Just yesterday I put a 3 day ride together based off of this one road. Our base will be in Bedford, with stops in Freetown to Sgt. Ricks for breakfast then on down to Salem then head west to Dover Hill where we pick up 450. Sadly not many points of interest along the way, so I guess we'll just take our time and enjoy the ride.
Damn, I wasn't too far from there last week. Wish I knew about this route then. It looks very good.
Ooo looks fun. I live just east of Indy, so this is a sub 1hr30min ride to where it begins. Might have to give this a try, thanks!
Just yesterday I put a 3 day ride together based off of this one road. Our base will be in Bedford, with stops in Freetown to Sgt. Ricks for breakfast then on down to Salem then head west to Dover Hill where we pick up 450. Sadly not many points of interest along the way, so I guess we'll just take our time and enjoy the ride.