This baby is not being hurt it is just pissed off that it's getting a Bath And they live in the wild most of the time and when Their Actual Mom's Go swimming in the Pool The Water is cold They even sleep out in the rain and in three This Person is not Hurting or Being Cruel And it needs a good Bath
We were all harmed when we had to hear your brainless comment! Your dog & cat were both harmed when taken from their mother!!! So stop with yr racist propaganda!!! All you’re doing is promoting hate speech against Asian people!!!!!!!
You are a racist, liar. No one went from cold water to hot water to shock this poor baby it’s amazing how someone like you can just make up complete and total lies but I guess it’s not since you’re just a racist bigot hating Asian people.
Это была попытка показаться умной? В естесственной среде да вода холодная. Но в данный момент малышка в руках человека и в его власти обеспечить животному комфорт.Только этим людям это ненужно.Эти животные для них способ заработка не больше.
@@TanyaSun151а зачем нужен комфорт животному, которому потом придется о этого комфорта отвыкать, вы, умная такая не задумываетесь, тут все правильно, на этом канале минимум вмешательства в жизнь этих тварей, их кормят, держат в чистоте, дают возможность двигаться. а значит развиваться, но не сюсюкают, не вылизывают им жопы не изображают показушную псевдолюбовь для розовосопливых макаколюбов,, не надевают излишнюю одежду, и просто снимают их ,для вас, таких умниц., это вснго лишь повод позудить тут.
@@bobcat24 Wrong, it will squeal every time it doesn't get its way. All they doing is eat until they puke then eat it as well. Disgusting animals. They should not be kept as pets. Leave them in the wild where they belong.
At one point the infant was scared but somewhat more relaxed so she used her thumb to squeeze its tiny chest in order to get a rise out of it at the 4:18 mark and then squeezed its tender little belly at the 4:22 mark.
The baby is turning blue; the water is deliberately cold for more reaction on camera. This orphaned helpless infant is absolutely terrified; truly sickening display of animal abuse!
This is the most ill behaved monkey ever! She’s absolutely obnoxious and is doing so on purpose because she likes to be obnoxious. They should redirect her and teach her not to behave that way.
Do not press her back with your thumb that is cruel and painful for her . There is always a reason why the infants make certain noises like he absolute terror of being handled so un necessarily harshly whilst being bathed Which of course is against the primates rights and comes under primate abuse
Ur not good to these babies u hurt them .if ur gona be like that with them ur rights should be taken away or maybe jailed. They look to u for closeness & luv . Ur all they have . So why be like that with them? If u don't want to take care of them then get out of the business.but don't be tough & mean to them they don't deserve that. They dam sure didn't ask to be here in this situation.
Jailed? Giving a stinking rat a bath in clean water is criminal offense now? You dont know jack about the culture, the peop le or these disgusting rats. Why dont you stick to granola crunching and leave criminal law, family law, and just about everything else to people who know and understand more than you seem to.
All the comments and telling these people how to care for these creatures! They are experts....they farm these themselves now....they just make money out of comments
How can you do that with such a small and helpless creature. Torturing, giving cold bath, leaving hungry. You're bad, people from hell. You will pay for this cruelty - You are the devil's son. You bastards!
Scrub a dub, scrubbing to clean up the little monkey, take that funky smell off of her skin. I just love Lori so much. I can’t help but watch her every day.
Baby or infant primates do not need constant bathing and it is on the primate abuse chart in the top ten. Excessive handling around genital areas etc especially is frowned on. Many infants are actually terrified of all this water and soap. She isn't doing this for the infant this is all about the storyline and money
Tell em @jodicox that you watch more monkey videos before 10a.m. than the average person watches in a lifetime. A true expert in Monkology,, doesn’t matter that you’ve never actually owned or even seen one in real life. These people need to recognize 😂
Why scare her like that. Of course this baby is honna screech. Scared so now its calling gor help and its mother. Cute lil baby monkey. Who will most likely die because of abuse. Just sad
Lady you are simply just too rough with this baby. You take too long to give a bath. Wetting and rinsing take too long and you scour the skin off the poor little thing. These babies are sensitive and it is clear that you do not care about her feelings! Maybe someone should put you in a tub of cold water and scrub your skin with a brush.This baby has screamed for you too stop and you just ignored her. Just because she is a primate and not a human does not mean she cannot feel pain and hurt. Please don't handle any more animals until you learn what you are doing!
Why do people take puppies away from their mothers? Why do people take kittens away from their mothers? This is their pet you moron don’t you have enough sense to figure that out
Porque lo bañan de manera tan salvaje, le echa el agua encima sabiendo que el pobre animalito muere de miedo, eso se llama MALTRATO Animal!! Son muy sádicos!!
Они не садисты. В природе мать-обезьяна воспитывает жёстко, в тёплой водичке не купает и в такой возрасте отдирает от себя за хвост, учит передвигаться самому и на его вопли истеричные в природе никто не обращает внимание. Для местных - это крыса, разносит заразу, спид.
You mean COLD water don't you? Hurry the hell up! How dirty can it be? I hope you people realize that God sees all the abuse you all do to these baby's?!
On your title you should have said "Don't MAKE me take a bath" rather than "Don't FORCE me to take a bath"! The word "force" has bad connotations which has prompted negative feedback!
Why? Do you have more right to be here than this infant primate does? We do share over 93% of DNA with them but judging by some of these idiotic comments, they appear more evolved than their human cousins.
It’s just like a child crying, screaming at something he or she doesn’t like.. this lil monkey doesn’t like the bath so is hooting, awfully cute though.. hope not being abused!!!
Właśnie dziś widziałam filmik o małpach BBC gdzie jak matce się nie spodobało otwieranie paszczy przez takiego smarkacza to od razu dawała w policzek z otwartej. Dostał tak kilka razy to się nauczył cicho siedzieć i nie drzeć pyska o nic i tego kto jest tutaj góra.
Das ist kein Baby,das ist ein stinkender Affe,der täglich gebadet werden muss,damit man seine Nähe erträgt!Werden augenscheinlich nie stubenrein, dementsprechend riechen sie wahrscheinlich,also keine Aufregung,ein bisschen Wasser hat noch keinem geschadet! Diese Zecken sind hart im Nehmen,müssen schliesslich in der freien Natur überleben und die ist gnadenlos,die Leute sind viel nachsichtiger als ihre eigentlichen Mütter!Die sorgen dafür,dass die Zecken möglichst schnell erwachsen werden,da sie ja permanent trächtig sind!Also,regt euch nicht künstlich auf!👎🙄
These actions are intentional to get views and comments. This is how they get paid even though I'm commenting I'm doing so to stop other people from doing the same thing.
******* LAUGH ALOUD NOTICE ******* LISTEN AT 3:23 AT THAT TIME - SCALDING HOT MONKEY FEET COOKING, you can tell because it starts screaming. Bloody murder. Then watch after a breath or two, it starts looking at the camera and hooting so adorably. It’s like looking into your eyes and hooting longingly. I suppose for colder water I don’t know! I just know it’s hilarious and cute. Love this little monkey so much I could watch this every single day and it would make my day start off right :-)uuuughhhgggg
Also dude make up a slightly more believable story it would pull its dumb feet out of the water if it was that hot. So now you look like a psycho and an idiot :/
😢😮, w mala esta persona x q no le pone un poquito de sus tibia, me gustaría saber di al esta persona le gustaría tomar baño con agua fria,, x eso no me gusta ver estos vd con los pobres manitos los tratan tan mal q Nasty; pobre bebito❤
Did anyone else see the shadow of the brave soul who smacked the baby on the head? I wish they had a more vicious species. It would be nice if they got their teeth stuck in snd passed on a painful virus.
It is so cute when she goes to hooting real loud and frequently how the lady starts washing her face and she gets comfortable and stop scooting…. Every time she starts hurting that lady rubs her face and stops her from hooting. She doesn’t feel safe unless someone squeezes her tight and hold her tight. She’s afraid she will fall. You are not holding her tight enough.
There is no reason for a baby monkey to be afraid of water. It is more likely that holding her on her back is what is upsetting her. And theres no reason for a baby monkey to be bathed laying on her back. Give her a milk bottle while she sits in the tub with a small amount of water. Slowly add more water and when she finishes her milk, bathe her. The way people hold these monkeys suspended out in space like that, its no wonder they scream.
А что это вам его жаль? Вопит он мерзко и истерит, так эта погань всегда так вирищит. А в природе мамаша покруче с ним обращается, за хвост и по земле морденью, никто в стае церемонится не будет.
это один из сценариев, для особо любящих макак, всегда покахзывают купание кормление, подтирание задниц, переодевание и опять по списку, больше нечего снимать, правда на этом канае разнообразили съемки с другим детенышем добавлением в сюжет выдры .
Here I am again watching baby Lori. Every day I got to get my Lori fix she is so funny and cute hooting up a storm grabbing her two feet! Overly dramatic acting like someone’s killing her. She’s so silly.. I love that baby monkey. 💕💙💓❤️💞🧡💝💟💛💘💘
They have to put them on their back so they can wash their belly, not to mention they have to get used to trusting these people. If you had monkeys, they would probably run wild with no discipline.
Бедная малышка! Что же вы её так жестоко моете-то? Она бедная всё время плачет и свернулась в комочек от прикосновения ваших рук... 😟 Животные чувствуют как к ним относятся, нет в ваших руках ни тепла, ни любви к этой малышке... Шоркаете её как неодушевленную вещь, да ещё и холодной водой из душа на пузико льете... Кому понравится такое обращение? 😟
А в природе как? Её мать шампунькой с теплой водой намывает? Там всё жёстко: за хвост и потащила морденью по земле. Не забывайте, это для нас эта верещалка экзотика, для местных - это крыса, которая размножается как крыса, разносит заразу, уничтожает всё в доме и в садах. Вы у себя дома с крысой тоже будете сюси-пуси?
Nope they’re not gonna delete it. There’s nothing going on wrong. No one’s being abused please get you some psychiatric help find out why does your so racist
Ook just look at baby skin!! It's blue because the water is freezing cold!!! C'mon are you serious? You really think people believe what you are trying to convey? Uhm no!
This baby is not being hurt it is just pissed off that it's getting a Bath And they live in the wild most of the time and when Their Actual Mom's Go swimming in the Pool The Water is cold They even sleep out in the rain and in three This Person is not Hurting or Being Cruel And it needs a good Bath
And does the mother go from cold water to hot water to shock the baby. And this animal was harmed the minute they took it from it's mother
La madre no entra al agua con un recién nacido.
We were all harmed when we had to hear your brainless comment! Your dog & cat were both harmed when taken from their mother!!! So stop with yr racist propaganda!!! All you’re doing is promoting hate speech against Asian people!!!!!!!
You are a racist, liar. No one went from cold water to hot water to shock this poor baby it’s amazing how someone like you can just make up complete and total lies but I guess it’s not since you’re just a racist bigot hating Asian people.
The fool running their mouth.
In the natural habitat the water is cold!!
Это была попытка показаться умной? В естесственной среде да вода холодная. Но в данный момент малышка в руках человека и в его власти обеспечить животному комфорт.Только этим людям это ненужно.Эти животные для них способ заработка не больше.
@@TanyaSun151а зачем нужен комфорт животному, которому потом придется о этого комфорта отвыкать, вы, умная такая не задумываетесь, тут все правильно, на этом канале минимум вмешательства в жизнь этих тварей, их кормят, держат в чистоте, дают возможность двигаться. а значит развиваться, но не сюсюкают, не вылизывают им жопы не изображают показушную псевдолюбовь для розовосопливых макаколюбов,, не надевают излишнюю одежду, и просто снимают их ,для вас, таких умниц., это вснго лишь повод позудить тут.
It is not that cold and they spend very little time in it at this age plus they soak in warm springs
It's not cold like tap water .the weather is warm and sun heats it up
Кипяточком или хлорочкой!!! Чтобы подольше чистенький был.
И электрического тока добавить для заряда энергией
Mira cantó de lengua 😛😜 larga qué le pasa a usted respecte serpiente 🐍 venenosa cobra rastrero calla lengua 😛😜 larga qué le da la buerta a el mundo 🌎🌍
@@ЮпиьерСатурнy usted lengua 😛😜 larga qué le pasa a usted respecte 🐍 venenosa cobra rastrero calla 😛😜 larga qué le da la buerta a el mundo 🌎🌍😮
I could not handle that constant hooting
It think it’s really cute. As long as you’re kind to it, it won’t squeal.
@@bobcat24 Wrong, it will squeal every time it doesn't get its way. All they doing is eat until they puke then eat it as well. Disgusting animals. They should not be kept as pets. Leave them in the wild where they belong.
That's all monkeys do is squeal, for anything or any reason!
@@victorglaviano weil sie sehr eifersüchtig sind und so lieb wie manche hier schreiben sind diese Affen nicht es sind und bleiben wilde Tiere.
@@victorglaviano Not, they don’t. They only squeal and hoot if you mistreat them. They rarely do that in the wild with their real parents.
Окуни с головой и подержи, что бы не свистел, а место своё знал.
Desse jeito vai afogar o macaquinho
It's place is with its mother not with some lazy fool exploiting it for money
Та и хрен то с ней @@antoniouchoa8212
a perfect timing to drown it lad
I guess the application of soap was just imaginary!! 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
At one point the infant was scared but somewhat more relaxed so she used her thumb to squeeze its tiny chest in order to get a rise out of it at the 4:18 mark and then squeezed its tender little belly at the 4:22 mark.
Нервы какие нужны, чтоб эту чирикалку слушать и далеко не сладкую, а гадкую. 😂 наждачкой его.
The baby is turning blue; the water is deliberately cold for more reaction on camera. This orphaned helpless infant is absolutely terrified; truly sickening display of animal abuse!
And my God why so ruff. This is a living being.
Its not 'turning blue'. the lighting is very blue and they naturally have blue and pink mottled skin. LEARN!
@@karen0karen Go figure; another Karen !!
Constant hooting and hollering!!! 😮
This is torture. Baby calling Mother.
It’s squeaking for no reason this woman is treating it gently, it’s just being over dramatic.
Far from gentle
Put ice cubes in the water- they like that
When she tried to bite that lady for bathing her, they should’ve beat the shit out of her
This is the most ill behaved monkey ever! She’s absolutely obnoxious and is doing so on purpose because she likes to be obnoxious. They should redirect her and teach her not to behave that way.
Agreed 👍👍!!😂😂
Do not press her back with your thumb that is cruel and painful for her . There is always a reason why the infants make certain noises like he absolute terror of being handled so un necessarily harshly whilst being bathed Which of course is against the primates rights and comes under primate abuse
Please! They aren’t hurting it at all!
@@FeliciaWarren-t2p She very deliberately squeezed its tiny chest with her thumb at the 4:18 mark.
Ur not good to these babies u hurt them .if ur gona be like that with them ur rights should be taken away or maybe jailed. They look to u for closeness & luv . Ur all they have . So why be like that with them? If u don't want to take care of them then get out of the business.but don't be tough & mean to them they don't deserve that. They dam sure didn't ask to be here in this situation.
Jailed? Giving a stinking rat a bath in clean water is criminal offense now? You dont know jack about the culture, the peop le or these disgusting rats. Why dont you stick to granola crunching and leave criminal law, family law, and just about everything else to people who know and understand more than you seem to.
You own many of these goblins do ya @janelbowman .?
More more more more!!!!!!!
All the comments and telling these people how to care for these creatures! They are experts....they farm these themselves now....they just make money out of comments
Сварить в кипятке. Заткнется навсегда
Это точно. Так мерзко верещит, ну крыса крысой.
Aren't you a sick one. Take your own advise.
Monkey stew ! 🤣😂🤣😂
Лупить сильно и долго
How can you do that with such a small and helpless creature. Torturing, giving cold bath, leaving hungry. You're bad, people from hell. You will pay for this cruelty - You are the devil's son. You bastards!
Awesome video
Scrub a dub, scrubbing to clean up the little monkey, take that funky smell off of her skin. I just love Lori so much. I can’t help but watch her every day.
Baby or infant primates do not need constant bathing and it is on the primate abuse chart in the top ten. Excessive handling around genital areas etc especially is frowned on. Many infants are actually terrified of all this water and soap. She isn't doing this for the infant this is all about the storyline and money
дело в том, что макаки очень вонючие и постоянно испражняются, а это негигиенично и неприятно, вы же не хотите жить все время нюхая унитаз
Love this n the sounds he r she is making too cute n Precious
Yeah, it is so cute to hear it scream in fear. WTF is wrong with us?
You like the sounds of terror?
Do you want to create drama, or why do you pour so much water over that poor helpless animal?
They do add warm water from kettle
I think you're the one creating drama . Caretaker is doing nothing wrong here .
@@terriherrera9351 gotta watch those drama queens, they're everywhere lol. First to criticize too.
Correct, use acid instead
She’s torturing him on ice cold water! No reason to hold him down on the water while he is all balled up like that. These woman are sick!
How could you possibly know what the temperature of the water is?
Tell em @jodicox that you watch more monkey videos before 10a.m. than the average person watches in a lifetime. A true expert in Monkology,, doesn’t matter that you’ve never actually owned or even seen one in real life. These people need to recognize 😂
Why scare her like that. Of course this baby is honna screech. Scared so now its calling gor help and its mother. Cute lil baby monkey. Who will most likely die because of abuse. Just sad
Their squealing is like fingers down a chalk board
Who cares?😝🤮🥱
@@monikazuco9766normal people care. People with empathy and compassion.
what red marks? like seriously, there are none.
Lady you are simply just too rough with this baby. You take too long to give a bath. Wetting and rinsing take too long and you scour the skin off the poor little thing. These babies are sensitive and it is clear that you do not care about her feelings! Maybe someone should put you in a tub of cold water and scrub your skin with a brush.This baby has screamed for you too stop and you just ignored her. Just because she is a primate and not a human does not mean she cannot feel pain and hurt. Please don't handle any more animals until you learn what you are doing!
Humans are primates
Super tylko niech pysk zamknie.
Why do his ears stick out so far from his head??? 😳😳😳😲😲😲
Because it is ugly as shit
Придуши ее слегка и под воду😂
Why are you taking the monkey babies away from their mothers? There has to be another way to make money.
Why do people take puppies away from their mothers? Why do people take kittens away from their mothers? This is their pet you moron don’t you have enough sense to figure that out
You GD foolIsThisYourCultureAndHaveYou not looked into the matter?
There is, its called work
why do humans take MANY animals away from their mothers? its called pets, food animals, humans do this CONSTANTLY
Porque lo bañan de manera tan salvaje, le echa el agua encima sabiendo que el pobre animalito muere de miedo, eso se llama MALTRATO Animal!! Son muy sádicos!!
Они не садисты. В природе мать-обезьяна воспитывает жёстко, в тёплой водичке не купает и в такой возрасте отдирает от себя за хвост, учит передвигаться самому и на его вопли истеричные в природе никто не обращает внимание. Для местных - это крыса, разносит заразу, спид.
You don't need her she doesn't like you you are so curl to her i no they were looking for her i hope they got her and you went to jail
You mean COLD water don't you? Hurry the hell up! How dirty can it be? I hope you people realize that God sees all the abuse you all do to these baby's?!
On your title you should have said "Don't MAKE me take a bath" rather than "Don't FORCE me to take a bath"! The word "force" has bad connotations which has prompted negative feedback!
Drown it
Why? Do you have more right to be here than this infant primate does? We do share over 93% of DNA with them but judging by some of these idiotic comments, they appear more evolved than their human cousins.
LITTLE PRINCESS 👑👑👑 🌟🐒🌟 IS So Cute ❤❤❤🍼🍼🍼🍼🍼❤🛀❤🛌❤🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋🌸🌸🌸
Please dont be nasty .holding her out in space .shes very frightened
она уже сдохла, видео старое
It’s just like a child crying, screaming at something he or she doesn’t like.. this lil monkey doesn’t like the bath so is hooting, awfully cute though.. hope not being abused!!!
Poor little baby girl .so terrified .
You are being entirely too bout stepping it up a notch and shutting the imp up !!!!!!!!!
Właśnie dziś widziałam filmik o małpach BBC gdzie jak matce się nie spodobało otwieranie paszczy przez takiego smarkacza to od razu dawała w policzek z otwartej. Dostał tak kilka razy to się nauczył cicho siedzieć i nie drzeć pyska o nic i tego kto jest tutaj góra.
It's crying for it's mother to come save her. It's in destress from the cold water and the sick freak torturing her.
Yes I agree ..poor thing... Just a way to make money
Su madre está muerta, como él dentro de poco.
좀 맞아야 얌전하지
깩깩거리면 때려줘
They don’t take warm baths in the wild my god
The last time, they burned her eyes with soap and couldn’t get her to stop crying. Now the water is too cold. They are training her to hate baths.
Ne laissez pas ce bébé chez ces gens svp
Это не ребёнок, а мерзкая крыса, которая плодится как крыса, разносит вокруг заразу и уничтожает всё в саду .
Das ist kein Baby,das ist ein stinkender Affe,der täglich gebadet werden muss,damit man seine Nähe erträgt!Werden augenscheinlich nie stubenrein, dementsprechend riechen sie wahrscheinlich,also keine Aufregung,ein bisschen Wasser hat noch keinem geschadet! Diese Zecken sind hart im Nehmen,müssen schliesslich in der freien Natur überleben und die ist gnadenlos,die Leute sind viel nachsichtiger als ihre eigentlichen Mütter!Die sorgen dafür,dass die Zecken möglichst schnell erwachsen werden,da sie ja permanent trächtig sind!Also,regt euch nicht künstlich auf!👎🙄
If that water is ice cold u can see why she is screeching.
эти животные находятся в тропическом климате, вы понимаете, что такое тропики или думаете, что это северный полюс?
Замолчал 2:16
These actions are intentional to get views and comments. This is how they get paid even though I'm commenting I'm doing so to stop other people from doing the same thing.
******* LAUGH ALOUD NOTICE *******
LISTEN AT 3:23 AT THAT TIME - SCALDING HOT MONKEY FEET COOKING, you can tell because it starts screaming. Bloody murder. Then watch after a breath or two, it starts looking at the camera and hooting so adorably. It’s like looking into your eyes and hooting longingly. I suppose for colder water I don’t know! I just know it’s hilarious and cute. Love this little monkey so much I could watch this every single day and it would make my day start off right :-)uuuughhhgggg
Get help ya sico!!!!
Also dude make up a slightly more believable story it would pull its dumb feet out of the water if it was that hot.
So now you look like a psycho and an idiot :/
😢😮, w mala esta persona x q no le pone un poquito de sus tibia, me gustaría saber di al esta persona le gustaría tomar baño con agua fria,, x eso no me gusta ver estos vd con los pobres manitos los tratan tan mal q Nasty; pobre bebito❤
No los veas
Coisinha mais linda, Home amo você bebê 🙏🏼❤️💞🌷👍🇧🇷
Che tenera questa piccolina😘
Lávate tu!!!!!! Pobre animal....😢😢😢😢
Mmmm like it😂
Did anyone else see the shadow of the brave soul who smacked the baby on the head? I wish they had a more vicious species. It would be nice if they got their teeth stuck in snd passed on a painful virus.
Why are u so rough with babies ?
Nobody’s being rough, Karen
@@mm881969No Karen. Normal people just don’t like seeing animals suffer. Especially babies.
@@bobcat24suffer? Seriously 😂
I can't handle an icy cold bath either.
Absolutely beautiful
It is so cute when she goes to hooting real loud and frequently how the lady starts washing her face and she gets comfortable and stop scooting…. Every time she starts hurting that lady rubs her face and stops her from hooting. She doesn’t feel safe unless someone squeezes her tight and hold her tight. She’s afraid she will fall. You are not holding her tight enough.
Please work gently. It's a baby
disgusting that you would let this thing touch your bare skin
Neugeborene Äffchen darf man ja gar nicht baden , sie könnten sterben !!!!😢😢😢
hahahahaha no
So cute
There is no reason for a baby monkey to be afraid of water. It is more likely that holding her on her back is what is upsetting her. And theres no reason for a baby monkey to be bathed laying on her back. Give her a milk bottle while she sits in the tub with a small amount of water. Slowly add more water and when she finishes her milk, bathe her. The way people hold these monkeys suspended out in space like that, its no wonder they scream.
Вы думаете что она нуждается в ваших советах?
Как жаль маленького
А что это вам его жаль? Вопит он мерзко и истерит, так эта погань всегда так вирищит. А в природе мамаша покруче с ним обращается, за хвост и по земле морденью, никто в стае церемонится не будет.
Лупить надо сильно и постоянно.
Мерзкие создания, как можно их дома держать? Гуманоиды какие-то, если бы у меня дома такая тварь верещала, и чирикала, убила бы...
They smell soooo sooo bad too
Shes blue all over
они все синепузые от природы
Just think had she been left in the wild she wouldn’t be acting like this!
На протяжении всего Видео занимается только купанием малышки 😮
это один из сценариев, для особо любящих макак, всегда покахзывают купание кормление, подтирание задниц, переодевание и опять по списку, больше нечего снимать, правда на этом канае разнообразили съемки с другим детенышем добавлением в сюжет выдры .
Ведь чтобы вода была теплой, есть кипятильник. Опустите в воду.
Его давно уже нет
Там тропики. Не обморозится.
Their skin n is so soft and delicate... Shes being tourtured least put a little warm water in it
Скоро привыкнет к купанию,терпения мадам❤
Давно уже сдали на мясо
Why not warm the water for baby would that be to much trouble to do so baby wouldn't be scared or are u lazy
Water seems cold
Don't like cold water
It's just spoiled rotten lol😅
Here I am again watching baby Lori. Every day I got to get my Lori fix she is so funny and cute hooting up a storm grabbing her two feet!
Overly dramatic acting like someone’s killing her. She’s so silly.. I love that baby monkey. 💕💙💓❤️💞🧡💝💟💛💘💘
Lori long gone.......
Because they are killing her.. Infant macaques can't regulate their body temperatures without close contact from their mother.
Do NOT start baby on her back !!!! Water is probably cold.
They have to put them on their back so they can wash their belly, not to mention they have to get used to trusting these people. If you had monkeys, they would probably run wild with no discipline.
Wonder what ever happened to this baby?? She was one of the rare ones that was cute.
Lindooooo ❤️❤️❤️
Бедная малышка! Что же вы её так жестоко моете-то? Она бедная всё время плачет и свернулась в комочек от прикосновения ваших рук... 😟 Животные чувствуют как к ним относятся, нет в ваших руках ни тепла, ни любви к этой малышке... Шоркаете её как неодушевленную вещь, да ещё и холодной водой из душа на пузико льете... Кому понравится такое обращение? 😟
Ele esta ate roxo de tanto frio. Malvada a pessoa que faz isso.
your absolutly wright Flag and Report this please if whe all Flag andReport maybee they delete this video thank you
숲속의 원숭이는 따뜻한 물로 씻지 않아
А в природе как? Её мать шампунькой с теплой водой намывает? Там всё жёстко: за хвост и потащила морденью по земле. Не забывайте, это для нас эта верещалка экзотика, для местных - это крыса, которая размножается как крыса, разносит заразу, уничтожает всё в доме и в садах. Вы у себя дома с крысой тоже будете сюси-пуси?
Nope they’re not gonna delete it. There’s nothing going on wrong. No one’s being abused please get you some psychiatric help find out why does your so racist
Nasty wild beast in the human home.
Ook just look at baby skin!! It's blue because the water is freezing cold!!! C'mon are you serious? You really think people believe what you are trying to convey? Uhm no!
جون 😍 دلم 🐒🍼💎😘🥰❤
Is she turning blue?