Another "Eat My Flesh" Moment

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
  • The Church is so completely clueless when it comes to prophecy, they aren't even aware that we have been in the Tribulation for 2000 years. I'm actually doing you a favor by printing that in this description box. Most Christians will not accept this fact, but by reading it here you won't even have to partially watch the video. You can just leave an angry and insulting comment without further waste of your time.
    But for Truth Seekers you will have the chance to correct a major error in church teaching.


  • @robmills7611
    @robmills7611 9 днів тому +23

    The beast IS here, his Kingdom on earth is being proclaimed worldwide wherever you look, just look at the Olympics, the Demoncrat national convention and just about every movie coming out, it HAS arrived!! And there IS war in Heaven RIGHT NOW but it has yet to become visible to us! MARANATHA! HALLELUJAH! AMEN! 🙏❤️

    • @PyramidCoder
      @PyramidCoder 8 днів тому

      Well have U noticed that of late, that U'r getting mentally tested more often? If U dream, have U noticed unfulfilling sexual dreams and that the women in these dreams are 'beings' that you've never met in the real world ?
      Trust me on this much. Satan can and does stick in the human brain seriously horrific thoughts more & more, as He gets closer & closer to our realm!
      All he and his demons do is to try to manipulate, & control the human mind!
      So yes. I agree, a form of the beast (let's call it the foreshadowing,) is already here, thereby acknowledging how truly close the Rapture is.
      And for me personally this is huge, because I heard the Messiah's literal voice back in the spring of 2004.
      Coming from 360 degrees, the voice said, Tell Them I Come Again, Soon. I've also had many additional dreams & visions, along with a near death experience, when dead for 17 minutes. So I can testify that if U already belong to the Christ, that U will see acts of Satan's reach affecting people's live near U, and to the degree that You'll shake U'r head. Even family it not walking hand & hand with the Christ, will get flambé d by the demons.
      Our prayer level should already be at the DEFCON levels

    • @TheSign-ls4pg
      @TheSign-ls4pg 5 днів тому

      Can't believe 20 people actually gave this comment a thumbs up. Truly amazing.

  • @Rodesend
    @Rodesend 9 днів тому +14

    God Bless you Stan. I Appreciate your updates more and more with each one. Anticipation level of what’s coming is off the charts. May we see our Lord so very soon.

  • @rhondawilkins2017
    @rhondawilkins2017 9 днів тому +13

    Yes! Believers as Overcomers we have been in tribulation for 2000 years +
    One of the 280 still here Stan!
    I’m told to:
    I’m watching for “War In Heaven” and will then LOOK UP ⬆️ because my redemption draws nigh…within the hour of Satan and 1/3 of the rebel angels falling from heaven.
    So grateful the Holy Spirit teaches “The Bride of Christ, 5 wise virgins, TRUTH.”
    Keeping my candle 🕯️ filled with oil and maintaining extra.
    There’s tribulation with a small “t” and Tribulation and Great Tribulation in Capital “T”s.
    I’m so grateful I have a TEACHABLE SPIRIT and wisdom, instruction and understanding from the Holy Spirit.
    Come,Sweet Yeshua Come! ❤
    The Bride of Christ is being “Resurrected Away” ON THAT DAY.

  • @davidgarrahan1332
    @davidgarrahan1332 9 днів тому +10

    Get your palm branches out! Have your wick trimmed and be ready. That group holding the palms was small. But they knew! It’s Elul. Ironically! Make straight the way for the King! Be Well

  • @larryclark8249
    @larryclark8249 8 днів тому +2

    Thank Stan I’m still here. God Bless You and your Family Amen

  • @dianelawrence1087
    @dianelawrence1087 9 днів тому +5

    I have listened to you before and you make perfect sense. There will be more signs but He promised we would know when we get raptured. We need to hang on and not listen to prophets

  • @czarofzonk1360
    @czarofzonk1360 9 днів тому +5

    The rapture is our departure ("bring to birth") -- Paul used this phrasing as well. We have been anchored (inside the envelope of time/space/matter, for one). Some of us are old, so it's been a long time (relatively speaking) - I like doing the 10 a.m. nap and I'm back up and running around 11 a.m. (chuckle). Departure means we are leaving, pulling up anchor. We are not free yet, but we will be (the Mayflower comes to mind, though).
    Stan: You did an awesome job (again), here. Not that you need this encouragement, but I gotta say it like it is.
    As for the third temple, that is a bit of a hurdle for me when I talk to brothers. They bring up some verse in Revelation. I need to dig in to that. As for me, I don't have any emotional attachment to all this third temple stuff. But we might need some help, if you have it as a more dedicated topic in any of your upcoming posts.

  • @JoJo_Leto_777
    @JoJo_Leto_777 8 днів тому +2

    Pray for us all my friends, I pray for you and your families, please pray for my family...!!!!

  • @pattyoconnell1950s
    @pattyoconnell1950s 8 днів тому +1

    Stan I am one of 280 Group👍
    You are excellent at explaining
    what JESUS said. I always listen to Jesus and watch your videos.
    I want others to join too. I will share this video.👍

  • @terribecker2531
    @terribecker2531 9 днів тому +4

    Hi Stan… I am still with you… numbered among your 280… which just astounds me this channel hasn’t busted the internet… this channel holds THEE MOST SIGNIFICANT CONCERN OVER ANY OTHER CONCERN going on in the Earth… I can’t even count how many times I have listened to soooooo many of your videos so I could get it all straight… for awhile I gave up… but I trusted the outcome… but I want to share it with others…. But to condense it all…. Uggggggg into something one could look at on paper seemed daunting… a clear pictured timeline / outline with points showing how scripture backs it up and how Revelation and the Olivet Discourse fit hand in glove… where the four horsemen are in the time line with the scripture to back up the truth of where their part fits on the time line… it is A LOT!!!! And I mean A LOT!!!!!! - but I sooooooo badly what something I can literally hand out to people as I share this wonderful clarity our God has walked us through here on your channel… I smiled up at our LORD tonight as I watched this airing and said…. “I am going JUMP TO MY FEET and clap wildly when Stan receives his reward for his service to You and those you love!”❤️
    So this week I have begun the task of drawing up my own timeline / outline chart complete with all events and all the scriptures God has directed to you to show us so I can print them and hand them out or upload to my circle of those in my sphere of life. Tonight’s video will be very helpful as I feel it is one of your more simple ones to wrap my simple mind around….. Thank you Stan… a million times over Thank you!! …p.s. Oh!… and thank you for clarifying the destruction of the temple was NOT when Rome overtakes Jerusalem (just today read Josephus’ account of all the unimaginable horrors of the time!) and that it also was not the time between 66ad and 70ad… which I think is called The First Jewish - Roman War or The First Jewish Revolt… because today at lunch I marked those as the “proof” that give a red pin placement dot of when the destruction of the temple and “start” of the Age of the Gentiles… so my first erase of my on timeline…LOL… but I am DETERMINED!

    • @Rodesend
      @Rodesend 9 днів тому +1

      Great comment and eerily disturbing at the same time. Stan’s eschatological views has struck a deep chord within me, yet it seems to by and large be ignored by the vast majority of believers. I’m truly stumped and wonder why there aren’t 100k plus subscribers.
      You know this relates back to Stan’s argument that people can’t leave the Left Behind theology we’ve been taught since the 1970’s and will go to their graves clawing and hanging onto that garbage. It’s truly astonishing!

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 9 днів тому

      Please help me. I'm not seeing it. Who then is the man child of Rev 12 sign ? The two witnesses or the 144,000 are taken up to God at the midway point of Israel's 70th week, as the mark of the beast is implemented. The two witnesses were killed by the beast, which Stan says doesn't come until after the war in heaven, which is after the man child is taken up to heaven. Who, then is that man child?

    • @rhondawilkins2017
      @rhondawilkins2017 7 годин тому

      @@bugsocsollie1694The Bride 👰‍♀️ of Christ,the 5 wise virgins.
      NOT THE ENTIRE ⛪️ church!

  • @CarlosLopez-ho1cv
    @CarlosLopez-ho1cv 7 днів тому

    Now i understand, rocking my world, the Great Tribulation started almost 2000 years ago. Burning of the Saint's and killing from the very beginning, we are at the end. Glory to The MOST HIGH.❤

  • @ThomasDilts
    @ThomasDilts 7 днів тому +1

    Thanks Stan for giving me the idea to compare the olivet discourse in Mathew Mark and Luke. I was also confused by how they mixed up 70AD and last days. I printed all 3 out and put them side by side and then it all becomes very clear and fully supports your time lines!❤

  • @clivekellow6815
    @clivekellow6815 6 днів тому

    Go Stan we’re still here, no pain no gain.

  • @PyramidCoder
    @PyramidCoder 9 днів тому +5

    Went on a pretrib sight the other day. Left comment about their dead wrong timeline. Next day I was threatened by the 3 stooge tube people.

    • @Rodesend
      @Rodesend 9 днів тому +4

      Haha too funny. Same experience with me. One guy said I don’t need to take eschatology lessons from a young whippersnapper like me LOL. I’m 60 and who the heck uses the word whippersnapper.
      I had an awesome laugh on that comment.

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 8 днів тому +1

      I sure wish someone could help me see it. After listening to Stan, and trying to fit what he says with Scripture, I'm left more confused. He says the beast isn't on earth until after the war in heaven. But the war in heaven is after the man child is taken up to God. Who is this man child of the Rev 12 sign?

    • @PyramidCoder
      @PyramidCoder 8 днів тому

      ​@@bugsocsollie1694All the teachers of today are miscalculating a little here & a little there. Brenda Weltner fully understands that Christ fulfilled the first half of Daniel's final week, but then completely, misses the reason why Christ did this. Obviously our Lord & Savior prestamped a very serious demarcation in the future, and by Him having ate away the first have of the final seven years. In fact, Stan is also missing this. However, Stan does understand that the sixth seal stands out like a sore thumb. Whereas Brenda completely misses this: ...of which becomes the most massive ramification.
      Lot's wife was tested one final time before escapism. We, , , we as in U & me, and Stan & Brenda will all 'indeed' get tested in the most massive & frightening way, right B4 the rapture.
      The fact that Stan recognizes this much, is the only reason l come here; to comment.
      I keep telling folks to study the Holy Shroud of Turin, burial clothe of Christ. ...and I do this because of the minted coins of Herod.
      It is a 'FACT' that the Jews used coins minus the image of Caesar for burial, as to keep the eyes shut! And I know this because I've read through hundreds of expert writings on said topic. And I cannot tell U how truly $issed off I get, when some nimrod Christian jumps in stating that Jews would have never utilized such a 'pagan' practice. Comicality is the only thing that comes to my astute mindset when hearing such a rediculousness.
      At any rate, what we're really looking for with regard to the stargated window of Rapturo, Harpazo, is the exact moment of the Sixth Seal's demarcation.
      Our escapism comes when Wrath & Rapture actually rub up against each other. And no, the rapture won't be happening when the Tells Tubies

    • @PyramidCoder
      @PyramidCoder 8 днів тому +1

      ​​@@bugsocsollie1694I heard many folks state that the man child is Messiah. This then shows a seriously long war in Heaven. Which makes no sense whatsoever. And then consider as to why the man child could ever be seen as the Raptured Church, for there are 'Women,' within that group. As I've had sex with gorgeous women during my sinful life, I can assuredly say for certain whilst having all confidence (lol,) that 'Women' are NNOOTT the man child! 😂🎉

  • @PowderedToastManSD
    @PowderedToastManSD 9 днів тому +2

    Thank you Stan.

  • @HoraktyHeru
    @HoraktyHeru 5 днів тому

    Only 32 hours left, the accommodation, food, drinks, new clothes, electric cars, are already arranged in the paradise of the New Earth for the souls of Divine Lineage.😳 On arrival first thing will be a Medical examination, and the Passport of Free Cosmic Citizen will be issued afterwards.😲

  • @RenatoSchmidt-t4z
    @RenatoSchmidt-t4z 9 днів тому +3

    Woaoooo Jn 666? No wonder they walked away 😖 Totally right on brother Stan 👍

  • @jules8910
    @jules8910 9 днів тому +3

    Another great one Stan!

  • @Elisha_Dawn
    @Elisha_Dawn 18 годин тому

    What we see at the 6th seal is what happens when they break open the abyss to free Abaddon. It matches perfectly. Collider is monolith in the movie .😢

  • @DocNiner79
    @DocNiner79 5 днів тому +1

    I think we may only have weeks perhaps months left before we are taken. I dont see this being years away...good stuff stan...keep it up. I am wondering what he seas and waves roaring would be....

  • @thedayisathand726
    @thedayisathand726 8 днів тому +1

    "Out of great tribulation" could easily mean "taken out before great tribulation" it only means they aren't in it now. The word church means "called-out body."
    I absolutely think group which no man can number is the raptured church.

  • @chile727
    @chile727 8 днів тому +1

    I was going to ask for clarification. My question was going to be, Then, do you believe the Tribulation is 2000 years long? I watched your video on Roku where I do not see a description. I went to my computer to post the question. Now I see the description box. Now I get it. Thanks for the clarification.

  • @steffanhelle8332
    @steffanhelle8332 9 днів тому +2

    Yet, Satan will be released again after a thousand years....

  • @pauldohrmann7961
    @pauldohrmann7961 9 днів тому +1

    Thank you Stan!!

  • @Eesh10
    @Eesh10 8 днів тому +2

    Is it possible that when Jesus comes in the clouds and raptures us that at that moment Satan tries to stop it thus creating a war in the heavens. And at that moment Satan comes crashing down unable to return to the heavens?

  • @HoraktyHeru
    @HoraktyHeru 22 години тому

    There is no doubt that 40 days in the desert were peanuts, compared to 40 years that the Angel Messiah of YHWH spent in the desert as a shepherd and another 40 years of the Exodus.😄

  • @CaseyLee-bd5fi
    @CaseyLee-bd5fi 9 днів тому +1


  • @beachjeanne2966
    @beachjeanne2966 8 днів тому +1

    Stan or anyone...all of this makes sense and I see that we are raptured at the 6th seal. However, I have a problem with Rev. 6:8 with the 4th horseman. "Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill by sword and by famine by famine and by plague and by the wild beasts of the earth." We haven't seen 1/4 of the whole earth killed so is this also in the future?

  • @lauriegreenwood8946
    @lauriegreenwood8946 6 днів тому

    Have you heard of Phillip Barnett? He’s a pastor who had a vision from the Lird in 1997. He said after the rapture the US will be in necular war with Russia and it will start November 11.

  • @wardrummer72
    @wardrummer72 9 днів тому +2

    Thank you for this, Stan. Would you consider explaining this in a future video, because I find it confusing, and I think others would, too --
    In Rev. 12, after war in heaven and Satan is cast down, verse 13-14 says he pursues Israel, and that she flees into the wilderness. Wouldn't Jesus' warning to flee in the Olivet Discourse also apply to those Jews living in Jerusalem at the time of the end when Satan and his angels have been cast down? Would the Olivet Discourse then be a dual warning to both those living in Jerusalem in 70 AD and also those living there just prior to His second coming?
    The first verses of Zechariah 14 seem to describe the same event happening just before and at Jesus' second coming -- where the nations are surrounding and attacking Jerusalem, and those living there have to flee into the wilderness via the valley formed by the splitting of the Mt. of Olives because of His feet touching ground there. It doesn't seem like Zechariah is describing 70 AD, because he clearly references Jesus second coming. So is Zechariah describing the same event as Rev. 12, just from a different angle with Satan attacking Jerusalem through the nations' armies? Wouldn't Jesus' Olivet Discourse warning also apply here, where He's telling those in Jerusalem just prior to His second coming to flee into the wilderness?

    • @thebookofrevelationreveale4722
      @thebookofrevelationreveale4722 9 днів тому +1

      Matthew 24:15-28 is Jesus giving the warning to the Jews to flee. Yes Revelation 12, referencing the woman fleeing where she will be cared for for 3.5 yrs/42 Months is the same event/ time. Luke 17 and Marc 13 describes the same.
      How do we know all these are referencing the RAPTURE event for all believers and a warning for Jews to take their last exodus?
      Luke tells us specifically!
      “Even thus shall it be IN THE DAY when the SON OF MAN IS REVEALED . In THAT day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back.”
      ‭‭Luke‬ ‭17‬:‭30‬-‭31‬ ‭
      Again, a warning for the Jews to flee suddenly yet Luke tells us when they are fleeing, that’s when the son of man will be revealed.

  • @steffanhelle8332
    @steffanhelle8332 9 днів тому

    Some saints, after the rapture, will come back, to preach the Gospel of our Lord !

  • @Roqjoru
    @Roqjoru 3 дні тому


  • @thewringer6592
    @thewringer6592 9 днів тому +4

    So how can you explain, during the war in heaven, Satan lends his power to the beast. And then when the beast is killed 3 1/2 years into the tribulation , Satan is cast down, then enters in to the beast and he comes back to life and that's when Israel has to flee into the wilderness. It's written in revelation. Read it. Open your eyes brother. He is revealed at the first seal. The church won't be here for any seals. Once you're covered in the blood, your sealed, that's it. It is finished. Christ did all the work.

    • @davidgarrahan1332
      @davidgarrahan1332 9 днів тому


    • @thebookofrevelationreveale4722
      @thebookofrevelationreveale4722 9 днів тому +3

      You’re seriously wrong in your understanding. Firstly there is no 7 years of Gods judgements and wrath. Satan and the Antichrist only have 3.5 years and here’s why…….
      Read carefully the words in caps…
      ”Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, TO FINISH the transgression, and to make AN END OF SINS, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS , and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and TO ANOINT THE MOST HOLY .“
      ‭‭Daniel‬ ‭9‬:‭24‬ ‭
      People fail to realize that Satan will be loosed out of his prison after the 1000 yrs!!!
      So an END OF SIN and EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS cannot be achieved until Satan is fully dealt with and placed into the lake of fire AFTER he is loosed again for another 3.5 yrs.
      3.5 years of Gods judgements and wrath after the rapture and then another 3.5 years after the 1000 yrs.
      Antichrist comes on the scene first. All believers will know, the beast system will be implemented as we are delivered unto the Throne Room of God.
      At the nick of time!!
      Satan and his fallen ones are casts to earth at the same time believers are raptured.

    • @davidgarrahan1332
      @davidgarrahan1332 9 днів тому +1

      @@thebookofrevelationreveale4722 I was just thinking on the porch. I meant nothing so please. Forgive me. I’m lonesome is all. I erased it cause I knew it didn’t fit. I consider thing with the many false prophecy teachings Remember brother. We could disagree be we are to be as little children. So sorry I triggered u. I’m not a scholar but am born again and have been given dreams. Please 🙏

    • @davidgarrahan1332
      @davidgarrahan1332 9 днів тому +1

      @@thebookofrevelationreveale4722 immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will go dark (judgement). I always think of Joseph 7 good years. 7bad. There is tribulation of “those days, and great tribulations 3.5. I do agree with u. I am having a trial and spoke out of my norm. Just for fellowship. I did say “what if” lol. Thank u. It is unique that in the middle of the two eclipses that the shot was released. By a man with an Apollyon room in his home. That name means to “make desolate “. It’s nice to meet u. Be well

    • @thewringer6592
      @thewringer6592 9 днів тому +1

      You are exactly right. 70 weeks are determined. Which 69 of those weeks have taken place. The 70th week is after we are gone. Hence, 7 year tribulation.

  • @RealJustinTyme
    @RealJustinTyme 9 днів тому +1

    So, this is what your inbox looks like. Interesting. Hey there's an unread email from your sister over there inviting you and the Mrs over for dinner Saturday for her asparagus lasagna on the BBQ. Why is it in the spam folder?
    Anyway, I'm still curious how/when you interpret Rev 4 and 5. I'm still missing that. TY for what you do. God bless you!! ❤❤

  • @PyramidCoder
    @PyramidCoder 8 днів тому

    I've noticed that my comments (with regard to rediculous pretribby teachings) on other so-called-christian sights never get a thumbs up. ...and, I'v been watching this exact same statistical anomaly for years.
    Apparently there's some type of tooling mechanism that allows the moderators to 'SEAL' comments that refute what their particular group believes?
    And, I know that this mischievousness is taking plsce, because I've gone out of my way to 'LACE' conversations with new data about the Holy Shroud of Turin, of which any real Christian would indeed be extremely interested in, and yet getting no responce about the Shroud?!😢❤

  • @thebookofrevelationreveale4722
    @thebookofrevelationreveale4722 9 днів тому +2

    Stan, the great multitude that no man can number comes OUT OF great tribulation. The word “THE” isn’t there.
    We come “out of” great tribulation because great tribulation is what the rapture event causes!
    We come out of it!!
    If people would just unlearn mans false phrase “the tribulation” and “THE” great tribulation they could then understand the biblical intent of these verses.

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 8 днів тому +1

      That great multitude is not the Body of Christ Church. They come to Christ through Israel (the 144,000) preaching their Gospel in all the world before the end (2nd half of Israel's 70th week) comes. Matthew 24:14. The 144,000 are not the Body of Christ Church. God doesn't go back to dealing with Israel until this Dispensation of Grace is over (rapture of the Body).

    • @thebookofrevelationreveale4722
      @thebookofrevelationreveale4722 8 днів тому

      Of course the 144,000 are not the body of Christ, I never claimed they were! The great multitude in Revelation 7:9-17 ARE in fact the body of Christ.
      No man can number them, man CAN number the entire population of the world!
      They aren’t 144,000 or the text would say that! They are in fact exactly what the text states; a great multitude that NO MAN can number!
      Why? Because they consist of all the dead in Christ over the HISTORY of the world who are raised up out of their graves during the rapture, PLUS all believers alive at his coming.
      Just believe scripture and what ITS telling you and you’ll get it!!

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 7 днів тому

      @daibhidh I do say a lot of the same basic doctrinal things over and over, but I don't think you'll ever find two of my posts or replies exactly the same. I don't copy and paste. I'm trying to get everyone to see NT Scriptures Dispensationally, so there isn't so much confusion. In doing so, I'm constantly pointing out the obvious because they can't see it. They're all missing the same exact sound Biblical doctrine. Which is why it seems to those who don't pay close attention to detail, that I'm doing a copy and paste ministry. But I never do. I'm proclaiming Truth one message board at a time.

  • @Elisha_Dawn
    @Elisha_Dawn 9 днів тому +1

    I'd never seen that old movie before called 2001 A Space Odyssey until about 4 years back, and the ending kind of made me think of Planet of the Apes. I wish I could watch that whole storyline again as I think it has many interesting features. Is the man kept in a luxurious enclosure until he transforms ? Maybe his earthly body can't exist in its present form in his new environment ? One giant leap for mankind. They keep using that song , that fist being raised to indicate one who conquers and that whole flag planting thing they did in the Olympics Show. I know you think the war in heaven is something we are visually expecting, but just as the title of your video suggests, Jesus didn't always mean things literally. Apollyon, the one who comes to make Desolate 😅

    • @Elisha_Dawn
      @Elisha_Dawn 9 днів тому

      BTW, the movie wasn't based on the book. Kubrick approached the author, and they were made together, and Kubrick said they needed to be understood together. The book ends with a nuclear weapon being dropped on earth.

  • @Elisha_Dawn
    @Elisha_Dawn 2 дні тому

    Please notice chapter 9 of Revelation. Apollyon/ Abaddan
    Is this what Cern is being used for ?

  • @williamreid6731
    @williamreid6731 9 днів тому +3

    Stan " we are aware the temple the beast will go into is the same temple the Holy Spirit indwells, please speak on this fact if God permits. P.S. I do not mean the body where the Holy Spirit indwells at the same time.

    • @marciebaird2175
      @marciebaird2175 9 днів тому

      Very interesting. Our bodies are the temple not made with hands……

    • @williamreid6731
      @williamreid6731 8 днів тому

      @@marciebaird2175 Thx for that very valid point. I've known these scriptures since I was 25 yet this discrepancy in my thinking is just now being corrected. God is fulfilling His promise to us concerning the knowledge of God flooding the world in the last days.

    • @Horses7878
      @Horses7878 7 днів тому

      I believe that our bodies are the temple, however to fulfill all of Daniel, Isaiah and other scriptures, there indeed has to be a brick and mortar temple that restarts animal sacrifice, that then will be haulted by the AC, and he the AC must go into the I believe the inner holy of holies to proclaim himself to be God😮

    • @Horses7878
      @Horses7878 7 днів тому

      Please correct me if I am mistaken Stan or anyone here knows better

  • @Elisha_Dawn
    @Elisha_Dawn 8 днів тому

    The first horse was white . There's much confusion about him. Don't go after any false Christ's 😮

  • @czarofzonk1360
    @czarofzonk1360 4 дні тому

    I saw a video about a second REV-12 sign in 2030, albeit it is without Jupiter (as that was a key aspect of the 2017 celestial alignment). I can't seem to find much else about this 2030 celestial alignment, although I did not attempt to conduct a further significant search effort.
    The contention of this and other noted signs seemingly is that the rapture takes place after war in heaven (although it did respect "stars falling from heaven", but gave it a plurality back to some spectacular meteor breakup as well as the standard "war in heaven" meaning). Furthermore, there was the contention that the rapture could be years after war in heaven (this video pegs "war in heaven" circa 2030 (i.e., REV 12:3 through REV 12:4).
    The classical echotology littered the context of the video's premise/premises, including the whole "middle of the 7 year period and anti-christ abomination of desolation stuff" (it did respect what happened in the first century, I will point that out) -- meaning, the contended 'dual' fulfillment of prophecy was in play between first century and current day was stated for almost all prophetic events.
    As such, I discount the interpretations (summarized above), but I would respect the celestial evidence of a future REV-12 oriented alignment. As I stated, I was unable to locate other sources, but I did not make further significant search efforts. I am not stating the YT channel name, but I will if requested.

      @ENDTIME_GENERATION День тому +1

      Stan on October 8th and 9th there's going to be a meteor shower in the consolation Draco. It's the 2nd part of the Revelation 12 sign. Revelation 12: 3-4. It will take place. Exactly 16 days after the 7-year anniversary of the first sign that took place on September 23 the woman clothed with the sun. It will Is signify the war in heaven. The meteor shower like the powers of heaven will be shaken, the stars will fall from heaven. Only they're fallen angels.
      Kind of like Pastor.
      Carl Gallup dream.
      I believe the war happens when Michael stands.Up and says enough enough and then casts him down.

  • @Carl-bd1rf
    @Carl-bd1rf 9 днів тому

    The way I read the sixth seal is:
    1. Gods WRATH appears Rev 6:17.
    2. We are raptured out of great tribulation 7:9, 14 because we are not destined for His WRATH that has just come. (Rom 5:9, 1Thess 1:10.)
    3. The tribulation that John speaks to in Rev 1:9 ends because we are raptured out of it as Gods WRATH appears.
    Just my thoughts, I’m not coming back for my car keys and leaving!!
    Gunna hang out for more good stuff.

  • @Phil-v4w
    @Phil-v4w 9 днів тому +2

    How soon??

    • @Rodesend
      @Rodesend 9 днів тому +1

      My mind fixated on that question every day all day. How soon indeed? It’s been a challenge waiting this long, but it’s His World not mine so I carry on as best I can. Praying you hang on too!

    • @rhondawilkins2017
      @rhondawilkins2017 6 годин тому

      ELUL 27

  • @zer.o
    @zer.o 9 днів тому

  • @chaimomma9198
    @chaimomma9198 6 днів тому

    No you have it wrong. He doesn’t go after the stiff necked. He always explains if you stay on and listen and ask questions. He’s not a dictator.

  • @ThomasDilts
    @ThomasDilts 9 днів тому

    Dutch and Danish is not the same thing 🤣 You talked about a Dutch reader and then showed Danish cookies. I know its confusing. The Dutch and thier country has so many names, like Holland, Netherlands. If you would have shown some "gouda cheese" and said she took a break from making cheese. Or perhaps she took a break from growing tulips. But taking a break from making danish cookies just doesn't fit 🤣 Danish cookies come from Denmark

    • @LoesBreedveld
      @LoesBreedveld 9 днів тому +1

      Oh that was his point with the cookies! I already wondered where they came from! But I like them very much.

  • @khog7871
    @khog7871 8 днів тому +2

    But Stan, please explain how YOU’VE washed your robe?

    • @PyramidCoder
      @PyramidCoder 8 днів тому

      Why would someone explain to U, their salvation? Who are U in the grand scheme of things?
      Your suppose to be giving hope teaching righteousness, while giving thanks for all things. 🎉

    • @khog7871
      @khog7871 7 днів тому

      I don’t know, he’s the one with the UA-cam channel giving people incorrect theology.
      Pyramid the point is, if you’re a Christian you didn’t wash your robe (Rev. Ch. 7), Jesus did it for you, which means ch. 7 is not speaking about Christ followers.

  • @HillSummitHomestead
    @HillSummitHomestead 9 днів тому

    What did the first Bishops (those who learned at The Apostles feet) & those who learned at their feet and even the next generation of Bishops say about any/all of this?

    • @PyramidCoder
      @PyramidCoder 8 днів тому

      Who cares? Why be concerned with what the scholar'd hobnob idiots think? I'm sure they had counter intuitive thoughts and even after having seen the miracles.
      Pray for others every day, and give thanks for everything

    • @HillSummitHomestead
      @HillSummitHomestead 8 днів тому

      @@PyramidCoder yeah, who cares!

  • @notsure1582
    @notsure1582 9 днів тому

    The 144,000 are the first fruits of the rapture, imo. They won't be on earth preaching the gospel in a supernatural manner, I just don't see that anywhere. They are seen before God's throne singing a new song, redeemed from the earth.

    • @bugsocsollie1694
      @bugsocsollie1694 8 днів тому

      They are preaching Israel's Gospel of the Kingdom in all the world before the end (2nd half of Israel's 70th week) comes. The great multitude come to Christ through their preaching. Neither the 144k or the gm are Body of Christ Church. We are outta here before God goes back to dealing with Israel according to their prophecy.

  • @ryanmiller9270
    @ryanmiller9270 8 днів тому +1

    Trump is the beast

  • @annikverleysen
    @annikverleysen 9 днів тому

    Hey Stan, Dutch people make cheese and are from Holland, not Danmark 🫣🤐
    BTW I don't always agree with the Dutch translations, the KJV is way better to understand the real meanings.