Parkway and Slipknot had the best two sets, I had never really listened to parkway before the fest, but there was one of their songs where crowd sung almost the whole thing
I had never seen or even heard of parkway drive before knotfest. I met so many people at knotfest Sydney who were parkway drive fans and that day i became a fan off parkway drive aswell as other bands. I was in the mosh pit but quickly left due to how intense it became and being a first timer at a festival. The energy parkway brought was un fucking real. That moment and energy and passion will stick with me as the best live set i had ever witnessed in person. BRING ON THE NEXT KNOTFEST IM FUCKING READY. What a fucking concert it was to attend. Best show I’ve seen and i only knew 4 slipknot songs heading into the show
Live、Concertは いつもワクワクします!🙌🌈⛅
これからも 楽しみにしてます😊💕
Parkway and Slipknot had the best two sets, I had never really listened to parkway before the fest, but there was one of their songs where crowd sung almost the whole thing
I had never seen or even heard of parkway drive before knotfest. I met so many people at knotfest Sydney who were parkway drive fans and that day i became a fan off parkway drive aswell as other bands. I was in the mosh pit but quickly left due to how intense it became and being a first timer at a festival. The energy parkway brought was un fucking real. That moment and energy and passion will stick with me as the best live set i had ever witnessed in person. BRING ON THE NEXT KNOTFEST IM FUCKING READY. What a fucking concert it was to attend. Best show I’ve seen and i only knew 4 slipknot songs heading into the show
dam i was like front row to the right of this, what an insane set
Can’t wait to see them at aftershock Sacramento