Camodo keep watching the little thing in the bottom left corner. The higher it goes the more damage you do. If you miss a melee shot on an enemy that drops down to zero. It does not drop for ranged attacks. Also there is a character called extrovert. He has a power called 'shout' when fully upgraded is called 'mob justice'. Mob justice spawns minions that work for you. Also the doors that open to lead you to the next level will not open until everyone is killed(including your minions)
camodo: has 4 kick moves the promotions: enemys get stunned when kicked in the groin, 6 health when you reroll, punch damage camodo: I want more punch damage I watch baron on blitz and they probably told you about this game and I think it would be cool if you did another video with baron
I guess u just love beating up people lol! Especially OB's feeling😂, but he don't even care i guess the boss don't care either, is it OB? Have u been working for OB all this time? Lol
to increase your wage you have to defeat the final boss and when you have the choices stomp on his face and push him off and then you get the choice to increase the wage, you have to do it twice to get the wage of 25 dollars
I love it!!!
I love this video I watch this all the time.
I want to see more of this never new it would be fun” btw ur my favorite UA-camr
you get a free cookie
@@sierra4actualnpc comment
Second love ya vids
I love his videos
Your awsome
Yes! More!
This is like that old multiplayer game that you guys used to play. Remember that one? That one was fun.
I like how You heart comments❤️
Definitely play more of this!!
I love blue camodo
Stick it to the stickman remind of that one flash game, damn the nostalgia
stick it to the stickman remind me of that one flash game, damn the nostalgia
13:03 Communism time 🔨 🔪
Company: "you have been employed"
Camodo: *walk into traffic*
@Khages Behera shut up.
@@sierra4actual no u
@@dazisaiahlouis6854 well well looks like it’s the boss of the bots.
@BENEDICT JASON CHAU KAH JUN Moe the bot deleted the comment lol
i was stopping a bot on your comment telling it to shut up, not you.
I love this...
Love your vids camodo🙂👍
you should start a siries of ark with brandon ob and spy
The thumbs up button part lol
@Mohamed Brahimi no
@Angga Angga no
@Fikri Wansya no
@@Obreyze there bots report them for scam
Camodo keep watching the little thing in the bottom left corner. The higher it goes the more damage you do. If you miss a melee shot on an enemy that drops down to zero. It does not drop for ranged attacks. Also there is a character called extrovert. He has a power called 'shout' when fully upgraded is called 'mob justice'. Mob justice spawns minions that work for you. Also the doors that open to lead you to the next level will not open until everyone is killed(including your minions)
i love sitting on my chair and proping my toshiba encore 2 JUST to watch your amasing videos
Your the Best Camodo
with Brandon spycakes and beautiful ob
also Camodo love the new intro its AWSOME
This is so cool
And I love your vids so my much
Sitck figure reminds me of henry stickmen.
i ageee
I love your good visioen
Make sure to tell Brandon to play this game
And love ur vids
I need more of this
Wow cool
Can't wait to see more of this game!
Love these vids
This game so cool
Cool game
camodo: has 4 kick moves
the promotions: enemys get stunned when kicked in the groin, 6 health when you reroll, punch damage
camodo: I want more punch damage
I watch baron on blitz and they probably told you about this game and I think it would be cool if you did another video with baron
I love the slap sound when you hit someone
Camodo has inspired me to make my own games go channal
i love stickman
stick man game very cool
Camodo: just walks through everyone in the loading screen
Me playing the game: fights everyone in the loading screen
What’s it called
Camodo:We got to the top to beat up the boss
Giorno: *Yes Beat him up*
Next thing you know comodo just gets a Davey Crockett and shoots everything
#new intro is amazing.
im your almost biggest fan like seconed buggest
i love how it says your playing stormworks
It's always good wen you sit in you're ofise wile Comodo goes past you at litg speed ciking
Hello I am happy I am not late
You a god lol can you play more of this.this game is amazing
i want see more like this
These stickman remind me of the stick fight game
I like when you use the ninja stars :) !!!
I would love too see more of this and cool intro I would like a shout out plzzzz🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
at 3:36, when he was sleeping he must of been watching OB videos
Very nice and very very
This is awesome do more vids I see a new series on the horizon
this was fun
“Beat the snot out of em’” - Comodo - 2021
Im 10 of the guys watched
I love this
Wow first comment and first like at 6 seconds
Hey Camodo, try to get Fundy or Neil (or Fudgy) into the SMP
Tiny town 👨💻
I already subbed *lahgs*
This vedio is very good! I LOVE IT! :D
Camodo it's me Oliver
If u think about add stickmen to stick women what would that make a stickgentleman
Can we all look back too see thank on 13:20 one of the workers glitched out of the wall
awesome Comodo keep it up!
We want more roblox liberty County!
camodo what did you do
your a bad boy
its not a mistake ⭐its a masterpiece⭐
⭐its a masterpiece ⭐ you're a mistake
@@yourboyfriend5581 temp
Baron: yes, I know
I love it a masterpiece
if you defeat the last boss you will get a special character
I guess u just love beating up people lol! Especially OB's feeling😂, but he don't even care i guess the boss don't care either, is it OB? Have u been working for OB all this time? Lol
Camodo my man we would like to see more
BNG drive videos I'm a big fan of your UA-cam channel
Play this game more.
to increase your wage you have to defeat the final boss and when you have the choices stomp on his face and push him off and then you get the choice to increase the wage, you have to do it twice to get the wage of 25 dollars
People at the bottom of the building are probably wondering why there are bodies on the ground XD
-I'm stuck in he's groin or something!
That is a sentence I never expected to hear that.😆🤣
you should play more of the funny beat up every body games
Oh yeah come out of exit Komodo it’s OK🤗🥳🇹🇹🇹🇹
camodo i would not watch youtube without your vids !!
keep play this game plzzzzzzzzzzz
Shuriken Upgrades to Hadouken
This is so funny
you can get a blackhole guy if you miss a timed gift
company: Your fired
Camodo: Sleeping
Please do more
Play more Tiny Town VR
Day 300000000 of telling camodo his intro music is awesome
They are so funny
Yay in early
1:43 C.H.A.N.C.E T.O W.I.N I.P.H.O.N.E 💓 CLICK HERE :
!💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1&!/ 1620856171
Camodo you can get a ending by only saying no on the form part btw
part 2 = ol