As a musician, this was my favorite scene in the film. Two master composers and musicians getting this down without using an instrument. At this level, with such fluency in the language of music, they don't need one. Just brilliant.
Here on this scene I see only one master. The other is a miserable recorder. I see a pure heart verses the dishonest one. I see an abuser extacting life out of a needy one. I see a Breliant mind against a petty one. The fact of using or not using instrument is inconsequential.
@@josephk2414 wasn't the whole point of this scene that Salieri finally realized the genius of Mozart supersceded his jealousy and he wanted him to be able to finish this master piece. He commissioned it after all, so even if Mozart didn't realize it wasn't a real request, Salieri knew but all of that was put aside. He wasn't on Mozart's level and his character in the movie (which was not real life accurate) was well acted as a horrible person, but he was still a master in his own right not just a miserable recorder. He wouldn't have been able to pick up on Mozart's intentions for all the different parts at that speed if he wasn't himself a master.
@@josephk2414 You do know the ENTIRE story is not true, right? It's a great movie, one of my favorites., but it is entirely fiction....with a true historical facts here and there. Almost no scene on this movie actually took place as shown.
one thing i liked about this scene is how, while composing, Mozart asked Salieri to show him the sheet, and Salieri did so. Later, as he was getting more and more excited about their work together, when Mozart asked Salieri to show him the sheet again, he didn't do it like before. Instead, he sung it to Mozart, just like he was doing while composing the piece. It's like, you can see that, for a moment, Salieri was so invested on writing the Requiem, he forgot about manners, ettiquete, and was just enjoying the moment: he sung it as he imagined it, just like Mozart did
I know in ye olde day people of this class would have written more with paper more than i do, but i can barely write a sentence in the time he writes a phrase for all the vocal parts
That crazy laugh he had is actually true. They said he was a social imbecile- yet a musical genius!! He had several children but lost all but one to disease.. I forget what he died from but with medication of today- he would have survived..
Para mí esta escena es una de las cumbres de la cinematografía universal: uno de los mayores genios musicales que haya existido dictando su obra postrera al músico rival y al mismo tiempo admirador. Cuando veo esta escena me da la impresión que estoy viendo a un dios creador dictándole su creación a un ángel que es su único acompañante y sirviente, cómo si ambos estuvieran solos en el universo. Esta escena maestra está más allá de cualquier descripción.
I played with a guitarist years ago who was an phenomenal musician. He was miles ahead of me and the drummer of the band. I can remember moments when he would dictate ideas to us just like Mozart does here with Salieri and then irately say "don't you see!" when inevitably neither of us could follow him.
@Malicant I had one colleague in elementary school, we were in the same class. He was so talented at drawing that he would tell others to randomly doodle on paper and he would transform that into drawings. It was mesmerizing seeing random and chaotic lines shining with order and beauty. He also drew small bits of explicit content for us in exchange for pocket money and sweets. These natural talents are something else. This kid was taken out of my school by an art professor from University. Last time I met him was at an art gallery painted by him when we were close to highschool. He even had orders for paitings. And these paitings would take 2 weeks to dry. Never heard of him ever since. This was almost 20 years ago.
What's truly magnificent about this scene: Mozart already had the entire thing in his head, he was just simply not in a condition to write it down. Salieri simply couldn't understand the brilliance of how he was able to dictate so quickly without hesitation, it's because Mozart already had the entire thing memorized in his head, without even requiring a single instrument or vocalist. Spectacular.
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!
I love the way it brings the music alive, in fact I think this is more effective than the actual film when it comes to demonstrating the incredible end result and not just showing the conception
Too bad they didn't think of using something like this in the film. Although absurdly fast-paced in keeping focus on the desperation of the scene, it delves into the mechanics, though superficially, of what masterful composition entails. Hauntingly beautiful scene with superb acting. The ethereal musical notes, seemingly appearing from nowhere, on fire, wonderfully capture the power of what mere ink put to paper possess. Without the two mediums, there is only silence.
Always saddens me when I think of all the music that was never written because he died so young. Think how much more brilliance there would be there for us to enjoy had he lived long.
Agree, the Requiem was probably the first mature piece he made and in my opinion the best work of his. If he survived the sickness he might have been what Beethoven became much later.
But consider, if Mozart lived longer he would be teaching Beethoven, thus probably becoming a huge influencing on him. We might not have gotten the same masterpieces from Beethoven that we have today
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!!
i cant imagine how much effort and knowledge it would take to translate the notes on to paper from a sick man singing it to you. i just cant imagine being on that level
Once you understand, music theory the circle of fifths, and all related majors and minors it’s not as bad as you think… on another note, he still in the Guinness book of world records for most symphonies in one year it’ll never be broken
@@dasomane8438 The creator of Muslims and Christians is just one Allah. And it is only Allah who gives us life and guides us. It is only Almighty Allah who gives people the talent of music.
I love that this showed how serious Mozart was about his music, he was probably a fool in many other aspects, whimsical and silly, but when it came to his music he was absolutely serious and this showed his technical mastery over music.
He wasnt fool at all. This movie portrays him as such. He was actually pretty normal and the jokes he played was inside humor with his loved ones. He wasnt at all like that in public.
Вы с ума сошли, такое писать о величайшем гении. Он был весельчаком, остроумным, порой резким. Он бы стал великим математиком или физиком, если не фонтанирующая, нет низвергающаяся из него музыка. Кто может с ним сравниться. Ни кто и никогда.
I’ll love the moment of enlightenment at 3:24, it’s not that he literally didn’t understood mozard, he didn’t understand what he was trying to do. And the music suddenly popped into he’s ear, he heard it. He got it, he didn’t just understood the music, he got it. What a beautiful moment.
So true. It seems he wasn't just a cinema actor but also a stage one, and he quit acting quite early to focus on directing and producing. All the same, I wish I had seen more of him. I wonder if some of his theatre work was ever filmed. I suppose so, but I wonder how I could ever find it.
That almost fits with the idea of mozart. A being so superb that only one person could have played him and that person's intercection with Hollywood was very precise
Tanto como eso te llevó a no poder contener las lágrimas?tan absolutamente genial es Mozart?es muy curioso también observar como si bien el Himno de la Alegría de la 9a de Beethoven encoge los corazones y humedece ojos humanos realmente está inspirado en la melodía central de una desconocida pieza religiosa Mozartiana Misericordias Domminis K.222 pero en absoluto le resta méritos al genio de Bonn todos los compositores se han inspirado en otros sin excepción y por supuesto el mismo Mozart pero queda bien claro que Mozart en su última etapa compositiva era un compositor prácticamente romántico y pasional enorme Lástima que sólo viviese 36 años rozados tendría que haber vivido mínimo 70 u 80
Wow... I saw the original play on Broadway twice and the Forman film many times as well. But this is the most amazing animation of musical notation I've ever seen...
0:44 - fun fact, the delay here was actually the actor playing Mozart forgetting his next line, which is why he paused and repeated "A-minor". the other actor repeated the past two lines to try and jog his memory, but they both did so in character so well, it comes across as an extremely well acted part of the scene.
@@youtuubaAs someone who adores Bach and has learned about half of his organ works, not all of Bach is better than requiem. I think requiem is about on par with the best of Bach. Beautiful, difficult, harmonious. I’ve recorded requiem as a member of the violin section, and several Bach pieces (BWV 564,565, 578, 581, and whatever number the passacaglia is) and the requiem will always hold a special place in my heart
"G sharp?" "Of course." I love that small exchange: they're no longer rivals, but master contemporaries working together to create utter magic. Fantastic scene.
I've watched this scene probably 20 times, and the addition of the musical animation is incredible! Thank you so much for putting this together. Really fantastic.
This movie will never get old for me. Dude was the pinnacle definition of a genius of music. Saw this as a teen and between my dad and this movie? I am now a drummer. Or strive to be. Got it all up here. Not alot of practice.
Can you imagine Mozart must have felt his gift was a curse at times. Having all that music in your head and it didn't stop playing till you had it down on paper. Then another idea would start forming. The film should be remastered and this added to it its brilliant and adds understanding to the scene.
This is by far the best thing I have ever scene about Mozart’s process. Taking a scene from a 1984 film and using these graphics shows his true genius so well, it should be an edit for the film. Bravo!!! Incredible!!🙌🔥
I LOVE moments like this! Seeing the creative process in motion, the excitement of the artists making it happen, the triumph when they get that perfect moment, the sheer joy when they just know exactly how well it will work. Anybody in music, art, writing, or any creative medium knows exactly how great this feels.
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!
This scene, is my favorite one. Definately one of five all time. As for the presentation by the producer of this video? Wow! You did this classic scene justice! Irewatched it several times! Thank you. Great work
@@erikv2766 People would have died of goosebumps everyday.😂😂 Imagine Mozart learning the DNA of hip-hop and then dropping them beats, that would have been fire😂😂. Having said that modern composers like Ludwig Groansson are coming close. Here is a kind of a remixed version of Lacrimosa from the oppenheimer movie and its bloody masterful:
This was what was magnificent about Mozart. He had no drafts himself. Everything played in his head and he transcribed it perfectly. Everything fell into place as they all should in perfectly blended harmony. He truly was one of the most brilliant minds in music.
this is so purely beautiful the notes on the side of the page are like what mozart is picturing in his mind. so effortlessly perfect it’s almost inhuman
This video is astonishing, just thrilling to watch! Bravissimo! I can’t write music myself, but I’ve studied Mozart a fair bit, including a full semester in college. I love his compositions, I love reading about and contemplating the agonies and triumphs of his life, and I love this film. And I love the Requiem passionately! Thank you, thank you for creating this!
This is one of my favorite scenes in any movie. Watching Mozart compose out of his head. There’s a reason F. Murray Abrahm won the Oscar for this movie. The way he describes Mozart’s music in all the scenes is what makes this movie special.
When he won the Academy Award for Best Actor, F. Murray Abraham said, "If there's anything I regret about winning this award, it's that Tom Hulce isn't standing up here with me." Hulce was nominated as well, but Abraham won. He had enough grace to recognize that his performance couldn't have happened without his costar.
This video breakdown is astonishing. The editing is so on point, plus the colour animations at the end… thank you! I love this film (know nothing about music…) and helped appreciate a scene even more.
Maybe you should demand it from the original maker of this video, here: I doubt this UA-camr could do it considering they didn’t make this video.
Y aquí me encuentro viéndolo por segunda vez consecutiva y llorando de emoción por segunda vez consecutiva. Un aplauso de pie para el Sr. que realizó el montaje.
Esta es la escena más extraordinaria de lenguaje musical que he visto una obra cinematográfica. La composición de esta maravillosa obra maestra de este genio musical que fue Mozart, dando sus últimas indicaciones en su lecho de muerte a su propio majestuoso réquiem. Lo que hizo el autor de este video aquí es realmente brillante, lo felicito.
Francamente la escena es sencillamente de oro, CONMUEVE como quizá ninguna escena musical cinematográfica aunque quizá exagere,las escenas de las películas Beethovenianas Amor Inmortal y Copyng Beethoven cuanto el sordo de Bonn está componiendo el no va más de la Música Universal y la estrena en 1824 cuando después de los 17 acordes finales en Re de la orquesta el público arranca en aplausos con la más intensidad y ferocidad posible conmueva más si cabe,el compositor de espaldas no sabe que la obra ha terminado no lo ha escuchado y no es consciente del inmenso ÉXITO Universal que ha tenido
3:50 I have never seen anyone comment on this; but I always liked that the implication of this moment is that Salieri actually composes the last two notes of this passage. Mozart does not dictate those notes; Salieri comes up with them himself. Remember Salieri chiding Mozart earlier for not giving the audience a "big bang" at the ends of melodies. I always saw this as a little musical joke by Forman/Schaffer. I also like the fact that we can see what a good ear Salieri has. Mozart's singing is, shall we say, less than stellar; but Salieri can instantly pick out the D# at 1:24 - a note that does not belong in A minor. EDIT: Can people stop pointing out to me that it's a G# not a D#? I know that now, and it makes the melody in standard A harmonic minor rather than A natural minor with an alien note in it.
I agree. When I first saw the film I was waiting to see if Forman would suggest a hint of collab with Salieri in this scene, which, of course would be ridiculous. I mean, the whole thing is fiction with an historical figure as the subject, sure, but to think Salieri added anything is heresy.
He wasn't as poor as many believe, he had a very financially successful final year, was repaying many debts, and although he was burried in a "common grave", this didn't mean a mass grave. "Common Graves" were common in much of the Austrian Empire, they were single graves which a commoner would be burried and then excevated after 10 years. The Remains could be taken by the family or then interred in a mass grave.
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!
@@calum5975 Fair. He wasn't "common man" poor, but he was poor. With debt and about 12 kids, it was enough to consider him poor. Also, the people could have come together to purchase a common grave for their hero. There were certain instances in history where this has happened.
@@SR-iy4gg Oops. I got myself into a pickle there. 😂... Nevertheless, he was plagued with money troubles throughout his life, experiencing recurring debt. While one source is saying he was wealthy at the end of his life, another said that he was in debt after having been successfully sued. Poor soul died at only 35.
@@laulago3771 this is not a documentary, it's like my way Stalin:grad in fact the dude never fought there, it's just familiar swapping, Nero was hated by the upper class writers thus all history left of him are contra-bias to him
As someone that enjoys sight reading music in front of a piano whenever I can, thank you. Thank you for putting this together with my favorite movie. I feel it is the only way for people to comprehend how these geniuses throughout history would compose. Literally dictated by God.
Qué escena tan grandiosa, lo mejor de la película para músicos y público en general. Gran genialidad en composición y excelente forma de compartirla, momento cumbre de la música y la cinematografía
Es por este tipo de videos que pienso que UA-cam debería tener, aparte del botón de "pulgar arriba", un botón de "Me encanta". Hay videos que me gustan, y arriba estos.
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!
Qué te puedo decir..... tengo 51 años y toco violín y hago músicoterapia desde los 10 años y siempre traté de explicarles a quienes me escuchan en mis charlas lo que es y seguirá siendo Mozart... hasta mi madre hoy me dijo: "bájale el volumen a ese tarro"!! jeje... y ller los pentagramas de su obra póstuma y recorrer esa mente rodeada de cánones simples... siempre he dicho... "en lo simple está la belleza"... gracias por este tremendo aporte... ha sido un regalo para este momento complicado de mi vida.. gracias de nuevo..
Simplemente increible. Cómo el genio de este hombre era capaz de ver y oir en su mente como si estuviera delante de sus ojos lo que le venia a su cabeza. Yo creo que fue inspirado por un ser supremo. Era necesario que el hombre, es decir, el ser humano tuviera y conociera este tipo de musica porque eleva el espiritu y da paz mental.
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!!
Estoy en el trabajo escuchando el fragmento, cuando de repente tuve un tiempo muerto y vi la animación que se hiciste, y me puse a llorar. Lamento no haberme dedicado a la música pero jamás la abandoné. Agradezco tu trabajo y esfuerzo, eres un grande. Excelente video
I have always loved Mozart's music. I was 14 when the movie Amadeus was released and I saw it in theaters 3 times! This scene in particular has always brought me to tears. Seeing it with the addition of the score highlighted only makes it more powerful. ❤
i have been haunted by the bassoon piece since i first saw this movie in the 90s. Separating the song like this let me pay attention to it for the first time. I just now, so many years later, played it on the cello. Thank you for showing the notes!
Amazing Video! See the brilliantly displayed notes while watching the scene from the movie. Not just any movie. This scene and the sounds of Mozart's greatest genius is a big reaseon it won Movie of the Year!
I've never seen a better visual representation of how music is constructed than your video. Absolutely beautiful, interesting and constructive. Bravissimo.
Se agradece un video como este. Vi Amadeus en el cine cuando tenía 14 años. hasta ese momento había visto pelis para niños y adolescentes. Cuando vi Amadeus comprendí que el cine podía ser más profundo y que te podía sobrecoger. La escena ya es magnífica y es te video la realza aún más. Gran trabajo
I don't understand nothing of music it self. I just have a luck pleasure on can listen, but this video is quite beautiful to see and listen. Thanks so much!
¡Bravo! ¡Bravoo! ¡Bravooo! ¡Bravissimo! ¡Lo mejor que he visto este año muchas pero muchas, muchísimas gracias por este regalo musical tan extraordinario!
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!!
Esto simplemente es pensar “en música”, sólo un genio puede hacer esto a esta velocidad. Ni en 4 vidas una persona normal que lleve décadas estudiando música puede hacer esto.
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!
Ahhh! Que obra de arte este film, retratando la genialidad de Mozart y la frustración de Salieri! Dos grandes interpretaciones! 👏👏👏La vi en el cine cuando se estrenó y me conmovió profundamente...aún veo esta escena y me emociona hasta las lágrimas! ❤
This is such a good video. I love the way you put the music on the screen as the scene moves along. Nice work. Este es un buen video. Me encanta la forma en que pones la música en la pantalla a medida que avanza la escena. Buen trabajo.
70. Ver como se escribía esta melodia junto con la escena de la exploto la cabeza simple mente Genial. Felicito a quien se tomo el tiempo para realizar este video es magistral👍💯 👏👏
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!
Wow, whoever put this video together with the notated musical transcription and with effects...this is superb! Congrats on a great job and thank you for sharing this for all of us to admire this scene at a more profound level. 👏🏻👏🏻
As a musician, this was my favorite scene in the film. Two master composers and musicians getting this down without using an instrument. At this level, with such fluency in the language of music, they don't need one. Just brilliant.
Here on this scene I see only one master. The other is a miserable recorder. I see a pure heart verses the dishonest one. I see an abuser extacting life out of a needy one. I see a Breliant mind against a petty one. The fact of using or not using instrument is inconsequential.
@@josephk2414 do not judge or you will be just as harsh in your worst hour.
@@josephk2414 wasn't the whole point of this scene that Salieri finally realized the genius of Mozart supersceded his jealousy and he wanted him to be able to finish this master piece. He commissioned it after all, so even if Mozart didn't realize it wasn't a real request, Salieri knew but all of that was put aside. He wasn't on Mozart's level and his character in the movie (which was not real life accurate) was well acted as a horrible person, but he was still a master in his own right not just a miserable recorder. He wouldn't have been able to pick up on Mozart's intentions for all the different parts at that speed if he wasn't himself a master.
@@josephk2414 You do know the ENTIRE story is not true, right? It's a great movie, one of my favorites., but it is entirely fiction....with a true historical facts here and there. Almost no scene on this movie actually took place as shown.
It might honestly be the best scene ever made. Certainly in terms of a musical film.
one thing i liked about this scene is how, while composing, Mozart asked Salieri to show him the sheet, and Salieri did so. Later, as he was getting more and more excited about their work together, when Mozart asked Salieri to show him the sheet again, he didn't do it like before. Instead, he sung it to Mozart, just like he was doing while composing the piece.
It's like, you can see that, for a moment, Salieri was so invested on writing the Requiem, he forgot about manners, ettiquete, and was just enjoying the moment: he sung it as he imagined it, just like Mozart did
yes first adversaries but it was like he was trying teach Salieri the secret of his genius but still Salieri still confused all the while.
I just love you for your passion and understanding to this. ❤
@@christiancole7574he a little confused, but he got the spirit
It would take tremendous talent and professionalism and knowledge to be able to write what Mozart is dictating to him ... that fast!
And I would say the same thing to whoever put together this video.
I know in ye olde day people of this class would have written more with paper more than i do, but i can barely write a sentence in the time he writes a phrase for all the vocal parts
Salieri was certainly talented and professional. Yes. However, ... this IS a movie, after all.
This was the only language they spoke- Music!
That crazy laugh he had is actually true. They said he was a social imbecile- yet a
musical genius!!
He had several children but lost all but one to disease.. I forget what he died from but with medication of today- he would have survived..
Para mí esta escena es una de las cumbres de la cinematografía universal: uno de los mayores genios musicales que haya existido dictando su obra postrera al músico rival y al mismo tiempo admirador. Cuando veo esta escena me da la impresión que estoy viendo a un dios creador dictándole su creación a un ángel que es su único acompañante y sirviente, cómo si ambos estuvieran solos en el universo. Esta escena maestra está más allá de cualquier descripción.
Su percepciòn de la escena es soberbia y conmevedora, absurda y muy hermosa. Y esa es la descriptiòn exacta de la escena.
Aunque ésto fue libertad del Director de la película, ya que nunca pasó así.
Кино говно
muy buena descripción de una pieza teatral y musical sublime
I played with a guitarist years ago who was an phenomenal musician. He was miles ahead of me and the drummer of the band. I can remember moments when he would dictate ideas to us just like Mozart does here with Salieri and then irately say "don't you see!" when inevitably neither of us could follow him.
It’s me bro
I had one colleague in elementary school, we were in the same class. He was so talented at drawing that he would tell others to randomly doodle on paper and he would transform that into drawings. It was mesmerizing seeing random and chaotic lines shining with order and beauty.
He also drew small bits of explicit content for us in exchange for pocket money and sweets.
These natural talents are something else. This kid was taken out of my school by an art professor from University. Last time I met him was at an art gallery painted by him when we were close to highschool. He even had orders for paitings. And these paitings would take 2 weeks to dry. Never heard of him ever since.
This was almost 20 years ago.
Has he done something with his talents ! I need to know haha...
@@youngkim5948 lol u wish
Makes me wonder where this talent comes from...born with it? Or just worked at his craft?
What's truly magnificent about this scene: Mozart already had the entire thing in his head, he was just simply not in a condition to write it down. Salieri simply couldn't understand the brilliance of how he was able to dictate so quickly without hesitation, it's because Mozart already had the entire thing memorized in his head, without even requiring a single instrument or vocalist. Spectacular.
I would say he had not memorised, more likely he was receiving God’s sounds while he was dictating. He was on the wavelength of the angels.
The whole thing is a mystery
You know this is ficcional. Salieri was not an enemy and Mozart' s Requiem was completed by his pupil Franz Xaver Süßmayr.
That moving score with the notes lighting up on the beats in different groups by color... Pretty, Pretty Good.
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!
Pretty, pretty pretty good.
I love the way it brings the music alive, in fact I think this is more effective than the actual film when it comes to demonstrating the incredible end result and not just showing the conception
Too bad they didn't think of using something like this in the film. Although absurdly fast-paced in keeping focus on the desperation of the scene, it delves into the mechanics, though superficially, of what masterful composition entails. Hauntingly beautiful scene with superb acting. The ethereal musical notes, seemingly appearing from nowhere, on fire, wonderfully capture the power of what mere ink put to paper possess. Without the two mediums, there is only silence.
Larry David
Always saddens me when I think of all the music that was never written because he died so young. Think how much more brilliance there would be there for us to enjoy had he lived long.
Agree, the Requiem was probably the first mature piece he made and in my opinion the best work of his. If he survived the sickness he might have been what Beethoven became much later.
@@Plastpackad mozart imo still made better music than beethoven, despite them both being geniuses. not to take away anything from beethoven of course
@@missingno88 just out of curiosity why do you consider Mozart music better ?
Beautiful comment, I'd never thought of it that way before
But consider, if Mozart lived longer he would be teaching Beethoven, thus probably becoming a huge influencing on him. We might not have gotten the same masterpieces from Beethoven that we have today
These last scenes, that music, the burial… the most moving moments in film history.
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!!
I cried for an hour and a half after finishing watching this movie the first time.
@@motherlandmars5999 kyc
did he die?
@@mojeimja he did, at age 36, before finishing the Requiem. A student of his finished it. Still one of the most beautiful pieces I know.
I can't believe they acted this out. Those two actors are geniuses.
one of my favorite scenes in the whole movie
Whats the movie
@@ChurnBlob amadeus is the movie called i think
i cant imagine how much effort and knowledge it would take to translate the notes on to paper from a sick man singing it to you. i just cant imagine being on that level
@@motherlandmars5999 YEA? Then why is music BANNED in Islam then?
Bullshit religion full of lies.
Once you understand, music theory the circle of fifths, and all related majors and minors it’s not as bad as you think… on another note, he still in the Guinness book of world records for most symphonies in one year it’ll never be broken
@@motherlandmars5999 Allah didnt wrote this STFU!
@@motherlandmars5999 bro mozart was christian not muslim so god did it
@@dasomane8438 The creator of Muslims and Christians is just one Allah. And it is only Allah who gives us life and guides us. It is only Almighty Allah who gives people the talent of music.
Tom Hulce is a legendary actor and his portrayal of Mozart is absolutely unparalleled.
YES! Great both Tom Hulce & F. Murray Abraham, performed miracles for Mozart´s legacy continuous...
Hulce was awesome in Animal House as well.
Yeah Tom Hulce amazing
@@HoneyBadger-p7o And The Hunchback of Notre Dame
I love that this showed how serious Mozart was about his music, he was probably a fool in many other aspects, whimsical and silly, but when it came to his music he was absolutely serious and this showed his technical mastery over music.
"i am a vulgar man... but my music is not"
Like Luciano as well
He wasnt fool at all. This movie portrays him as such. He was actually pretty normal and the jokes he played was inside humor with his loved ones. He wasnt at all like that in public.
Вы с ума сошли, такое писать о величайшем гении. Он был весельчаком, остроумным, порой резким. Он бы стал великим математиком или физиком, если не фонтанирующая, нет низвергающаяся из него музыка. Кто может с ним сравниться. Ни кто и никогда.
Немедленно публично извиниться, а то не будет вам прощения ни от человечества. Ни от Бога.
I’ll love the moment of enlightenment at 3:24, it’s not that he literally didn’t understood mozard, he didn’t understand what he was trying to do. And the music suddenly popped into he’s ear, he heard it. He got it, he didn’t just understood the music, he got it. What a beautiful moment.
Very much, yes.
Every time I see this masterpiece I wonder how it is possible that the protagonist actor has ended up forgotten. He played Mozart supremely.
So true. It seems he wasn't just a cinema actor but also a stage one, and he quit acting quite early to focus on directing and producing. All the same, I wish I had seen more of him. I wonder if some of his theatre work was ever filmed. I suppose so, but I wonder how I could ever find it.
That almost fits with the idea of mozart. A being so superb that only one person could have played him and that person's intercection with Hollywood was very precise
La primera vez que escuché ésta obra maestra de la humanidad , permanecí llorando por mucho tiempo.....Es increiblemente bella!
Tanto como eso te llevó a no poder contener las lágrimas?tan absolutamente genial es Mozart?es muy curioso también observar como si bien el Himno de la Alegría de la 9a de Beethoven encoge los corazones y humedece ojos humanos realmente está inspirado en la melodía central de una desconocida pieza religiosa Mozartiana Misericordias Domminis K.222 pero en absoluto le resta méritos al genio de Bonn todos los compositores se han inspirado en otros sin excepción y por supuesto el mismo Mozart pero queda bien claro que Mozart en su última etapa compositiva era un compositor prácticamente romántico y pasional enorme Lástima que sólo viviese 36 años rozados tendría que haber vivido mínimo 70 u 80
Wow... I saw the original play on Broadway twice and the Forman film many times as well. But this is the most amazing animation of musical notation I've ever seen...
@@motherlandmars5999 nasyid and murottal is human melodious, since Seth prophet time music is forbidden
probably one of the finest pieces' of music ever written. truly ahead of his time
I have sung this Requiem, it's such a magnificent piece of work to perform with a massed choir and orchestra. Gives me chills thinking about it
So have I.
0:44 - fun fact, the delay here was actually the actor playing Mozart forgetting his next line, which is why he paused and repeated "A-minor". the other actor repeated the past two lines to try and jog his memory, but they both did so in character so well, it comes across as an extremely well acted part of the scene.
This kind of worthless trivia takes years off the life of your mind
@@LitheInLitotes bro🤣wtf is wrong with you
You owe it to yourself to listen to Mozart's "Requiem" at least once before you die. It is the consummate masterpiece that will never be equaled.
except for Beethoven's grandiose 9th two masterpieces by two great masters musicians composed when they were leaving this world
@@marcorossi1817 except by pretty much anything by JS Bach ......
@@youtuubaAs someone who adores Bach and has learned about half of his organ works, not all of Bach is better than requiem. I think requiem is about on par with the best of Bach. Beautiful, difficult, harmonious.
I’ve recorded requiem as a member of the violin section, and several Bach pieces (BWV 564,565, 578, 581, and whatever number the passacaglia is) and the requiem will always hold a special place in my heart
The Lacrimosa alone is a masterpiece within a masterpiece.
@@markkittel44 , even though Mozart did not write the Lacrimosa; all we have is different composer's attempts to write it on behalf of Mozart.
"G sharp?"
"Of course."
I love that small exchange: they're no longer rivals, but master contemporaries working together to create utter magic. Fantastic scene.
To the maker of this video, THANK YOU for showing what us musicians see and feel. BLESS YOU!!!❤❤❤
Agreeeee 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
One of the best scenes in any film ever. It's simply stunning how the film makers had the music animated with the sound track.
I've watched this scene probably 20 times, and the addition of the musical animation is incredible! Thank you so much for putting this together. Really fantastic.
This movie will never get old for me. Dude was the pinnacle definition of a genius of music. Saw this as a teen and between my dad and this movie? I am now a drummer. Or strive to be. Got it all up here. Not alot of practice.
Can you imagine Mozart must have felt his gift was a curse at times. Having all that music in your head and it didn't stop playing till you had it down on paper. Then another idea would start forming. The film should be remastered and this added to it its brilliant and adds understanding to the scene.
This is by far the best thing I have ever scene about Mozart’s process. Taking a scene from a 1984 film and using these graphics shows his true genius so well, it should be an edit for the film. Bravo!!! Incredible!!🙌🔥
I'll always say that Chopin is the greatest of them all, but Mozart had a technical talent that is not human. What a soul, what a talent.
What a great dependence on demons
@@HebertLucero bruv what?
@@HebertLucero what the hell?...
@@HebertLucero It's Mozart, not Paganini my guy...
such heavenly talent are only given by God Himself
I LOVE moments like this! Seeing the creative process in motion, the excitement of the artists making it happen, the triumph when they get that perfect moment, the sheer joy when they just know exactly how well it will work. Anybody in music, art, writing, or any creative medium knows exactly how great this feels.
La edición me puso los pelos de punta, como ya hizo la película Amadeus en su momento. Gracias por este trabajo.
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!
@@motherlandmars5999 saquese
@@MoisesxRivadeneira jajajajajaja
Coincido, lo comparti en Face con la frase " Maravillosa edicion" Y lo es. Saludos
Stolen material. Original video:
This scene, is my favorite one. Definately one of five all time. As for the presentation by the producer of this video? Wow! You did this classic scene justice! Irewatched it several times! Thank you. Great work
The amount of skill both of them has is incredible! ... I cant imagine ever being able to create melodies like this off my head!
Imagine what Mozart good have made with a sequencer in this day and age......!
Don't you ever feel sometimes like raped in your head with a melody? Only what you lack is knowing writing down notes.
@@erikv2766 People would have died of goosebumps everyday.😂😂
Imagine Mozart learning the DNA of hip-hop and then dropping them beats, that would have been fire😂😂.
Having said that modern composers like Ludwig Groansson are coming close.
Here is a kind of a remixed version of Lacrimosa from the oppenheimer movie and its bloody masterful:
This was what was magnificent about Mozart. He had no drafts himself. Everything played in his head and he transcribed it perfectly. Everything fell into place as they all should in perfectly blended harmony. He truly was one of the most brilliant minds in music.
I've sung Confutatis in half a dozen concerts and NEVER seen the violin part for under the sopranos and altos written down. Amazing!!
this is so purely beautiful the notes on the side of the page are like what mozart is picturing in his mind. so effortlessly perfect it’s almost inhuman
This video is astonishing, just thrilling to watch! Bravissimo! I can’t write music myself, but I’ve studied Mozart a fair bit, including a full semester in college. I love his compositions, I love reading about and contemplating the agonies and triumphs of his life, and I love this film. And I love the Requiem passionately! Thank you, thank you for creating this!
A quién se haya tomado el trabajo de crear este video quiero felicitarlo y agradecerle.. es hipnótico
Una maravilla
Realmente!!! ❤
This is one of my favorite scenes in any movie. Watching Mozart compose out of his head. There’s a reason F. Murray Abrahm won the Oscar for this movie. The way he describes Mozart’s music in all the scenes is what makes this movie special.
When he won the Academy Award for Best Actor, F. Murray Abraham said, "If there's anything I regret about winning this award, it's that Tom Hulce isn't standing up here with me."
Hulce was nominated as well, but Abraham won. He had enough grace to recognize that his performance couldn't have happened without his costar.
This video breakdown is astonishing. The editing is so on point, plus the colour animations at the end… thank you! I love this film (know nothing about music…) and helped appreciate a scene even more.
Maybe you should comment this to the actual maker of this video, found here:
@@thegoodgeneral thank you - I will!
What a beautiful interpretation of the musical score - please, please, more!
Maybe you should demand it from the original maker of this video, here:
I doubt this UA-camr could do it considering they didn’t make this video.
@@thegoodgeneral Who stole / remastered the idea from 11 years ago
@@thegoodgeneral OMG this guy stole the video!!!
The best thing I ever saw.
Thank you for that.
Whoever did this video, I take my hat off. The quality of the music notation and follow-up is impressive.
I swear I keep watching this clip not for the Amadeus scene, but for the graphics overlay the poster attached to it. Very good
That was an incredible visualization of that piece. Thank you.
So beautiful. True genius that Mozart was so young to write music that will live on forever.
Y aquí me encuentro viéndolo por segunda vez consecutiva y llorando de emoción por segunda vez consecutiva. Un aplauso de pie para el Sr. que realizó el montaje.
Es increíble te transporta a la mente de un genio
Siempre me preguntaba cómo esta sección de la música se tradujo al escrito. En realidad quien desarrolló el video merece un premio.👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
The music is pure beauty It is a tragedy that Mozart died so young, but his music will stand the test of time.
Esta es la escena más extraordinaria de lenguaje musical que he visto una obra cinematográfica. La composición de esta maravillosa obra maestra de este genio musical que fue Mozart, dando sus últimas indicaciones en su lecho de muerte a su propio majestuoso réquiem. Lo que hizo el autor de este video aquí es realmente brillante, lo felicito.
Francamente la escena es sencillamente de oro, CONMUEVE como quizá ninguna escena musical cinematográfica aunque quizá exagere,las escenas de las películas Beethovenianas Amor Inmortal y Copyng Beethoven cuanto el sordo de Bonn está componiendo el no va más de la Música Universal y la estrena en 1824 cuando después de los 17 acordes finales en Re de la orquesta el público arranca en aplausos con la más intensidad y ferocidad posible conmueva más si cabe,el compositor de espaldas no sabe que la obra ha terminado no lo ha escuchado y no es consciente del inmenso ÉXITO Universal que ha tenido
Wie kommt es das ich jedesmal weinen muss, wenn ich diese Szene sehe und höre. Geniale Musik, großartiger Film.
3:50 I have never seen anyone comment on this; but I always liked that the implication of this moment is that Salieri actually composes the last two notes of this passage. Mozart does not dictate those notes; Salieri comes up with them himself. Remember Salieri chiding Mozart earlier for not giving the audience a "big bang" at the ends of melodies. I always saw this as a little musical joke by Forman/Schaffer.
I also like the fact that we can see what a good ear Salieri has. Mozart's singing is, shall we say, less than stellar; but Salieri can instantly pick out the D# at 1:24 - a note that does not belong in A minor.
EDIT: Can people stop pointing out to me that it's a G# not a D#? I know that now, and it makes the melody in standard A harmonic minor rather than A natural minor with an alien note in it.
That's a G# there, instead of a D#
@@michaelharding2953indeed, which at the time would’ve been very very common as a leading tone to tonic in minor was always prevalent
I agree. When I first saw the film I was waiting to see if Forman would suggest a hint of collab with Salieri in this scene, which, of course would be ridiculous. I mean, the whole thing is fiction with an historical figure as the subject, sure, but to think Salieri added anything is heresy.
@@AllenCrump Yeah, if it is G# not D# then that's ordinary harmonic minor.
Gsharp friend
Absolute perfection. The way music is 'visualized' here is simply awesome. One of my favorite parts of the movie.
…..and he died a pauper……one of the greatest Musical geniuses of history
He wasn't as poor as many believe, he had a very financially successful final year, was repaying many debts, and although he was burried in a "common grave", this didn't mean a mass grave. "Common Graves" were common in much of the Austrian Empire, they were single graves which a commoner would be burried and then excevated after 10 years. The Remains could be taken by the family or then interred in a mass grave.
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!
@@calum5975 Fair. He wasn't "common man" poor, but he was poor. With debt and about 12 kids, it was enough to consider him poor. Also, the people could have come together to purchase a common grave for their hero. There were certain instances in history where this has happened.
@@Jolene8 He didn't have 12 kids. He and his wife had 6 kids and only 2 survived infancy. Only two were still alive when he died.
@@SR-iy4gg Oops. I got myself into a pickle there. 😂... Nevertheless, he was plagued with money troubles throughout his life, experiencing recurring debt. While one source is saying he was wealthy at the end of his life, another said that he was in debt after having been successfully sued. Poor soul died at only 35.
My all time favorite part of this movie, where the two start to work together
Two masters working together. Like surgeons on a patient. Chills.
That's a perfect analogy, wow. I would have said like, two Michelin chefs cooking chili lol
but didn't Salieri poison Mozart in the movie or something?
@@laulago3771 this is not a documentary, it's like my way Stalin:grad in fact the dude never fought there, it's just familiar swapping, Nero was hated by the upper class writers thus all history left of him are contra-bias to him
Hollywood flair, for documentaries i guess dont choose a movie
As someone that enjoys sight reading music in front of a piano whenever I can, thank you. Thank you for putting this together with my favorite movie. I feel it is the only way for people to comprehend how these geniuses throughout history would compose. Literally dictated by God.
THIS SCENE!!! This scene showcased Mozart’s geniousity! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
6:26 the harmony here melts me every single time.
Salieri didn't realise how lucky he was being able to appreciate Mozart's music more fully than the vast majority of people
Why would you think he didn't realize?
Actually... He did.
I sung Mozart's Requiem in a choir, and this song was one of my favorites. Just incredible. Seeing it spelled out this way was really amazing
Whoa! I’m a non-musician and I’ve always loved this film so seeing the breakdown like this add such a fantastic layer of detail! Many thanks!
Qué escena tan grandiosa, lo mejor de la película para músicos y público en general. Gran genialidad en composición y excelente forma de compartirla, momento cumbre de la música y la cinematografía
Thank you so much to the one who made the music visible. It's chilling, tremendous.
1000 thanks for the brilliant illustration of this beautiful scene
Es por este tipo de videos que pienso que UA-cam debería tener, aparte del botón de "pulgar arriba", un botón de "Me encanta". Hay videos que me gustan, y arriba estos.
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!
Qué te puedo decir..... tengo 51 años y toco violín y hago músicoterapia desde los 10 años y siempre traté de explicarles a quienes me escuchan en mis charlas lo que es y seguirá siendo Mozart... hasta mi madre hoy me dijo: "bájale el volumen a ese tarro"!! jeje... y ller los pentagramas de su obra póstuma y recorrer esa mente rodeada de cánones simples... siempre he dicho... "en lo simple está la belleza"... gracias por este tremendo aporte... ha sido un regalo para este momento complicado de mi vida.. gracias de nuevo..
The Making of Amadeus docu on UA-cam is another gem like this one. Thank You for reminding me how beautiful this scene is. Bravo Milos and Peter
Simplemente increible. Cómo el genio de este hombre era capaz de ver y oir en su mente como si estuviera delante de sus ojos lo que le venia a su cabeza. Yo creo que fue inspirado por un ser supremo. Era necesario que el hombre, es decir, el ser humano tuviera y conociera este tipo de musica porque eleva el espiritu y da paz mental.
this video must have been such hard work! thank you for creating this!
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!!
It's copied
I have watched this video so many times. I love this movie, but to see it with the “subtitles” as you’ve done. Perfect.
Estoy en el trabajo escuchando el fragmento, cuando de repente tuve un tiempo muerto y vi la animación que se hiciste, y me puse a llorar. Lamento no haberme dedicado a la música pero jamás la abandoné. Agradezco tu trabajo y esfuerzo, eres un grande. Excelente video
I have always loved Mozart's music. I was 14 when the movie Amadeus was released and I saw it in theaters 3 times! This scene in particular has always brought me to tears. Seeing it with the addition of the score highlighted only makes it more powerful. ❤
I found my self watching this over and over again!!!!
i have been haunted by the bassoon piece since i first saw this movie in the 90s. Separating the song like this let me pay attention to it for the first time. I just now, so many years later, played it on the cello. Thank you for showing the notes!
Amazing Video! See the brilliantly displayed notes while watching the scene from the movie. Not just any movie. This scene and the sounds of Mozart's greatest genius is a big reaseon it won Movie of the Year!
I've never seen a better visual representation of how music is constructed than your video. Absolutely beautiful, interesting and constructive. Bravissimo.
he didn't make it, he stole it from there :
The one who made this video has my eternal respect
Es increíble que se haya editado esta escena de esta manera. Esta es la gente que realmente admiro. Felicitaciones
I have watched this scene a dozen times and the notes really help a layman like me.
I saw this movie 6 or 7 times in the theater. Then bought both the soundtrack and the DVD. Absolutely brilliant.
Se agradece un video como este. Vi Amadeus en el cine cuando tenía 14 años. hasta ese momento había visto pelis para niños y adolescentes. Cuando vi Amadeus comprendí que el cine podía ser más profundo y que te podía sobrecoger. La escena ya es magnífica y es te video la realza aún más. Gran trabajo
I don't understand nothing of music it self. I just have a luck pleasure on can listen, but this video is quite beautiful to see and listen. Thanks so much!
¡Bravo! ¡Bravoo! ¡Bravooo! ¡Bravissimo! ¡Lo mejor que he visto este año muchas pero muchas, muchísimas gracias por este regalo musical tan extraordinario!
I love how you did the notes. Thanks for sharing.
What a great breakdown of that scene. One of the best movies ever made in my opinion.
WOW!!! this is a really good edited to the movie and a look into the mind and notes as well. thanks.
Perfection in all respects. Great movie, great clip. Thank you!
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!!
Esto simplemente es pensar “en música”, sólo un genio puede hacer esto a esta velocidad. Ni en 4 vidas una persona normal que lleve décadas estudiando música puede hacer esto.
Fantástica escena y un gran trabajo de edición. Bravo
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!
The whole movie is full of beautyful music, but this scenes kicks me every time, when those two doing the requiem.
Thanks for this clip.
I don´t know that much about music theory but this was freaking awesometo watch/listen.
Thanks for making this video. It really helps convey the sheer complexity of what Mozart creates almost casually
Ahhh! Que obra de arte este film, retratando la genialidad de Mozart y la frustración de Salieri! Dos grandes interpretaciones! 👏👏👏La vi en el cine cuando se estrenó y me conmovió profundamente...aún veo esta escena y me emociona hasta las lágrimas! ❤
Thank you for your work, beautiful video
This is such a good video. I love the way you put the music on the screen as the scene moves along. Nice work. Este es un buen video. Me encanta la forma en que pones la música en la pantalla a medida que avanza la escena. Buen trabajo.
Thank you so much for this! Gods work.
My favorite movie of all time! I saw it for the first time when I was 3. I’m 32 now.
70. Ver como se escribía esta melodia junto con la escena de la exploto la cabeza simple mente Genial.
Felicito a quien se tomo el tiempo para realizar este video es magistral👍💯 👏👏
La música es el reflejo de la grandeza de Allah Todopoderoso a través de las personas. ¡La música es la bendición de Allah Todopoderoso! Así como Allah crea la curación a través de los médicos, ¡Él crea la música a través de compositores geniales! ¡Es Allah Todopoderoso quien creó todas las características que amamos en nuestras celebridades favoritas! Infinitas gracias a Allah Todopoderoso!
WOW! What a beautifully-made, wonderfully-animated video! Thank you!! This is probably my favourite scene from the film.
Wow!! This was amazing !! Thank you for doing this!! Mind = Blown
Wow, whoever put this video together with the notated musical transcription and with effects...this is superb! Congrats on a great job and thank you for sharing this for all of us to admire this scene at a more profound level. 👏🏻👏🏻