EDU I.P. VlogA 200614 2

  • Опубліковано 19 чер 2014
  • 1st Vlog In-Patient. Is highly confidential as in rules of where I am etc but I am finally able to come to terms enough- just- with what is happening to me and the road to recovery. I AM under a Section 3 and ave to be highly cautious, careful and mindful of everything I say- I cannot disclose any detail regarding my location, Dr's etc but wanted to say 'Hi' in the way I do by Keeping It Short and then it gets longer....... Low spirits but this is a 50% mood improvement on the week prior in here.


  • @lesliem85016
    @lesliem85016 10 років тому +1

    SJ, I am so relived to hear you are okay yet saddened because of the awfulness of being inpatient! I've been there! It DOES get better and trust that you'll believe it more when you get some nutrition. I know you can't talk numbers and I think that is good for everyone, including us trying to recover, but one thing that helped me when I was IP was knowing that they would release me even though my BMI was still considered very underweight. This made the Ana in my head a little happier while I was working on being healthier. It is possible!!

  • @joannetimmins9212
    @joannetimmins9212 10 років тому +1

    hi sj please keep strong hun dont give up thinking of you take care xxx

  • @katWITHaT
    @katWITHaT 10 років тому +1

    Good to a video from you and you seem a bit more positive, I hope you are. I know how hard being in treatment is and the first few days are so traumatising and distressing, but you hang in there and stay strong! You have many people behind you supporting you, so please don't lose hope or give up SJ xxxxxx

  • @zoemustacheo510
    @zoemustacheo510 10 років тому +1

    hey sj. thanks for making this video cause i was really dying to know how you were getting on!! i know your not happy being where you are but I'm glad your there because it is gonna help you immensely!! you are an absolute inspiration!!

    • @LolitaIsDead76
      @LolitaIsDead76  10 років тому

      Zoe, I am trying constantly to feel this way about recovering so all you've written (includes ALL comments ) are amazing to come back to after a particularly difficult meal or F-Up or out n out Anxiety attack...... Love and thanks

  • @threemillionriviets
    @threemillionriviets 10 років тому +1

    I hope you feel better as soon as possible and I'm wishing the absolute best for you.

    • @LolitaIsDead76
      @LolitaIsDead76  10 років тому

      Thank you my sweetie, I mean it- support is vital ATM and I SO appreciate your words

  • @LolitaIsDead76
    @LolitaIsDead76  10 років тому +1

    Thank you all below who wished me well......I think the hardest thing was also all the withdrawals from caffeine, alcohol, ciggies and being told to EAT then bollocked like a child if I didn't- ALL AT ONCE!!! Got some good smoking friends (only 4 of us smoke) and so at least I get to breathe air from outside a few times a day and well- lets face it- I can fight and fight and be suicidal or I can fight and fight and try and save myself. LOVE TO YOU ALL & TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES TOO- FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! YA WORTH IT!! ;) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

    • @LolitaIsDead76
      @LolitaIsDead76  10 років тому

      That's a really nice thing to say to me!!!! I actually smiled, that means a lot to hear :) x

    • @siobhangeoghegan268
      @siobhangeoghegan268 9 років тому

      I have watched all your vids and was really worried about you since I did not see an update on you tube, so glad to see that you are ok. You can beat this hon, I did.

  • @judypsa1336
    @judypsa1336 9 років тому

    I'm sorry. I forgot to add that I hope you are safe in your journey. You'll be in my prayers.

  • @evelinasoderstrom26
    @evelinasoderstrom26 10 років тому

    You look so cute in that beanie!
    Stay strong. If darkness comes,remember light. When you are sad, remember that there is light. You just have to close your eyes and find it. If you ever need to talk. About anything! Just write. Ill be there!
    Lots of love!

  • @evelinasoderstrom26
    @evelinasoderstrom26 10 років тому

    You look so cute in that beanie!
    Stay strong. If darkness comes,remember light. When you are sad, remember that there is light. You just have to close your eyes and find it. If you ever need to talk. About anything! Just write. Ill be there!
    Lots of love!

  • @barregirl1
    @barregirl1 10 років тому +1

    So glad to see an update from you. I have been thinking of you and praying for you. I am glad you are in a safe place and hope you can get the help and support you deserve. Is there an address I could sent you a letter to? xoxo

    • @LolitaIsDead76
      @LolitaIsDead76  10 років тому

      Email or inbox message me as I have to be confidential as to where I am for the sake of other current patients, staff etc but I'd LOVE that!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) xxx

    • @katWITHaT
      @katWITHaT 10 років тому +1

      Could you send me your address too please, I asked before but I think you were a bit pre occupied as you hadn't long been admitted, I've got some little things to send to you xxx

    • @LolitaIsDead76
      @LolitaIsDead76  10 років тому

      katWITHaT I'll text you the address Kat

  • @cassandrawall3778
    @cassandrawall3778 10 років тому +1

    what country are you from? never give up on recovery.

  • @judypsa1336
    @judypsa1336 9 років тому +1

    Interesting that you spoke of alcohol, which is high in calories. I ask this bc I, too, have an ED background. 30 yrs+. How can you drink and be that thin? I self-med with Chardonney bc I do not like like Rx oxy or hydros, yet I just keep getting fatter & fatter even though I eat way less than I should. Is it Chardonney vs I don't know, vodka maybe? Is it menopause? I would love to be closer to your weight than mine.