You may want to read what I wrote above: There is clearly a (global?) GAG RULE in effect. You can say to people "Don't waste food" or "Please, let us not waste food", you can encourage them to use water more wisely, you can urge them to switch from one diet to another. What you are not supposed to say to people is "STOP HAVING CHILDREN", or "STOP PAYING TAXES TO GOVERNMENTS THAT STEAL FROM THE CHILD-FREE TO REWARD BREEDERS". You can't even advocate for strict prohibition of child labor in the agriculture industry. You can (and should) blame the rich, the corporations, the social climbers for their greed; but you can't even be critical of the poor perpetuating poverty. In my modest capacity, I have been disobeying this GAG RULE for more than 42 years. I am 61, and I am proud of the fact that I never brought a child into this world. Sadly, the voices and opposition of people like me do not make much difference. Almost all nation-states continue to overtax us and fork over resources to breeders (often failing to secure decent life standards for children anyway). But the fight is not over...
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction. Animal agriculture contributes to species extinction in many ways. In addition to the monumental habitat destruction caused by clearing forests and converting land to grow feed crops and for animal grazing, predators and "competition" species are frequently targeted andhunted because of a perceived threat to livestock profits. The widespread use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers used in the production of feed crops often interferes with the reproductive systems of animals and poison waterways. The overexploitation of wild species through commercial fishing, bushmeat trade as well as animal agriculture’s impact on climate change, all contribute to global depletion of species and resources. [XIX] Oppenlander, Richard A. Food Choice and Sustainability: Why Buying Local, Eating Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won’t Work. . Minneapolis, MN : Langdon Street, 2013. Print. Comfortably Unaware. Oppenlander. NOAA, "what is a dead zone". Scientific America, "What Causes Ocean "Dead Zones"?". “What’s the Problem?” United States Environmental Protection Agency. “Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2006. The Encyclopedia of Earth, "The Causes of Extinction". Annenberg Learner, Unit 9: Biodiversity Decline // Section 7: Habitat Loss: Causes and Consequences WWF, "Losing their homes because of the growing needs of humans." Center for Biological Diversity, "How Eating Meat Hurts Wildlife and the Planet". Science Direct “Biodiversity conservation: The key is reducing meat consumption” FAO, "Livestock impacts on the environment". “Fire Up the Grill for a Mouthwatering Red, White, and Green July 4th.” Worldwatch Institute. Oppenlander, Richard A. “Biodiversity and Food Choice: A Clarification.” Comfortably Unaware. 2012 “Risk Assessment Evaluation for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Research and Development. 2004.
Thank you!! 60 Minutes should have emphasized this! It's problem #1, it's completely unnecessary, and it's giving us cognitive dissonance about killing sentient beings. Transitioning out of animal agriculture (reasonably) really needs to be elevated to solution #1.
Anyone who thinks cows are the problem is completely ignorant of how nature works! We can’t get our soil back to a healthy place without them, Cattle can green a dessert just by grazing them in the correct way, it’s not the cow it’s the how, we had more ruminate animals in America 100s of years ago then we do now
@@jlkkauffman7942 I have heard similar claims about regenerative agriculture, but when I looked into them (for & against) it seemed to me that these claims weren't supported by the evidence. I'd be curious to hear of what you think of the other side of the argument Also there's horrific animal cruelty in slaughterhouses, and I think it we should move towards solutions that phase out violence towards sentient animals as much as we can.
@@nevis4567 I guess I would ask so what is his suggestion after reading that? It sounds like he’s saying it’s hopeless, and if his answer is to do all this stuff that the government is mandating the same government that is lining there pockets from all this green energy junk I’m out, humans forcing there will on nature is what got us here and now they want to force there will some more, technology can’t help! The article also said it can’t be done at the rate Allen savory stated, but it is being done way faster then what most people even thought possible, watch some of ray archuleta’s talks on agriculture in some of his videos he talks about a ranch in Mexico that went from desert to lush grass lands in not long at all!
The major reason for the current 6th great extinction is habitat loss because we are using more and more of the planet's surface to sustain the exploding human population. We surpassed human population sustainability decades ago.
In what possible way can anyone even the scientists determine this? We have no idea what our future holds and how our growing knowledge of the world and science will affect this. This is an extremely ignorant statement.
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, ocean dead zones and *species extinction* . -United Nations FAO The most comprehensive *meta-analysis* conducted to date with 119 countries, shows avoiding animal products is the *"SINGLE BIGGEST WAY"* to reduce our environmental impact. -Oxford University
@@matthylkema2717 LMAO 🤣😂 it's NOT because of the POPULATION INCREASE! It's because the people who OWN BUSINESSES FOR "PAPER PRINTED PROFIT" 😂🤣 DON'T CARE ABOUT THE EARTH OR PEOPLE!!!!! HAVE A GOOD DAY 😅😅
This is one of the reasons I'm starting my business. I decided that I'm going to stop talking about it on social media, and I'm going to actively contribute to the restoration of Earth's biodiversity.
She mentioned eating "planet friendly" foods but didn't specify which. "A meat-eater’s diet requires 17 times more land, 14 times more water and 10 times more energy than a vegetarian’s, according to research published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. This is principally because we use a large proportion of the world’s land for growing crops to feed livestock, rather than humans. (Of the world’s approximately five billion hectares of agricultural land, 68% is used for livestock.) This squeeze on resources is only set to intensify. In 50 years’ time, the UN predicts there will be 10.5 billion people on the planet (the current world population is around 7 billion). To feed us all, it says, we will need to grow food more sustainably. Dr Walt Willett, professor of medicine at Harvard University, says we could eliminate the worst cases of world hunger today with about 40 million tonnes of food - yet 760 million tonnes is fed to animals on farms every year." -BBC Good Food Title- "What would happen if everyone went vegan?" (By Paul Allen)
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction. Animal agriculture contributes to species extinction in many ways. In addition to the monumental habitat destruction caused by clearing forests and converting land to grow feed crops and for animal grazing, predators and "competition" species are frequently targeted andhunted because of a perceived threat to livestock profits. The widespread use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers used in the production of feed crops often interferes with the reproductive systems of animals and poison waterways. The overexploitation of wild species through commercial fishing, bushmeat trade as well as animal agriculture’s impact on climate change, all contribute to global depletion of species and resources. [XIX] Oppenlander, Richard A. Food Choice and Sustainability: Why Buying Local, Eating Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won’t Work. . Minneapolis, MN : Langdon Street, 2013. Print. Comfortably Unaware. Oppenlander. NOAA, "what is a dead zone". Scientific America, "What Causes Ocean "Dead Zones"?". “What’s the Problem?” United States Environmental Protection Agency. “Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2006. The Encyclopedia of Earth, "The Causes of Extinction". Annenberg Learner, Unit 9: Biodiversity Decline // Section 7: Habitat Loss: Causes and Consequences WWF, "Losing their homes because of the growing needs of humans." Center for Biological Diversity, "How Eating Meat Hurts Wildlife and the Planet". Science Direct “Biodiversity conservation: The key is reducing meat consumption” FAO, "Livestock impacts on the environment". “Fire Up the Grill for a Mouthwatering Red, White, and Green July 4th.” Worldwatch Institute. Oppenlander, Richard A. “Biodiversity and Food Choice: A Clarification.” Comfortably Unaware. 2012 “Risk Assessment Evaluation for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Research and Development. 2004.
During the report I was thinking about how pets are being bred and eating a tremendous amount of food (including a lot of meat). Maybe, it would be a wise choice to stop owning pets. I am trying to develop minimalist habits to try and reduce my impact. I have reduced my meat consumption. I probably will not go vegan, but I am very willing to reduce my meat consumption a great deal to try and help. I work remotely, which saves gas. I have gone on a no buy, except essentials for now.
Don't forget cars are now competing with us for that agricultural land/food. If you use ethanol fuels your car is in direct competition for food with you.
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, ocean dead zones and *species extinction* . -United Nations FAO The most comprehensive *meta-analysis* conducted to date with 119 countries, shows avoiding animal products is the *"SINGLE BIGGEST WAY"* to reduce our environmental impact. -Oxford University
@@pietrojenkins6901 I just don't want to be wasteful in terms of physical items. I will be happy to buy more digital or creative content. Things that are well made versus poorly made.
@@dunebuggie digital content is physical content, since it is based on consumption of ecology via the fuels and minerals and materials required to build and run the electrical power grid and servers and equipment that the internet is composed of.
They are telling the wrong people. Everyday people are in a rut right now and most do what we can to stop from being homeless and/or starving. The people that need to take attention to this don’t care as they are lining their pockets off of things as such that are described in this video. May our maker have mercy on our souls
One major change that scientists and policy-makers need to address with this existential crisis is the importance of meaning and language. We can no longer label the mass extinction of animal life as being attributed to "habitat loss." In the most plain of terms, "habitat loss" IS human development. In other words, the leading cause of extinction is human development. We need to stop thinking that some crazy, half-hinged billionaire is going to innovate our way out of this crisis. Everyone, at all levels, is required to step up, speak out, and do their part if they want their kids, grand kids, and any hope for future generations to be able to have a home (world).
welcome all to the hated and shunned club of grief and honesty, a club that will leave you without friends or family or lovers but with a certain sobriety of conscience and a sense of the isolated silence of the real
Stop using conventional agriculture and start no till agriculture, put ruminants back on the land and grow soil. Watch Kiss the Ground and learn about sequestering carbon in the ground.
Only look at the wee wee and now they cant see. Grandma's warning was right. At least grandma got to bake cakes and make the fifty miilion grandkids quilts and cookies
The problem is this isn’t a bald Eagle… it’s the bald Eagle and just about every freaking thing on the planet including humans… Fear-mongering is a poor uneducated response
We, humans, are so conceded. The world won't end eventually. Mother nature will repair everything we have destroyed should it take hundreds or thousands of years. Life will go on it's just humans will no longer be here.
Cattle don't need to be fed any agricultural products. They are happiest and healthiest just eating natural grasses as they were designed to do. Turning those grasses into a variety of products like milk, meat and leather. They also co exist well with the natural world and fertilize the land as they travel. Big agriculture makes far more profits off of things like corn and wheat, so those are the "studies" they fund and the lobbyists they hire.
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, ocean dead zones and *species extinction* . -United Nations FAO The most comprehensive *meta-analysis* conducted to date with 119 countries, shows avoiding animal products is the *"SINGLE BIGGEST WAY"* to reduce our environmental impact. -Oxford University The meat and milk from animals that rely solely on grazing provide just 1% of the world’s protein, and uses 70% of global farmland. FCRN If everyone in the US switched from grain-fed to pasture-fed beef, because they grow more slowly on grass, the number of cattle would have to rise by 30% and the land area used to feed them would rise by 270%. - Environmental Research Let. Even if the US felled all its forests, drained its wetlands, watered its deserts and annulled its national parks, it would still need to import most of its beef. Grass-fed cows’ diets contain more cellulose fibre compared to grain fed, requiring more fermentation to break the grass down, causing two to four times more methane to be released from the cows directly. Methane is much worse for global warming than carbon dioxide (CO2), as it has about 25 times more warming potential than CO2. Plus, they take longer to grow and reach slaughter weight so they live longer and therefore have higher overall lifetime emissions. Plus, they require around 41 percent more land than grain-fed cows. Cows alone are responsible for 70 percent of deforestation in Brazil, so choosing to eat grass-fed beef will further exacerbate this destruction. When it comes to the environment, grass-fed beef is not the lesser of two evils, and if you truly want to eat a sustainable diet, a plant-based diet is best as it produces fewer greenhouse gasses and requires far less land and water.
@@leviahimsa You've bought into the propaganda and I know it sounds, on the surface, to be ethical, but it's nonsensical. For every field of wheat, or corn, how many animals are displaced or even killed? How many trees, flowers, insects wiped out? How many chemical herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers are used? It's run off from these fields of toxic chemicals that has done so much damage to the waterways and other ecosystems. Try doing some research on the other side of this debate. A good documentary is "Kiss the Ground". Virtually every life form on this planet eats the other life forms. Even the plants "eat" rotting plants and animals. Unfortunate maybe but we didn't design it. We just have to make it work. But continuing to breed like locusts and spread like a virus, while trying to keep up by genetically altering plants and inventing ever more toxic chemicals I don't think is a good answer.
@@dahnoied6893 Most wheat and corn are fed to animals enslaved on farms. 83% of global farmland is used for animal agriculture and only provides 18% of global calories. - Oxford University That's why "Animal agriculture is the LEADING CAUSE of deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, ocean dead zones and species extinction" - UNFAO If you're against killing animal in crop production, cutting down trees, chemical fertilizers, the majority of which are used for farmed animal feed, you should be eating a whole food plant based diet, not resource intensive animal agriculture. ✌️ I've seen Kiss the Ground, the creators live near me and host regular events, they do not ever offer animal parts at their events - they offer visitors raw vegan or cooked vegan food. ✌️
As Oxford university concluded, eating a plant based diet is the single most effective thing that we can do as individuals to reduce our individual impact on the environment.🌱
@@m9078jk3 It's especially developed nations who are having the biggest impact on the environment around the world. Many developed nations already see a decline in population but if too many people choose not to have children we'll see society crash in another way. If you're interested you can watch Eating our way to extinction here on youtube.
@@ab-td7gq I grow a lot of my food right in my very well protected and monitored backyard. No useless lawn on my property. It has to serve a purpose. I have lots of bees,birds and hummingbirds too as well as other pollinating insects. I got rid of my car 10 years ago and ride ebikes for transportation. No flights on commercial flights either
@@VincentK.McMahon There is no place that wastes so much food as animal agriculture as we use vast amounts of land to grow animal feed. It takes on average 9kcal of feed to produce 1kcal of meat. Just have a look at that documentary to understand it first.
considering agriculture uses 70% of all fresh water world wide, I strongly disagree. Rivers are drying up all over the world. We are being forced to create energy intensive desalinization plants.
This is the data: On extinction the rate is very low: 900 known lost species for 2.1 million known species in 500 years. At that frequency it will take over 930,000 years to reach 80% extinction of species experienced at the K-T boundary that saw the extinction of the dinosaurs. Of course, extinction is a natural part of the evolution of life on this planet with the average lifespan of a species thought to be about 1 million years. It is estimated that 99.9% of all plant and animal species that have existed have gone extinct. So to summarise, from observations there are an average of slightly less than 2 species lost every year. Out of a known species total of over 2 million. That gives an annual percentage loss of less than 0.0001%. That's background extinction. It does not follow from this that we shouldn't cherish and nurture the life that there is on this planet, but it is important to have a clear perspective on the situation.
@chicketyfick You're entitled to take that position, but I'm just stating facts. It would be nice if you had some evidence to counter my points. Otherwise what's the point. Just say what you like. The Moon's made of cheese. You don't exist. Etcetera.
I like how she blames agriculture for habitat destruction and chooses to ignore urban expansion. Agriculture expands because the population is expanding. Humans like to eat. Saving the planet is simple. All we have to do is stop eating. Problem solved.
Agriculture is the main problem when it’s the corn and soy produced to feed pigs and cows and chickens. Waste of land. Let the animals eat what they had been eating for centuries before.
@@Dangic23 Agriculture expands as a result of a growing population. As a population grows, it demands more products from agriculture. Habitat destruction is a direct result of our growing population.
@@jobro6779 I’m referring to the existential waste of the agriculture sector that exists solely to force feed cattle/pigs/chicken. That alone is consuming our fresh water and destroying thousands of forests around the world.
some good news, 20 years from now we hope to have clean fission reactors online, use desalinization to get unlimited fresh water, use fission power to charge vehicles, heat homes and help cut a lot of greenhouse gasses. of course, to be truly green, factory farming may still have to go (methane and disease). meat would become more of a treat, and other grown 'bean' type proteins to fill in the gaps.
see scientist Peter Wadhams, we don't have that long. No arctic ice in north pole during arctic summer and little to no rebound albeido effect... by next el nino possibly even this September or next year. Definitely by next super el nino
Reclaim 50% of farms to the wild. Build up and use hydroponics and lighting to grow things. Plus use floating farms, and fish farms saving land area and absorb heat from the sun. It's naive to think mother nature will provide every drop of water for mankind.
I actually do believe that the best thing we can do for the environment on a long, and short basis is to have he government buy off 50% of all crop land and reforest it. People don’t need to eat beef and that’s where all the land is going to, and people need to have no more than 2 children.
@@xoxo0073 Let me run this by you. A 8-story barn 400x400. Keeping cattle, pigs, and chickens indoors for 18 hours a day on the first floor. Instead of one acre per head of cattle you could have 10 with hydroponic feed growing above all at different stages of development so that you would never run dry on feed. Plus filter the methane from the livestock 18 hours a day through HVAC apparatus. That methane could then be used for heat or be sold off. What do you think?
I don't necessarily agree with this. Yes, species are going extinct and animal populations are decreasing. But if you're able to raise animals for food and other products (cows, chickens, sheep, etc. with crops, etc.,) then this idea humanity will start going extinct is false because these crops and controlled animal populations wouldn't be dependent on fluctuating wild populations. We obviously can raise our own animal populations and grow our own crops in a controlled way independent of whatever happens in the environment. That's why I'm not alarmed. Humanity will find a way to grow and thrive in spite of this.
Comment sections full of people sheep just going with whatever the crowd says. Imagine if half the people here actually had an original thought and did a little research of their own.
Ironically enough, the company that sells the most popular heart medication is the same company that sells the most popular weed killer, when we could have just been eating dandelion roots this whole time.
I still remember when just prior to Y2K, 60 Minutes ran a piece threatening about the collapse of banking, power-grid failures, and societal chaos. Of course none of that happened, but far be it from them to miss another opportunity to be the doomsayers.
If you take their climate modeling they use today and apply it to the last 100 years of date on climate change, the model they use to tell you this information is incorrect and does not predict what we saw with our own eyes occur. But yet the model is somehow used to tell you to go along or else. It is useless. I agree we have to take better care of the planet or we are in trouble - that said I do not agree with the politicization and control of the issue.
If china,India,Russia and North Korea like nations can agree to this like this problem is very serious only we can solve this global climate or agriculture issue. Because these nations have very difficult time understanding these issues.
Hail ruins crops and John deer tractor 🚜 s are expensive and expensive to get parts. They get parts in states with less sales taxes. Nebraska and Iowa produce most 🌽 corn.
Guess youve never read or comprehended James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis' book Gaia Theory. It isn't just climate change, or pollution, or habitat destruction, its all of these against Earth as a living organism. Human beings are an incredibly weak species.
@@carlosgomez6687 It will. The question is how many of our loved ones (and us) will pass before it happens. Currently, with today's technology, the Earth's carrying capacity is 9-11 billion. We just passed 8 billion. Less than 1% of Earth's water is fresh, 6" of topsoil feeds the world. China's population has peaked at 1.4 billion. India's population is 1.3 billion and set to explode. Africa's population is 1.2 billion and set to explode. Western cultures are declining. Mass immigration insues to maintain economic stability and maintain the welfare state. However, total global population matters.
@@t-money1463 ....don't worry, the numbers will just keep changing! Just enough to keep all of these climate "experts" getting huge paydays from all the enviro-ninnies that are afraid to question this nonsense! BTW- has anybody ever heard what happened to Al Gore after he PERSONALLY made a 9-figure FORTUNE selling his "Inconvenient Truth" bullsh** to all of the scared little Gullibles?
I don't know how people watch things like this and still be like "i wanna have a baby"
It's not about population. It's about HOW and HOW MUCH we consume. The US consumes far more than India, and India has three times the size of the US.
@@cheesewithxbread It is about the population and consumption.
Thanks for pointing that out.
People just don't "think". Period.
Don't have none 🤷🏾♀️ The planet won't be missing anything. 😂🥱
You may want to read what I wrote above: There is clearly a (global?) GAG RULE in effect. You can say to people "Don't waste food" or "Please, let us not waste food", you can encourage them to use water more wisely, you can urge them to switch from one diet to another. What you are not supposed to say to people is "STOP HAVING CHILDREN", or "STOP PAYING TAXES TO GOVERNMENTS THAT STEAL FROM THE CHILD-FREE TO REWARD BREEDERS". You can't even advocate for strict prohibition of child labor in the agriculture industry. You can (and should) blame the rich, the corporations, the social climbers for their greed; but you can't even be critical of the poor perpetuating poverty. In my modest capacity, I have been disobeying this GAG RULE for more than 42 years. I am 61, and I am proud of the fact that I never brought a child into this world. Sadly, the voices and opposition of people like me do not make much difference. Almost all nation-states continue to overtax us and fork over resources to breeders (often failing to secure decent life standards for children anyway). But the fight is not over...
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction.
Animal agriculture contributes to species extinction in many ways. In addition to the monumental habitat destruction caused by clearing forests and converting land to grow feed crops and for animal grazing, predators and "competition" species are frequently targeted andhunted because of a perceived threat to livestock profits. The widespread use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers used in the production of feed crops often interferes with the reproductive systems of animals and poison waterways. The overexploitation of wild species through commercial fishing, bushmeat trade as well as animal agriculture’s impact on climate change, all contribute to global depletion of species and resources. [XIX]
Oppenlander, Richard A. Food Choice and Sustainability: Why Buying Local, Eating Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won’t Work. . Minneapolis, MN : Langdon Street, 2013. Print.
Comfortably Unaware. Oppenlander.
NOAA, "what is a dead zone".
Scientific America, "What Causes Ocean "Dead Zones"?".
“What’s the Problem?” United States Environmental Protection Agency.
“Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2006.
The Encyclopedia of Earth, "The Causes of Extinction".
Annenberg Learner, Unit 9: Biodiversity Decline // Section 7: Habitat Loss: Causes and Consequences
WWF, "Losing their homes because of the growing needs of humans."
Center for Biological Diversity, "How Eating Meat Hurts Wildlife and the Planet".
Science Direct “Biodiversity conservation: The key is reducing meat consumption”
FAO, "Livestock impacts on the environment".
“Fire Up the Grill for a Mouthwatering Red, White, and Green July 4th.” Worldwatch Institute.
Oppenlander, Richard A. “Biodiversity and Food Choice: A Clarification.” Comfortably Unaware. 2012
“Risk Assessment Evaluation for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Research and Development. 2004.
Thank you!! 60 Minutes should have emphasized this!
It's problem #1, it's completely unnecessary, and it's giving us cognitive dissonance about killing sentient beings.
Transitioning out of animal agriculture (reasonably) really needs to be elevated to solution #1.
Anyone who thinks cows are the problem is completely ignorant of how nature works! We can’t get our soil back to a healthy place without them, Cattle can green a dessert just by grazing them in the correct way, it’s not the cow it’s the how, we had more ruminate animals in America 100s of years ago then we do now
@@jlkkauffman7942 I have heard similar claims about regenerative agriculture, but when I looked into them (for & against) it seemed to me that these claims weren't supported by the evidence. I'd be curious to hear of what you think of the other side of the argument
Also there's horrific animal cruelty in slaughterhouses, and I think it we should move towards solutions that phase out violence towards sentient animals as much as we can.
@@nevis4567 I guess I would ask so what is his suggestion after reading that? It sounds like he’s saying it’s hopeless, and if his answer is to do all this stuff that the government is mandating the same government that is lining there pockets from all this green energy junk I’m out, humans forcing there will on nature is what got us here and now they want to force there will some more, technology can’t help!
The article also said it can’t be done at the rate Allen savory stated, but it is being done way faster then what most people even thought possible, watch some of ray archuleta’s talks on agriculture in some of his videos he talks about a ranch in Mexico that went from desert to lush grass lands in not long at all!
and reading some of these comments maybe humans deserve to go extinct
Yes we do, the problem is we are taking so many other species with us.
Stop the nihilism.
@@John.Christopher Agreed.
Don’t worry, it’s coming soon
@@james-faulkner Wait until the nuclear reactors go critical after we’re gone….
The major reason for the current 6th great extinction is habitat loss because we are using more and more of the planet's surface to sustain the exploding human population. We surpassed human population sustainability decades ago.
In what possible way can anyone even the scientists determine this? We have no idea what our future holds and how our growing knowledge of the world and science will affect this. This is an extremely ignorant statement.
@@matthylkema2717 yeah dude captain america will save us! or tony stark!
@@bentobin9606 what are you doing in your life to contribute or help the problem?
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, ocean dead zones and *species extinction* . -United Nations FAO
The most comprehensive *meta-analysis* conducted to date with 119 countries, shows avoiding animal products is the *"SINGLE BIGGEST WAY"* to reduce our environmental impact. -Oxford University
@@matthylkema2717 LMAO 🤣😂 it's NOT because of the POPULATION INCREASE!
This is one of the reasons I'm starting my business. I decided that I'm going to stop talking about it on social media, and I'm going to actively contribute to the restoration of Earth's biodiversity.
Design a killer virus to wipe out 95% of humanity,it's the only way
You’re a human which evidently makes you the problem, but don’t worry, the WEF has an answer for that, and it’s to eradicate you. Better wake up.
What’s this?
She mentioned eating "planet friendly" foods but didn't specify which. "A meat-eater’s diet requires 17 times more land, 14 times more water and 10 times more energy than a vegetarian’s, according to research published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. This is principally because we use a large proportion of the world’s land for growing crops to feed livestock, rather than humans. (Of the world’s approximately five billion hectares of agricultural land, 68% is used for livestock.)
This squeeze on resources is only set to intensify. In 50 years’ time, the UN predicts there will be 10.5 billion people on the planet (the current world population is around 7 billion). To feed us all, it says, we will need to grow food more sustainably. Dr Walt Willett, professor of medicine at Harvard University, says we could eliminate the worst cases of world hunger today with about 40 million tonnes of food - yet 760 million tonnes is fed to animals on farms every year." -BBC Good Food
Title- "What would happen if everyone went vegan?"
(By Paul Allen)
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, ocean dead zones, water pollution, and habitat destruction.
Animal agriculture contributes to species extinction in many ways. In addition to the monumental habitat destruction caused by clearing forests and converting land to grow feed crops and for animal grazing, predators and "competition" species are frequently targeted andhunted because of a perceived threat to livestock profits. The widespread use of pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers used in the production of feed crops often interferes with the reproductive systems of animals and poison waterways. The overexploitation of wild species through commercial fishing, bushmeat trade as well as animal agriculture’s impact on climate change, all contribute to global depletion of species and resources. [XIX]
Oppenlander, Richard A. Food Choice and Sustainability: Why Buying Local, Eating Less Meat, and Taking Baby Steps Won’t Work. . Minneapolis, MN : Langdon Street, 2013. Print.
Comfortably Unaware. Oppenlander.
NOAA, "what is a dead zone".
Scientific America, "What Causes Ocean "Dead Zones"?".
“What’s the Problem?” United States Environmental Protection Agency.
“Livestock’s Long Shadow: Environmental Issues and Options.” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. 2006.
The Encyclopedia of Earth, "The Causes of Extinction".
Annenberg Learner, Unit 9: Biodiversity Decline // Section 7: Habitat Loss: Causes and Consequences
WWF, "Losing their homes because of the growing needs of humans."
Center for Biological Diversity, "How Eating Meat Hurts Wildlife and the Planet".
Science Direct “Biodiversity conservation: The key is reducing meat consumption”
FAO, "Livestock impacts on the environment".
“Fire Up the Grill for a Mouthwatering Red, White, and Green July 4th.” Worldwatch Institute.
Oppenlander, Richard A. “Biodiversity and Food Choice: A Clarification.” Comfortably Unaware. 2012
“Risk Assessment Evaluation for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.” U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Research and Development. 2004.
During the report I was thinking about how pets are being bred and eating a tremendous amount of food (including a lot of meat). Maybe, it would be a wise choice to stop owning pets. I am trying to develop minimalist habits to try and reduce my impact. I have reduced my meat consumption. I probably will not go vegan, but I am very willing to reduce my meat consumption a great deal to try and help. I work remotely, which saves gas. I have gone on a no buy, except essentials for now.
Don't forget cars are now competing with us for that agricultural land/food. If you use ethanol fuels your car is in direct competition for food with you.
7.9 billion as of 1/1/23.
@@hirondelle8734 imagine thinking that's some kind of gotcha. Andrew Tate would be proud.
You can start with a "Two child" policy for starters.
And don't look at Europe - there it has barely One child in a family.
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, ocean dead zones and *species extinction* . -United Nations FAO
The most comprehensive *meta-analysis* conducted to date with 119 countries, shows avoiding animal products is the *"SINGLE BIGGEST WAY"* to reduce our environmental impact. -Oxford University
We should set aside large tracks of lands where humans aren't allowed so nature can continue unharmed. Also we need to plant more trees.
We need 5 earths for everyone to live the standard of living of the United States. Clearly not sustainable.
Consumerism makes me cringe.
@@dunebuggie but consumerism churns out and helps keep millions of valuable jobs though.
@@pietrojenkins6901 but it's unsustainable
@@pietrojenkins6901 I just don't want to be wasteful in terms of physical items. I will be happy to buy more digital or creative content. Things that are well made versus poorly made.
@@dunebuggie digital content is physical content, since it is based on consumption of ecology via the fuels and minerals and materials required to build and run the electrical power grid and servers and equipment that the internet is composed of.
Last mass extinction happened around 12,000 to 15,000 years ago.
Just remember people can be food too. Soylent Green.
You are so dumb, man.
Denialist normie meat steaks coming soon
The food chain could collapse. That's the greatest concern. Sadly, the world faces the greatest global environmental threat, since the ice age !!! 😡😡😡
This is how it all ends
it's already over
no the 6th great extinction is going on right now
too many people. end of story.
They are telling the wrong people. Everyday people are in a rut right now and most do what we can to stop from being homeless and/or starving. The people that need to take attention to this don’t care as they are lining their pockets off of things as such that are described in this video. May our maker have mercy on our souls
One major change that scientists and policy-makers need to address with this existential crisis is the importance of meaning and language. We can no longer label the mass extinction of animal life as being attributed to "habitat loss." In the most plain of terms, "habitat loss" IS human development. In other words, the leading cause of extinction is human development. We need to stop thinking that some crazy, half-hinged billionaire is going to innovate our way out of this crisis. Everyone, at all levels, is required to step up, speak out, and do their part if they want their kids, grand kids, and any hope for future generations to be able to have a home (world).
welcome all to the hated and shunned club of grief and honesty, a club that will leave you without friends or family or lovers but with a certain sobriety of conscience and a sense of the isolated silence of the real
Stop using conventional agriculture and start no till agriculture, put ruminants back on the land and grow soil. Watch Kiss the Ground and learn about sequestering carbon in the ground.
We are the asteroid.
Only look at the wee wee and now they cant see. Grandma's warning was right. At least grandma got to bake cakes and make the fifty miilion grandkids quilts and cookies
Great stuff, so well produced and accurate. Scary to think what Earth might look like in 50 years.
It's also fearmongering. For example I recall an almost extinct bald eagle population when I was young, but now they have made a comeback.
The problem is this isn’t a bald Eagle… it’s the bald Eagle and just about every freaking thing on the planet including humans…
Fear-mongering is a poor uneducated response
In 50 years, the Earth will be much cleaner, and the human population will have probably started declining (naturally).
Probably like the Middle East. That use to be lush and beautiful too.
We, humans, are so conceded. The world won't end eventually. Mother nature will repair everything we have destroyed should it take hundreds or thousands of years. Life will go on it's just humans will no longer be here.
we dont have much time left
We’re on the last leg of our journey.
Unbelievably scary
Thank you for covering this issue. More humans means more rezource co sumption and more species extinctions.
Thank you for sharing.
Humans are going to be a day late and a dollar short . 🌏🌎
already happened
@@unseenseer its still happening .
Just grow 40% less Food ?.
Breed 40% less humans. Nobody needs 19 kids and counting.
@@obsoleteoptics Yes and save 40% more water.
Aquaponics uses 90% less water....
And how much plastic? Made from petroleum, which we are also quickly going through.
Cattle don't need to be fed any agricultural products. They are happiest and healthiest just eating natural grasses as they were designed to do. Turning those grasses into a variety of products like milk, meat and leather. They also co exist well with the natural world and fertilize the land as they travel. Big agriculture makes far more profits off of things like corn and wheat, so those are the "studies" they fund and the lobbyists they hire.
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, ocean dead zones and *species extinction* . -United Nations FAO
The most comprehensive *meta-analysis* conducted to date with 119 countries, shows avoiding animal products is the *"SINGLE BIGGEST WAY"* to reduce our environmental impact. -Oxford University
The meat and milk from animals that rely solely on grazing provide just 1% of the world’s protein, and uses 70% of global farmland. FCRN
If everyone in the US switched from grain-fed to pasture-fed beef, because they grow more slowly on grass, the number of cattle would have to rise by 30% and the land area used to feed them would rise by 270%. - Environmental Research Let.
Even if the US felled all its forests, drained its wetlands, watered its deserts and annulled its national parks, it would still need to import most of its beef.
Grass-fed cows’ diets contain more cellulose fibre compared to grain fed, requiring more fermentation to break the grass down, causing two to four times more methane to be released from the cows directly. Methane is much worse for global warming than carbon dioxide (CO2), as it has about 25 times more warming potential than CO2. Plus, they take longer to grow and reach slaughter weight so they live longer and therefore have higher overall lifetime emissions. Plus, they require around 41 percent more land than grain-fed cows. Cows alone are responsible for 70 percent of deforestation in Brazil, so choosing to eat grass-fed beef will further exacerbate this destruction.
When it comes to the environment, grass-fed beef is not the lesser of two evils, and if you truly want to eat a sustainable diet, a plant-based diet is best as it produces fewer greenhouse gasses and requires far less land and water.
@@leviahimsa You've bought into the propaganda and I know it sounds, on the surface, to be ethical, but it's nonsensical. For every field of wheat, or corn, how many animals are displaced or even killed? How many trees, flowers, insects wiped out? How many chemical herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers are used? It's run off from these fields of toxic chemicals that has done so much damage to the waterways and other ecosystems. Try doing some research on the other side of this debate. A good documentary is "Kiss the Ground". Virtually every life form on this planet eats the other life forms. Even the plants "eat" rotting plants and animals. Unfortunate maybe but we didn't design it. We just have to make it work. But continuing to breed like locusts and spread like a virus, while trying to keep up by genetically altering plants and inventing ever more toxic chemicals I don't think is a good answer.
@@dahnoied6893 Most wheat and corn are fed to animals enslaved on farms. 83% of global farmland is used for animal agriculture and only provides 18% of global calories. - Oxford University
That's why "Animal agriculture is the LEADING CAUSE of deforestation, habitat destruction, water pollution, ocean dead zones and species extinction" - UNFAO
If you're against killing animal in crop production, cutting down trees, chemical fertilizers, the majority of which are used for farmed animal feed, you should be eating a whole food plant based diet, not resource intensive animal agriculture. ✌️
I've seen Kiss the Ground, the creators live near me and host regular events, they do not ever offer animal parts at their events - they offer visitors raw vegan or cooked vegan food. ✌️
Human cruelty & consumption greed too & from this planet that is causing this happenings!!!
The baby boomers will be the last generation able to live out a normal life.
As Oxford university concluded, eating a plant based diet is the single most effective thing that we can do as individuals to reduce our individual impact on the environment.🌱
I disagree. Not procreating is in my opinion the best way as offspring will use resources as well. A plant based diet is good though
@@m9078jk3 It's especially developed nations who are having the biggest impact on the environment around the world. Many developed nations already see a decline in population but if too many people choose not to have children we'll see society crash in another way. If you're interested you can watch Eating our way to extinction here on youtube.
@@ab-td7gq I grow a lot of my food right in my very well protected and monitored backyard. No useless lawn on my property. It has to serve a purpose. I have lots of bees,birds and hummingbirds too as well as other pollinating insects. I got rid of my car 10 years ago and ride ebikes for transportation. No flights on commercial flights either
Nice try. Trying to ignore the entire point of the video, the problem is consumption and wastage rates, not the fact that people eat meat.
@@VincentK.McMahon There is no place that wastes so much food as animal agriculture as we use vast amounts of land to grow animal feed. It takes on average 9kcal of feed to produce 1kcal of meat. Just have a look at that documentary to understand it first.
Well this didn't help my anxiety
The Animals Go First. 🥺
8 billion humans vs 600 wild gorillas left,
Just tilling the land and not taking care of the soil
Only Captain Planet can save us.
Gonna take pollution down to zero!
Imagine if he teamed up with Recyclops!
A character from a children's cartoon. Perhaps you could acquire assistance from your parent/guardian for an appropriate comment.
im a farmer. this is one of the worst put together segments ive seen.
considering agriculture uses 70% of all fresh water world wide, I strongly disagree. Rivers are drying up all over the world. We are being forced to create energy intensive desalinization plants.
and that food is mostly for commercial animal feed!
This is the data: On extinction the rate is very low: 900 known lost species for 2.1 million known species in 500 years. At that frequency it will take over 930,000 years to reach 80% extinction of species experienced at the K-T boundary that saw the extinction of the dinosaurs. Of course, extinction is a natural part of the evolution of life on this planet with the average lifespan of a species thought to be about 1 million years. It is estimated that 99.9% of all plant and animal species that have existed have gone extinct.
So to summarise, from observations there are an average of slightly less than 2 species lost every year. Out of a known species total of over 2 million. That gives an annual percentage loss of less than 0.0001%. That's background extinction. It does not follow from this that we shouldn't cherish and nurture the life that there is on this planet, but it is important to have a clear perspective on the situation.
Everything you just said is untrue.
@chicketyfick You're entitled to take that position, but I'm just stating facts. It would be nice if you had some evidence to counter my points. Otherwise what's the point. Just say what you like. The Moon's made of cheese. You don't exist. Etcetera.
I always said when the animals go we are next.........
I like how she blames agriculture for habitat destruction and chooses to ignore urban expansion. Agriculture expands because the population is expanding. Humans like to eat. Saving the planet is simple. All we have to do is stop eating. Problem solved.
Breatharianism here we come 😂
Agriculture is the main problem when it’s the corn and soy produced to feed pigs and cows and chickens.
Waste of land.
Let the animals eat what they had been eating for centuries before.
@@Dangic23 Agriculture expands as a result of a growing population. As a population grows, it demands more products from agriculture. Habitat destruction is a direct result of our growing population.
I’m referring to the existential waste of the agriculture sector that exists solely to force feed cattle/pigs/chicken.
That alone is consuming our fresh water and destroying thousands of forests around the world.
some good news, 20 years from now we hope to have clean fission reactors online, use desalinization to get unlimited fresh water, use fission power to charge vehicles, heat homes and help cut a lot of greenhouse gasses. of course, to be truly green, factory farming may still have to go (methane and disease). meat would become more of a treat, and other grown 'bean' type proteins to fill in the gaps.
see scientist Peter Wadhams, we don't have that long. No arctic ice in north pole during arctic summer and little to no rebound albeido effect... by next el nino possibly even this September or next year. Definitely by next super el nino
Reclaim 50% of farms to the wild. Build up and use hydroponics and lighting to grow things. Plus use floating farms, and fish farms saving land area and absorb heat from the sun. It's naive to think mother nature will provide every drop of water for mankind.
I actually do believe that the best thing we can do for the environment on a long, and short basis is to have he government buy off 50% of all crop land and reforest it. People don’t need to eat beef and that’s where all the land is going to, and people need to have no more than 2 children.
@@xoxo0073 Brilliant. Skyscraper farms should be utilized immediately.
@@xoxo0073 Let me run this by you. A 8-story barn 400x400. Keeping cattle, pigs, and chickens indoors for 18 hours a day on the first floor. Instead of one acre per head of cattle you could have 10 with hydroponic feed growing above all at different stages of development so that you would never run dry on feed. Plus filter the methane from the livestock 18 hours a day through HVAC apparatus. That methane could then be used for heat or be sold off. What do you think?
I don't necessarily agree with this. Yes, species are going extinct and animal populations are decreasing. But if you're able to raise animals for food and other products (cows, chickens, sheep, etc. with crops, etc.,) then this idea humanity will start going extinct is false because these crops and controlled animal populations wouldn't be dependent on fluctuating wild populations. We obviously can raise our own animal populations and grow our own crops in a controlled way independent of whatever happens in the environment. That's why I'm not alarmed. Humanity will find a way to grow and thrive in spite of this.
I can’t wait to live in a bio dome bubble. 😑
It's over. They are just giving you a fair warning.
Comment sections full of people sheep just going with whatever the crowd says. Imagine if half the people here actually had an original thought and did a little research of their own.
where is your degree from again? and in what?
Humanity needs to go back to agroforestry! You are supposed to grow your food amongst the wild plants and trees of forests!
"You will Own Nothing,,, and Be Happy" !
And,,, "You will Eat Bugs" !
There,,, I Fixed It !
Need to reduce seed the forsets
Ocean to fresh water.
Data is causing extinction!
I knew it thats why i read a book about science
Eet weeds!
Ironically enough, the company that sells the most popular heart medication is the same company that sells the most popular weed killer, when we could have just been eating dandelion roots this whole time.
I'd rather smoke weeds LOL
Like i said to get rib of all the cars n gas stations
We were doing so good for hundreds of thousands of years, then poof!
crazy how math and science works right? almost as if when civilizations reach exponential growth state, problems arise.
We in trouble
I still remember when just prior to Y2K, 60 Minutes ran a piece threatening about the collapse of banking, power-grid failures, and societal chaos.
Of course none of that happened, but far be it from them to miss another opportunity to be the doomsayers.
If you take their climate modeling they use today and apply it to the last 100 years of date on climate change, the model they use to tell you this information is incorrect and does not predict what we saw with our own eyes occur. But yet the model is somehow used to tell you to go along or else. It is useless. I agree we have to take better care of the planet or we are in trouble - that said I do not agree with the politicization and control of the issue.
hmm, one is based on science, one was not...
And the way africans treat animals ,
We are doomed
The slower a person talks the more serious it seems
If china,India,Russia and North Korea like nations can agree to this like this problem is very serious only we can solve this global climate or agriculture issue. Because these nations have very difficult time understanding these issues.
If you believe this, I've got a bridge to sell you, lol
Stop it.
They need to get rib of high tecnología
Gmo Mexican corn allergies
Bio fuels ⛽️ of our waste food's 🗑
Hail ruins crops and John deer tractor 🚜 s are expensive and expensive to get parts. They get parts in states with less sales taxes. Nebraska and Iowa produce most 🌽 corn.
Okay let's all starve to death then
@Y F we need a new plague
bye bye friends
Stop censorship of comments
I’m 57. Aren’t we supposed to be underwater by now? I’ve been hearing this crap since I was a kid.
This man, over time, has been famously wrong. His predictions have all been wrong. Check out his predictions from the 80’s, all wrong.
Such BS
How so?
@@cben86 what happened to global warming??? Shouldn’t NYC and Florida be under water by now?????
Guess youve never read or comprehended James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis' book Gaia Theory. It isn't just climate change, or pollution, or habitat destruction, its all of these against Earth as a living organism. Human beings are an incredibly weak species.
Good luck toady!
@@ral3178melt water pulse 1c?? We won’t have any warning buddy… it’ll just happen
Yes. Let's hit the great reset already.
Here’s the idea
Pull the water out of the ocean
How lol?? Energy to do this doesn’t make that a viable option
At least not yet
@@carlosgomez6687 Nuclear fusion has just been achieved. It will be commercially available in less than 20 yrs.
@@t-money1463 possibly… not there yet buddy
@@carlosgomez6687 It will. The question is how many of our loved ones (and us) will pass before it happens. Currently, with today's technology, the Earth's carrying capacity is 9-11 billion. We just passed 8 billion. Less than 1% of Earth's water is fresh, 6" of topsoil feeds the world. China's population has peaked at 1.4 billion. India's population is 1.3 billion and set to explode. Africa's population is 1.2 billion and set to explode. Western cultures are declining. Mass immigration insues to maintain economic stability and maintain the welfare state. However, total global population matters.
@@t-money1463 ....don't worry, the numbers will just keep changing!
Just enough to keep all of these climate "experts" getting huge paydays from all the enviro-ninnies that are afraid to question this nonsense!
BTW- has anybody ever heard what happened to Al Gore after he PERSONALLY made a 9-figure FORTUNE selling his "Inconvenient Truth" bullsh** to all of the scared little Gullibles?
Lies upon lies
Politics guised as saving the planet.
We all know! But nobody seems to care! How do you wake up the brain dead?
False alarm. This is propaganda