Liz Phair, "Why Can't I" Cover -

  • Опубліковано 20 гру 2024


  • @pennythatcher1306
    @pennythatcher1306 8 років тому +6

    awww, beautiful. love that song so much! 🌹

  • @mistydobbins7044
    @mistydobbins7044 8 років тому +5

    I love this song I needed this.. Thanks for sharing this song

    • @pennythatcher1306
      @pennythatcher1306 8 років тому

      Misty Dobbins I love this song too. do you remember what movie this was on? 🌹

    • @gabrielpacheco5441
      @gabrielpacheco5441 3 роки тому

      @@pennythatcher1306 13 going to 30...

  • @francisneyyghor2003
    @francisneyyghor2003 7 років тому +1

    Oh! I love this song...

  • @AirborneAnt
    @AirborneAnt Рік тому

    WOW!!! All you ladies have wonderful voices!!! My fav is @2:00 ;)

  • @tinabolt1248
    @tinabolt1248 8 років тому

    Beautiful. Thanks For Sharing .They Are Amazing 🎸🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶

  • @katthefanenthusiast5793
    @katthefanenthusiast5793 6 років тому +6

    I wouldn't have censored it! The F-bomb in the original version was part of it!

  • @mistydobbins7044
    @mistydobbins7044 8 років тому +1

    16 Going on 30 I love that show and I love this song I can relate to this song it sounds like me Penny Thatcher

  • @johnhall341
    @johnhall341 8 років тому

    good job as usual

  • @andydavis2623
    @andydavis2623 Рік тому +1

    Who is the girl on the end of stage left?

    • @AirborneAnt
      @AirborneAnt Рік тому +1

      Had the same effect on me too!!!

    • @andydavis2623
      @andydavis2623 Рік тому +1

      @@AirborneAnt you definitely know what I’m saying!!!

  • @jon-michael1374
    @jon-michael1374 7 років тому +7

    We haven't "kissed" yet? Really?
    Why do so many people think this is a love song?
    It's a song about two people cheating on their partners with each other.

    • @YoloSwagNinja
      @YoloSwagNinja 7 років тому +2

      Jon-Michael no kidding. Even Liz Phair herself rarely sings the correct words. Leave it as written, it's got more power that way.

    • @ItsPureLuck27
      @ItsPureLuck27 6 років тому +3

      Jon-Michael Well I'm assuming this is a venue where they didn't want to sing the explicit version

    • @fractuss
      @fractuss 5 місяців тому

      Sounds like a love song to me.