PBR requests are closed until my current list of requests has been completed. I will inform you via Community Post when requests will re-open. I will also mention it in my Discord server (linked in the video description).
Garchomp + Zapdos would be a broken combo where both can spam moves that would otherwise hit each another due to their immunities. Garchomp can spam Earthquake and Zapdos spam Discharge. There is like only one evolutionary line that is completely immune to both moves. Guess what it is?
PBR requests are closed until my current list of requests has been completed.
I will inform you via Community Post when requests will re-open. I will also mention it in my Discord server (linked in the video description).
Garchomp + Zapdos would be a broken combo where both can spam moves that would otherwise hit each another due to their immunities. Garchomp can spam Earthquake and Zapdos spam Discharge. There is like only one evolutionary line that is completely immune to both moves. Guess what it is?
Based on typing, it'd have to be Ground/Flying, so Gligar and Gliscor.
Aw,my favourite Pokémon Announced Move is the best of all time!😀