelid against Malenia was likely the first true "Radahn Festival". Exactly how involved big red is another question, but I don't think it'd be that out of character. He'd get to fight perhaps the only true rival he had, and either goes down in a blaze of glory, with a vow of Lord-ship, OR he wins, gets another Great Rune delivered directly to him and can become Elden Lord. It also reconciles Malenia's behavior vis a vis Godrick (not taking his Rune) and I think that she either directly charmed by her brother, or explicitely told to win at any cost, because the Millicent questline reveals she *did not* want to do so. -The Miquella *we* fight is, in a very literal sense, *not* the Miquella that'd been active throughout most of the Shattering. We "know" this because his Great Rune is broken and discarded *after* we arrive in the Land of Shadow, with us essentially hot on his trail. It's why the embodiment of his love (St Trina) which started his journey in the first ppace, quietly begs us to kill him so he won't become imprisoned in God-hood. It's also why his Age of Compassion was sort of doomed from the start, the sad part is that by the time he *might* have realized this, he was already too committed. -I don't think Ranni was ever a major problem for Miquella's designs because she didn't actively seek out God-hood like he did. She pursued total seperation from the GW's influence, and her motivation was the *exact opposite* of Miquella's: a selfish desire for her own independence. It evolved into a larger desire to spread that agency to mortals, but her Age is explicitely not a paradise, just letting humans chart their own course. Miquella, for his part, started to pursue apotheosis due to empathy and altruism. He wanted to cure his sister, shelter those abused by his mother's brutal world which he wanted to make gentler and better for all. The Shattering turned it into a monomaniacal pursuit that eventually justified any action to achieve it. Ranni ends up fulfilling the ascension process, but does not actively seek out a Consort.
Miquella isn’t evil. He is naive, of a child’s perspective.. nascence is the innocent and unknowing childlike state, and Miquella butterfly is the nascent butterfly. His means of charming everyone for an age of compassion is done out of good will, however he is too naive to understand that such an age is out of balance and is not sustainable without some kind of duality.
He really does have like a kids solution to the worlds problems. Hes definitely got good intentions but he doesnt understand the downsides to what he thinks an age of compassion would be like and problem with hust charming everyone
Also, his ability to bewitch, to ‘compel affection’ reminds me of adults inclination to coo at babies and say they are cute or to take care of children in need whether they are yours or not.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I would argue that the worst atrocities are carried out by those whose actions are guided by the belief that they are in the right. Those who act with a higher purpose.
It's always to hear your thoughts on Elden Ring. One point: Miquella cannot have already been kidnapped by Mogh when Malenia and Radahn fought: Miquella needed to still be active at that time since he'd cured Freya at the swamp of Aeonia.
A ring is a circle. And History repeats itself. My Intepretation is that this is a repetition of Marika and Godfrey's own journey. In essence of: A warrior, expecting a challenge follows a divinity's will and grace towards its objectives. But their goals were never aligned. Just as Marika and Hoara Loux's were incompatible. Notice how Marika forced him to change by fusing with Serosh? It is conceptually the same thing occuring with Radahn forced into Mogh's body.
I thought Miquella may be playing the role of both Serosh and Marika in this example. I believe GRRM suggested history doesn't repeat but rhyme, hence there being differences.
why everyone ignores the DLC cutscene which show that there’s no VOW, Miqualla wished it by himself. Poor Radahn didnt know about it and during the boss fight he just controlled him as a puppet…
I think an interesting thing to consider is how the colors red and gold are portrayed in the story. The crucible knight are a perfect example of what red and gold mean to each other. The gold of their armor representing their orderliness, their ability to create a faction. Yet there is a red tinge about their gold, red representing the innate vitality/ natural world that existed before order. Radahn curiously enough also has this red and gold color scheme but his is more pronounced in its separation. Radahn is clad mostly in gold, he orders himself to the point of creating his own faction within the order of the erdtree, which he also supports yet there is always that distinction of red within him. Through out his life, Radahn has had his colors switch between which is more predominate. In history there was balance between his red and gold, his mind was clear and he was able to not only create order with his army but also able to give in to his primitive thirst for violence. He then begins to lose this balance during the shattering where he has his gold, and therefore mind and order, are subdued by the red of Melania making him turn into a literal beast. And finally, in the dlc, he has his red almost completely subdued by the radiant gold of Miquella quiet literally in the sense that Miquella's hair and rays envelope Radahn in the second phase. I like to believe that Radahn is not himself when their is no balance to this red and gold, order and primal urge. I would argue that Radahn probably did agree to be Miquella's consort when his mind still had balance but didn't know exactly what the plan was. I would also argue that the Radahn we see with Miquella is not so different from the Radahn we meet at the festival, both are mindless and without balance. It is just that one is too far pushed to his instincts while the other is far too ordered and therefore subdued. TLDR: Radahn was mohglested not once, but twice 🥲
Miquella is a very ends justify the means sort of character. Someone needs to be the hammer of god and miquella isn't physically powerful. So anyone not for his age of compassion can whine to Radahn about it. Theres also smoughtowns interpretation that it was a "you can have me if you kill me." Challenge which fits Radahn might makes right mentality. Or that he gets one final fight with a worthy opponent at his height.
Morgott is the demigod I was most regretful killing. If he could have grown beyond his absolute devotion to the golden order ... well that wouldn't happen. And if he had been born among the Hornsent, he would have been a paragon, their champion.
Morgott and radahn, as every demigod, were allies before shattering war...when radahn siege godrick to take his great rune, morgott stop radahn...but radahn was not in opposition to Morgott...that fight, broke the relationship among them and between all the demigods: the sovereign alliance...(Dialogue of kenneth haight/ Margitt protects the stormveil bridge/ first defense monument references)
@@specialnewb9821 Really makes me think Marika's betrayel was that she was to be the hornsent's empryian and instead she took revenge on the hornsent for what they did to her home.
@@hennessya96That would make perfect sense because the hornsent always refer to Marika's betrayal implying that Marika was allied with the hornsent in their eyes, not to mention all the statues of marika in the shadowlands that have their head cut off, those may have been built by messmer's people and the head cut off by vengeful hornsent later or they were built by hornsent when Marika was important to them and cut off after the "betrayal"
It's interesting how enchantment works. He erases the guilt, the doubt, the hate and the negative emotions. I think thiss is why most remained loyal to Leda at the finale. The reason sir Ansbach and Thiollir joined you is for their own masters, Mohg and St. Trina, respectively. I think the start of the second phase is Miquella enchanting Radahn to stop his bloodlust. It's also interesting that Mohg's charm seemed different.
I've said it before: Miquella gave up on fixing the world. He decides to mind control it because he despaired. I cannot really fathom how bad an age ruled over by a god who had lost hope in what he ruled over and even himself woukd be. As for conquest I think Miquella would have set out to rule the world not just the lands between. And I think this hold whether you think the place is a real place or heaven of some sort.
I wish Radahn and Mohg collectively divorced Miquella and married each other because it would be hilarious. Miq: My husband divorced me to marry himself! Rennala: First time?
My theory is, that Miquella and Radahn made the vow during their childhood like childs play, but Radahn grew older and mature and dismissed the vow, while Miquella still a child was stubborn and so wants to make Radahn his consort by force.
yknow maybe this a stupid question, but what is the function of a consort anyhow? i doubt its the usual meaning of having kids considering marika/ranni can marry the player regardless of gender, and it seems even less likely with miquella and radahn. is it just like having a demigod avatar? bodyguard?
In the context of this game, a consort is a God's physical hands in the world. They need a consult because they are Spiritual beings, not physical. It doesn't have to be something sexual or romantic.
i think it is primarily symbolic, as 2 parts of a whole, or 2 opposite poles, or 2 parts of a pair, or a couple, twins, duality, etc etc with each version of the relationship being unique to the individuals that join together, such as ranni/blaidd, ranni/player, marika/radagon, rennala/radagon, marika/godfrey, all these relationships represent the idea of 2 being together, but all of these relationships operate and behave differently.
Hey Honored Madman, I love your analyses. I'm still confused about Radahn's appearance at the Gate of Divinity. I originally took this as From's convention of resurrecting great warriors "in their prime" ( i.e. Isshin Ashina, Godfrey). But then I learned it's Mohg's body. But it looks nothing like Mohg. Is this Radahn's spirit, charmed by Miquella, inside Mohg's body? And if so where are his Omen Horns? Was his body reformed to look like a young Radahn? What's his deal?
Yeah I mean you would think there would be giant horns everywhere considering its mohgs body but Prime Radahn only has a couple tiny ones on his arms and barely used any blood incantations. Maybe we can cope and say Miquella is good at removing the influence of outer gods and he made it the omen aspects like strong idk man haha
There's one important detail I don't think you accounted for in this video, regarding the demigods' motives: the mad taint of the Great Runes. It's easy to imagine Radahn as a heroic protector before he became a warmonger; to imagine Miquella's kindness originating from a genuine place before everything went wrong. Their vow is a remnant of their long-lost youth; a faded remnant of the people they once were, and a reminder of what might have been, but never would be.
One thing that always intrigued me is that Miquella wants to “MAKE the world a gentler place.” This is an active verb that requires action/force. Tying this to Radahn who loves fighting so much it seems at odds but Freyja’s line when you reveal the secret rite scroll I think ties it all together: “Yes, of course, I see. As the festival of war concluded, General Radahn’s soul met an honourable end. But Kindly Miquella wishes to revive it. ...Which is fine by me. I know it would pain old Jerren, but war has always suited General Radahn best. And certainly far more than any honourable death. Endless war to invigorate the soul. As befits General Radahn, the great lion.” Endless war to reinvigorate the soul. So Freyja, at least, believes that Miquella’s plan will not suddenly have the world be a gentler place. Miquella’s plan precludes unending violence because the world is not, and cannot be, a completely gentle place. Strife and violence will always exist and so long as Miquella fights against that notion he fights all the same. He will need a warrior who is willing and wanting to fight forever. Miquella’s naive goal is flawed from the start and if he were to succeed in defeating the tarnished he’d become the very thing he wishes to see ended. There’s something beautiful and tragic in that. I just wish the base game gave us any inkling of Miquella and Radahn’s relationship prior to SOTE.
Can’t wait to hear the madman ramblings regarding nightreign. The lore seems like it’s gonna be ‘not related… unless…’ which is right up my alley personally. If something in nightreign is cool enough, boom, headcanon.
Maybe Miquella sent Malenia to kill radahn because he desired it so as his part of the vow. Radahn loves war and so maybe his part of the vow was to be killed and granted an honorable death before becoming Miquellas lord. Radahn could've accepted the terms of the vow because Mohgs body was thrown in the deal, (the literal blood of Godfrey and heir of Godfrey), Obviously radahn wouldn't pass up the corpse of a son of the golden lineage or an honorable death. Malenia clearly wasn't strong enough but since she was so desperate, that's when she unleashed the bloom upon Radahn and caelid. Miquella was present during this time and saw Malenia sacrifice her honor and dignity and that's why during the promised consort cutscene he says, "My loyal blade". Plus as lord consort, Radahn would need to go to war with those who are strong enough to resist Miquella, and he loves war so that's probably another reason he went along with the vow. I want to counter the people saying that Miquella would probably throw Radahn away, while this may be true since Miquella casted away his love, he did it to become the god of love, and as a god of love, he'd be able to still have that feeling even when he discarded it. One more thing, Radahn probably didn't care about the nuking of Caelid because again, Miquella could heal scarlet rot. He cured the sickness Freyja had, so maybe Miquella would cure the scarlet rot in caelid and in the haligtree when he returned as a god. A lot of you probably already thought of this but I thought I might as well add it in.
I believe Miquella naively thought he could resurrect Godwyn, to become his lord. He recruited Castle Sol as a gift to Godwyn, but that never came to be because he was truly dead. Thus, shifting his gaze to Radahn, but he still lacked the crucible qualities, calling Mogh to order. I don’t know if Mogh was always a key to Miquella’s plan, but to unite the crucible and the new order Mogh’s horned corpse made a good vessel. Its possible since Godwyn is unresurrectable, Miquella made his own, with the strongest and most similar values. He made his own “Frankenstein’s Monster” of Godwyn
I think the Haligtree was a failed plan by Miquella to become a god, he tried to grow a tree to challenge the erdtree with his own order, but something happened and he realised that would not be enough, that he would need to fundamentally change himself and the world to bring about his order, and so he makes and carries out the plan we see happening in shadow of the erdtree. That is why he did not abandon St Trina until the shadowlands, up until then he still had love, both for his sister (in trying to cure her curse), and for the oppressed people that fled to the haligtree
i think a big part of peoples confusion on this topic is that they aren't keeping the established limits of miquellas charm in mind. like, it is consistently established both mechanically & in lore that miquellas bewitchment requires intimate physical contact. even if miquella DOES plan to charm all his opposition, its not as though he can just snap his fingers and charm them from across the globe. even if miquella attempts to individually touch every newborn across the lands there are inevitably gonna be those who slip through the cracks & form resistance movements. also given these limitations my issue with "radahn is bewitched" theories is tht we know miquellas charm was broken with his great rune & going by the example of ansbach & thioillier in our fight god-miquella has to manually reapply the charm. so for phase 1 & the phase 2 cutscene up till miquella embraces him radahn Could not be charmed, & he makes zero effort to flee or resist miquella during that time. which implies to me that either radahn was a willing participant or at the very least that he had resigned himself to his fate without the need for a charm after trying to resist it lead to the destruction of caelid & his sanity. either way is more interesting than him just being charmed the whole time
Also, it’s not like the charm (at least not all the time) completely strips the person of their personality like a complete mind wipe or reset where they’re reduced to a slavering minion. They still mostly retain their original personalities and quirks but they are “tuned” to align with his goals at the time.
When i came out of the DLC and lost all the Scadu tree upgrades to defense and damage, I WALKED EVERYTHING left in the base game. Since the enemies and bosses also have a similar buff then once Miquella leaves the shadow lands to challenge Marika then they should be weaker then when we faced them. All of a sudden Elden lord Rykard isn't looking too far fetched.
Even if the bosses are not counted Radahn would still be needed to beat the various differing factions of the Lands Between into submission. As seen with Marika being host to the full Elden Ring: just cause someone goes and declares an age with it it does not mean everyone suddenly is buddy buddy with them. The Nox, The Ones who live in Death, Godwyn, The Sorcerers of Raya Lucaria, The Pests and Rot God alligned things, Misbegotten, Demihumans, Outer Gods in general, forces outside the Lands Between, Dragons, and Frenzied Flame would all still be needing either beating into submission or extinguishing. Whoever uses the power vaccuum of Mogh being gone to try to take over the Blood dynasty remnants would probably also be a minor nuisance to deal with. Not to mention Astels and other falling star type things coming down. Sure a lot of these factions do not possess known contenders for Radahn after the Tarnished would have swept through them, but he would still be a very busy fellow. Especially considering Leyndell and Miquella lacking a real count of other traditional forces, making him thus pretty much unable to muster much of an army for a good long time until some repopulating occurs. Miquella does also seem to require proximity to begin messing with minds. He wouldn't just get to ghost on into everyones castles like an honoured guest to try that if the jig was up and everyone was basically getting their doors kicked in by Radahn. Which would probably result in some team ups occuring eventually when it becomes apparent the price of defeat is being subjected to basically wide spread mind control.
Well actually maybe not. Rykard is his brother after all and just wants an end to the erdtree but the serpent might wanna eat miquella considering its predilection of devouring gods
After the Night of Black Knives, Ranni went missing too. Thought to be dead. So who exactly did that leave to become Empyrean and Elden Lord? Remember, being the goddess of rot was a fate Melinia fought against. Now the list…. No one knew of the twin omens, Rykard fed himself to a snake, and the grafted? Miqeulla should’ve pursued HIM? Radahn was the only candidate Miquella had. Melinia’s PRIDE unleashed the rot, meaning she acted out of pocket with the Bloom.
He definitely wouldn’t godwyn, “bother please die a truth death” Plus all the castle sol stuff. I feel rahdan was his second choice so I don’t know that they had some long game plan between each other.
In miquella world it would be the same as the golden other. Like miquella will be able to charm people but not that far from him or have like deathroot that charms people. Thats why he need radahn? To fight the ones that will go againsted miquella
What if the true nature of the 'Vow' is fated? The lore and story in both the base game and DLC may seem disconnected but are, in fact, interrelated. For instance, the term "Promised Consort (Lord)" parallels the concept of the "Promised King" in the Bible, referencing figures like Abraham, David, and Jesus. Just as how the Empyreans are chosen by the Two Fingers (Metyr, the Mother of Fingers, rather than the Greater Will). So, there might be a logic to have 'Lords' candidates.
He definitely wanted godwyn, “bother please die a truth death” Plus all the castle sol stuff. I feel rahdan was his second choice so I don’t know that they had some long game plan between each other. I like to think he had no idea, or miquella just decided “fuck it I’m doing this” like you said. Melania whispering to him makes me doubt it a little though. Was he confused when she said? Did he know what she was talking about?
What if radahn is an illusion in this fight I’m tired of repeating myself the shadow realm might be charmed as a whole due to miquella being an empyrean.
I hated this boss fight, the whole thing is stupid. How can Miquella resurrect Radahn and Mogh before he becomes a god? Miquella sheds parts of himself even St Trina, so how could he resurrect Rad and Mogh, How would he have any power at all?
I would say the DLC makes it pretty clear that all those schemes and plans and different "orders" are just the flailings of a dying golden order. From the begining the Golden Order abandoned them, and yet the fingers pretended to be following a great plan. this plan was not real and pretty much doomed to fail. So I think in a similar way, Miquella tried and tried to bring his order to fruition, but his ambitions were doomed from the start. He was way out of his league, and that last ditch effort, letting go of his own self, and with comandeering Mogs body and Radahn's soul was just that, the last tantrum of a boy who wanted the world to be different but felt powerless to do so. And it ends like any other god ina JRPG. Dead at the hands of some nameless waste of skin dumbass with more power than sense. Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face.
I don’t know if Radahn was actually promised eternal war, Freyja seems to think so, but I think that’s just her ideology leading to assumptions about her idol. Radahn is honourable enough that I think if he could be the lord to a god that brings about a true eternal peace that he would be content (though I don’t think anyone realises the extent of miquella’s manipulation and the likelihood that his age would practically brainwash everyone who dissented or caused unrest)
the story is, imo, pretty clearly drawing a parallel between Marika and Miquella and cycles of violence. Both started in truly unjust situations and wanted to make the world better, both abandoned morality along the way and harmed many, and both would be changed by this process and be tyrants of their age. the Hornsent’s violence led to Marika, Marika’s violence led to Miquella, and if he succeeded then Miquella’s violence would perpetuate that same cycle
There is an item description that proves Malenia was sent by Miquella to kill Radahn. It says what she whispers to him as she was detonation her nuke. That whisper is in the Elen Ring trailer but we didn't know back then. She says to Radahn that Miquella is waiting for him.
Which means the whole destruction of Caelid and all the death is directly a consequence of Miquella. When the guy says "Miquella the kind is a monster" here is the evidence. He will destroy the Lands Between if he has to in order to have his Age of Compasion.
Does Miquella have a plan to activate the Forge of the Giants? Ot do his plans get stopped by daddy Radagon's thorns? Because Im currently at the DLC And haven't burned the Erdtree yet.
When this first came out I thought it made no sense that Radahn would be the one to come back but honestly I kind of like it now. Not a new take but the contrast with Radahn being quite naturally liked and Miquella resorting to charming people into following him, probably out of paranoia or something, is a cool little characterization. And the fact that later down the line Radahn would probably end up getting the Godfrey treatment because his war would be over
I guess miquella needed the extra arms to braid radahns hair
Like any good brother-lover should ♥️
Radahn got scammed.
@@jamescannon4186ffs, gods in this game are spiritual beings, their consort is their link to the physical. It doesn't have to be romantic or sexual.
and to feel the power of the stars in those man pecs
still crazy how mohg was the one who ACTUALLY got mohglested
Sorry for the long write-up.
A few points I think are worth bringing up:
-Miquella and Radahn's story reads more like a series of tragedies, rather than some sort of giant machiavellian web spun by either. GRRM designed the demigods as noble figures which Fromsoft then tore apart and perverted through the Shattering. That's why they're both equally tragic heroes and heinous villains.
-Miriel mentions how breaking a solemn vow can lead to *disastrous* consequences. Exactly how these play out is a mystery, but Radagon broke his to Rennala and look where they ended up. This is also why it *had* to be Radahn, and Miquella couldn't just pick a replacement on the fly (though cut content implies *we* could have taken his place).
-I don't really buy the charmed theory when the vow was first made. This is mostly because the actual origin of those powers was tied to his Great-Rune, and partially because of what a *solemn vow* implies: true consent. The other factor is why the hell would he ever say no?
-Consider for a moment the larger belief system in the Lands Between; the Golden Order, Empyreans and Two-Fingers. Pre-Shattering, no-one knew about the Lands of Shadow, and thus would not have been aware of what God-hood actually implied. However, the importance of Empyreans and their destined role as future Gods was. Miquella's proposal was the equivalent of a divine gift, and while all the Demigods harbored some doubts, Radahn was pretty loyal. It's not unrealistic to think that Godfrey's biggest fan-boy would say yes when the prodigal son of his divine mother, chosen by the Two-Fingers (and from their POV the Greater Will itself) offered him Lordship. Miquella's instigation seems to me a simple case of a boy crushing on an idealized version of his brother, with neither one being in a position to really understand what they'd just gotten themselves into.
-I've gradually come to the opinion that Radahn's battle at Caelid against Malenia was likely the first true "Radahn Festival". Exactly how involved big red is another question, but I don't think it'd be that out of character. He'd get to fight perhaps the only true rival he had, and either goes down in a blaze of glory, with a vow of Lord-ship, OR he wins, gets another Great Rune delivered directly to him and can become Elden Lord. It also reconciles Malenia's behavior vis a vis Godrick (not taking his Rune) and I think that she either directly charmed by her brother, or explicitely told to win at any cost, because the Millicent questline reveals she *did not* want to do so.
-The Miquella *we* fight is, in a very literal sense, *not* the Miquella that'd been active throughout most of the Shattering. We "know" this because his Great Rune is broken and discarded *after* we arrive in the Land of Shadow, with us essentially hot on his trail. It's why the embodiment of his love (St Trina) which started his journey in the first ppace, quietly begs us to kill him so he won't become imprisoned in God-hood. It's also why his Age of Compassion was sort of doomed from the start, the sad part is that by the time he *might* have realized this, he was already too committed.
-I don't think Ranni was ever a major problem for Miquella's designs because she didn't actively seek out God-hood like he did. She pursued total seperation from the GW's influence, and her motivation was the *exact opposite* of Miquella's: a selfish desire for her own independence. It evolved into a larger desire to spread that agency to mortals, but her Age is explicitely not a paradise, just letting humans chart their own course. Miquella, for his part, started to pursue apotheosis due to empathy and altruism. He wanted to cure his sister, shelter those abused by his mother's brutal world which he wanted to make gentler and better for all. The Shattering turned it into a monomaniacal pursuit that eventually justified any action to achieve it. Ranni ends up fulfilling the ascension process, but does not actively seek out a Consort.
Can you imagine if Miq would've chosen Godefroy instead....
Why would he have done that
@Maxam-vn3gu lol it was a joke
I would've pissed myself if I saw Godrick walk through that gate
elden ring dlc final boss if it was good
Miquella isn’t evil. He is naive, of a child’s perspective.. nascence is the innocent and unknowing childlike state, and Miquella butterfly is the nascent butterfly. His means of charming everyone for an age of compassion is done out of good will, however he is too naive to understand that such an age is out of balance and is not sustainable without some kind of duality.
He really does have like a kids solution to the worlds problems. Hes definitely got good intentions but he doesnt understand the downsides to what he thinks an age of compassion would be like and problem with hust charming everyone
Also, his ability to bewitch, to ‘compel affection’ reminds me of adults inclination to coo at babies and say they are cute or to take care of children in need whether they are yours or not.
Mind control people to the point they are willing to inmolate themselfs is evil, not naive 😂.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. I would argue that the worst atrocities are carried out by those whose actions are guided by the belief that they are in the right. Those who act with a higher purpose.
It's always to hear your thoughts on Elden Ring. One point: Miquella cannot have already been kidnapped by Mogh when Malenia and Radahn fought: Miquella needed to still be active at that time since he'd cured Freya at the swamp of Aeonia.
A ring is a circle. And History repeats itself. My Intepretation is that this is a repetition of Marika and Godfrey's own journey. In essence of: A warrior, expecting a challenge follows a divinity's will and grace towards its objectives. But their goals were never aligned. Just as Marika and Hoara Loux's were incompatible. Notice how Marika forced him to change by fusing with Serosh?
It is conceptually the same thing occuring with Radahn forced into Mogh's body.
I thought Miquella may be playing the role of both Serosh and Marika in this example. I believe GRRM suggested history doesn't repeat but rhyme, hence there being differences.
why everyone ignores the DLC cutscene which show that there’s no VOW, Miqualla wished it by himself. Poor Radahn didnt know about it and during the boss fight he just controlled him as a puppet…
I think an interesting thing to consider is how the colors red and gold are portrayed in the story. The crucible knight are a perfect example of what red and gold mean to each other. The gold of their armor representing their orderliness, their ability to create a faction. Yet there is a red tinge about their gold, red representing the innate vitality/ natural world that existed before order. Radahn curiously enough also has this red and gold color scheme but his is more pronounced in its separation. Radahn is clad mostly in gold, he orders himself to the point of creating his own faction within the order of the erdtree, which he also supports yet there is always that distinction of red within him. Through out his life, Radahn has had his colors switch between which is more predominate. In history there was balance between his red and gold, his mind was clear and he was able to not only create order with his army but also able to give in to his primitive thirst for violence. He then begins to lose this balance during the shattering where he has his gold, and therefore mind and order, are subdued by the red of Melania making him turn into a literal beast. And finally, in the dlc, he has his red almost completely subdued by the radiant gold of Miquella quiet literally in the sense that Miquella's hair and rays envelope Radahn in the second phase. I like to believe that Radahn is not himself when their is no balance to this red and gold, order and primal urge. I would argue that Radahn probably did agree to be Miquella's consort when his mind still had balance but didn't know exactly what the plan was. I would also argue that the Radahn we see with Miquella is not so different from the Radahn we meet at the festival, both are mindless and without balance. It is just that one is too far pushed to his instincts while the other is far too ordered and therefore subdued.
TLDR: Radahn was mohglested not once, but twice 🥲
Miquella is a very ends justify the means sort of character. Someone needs to be the hammer of god and miquella isn't physically powerful. So anyone not for his age of compassion can whine to Radahn about it.
Theres also smoughtowns interpretation that it was a "you can have me if you kill me." Challenge which fits Radahn might makes right mentality. Or that he gets one final fight with a worthy opponent at his height.
Plot twist: even as Consort, Morgott still curb stomped Radahn on the way to the erdtree
Morgott is the demigod I was most regretful killing. If he could have grown beyond his absolute devotion to the golden order ... well that wouldn't happen.
And if he had been born among the Hornsent, he would have been a paragon, their champion.
Morgott and radahn, as every demigod, were allies before shattering war...when radahn siege godrick to take his great rune, morgott stop radahn...but radahn was not in opposition to Morgott...that fight, broke the relationship among them and between all the demigods: the sovereign alliance...(Dialogue of kenneth haight/ Margitt protects the stormveil bridge/ first defense monument references)
@@specialnewb9821 Really makes me think Marika's betrayel was that she was to be the hornsent's empryian and instead she took revenge on the hornsent for what they did to her home.
@@hennessya96That would make perfect sense because the hornsent always refer to Marika's betrayal implying that Marika was allied with the hornsent in their eyes, not to mention all the statues of marika in the shadowlands that have their head cut off, those may have been built by messmer's people and the head cut off by vengeful hornsent later or they were built by hornsent when Marika was important to them and cut off after the "betrayal"
It's interesting how enchantment works. He erases the guilt, the doubt, the hate and the negative emotions. I think thiss is why most remained loyal to Leda at the finale. The reason sir Ansbach and Thiollir joined you is for their own masters, Mohg and St. Trina, respectively. I think the start of the second phase is Miquella enchanting Radahn to stop his bloodlust.
It's also interesting that Mohg's charm seemed different.
I've said it before: Miquella gave up on fixing the world. He decides to mind control it because he despaired. I cannot really fathom how bad an age ruled over by a god who had lost hope in what he ruled over and even himself woukd be.
As for conquest I think Miquella would have set out to rule the world not just the lands between. And I think this hold whether you think the place is a real place or heaven of some sort.
He slipped him a Miquey
Not fun waking up to a woman that’s 145 with no ham hocks or dumpster and 43 when your 19
Look at the distance between radahn fortress and the haligtree, HE IS CLEARLY GETTING AS FAR AS POSSIBLE FROM MIQUELLA
All Hail the glorious hair cape
I wish Radahn and Mohg collectively divorced Miquella and married each other because it would be hilarious.
Miq: My husband divorced me to marry himself!
Rennala: First time?
I thought Radahn learned Gravity Magic to keep being able to ride his beloved horse no matter how large he got?
"...it's paved with skulls" got me 🤣
idk how I'm just noticing the pillars of light resembling the arch trees 1:54
I agree with most everything you said and I'm glad to see it.
When Malenia says he's the most fearsome empyrean, I take her word for it.
Why can’t people pronounce things correctly? It’s not Mog, it’s Mohg.
My theory is, that Miquella and Radahn made the vow during their childhood like childs play, but Radahn grew older and mature and dismissed the vow, while Miquella still a child was stubborn and so wants to make Radahn his consort by force.
yknow maybe this a stupid question, but what is the function of a consort anyhow? i doubt its the usual meaning of having kids considering marika/ranni can marry the player regardless of gender, and it seems even less likely with miquella and radahn. is it just like having a demigod avatar? bodyguard?
consort is your spouse, lover, partner, all that jazz
In the context of this game, a consort is a God's physical hands in the world. They need a consult because they are Spiritual beings, not physical. It doesn't have to be something sexual or romantic.
i think it is primarily symbolic, as 2 parts of a whole, or 2 opposite poles, or 2 parts of a pair, or a couple, twins, duality, etc etc with each version of the relationship being unique to the individuals that join together, such as ranni/blaidd, ranni/player, marika/radagon, rennala/radagon, marika/godfrey, all these relationships represent the idea of 2 being together, but all of these relationships operate and behave differently.
From what it seems, someone to do the more corporeal and non ethereal duties. What those entail likely varies greatly
Tricky Miqui Its just the BEST name ever 😂
Its good to see my favorite content creator on a roll recently! Thank you for keeping it real in your videos
Hey Honored Madman, I love your analyses. I'm still confused about Radahn's appearance at the Gate of Divinity. I originally took this as From's convention of resurrecting great warriors "in their prime" ( i.e. Isshin Ashina, Godfrey). But then I learned it's Mohg's body. But it looks nothing like Mohg. Is this Radahn's spirit, charmed by Miquella, inside Mohg's body? And if so where are his Omen Horns? Was his body reformed to look like a young Radahn? What's his deal?
The body does indeed have twisted horns if you look carefully.
Yeah I mean you would think there would be giant horns everywhere considering its mohgs body but Prime Radahn only has a couple tiny ones on his arms and barely used any blood incantations. Maybe we can cope and say Miquella is good at removing the influence of outer gods and he made it the omen aspects like strong idk man haha
@@nmanhgnthe femboy removed his OWN body. I don’t think our rules or logic apply here
@@fishsticks2965 Really? Hmm, I'll have to take a closer look at the character design. Thanks!
There's one important detail I don't think you accounted for in this video, regarding the demigods' motives: the mad taint of the Great Runes. It's easy to imagine Radahn as a heroic protector before he became a warmonger; to imagine Miquella's kindness originating from a genuine place before everything went wrong. Their vow is a remnant of their long-lost youth; a faded remnant of the people they once were, and a reminder of what might have been, but never would be.
I am not sure about when Miquella went into the haligtree because he was walking around Aeonia and found Freyja.
One thing that always intrigued me is that Miquella wants to “MAKE the world a gentler place.” This is an active verb that requires action/force. Tying this to Radahn who loves fighting so much it seems at odds but Freyja’s line when you reveal the secret rite scroll I think ties it all together: “Yes, of course, I see. As the festival of war concluded, General Radahn’s soul met an honourable end. But Kindly Miquella wishes to revive it. ...Which is fine by me. I know it would pain old Jerren, but war has always suited General Radahn best. And certainly far more than any honourable death. Endless war to invigorate the soul. As befits General Radahn, the great lion.”
Endless war to reinvigorate the soul. So Freyja, at least, believes that Miquella’s plan will not suddenly have the world be a gentler place. Miquella’s plan precludes unending violence because the world is not, and cannot be, a completely gentle place. Strife and violence will always exist and so long as Miquella fights against that notion he fights all the same. He will need a warrior who is willing and wanting to fight forever. Miquella’s naive goal is flawed from the start and if he were to succeed in defeating the tarnished he’d become the very thing he wishes to see ended. There’s something beautiful and tragic in that.
I just wish the base game gave us any inkling of Miquella and Radahn’s relationship prior to SOTE.
Can’t wait to hear the madman ramblings regarding nightreign. The lore seems like it’s gonna be ‘not related… unless…’ which is right up my alley personally. If something in nightreign is cool enough, boom, headcanon.
Miquella said “heng dai🤞” to radahn and it was wraps from there
Just like how Marika needed Radagon to ascend he too needed Radahn to reach a new state of godhood
Maybe Miquella sent Malenia to kill radahn because he desired it so as his part of the vow. Radahn loves war and so maybe his part of the vow was to be killed and granted an honorable death before becoming Miquellas lord. Radahn could've accepted the terms of the vow because Mohgs body was thrown in the deal, (the literal blood of Godfrey and heir of Godfrey), Obviously radahn wouldn't pass up the corpse of a son of the golden lineage or an honorable death. Malenia clearly wasn't strong enough but since she was so desperate, that's when she unleashed the bloom upon Radahn and caelid. Miquella was present during this time and saw Malenia sacrifice her honor and dignity and that's why during the promised consort cutscene he says, "My loyal blade". Plus as lord consort, Radahn would need to go to war with those who are strong enough to resist Miquella, and he loves war so that's probably another reason he went along with the vow. I want to counter the people saying that Miquella would probably throw Radahn away, while this may be true since Miquella casted away his love, he did it to become the god of love, and as a god of love, he'd be able to still have that feeling even when he discarded it.
One more thing, Radahn probably didn't care about the nuking of Caelid because again, Miquella could heal scarlet rot. He cured the sickness Freyja had, so maybe Miquella would cure the scarlet rot in caelid and in the haligtree when he returned as a god.
A lot of you probably already thought of this but I thought I might as well add it in.
I like this because it makes it way more tragic if he was supposed to be beat in fair combat but the scarlet nuke happened instead
I believe Miquella naively thought he could resurrect Godwyn, to become his lord. He recruited Castle Sol as a gift to Godwyn, but that never came to be because he was truly dead. Thus, shifting his gaze to Radahn, but he still lacked the crucible qualities, calling Mogh to order. I don’t know if Mogh was always a key to Miquella’s plan, but to unite the crucible and the new order Mogh’s horned corpse made a good vessel. Its possible since Godwyn is unresurrectable, Miquella made his own, with the strongest and most similar values. He made his own “Frankenstein’s Monster” of Godwyn
I think the Haligtree was a failed plan by Miquella to become a god, he tried to grow a tree to challenge the erdtree with his own order, but something happened and he realised that would not be enough, that he would need to fundamentally change himself and the world to bring about his order, and so he makes and carries out the plan we see happening in shadow of the erdtree. That is why he did not abandon St Trina until the shadowlands, up until then he still had love, both for his sister (in trying to cure her curse), and for the oppressed people that fled to the haligtree
"Radahn do you vow to serve as my consort when i become a god?" "WHAT?! OVER MY DEAD BODY!" "your terms are acceptable." thats the vow lol
I was NOT expecting Sovereign to open the video. Damn, interest is *piqued*
i think a big part of peoples confusion on this topic is that they aren't keeping the established limits of miquellas charm in mind. like, it is consistently established both mechanically & in lore that miquellas bewitchment requires intimate physical contact. even if miquella DOES plan to charm all his opposition, its not as though he can just snap his fingers and charm them from across the globe. even if miquella attempts to individually touch every newborn across the lands there are inevitably gonna be those who slip through the cracks & form resistance movements. also given these limitations my issue with "radahn is bewitched" theories is tht we know miquellas charm was broken with his great rune & going by the example of ansbach & thioillier in our fight god-miquella has to manually reapply the charm. so for phase 1 & the phase 2 cutscene up till miquella embraces him radahn Could not be charmed, & he makes zero effort to flee or resist miquella during that time. which implies to me that either radahn was a willing participant or at the very least that he had resigned himself to his fate without the need for a charm after trying to resist it lead to the destruction of caelid & his sanity. either way is more interesting than him just being charmed the whole time
Also, it’s not like the charm (at least not all the time) completely strips the person of their personality like a complete mind wipe or reset where they’re reduced to a slavering minion. They still mostly retain their original personalities and quirks but they are “tuned” to align with his goals at the time.
Miquella is elden rings fleece johnson
When i came out of the DLC and lost all the Scadu tree upgrades to defense and damage, I WALKED EVERYTHING left in the base game. Since the enemies and bosses also have a similar buff then once Miquella leaves the shadow lands to challenge Marika then they should be weaker then when we faced them. All of a sudden Elden lord Rykard isn't looking too far fetched.
I hit the bowl with you🙏🏻
Even if the bosses are not counted Radahn would still be needed to beat the various differing factions of the Lands Between into submission. As seen with Marika being host to the full Elden Ring: just cause someone goes and declares an age with it it does not mean everyone suddenly is buddy buddy with them. The Nox, The Ones who live in Death, Godwyn, The Sorcerers of Raya Lucaria, The Pests and Rot God alligned things, Misbegotten, Demihumans, Outer Gods in general, forces outside the Lands Between, Dragons, and Frenzied Flame would all still be needing either beating into submission or extinguishing. Whoever uses the power vaccuum of Mogh being gone to try to take over the Blood dynasty remnants would probably also be a minor nuisance to deal with. Not to mention Astels and other falling star type things coming down. Sure a lot of these factions do not possess known contenders for Radahn after the Tarnished would have swept through them, but he would still be a very busy fellow. Especially considering Leyndell and Miquella lacking a real count of other traditional forces, making him thus pretty much unable to muster much of an army for a good long time until some repopulating occurs. Miquella does also seem to require proximity to begin messing with minds. He wouldn't just get to ghost on into everyones castles like an honoured guest to try that if the jig was up and everyone was basically getting their doors kicked in by Radahn. Which would probably result in some team ups occuring eventually when it becomes apparent the price of defeat is being subjected to basically wide spread mind control.
He'd also have rykard and volcano manor to deal with as well which i somehow forgot to mention
Well actually maybe not. Rykard is his brother after all and just wants an end to the erdtree but the serpent might wanna eat miquella considering its predilection of devouring gods
Starting with a Sovereign voiceline is so hot🫦
After the Night of Black Knives, Ranni went missing too. Thought to be dead. So who exactly did that leave to become Empyrean and Elden Lord? Remember, being the goddess of rot was a fate Melinia fought against. Now the list….
No one knew of the twin omens, Rykard fed himself to a snake, and the grafted? Miqeulla should’ve pursued HIM? Radahn was the only candidate Miquella had. Melinia’s PRIDE unleashed the rot, meaning she acted out of pocket with the Bloom.
Loved the last vid and ur outro instantly made u my fav lore dude besides smough, got a sandwich hyped 2 watch
Whoa whoa whoa! You think Marika had Godwyn killed? Can’t wait for that video. Popcorn at the ready.
every time you said Micky it brought me so much joy
He definitely wouldn’t godwyn, “bother please die a truth death”
Plus all the castle sol stuff. I feel rahdan was his second choice so I don’t know that they had some long game plan between each other.
Love your videos so much man
We all know it should’ve been Promised Consort Boc if Miquella was picking based on the stuff he really is talking about.
In miquella world it would be the same as the golden other. Like miquella will be able to charm people but not that far from him or have like deathroot that charms people. Thats why he need radahn? To fight the ones that will go againsted miquella
cant wait for that Marika video
Love all your videos 👍
What if the true nature of the 'Vow' is fated? The lore and story in both the base game and DLC may seem disconnected but are, in fact, interrelated. For instance, the term "Promised Consort (Lord)" parallels the concept of the "Promised King" in the Bible, referencing figures like Abraham, David, and Jesus. Just as how the Empyreans are chosen by the Two Fingers (Metyr, the Mother of Fingers, rather than the Greater Will). So, there might be a logic to have 'Lords' candidates.
He definitely wanted godwyn, “bother please die a truth death”
Plus all the castle sol stuff. I feel rahdan was his second choice so I don’t know that they had some long game plan between each other. I like to think he had no idea, or miquella just decided “fuck it I’m doing this” like you said. Melania whispering to him makes me doubt it a little though. Was he confused when she said? Did he know what she was talking about?
Miquella bewitched Redahn, seems pretty clear imo. If Redahn was willing, then there would have been no reason for Melania to fight him.
Miquella: let's be together
Radahn: 😠 no
Miquella: Godfrey was a harem to Marika u know, u can be a harem too.
Radahn: 😯
What if radahn is an illusion in this fight I’m tired of repeating myself the shadow realm might be charmed as a whole due to miquella being an empyrean.
They just chillin bruv.
I hated this boss fight, the whole thing is stupid. How can Miquella resurrect Radahn and Mogh before he becomes a god? Miquella sheds parts of himself even St Trina, so how could he resurrect Rad and Mogh, How would he have any power at all?
Miquella's Great Rune was broken. Maybe he took its power into himself to offset the loss of St Trina
I would say the DLC makes it pretty clear that all those schemes and plans and different "orders" are just the flailings of a dying golden order. From the begining the Golden Order abandoned them, and yet the fingers pretended to be following a great plan. this plan was not real and pretty much doomed to fail.
So I think in a similar way, Miquella tried and tried to bring his order to fruition, but his ambitions were doomed from the start. He was way out of his league, and that last ditch effort, letting go of his own self, and with comandeering Mogs body and Radahn's soul was just that, the last tantrum of a boy who wanted the world to be different but felt powerless to do so. And it ends like any other god ina JRPG. Dead at the hands of some nameless waste of skin dumbass with more power than sense. Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the face.
Fromsoft's lore is always obscure, but SoE felt disconnected and random.
"It's complicated."
No, it's just dumb.
Why is Mogh's body required to enter the Shadow lands anyways?
I really like the idea of Radahn being aware of Miquella's plan but only going along with it if he's bested in battle
Finally, first. Also, finally your take on the lore of this debacle. Stoked to watch.
I'll say it if others dont .... The dlc main story lore and story whoomps im the words of the goat Tj detweiler from recess .
Hell yeah, brother
Always a treat.
The deepest lore of all: From Software likes money.
I always liked referring to Miquella as "Mike." Mick works better though
I called him mike in a previous video but this time mickey just came to mind lol i think i heard someone else say it
5:00 Hell yea I know
is it george rr martin pullin his plot twist hijinks again?
I think miquela revives radhan Cuz body and soul of godwyn are useless
Tricky micky 😂
Tricky miqqy
What’s the intro speech from?
Tricky micky hahahaha
I don’t know if Radahn was actually promised eternal war, Freyja seems to think so, but I think that’s just her ideology leading to assumptions about her idol. Radahn is honourable enough that I think if he could be the lord to a god that brings about a true eternal peace that he would be content (though I don’t think anyone realises the extent of miquella’s manipulation and the likelihood that his age would practically brainwash everyone who dissented or caused unrest)
Confusing and deep narratives in elden ring?? A fromsoft game??
Nah, they cut out the second ending and were rushed to release that’s why we got land of 13% effort
the story is, imo, pretty clearly drawing a parallel between Marika and Miquella and cycles of violence. Both started in truly unjust situations and wanted to make the world better, both abandoned morality along the way and harmed many, and both would be changed by this process and be tyrants of their age. the Hornsent’s violence led to Marika, Marika’s violence led to Miquella, and if he succeeded then Miquella’s violence would perpetuate that same cycle
Miquella did nothing wrong >:3
Oh he did plenty wrong, we just stopped him from doing more wrong.
He did some wrong but still less wrong than all other bloodthirsty demi gods
Miquella should have chosen THE ALLLLL KNOWWWWINGGGG
There is an item description that proves Malenia was sent by Miquella to kill Radahn. It says what she whispers to him as she was detonation her nuke. That whisper is in the Elen Ring trailer but we didn't know back then. She says to Radahn that Miquella is waiting for him.
Which means the whole destruction of Caelid and all the death is directly a consequence of Miquella. When the guy says "Miquella the kind is a monster" here is the evidence. He will destroy the Lands Between if he has to in order to have his Age of Compasion.
Does Miquella have a plan to activate the Forge of the Giants? Ot do his plans get stopped by daddy Radagon's thorns? Because Im currently at the DLC And haven't burned the Erdtree yet.