fardriver controller set up parameters

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • in this video I'm going to show you how to change some parameters in your fardriver controller to the best of my knowledge.


  • @alexchavosaurus9041
    @alexchavosaurus9041 Місяць тому

    moved from a sabvoton to a Fardriver and its a world of difference. Great tutorial on the settings @E-bikeguy, I still have yet to figure out how to hook up my tail light sensors, headlight and speedometer. but in due time :)

  • @malicewhite2168
    @malicewhite2168 Рік тому

    Much appreciation I've been running sabs for forever so the change was needed

  • @CWG13
    @CWG13 10 місяців тому +15

    Jesus is king

    • @Gwatts78
      @Gwatts78 9 місяців тому +1

      Thank you Jesus❤

  • @Vmaxfodder
    @Vmaxfodder Рік тому

    Last night I was playing with my nanjing fardriver . I hooked it up to my fardriver 84530 to my 12in scooter wheel . It quit beeping by itself . Thanks for the vid

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      Glad it helped you out 💯👍

    • @Vmaxfodder
      @Vmaxfodder Рік тому

      Ya man! I don't have a bt dongle yet . There is an old ,and a new kind blue tooth (they dont mix). I'm building a most powerful foot scooter . It has a front and back nd84530s ! It looks like your having an most wonderful time with your family! ...I'd be very careful how fast you allow regen . You don't want to allow more than your charge current . I seen one youtube catch fire after braking from a top speed run. He didn't know why but mentioned cheap battery quality. Stay safe , thanks again!

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      @Vmaxfodder heck yeah that scooter is going to be epic,

  • @imho7250
    @imho7250 Рік тому +2

    @19:12 the Energy Regenerate table is unique. My friends Fardriver clone don’t have the RATIO IN REGEN table, only the StopBackCurr, MaxBackCurr and Batt rated capacity. So for his bike, the current limit for regen are dictated by both the battery ability to charge fast and the amount of regen needed. Same as almost all other controllers.
    But your model has the RATIO IN REGEN table, which allows you to set current limits based on your battery’s max charge rate (typically 1C but at high as 2c for high drain cells). And then you can populate the % of that number at each speed you want.
    You have your ratios set to give the most regn as the bike comes to a stop, which seems unstable but if it matches the change in aerodynamic drag as the bike slows down then it might actually be more linear braking than fixed regen that all other controllers use.
    The nice thing about the table is you can make your own regen curve and make it give about what you want at each speed. So this is a +1 point for FarDriver over all other controllers. Lol

    • @imho7250
      @imho7250 Рік тому +1

      The missing part that every controller must have is how to set the max voltage that allows regen. It might be somewhere in the fardriver but its hidden. Sabvoton seems clear. Votol its regen cuts off when battery voltage climbs to within 5v of the OVP setting. Fardriver might also have it hidden as a certain value below OVP, but the problem is OVP seems to be locked, even with the PC app.
      I will try to get my friend to test it. But its very hard to test safely when you cant change OVP settings easily. Lol

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      OK that do make sense with the regen sabvoton controller won't work until battery voltage drops from full capacity

    • @imho7250
      @imho7250 Рік тому +3

      @@E-bikeguy , yes, I’m still trying to get my friend to test it but its not an easy thing to test with all the settings locked. But you can see the default OVP for 72v is 90.7v, which is for lead acid, since the charger can peak just short of 90v with some batteries. But a 72v lithium battery should only go to 84v max.
      On the Votol typically they set OVP to 88v, which allows regen up to 83v, acceptable for a big battery with low regen. But if you have tiny battery with sketchy top balance, you can set 86v OVP and it will not regen higher than 81V. I Tend to set it on the safe side (low) because if the BMS closes the port during regen it can damage the controller.
      But for the fardriver i still have no idea. It’s possible it uses OVP -7v, but according to my friend, his regen even when over 83v.
      Curiously l the battery AH is there, so not sure how it used that information. The logical thing is only allow max back current based on battery capacity. Maybe i can get my friend to try to test that too.

    • @Vmaxfodder
      @Vmaxfodder Рік тому +1

      Can anyone tell me?? I'm using a jk bms . I have separate system it is 2 ,24s 8p for a 24s 16p total the JK bms is amazing as it is active balancing and highly controllable in a small package. I don't want too much regen but I do want dynamic braking . I have 2 nd84530. If I set the charge to a small current (1c) or to not allow charging on the BMS . And set it to a high regen setting on the controller? Is that going to hurt anything? Or is it going to fry my welding cable leads? 🤔 -signed, up a creek. Too much power is a myth!

    • @imho7250
      @imho7250 Рік тому +2

      @@Vmaxfodder, controllers normally don’t like to send power to a dead end. I ended up raising my ANT overvoltage to max (4.3v/cell) because the fardriver was trying to regen into it and send a brick up to 4.2, closed the port, and then it felt like it stopped regening, but I don’t know if the fardriver just finally hit the regen cutoff.
      But after raising to 4.3v it was working fine, and of coming after a few miles the battery has more room to accommodate the regen.
      My battery is low drain (25a) so it surges quite a bit on 10a regen.
      The JK should be able to accept the regen just fine. I wouldn’t recommend telling the controller to regen and telling the JK not to let any electrons come back home. Lol

  • @imho7250
    @imho7250 Рік тому +2

    @22:21 I see your MotorTempProtect is 160c. If your motor has the KTY83/122 sensor like most QS motors, but when you try to select it on the controller it won’t accept it, then if you use #3 (KTY84/130), it will work somewhat.
    I have a short video explaining how selecting the KTY84/130 in the Fardriver while actually having a KTY83/122 in the motor Will Display as about 110c when actual temp os 32c and it will show 160c when the motor is at 70c (max continuous temp of the QS 8kw motor).
    The QS Motor allows 70c continuous with 120c for about seconds. The problem is there is no real was to set the fardriver to throttle back proportional to motor temp. What they need is a RATIO IN TEMPERATURE table that lets you set the max % current at each temperature from perhaps 50c to 160c so that you can tailor it to your specific motor, ev and riding style (and budget to buy new motors, lol).
    The problem with setting it to trip at 70c is that you might be trying to do a 10 seconds burst and exceed the temp and the controller will cut off the motor completely. Not ideal if a big truck is coming at you. Lol
    And unfortunately the only way to get the temperature to display in the app is the select a sensor that somewhat is compatible.
    If you don’t have a temperature sensor then it doesn’t matter, you cant test it.
    On my friends bike he has QS 8kw motor and a 170a controller, if he rides like an idiot he can trip the overtemp, but his motorcycle weighs a lot more, which means the amps needed and the duration of those amps for any given acceleration will be higher. For example, if you raced him where he went 0-60 mph as fast as possible, and you just gave enough throttle to keep up, your motor would be a lot cooler at the end of the race.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      Oh OK I just disabled the temp sensor

    • @imho7250
      @imho7250 Рік тому

      @@E-bikeguy , but do you have a temperature sensor?

    • @mtom9267
      @mtom9267 6 місяців тому

      @@imho7250Hey I have a my1020 motor with the same problem the KTY83/122 sensor won't let me change control temp limit and or motor temp limit. My controller is a nd72260. it's set at 160c now. The manufacturer recommends 105c for the motor, What's the best way to make sure this temp is set?

    • @imho7250
      @imho7250 6 місяців тому

      @@mtom9267 , so far I haven’t found a way to change the temperature settings. You might be able to get a file from the seller if you bought it from Fardriver authorized seller or SiaEcosys.
      I think it might be possible by saving a configuration file which has a “.h” extension and in the list it shows:
      MotorOverTempProtect=160 //
      Probably if you edit the 160 to 105 with a file editor and save it, then restore from that configuration file, it can change the temperature setting. Normally this sort of file which is not the firmware and can easily brick your controller can be modified without bricking the controller. It normally will either work or not and if it does work then the problem file can be loaded and its back to its original condition.
      I have to try this myself because I can’t remember if the file can be accessed on my iOS device or must use Android or PC.
      If you can’t get it changed then all you can do is either keep the app open and monitor the motor temperature as you ride (best option) or use the motor temperature to set the limits of your controller.
      The Fardriver has several motor protection features. BOOST is one of them. If you add a button for BOOST, it allows you to set speeds 1-2-3 current limit and speed such that you can’t exceed 105c on your motor even if driving agressively.
      Your 72260 DC amps max is only 55a-70a, so if you set that to max and the motor reaches 70c, you would need to either reduce amp limit or reduce rpm limit so that the controller throttles back automatically.
      Once speed 3 (Parameters) are set, you can set BOOST to give more amps and higher RPM (because BOOST overrides MaxSpeed rpm and uses Ratios in speed to limit rpm), and set the time limit and cooldown for boost such that it ends boost before the motor reaches 105c in the hottest time of the year.
      Boost button only needs a momentary on button, not a on/off switch. It only works in speed 3. If in speed 1-2 it won’t go into boost.
      As you can see monitoring the temperature is best because riding conditions can change and the tuning can only be done for one rider, one ambient temperature, one type of riding. Meaning a tune for a 250 lb dude in Florida in the Summer will be much different than for a 160 lb dude in California winter.
      The bad thing about the motor overtemp protection is it doesn’t progressively limit power as temperature approaches the limit, it just shuts off suddenly. This could be dangerous in some situations, so monitoring the temperature gauge is always the best option.

    • @mtom9267
      @mtom9267 6 місяців тому

      @@imho7250 Thanks for this advice, I'll look into modifying the file and contacting the manufacturer also since I bought from authorized seller. Am 120lbs so that's good for heat but also live in florida lol. Palm beach is super humid and hot. I would try boost but battery only has a constant of 50 amps and max 100a peak.

  • @imho7250
    @imho7250 Рік тому +3

    There are so many rabbit holes to go down when making a tutorial. Even something as basic as pole pairs, many people have no idea what it means.
    When helping my friend set his Fardriver I asked him how many pole pairs it has. He said “24”. I said “how do you know?”. He said “QS Motors website”. I said thats not a regular QS motor. Lol. So i asked him to do basic test and get the real number. He said he did. But he lied. Lol.
    Later he took the motor apart and it had 60 magnets (30 pole pairs).
    I made a basic video showing some basic information about pole pairs and setting it on the FarDriver. Its not a tutorial but i think once you watch it, suddenly many things you saw in the app will make sense.
    I am still trying to get my friend to do some basic tests and make screen recordings but what would take me 30 minutes if i had a controller, and a bike to put it on, will take 3 days of me trying to walk him through each step.
    My video only covers about 1% of the far driver, and its not edited properly (showing the screen recording overlaid on a video of what’s actually going on with the bike, especially during AUTOLEARN. I have a 1 minute AUTOLEARN clip that suddenly shows up with no explanation. You will recognize it but a person new to fardriver will wonder what that motor is doing and who’s making 5e beeping noise. Lol.
    The screen recording I am trying to get him to make are:
    1. Connect app to controller
    2. Scroll down to show the settings from pole pairs down to the bottom of RATIOS IN SPEED
    3. Change pole pairs to a different value.
    4. Change rated RPM to a value the controller will accept (if needed).
    5. Save it and make sure new pole pairs number stuck.
    6. Run AUTOLEARN and then scroll from rated RPM down to the bottom of RATIO IN SPEED, showing how rated RPM and the RATIO IN SPEED table is all rewritten with new values.
    All in one cut.
    You know, that video we both wish we found 6 months ago but nobody made. Lol

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      Lol ok send me the link to your video, yeah my supplier told me that some of the settings I should not adjust cause it might blow the motor or controller 😅

    • @imho7250
      @imho7250 Рік тому

      @@E-bikeguy , ok, ill post the link below this comment in case spam guard is set to maximum. Lol. Theres still many settings I have no idea what they do.

    • @imho7250
      @imho7250 Рік тому

      @@E-bikeguy , here is the link: ua-cam.com/video/YKen7yXbUNc/v-deo.html

    • @imho7250
      @imho7250 Рік тому

      @@E-bikeguy , the link is caught in spam guard. Probably awaiting your approval in UA-cam studio or something. Lol. But its my latest video so it should be easy to see.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      @@imho7250 or you can email it to theebikeguy08@gmail.com

  • @Jujubees225
    @Jujubees225 25 днів тому

    I cant even get to the autolearn part to learn the motor. I am getting a phase current overflow alarm. Mtp is x out. Do you know what am i doing wrong?

  • @TheKrizzna
    @TheKrizzna Місяць тому

    when i used eabs when release throtle, i wont be able to use my throttle until it slowdown and reach below 40 km/h, do you know which parameter that i have to change ?

  • @EmxBrandon
    @EmxBrandon Рік тому +1

    Awesome video brother! For the community!!

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      Thank you bro 💯 you taught me alot with your video!!!!

    • @adamkrzysiak
      @adamkrzysiak Рік тому

      Hi man , do you know what means custom max line current/custom max phase current vs max dc / max pc in new app ?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      @adamkrzysiak well the max dc amps and max phase amps is customized so you can adjust how much battery and phase current you want. Adjust it accordingly to your battery max output.

    • @adamkrzysiak
      @adamkrzysiak Рік тому

      @@E-bikeguy I get that , but after recent update thers 4 rows to adjust dc/pc, on your video is only 2 , how can I send you screen shot so you K ow better what I mean

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      @@adamkrzysiak yes at theebikeguy08@gmail.com

  • @mikewormsman
    @mikewormsman 2 місяці тому

    Hi , Can the current be set to any lower setting easily? Im wanting re power dual motors on a fiido q1s and feed both 2000w motors from one controller. on 72 or 60v and adjust the current between 40-50amps can this be achived and motors connected this way?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  2 місяці тому

      @mikewormsman yes it can be set lower no problem

  • @digitalbilly
    @digitalbilly 7 місяців тому

    Great video on the car driver. Is it possible to have both pedal assist and hand throttle?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      On the fardriver controller, does not support PAS

  • @moriwaki80
    @moriwaki80 5 місяців тому

    Nice video! I like the run through on the Fardriver settings. I have a Fardriver but I can't adjust many of the settings you have, I get "please use new BLE" popping up. Any idea on this, do I actually need to get a new bluetooth device and if so from where? Or is this a firmware issue? It may be something you have no experience with so no worries if so! Cheers for your thoughts.

  • @schuoo
    @schuoo 20 днів тому

    Hey buddy I just got done setting up my bike and my speedometer is reading double do you know how I can fix this?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  20 днів тому

      @@schuoo what display do you have

  • @kylianchristoffer2384
    @kylianchristoffer2384 7 місяців тому

    Adjusted my 841800 FarDriver the same way you did, but my regeneration is still not kicking in. Follow eabs switched on, I tried eabs when brake also doesn’t work. Is there any other settings I need to adjust in order to activate regeneration?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      This can happen if you battery is fully charged, regen won't kick it till it reaches 95% not to over charged the battery

    • @kylianchristoffer2384
      @kylianchristoffer2384 7 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy oh alright. Thanks for your help

    • @kylianchristoffer2384
      @kylianchristoffer2384 7 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy I’m at 90% battery though so maybe I’d need to increase the ‘full battery coef’ from 1250 to something higher? I don’t know how it works

    • @kylianchristoffer2384
      @kylianchristoffer2384 7 місяців тому

      Because I have a 80v 170a battery so maybe the fullbatteryCoef of 1250 is too low, not sure

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому +1

      @@kylianchristoffer2384 adjust that also to be accurate when battery is full

  • @aaron092000
    @aaron092000 10 місяців тому

    I think your temperature sensor can be set to KTY83-122 :) this is what my qs205 is running and I just double checked apparently the Qs273 runs this too.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  10 місяців тому

      Ok I'll check that out

  • @robmcculley6835
    @robmcculley6835 11 місяців тому

    I am at the point where I will need to make a choice, Fardriver or Sabvoton? Love your videos!

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  11 місяців тому +1

      Thank you, they both good but the sabvoton is having reliability issues for some reason, but if you want power, go with fardriver

    • @robmcculley6835
      @robmcculley6835 11 місяців тому

      Wow, that was a fast reply! I realize I might be asking a question that there might not be an easy response to but you boiled it down to what I needed to know. I do want power but not to reach 80MPH, just to get the high performance acceleration from 0 to X. I will focus on Fardriver based on your recommendation. Thanks! @@E-bikeguy

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  11 місяців тому

      @robmcculley6835 no problem, look at the fardriver nd72360

  • @motomatt224
    @motomatt224 Рік тому

    thanks for the info. this helped

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      No problem glad it worked out for ya!!

  • @joshuakuberski8002
    @joshuakuberski8002 5 місяців тому

    I need help with the ratios speed and in gear ,I have 16 pairs 3000w hub motor and 72v 60a battery with 300a BMS .

  • @svencouture2598
    @svencouture2598 2 місяці тому

    Does this controller have Pedal assist?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  2 місяці тому

      As I know these controllers don't have PAS

  • @PandaVolt-xl9xz
    @PandaVolt-xl9xz 11 місяців тому

    New subscriber!!! I switched from sabvoton to a fardriver it's slower for some reason I did some parameters, and also mine doesn't say Simple New or Expert New... mine says Simple old and Expert old and won't let change everything

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  11 місяців тому

      Ok thank you, uninstall the app reinstall the app make sure the controller is off. Turn the controller back on and try to connect it it will say simple new expert new, this happened to me

    • @PandaVolt-xl9xz
      @PandaVolt-xl9xz 11 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy ok I'll try that thanks

    • @PandaVolt-xl9xz
      @PandaVolt-xl9xz 11 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy what version are you using

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  11 місяців тому

      Hold on,,,,, version 2.2.6

  • @kazmirzleszno
    @kazmirzleszno 7 місяців тому

    I am asking you for help. You have a 123 gear switch. What needs to be turned on in fardriver for it to work.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      It's already enabled if you want to fine tune it for different power, it will be in you ratio in speed tab

    • @kazmirzleszno
      @kazmirzleszno 7 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy How can I find you on Facebook?

    • @kazmirzleszno
      @kazmirzleszno 7 місяців тому

      ​@@E-bikeguy I have switch 123. And I want it to work.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      @@kazmirzleszno ebikelife east coast

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      @@kazmirzleszno I have a nother video the explanation of that

  • @colinhaymes123
    @colinhaymes123 7 місяців тому

    Whats the name of the app you are using?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      It's the fardriver app for android

  • @karlhal8165
    @karlhal8165 Рік тому

    Would these fit on stealth bomber I have a 3000wt I brought cheap , hits about 4000wt not a clue what’s on it but looks a mess has a 72v battery , was followed by my mate and he recons I was hitting 58mph . The wheel hub is a c&n power hub , worried it will burn out as such a wired mess in battery compartment. A new e-biker. Still learning great content keep it coming . ❤uk

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      Yes, you can get a fardriver controller with dkd display for about $250 and it's worth it too, I learned the hard way before I git better with ebikes, And definitely I appreciate it 💯

  • @HenryZold
    @HenryZold Рік тому

    Hello. Do you have a video on how to upgrade a voilamart motor hub convertion into an upgrade like you just did with your ebike??
    Can you teach me how to do it?
    I have a 1500W motor hub and a 1500W controller convertion kit I build and i also have a 48V 13ah battery as well.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      Well you can go to a 60v battery 20ah and get a 60amp controller that will have a great increase in performance or you can just shunt mod your controller you will notice some increase in acceleration but not much

    • @HenryZold
      @HenryZold Рік тому

      Thank you.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      @hectorvazquez1116 no problem

  • @11c351
    @11c351 Рік тому

    Are the amazon batteries fire hazzards? I heard ppl onlone sayin they explode but idk if they overcharged it or not how do u prevent it? Or is it a better idea to diy it

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      Well it is a good ito build it yourself that way you know what you got if you over discharge it will puff and smoke on ya

    • @11c351
      @11c351 Рік тому

      @@E-bikeguy yeah i think il go with that route ion know if i wana put my trust in these Chinese batteries

    • @11c351
      @11c351 Рік тому +1

      @@E-bikeguy you could prolly make good money just selling your models and blueprints on a website or something with your builds

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      @@11c351 lol I definitely could, I already have a design for a 72v 54ah battery

    • @11c351
      @11c351 Рік тому

      @@E-bikeguyi saw it yesterday its huge im been tryna find the right size bike thatll fit one on there good ima try to create the same 72v model u have but ill see if i needa try a smaller version first


    Hey E bike guy what do you suggest for flat tires/tubes/tube protection methods? I got my first flat back tire 😢 😅

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      Lol well a lot of people suggest slime but I run at high speeds so I run nothing but I am gonna get better tires tho

      @CONSCIOUS_TALK_ENT. Рік тому

      ​​@@E-bikeguy Any brand reccomendation? Im boutta order now and dont know what to get. Like tube brand.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      @@CONSCIOUS_TALK_ENT. yeah, tuff tube on Amazon

      @CONSCIOUS_TALK_ENT. Рік тому

      @@E-bikeguy Thank you! I couldnt make up my mind on the expensive heavy duty or the regulars.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      @CONSCIOUS_TALK_ENT. oh yea bro we ride off road a lot so it's a must

  • @rays8307
    @rays8307 Місяць тому

    Hi I turned off the temp sensor in app and its still annoying beep I haven’t done learning procedure yet how can I turn it off

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Місяць тому

      @rays8307 once you do the auto learn it will stop

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Місяць тому

      @@rays8307 once you do the a

  • @jonezdatonetech2758
    @jonezdatonetech2758 Рік тому

    Hey my friend which controller performs better Fardriver or sabvaton ?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      Fardriver does, it's more flexible in tuning capabilities.

    • @jonezdatonetech2758
      @jonezdatonetech2758 Рік тому

      I have a battery that’s 84v 60ah with 300a bms,
      Which Fardriver controller would you recommend for this battery ?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      @@jonezdatonetech2758 I recommend the fardriver nd72680

    • @jonezdatonetech2758
      @jonezdatonetech2758 Рік тому

      Thanks you

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      @jonezdatonetech2758 no problem 😁

  • @LuanNguyen-ji9gi
    @LuanNguyen-ji9gi Рік тому

    Hello. I'm having the problem of not being able to login to the controller (ND96360). I have downloaded the latest version of the software. But I don't know why they can't work. I have a video but I don't know how to send it to you

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      Send it to theebikeguy08@gmail.com I'll try to help

  • @gearplaymedia6542
    @gearplaymedia6542 7 місяців тому

    Hey my friend i need help badly, in my far driver app when i want to auto learn my throttle voltage is 0/0? i need help plz am going insane

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      Oh wow ok looks like the throttle is not communicating with the controller, see if there is a broken wire

    • @gearplaymedia6542
      @gearplaymedia6542 7 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy there is no broken wire i even used another throttle and nothing it was working before throttle is new mabe a setting of something omg am losing my mind

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      @@gearplaymedia6542 you might have to email me at theebikeguy08@gmail.com tomorrow

    • @gearplaymedia6542
      @gearplaymedia6542 7 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy ok cool thank u

  • @roblucas9599
    @roblucas9599 Рік тому +1

    ride safe yall.

  • @Razorcrew_Cole
    @Razorcrew_Cole Рік тому

    What's up with that dash?

  • @Thefreakyfreek
    @Thefreakyfreek Рік тому

    I just pairs a far driver to a super soco 17inch hub and it ripped itself from the frame whit the wheel in the air

  • @nicod974
    @nicod974 Рік тому +2

    2023 will be the kelly controller year😉

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      You might be right

    • @MrDeceptacon88
      @MrDeceptacon88 Рік тому +2

      What do u mean? He is using a fardriver

    • @nicod974
      @nicod974 Рік тому

      @@MrDeceptacon88 ua-cam.com/video/S-wjHhTsgww/v-deo.html

  • @rubenbryant7026
    @rubenbryant7026 Рік тому

    Hey I do you know a controller that's good for bafang bbshd motor

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +2

      Try the sabvoton 7245

    • @rubenbryant7026
      @rubenbryant7026 Рік тому +1

      Thank bro love the channel 🙌

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      @rubenbryant7026 no problem glad to help you out

  • @Insanity_Wolf
    @Insanity_Wolf 10 місяців тому

    So finally swapped over to fardriver. Everything is great outside of my parameters never save. Hit the save function, hit save on the pop up. No beep, even when I wait a full 5 minutes with pop-up up. Nothing. Then my bike back on, back to factory settings. There any some underground trick someone has? 😂

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  10 місяців тому

      It should save what I do is try to do is reconnect to your fardriver do your settings again and then try to save the settings

    • @Insanity_Wolf
      @Insanity_Wolf 10 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy No dice. Tried connect reconnect. Restore default and reset then save. Even tried changing parameters then doing auto learn hitting save then disconnecting and reconnecting. Maybe just a bug with mine because everyone gets the beep after hitting save haha.

    • @Insanity_Wolf
      @Insanity_Wolf 10 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy After a couple hours figured it out. Had to register the account and verify, go on the connection settings and bind the controller on the Bluetooth selection screen. Now it lets me save.

  • @charleshowell6442
    @charleshowell6442 Рік тому

    I finally got my battery is 26 amp hour 72 volt but from what I see it only has one wire coming out of it with a xt60 connector

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      Interesting send me a picture

    • @charleshowell6442
      @charleshowell6442 Рік тому

      They're not still safely charge this battery???

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      @@charleshowell6442 I really don't know, where you got it from?

  • @lee-tx5mw
    @lee-tx5mw Рік тому

    those forks would be under more stress braking and riding it .

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      You need to watch more of my channel,, 6 months and still going..

  • @HD-eu3zs
    @HD-eu3zs Рік тому +15

    Dude, you are awesome man. Took time to explain each parameter to your best knowledge. I'm using a Fardriver ND72300 S18 on my 48v mid drive and it's been a blast. Will eventually go 72v, but man... seeing the live data while fine tuning is incredible! Appreciate the knowledge brotha and hope you keep making awesome videos to help this small, but growing diy ebike community!

    • @EG-pj2rq
      @EG-pj2rq Рік тому

      What kinds of speeds are you pulling with the ND72300?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      @EG-pj2rq 83mph

    • @jdmvette
      @jdmvette Рік тому +1

      ​@@E-bikeguyholy smokes that's fast!

    • @LeanardWashington
      @LeanardWashington 4 місяці тому

      What kind of speed were you getting out of your 48v setup?

  • @vlp1603
    @vlp1603 2 місяці тому +1

    Qsmotor usually has temp sensor kty83-122

  • @frankroach9346
    @frankroach9346 Рік тому +4

    Thanks so much I’m sold on purchasing one these controllers. Thanks for your knowledge

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +3

      No problem, it's a really potent controller

  • @kenney5454
    @kenney5454 Рік тому +3

    E-bikeguy thanks for going over that technical 'By Wire' adjustable an'all I had No Clue bout my Mid Speed Phase Ratio! Good Content as they say. Definatly watching some parts over and over, you are correct sir, You are First to teach Tune to the Masses, Much Appreciated ~ Get a lawyer, a 2 book keeper that names her price ..j/k No Kidding noone else explained Tune before "If they really knew all that jibberish well enough to explain it in a video already they would Of, Your always showing whats Up and the bike reviews your doing, Good Stuff YT e-bike Guy & Son Company Drop Shipping All e-Bike parts & accesories, congrats ...

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +2

      Thank you Kenny well I definitely tied to get that video out so yall can tune the fardriver controller 😀

  • @knowEgo
    @knowEgo 16 годин тому

    Hi E-bike guy- I just received my Fardriver from AliExpress and i think I received a *dud*
    I hooked it up and the Fardriver is not turning on- is there something I’m doing wrong? The orange Wire I’m connecting to battery positive and I tried hooking it up with an on/off switch and without! If the Fardriver is hooked up correctly should the controller start beeping as soon as you connect your battery to the controller or do you need to start the controller through the Bluetooth? Also I can’t find my controller on Bluetooth which I’m assuming has something to do with the controller not having power! If you can help me out it would much appreciated…at this point I believe AliExpress may have sent me a lemon controller SMH Thanks in advance

  • @JohnDoe-yoyoyo
    @JohnDoe-yoyoyo Рік тому +3

    Thank you for posting this very informative video. You never disappoint sir :)

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +3

      No problem 😊 always glad to help out 💯

  • @bransonlariscy4660
    @bransonlariscy4660 7 годин тому

    how to you calabrate your disply to show the correct speed?

  • @vernanflexx6079
    @vernanflexx6079 2 місяці тому

    Hey I'm installing my QS273 with an ND72680 and for some reason it's running in reverse even though it's D on the screen. Do you have any idea? 😂

  • @mario_on_e-odin2.0
    @mario_on_e-odin2.0 Рік тому +2

    Circle graph with % of batt capacity is not precise (also real batt voltage is a little bit higher when measured with voltmeter). Charge battery fully and keep lowering "Full BattCoeff" value until you get 100 % on cicrle graph (for me works 1189 on my 120Ah battery). That value 1250 is factory setting regardles of real batt capacity and has to be changed manually.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      Ok will do now

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      Thank you bro, now what about the ecoacccoeff and current coeff?

    • @mario_on_e-odin2.0
      @mario_on_e-odin2.0 Рік тому

      @@E-bikeguy Hi buddy, quick update: my friend says "if I set the full battcoeff to 1200 so I get 100% displayed in the app, my charger charges only up to 83.9V and no longer to 84.4V. When I change it back to 1250 it make it fully loaded again."
      I can not confirm that because my controller is dead now but if that is true then I guess the problem is that controller measures less voltage of fully charged batt, mine around 83,4V (voltmeter at full battery measures 84,2-84,3V), so if you lower the FullBattCoef and it shows 100 % (under the circle) with full battery, controller stops charging at that value (83,4V or when voltage gets to 100 % according the controller). I do not know how controller can make charger to stop charging (no CAN bus) but in case you encountered this too I wanted you to be informed :)

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      @marioone-odin2.0 ok thank you, that is interesting, I have a grinn tech charger but all so I don't have a bms and my charger stops at 84v I did some adjustments to battery coefficient and it did effect my voltage reading on the app so I got it close as I can to be accurate

  • @SoloEPRider
    @SoloEPRider 2 дні тому

    The pc13 should be set to race response for that quick acceleration

  • @eamonnthatcher
    @eamonnthatcher Місяць тому

    Hi love your videos keep up the great work mate.
    I've just moving from sabaton to a fardriver 72350 with a 5000w stealth bomber ,is it possible to wire pedal assist into the throttle piggyback or any other way of doing it please

  • @sbartlett312
    @sbartlett312 Рік тому +1

    Fardriver controller what display and throttle work

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      A dkd display from aliexpress and a throttle from eBay

    • @sbartlett312
      @sbartlett312 Рік тому

      @@E-bikeguy thanks l am updating a rad mlnl

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      @@sbartlett312 nice!!!!

  • @ScientificLee
    @ScientificLee 3 місяці тому

    Great vid bro.

  • @kovboi-qu4xs
    @kovboi-qu4xs 2 місяці тому

    Спасибо очень доходчиво объяснил смотрю в украине

  • @anthonyevans7911
    @anthonyevans7911 10 місяців тому +1

    Awesome video. Recently found you, really glad i did, your reach is to the other side of the world my friend, i`m in the UK and ove your videos your tutorials and bikes. Awesome, and thank you.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  10 місяців тому +2

      Thank you so much, and hopefully I be more help to you and the rest of the world

  • @aadricallan8651
    @aadricallan8651 18 днів тому

    Please make another video like this with all your new Fardriver skills

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  18 днів тому +1

      @aadricallan8651 ok I definitely will

  • @Jesse-tz9zi
    @Jesse-tz9zi Місяць тому

    I do not know my bms size capacity but I know the battery is a LG cell 72v 42 ah. 340 18650 battery’s. Could you please tell me a rough estimate what I could set my line current and phase current too. Thank you.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Місяць тому

      I'll start with 150a to set it at that current

  • @juice9767
    @juice9767 3 місяці тому

    Does the app store our ride data? Or will we have to Screen Record? 🤔

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  3 місяці тому +1

      You will have to do a screen record

  • @je7647
    @je7647 5 місяців тому

    I cant stop the beeping no matter what option I select for temp sensor, maybe its because im halfway thru the initalizing and stopped though. need to fix my chain

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  5 місяців тому

      You can turn it of but it depends on what motor you have

  • @JohnKimble-v6l
    @JohnKimble-v6l 4 місяці тому

    Where did you get the Display? I want to Upgrade my display. Thanks for your service.👊🏽

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  4 місяці тому

      It's on aliexpress for $60

  • @steverowe327
    @steverowe327 Рік тому

    Anyone know why it keeps telling me the app has expired when i try to connect? On android version with my phone.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      That is interesting sounds like you on old version

  • @JJ-ny7dy
    @JJ-ny7dy 11 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for the video ebike guy. This helped me out a lot. I connected the yellow white (LIN 1) cable from the display to the single blue speed cable on the controller and the display turns on but when I throttle, the speedometer reads at 0mph even though the wheel is spinning. Is there anything else in the app that I need to set for the speedometer to work? Thanks in advance.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  11 місяців тому

      Email me at theebikeguy08@gmail.com and I'll give you a screen shot of the settings in display

    • @JJ-ny7dy
      @JJ-ny7dy 11 місяців тому

      Will do.
      Thank you

    • @stealthbomber9841
      @stealthbomber9841 2 місяці тому

      hola acabe de escribirle a ese correo espero me pueda ayudar gracias

  • @matthewmcdermott241
    @matthewmcdermott241 7 місяців тому +1

    Far-driver should pay you for this awesome video and explanation on the setup. Thank you, it helped me out a lot!

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      Lol 💯 thank you, I glad it helped you out on your setup.

    • @matthewmcdermott241
      @matthewmcdermott241 7 місяців тому +1

      @E-bikeguy I converted a honda crf250r motocross bike to electric. Has a 72v 350amp battery, nd72850 fardriver, and a qs138 70h v3 motor. It's awesome...i was trying to dial in the regen and this helped me a lot.

  • @Vmaxfodder
    @Vmaxfodder Рік тому

    How do I get it to 15 pole pair ?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      You will have to manually change it in the settings

  • @bach2458
    @bach2458 6 місяців тому

    whats your batteries max charging current? my 72v battery has a max of 10 charging amps and im wondering if i can copy your settings for regen at 60a. battery specs are 72v 170a 28ah 10a charge max. your bike has been a hige inspiration!!

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  6 місяців тому

      Well I have a charger that can put out 30amps but I typically charge it at 20amps

    • @bach2458
      @bach2458 5 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy i have an amorge battery 72v that is rated for 10a charge rate. you think i can i go over that for regen braking?

  • @antonypartali
    @antonypartali 3 місяці тому

    I'm already to buy fardrive controllers.. because of you 90%😅
    And i see about pole pair..🧐
    My motors are 15 pole pair!!
    It isn't has the number 15??🤔

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  3 місяці тому +1

      Oh ok heck yeah, but 15 pole pairs humm

    • @antonypartali
      @antonypartali 3 місяці тому

      ​@@E-bikeguy i see numbers it has is "14" "16"... But not 15!!
      Can i write number 15...?🤔

  • @zigzag1147
    @zigzag1147 Рік тому

    Hello, could you tell me what is the application to download for Android

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +2


  • @stevo184
    @stevo184 Рік тому +1

    Awesome, great information 👍

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      Thank you brother 💯😊

  • @blidanur
    @blidanur Рік тому

    Which is better, Votol or Nanjing?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      I never used a votol controller but so far fardriver is doing great 👍

  • @lamboastonmartin8092
    @lamboastonmartin8092 8 місяців тому

    my e bike battery has a max constant current of 300 amps. But my 2 fardrivers take 170 amps each. Do i just have to set the parameters at 150 each?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  8 місяців тому

      Yes, it will be safer on the bms

    • @lamboastonmartin8092
      @lamboastonmartin8092 8 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy 🙏 thank you i couldn’t find a answer anywhere

  • @Twisted-wizard
    @Twisted-wizard 9 місяців тому

    What's the difference between fardriver app and speeed app??
    Which gives you more control over the options??

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  9 місяців тому +1

      All of the is in the same app, the tuning side is where you want to tune or make changes to your parameters

    • @Twisted-wizard
      @Twisted-wizard 9 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy thank you

  • @ModModRc
    @ModModRc 4 місяці тому

    I love this. The e-brake, imni write thinking if you turn it off you can do wheelie & fether the rear brake without cutting the motors power?

  • @salviaaable
    @salviaaable 8 місяців тому

    i have build in the ND72260 running on 3k hub motor, and good battery. but only after 30-100 RPM the throttle is kickin in what could that be ??? i have set low voltage to 0,85 and up to 1,1 and high throttle vol. at 4,1

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      Ok, is the throttle shutting down or is it jumpy at that rpm

    • @salviaaable
      @salviaaable 7 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy i have solved the issue it was under function the SPD.pin was set to 12, but never used it. Default Gear was also high only but now i got it solved Took me around 100saves in the App lol

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      @salviaaable oh ok nice you gotten it straightened out sorry for the late reply

    • @salviaaable
      @salviaaable 7 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy nice... i like your FD setup video but they are under PID params an AN value it does not change to 0 or under 10 when hub motor is detected via auto learn. it shoud set it near 0 (thats what the manual says) and now my bike pulls crazy

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому +1

      @salviaaable wow, nice, I didn't know that, I was afraid to damage something but would love to get the best performance out of my bike


    Moving video made me sea sick…lol

  • @E-bikeguy
    @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

    Thank you so much 💯 👊🏿👊🏿

  • @mastervitor2107
    @mastervitor2107 10 місяців тому

    boss what is the restore button? i click that then happen may controller wont stop beeping and the system su throtel error but i pug correctly,i use old model bluetoth device,you think i need to use new version?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  10 місяців тому

      I believe when to did that reset you have to do auto learn

    • @mastervitor2107
      @mastervitor2107 10 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy the auto learn didnt work now😓

    • @mastervitor2107
      @mastervitor2107 10 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy don you have wechat bro? i show you the video...i hope you can help me..tnx bro

  • @stormlockefeer8236
    @stormlockefeer8236 5 місяців тому

    I have a problem, when i am not driving the controller goes into a walking gear and it goes max 5kmh. Then when i twist the trottle a few times it goes back to normal. Is it a setting?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  5 місяців тому

      I never experienced that before sounds like the 6kph mode was on

    • @stormlockefeer8236
      @stormlockefeer8236 5 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy what is the setting? I cant find it

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  5 місяців тому

      @@stormlockefeer8236 I'll see when my son get back

  • @kanogomez5063
    @kanogomez5063 2 місяці тому

    I just ordered mine...can't wait to get it...💪🏽💪🏽

    @THEBLACKMANISGOD82 11 місяців тому

    do you have link to purchase this controller? where do I buy?

  • @joshuakuberski8002
    @joshuakuberski8002 6 місяців тому

    when you open the app i cant verify it to my email or phone i have a iphone why is that

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  6 місяців тому

      I thought the same thing but you have to be patient 3min and the code will show up

    • @joshuakuberski8002
      @joshuakuberski8002 6 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy I have tried like 10 times it still does not work

  • @Ebikeboogie
    @Ebikeboogie 7 місяців тому

    Question bro, since the far driver doesn’t come standard with a display and menu button/on off switch how do you turn the bike on ?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      Oh, the orange wire to batt positive turns it on

    • @Ebikeboogie
      @Ebikeboogie 7 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy I mean how do you physically turn it on in there a on and off switch ?

  • @apostolospetridis6038
    @apostolospetridis6038 7 місяців тому

    If my battery has 380a bms i should put on maxlinecur the same number? (Nd721200 fardriver and motor qs273 10kw)

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      Yes, put it on max line current if the bms is 380a

    • @apostolospetridis6038
      @apostolospetridis6038 7 місяців тому

      Oh cool thnx for the answer!! And what maxxphase should i put for this setup?600?-700?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      @@apostolospetridis6038 go with 650 phase amps

    • @apostolospetridis6038
      @apostolospetridis6038 7 місяців тому

      😮 ok i will try it..i hope it doesnt blow up 😂😂 can i be on this "sport mode" all the time or i have to drive in normal mode and onky use this for some mins/seconds?

  • @manicmods
    @manicmods 7 місяців тому

    Thank you!

  • @hectorvargas5628
    @hectorvargas5628 7 місяців тому

    just a question, i'm new by doing an ebike like yours so is that controller compatible with brushless motors that are not from the QS brand?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому

      Actually they are made for qs motors

  • @500wattz
    @500wattz 10 місяців тому

    Hey what display is that? I have a sw900 and I think it's messing with the settings in my fardriver. Mine is a small fardriver, 80a/300a 3000w

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  10 місяців тому +1

      Oh ok the display is a dkd display from aliexpress

    • @500wattz
      @500wattz 10 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy I keep getting this:"please use new BLE module" when trying to change parameters. Any idea?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  10 місяців тому

      @500wattz ok disconnect Bluetooth, turn off controller, turn the controller back on and reconnect Bluetooth and try to reconnect it should say new ble

    • @500wattz
      @500wattz 10 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy okay I'll try that. Also after auto learn my sw900 display shows error 010.throttle still works but no speed reading. Any idea how to fix this? Was working fine before I starting messing with the tune, not that it read speed accurately to begin with. Thanks again.

    • @500wattz
      @500wattz 9 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy hi. It didn't work.

  • @Tea-uh4rw
    @Tea-uh4rw Рік тому

    I heard if u change your phase wire to thicker wire and it will make the bike go faster and more efficient. U know about that

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +2

      Yeah but I don't need to do that tho it's plenty fast as it sits

  • @neilworsfold9199
    @neilworsfold9199 9 місяців тому

    Brilliant bro as I'm getting me a fardriver so will be playing this again when I'm setting it up 👍🏻🚴‍♂️

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  9 місяців тому

      Heck yeah bro 💪🏿 💯💯💯

  • @user-yu4lz9gr4h
    @user-yu4lz9gr4h Рік тому

    Hi I have a Emmo Zone gts, 6 12 Volt 45 Ah = 72v/45ah batteries lead acid with 500 watt hub motor when it comes to the max phase Curr it says you can go up to 500A mine is set at 240A and the max line is at 60A. I don't know if that's the max or can I bump it up to 300 just to get a bit more power when going up hills. Oh one more thing I can't change other settings, it says I need a new ble module or something??? Do I just need to update it?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      Yes just uninstall the old version and download the new version from the fardriver site what kind of controller you have? You should be able to set it to max line amps.

    • @user-yu4lz9gr4h
      @user-yu4lz9gr4h Рік тому

      @@E-bikeguy I have downloaded on both my android and iphone and both apps say the same thing new version 224. My controller is GM41131 Far Drive Controller. Is there a link you could hook me up with

  • @ScooterScoots
    @ScooterScoots 9 місяців тому

    I think you are great with this video, the best!!! had a question i have a bomber clone QS205 3.5t and my spedo is all over. my pole pairs is set to 4 and yours is 16 , qs motors said 16. when i change it to 16, the max rpm goes down to 3000rpm on 4 the max rpm is 3000 . will this affect my top speed as I can hit 65mph. I also want the spedo to read correctly. seems like none knows but you. thanks

    • @ScooterScoots
      @ScooterScoots 9 місяців тому

      Sorry I meant on 4 pole pairs max rpm is 12000

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  9 місяців тому

      No it will not effect you top speed 4 pairs is for mid drive and 16 poles is for the hub motor

  • @mario_on_e-odin2.0
    @mario_on_e-odin2.0 Рік тому

    Hi buddy, check FD instructions about regen - StopBackCurr should not exceed 3/4 of MaxBackCurr. Keep on ! Have a nice day, you e-bike gang leader :)

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      Thank you 😊 it works like a charm now I been playing around with it

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      @@06waavy back stop current is at 40 max is at 60

  • @9MileRoar
    @9MileRoar Рік тому

    Much appreciated bro, looking forward to the DKD setup, will you also show the wiring ?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      No problem I will show the wires in the video

  • @dokesz530
    @dokesz530 Рік тому

    which controller brand are better?fardriver or votol?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      Never had a votol but for high power go fardriver

  • @chriscallahan3822
    @chriscallahan3822 Рік тому

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge!!!! Appreciate. 👍👍

  • @servus47
    @servus47 11 місяців тому

    This is very helpful. I’m going to purchase a conversation hub motor kit from QS motor.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  11 місяців тому +1


    • @servus47
      @servus47 11 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy I’ll let you know if I discover anything new about the controller

  • @anthonyfogleman8652
    @anthonyfogleman8652 7 місяців тому

    I'm about to get a stealth bomber clone my goal is 85 mph should I use a qs 205 or 273? And how much power do I need to run through it

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  7 місяців тому +1

      To get to them speeds go with a qs273 3.5t a 72v 50ah battery with molicel and a fardriver nd72850 controller will be fine

    • @anthonyfogleman8652
      @anthonyfogleman8652 7 місяців тому

      @E-bikeguy how much power do you think a qs 205 can handle vs a 273? Could I get the same torque with the 205 if I ran 200-250 amps throught it?

    • @anthonyfogleman8652
      @anthonyfogleman8652 7 місяців тому

      I'd be fine with it only doing 70 I want it to have lots of torque though

    • @anthonyfogleman8652
      @anthonyfogleman8652 7 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy how much power amps do you think I could run through a qs205 amd how fast do you think I could go w 21" motorcycle rims

    • @anthonyfogleman8652
      @anthonyfogleman8652 7 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy .

  • @E66878
    @E66878 Рік тому

    What app used to program?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1


  • @hazza3651
    @hazza3651 11 місяців тому

    hey man ive got a question what do you do when your low on battery and you pin the throttle does the voltage being lower not trip the under voltage protection? because thats the problem im having with my bike even when im fully charged i seem to have massive voltage drop when accerating and ive tuned it down massively so im not pulling many amps at all about 100 line amps the battery is 72v 28ah i think it may be a problem with my battery or bms but the bike was fine before on the old controller it seems to have done it now im on the fardriver what do you think the problem might be?👍

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  11 місяців тому +1

      I'm thinking it might be the battery or bms. Depending on the controller, the fardriver is very powerful so you might need a bigger capacity battery to compensate for the voltage sag in my controller I do have low voltage protection on it will cut off at 62v but restore power at 65v so if you don't have a bms definitely want to set that low voltage protection.

    • @hazza3651
      @hazza3651 11 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy yeah maybe so I didn’t build my battery so I’m not sure if you can change the bms but I’ve got the fardriver cut off protection I do know the battery is quite old the previous owner had the bike sitting for 6 years although he did have the battery regularly charged and kept inside but never used but maybe the age has something to do with it

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  11 місяців тому

      @hazza3651 oh ok it might be time for a new battery even though it wasn't ridden that much but battery lose its capacity over time, be careful not to over do it the battery will go into hi heat runaway. But after a good ride put your hands on the battery make sure it hit really warm or getting hot 5hat when you know it's time for a recycle

    • @hazza3651
      @hazza3651 11 місяців тому

      @@E-bikeguy yeah definitely was thinking of upgrading battery but seems a shame since it’s a good battery with Panasonic cells but I’m going to build a electric quad bike so I can put it in that also what size battery do you reckon I should build I have stealth bomber frame(slightly different) and want to run decent power I have nd72530 what do you think?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  11 місяців тому

      @hazza3651 now for stealth bomber I recommend a 40ah min or more with high capacity cells to max out the performance if that 75530

  • @seanwiggunz7952
    @seanwiggunz7952 2 місяці тому

    My settings won’t save keeps saying to login but I’m bound to

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  2 місяці тому +1

      @seanwiggunz7952 yes you will have to get a code with your email address then you will be officially logged in

    • @seanwiggunz7952
      @seanwiggunz7952 2 місяці тому

      I did, that’s why I’m confused, shows me as logged in and bound with my user ID number, does using an iPhone make a difference? Thank you in advance!

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  2 місяці тому +1

      @seanwiggunz7952 it shouldn't I do believe my buddy in the uk is having this same problem

    • @seanwiggunz7952
      @seanwiggunz7952 2 місяці тому

      @@E-bikeguy so I just tried with my android and it worked 😩 I read IOS has issues. I just wanted to try out the sport vs eco throttle response. Does sport draw more amps?

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  2 місяці тому +1

      @seanwiggunz7952 no sport has a mowr aggressive throttle curve

  • @bobbyjunelive1993
    @bobbyjunelive1993 Рік тому

    Yeah, no junk man. I swear to God the manual should be like crazy kind of like you said like a person talking but OK this video was stellar are you right? There’s barely a video out there even close so it’s very helpful and I like the admission we don’t know what’s going on that’s killer yeah it’s a trip. It would be really cool if this is too much to ask but if you did the same video but doing it, live on the bike and giving it a feel for what it does on the what what it does to the bike it’s kind of hard to feel with the throttle. delivery is like but perhaps there’s a way of getting a couple graphs on the screen while I ride in a couple one camera aiming at you and one camera on the bike. It would be so cool today to have a double version of this video cause it feels great. Thank you so much for doing it.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      Thank you, I changed my tune a bit I'm going to do another video on it soon.

    • @bobbyjunelive1993
      @bobbyjunelive1993 Рік тому

      @@E-bikeguy That’s cool I’m watching your battery build that 96 V. And I want your opinion I have a monster 72 V 1800 for driver brand new sitting here. I also have a box of 330 mollis LP 42 is sitting here. And AQS to 73 all of which is pretty damn brand new and my question is on the far driver paperwork and website like you said in the 96 video you can run their controllers at 72 or 96 or a few different variations of voltages so I don’t remember what mine is but I have the opportunity to move out a 72 V go up to 108 or 96 which ever the max on the far driver is so when you see the variation and voltage is that a done deal like if it says between 72 and 96 V you could choose either one roll-on is that true true it would I lose any bottom and on that 96 Ford if I went that way I love vitamin I mean what else without the change is the motor controller and battery I got a I don’t have a BMS yet and I got a shot with a meter and I got a Nother meter that monitors one of the phase wires so I might even just get a piece of shit be an asshole anyway I just want to see what you thought about that volt change

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому

      @@bobbyjunelive1993 ok kk most people with fardriver recommend the 96v even if you running 72v so that way if you up your voltage you already have the 96v version

    • @bobbyjunelive1993
      @bobbyjunelive1993 Рік тому

      @@E-bikeguy oh shoot..okay. So 96v it is. But I’ve got 2AWG wire for batt to controller to motor drilling axel now to shove one of the 2AWG wires into the 273.
      I ask about the wire as it was picked huge for monster amps, of course. But since I’m pushing it up to 96, what do you think is going to happen to the QS motor? Lol. I mean, yeah yeah, no BMS. But am I now building a system that a motor murderer? ::)) dood....so fun. And your kitchen table tuning and pound ass TVs. So killer.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  Рік тому +1

      @bobbyjunelive1993 lol ok the qs273 can handle a lot of amps mean a lot I'm pushing 29kw with no problem so you will be fine lol

  • @CaptainCurt07
    @CaptainCurt07 Рік тому

    *nice video*

    @SBGIRILLA 11 місяців тому

    I appreciate the time you put into this. It’s awesome and extremely informative. Keep up the good work.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  11 місяців тому

      Thanks, will do! 💯💪😊

      @SBGIRILLA 11 місяців тому

      I do have a question? How did you get the speed to calibrate. On the DKD display. In settings 153!!
      I didn’t see this in any of your videos. Unless I missed it.

    • @E-bikeguy
      @E-bikeguy  11 місяців тому

      @SBGIRILLA I didn't make a video on it but I will do one in two days on how to calibrate the speedo