i personally don't think the tradeoff is worth it. you gain about 0.4% damage assuming you can maintain 2 stacks at all times but your blinks now cost 10-20% more gauge and dropping it means you have to burn 2 blinks to get it back up. if you're confident that you won't drop it and are okay burning 2 blinks after the opener or after any long cutscene/mechanic then you can for the min-max!
Why didnt u switch Arcane Release to Overcharge yet?
i personally don't think the tradeoff is worth it. you gain about 0.4% damage assuming you can maintain 2 stacks at all times but your blinks now cost 10-20% more gauge and dropping it means you have to burn 2 blinks to get it back up.
if you're confident that you won't drop it and are okay burning 2 blinks after the opener or after any long cutscene/mechanic then you can for the min-max!
How much crit/swift?
@@arcfaire Thanks