Antipas, Balaam and the Doctrine of the Nicolaitans in the Letter to the Church of Pergamos

  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024
  • This video will reveal what is the mysterious doctrine of the Nicolaitans. It will go over the whole letter to the Church of Pergamos, including the references to Antipas and Balaam and how it all connects together.
    The bible is the inerrant Word of God, on this channel we believe that the Bible is the truth. Although it was written by 40 different human authors, there was one common ghost writer and that is The Holy Spirit which inspired all of them. This channel tries to stay away from theology but instead focuses on a unique Bible Study approach by connecting the bible as a whole book using tools such as typology, parallelisms, and multiple-layered contextualized connections. Yes, God can operate on different levels at the same time, to mean more than one thing at the same time.
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  • @chachadodds5860
    @chachadodds5860 7 місяців тому +4

    Thank you for sharing your insights and bringing us along on your deep-dive into scripture.
    Looking forward to your next video.

  • @CaptCrunchTime
    @CaptCrunchTime 7 місяців тому +3

    The interlinear is VERY HELPFUL!
    But, I see Antipas as a parentheses showing timeframe only.
    The saints at Pergamos :
    1. Hold fast the name
    2. deny not the faith
    3. Witness
    4. Faithful
    Jesus is the Me who was killed among them at that particular time.
    Jesus is praising this church for their faithfulness amidst Satan at that time.

  • @karendorsey8153
    @karendorsey8153 Місяць тому +1

    My only comment is the way you explain why he didn’t answer Herod while he answered the Sanhedrin and Pilate. Jesus was filled with the fullness of the Godhead bodily so you cannot say that Jesus didn’t have the Holy Spirit yet. And that contradicts that he answered the other two.

  • @GabrielEmerald777
    @GabrielEmerald777 7 місяців тому +4

    *"I know where YOU LIVE, where the THRONE OF SATAN SITS."
    " Yet you have held fast to My name and have not denied your faith in Me, even in the day when My faithful witness Antipas was killed among you, *WHERE SATAN DWELLS."*
    If this is referring to Jesus Christ, wouldn't we have two contradictions?
    The first being that scripture states that Satan dwells and has his throne in Pergamos where the faithful witness was killed. This rules out Jesus Christ since he didn't die in Asia Minor but outside the city of Jerusalem at Golgotha.
    The 2nd contradiction would be that Jesus is the one speaking to John through his Angel, and the one revealing the book of Revelation to John through his Angel... So wouldn't it be a bit odd that he's talking about himself as a "faithful witness" to himself? Please help to clarify these apparent contradictions. Thank you.

    • @connectingthebible-deeperb5680
      @connectingthebible-deeperb5680  7 місяців тому +1

      No problem, thanks for the questions...
      1. The Book of Revelation is chalk full of symbolisms. Likely, there won't be a literal dragon flying around in the sky. Or some kind of a literal 10 horned Beast, that the whole world follows. So we know the Book uses symbolisms to represent other real things.
      I am no Preterist, I'm more of a Futurist. The Book of Revelation still largely will have to be fulfilled. And it foretells what Christians would describe as the tribulation, before the second coming of Jesus Christ.
      With that said, we know Revelation describes the Great city of Babylon. Now does the Book of Revelation mean that modern day Iraq, which is where Babylon was, will be the location of the great city of Babylon? I don't think any Christian studying Revelation thinks that the Great city of Babylon would be centered around Iraq. The Great city of Babylon, which was a real location previously, represents something else in modern times, no? I hope we can agree on that. I won't even get into what I think Great Babylon is, just that its not in Iraq.
      Now knowing that, do you think the literal places to where the letters of the Churches went to, are saying those exact places are where those end times events will be? Will Satan's throne literally be in Pergamos? Or is Pergamos also symbolically representing something else? The whole Book is about symbolisms. So it stands to reason, that Pergamos, although a real place, is referring to something else that will happen in the end times.
      And if you watched the rest of the video, including the breakdown of the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, then Pergamos will be the Church that deceives and betrays their brothers and sisters in Christ. Balaam and the Nicolaitans being included in this letter will be key to the understanding. Yes, a Christian Church will be betraying other Christians. I've gone over this in my other videos such as the Daniel 9 video, how Satan is going to infiltrate within Christianity itself and turn Christian sects against each other. And when that happens, then you will know what represents Pergamos and where Satan's throne is. I hope that makes sense.
      2. Is it odd that Jesus would refer to Himself as a Faithful witness to God, even through an angel? I don;t see that as a problem or contradiction at all. All of Revelation is pointing to Jesus Christ. Why wouldn't the letter to Pergamos do that as well?
      And in the first chapter, it says this...
      Revelation 1:4-5
      4 John, to the seven churches which are in Asia:
      Grace to you and peace from Him who is and who was and who is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne, 5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth.
      The first Chapter literally describes Jesus as the Faithful witness, so it kind of fits that the letter to Pergamos would describe Him the same way. If you read and study Revelation, the words and phrases used, connect to other chapters with the same references. Just like the sharp two edged sword, referred to Jesus in chapter 19. And exactly how Jesus was the faithful witness in chapter 1, connects to the letter to Pergamos.
      I hope I answered your questions. There are no contradictions. The Book is largely symbolic but connects to itself to define itself. God Bless

    • @GabrielEmerald777
      @GabrielEmerald777 7 місяців тому +1

      @@connectingthebible-deeperb5680 Thanks for the response. You said: " Will Satan's throne literally be in Pergamos? Or is Pergamos also symbolically representing something else? The whole Book is about symbolisms. So it stands to reason, that Pergamos, although a real place, is referring to something else that will happen in the end times."
      I agree to an extent. The 7 Churches were represented as lampstands but nevertheless were still the literal 7 Churches of Asia in their respective literal geographical locations.
      To say that the throne of Satan being in Pergamos means something else isn't very convincing. The understanding from the text points to the Kingdom being given to another power structure.
      We know that Revelation also tells us that the dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. So all we have to do is look at history and see who came in and absorbed pergamos into it's power structure. Roman Emperor Constantine the Great established New Rome, also known as Constantinople (now Istanbul), the capital of the Roman Empire. Constantine rebuilt the city on a massive scale and transformed it into the most important city of the empire.
      Pergamos became part of Constantine's NEW ROME later named Constantinople, and as you well know, the state religion of the Empire was "Pagan Christianity." This connects and points to a specific religious power structure that has had influence and power on the Kings of the Earth for 2000 plus years and continues to this day. I think you know exactly who I'm talking about. (wink, wink)

    • @GabrielEmerald777
      @GabrielEmerald777 7 місяців тому

      @@connectingthebible-deeperb5680 It's the same religious power structure that is pushing for the unity of all religions, (it's interesting to note that the Word "Cat h o l i c" means UNIVERSAL) and has been pushing ecuminism to unite all Christian sects under their authority. If you remember that 3 spirits came out of the mouth of the dragon, beast, and false prophet, and these go out to unite the world?
      I believe these are Communism, ecuminism, and the fear of extinction by global warming. These 3 are uniting the world as we speak and this religious power structure has been behind it all for quite some time and working behind the scenes with the Kings of the Earth.

    • @connectingthebible-deeperb5680
      @connectingthebible-deeperb5680  7 місяців тому +2

      @@GabrielEmerald777 Let's try a new way of addressing this to you. Don't just look at the letter to Pergamos in isolation, but look at the letters to all the Churches...
      We know the letter to Smyrna mentions how some will face prison even until death...Sounds like what will happen to the saints as described in Chapters 11 and 13, right? So the letter to an actual place Smyrna refers to an end times event and symbolizes something else...
      In the letter to Sardis, the ones who overcome will receive white robes. That is a reference to how the multitude in Revelation 7 also got white robes. Again an actual place previously, but it refers to end times events.
      The letter to Philadelphia, specifically says it will keep/guard them from the hour of trial. That hour of trial is literally describing the end time of the tribulation. Another real place but symbolized by something in the end times...
      The letter to Laodicea, it mentions the one who overcome being able to dine with God and sit with God while He sits on the throne. The Book of Revelation clearly says, no one will be able to enter the temple until end times are over. So the people sitting and eating with God are the ones who overcome the tribulation...So this letter also address a real place but that place symbolized something else in end times.
      With these other letters, it fits the context that Pergamos would also be describing end time events. I have no doubt there was a literal throne to Satan in Pergamos(I've heard Zeus), but that does not nullify a dual application to the end times.
      John talks about this in his letter. He talks about the last hour and the coming of the final Anti-Christ, with a mention of how many Anti-Christs have already come. Anti-Christs like Antiochus IV, Nero, Hitler....rulers that persecuted God's people. Now those things did in fact happen in history, but does not take away from an end times application of a final Anti-Christ in the last hour. Both things can be true, the abomination of desolation of Antiochus IV and a final desolation mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 24.
      So a throne to Satan in Pergamos does not take away another end times application of this. Which is what the Book of Revelation is all about, the lead up to the tribulation, the tribulation and then the wrath of God. Or what the Book calls the 3 woes...The letters to the Churches also fits in the Revelation of what will happen during the end times...
      Hope this helps, God Bless

    @ALMASIHIY Місяць тому +1

    Getting murdered for Jesus' witness means securing our crown of life, joining his army and returning with him to reign forever. Remember that such death is an honor and victory, not failure.

  • @fivefingerfullprice3403
    @fivefingerfullprice3403 7 місяців тому +6

    You're doing a whole lot of massaging and inferring to reach a radical conclusion when you can just read it plainly. I think it's a lot more likely Antipas was a Christian known to the Church members of Pergamum. Even in the Greek interlinear it seems to point to a specific Christian that was killed in Pergamum. Jesus mentions earlier in the verse that Satan's throne is in Pergamum, which is why connects to "where Satan dwelleth".

    • @rcormonutube
      @rcormonutube 7 місяців тому +4

      revelation 1.5 : 5καὶ ἀπὸ Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ ὁ μάρτυς ὁ πιστός ὁ πρωτότοκος ἐκ τῶν νεκρῶν
      Kai apo Jesus Christ " o martus o pistos" o prototokos ek ton nekron...
      5And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead
      Who else is worthy of being named the faithful witness by God the Father Yehowa?
      ( betcha not a supposed irrelevant servant who is not named again , similar to the apostle picked by Peter ( not indicated by God) not named anymore..)
      BTW : great and insightful teaching.

    • @eew8060
      @eew8060 7 місяців тому +4

      You're response doesn't really address the points in the video.
      You call it "massaging and inferring" but scholars call it motif and textual signaling. It's not an unknown phenomena for different parts of scripture to conceptually/semantically link up for purposes of clarity.

    • @fivefingerfullprice3403
      @fivefingerfullprice3403 7 місяців тому +1

      @@eew8060 It literally does though, all throughout the epistles there are names mentioned of Christians (1 Thes 1, 2 Thes 1, 3 John, Philemon, etc.), because they are letters written to Churches with real people in them. To stretch and try to make Antipas the Herod from 60+ years earlier is not sound Hermeneutics.

    • @eew8060
      @eew8060 7 місяців тому +5

      You're literally saying: "because there are these other people who we don't know- then we don't have to know who antipas is either".
      That argument is called a non-sequiter. He actually showed you how he made the connection from antipas to Herod. You didn't answer any of that. And your complaint doesn't work because not only is it a non-sequiter but perhaps we _can_ know who those others are through a similar process

    • @fivefingerfullprice3403
      @fivefingerfullprice3403 7 місяців тому +2

      @@eew8060 It's not Herod Antipas, the whole notion is ridiculous. The amount of mental gymnastics needed to even glimpse a "maybe" proves it's not him.

  • @stevenschmitz8901
    @stevenschmitz8901 Місяць тому

    Deuteronomy 18 speaks of god raising up a prophet like Moses who god would put his words into (the highest form of communication besides god speaking from heaven). We should listen to that prophet, Jesus, not someone who says they have a dream or vision. Someone who teaches it’s ok to eat food sacrificed to idols or unclean and to divorce and remarry. Who could that be???

  • @stevenschmitz8901
    @stevenschmitz8901 Місяць тому

    Deuteronomy 18 speaks of god raising up a prophet like Moses who god would put his words into (the highest form of communication besides god speaking from heaven). We should listen to that prophet, Jesus, not someone who says they have a dream or vision. Someone who teaches it’s ok to eat food sacrificed to idols or unclean and to divorce and remarry. Who could that be???

  • @stevenschmitz8901
    @stevenschmitz8901 Місяць тому

    John the Baptist was beheaded because he opposed the divorce and remarriage of Herod and Herodias. Who contradicted Jesus’s teachings on divorce and remarriage???

  • @stevenschmitz8901
    @stevenschmitz8901 Місяць тому

    Crafty fellow that I am, I caught with guile / by trickery.
    Who in the Bible said that? I wonder who that is.

  • @stevenschmitz8901
    @stevenschmitz8901 Місяць тому

    Crafty fellow that I am, I caught with guile / by trickery.
    Who in the Bible said that? I wonder who that is.

  • @cdjamisonjr
    @cdjamisonjr 7 місяців тому +7

    How did you learn to study like this? Love it

    • @connectingthebible-deeperb5680
      @connectingthebible-deeperb5680  7 місяців тому +5

      Thank you. Even when I started reading the Bible, I seemed to just "get it." Honestly, it's just become my whole life.
      When I read the Bible, I try to see a connection and extra significance in everything. I see everything as having a deeper meaning in God's story. I try to read and understand the Bible from God's point of view or the 30,000 foot level. Exegesis is a fine approach, but I seek to understand something larger.
      And in the videos, I spend a great deal of time talking about the parallels I use and employ them as a methodology. It's not a new thing, but I guess I use it more widespread than others. Hope this helps, I want others to be able to do this as well. When used as a methodology, the Bible basically opened up for me. I have lots more to say about what is coming. God Bless

    • @vusimngomezulu2500
      @vusimngomezulu2500 7 місяців тому +1

      ​@@connectingthebible-deeperb5680Which church are true according to the Bible in this world? Because many churches are not true according to this scriptures, Roman's 10:1-3,2thimoty 4:3-4,2Peter 2:1-3..

    • @thinkpositive550
      @thinkpositive550 7 місяців тому +2

      ​@connectingthebibl 0:58 e-deeperb5680 I learn so much from your videos! And am sharing them with my English speaking friends in Costa Rica. I pray for you to continue to have the knowledge and understanding that God has given you. Obviously, I'm a subscriber and look forward to seeing all of your videos. May God bless you and keep you safe 🙏💖.

    • @Keepitoriginalministry
      @Keepitoriginalministry 5 днів тому

      Brother you definitely have a strong relationship with the HOLY GHOST.
      I got revelation that we are one of the two witnesses. And Israel the other. I'm wondering if you believe the same? I also have the revelation to the mystery. If you want to talk, let me know

  • @Unknownamoz
    @Unknownamoz 3 місяці тому +1


  • @jenihansen7201
    @jenihansen7201 7 місяців тому +5


  • @vusimngomezulu2500
    @vusimngomezulu2500 7 місяців тому

    Which church are true according to the Bible in this world? Because many churches are not true according to this scriptures, Roman's 10:1-3,2thimoty 4:3-4,2Peter 2:1-3.

  • @PriscaRudoTZhou-qd6zz
    @PriscaRudoTZhou-qd6zz 7 місяців тому

    Thank you brother
    You really do a great job of following Isaiah 28:9-13
    Do you have a teachable spirit THAT explore teachings from other preachers?
    If you are may I suggest you explore the 7th day Adventist massage?on most topics like the mark of the beast and the beasts of revalation 13,the 144 000,
    There are MANY Adventist preachers you can pick and choose eg Walter Veith, Doug Batchelor,Randy Skeete and many others
    There are ALSO different channels but as long as they are adventist they all teach the same.
    As for the prophet you mentioned the Adventists received ONE in the form of Ellen White.
    YOU ought to check all this out because their massage tally very much with what you teach
    God bless you abundantly!

  • @str.77
    @str.77 7 місяців тому +1

    The Book of Revelation doesn't say that "the throne of Satan will be in a Christian church" but addresses a letter to a specific church (at Pergamon) where there was also the "throne of Satan". There is no need to mistify this as the text clearly says: Pergamon. It doesn't say "in the church" but that the church of Pergamon is at the spot where Satan's throne was. It was a very well-known building and nowadays it is housed in Berlin.
    Antipas was a martyr we otherwise know nothing about. It is a stretch to equate him with Herod Antipas, who was in no way faithful nor was he a martyr.

    • @connectingthebible-deeperb5680
      @connectingthebible-deeperb5680  7 місяців тому +1

      On this channel we espouse a futurist interpretation of Revelation. So nearly all of Revelation will apply to something that happens to the run up to the tribulation, during the tribulation, or the wrath afterwards. The letters to the "Churches" are no exception. They all have applications to end times. This is what the whole Book is about.
      For example, in the letter to Smyrna, it says some of the faithful will be put into prison even until death. That is describing events in the end times.
      I went over the translation issues in the video, in no way did I say that Herod Antipas was any kind of a faithful witness or a martyr. The literal translation says, "even in the days of Antipas,..."

    • @str.77
      @str.77 7 місяців тому

      @@connectingthebible-deeperb5680 I'm saddened to hear that your attachment to a preconceived interpretation is greater than to willingness to look at a text for its own merit.
      I for my part do not neatly fit into any of the usual schools of thought and there are few position I would outright reject. But turning the letters to the seven churches into end time prophecies is absurd.
      Under that logic, John saw his visions on Patmos, sent them to the seven churches who then totally misunderstood the book and thus kept, thinking it somehow relevant for them when in fact it was ALL about events 2000 years later, even when they were directly addressed.
      Of course, there are some things that can be applicable to many times, e.g. your example from the letter to Smyrna: "some of the faithful will be put into prison even until death." Yes, that will happen in the end times but it also happened in the 1st and 2nd century.
      Sorry if I misunderstood your reference to Herod Antipas but even with your explanation now it doesn't make any sense. And the "Antipas" in Revelation is called "my martyr". He was an actual witness to the Lord and he doesn't deserve to be swept under the rug like that.

    • @connectingthebible-deeperb5680
      @connectingthebible-deeperb5680  7 місяців тому +1

      @@str.77 I stand by a futurist interpretation of Revelation. Why was the Book of Revelation written? Why did God give these visions to John? Was it not for a glimpse into the run up to tribulation, the tribulation, the wrath of God afterwards, which leads into the wedding banquet with the lamb for those that make it to Heaven?
      To say the Book of Revelation is about end times, except for those letters in chapters 2 and 3 is absurd to me. This is a classic case of not being able to see the forest when staring at the tree in front of you. But we can differ, I will continue to put forward what the entire Book of Revelation is about to me. Just because there were foreshadows of things previously does not discount their relevance to end times.
      Daniel wrote about an abomination of desolation, and that did happen by Antiochus IV in 167BC. But does that mean that will be the only or final abomination of desolation? Or was it a foreshadow to come? Dual meanings happen all the time in prophecies. I did readily admit in the video there was a likely a literal throne to Zeus in the area of Pergamos. But could there also be a dual meaning to the end times? Of course, why else would it be written about in a Book meant to warn us of what is to come in the end times. If John wanted to write letters to specific Churches, write different letters. Why include them in a Book of Revelation?
      On the Antipas identity...I went over in the video, the Greek word used doesn't mean martyr, but witness. And the Book of Revelation literally says that Jesus Christ is the Faithful Witness to God:
      Revelation 1:5
      5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth.
      The Book of Revelation uses words and phrases which cites back to other places in the book for purposes of clarification. Chapter 1 calling Jesus the Faithful Witness is a dead giveaway for the letter to the Church of Pergamos.
      I will continue to use a futurist interpretation about the entire Book of Revelation being about end times preparation. And even if you cannot step back from such a narrow focus, I will continue on. God Bless you even in our difference.

    • @str.77
      @str.77 7 місяців тому

      I am not surprised that you prefer a futurist interpretation - it appears the most obvious and in the beginning, any interpretation used to be futurist. I am just very much in favour of interpreting every text on its own merit and to keep in mind that every text had an original audience, for whom it must have made sense.
      The "thron of Satan" IMO is the Pergamon Altar, which actually looks a bit like a giant throne. You can find pictures on the net but you won't be able to visit it for the next 20 years or so.
      Nevertheless, let's leave it at that. May the Lord bless you.

    • @klausmkl
      @klausmkl 7 місяців тому

      @@str.77 Each of the bible books, including Revelaton has a historical meaning, to those it was written to, and a futuristic meaning, those who it was wriiten for in these Last days. There is nothing new under the sun.
      Ecc 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
      Jesus Christs seven Letters to the Churches are way more important than Pauls letters. Not many even read them.
      Take Laodecian for example. Did you know at that time most folks in Laodecia wanted a slave, so they could retire. Sound familair to you, in these modern times.

  • @herbertbroady126
    @herbertbroady126 6 місяців тому


  • @brandonsmith7485
    @brandonsmith7485 5 місяців тому

    In connecting different areas of the Bible, it's possible that you apply scriptures to the church that aren't actually doctrine for them.

    • @connectingthebible-deeperb5680
      @connectingthebible-deeperb5680  5 місяців тому

      On this channel, I show connections and follow them through to reveal many things including prophecy. I usually stay away from theology and doctrine, except when it comes up in a connection. Most of the doctrine, I've talked should be readily agreeable stuff between the sects of Christianity. My purpose is to bring a unified message to all of Christianity.
      But if I've over-stepped and cited a doctrine that conflicts with the vast majority of Churches, then please let me know. Be specific.