Despite his loss to Ko Pin Yi in the quarters, I consider that a temporary setback. From the point of view of a mere pool fan, Roda’s game has improved significantly this year. Some of his games were littered with creative and smart shots which won for him much needed games. If he continues to work hard, he deserves a much higher ranking than his present 20th spot. Winning shots mostly come from muscle memory . Muscle memory shots are least affected by nerves. But this high level of skill can only come from tireless and purposive practice sessions. Without your knowing, it puts you on a roll of victories - of happiness and winnings too. Goodluck Jeffry and the rest of the Marboy’s players!
Despite his loss to Ko Pin Yi in the quarters, I consider that a temporary setback. From the point of view of a mere pool fan, Roda’s game has improved significantly this year. Some of his games were littered with creative and smart shots which won for him much needed games. If he continues to work hard, he deserves a much higher ranking than his present 20th spot. Winning shots mostly come from muscle memory . Muscle memory shots are least affected by nerves. But this high level of skill can only come from tireless and purposive practice sessions. Without your knowing, it puts you on a roll of victories - of happiness and winnings too. Goodluck Jeffry and the rest of the Marboy’s players!
Jefrey Roda🎉🎉 congratulations🎉