Gemes banget, Dream seneng banget pake konsep anak SMA, berasa nostalgia, Jeno flashback sebangku ama Jaemin di SOPA dulu, Renjun juga flashback masa sekolah... Ini salah satu skincare lokal yang bagus, cocok sama citra Dream yang fresh and young 😍 sukses terus DREAM...
SERIUS SIH, ini konten paling gemesin menurutku. liat mereka pake seragam gitu. Chenle nyobekin kertas buat buat nambah sampah dg dijadiin pesawat2an, Renjun yg usil bgt, apalagi nempelin kertas dipunggung dg ada tulisan gitu, adalah hal paling legend waktu disekolah. Jisung maknae yang polosnya bikin gemes. Jeno anak badboy yg juga pinter. Nana si paling kalem. JADI MERASA KANGEN BGT SAMA SEKOLAH.
Seneng banget lihat anak Nct Dream pake baju SMA berasa lokal 🤧💚 Thank you Somethinc yang awal nya ini editan sijeuni 🌱 Nct Dream pake seragam Sma sekarang beneran nyata 💚😍
jaemin = the sleepyhead in the library jeno = the popular jock renjun = the model student chenle = the chill ace student jisung = the clueless yet passing student
Makasih banyak buat SOMETHINC buat kolaborasi barang nct dream🙏 dan makasih banyak karna telah membuat kehaluan para nctzen jd kenyataan karna mereka pake seragam sekolah indo😭🙏❤️
for those who don't know somethinc is one of the most popular skincare & makeup brands in indonesia, so knowing that nct dream is doing a collab with somethinc is definitely shocking but also exciting! thank you dreamies for doing a collab with somethinc!
Somethinc, tokped, lazada dan produk lain untung juga sih, behind nya dijadiin konten di akun NCT yabg penontonnya pasti banyak dan bakal kenal sama produk dan apapun yang dijadiin konten disini 💚
Ga sia sia sijeuni ngedit mereka versi anak SMA akhirnya mereka udah jadi nyata😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻 aduh kak kalau punya kakak kelas kayak gini pasti udah ga mau pulang sekolah😭🙏🏻
renjun: tipikal ketos galak jaemin: si moodbooster kelas chenle: tipikal yg paling sering dicontekin :) jisung: kalem in public bar-bar in private jeno: tipikal anak hits, sampe satu sekolah kenal dia semua T____T
thancuuu Somethinc for the collaboration w/ Nct Dream. dan buat para Injeuni berbanggalah kalian setiap konten collab selalu di up disini, gue berasa jadi fans paling bahagia seduniaaa. AAAAA THANKS A LOT DREAMIES U GUYS DID IT VERY WELL 🔥😭
Renjun and Jisung both radiating that well-mannered school boys who are loved by the teachers and being every girl's idol.. NOW GIVE ME THE WEB DRAMA, DREAMIES AS SCHOOL BOYS
Kayanya salah satu benefit yang nct tawarin di kontak kerja mereka adalah konten yt. Secara ngga langsung baik fans Indonesia maupun ifans bakalan bertanya2 somethinc tuh apa? dari mana? dll yang mana sedikit banyaknya membantu promosi buat brand nya juga. Gak rugi deh kalo collab sama nct
Yesss! Ini yang dari dulu gue pikirin juga. NCT dapet konten youtube, dan produk yang kerjasama sama mereka dapet konten iklan tambahan gratis. Beruntung sih yang kerjasama sama NCT.
@@update876 iya habis itu langsung sold out, sore jam 4 an deh itu masih ada semua varian lengkapnya meskipun gwe lagi mikir lama. Alhamdulillah masih dapet, kalo pas pagi kayanya emang sempet sold out mungkin restock sistemya
for international fans who dont know what is Somethinc. Somethinc is one of popular local skincare in Indonesia. they are one of top brand in Indonesia. if you are join the Pre order, i bet you will not regret join the PO because the skincare is good enough for your skin. NCT Dream make a good colaboration with best brand
ini brand indo suka bikin jantung nctzen indo ga aman ya?? ini somethinc abis itu produk sebelah si ijo ketar ketirr dah aslii. TAPI MAKASIHH BANYAKK SENENG BANGETT BANGETT BANGETT WKWK pasti bakal cobain somethinc lah ya,lagi nabung nih.
Terima kasih SM Ent....terima kasih buat anak anak Dream....terima kasih juga buat Somethinc....yang udah kolaborasi dan pakek seragam anak sekolah Indonesia pula....cinta dan sayang buat anak Dream banyak banyak dech....💚💚
For real, JENO so good in modeling!!! He never have that awkward or foreign feeling in every set! No wonder Jisung calling his JENO hyung, the best model in every photoshoot! He is so good!
Oh my goodness. Thank you so much Somethinc for making them as your ambassador and fulfilling our dream of them wearing Indonesia's Senior High School uniform!
@@cheesenobita kalau gak salah. Katanya seragam nya bagus. Seragamnya itu kayak seragam sekolah menengah di kehidupan nyata. Terus katanya 가영 김 sepertinya di kehidupan nyata gak ada
The fact is they still fit in school uniforms. When I become a teacher later, I think I will be happy every time I teach if the students are like them.
Renjun is so beautiful, NCT in short everyone is cute and talented but Renjun is a beauty from another world, he is so cute and beautiful! we love you all Fighting ❤
Renjun dan yang lainnya aku lihat beberapa kali mereka bilang "senang", karena suasananya seperti disekolah. Jadi fans ikutan senang ngelihatnya. Thanks dreamies, thanks somethinc.
Pokoknya makasih banyak buat Somethinc udah kolaborasi bareng NCT Dream🙏 seneng bangett lihat mereka bercanda, iseng iseng, nostalgia jaman sekolah gemess apalagi pake baju seragam sekolah indo yang mewujudkan kehaluan kita🙏😭🤍
i normally never watch this kind of content, behind scenes and stuff, but NCT Dream content is so wholesome and watching them doing literally anything will lift my mood instantly, love it.
Not to forget the fact that all dreamies here looked so happy and were having fun filming this 🥺 I'm so glad. Also thanks to SOMETHINC for using this concept~ Dreamies suit school boys concept so well
Btw, beruntung deh yang bisa kerjasama sama NCT. Karena mereka selalu bikin video behind the scene dari setiap kegiatan mereka. Secara ga langsung, NCT dapet konten baru buat youtube nya, dan produk yang kerjasama sama mereka dapet iklan sendiri untuk produk mereka diluar apa yang udah mereka dapet dari kerjasamanya.
How can someone be so handsome and pretty at the same time omg Huang Renjun's visual is truly something else. He looks so ethereal and youthful in school uniform.
Renjun Ji-Sung udah kaya anak baik" ya klo di sekolah *ala ala anak nurut bgt* ( kutu buku lah istilahnya ) *berasa lagi liat anak SMA mo pelajaran agama* 😅 klo my love Nana udah kaya murid fav di kelas *ganteng nya ga ada obat* klo jalan dikit aja yg bikin cewek" pada caper pura" jalan pura" ke WC padahal niat nya buat liat Nana doang.klo Jeno dan chanle anak SMK bgt yg jadi inceran cewe" akutansi biasa nya 🤭😅😅
Renjun is that smart student in the class might also run for class president and always score straight As also is very playful with his group of friends, def male lead in manga or drama. Would love to see him act in a school rom-com drama andddd he is the type of person I would have a crush on lol
Woaahhh why the uniforms it's so perfect for them?! Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung you guys really look like students on Indonesian high school. *Fun fact:* this uniforms used Monday&Tuesday on Indonesian high school for common. #NctDreamSomethinc
Aaa thankyou something and SME gemeeesss banget lihat mereka pakai seragam sma/smk Indonesia fix habis ini jadi langganan something nih😍💚 Edit : wuih trending 14 nih yokkk semangat untuk mencapai trending 1🔥🔥
It's always so fun and satisfying to watch them have casual conversations and joke around during break/stand-by time. Jisung's three-layered lunchbox vs. Renjun's buffet for lunch (when they were joking) had me laughing.
Dikabulin dong mereka pake seragam osis 😭😭 TERIMAKASIH SOMETHINC & DREAMIS SUDAH MEWUJUDKAN PERHALUAN KAMI! Jeno vibes nya kek anak basket yg terkenal seantero sekolah :3 Renjun vibes kek ketua osis :') Chenle vibes kayak anak² pinter yg sering dicontekin :v Jisung vibes si anak² kalem tapi bar-bar :0 Jaemin vibes ketua kelas yg ramah dan bersahaja ^.^
Makasih bnyk bnyk sama somethinc sih 🙏😭ini bnr bnr nyata mereka pake sergam esema indo pula nctzn indo kembali di notice 😭halu kita semua mjadi nytaaa 😭💚💚💚💚
Karena "STAFF SM" suka memantau semoga bisa baca komen ini ayooo!!! buat lagi " KELAS BELAJAR BAHASA INDONESIA SEASON 2" sayangkan seragam OSIS nya dari pada nganggur bisa buat konten lagi ㅋㅋㅋㅋ yuk bisa yukk injeuni menanti nanti banget banget nih😂
Mangkanya Jangan suka ngedit NCT jadi anak SMA giliran diturutin kalian yg Pingsan 🤣😭😭
Apa anda juga baik2 saja? 😅.
Halu edit adalah doa, semoga banyak yg terkabul. 🤣
Aku malah gemes sendiri liat tingkah mereka pakai seragam 😭
Apa cuma aku, atau emang Nana sama Nono vibes nya kaya anak nakal tapi idol di sekolah benar gak sih
@@numpanglewat4604 Nono yg vibesnya ky anak nakal,tpi klo Nana ky idaman semua guru+idaman ciwi²,sksksk
Asli lah saya kaget OMG pas tau ada ini ahslsjksjs sumpah gila banget saya gila OMG😭😭
Somethinc itu brand lokal kah?
@@faniaeltarita2697 iyaa
Terasa dekat 😭 mana pake baju OSIS lg
@@faniaeltarita2697 iyapppp 🙏👍
Seneng bgt yg awalnya sijeuni ngedit nctdream pake seragam sekolah SMA
Eh dikabulin sama Somethinc 🥺💚
Lu ada dimana mana dah wkwkwk salam kenal
@@Rislya salken wkwkwk 💚 dimana aja emang.. :v gw kadang gabut
Staff SM kayaknya sering disuruh traveling UA-cam 24/7 sama nyai buat mencari "ilham", nah lagi asik2 nyari ketemu editan injeuni 🤣
benar bgt 😭😭
Gemes banget, Dream seneng banget pake konsep anak SMA, berasa nostalgia, Jeno flashback sebangku ama Jaemin di SOPA dulu, Renjun juga flashback masa sekolah... Ini salah satu skincare lokal yang bagus, cocok sama citra Dream yang fresh and young 😍 sukses terus DREAM...
SERIUS SIH, ini konten paling gemesin menurutku. liat mereka pake seragam gitu. Chenle nyobekin kertas buat buat nambah sampah dg dijadiin pesawat2an, Renjun yg usil bgt, apalagi nempelin kertas dipunggung dg ada tulisan gitu, adalah hal paling legend waktu disekolah. Jisung maknae yang polosnya bikin gemes. Jeno anak badboy yg juga pinter. Nana si paling kalem. JADI MERASA KANGEN BGT SAMA SEKOLAH.
Cocok banget ga si mereka main web drama?
Sama aku juga..pengen jadi Anak SMA lagi
Samaa aku juga kangen ihh, sayang ga bisa ngerasain lagih
Kangen sekolah huaaa
Ku anak yg udh lulus SMA lulusan covid gk bisa ngerasain rsa2 itu😭
Our Squad Leader looking super fine in their high school uniform!💚💚
Aku sabar menunggu batch selanjutnya kak, dg paket pc lengkapnya kak.. 😇💚🤭
Seneng banget lihat anak Nct Dream pake baju SMA berasa lokal 🤧💚
Thank you Somethinc yang awal nya ini editan sijeuni 🌱 Nct Dream pake seragam Sma sekarang beneran nyata 💚😍
Ya Allah bener banget,dulu gue kira editan 😭😭
Sama, ta kira editan Sijeuni seperti biasa.. ternyata beneran 😍😍 tinggal lokasi nya tuh ke Indo yu...
Iyaaa jadi makin kerasa lokalnya, coba ada haechan dan mark ya
Ti ati guys..........kita dipantau............😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@srimurtiningsih3547 promo produk tetangga😁
설날을 앞두고 추석영상이라니 오히려 좋아,,
Ya udah tdi kda mau jua nvjd7e Eropa for tt
자컨팀 더 일해주세요.
seneng banget bisa jadi fans somethinc mulai sebelum sebesar sekarang sampek bisa bikin projek bareng dreamies idola kesayangan gue 😍😍😍
Sayang banget pokoknya 🤗
Review nya dong qaqaq
Aaaa.. Terharu niih editan akhirny jadi reaall🥺💚💚💚✨
Mksih bnyk nct dreammmq😍🔥
jaemin = the sleepyhead in the library
jeno = the popular jock
renjun = the model student
chenle = the chill ace student
jisung = the clueless yet passing student
Disini interaksinya lucu banget. Dan akhirnya kesampaian ngeliat dream jadi anak sma. Renjun dengan jisung, Jeno dengan jisung. Ngegemesin
런쥔아 밝게 나온 게 아니라 너 얼굴 자체가 이미 빛이라서 밝게 나오는 거야 ㅠㅠ
Renjun has such a "campus crush" face. He's so handsome.
True... 💯
So true I have a crush on him ❤️
Makasih banyak buat SOMETHINC buat kolaborasi barang nct dream🙏 dan makasih banyak karna telah membuat kehaluan para nctzen jd kenyataan karna mereka pake seragam sekolah indo😭🙏❤️
Maaf tanya, Somethinc dari indo ya kak?
@@annisaulilamri6962 iya ka:)
@@rossieee1485 recomended ngga ka?
Ga malu dek??? Copy komen orang??
@@corrosionscythe1910 kayaknya ini comm aslinya sih
Terima kasih Somethinc udah collab sama NCT Dream!!💚
Renjun was so cute being all shy when jisung mentioned he was into steak and yes Jaemin, we know you are whipped for him (me too)
for those who don't know somethinc is one of the most popular skincare & makeup brands in indonesia, so knowing that nct dream is doing a collab with somethinc is definitely shocking but also exciting! thank you dreamies for doing a collab with somethinc!
Somethinc, tokped, lazada dan produk lain untung juga sih, behind nya dijadiin konten di akun NCT yabg penontonnya pasti banyak dan bakal kenal sama produk dan apapun yang dijadiin konten disini 💚
Renjun and Jisung did a great job acting when it wasn't even scripted...They should be really cast in a teen drama
omg this
Ga sia sia sijeuni ngedit mereka versi anak SMA akhirnya mereka udah jadi nyata😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻 aduh kak kalau punya kakak kelas kayak gini pasti udah ga mau pulang sekolah😭🙏🏻
renjun: tipikal ketos galak
jaemin: si moodbooster kelas
chenle: tipikal yg paling sering dicontekin :)
jisung: kalem in public bar-bar in private
jeno: tipikal anak hits, sampe satu sekolah kenal dia semua T____T
Jeno aura" badboy playboy geng motor gasih?😭
thancuuu Somethinc for the collaboration w/ Nct Dream. dan buat para Injeuni berbanggalah kalian setiap konten collab selalu di up disini, gue berasa jadi fans paling bahagia seduniaaa. AAAAA THANKS A LOT DREAMIES U GUYS DID IT VERY WELL 🔥😭
Dreamies are literally the best models any brand would be lucky to have them as ambassadors
they are all so handsome!!!!!!
Say it louder for those at the back bestieee!!
진짜 그냥 기절할게요
Renjun and Jisung both radiating that well-mannered school boys who are loved by the teachers and being every girl's idol.. NOW GIVE ME THE WEB DRAMA, DREAMIES AS SCHOOL BOYS
Exactly just like treasure that they need to do that with NCT dream
Attention to SM staff to make it happen please
Its so fun to see RenJun and Jisung joking around.... They all look so happy... I missed them so much
Kayanya salah satu benefit yang nct tawarin di kontak kerja mereka adalah konten yt. Secara ngga langsung baik fans Indonesia maupun ifans bakalan bertanya2 somethinc tuh apa? dari mana? dll yang mana sedikit banyaknya membantu promosi buat brand nya juga. Gak rugi deh kalo collab sama nct
Yesss! Ini yang dari dulu gue pikirin juga.
NCT dapet konten youtube, dan produk yang kerjasama sama mereka dapet konten iklan tambahan gratis.
Beruntung sih yang kerjasama sama NCT.
Dan produknya sudah should out 😭 gw ngincer photo cardnya 🥺
@@update876 kemarin gwe ada sisa checkout yg belum kepayment padahal
@@dysienotdaisy serius ? tp gw cek udah pada sold out 😭
@@update876 iya habis itu langsung sold out, sore jam 4 an deh itu masih ada semua varian lengkapnya meskipun gwe lagi mikir lama. Alhamdulillah masih dapet, kalo pas pagi kayanya emang sempet sold out mungkin restock sistemya
3:45 renjun really drives me crazy, the way he started staring deeply to camera
Jeno:tetua basket+langganan bk
Jaemin: murid teladan
Chenle: cowok populer
Ji-Sung: cowok polos+kesayangan bk juga
Renjun dirazia gak si rambutnya T_T
@@salwasalsabiilamaaris Renjun Jeno T_____T
Dan Jeno adalah Visual PU untuk Cerita2 Wattpad😁
Jisung itu cowok polos + mencoba sesuatu atau banyak hal
kalo Renjun jadi ketos, gua rela telat mulu buat dihukum sama dia wkwk
Sumpah gak nyangka mereka akhirnya beneran dipakein baju seragam SMA. Jangan lupa yorebun kehaluan kita selalu dipantau
for international fans who dont know what is Somethinc. Somethinc is one of popular local skincare in Indonesia. they are one of top brand in Indonesia. if you are join the Pre order, i bet you will not regret join the PO because the skincare is good enough for your skin. NCT Dream make a good colaboration with best brand
Wow okay now you make me wanna do some research about this brand. Thank you!
@@jtyhsgu1164 i’ve been using it for years, the serum to be exact. really good and affordable product :)
Woah 😮
Yes i acknowledge their niacinamide serum (the one jeno hold during photoshoot) is best, for me, among all serum i've tried, it works well on me
Baru tahu somethinc brand local😭🙏🏻
ini brand indo suka bikin jantung nctzen indo ga aman ya?? ini somethinc abis itu produk sebelah si ijo ketar ketirr dah aslii.
TAPI MAKASIHH BANYAKK SENENG BANGETT BANGETT BANGETT WKWK pasti bakal cobain somethinc lah ya,lagi nabung nih.
Everyone fits this concept so well. Huang Renjun really be stealing hearts left and right with that pretty smile of his🥺🥺
Agreed, at least he stole mine
@@sabpchr0325 Mine too🥺 we are in this together 🤝
Terima kasih SM Ent....terima kasih buat anak anak Dream....terima kasih juga buat Somethinc....yang udah kolaborasi dan pakek seragam anak sekolah Indonesia pula....cinta dan sayang buat anak Dream banyak banyak dech....💚💚
Ka tau enggak kenapa haechan enggak ada
@@liarahmawati7300 haechan sama mark udah jadi BA nya natrep bareng NCT 127
@@erinmeidita380 sejak kapan ya ka NCT 127 jadi ba natrep? Baru stan NCT soalnya
@@nana-kj8nu 2020 kak
@@erinmeidita380 wah udah lama juga ya. Thank you kak infonya
For real, JENO so good in modeling!!! He never have that awkward or foreign feeling in every set! No wonder Jisung calling his JENO hyung, the best model in every photoshoot! He is so good!
Bless Somethinc for allowing us to see Renjun in school uniform. He looks youthful and handsome in it.
I really like this concept! Though they're not a high schooler anymore, school uniform fit them well
Renjun and Jisung's interaction in that classroom setup is what I'm living for. Love these universe mates
Oh my goodness.
Thank you so much Somethinc for making them as your ambassador and fulfilling our dream of them wearing Indonesia's Senior High School uniform!
As Indonesian, and watching them wearing Indonesia's school uniform hits really different!
와 미친 드림이들 교복 왤케 잘어울려 진짜 현실에 있을거 같은 고딩이잖아,,,,ㅠㅠ 진짜 많이 많이 입어줘 너무 잘어울려 진짜 너무 잘생겼어 아주그냥 미치겠네
현실에 있을거 같지만 없는... 지성아 날 가져
itu benar ada di kehidupan nyata, dan itu merupakan seragam sekolah menengah yang ada di Indonesia
@@windaherlina1799 dia bilang apa kak?
@@cheesenobita The uniforms is what Indonesian High School used in common.
@@cheesenobita kalau gak salah. Katanya seragam nya bagus. Seragamnya itu kayak seragam sekolah menengah di kehidupan nyata. Terus katanya 가영 김 sepertinya di kehidupan nyata gak ada
Finally ada konten baru, makasih somethinc udah ngajak nct dream , makasih juga dremies kita terhibur banget! sayang kalian semua :)
The fact is they still fit in school uniforms. When I become a teacher later, I think I will be happy every time I teach if the students are like them.
Renjun and jisung : good student
Jeno : badboy the most wanted in school
Jaemin : the soft student
Chenle : the flirty and prankster student
NCT Dream is filled with charismatic visual kings just look at them glow 😭
My best boys!!!!!!😍
yes yes yeshhhh ahhhh
Renjun is so beautiful, NCT in short everyone is cute and talented but Renjun is a beauty from another world, he is so cute and beautiful! we love you all Fighting ❤
Renjun is so handsome and cute💗, can i hug you????
That Renjun - Jisung convo was so cute 🥺
Renjun dan yang lainnya aku lihat beberapa kali mereka bilang "senang", karena suasananya seperti disekolah. Jadi fans ikutan senang ngelihatnya. Thanks dreamies, thanks somethinc.
Konsep mereka cocok banget sama AU.. kehaluan jadi nyata.
thank you SOMETHINC
Pokoknya makasih banyak buat Somethinc udah kolaborasi bareng NCT Dream🙏 seneng bangett lihat mereka bercanda, iseng iseng, nostalgia jaman sekolah gemess apalagi pake baju seragam sekolah indo yang mewujudkan kehaluan kita🙏😭🤍
Jisung being the most adorable, teasing, happy student - would love to see him in a school drama!
Please renjun and jisung were so cuteee as seatmates😭😭😭😭
i normally never watch this kind of content, behind scenes and stuff, but NCT Dream content is so wholesome and watching them doing literally anything will lift my mood instantly, love it.
renjun looked so happy joking around w jisung nd j talking randomly. i love them sm
True fact: Everyone is happy because NCT contents is finally back!
Wait a damn a minute!!! You just commented the same thing to bts's new video i just saw that and you are here again??!! 😂👌
That OSIS uniform suits your youthful charms 💚 somehow reminds me of my school days
I love this concept they fit it rlly well
교복이라니.. 드림이들 교복이라니... 너무 예뻐ㅠㅠㅠ
우리 드림이들 늘 아프지 말고 건강하게 올해도 많이 앞으로도 많이 많이 보자ㅠㅠ
Not to forget the fact that all dreamies here looked so happy and were having fun filming this 🥺 I'm so glad.
Also thanks to SOMETHINC for using this concept~ Dreamies suit school boys concept so well
Renjun and Jisung's interactions are so CUTEEEE my favourite duo❤️
how can i stop babying chenle if he keeps on looking THAT cute
Btw, beruntung deh yang bisa kerjasama sama NCT.
Karena mereka selalu bikin video behind the scene dari setiap kegiatan mereka.
Secara ga langsung, NCT dapet konten baru buat youtube nya, dan produk yang kerjasama sama mereka dapet iklan sendiri untuk produk mereka diluar apa yang udah mereka dapet dari kerjasamanya.
NCT Dream is literally my comfort group they’re all so precious 🥺
Same here I felt so bored when they werent uploading or doing anything lol
LEE JENO has that Actor vibe!
I wanna see Actor JENO in high school dramas ㅠㅠ
The way JENO expressing himself during the photoshoot telling you how a wonderful model he is! Super good!
드림이들 학교 배경으로 촬영하니까 들뜬 거 괜히 찡하고.. 사랑해 드리미들 ॰。ཻ˚♡
Jisung as his Hyung classmates:
11:43 jeno looking into the camera like that just gives me the office vibe lol
Lucu banget jisung jeno kayak anak SD cerita liburannya ngapain aja😭😭
How can someone be so handsome and pretty at the same time omg Huang Renjun's visual is truly something else. He looks so ethereal and youthful in school uniform.
I will never ever get tired watching Jeno's eye smile. He's sooo cute and charming✨
12:57 Jaemin and Jeno's cute reaction towards Renjun being shy awww
15:01 - 17:21 aww Renjun and Jisung as seat mates goofing around ^-^ Very cute
How can a person( huang renjun) be so perfect? Like his smiles, his eyes, his little dances, his soft voice 😭😭😭
Chenle: I'm not good at it
*a few second later*
Chenle: *pose* *pose*
so cute XD
Jaemin Chenle : Vibes Anak SMA
Renjun Ji-Sung : Vibes Anak Madrasah Aliyah
Jeno : Anak SMK
Renjun Ji-Sung udah kaya anak baik" ya klo di sekolah *ala ala anak nurut bgt* ( kutu buku lah istilahnya ) *berasa lagi liat anak SMA mo pelajaran agama* 😅 klo my love Nana udah kaya murid fav di kelas *ganteng nya ga ada obat* klo jalan dikit aja yg bikin cewek" pada caper pura" jalan pura" ke WC padahal niat nya buat liat Nana doang.klo Jeno dan chanle anak SMK bgt yg jadi inceran cewe" akutansi biasa nya 🤭😅😅
Jisung looks extremely good here. He is naturally handsome and cute 🤍🐹
Renjun is that smart student in the class might also run for class president and always score straight As also is very playful with his group of friends, def male lead in manga or drama. Would love to see him act in a school rom-com drama andddd he is the type of person I would have a crush on lol
Jeno reminding us he and Jaemin have been besties for years is very cute and heartwarming
Woaahhh why the uniforms it's so perfect for them?!
Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung you guys really look like students on Indonesian high school.
*Fun fact:* this uniforms used Monday&Tuesday on Indonesian high school for common.
Aaa thankyou something and SME gemeeesss banget lihat mereka pakai seragam sma/smk Indonesia fix habis ini jadi langganan something nih😍💚
Edit : wuih trending 14 nih yokkk semangat untuk mencapai trending 1🔥🔥
sebelumnya memb nct dibikin manips jd anak sma lokal sm sijeuni, SKRG UDH BNRN PAKE SERAGAM LOKALLL SHSKQKKABA THANK YOU SOMETHINC😭😭😭💚💚
It's always so fun and satisfying to watch them have casual conversations and joke around during break/stand-by time. Jisung's three-layered lunchbox vs. Renjun's buffet for lunch (when they were joking) had me laughing.
Jenooooooooooo cakep bgt
Nctzen fandom terberuntung sih menurutku, apa-apa di turutin sama SM.
Terimakasih LSM sudah mengizinkan dreams jadi BA Somethinc🙏💚
Kakel idaman 😭😭
우리 와기들 이번년도도 항상 화이팅 하고 몸 조심 하자 💚
Yes up
3:36 제노 입덕영상
127%의 입덕 가능성
3:44 요정의 눈빛에 치였ㄷ
4:19 부끄러워서 웅냥냥 하시고는
너무 잘하는 애기 고양이
4:48 지성이 꽃이 피었습니다ㅡ
5:09 제노의 이쁜 포즈 모음
5:29 오이구야 어이구야 아이구야
5:47 세상에서 젤이쁜 미소 장착
6:24 제노재민 투샷 영광입니ㄷ
7:00 천러지성 투샷 영광입니ㄷ
8:23 모야 모야 나도 낄래
(재민이 표정 겁나 귀여워ㅜ)
8:42 천러 코 말랑한 거 봐바여ㅠㅠㅠ
9:30 츄츄츄츄츄잉껌 재민이
(라고 해도 믿겠음)
10:22 뽸이브릿 드림 ver.
10:37 앗 러러랑 눈 마주쳤어 ,,,!
11:16 그냥 웃김 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
11:52 얘들아 웃자 하나둘셋 ^^
12:57 귀여워ㅓㅓㅓㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
14:46 제노 (^^)
15:15 요정이 하이텐션되면
15:50 천러 표정ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
15:51 개귀여워ㅠㅠ
16:20 런쥔표정= 시즈니표정
17:19 한국인 확정 ,,,
17:55 캡쳐 완료
18:27 우리도 드리미들 봐서 행복해
19:08 끝ㅡㅡㅡㅡ
촬영 너무 수고했고 늘 응원하고 사랑해ㅠㅠ 엔드림 2022년도 파이팅!!!
Not Jisung being shocked at his own big hands
Jisung and Renjun : the good and intelligent boys
Chenle : the prankster
Jaemin : the moodmaker
Jeno : the typical bad boy everyone has a crush on😍♥
can we talk about rensung?? their relationship is so cute🥺🥺🥺😭😭
런쥔아 ….. 진짜 넌 항상 귀여움을 뛰어 넘는 구나 ….. 사람이 어쩜 이러니 ?
Looking forward to many more new things including music from NCT Dream this year ! May 2022 also be Dreamies’ year 🙏🏻
Up up!!!!!!
manifesting this💚💚
Only hope for the best things for our dream boys
Absolutely agree. May they win even more awards this year than last year.
rensung as deskmates is the cutest scene ive witnessed n 2022
Dikabulin dong mereka pake seragam osis 😭😭
Jeno vibes nya kek anak basket yg terkenal seantero sekolah :3
Renjun vibes kek ketua osis :')
Chenle vibes kayak anak² pinter yg sering dicontekin :v
Jisung vibes si anak² kalem tapi bar-bar :0
Jaemin vibes ketua kelas yg ramah dan bersahaja ^.^
Ga ada haechan tapi :(
@@gitadewi6932 Haechan ama Mark kan di NCT 127
Makasih bnyk bnyk sama somethinc sih 🙏😭ini bnr bnr nyata mereka pake sergam esema indo pula nctzn indo kembali di notice 😭halu kita semua mjadi nytaaa 😭💚💚💚💚
dreamies with seragam SMA is a masterpiece for me
Karena "STAFF SM" suka memantau semoga bisa baca komen ini ayooo!!! buat lagi " KELAS BELAJAR BAHASA INDONESIA SEASON 2" sayangkan seragam OSIS nya dari pada nganggur bisa buat konten lagi ㅋㅋㅋㅋ yuk bisa yukk injeuni menanti nanti banget banget nih😂
Up up up
Gw jga setuju nih harus ada season 2,setuju banget malahan
Up up
Lah iya bener ini, ayo lah di up. 😅
@@estiana9856 ayok bantu up,
Klo beneran dikabulin ada season 2 nya,wehhhhh🤧