Prof. Simon Kirby - The Language Organism: Evolution, Culture, and What it Means to be Human

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @MrKmanthie
    @MrKmanthie 6 років тому +5

    in case you'd prefer to go right to the start of the talk, just click here: 3:45 ...that is the point where Simon begins his talk (starting w/the de rigueur "it's great to be here today", etc.,). Or, if you'd prefer a 3 1/2 min. warm-up by the introducer, complete w/a description of Kirby's CV (or a synopsis of it), by all means, start at the 0:00). Enjoy!

  • @JoyceElroy-z9w
    @JoyceElroy-z9w 15 днів тому

    Robinson Anthony Jones Mark Hernandez Joseph

  • @sonjap2042
    @sonjap2042 7 років тому +1

    Thanks a lot for the speech and for sharing it! I found it very interesting. I particularly watched it, since I'm currently looking into Arbib's and Corballis' mirror-neurons > gesture first - theory.
    It does make a lot of sense to me that we shaped language in a way to memorize it better and also the fact that domesticated animals have no survival pressure and can elaborate more complicated social interaction patterns. That would explain why dogs understand some words and react to them in comparison to other animals. Though I would like to add the following: Don't we have to keep in mind that domesticated animals have one other feature, apart from not having to survive in the wild which is living with current human beings? Therefore the social-cue-reactions/communications might be influenced by the interaction with current human beings, which weren't there when humans had developped language several thousands of years ago.
    It reminds me of looking at first language acquisition in children for clues of how language might have evolved. It could be very interesting, but still in a way not "coming out of nowhere".
    Still, it was a good point and so was the rest of the lecture!
    Thank you a lot!

  • @edgoulart8
    @edgoulart8 12 років тому +1

    Thanks for sharing. Much appreciated

  • @kvaka009
    @kvaka009 6 років тому +1


  • @DrEggburger
    @DrEggburger 13 років тому +1

    they'd probably just admire the shirt.

  • @JasonNoble
    @JasonNoble 13 років тому +1

    It's a hell of a shirt.

  • @humbertocamargo6275
    @humbertocamargo6275 4 роки тому

    Philosophical anthropology: Man developed language in evolution when he perceives the object of desire in woman. (Essay Fragment)

  • @jagatheesanchandrasekharan7248
    @jagatheesanchandrasekharan7248 5 років тому

    53) Classical Javanese-Klasik Jawa,
    53) Basa Jawa Klasik Klasik,
    bayi sing nembe dilahirake diasingake tanpa wong sing komunikasi karo
    bayi, sawise sawetara dina bakal ngomong lan basa manungsa (Prakrit)
    sing dikenal minangka Klasik Magahi Magadhi / basa Chandaso Klasik /
    Magadhi Prakrit / Klasik Hela Basa (Basa Hela) / Pali Klasik sing padha. Buddha ngomong ing Magadhi. Kabeh 7111 basa lan dialek mati moto Klasik Magahi Magadhi. Mula
    kabeh kasebut Klasik ing alam (Prakrit) saka Human Beings, kaya kabeh
    pidhato urip liyane duwe basa alam dhewe kanggo komunikasi.

  • @benweb1105
    @benweb1105 7 років тому

    Professor, if you like to actually learn something about language evolution, or if you like to find the 'fossils ' of human languages, than start by Lear Albanian language.
    Don't wast your life time confusing yourself and others.
    Read Petro Zheji books. "The Messianic role of Albanian language ".

    • @kvaka009
      @kvaka009 6 років тому +7

      Well when he decides to get his degree from UA-cam university, he'll be sure to look you up.