i have both real bags and high quality fakes and not gona lie... you cannot tell the difference. i think even rich ladies are just sick of these chanel prices. I chose to buy replica bags on *condupcom* ... And when traveling abroad, you don’t have to worry about the risk of loss or theft when carrying replica bags.
No it’s not a counterfeit and it’s really not a grey area! These bags have owners who bought them and the owner of anything has the right to do with it as he or she pleases, and since no trademarks has been replicated, It’s simply a personalized item!
First class restoration by a master leather craftsman. He has given the hand bag a new life, an admirable project, particularly in our throw away society. Congratulations sir.
What a labor of love! This man is an artist! The number of steps involved to make a purse is incredible. The equipment used to press the leather, to get it to the exact thickness, the industrial sewing machines, everything must cost a fortune. Now I can appreciate what goes into making a purse and why they are so expensive if made with such care and precision. On top of the cost of materials, labor, equipment, and adding in the profit, it’s a wonder we can afford a purse. This was incredible and very much appreciated. I have been a home sewer for 57 yrs so I know how labor intensive it is to sew clothing. It requires nimble fingers, patience, attention to detail and a sharp eye because often times you judge how to do things by eye. Congrats to this artisan, he is a perfectionist. We need more people with this level of ability and such a fantastic work ethic!
I have never been rich enough to buy a 'Designer' anything, but I would be proud to own a bag made by this man. He's a true craftsman and deserves to have his own 'Brand'
@@ИринаГригорьева-ч3я Its the original logo, fabric and leather from the bag being retooled. If the craftsman is okay with using it in his reconstruction, what’s the issue?
I like the sound of the scissors, snipping the thread and cutting the leather. It makes such a wonderful change from awful background music most of other videos are ruined by. Thank you so much for sharing your skills with us. 👍
Absolutely gorgeous Prada makeover. A very elegant bag and I love it more than the original one. ❤ Beautifully made. A lot of care, craft and love went into this makeover. I will definitely watch more. Thankyou.
It is not counterfeit when the original bag gave rise to this other bag, so the product is not considered counterfeit but a personalized product. In relation to the craftsman, he is highly qualified. 😊
@@jackiedobson9218So if I buy a Prada coat and turn it into something else inc logo/branding, my new thing is counterfeit? Don't be silly! It's MINE, I do what I like with it! If I wanted to now go and sell it as some sort of genuine Prada item, THAT would be counterfeit.
He didn’t replicate the logo, nor any other trademarks! and an original bag got destroyed in the process to give birth to a new one! It’s a personalized item Not a counterfeit Or do you think jeep should sue anyone who personalize and makeup their wranglers?
Честно? Я бы выбросила эту сумку на помойку. Но это невероятно - мастер золотые руки сделал, как говорят, из г..на конфетку. Надо же иметь такие навыки, такое терпение, такой профессионализм, чтобы в итоге получить этот шедевр. Браво мастеру и здоровья его золотым рукам!.👍✊️👏🤗
I love the idea of repurposing an old, much loved item into a *gorgeous,* soon-to-be loved one! Such a cool-looking handbag! I really admire the skill & artistry.
Все хорошо с таким количеством станков, но в конце напортачил подкладку просто приклеив (не знаю как у подлинных сумок Prado, но это залет). По итогу круто конечно, но подкладка на клею без прошивки...
I know wealthy women that carry replicas. The predominant reason they give is that they simply understand the value of money and don’t want to spend so much on a bag… The fashion world changes quickly, and replicas allow me to change styles frequently and keep up with trends.especially trendy ones. Friends, let me unveil the mystery of *condupcom* 6 for you.They do, however, spend plenty of money on fine jewelry and other things.
@@ChumaRandlett knowing the value of money is exactly not buying replicas, because it will break down faster than the original (the quality of the materials is not the same), which will lead to it being thrown away (not good for the ecology either), while the original piece can be passed down, reconstructed or sold away. it also doesn’t make logical sense, because why buy the replica of a designer bag? for the bragging rights? seems foolish to me
Wow, this was amazing to watch! Imagine how many different skills it takes to do this. I wonder if they know what people pay for a Prada bag and I hope they earn a good living.
Вот это мне нравится я в своей жизни штук пять переделывала старых сумок добавляя элементы и получалось новая сумка. которая служила мне еще несколько лет
Bravo l'Artiste pour ce travail de précision 💕J’espère que les conditions ne sont pas trop dures !!!car de le voir travailler avec pull et blouson indique que ce Mr est dans un local non chauffé !!!! Bravo et courage à cet Artiste ,vous avez tout mon respect 🙏
Just one small request! Could we please have a longer tour of the completed new bag, please? I'd love to know if there were TWO compartments on the inside! Thanks! 😃
Yes the color of the D U P B A G Y is beautiful and it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc…
Wow..looked better than the original! As a bag maker myself ( nowhere near his level though) I found that extremely interesting. A very talented man and a awesome transformation
At first I was skeptical, because the bag was so beautiful and timeless, but the result is much better I have to admit. And to know that the bag has its history and a metamorphosis from a „serious“ shopping bag to something so sweet and noble ,made by good handcrafting, makes it so much cooler!
Новая сумочка хороша, конечно. Но зачем же так варварски резать старую? Почему нельзя было распороть, оставить целой хорошую молнию и другие крепления? И на счёт подкладки согласна с предыдущими комментариями, её стоило хотя бы отладить, а то так и легла пузырями на новой форме. Ну и просто приклеить подкладку - это халтура. Почему нельзя было сначала все склеить, а потом прошить одним швом? И в ручке остались большие щели... В общем, новая сумочка красивая, но я бы заставила переделать 🤷🏼♀️
📢 제품 문의 : gangnamsa.com/
📍 위치 : naver.me/GxNJOVKL (강남사)
📢 Product Inquiry : gangnamsa.com/
📍Location : maps.app.goo.gl/imxDnncTfo7CNHucA
i have both real bags and high quality fakes and not gona lie... you cannot tell the difference. i think even rich ladies are just sick of these chanel prices. I chose to buy replica bags on *condupcom* ... And when traveling abroad, you don’t have to worry about the risk of loss or theft when carrying replica bags.
이건 기술이 아닌 예술~ 손예술에 감탄하고 봤습니다~
즐겁게 봐주셔서 감사합니다.
뉴스보니 명품을 이태리에서 중국 불체자들이 대충 만들던데, 리폼한 이 제품을 만든 장인이 훨씬 더 대단한 기술자여서 가방 가치가 더 높아진 것 같다
His design is so much more attractive than the original! 💪
but is this considered a counterfit now?
@@testjeaapiel9707 good question, he used all the original material but just in a different package. I would say somewhere in between. Grey area.
No it’s not a counterfeit and it’s really not a grey area!
These bags have owners who bought them and the owner of anything has the right to do with it as he or she pleases, and since no trademarks has been replicated, It’s simply a personalized item!
First class restoration by a master leather craftsman. He has given the hand bag a new life, an admirable project, particularly in our throw away society. Congratulations sir.
More care went into this recreation than ever went into the original!
What a labor of love! This man is an artist! The number of steps involved to make a purse is incredible. The equipment used to press the leather, to get it to the exact thickness, the industrial sewing machines, everything must cost a fortune. Now I can appreciate what goes into making a purse and why they are so expensive if made with such care and precision. On top of the cost of materials, labor, equipment, and adding in the profit, it’s a wonder we can afford a purse. This was incredible and very much appreciated. I have been a home sewer for 57 yrs so I know how labor intensive it is to sew clothing. It requires nimble fingers, patience, attention to detail and a sharp eye because often times you judge how to do things by eye. Congrats to this artisan, he is a perfectionist. We need more people with this level of ability and such a fantastic work ethic!
I screamed when he started cutting it!
Excellent Skills ... Amazing ! ... Thank you for sharing
I have never been rich enough to buy a 'Designer' anything, but I would be proud to own a bag made by this man. He's a true craftsman and deserves to have his own 'Brand'
That's my opinion too :)
Да. Свой бренд он иметь может. А использовать чужой логотип -- нет! Это неправильно
@@ИринаГригорьева-ч3я Its the original logo, fabric and leather from the bag being retooled. If the craftsman is okay with using it in his reconstruction, what’s the issue?
@@misscleo378exactly. What would construe as illegal, is if he were to stamp in his own logo.
@@ИринаГригорьева-ч3я это реконструкция🤦♀️
Это качество даже лучше,чем Прада.браво мастеру!!
Браво мастеру золотые руки!!!!!!!!! 🎉
진정한 명품 가방의 탄생이네요
Бесподобно! Какой Мастер! Руки - золотые! Работа - изумительная! Очень, очень захватывающе было смотреть на превращение! Привет из Беларуси
진짜 너무 대단해요🥺👍
I like the sound of the scissors, snipping the thread and cutting the leather. It makes such a wonderful change from awful background music most of other videos are ruined by.
Thank you so much for sharing your skills with us. 👍
I love watching old purses/bags reimagined. I sew but not to this level! Or the equipment! The knowledge and expertise is greatly appreciated!
와~~~모든과정을 혼자서 오차없이 진짜최고다👍👍👍
손기술이 명품이십니다~ 👍 👍 👍
Absolutely gorgeous Prada makeover. A very elegant bag and I love it more than the original one. ❤ Beautifully made. A lot of care, craft and love went into this makeover. I will definitely watch more. Thankyou.
Glad you like it!
👍👍👍 Такая красивая сумочка получилась ! Я в восторге ! 💗💖💞
Интересно насколько это экономически выгодно и заказчику и мастеру .
Кропотливый труд. ,внимание к мелочам .это должно дорого оцениваться
Как много операций пришлось сделать! Это очень тяжелый труд! Мастеру уважение🤝
Such talent. I would never think to take an old bag and make a smaller one.
Unrivalled leather crafting skills. Love from 🇷🇼 🇷🇼
Bravo needs a lot of passion to get to the finishing touch well done
It is not counterfeit when the original bag gave rise to this other bag, so the product is not considered counterfeit but a personalized product.
In relation to the craftsman, he is highly qualified. 😊
It is counterfeit. He is using the logo.
@@jackiedobson9218So if I buy a Prada coat and turn it into something else inc logo/branding, my new thing is counterfeit? Don't be silly! It's MINE, I do what I like with it! If I wanted to now go and sell it as some sort of genuine Prada item, THAT would be counterfeit.
He didn’t replicate the logo, nor any other trademarks! and an original bag got destroyed in the process to give birth to a new one!
It’s a personalized item Not a counterfeit
Or do you think jeep should sue anyone who personalize and makeup their wranglers?
진정한 명품 가방
Честно? Я бы выбросила эту сумку на помойку. Но это невероятно - мастер золотые руки сделал, как говорят, из г..на конфетку. Надо же иметь такие навыки, такое терпение, такой профессионализм, чтобы в итоге получить этот шедевр. Браво мастеру и здоровья его золотым рукам!.👍✊️👏🤗
Абсолютно с Вами согласна. Роскоши не вижу ни грамма.Но мастер изумительный!
Жалею, что далеко от вас живу. Любимую кожаную старую сумку рука не поднимается выбросить, а таких мастеров как вы у нас нет.
Вы просто не искали!В каждом крупном городе можно найти таких мастеров!
Серафиму Смирнову посмотрите. Она из Питера. Делает ролики про мастеров и у нее на канале куча роликов про наших отечественных мастеров по коже.
Была старая , большая шопер-сумка" ПРАДА" , стало новая, маленькая дамская сумочка " ПРАДА" на выход.
옛날 명품의 재질이 좋네요
Мастер просто молодец, золотые руки. Дал новую жизнь старой вещи. Получился хороший модный аксессуар. Браво!
Я в восторге!!! Какое мастерство!!!!
Все прекрасно, конечно, но можно же было хотя бы подкладку постирать?
I love the idea of repurposing an old, much loved item into a *gorgeous,* soon-to-be loved one! Such a cool-looking handbag! I really admire the skill & artistry.
Все хорошо с таким количеством станков, но в конце напортачил подкладку просто приклеив (не знаю как у подлинных сумок Prado, но это залет).
По итогу круто конечно, но подкладка на клею без прошивки...
Работа мастера- это волшебство! чудо,как хороша сумочка ❤❤❤❤❤
Looks much better than the original.
Обалденно красиво!!!!!!!❤❤❤ МАСТЕР СУПЕР!!!!❤❤❤❤
снимаю шляпу!!!!! you are amazing!!))😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩😘😘😘
Thank you for repurposing the leather components of this high-end handbag. Something that might have wound up in a landfill has been given new life.
I know wealthy women that carry replicas. The predominant reason they give is that they simply understand the value of money and don’t want to spend so much on a bag… The fashion world changes quickly, and replicas allow me to change styles frequently and keep up with trends.especially trendy ones. Friends, let me unveil the mystery of *condupcom* 6 for you.They do, however, spend plenty of money on fine jewelry and other things.
@@ChumaRandlett knowing the value of money is exactly not buying replicas, because it will break down faster than the original (the quality of the materials is not the same), which will lead to it being thrown away (not good for the ecology either), while the original piece can be passed down, reconstructed or sold away. it also doesn’t make logical sense, because why buy the replica of a designer bag? for the bragging rights? seems foolish to me
Мастер хорошо знает своё дело, таких людей надо ценить и беречь!🎉❤
가방이 아니라 사람이 명품이다.
Добрый утро интересно видео сложно кожа делать сумки и золотой руки Супер у вас есть силы профессия отлично 👍 👍 👍 😊❤
Eres formidable,felicidades por tu trabajo es un placer verte 😊
Eres un maestro
Un trabajo de 10
Trabajo excelente!!!
Making a counterfeit bag from a counterfeit bag. That's awesome.
Красиво, практично, экологично! 👏
هدول اللي بنقول عنهم ،،، تلتف ايديهم بالحرير ❤❤❤
Hermoso trabajo, disfruté mucho el vídeo, un artesano muy hábil, un saludo desde Argentina
اعادة تدوير رائعة👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
이쁘다 가방
Wow, this was amazing to watch! Imagine how many different skills it takes to do this. I wonder if they know what people pay for a Prada bag and I hope they earn a good living.
Одна я даже старые вещи распарываю бережно и окуратно. Перестирываю глажу и потом краю, то что задумала!!!!!????? 😮 А сумочка получилась класс!!!
Old bag was much better though the bag maker was excellent.
Нет , новая сумка восхитительна ! Новая сумка очень красивая и интересная . 👍👍👍💖
😱😱😱О, Аллах такой труд.Мастер золотие руки. Супер👏👏👏🤩🤩🤩💖 Казахстан
Amei, lindo teu trabalho, GRATIDÃO...
That was amazing job 👏well done
Вот это мне нравится я в своей жизни штук пять переделывала старых сумок добавляя элементы и получалось новая сумка. которая служила мне еще несколько лет
Bravo l'Artiste pour ce travail de précision 💕J’espère que les conditions ne sont pas trop dures !!!car de le voir travailler avec pull et blouson indique que ce Mr est dans un local non chauffé !!!! Bravo et courage à cet Artiste ,vous avez tout mon respect 🙏
Восторг, какая высокая квалификация у мастера, примите мои поздравления
And this is why you pay the price that’s asked!! Pure Artistry🔥🔥
이번에 디올이 중국 불법체류자들 노동 착취하면서 만들게 한 거 메인드 인 이태리 라벨 달고 몇백에 팔던거 걸렸던데. 참..어찌보면 이게 진짜 명품이지 않나 싶네요.
You did a great job on the purse.
I marvel at the sharpness of asians tools.
Absolutely love the coat you are wearing! and the mamacoo bag !
Just one small request! Could we please have a longer tour of the completed new bag, please? I'd love to know if there were TWO compartments on the inside! Thanks! 😃
The newly completed bag has two compartments inside :)
Доброго времени суток, низки поклон мастеру, умелые руки и уважение, 😊,,, !!!!
The original bag was gorgeous, it had worn in so well.
Un trabajo maravilloso 👏
I’m truly impressed!❤
Браво Мастеру👏👏👏
우와 금손이세요
이걸 이렇게까지 해가면서 써야하는거야? 대단들허다..
Much more beautiful than the original bag 👏👏
Yes the color of the D U P B A G Y is beautiful and it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc…
Класс!!хотела бы поучиться у этого гения
Awesome 👍🏻! I 💕 I love Korea😘! Saranheyo🙏🏻
What beautiful craftsmanship!!!! Very impressive
Thank you very much!
Это востор! Браво Мастеру!
Super tolle Arbeiten👍🌸🌸🌸❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹
If this bag breaks again, will you make a smaller bag?
Wow i want my old prada bag to make it like this❤.
Браво мастеру 👏 на каком покрытии вы разрезаете кожу?
Beautiful work! It was fascinating to watch all of the delicate work that went into this transformation.
Wow..looked better than the original! As a bag maker myself ( nowhere near his level though) I found that extremely interesting. A very talented man and a awesome transformation
Careful you don't get sued by Prada. But they won't really have a legal standing unless you are trying to sell it as made by Prada.
This is just an art work !
hell yea great craftsmanship ! thank you im so impressed :D
Fantastic clever people
At first I was skeptical, because the bag was so beautiful and timeless, but the result is much better I have to admit. And to know that the bag has its history and a metamorphosis from a „serious“ shopping bag to something so sweet and noble ,made by good handcrafting, makes it so much cooler!
Thank you so much!
как можно было взять винтажную сумку PRADА которая стоит тьма денег, и сделать то, что сделано? Да, красиво, но, это уже ни PRADA
Wow. Beautiful care and work.
Новая сумочка хороша, конечно. Но зачем же так варварски резать старую? Почему нельзя было распороть, оставить целой хорошую молнию и другие крепления? И на счёт подкладки согласна с предыдущими комментариями, её стоило хотя бы отладить, а то так и легла пузырями на новой форме. Ну и просто приклеить подкладку - это халтура. Почему нельзя было сначала все склеить, а потом прошить одним швом? И в ручке остались большие щели...
В общем, новая сумочка красивая, но я бы заставила переделать 🤷🏼♀️