The oil pipeline just for exporting crude oil , about the oil price issue, the key reason is that there are few of oil refineries factories in canada , only a few in Ontario. 😊
I think a lot of You Tubers complain too much without truly understanding the background behind a country's history and economy, highly likely because they have too much spare time. With the lack of understanding due to their short time in the country, their assessments will be somewhat superficial. When I moved to US, I spent the first 3 years studying for my college degree and another 5 years establishing my career working for American firms and only after 8 years of working did I got a basic understanding of American life and culture. Took me another 20 years to get a better understanding thanks to my kids who introduced me to real American life. I can't believe these two really understand what they are talking about. Fun to watch but don't take it seriously.
@@waikwong8618加拿大好多住 11:56 咗好耐嘅loser’s 接受唔到意見❤❤❤好多cbc work in 🇺🇸 that’s reality! Not complain ! Always told people back to there country! That’s Canadian 🇨🇦 loser 😂😂😂😂
I went to HK in 12/23 and stayed in very nice hotel near Star Ferry for less than $150US a night, a very great deal but like anything else, prices are due to supply and demand. I just booked hotel to Toronto for 8/24, its Delta Hotel at Markham, it's around $150Us a night. Not sure where you are staying. Shouldn't be that much unless you are staying close to campus around school start.
I agree to most of what you said, especially about the medical part. I wish that the government will change the way of how companies are hiring, stop them from viewing just "Canadian" experience. Newcomers need to understand that English is really important if they decided to come to Canada. They need to prepare to go to school if they are not able to find a job, to learn English or new skills. We, Hong Kongers, have this saying "If the horse is dead, you start walking". One should not just blame it on the government for everything.
仲有一個大缺點,就係呢度既公共交通嚴重缺乏競爭 , 就以加拿大內陸航空為例,價錢完全係驚人,相反美國有本地廉航,搭飛機就好似搭巴士咁,平有平搭,貴有貴撘。第二樣就係政府鼓勵人用交通工具,但係基建完全係跟唔上,搞到搭ttc, 係take the car . 同埋你有幾可見到公共交通話要加價會俾人ban ?
老老實實以技術分析嚟講加拿大係冇言論自由 唔似得美國有first amendment 但係加拿大有freedom of expression 不過係有條件嘅🤣 Freedom of expression in Canada is protected as a "fundamental freedom" by section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; however, in practice the Charter permits the government to enforce "reasonable" limits censoring speech
The biggest home price difference is in the border towns of Niagara Falls, both sides are only 10 minutes away but the houses in U.S side are 400% cheaper, in fact I have bought one in U.S side for vacation rental purpose not long ago
That's the main reason why I picked the US as my first priority to move 40+ yrs ago. Nowadays the people that I know whoever living in US more than 25+ yrs in any cities they're all having wonderful life for their retirement. Final conclusion US isn't the best or # 1 country in the world but it's good enough for the hard working families. Good luck to all HKers.💪💪🙏🙏
One more bad thing in Canada: Monopoly - food supply chain, telecommunications, etc.... 😢 I love ❤Canada but really getting more and difficult to survive.
Tbh not impressed by his work and most of it is virtue signaling. 減碳最簡單嘅方法就係 全世界減少消費 唔好去旅行 唔好上Amazon 買嘢 instead of 強制全世界買電車 大家keep 自己部車揸20 年 你覺得呢個世界得唔得? 經濟活動下降over 50%
Took me 8 years to get completely adjusted to transitioning to a new country and become comfortable again. By year eight, I had a college degree, a CPA license, my own house, 2 children and my own computer business. That was in 1977 when I moved to US for first year of collage and in those days, we didn't have computer and even a long distance call would cost a lot and so we only wrote letters. The first 3 nights I cried until my pillow case was all wet but by day 4, I decided it was a waste of time to cry, complain or even talk about how much I missed home. I went to the library and checked out a bunch of books to read and watched every English TV show that was available. Within a year my oral and written skills was proficient enough to find any jobs. My advise to all new immigrants, stop complaining and focus your time on learning English and technical skills to get a better job and better future. Stop dreaming, don't expect everything to be rosy after 1-2 years because your immigration journey is just starting.
It's hard to compare Bellingham rental house prices to Vancouver though. Because Bellingham, WA is a pretty small city compared to living in Bellevue, WA (where a lot of asians want to move to).
At first i was thinking US has alot higher income and low cost of living until i found out about the healthcare cost. Omg. All the cheaper living cost cant even cover that health insurance. Im speaking for myself as a freelancer. But if you have a good job the company might cover most of it. My older relative just retired before 65 i was shock they are paying $5000 usd a month for the couple for health insurance . My friend working in wall street still have to pay extra $800 a month on health insurance after company paid half that doesnt even cover everything. My other friend having a baby quick delivery. No problem at all and the hospital bill is 30,000 usd . After insurance coverage still has to pay $5000 . Its just crazy. Property tax for vanouver is lowest in north america. You would pay at least double anywhere in the US.
I do think having proper insurance is crucial when living in the United States. Additionally I have found that you can actually negotiate with hospitals to lower those ridiculous medical bills Lol
Health insurance before age 65 in the US depends on household income and the insurance package selected. For low income family, it could be free. For high income self-employed people and wealthy folks, well . . .
@@KyleKamTaco Yes, that's true. The hospital/or collection agency will rather you pay something instead of nothing at all. This is also the reason why US hospitals can have so much financial problems.
Health insurance of USD 5,000 a month for a retired couple? After retirement? It sounds crazy. Are they very rich and voluntarily buy an health insurance with a better coverage?
I think the main reason is being able to live the lifestyle you want. For me it's about nature and the beautiful outdoor spaces. Also Hong Kong is too cramped which can sometimes stress me out
I am so happy find out your channel. This video is very good because you have very clear mind for what is happening in Canada now. We have to let Justin Trudeau off for his. Position . He really damaged Canadians’ lives
I immigrated from Hong Kong since 1996. I work in legal field in HK, there are many job opportunities in legal field. My salary now is a lot higher than all my friends still working in legal field in HK, so cannot agree all you said
I lived in Vancity for 10+ years, ur content has raised a number of key issues. good.
Thank you ;)
Kyle 太說得啱,人工追不到通脹,人民真的吃力,支持你們的影片,亦都覺得這影片可以給網民在留言區訴苦👍,你們說的六項原因真係好應同😊,支持❤
The oil pipeline just for exporting crude oil , about the oil price issue, the key reason is that there are few of oil refineries factories in canada , only a few in Ontario. 😊
我都係香港人, 喺加拿大住左一年, 你講得好啱, 重有好多好多其他問題. 哩幾個係最大問題.
Thank you!
你哋咁講就啱喇, 少啲香港人過去爭同破壞我哋呢邊咁好嘅環境 👍
本土由97前果袋香港人二文都環好 果堆新而文和大陸人就最惡頂啦
3)工作機會同薪酬唔可以用傳統指標去量度。呢一點係好多移民都唔識分析。因為加拿大稅高同時稅制複雜,好多人會用好多方法合法/非法逃稅。所以reported/ taxable income永遠係低!如果係專業人仕或有一技之長,搵得過15萬一年好多都會自動轉自僱人士/ 做生意/ 做contractor,因為多稅務折扣實際落袋嘅cash係絕對比你想像中高!
4)溫哥華好多外資企業(microsoft, amazon, film production等等)都係靠人工低過美國而吸引入嚟投資。所以雖然明白好多人覺得美國人工高好吸引但係好多海外專才唔會選擇去美國(尤其來自美國非友好國家),等於中國崛起都係靠平啲嘅人工去培養自己嘅市場,呢個係無可厚非嘅階段。
1. 高稅 - 我都唔鐘意,不過對比香港人習慣的低稅,有幾點要supplement (a) 這裏跟大部分國家一樣有三級政府 (i.e. 聯邦/中央、州/省、市/郡/縣),在香港每人養一個政府,呢度養三個,而全世界也只有新加坡等小國能夠一級政府搞定所有野 (b) 香港政府大部分收入來自地皮,這裏土地是私有的,就算地價貴都冇地皮收入 (c) 呢度政府有國防外交費用,香港冇,當然呢度的國防外交好廢,但冇人會話廢左佢 (d) 土地大,人均負責面積就多,單係BC 省 2023 年山火燒了 28,000 平方公里土地 (28 個香港),咁救火都要$架,呢度係4千萬人俾$管理9百萬平方公里 (每人0.22平方公里),香港係7百萬人俾$管理1千平方公里 (每人0.00014平方公里)
2. 樓價貴 - 近幾年的確已完全 not affordable,但拿 Vancouver 跟 Bellingham 比較並不適當。Vancouver 係大城市,Bellingham 係 suburb,咁樣比較就好似用東莞中山樓價比較香港樓價。例如 Toronto 樓價不能跟最近的美國邊城 Buffalo 比較,較適合是 Toronto 比較 NY 或 Chicago。都係貴,但 difference 冇咁大
3. 左傾 - 希望香港人移民前可睇清楚目的地的民情。幾十年來加拿大一向左傾,被叫做北美的 Scandinavia。保守黨在大選中得票幾十年來都在30-40%之間。重點係左傾政策在大選中一直得到公開激烈討論,at the end of the day, 就係人民的選擇,每個選擇都有 pros 有 con,做選擇時其實大家係要思考討論能否估計接受每個選擇的不好之處。當幾年後你成為國民,也可自由參選議政,說服其他人不要左傾。呢度唔會有滅罪防火委員會阻止你參選
4. 醫療 - 其實就同香港公立醫院一樣。我都睇到話香港公立醫院做白內障要等一年,懷疑乳癌照野要等16個月。分別係呢度冇得揀私營,於是變成所有醫療都是香港公立醫院。但呢個也是人民的選擇,一直支持保留100%公營免費醫療比率都在70%人口左右,而且有一個未有討論的問題是如果有私營選擇,收費會係多少? 留意美國私營醫療的費用極高,不是一般香港人習慣的私家醫生的收費。但我都好想能真正討論呢個選項,不過如果將問題簡單化成只要有私家醫生就乜都搞定哂就實在唔會如此
5. C-18 - 加拿大有個國力比佢大幾十倍的鄰國,其實從1950s起,加拿大就好恐懼被美國在文化上消滅,就好似而家香港人怕自己的文化被北方某國消滅一樣。一直以來,電視台都被規定有若干%時間要播本國制作,Air Canada 也被規定機上娛樂要有若干%係本國制作,並不論航線必須提供英法雙語服務。老實講,Vancouver 飛香港會有只說法文的乘客嗎?但法文文化係加拿大的一部分,Air Canada 就被強制要有講法文的空姐在機上。C-18 可以話係呢個恐懼和一向的政策的 digital 延伸,不過 execution 上是否可做好一d就係另一件事
6. 工作機會 - 其實工作機會並不缺,可以話係多得很。起碼我在這20多年,認識的人不論是華人印度人中東人白人黑人,現在都冇人失業,即使被 lay off 都好快找到類似的工作,而且都已是管理層,甚至是 Big Four 的 partner。其實對新來者最重要是掌握並極簡短的解釋你的海外經驗為何對你伸請的 position relevant。因為其實唔係公司一定要有 Canadian experience,而係我只要請一個人,咁你在我 interview 的幾個人中係唯一一個冇的,要在這幾個 candidates 中「考第一」自然增加了難度。另一個方式係可考慮去讀個 diploma 甚至 Master,然後依各大公司到學校請畢業生的路線找工作,那沒有 Canadian experience 的 disadvantage 會被淡化很多。一旦進入了 labour pool,要再轉工就易好多,而且一般呢度在 office 都冇 discrimination,也不覺有甚麼 glass ceiling。但點卻都要融入呢度的工作文化,例如可能佢地收工去 bar 飲兩杯,但你每次都唔去就唔好,即使唔飲酒,要 杯 iced tea 都可以。至於片中美加人工的比較和跟樓價的對比也不完全適合,因為在美國很多 software engineer 工都在 Silicon Valley 和 San Fran,那邊的樓價就不是你之前的 Bellingham 的價錢了,但的確純粹比較人工,中高技術或管理層的人工,美國的人工是比加拿大的高很多,但如果你在麥記賣包,其實加拿大的是比美國的高(或差不多)。至於人工追不上通脹,要明白二十年來通脹一直在1-3%,平均人工增幅一直也差不多,只是2022/23年通脹忽然上到7%,人工冇可能即時同步,而且一d大公司如 TD Bank 等在 2022年中也 extraordinarily 緊急加左一次人工,但當然冇可能所有公司都做到呢樣野。
I think a lot of You Tubers complain too much without truly understanding the background behind a country's history and economy, highly likely because they have too much spare time. With the lack of understanding due to their short time in the country, their assessments will be somewhat superficial. When I moved to US, I spent the first 3 years studying for my college degree and another 5 years establishing my career working for American firms and only after 8 years of working did I got a basic understanding of American life and culture. Took me another 20 years to get a better understanding thanks to my kids who introduced me to real American life. I can't believe these two really understand what they are talking about. Fun to watch but don't take it seriously.
同埋可能我本身個人比較哈日,所以我會prefer放咗工可以去行吓Donki同食吓壽司郎而唔係行Walmart食white spot🤣
我唔知点解你重投訴敢多如果我喺你我一早就回流 重留在这里for what -知半解 我在這里已五十年我哋的仔女和孫都在加拿大出生都融入社會 你在這里-年半蛓就話這樣唔好那樣唔好 你來之前應該了解一切情況 沒有人強迫你來的快快回流祖家啦!
@@waikwong8618加拿大好多住 11:56 咗好耐嘅loser’s 接受唔到意見❤❤❤好多cbc work in 🇺🇸 that’s reality! Not complain ! Always told people back to there country! That’s Canadian 🇨🇦 loser 😂😂😂😂
Only walk mall and eat sushi in HK and go to Thailand to see brown people, what a boring life thanks
@@leungtoon6013cbc girl is pretty maybe due to the unique western food nutrition habit, clean air and water....😊
我1983年在多倫多畢業返港,四十年都未返過去,直到去年九月陪個仔去多倫多入學。 住一间三星级酒店要$2400, 間洒店又舊又殘,但價錢仲貴過香港有些五星級洒店。出去用膳仲離譜,稅項13%另再要付15%服务费,$1000餐飯就要另外再付$280。 再加上好多homeless 得閒問你拿錢, 洒,和煙, 加上周街都係尿臭味,真係請我都唔会去
可以選美國, 英國, 澳洲, 內地都得....點解又要個仔黎多倫多... 又話請都唔會去....但去年九月又去左...
I went to HK in 12/23 and stayed in very nice hotel near Star Ferry for less than $150US a night, a very great deal but like anything else, prices are due to supply and demand. I just booked hotel to Toronto for 8/24, its Delta Hotel at Markham, it's around $150Us a night. Not sure where you are staying. Shouldn't be that much unless you are staying close to campus around school start.
@@jlouie8835 downtown
I agree to most of what you said, especially about the medical part. I wish that the government will change the way of how companies are hiring, stop them from viewing just "Canadian" experience. Newcomers need to understand that English is really important if they decided to come to Canada. They need to prepare to go to school if they are not able to find a job, to learn English or new skills. We, Hong Kongers, have this saying "If the horse is dead, you start walking". One should not just blame it on the government for everything.
仲有一個大缺點,就係呢度既公共交通嚴重缺乏競爭 , 就以加拿大內陸航空為例,價錢完全係驚人,相反美國有本地廉航,搭飛機就好似搭巴士咁,平有平搭,貴有貴撘。第二樣就係政府鼓勵人用交通工具,但係基建完全係跟唔上,搞到搭ttc, 係take the car . 同埋你有幾可見到公共交通話要加價會俾人ban ?
同埋搭公共交通工具 同自己揸車嘅時間分別真係好遠 (除非去Downtown Vancouver 呢啲地方)
同埋TTC (我太耐冇搭~😆) 以前係搭十個站$3, 一個站又係$3 😂 真係好頂癮😆
@moonyeetam6412 上咗賊船唔係咁易落船
Agree all the points you both mentioned😢加拿大=艱難大
@@KyleKamTaco 改變伴侶好難,更何況改變人哋嘅國家,除非你做咗人哋國家嘅首相總統,反而改變自己適應人哋國家嘅政策容易得多
聽你咁講, 我覺得加拿大似乎幾好, 適合移民。你幾時過去呀?
老老實實以技術分析嚟講加拿大係冇言論自由 唔似得美國有first amendment
但係加拿大有freedom of expression
Freedom of expression in Canada is protected as a "fundamental freedom" by section 2 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; however, in practice the Charter permits the government to enforce "reasonable" limits censoring speech
The biggest home price difference is in the border towns of Niagara Falls, both sides are only 10 minutes away but the houses in U.S side are 400% cheaper, in fact I have bought one in U.S side for vacation rental purpose not long ago
So far我都幾鐘意加拿大,但以上三點絕對係會令加拿大越嚟越失色!
多謝晒你個comment 🙌🏻
@@stanleyzhang8154 咁做三份一人能夠做到的事情都做不到,就是個人能力不足
Sorry to hear that🙏🏻 會否介意分享被歧視的經歷😢
好貼地! 加油!
That's the main reason why I picked the US as my first priority to move 40+ yrs ago. Nowadays the people that I know whoever living in US more than 25+ yrs in any cities they're all having wonderful life for their retirement. Final conclusion US isn't the best or # 1 country in the world but it's good enough for the hard working families. Good luck to all HKers.💪💪🙏🙏
Thank you brother from the south 😁
last country I would go :-)
Too bad Canadian’s national net worth is much higher compared to American’s 😂😂😂😂😂😂
This is a lie. US is not as great as you think lol. I live in the US
depends on when did you enter U.S and Canada, the timing will decide your outcome
「失望」係好嚴重嘅事情,去到咁嘅程度 唔應該留低 應該即刻走人 否則好容易會有情緒病。
Cost of living 成個北美都係貴架啦係covid後。。。
你housing用溫哥華同Bellingham WA去比。。。點樣比?睇下個人口啦。。。
以Calgary 為例,想搵到個family doctor係依然比較容易做到。呢到既油價同樣地係比美國同類型中部城市為低。
其實都唔止IT 基本上所有工都係美國人工高啲 你可以睇下兩邊飛機師嘅人工嘅分別係更加誇張 仲未計有啲state income tax更加低
我唔係用溫哥華去比較 你睇清楚啲其實係white rock 如果你想用East coast 比較 你可以睇下Niagara Falls 兩邊樓價嘅分別就會明白我講乜
我哋都去過卡加利 都幾鍾意嗰邊 祝你生活愉快🤝😃
@@KyleKamTaco 係呀,所以我一開始都話美國係人工高。。。全部工種計滙率都起碼高3成。。。
我10年前係多倫多住過兩年。。。個陣既物價真係好抵。。。但家下真係難搞,人工唔夠美國高,但物價同美國一樣(and maybe even higher)。。。加拿大人係general 都生活得水深火熱。。。
@@jackietang5181 因為太多某國的移民多咗所以此concept都apply係温哥華?
Agreed with @xxx75, 他住Calgary; 而我住在多倫多已經有二十五年,有工作,有物業自住,有親友,雖然不算很美好,但比上不足 比下有餘。當然世上有更好的地方,但亦有更差的地方。你們要反問自己:不留在加拿大,去哪兒?
抱歉, 我這 comment 只按標題。沒看,亦不會看內容。我的看法: 加拿大肯定不是天堂。 我曾經深入的去過很多地方,所以相信世界上沒有像天堂的國家。如果有應該是你們和大家的首選。加拿大與很多地方一樣,都有諸多社會問題,抱有幻想貿然而來是你們自己的錯。假如明天美國就讓你們過去,你們也會找到無數可投訴的項目,可是不敢高調喊出來。事實上,很多人不適合移民,到哪裡都像怨婦般諸多投訴。有的新移民抱著不設實際的想法,當然會失望。說得尖銳一的,好比希望到來就有高薪厚祿職位,住豪宅,開名車,衣食無憂, 甚至希望馬上得到來自政府的“福利貢獻”。你們能來加拿大,只表示你們符合一些移民條件, 但不保證這裡符合你們一廂情願的想法,加拿大不會配合你們想法而改變, 好比開右呔車,半夜落街有雲吞面吃。民主國家,讓你們能來,(除非犯了法)自然讓你們離去。如果沒有人曾經為你們來加拿大而雀躍,又會有人為你們離去而耿耿於懷嗎?再抱歉問,你們是誰? 這個世界那麼多人來人往,有誰需要關注你們的想法和落腳決定? 祝你們好運!
Very very true. Just two typical negative persons who is providing ignorant information to misinform others.
見微知著, the potholes said it all 😈
@@KyleKamTaco 啊,人就躺在地上,也沒法扛著老伴揸車🤦♂
@@KyleKamTaco 觉得你们移民澳洲好过加拿大,澳洲气候比较适合香港人
@@shengcao-s2i 理想與你想,唔係你想就想到,移民加拿大相對地容易及簡單過去澳洲。
So, you two are moving out of Canada?
t&t supermarket 3送飯仲貴過香港😢
其實最後都係睇你屬於咩時代。高福利政策一直係一個後人補貼前人享受既Ponzi Scheme。講來講去係早移民就著數、遲來一定要幫前人埋單。
我在加拿大生活了 40 多年。 完全不同意你說的話。 如果你總是比較你在香港的生活,不知道如何過簡單的生活,那麼你永遠不會滿足並沉浸在加拿大的生活中。 由於工作原因,我曾經去過旅生活在幾個國家,加拿大仍然是最好的國家。如果你有加拿大需要的專業,你就不會有這樣的感覺。
講真 最好我覺得又講唔上🤣🤣🤣不過可能真係好適合你
@@angusxb 😂😂😂😂😂 你D態度有問題
Alberta is calling😎
Alberta + 1
好的 冇問題🙌🏻
7:54 左同右有咩分別?
Would you consider going back to HK? I'm debating these days (going back to HK), basically coz of all those reasons you described.
Personally I wouldn't because there are still tons of great things in Canada and it just outweighed all the cons ;)
Could you name some pros in Vancouver?
@@bellabella5830 freedom air ;-)
The fact that you get to vote every few years is priceless right?
One more bad thing in Canada: Monopoly - food supply chain, telecommunications, etc.... 😢 I love ❤Canada but really getting more and difficult to survive.
💯 Canada needs some tough love 😢
Well said !
Thank you
決定錯唔緊要, 最緊要止蝕, 巴非特都唔可以次次中, 但成功在認衰止蝕.
加拿大最大問題係大部份工冇增值, 人地做緊高質IT, 電車, ibank, 好多gobalize 工種, 加拿大超落後.
十年後你既見識同人差幾皮, 轉數慢, 的朋友同你講:見到我尾燈當你贏!(財富与見識)
@@hkccp infrastructure, transportation, telecom, medical (public is cheap, private is good skills)...
@@patrickchan9252 咁成個大陸都係
@@hkccp 其實你想表達什麼? 我好明確表明, 加拿大現在或十年内搵唔到食, 工種冇增值, 住係加拿大十年以上, 頭腦轉數變慢, 跟唔上.
當然你喜歡呢種餐搵餐食餐餐清生活, 我100%尊重!重希望你一直堅持下去, 直到永遠.
加拿大仲有一个好大问题,就系各级政府之间好多事情缺乏协调指挥,造成政策之间互相矛盾。举个例子,加拿大每年要收几十万新移民,但新移民来到往往面临不能在加拿大做翻他们原居地既专业工作。因为regulatory bodies往往系省级政府,而又由于专业自治,专业团队基于利益考虑又唔肯降低门槛或给新移民更多support去完成专业上的衔接,各种繁文缛节,耗时间耗精力耗钱,从而在本地找到相关的工作。呢个就导致新移民好容易拿到加拿大PR,因为签证居留等系federal职责,联邦层面从全国角度来讲确实非常缺人,但新移民入到来就发现处处碰壁,搵工难,搵professional的工作就更难。为生存为保留身份,只能忍声吞气做minimum wage既工作,住够三年入籍就走人,无法融入加拿大社会。
建議你看一下bill gates 既how to avoid a climate disaster
Tbh not impressed by his work and most of it is virtue signaling. 減碳最簡單嘅方法就係 全世界減少消費 唔好去旅行 唔好上Amazon 買嘢 instead of 強制全世界買電車 大家keep 自己部車揸20 年
你覺得呢個世界得唔得? 經濟活動下降over 50%
Took me 8 years to get completely adjusted to transitioning to a new country and become comfortable again. By year eight, I had a college degree, a CPA license, my own house, 2 children and my own computer business. That was in 1977 when I moved to US for first year of collage and in those days, we didn't have computer and even a long distance call would cost a lot and so we only wrote letters. The first 3 nights I cried until my pillow case was all wet but by day 4, I decided it was a waste of time to cry, complain or even talk about how much I missed home. I went to the library and checked out a bunch of books to read and watched every English TV show that was available. Within a year my oral and written skills was proficient enough to find any jobs. My advise to all new immigrants, stop complaining and focus your time on learning English and technical skills to get a better job and better future. Stop dreaming, don't expect everything to be rosy after 1-2 years because your immigration journey is just starting.
Thanks for sharing your story! Your journey is really inspiring, and your advice is very solid.
@@jlouie8835 Pathetic 😂😂😂
不過都係嗰句 焗住要買 市民負責俾錢😅😅
Pay money for Dongjing water. This is not right. Who owns the water..!!!
覺得外國特別好,E家去到 外國真的特別好嗎?
真的那麼有人權嗎 ?給毒販 性罪犯 強姦犯人權好嗎 ?給你投票機會換幾個放又如何?香港遇到既問題,加拿大一樣有。
It's hard to compare Bellingham rental house prices to Vancouver though. Because Bellingham, WA is a pretty small city compared to living in Bellevue, WA (where a lot of asians want to move to).
I was comparing Bellingham WA to White Rock BC
I am from HK, we have all the freedom and safety. We will never go anywhere else
do not tell lie, hk is a autocratic place without freedom
@@abc-tn4gu that's the proverbial 要騙人 先要騙自己。 😄😄😄😄😄
至於做高層 你要有咁上下能力(softskill/ people skill)去管理本地人 又可以同佢哋打成一片 好多時係自己能力問題
@@KyleKamTaco 應同打成一片,有時感覺像同流合污。至於能力方面,有時候低學歷跟能力也會比高學歷能力的升得快。 我搞不懂這softskill.
@@ceci6380 香港有30幾萬加拿大回流
你地搵嗰個美國嗰個城市同加拿大對比就錯了,那個城市average income 勁低。 美國好似人工高(某些州)但稅重,醫療保險又貴。 物價一d 都唔平,食個big Mac 餐稅前都11美金啦….
我想問點解美國唔洗比碳稅? 加拿大好似出油量排名係全球第三,點解油都咁貴? 我有啲唔係好明?
但係西岸嗰邊因為”環境理由”要同華盛頓州買油 而其他地方油價高係因為政府對燃油收好高稅 當然石油公司要賺錢都係一個原因
明晒,即係咩都比美國食住,4億人唔洗比碳税但4千萬人口就要比。自己有油唔用得但係要同美國買。都幾唔... make sense... haha@@KyleKamTaco
我理解加拿大只係出產油沙 提錬油沙技術難 成本貴 現在加拿大油只會平價賣晒俾美國 所以雖然係所謂產油國 亦要市民捱貴油
At first i was thinking US has alot higher income and low cost of living until i found out about the healthcare cost. Omg. All the cheaper living cost cant even cover that health insurance. Im speaking for myself as a freelancer. But if you have a good job the company might cover most of it. My older relative just retired before 65 i was shock they are paying $5000 usd a month for the couple for health insurance . My friend working in wall street still have to pay extra $800 a month on health insurance after company paid half that doesnt even cover everything. My other friend having a baby quick delivery. No problem at all and the hospital bill is 30,000 usd . After insurance coverage still has to pay $5000 . Its just crazy.
Property tax for vanouver is lowest in north america. You would pay at least double anywhere in the US.
I do think having proper insurance is crucial when living in the United States. Additionally I have found that you can actually negotiate with hospitals to lower those ridiculous medical bills Lol
Health insurance before age 65 in the US depends on household income and the insurance package selected. For low income family, it could be free. For high income self-employed people and wealthy folks, well . . .
@@hermanyih well I doubt I wanna earn less than 30k a year to take advantage of Medicaid
@@KyleKamTaco Yes, that's true. The hospital/or collection agency will rather you pay something instead of nothing at all. This is also the reason why US hospitals can have so much financial problems.
Health insurance of USD 5,000 a month for a retired couple? After retirement? It sounds crazy. Are they very rich and voluntarily buy an health insurance with a better coverage?
白石鎮D屋貴!當然啦。白石镇係有錢人住的地方。搬去 Hope 啦. 希望之城😅😅
好似今日有 Million child march 示威
網上討論區一有人反對 SOGI 就會俾人威脅話將佢網上嘅言論send 俾佢公司等佢俾人炒 其實都有啲恐怖💀
@@KyleKamTaco 呢度啲公司真係會因為咁樣炒個員工?咁加拿大同共產黨有乜野分別?
你睇下Arcus Gunn嘅the death of freedom of speech in Canada就知道呢啲仆街野加國人一樣有,唔好係唔係都賴阿共
yeah, blame liberal just like blame CCP ;-)
移民加拿大二十多年了。几个感受:1 加拿大找工作很难吗?也许,但似乎不比以前更难。2.犯罪和20年前相比,起码比较惊悚的案件变少了,比如林俊案,李伟光案,还有那个小女孩被人直接从卧室偷走闷死的案子。3 医疗没有太多直观感受,因为除了过敏,没怎么用过。4 通胀,刚到加拿大的时候通胀比较厉害,记得袋装面包两三年内从0.79涨到将近两刀,很多人叫苦连天。似乎从08年到18年,通胀非常低,只有2%。但任何时候都有人抱怨通胀。
@@KyleKamTacopls do not delete my comments which just make now❤
@@Victoria-rw7fs 大佬 你冷靜啲先啦 我冇delete 過任何comment 😅
有時候UA-cam 會自動filter comments
Thank you for watching
@@KyleKamTaco 其實加拿大很多本地人走了,都係唔中意JT和政府,物價樓價貴,如果你地有留意英文的UA-camr,你地可以理解都加拿大其實比香港更差勁。
@@littleyuen8513 我看英文UA-camr多一點,拒地說的貼地一點
everything changed after covid
你人工就用咗美國嘅high COL地區去比較 樓價就用low/medium COL 有啲唔公平
人工我係用nationwide data去比較的
美國如果係Silicon Valley人工會更加高 都仲未加share option etc
再講移民問题,我在的士上与一位印度裔嘅司机吹水,佢话这十年加拿大歡迎大量移民,仲鼓励佢地生兒育女。我聽完就拗頭,我問政府有冇評估这突如其来的移民湧入在房屋,医疗和教育的問题? 还有就业的问题? 不然的话若干年后便会成爲計時炸彈
@@KyleKamTaco exactly my thoughts too
It’s a pity that Canada becomes what it is today😢
Totally agree with you.
What make you still living in Vancouver or Canada?
I think the main reason is being able to live the lifestyle you want. For me it's about nature and the beautiful outdoor spaces. Also Hong Kong is too cramped which can sometimes stress me out
I would say there are push factors make us leaving Hong Kong. To me, I couldn't experience any attractiveness of Metro Vancouver so far.
温村无聊。我中国老婆带我走, lol@@bellabella5830
You"re welcome to US good luck Mr. & Mrs. Kam
Thank you Terence 🙌🏻
I am so happy find out your channel. This video is very good because you have very clear mind for what is happening in Canada now. We have to let Justin Trudeau off for his. Position . He really damaged Canadians’ lives
Thank you for your kind words and support ;)
I immigrated from Hong Kong since 1996. I work in legal field in HK, there are many job opportunities in legal field. My salary now is a lot higher than all my friends still working in legal field in HK, so cannot agree all you said
I'm sure there are many jobs in Canada that receive higher salaries than in Hong Kong, e.g. blue-collar workers. We can agree to disagree.
legal field ? what exactly your friends are working in 'legal field' in HK ?
@@garyng2000 office assistants in law firms 😂😂😂😂😂
其实我以前去过不少地方,唯一比较少苦诉和少不满的地方是Switzerland ,可能是人民的收入高,环境漂亮,所以就没有人苦诉,不过那边的中餐很贵,我听网友说大概是18-25元一碗炒面,其实澳洲啊英国啊美国啊都有人会说出那些negative的评语
@@KyleKamTaco 是的,其实有很多越南人和中国人在瑞士那边搞饮食业,小型的餐馆比较多,都有可能是与世无争吧,说回加拿大,那些不好的评语实在太多了,英文版的多到我不信,通常那些人都是说这里很难找到理想的工作,竞争大,生活费高,为什么我们选择离开加拿大,和税收之类的。