Feelin' Right Tonight with the original guitarist! (That's in spite of Tex's preference for his own well-made Fender copies. I think Bob probably did the original record on his Gibson ES-345. Newcaster sounds good on any guitar but it was weird to see him playing the "big ol' block of wood.") I really miss Buddy Grandell -- a real character and great blues drummer. He did courier runs for his day gig and I used to run into him at TWP. Missing Billy Hancock, too. Thank you for putting all this stuff up here, Tex. I miss those days and I'm very glad you're playing out again. Your new "dixieland-rockabilly" band sounds great.
Feelin' Right Tonight with the original guitarist! (That's in spite of Tex's preference for his own well-made Fender copies. I think Bob probably did the original record on his Gibson ES-345. Newcaster sounds good on any guitar but it was weird to see him playing the "big ol' block of wood.") I really miss Buddy Grandell -- a real character and great blues drummer. He did courier runs for his day gig and I used to run into him at TWP. Missing Billy Hancock, too. Thank you for putting all this stuff up here, Tex. I miss those days and I'm very glad you're playing out again. Your new "dixieland-rockabilly" band sounds great.