Scump | The Eavesdrop Podcast Ep. 157

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @AdamBombx
    @AdamBombx Рік тому +19

    Coming from a UPS driver. Love listening to Eavesdrop and all other OpTic Podcasts while I’m delivering in my UPS truck all day, you guys help me get through the day. Mad Respect brotha!

  • @albeeni
    @albeeni Рік тому +198

    5 years later and a lot has changed with OpTic and Scump, but it's always a fire listen with Scump on the podcast.

    • @jozzieokes3422
      @jozzieokes3422 Рік тому +4


    • @danooo522
      @danooo522 Рік тому +4

      Yeah things change with time. Life.

    • @albeeni
      @albeeni Рік тому +1

      @@danooo522 literally. Scump and everyone has gotten more mature, sometimes, so it’s interesting to see how these guys evolve as time goes on

    • @ProducedI
      @ProducedI Рік тому

      Not much has changed within the last 5 years maybe the last 10 years but not 5

    • @milesgreenwood5036
      @milesgreenwood5036 Рік тому

      ​@@ProducedIyou're clinically a psychopath

  • @VinceVaca
    @VinceVaca Рік тому +42

    The fact that hector is always ready to give scump a blank check to play something for him speaks volumes and shows he has the highest regard for scump.

  • @ibrahimbah9699
    @ibrahimbah9699 Рік тому +119

    If y’all don’t get this fucking guy to a mil. Been making great content over 10 years straight.

    • @MrJoepeps
      @MrJoepeps Рік тому +18

      Its not that... hes not consistant so the algorithm doeant push to new people

    • @heczwe6208
      @heczwe6208 Рік тому +9


    • @mattthefatcat6913
      @mattthefatcat6913 Рік тому +3

      He’ll get there within the decade 🤞😅💚

    • @kevinmorgan2052
      @kevinmorgan2052 Рік тому

      man hes been like 50k off 1 mill for years its never gonna happen lol its tragic

    • @nathanielbuhalak5036
      @nathanielbuhalak5036 Рік тому

      I couldnt care less if a crypto scammer millionaire gets to 1 million subs lmao

  • @cobretti3812
    @cobretti3812 Рік тому +75

    This podcast helps get me through my 12 hour work days. Appreciate the content!

    • @DogmaLive
      @DogmaLive Рік тому +11

      I felt this. Amazon driver, podcasts are the only voices I hear all day 😂

    • @ElArabe09
      @ElArabe09 Рік тому +4

      I work in agriculture operating machinery n well yeah these podcast help my 12 shift fly aswell😊

    • @OPGrimmz
      @OPGrimmz Рік тому +6

      You watch it twelve times ?

    • @cobretti3812
      @cobretti3812 Рік тому +5

      @@OPGrimmz Yes

    • @CR1P3N
      @CR1P3N Рік тому +2

      Work as a garbage helper listen to podcasts all day

  • @TacticalRab
    @TacticalRab Рік тому +4

    Good morning 🌞

    • @heczwe6208
      @heczwe6208 Рік тому

      Morning Rab, came to get some content huh Pal. Jkjk.

    • @TacticalRab
      @TacticalRab Рік тому +1

      @@heczwe6208 here for a good conversation while the f1 is red flagged 🫡

  • @Spartan-301st
    @Spartan-301st Рік тому +28

    I love hearing Hecz talking about his players and their plans after leaving the scene. He really, deeply wants every OpTic player to build their personal brand to have something to fall back on.
    The fact that some have been unwilling to, especially outside of “just turning on a stream” is insanity.

    • @Foggycallabasashillshelicopter
      @Foggycallabasashillshelicopter Рік тому

      Way too much so now too. Optic has unfortunately become a content org. I still can’t believe hecz chose to keep shotzzy over ghosty and huke just because his UA-cam fan base sucks his dick so much. Especially of how bad he played this year on LAN. Censor was right man the culture over at optic is way too buddy buddy. Homies sitting way too comfortable considering how trash they are……

    • @jaysunzow
      @jaysunzow Рік тому

      some people just don’t have the personality/motivation to become a streamer as well, im sure many have tried and washed out

    • @Duganrules4eva
      @Duganrules4eva Рік тому

      Content creation isn't for everyone, I can imagine it can be very exhausting. If players don't want to go into content creation, they could do a university course on the side to give them something to fall back on.

  • @declanriley2936
    @declanriley2936 Рік тому +1

    I love hearing you saying stuff like “they like to spend the morning with us” and that’s so true. A new vlog in the morning makes my whole day

  • @wTeej
    @wTeej Рік тому +34

    It's not talked about much but Scump looks a lot healthier since retirement

    • @mmorphy4258
      @mmorphy4258 Рік тому

      well hes probably not haha, hes eating and drinking way more

    • @JJ-tq5sk
      @JJ-tq5sk Рік тому +2

      He looks the same

    • @zkaleal
      @zkaleal Рік тому

      It’s called stress free, atleast from competing and scrims

    • @701delbronx8
      @701delbronx8 Рік тому

      Off the drugs

  • @adam10104
    @adam10104 Рік тому +3

    No matter what game scump plays im going to watch, hes an absolute demon and vibe on every game he touches.

  • @SpuddyIRL
    @SpuddyIRL Рік тому +2

    49:00 I love collecting OpTic stuff but it is hard here in Europe with the price of shipping and customs. Also I know the walls are authentic because your time and great work but they're pricing some people out so maybe some other collectibles for people in lower price brackets

  • @bradlewis690
    @bradlewis690 Рік тому

    Two of the biggest influences on professional call of duty, sitting down at a table together. Always a pleasure.

  • @creezzyGG
    @creezzyGG Рік тому

    his talk on scrims/practice is something that will always stress you out cuz of map routes/callouts, what roles teammates feel the most comfortable with, vods of other teams, and what needs to be worked on for certain maps/modes and finally their off days to rest / be away from cod to chill with friends or teammates.

  • @isaacgregg6470
    @isaacgregg6470 Рік тому +2

    Real question, how the fuck isn’t Hecz at a mil subs?? He’s the reason most of us love this gaming/cod shit. Better be hitting that sub button

  • @jcoory
    @jcoory Рік тому +35

    How is hecz not at 1 milli yet!?

    • @WookieA2015
      @WookieA2015 Рік тому +3

      Been asking that question for sometime now 😅

    • @IsraelWokoh
      @IsraelWokoh Рік тому +1

      I swear he was at 990k+ years ago. The hell happened?

    • @MontoyaFamily24
      @MontoyaFamily24 Рік тому

      Idk bro but its been a min.

    • @loganw4633
      @loganw4633 Рік тому +1

      He don’t vlog no more that’s why sadly

    • @bigdaddy5303
      @bigdaddy5303 Рік тому

      Swear he's been 900k+ for like 5 years

  • @slasherboy11695
    @slasherboy11695 Рік тому +1

    I still remember the initial announcement of the very first scuf house and BigT retiring, from talking about how things are gonna be to seeing how things developed is insane. Much love to the OpTic fam 💚

  • @mattjohnston9430
    @mattjohnston9430 Рік тому +1

    HECS is such a legend, absolutely loves scump. Willing to give him a super bag just to get him back play competitive. The OG🙌🏻

  • @EuropesNinja
    @EuropesNinja Рік тому +1

    The two papas get down on the eavesdrop. Ive grown up watching you guys almost daily, the king and the phenom

  • @mason1354
    @mason1354 Рік тому +8

    always a good one with scump

    • @SpuddyIRL
      @SpuddyIRL Рік тому

      Fellow irish greenwall fan ?

  • @HotboiEngineering
    @HotboiEngineering Рік тому +3

    That sax lick from Eric B/Rakim is always fire.

    • @beerdo
      @beerdo Рік тому +1

      never a bad choice

  • @Dreaxms
    @Dreaxms Рік тому +1

    Hecz is the fucking man. This dude has worked his ass off and his number one priority is taking care of his guys. Two GOATS here.

  • @nathanielgarza8781
    @nathanielgarza8781 Рік тому +3

    Bout to catch 420 with this EP HECZ W

  • @PandizzeLL
    @PandizzeLL Рік тому +8

    Seth is one of those guys it doesn't matter what he plays or does content wise people will always tune in but the league potentially moving to UA-cam sucks for what has been amazing to watch for the last part of a year for many. If only the league could meet people in the middle & have it on both instead of forcing many people to one platform in some way

  • @BrillianceAutoSpa
    @BrillianceAutoSpa Рік тому

    Scump fully embracing being a Texan. 😂

  • @Michelle_McKenzie
    @Michelle_McKenzie Рік тому +1

    I watch COD on UA-cam. Not really a Twitch fan. But i also cheat and make sure Optic won before i watch because i get so pissed when they lose.
    And at @31:04 Hecz you're 100% right about that climbing the corporate ladder analogy. I'm going through that now. Its a tight rope to walk trying to get promoted and playing the corporate game.

  • @woothless
    @woothless Рік тому

    Anytime I got to watch scump its to watch scump

  • @BArellano95
    @BArellano95 Рік тому +2

    6 AM, nice. Morning, Green Wall!
    Edit: Cool, Goldees is on the list! We make the drive up to Fort Worth every few months to get our fix!

  • @josuepecina8055
    @josuepecina8055 Рік тому +2

    Me alegra ver que aun sigues haciendo contenido hecz, siempre fuiste el más entretenido de la ecena te deseo lo mejor.
    saludos de parte de un viejo fan

  • @leonbryant1259
    @leonbryant1259 Рік тому

    What a guy hecz is man.... created multiple successful esports organisations.
    Documents all esports news for the future generations to reflect on the history.
    Ever since I first seen you in mw2 sniping and creating something that has now grown into the GREEN WALL !!! I mean absolutely outstanding individually for all of esports.

  • @betogpimp
    @betogpimp Рік тому +1

    I see The Eavesdrop, I click play. Always 🔥

  • @darrenhughes6245
    @darrenhughes6245 Рік тому +2

    Unexpected massive W dropping in the sub box today

  • @joeywhite6641
    @joeywhite6641 Рік тому +1

    Hecz said i will drop the bag in a heartbeat son and put the ferrarri in as a signing bonus 😂😂 u two r great together....

  • @Blaze42069
    @Blaze42069 Рік тому +4

    I pray for the day I see Scump and Formal as 2/3 of OpTic Apex

  • @Donweezy5405
    @Donweezy5405 Рік тому

    Get poppa Hecz to 1mil!!

  • @mattthefatcat6913
    @mattthefatcat6913 Рік тому +10

    Can’t wait for 10 years in the future when hecz finally gets to 1 million subs 😅 absolute travesty how long my mans been so close

  • @Aquade
    @Aquade Рік тому

    For the love of God, can we get Hector to a mil?

  • @calebmoore2365
    @calebmoore2365 Рік тому

    Great chat always love listening to either one of these guys talk about cod, esports,etc. So having Scump back after 3 years and then together is great, especially seeing their friendship and listening to stories from over the years. Really frustrating to know Scump and a lot of other peoples are choosing to end their pro careers bc the games have consistently been pretty terrible for the most part…..

  • @NoahGRFN
    @NoahGRFN Рік тому +1

    For the watch party situation, would it be possible to run a stream on UA-cam and twitch at the same time with the full watch party experience(gameplay and audio) available on UA-cam and the more restricted version(restricted audio and video) being shown on Twitch pretty much a constant full screen and what the boys are saying?

  • @chrispatriots
    @chrispatriots Рік тому +1

    Great podcast as usual
    Eatiots 🔥 great name and can't wait to watch that series.

  • @iLLeag7e
    @iLLeag7e Рік тому

    I'm like yep I'll listen to these two goats for an hour yessir thank you

  • @OilersHD97
    @OilersHD97 Рік тому +1

    Eatiots looks pretty cool, and perfect for Hector

  • @tigdontmiss9336
    @tigdontmiss9336 Рік тому +1

    i was so disappointed in seth for 3 whole seconds before i heard “Nah I can’t be bought. Go birds 🦅 “

  • @lakaikz
    @lakaikz Рік тому

    965k almost there!

  • @C4Hotboy707
    @C4Hotboy707 Рік тому

    Hecz you can’t end the podcast like that hermano 🐐🤣

  • @Neverlosingg
    @Neverlosingg Рік тому

    Two goats back in action 💪

  • @weirddingus4620
    @weirddingus4620 Рік тому

    Scump's gonna look back one of these days and finally realize how much wisdom Hecz subtly dropped for them youngins.

  • @r1_mmb
    @r1_mmb Рік тому

    Missed the Eavesdrop HAVE TO LOCK IN!!!!!

  • @damlkman
    @damlkman Рік тому

    Yo shoutout to hecz I am at work at ups listening to this so thanks for the shoutout.

  • @scottmiller5925
    @scottmiller5925 Рік тому

    Its not the Twitch or UA-cam channells that we watch, we watch because we love Scump and Methodz because of the personalities!

  • @kenrhyne8672
    @kenrhyne8672 Рік тому +2

    I bet people will watch Seth no matter what gane he plays. 😊

  • @OilersHD97
    @OilersHD97 Рік тому

    Respect Seth for being smart with his cash. Hecz always trying to get him to blow it. Seth out here creating generational wealth for his family and not changing, one of the reasons we have all stuck by him is because he hasnt changed who he is with the success!

  • @pm-5565
    @pm-5565 Рік тому

    What a way to make our day 💚🐐🐐

  • @andresvaldez670
    @andresvaldez670 Рік тому

    trying to get scump to become a cowboys fans is amazing, TIM DUB!!!

  • @TrenixYT
    @TrenixYT Рік тому +1


  • @Banksiana
    @Banksiana Рік тому

    You better do a watch party, I will follow wherever it is

  • @Chilkr
    @Chilkr Рік тому

    I NEED a jersey cannot wait for the auction gotta put in some OT at work this week

  • @stonnergaming420
    @stonnergaming420 Рік тому

    Competing doesn't make the money the content does. Content and comp goes hand in hand

  • @JennErmyMedia
    @JennErmyMedia Рік тому +1

    I’ve been saying this for years, but I would love an updated Optic book.

    • @HiTechRedneck
      @HiTechRedneck Рік тому +1

      Same. Essentially if it could go in depth on the Infinite days, getting OpTic back, the merger, etc

    • @JennErmyMedia
      @JennErmyMedia Рік тому +1

      @@HiTechRedneck yes exactly.

  • @PrimaL-bt7hu
    @PrimaL-bt7hu Рік тому

    Been waiting for a new eavesdrop

  • @AMA2much
    @AMA2much Рік тому

    wait the food show actually looks sick. cant wait to peep

  • @jadenmaxwell7391
    @jadenmaxwell7391 Рік тому

    millers and steak what a PA kid lol

  • @shluck8397
    @shluck8397 Рік тому

    The king gets king like obstacles

  • @dascienceroom3059
    @dascienceroom3059 Рік тому

    The Goat hands down .. if you don’t agree you a hater !!! Your gamer favorite gamer !!!

  • @JohnSmith-my2bk
    @JohnSmith-my2bk Рік тому

    Seeing UA-cam turn into a bunch of degenerates trying to influence the youth makes me appreciate optic and hecz even more. A true inspiration and role model, we appreciate you hecz!!💚

  • @244lifekobe
    @244lifekobe Рік тому

    Great listen

  • @Secondalexpasq
    @Secondalexpasq Рік тому +2

    Something I don't like with every pro I hear them talk about, is how it is hard to be a pro... like you play 8 hours a day the same game etc etc...
    I mean, That's life bro ! Everyone is working everyday the same repetitive job from 7 am to 8 pm, the difference between cod pros and the rest of the world is that what you do for a living is cool, you do what you like, you stay sit the whole day playing video games...
    I love cod pros, especially Scump, but heearing them complain about that is like a joke to me, it's difficult to take them serious after that

  • @chickengod4429
    @chickengod4429 Рік тому

    Just so scum knows I think many of his fans will watch him no matter what he decides to play I know I will for sure

  • @opan0maly981
    @opan0maly981 Рік тому +1

    To be honest watching competitive COD from the CDL channel got really stale for me. Now watching with scumps watch party has made it 1000% better and I get into it more.

  • @lazybonez366
    @lazybonez366 Рік тому +2

    i work as a welder and i wake up at 4am but i’d rather be on the content video game grind than this trade work grind haha

    • @sukmidri
      @sukmidri Рік тому +3

      I always laugh at the kids "you don't know what it's like to play games 6-8 hours a day,it's mentally exhausting"
      Wouldn't make it a week working a real trade job 10-12 hours a day in the heat

    • @deathbane1676
      @deathbane1676 Рік тому

      @@sukmidri Then why don't you do it? You'd make more money and it would be easier.

  • @JonahTz
    @JonahTz Рік тому

    2 goats 🔥 Also definitely looking forward to eatiots

  • @rodrigoiniguez2984
    @rodrigoiniguez2984 Рік тому +1

    Post a vlog Hecz pls much love ❤️

  • @haterharold3889
    @haterharold3889 Рік тому

    Apex Scumpii confirmed 👍🏻👍🏻

  • @mayberrymusicofficial
    @mayberrymusicofficial Рік тому

    no sir mr scump lmao years ago your jersey was donated at community aid in mechanicsburg pa. i remember seeing it as a kid but my parents told me i didn’t need it so we never bought it. someone out here has it tho

  • @paulj342009
    @paulj342009 Рік тому +1

    Seth is obviously already huge but if he had jumped on the fortnite wave he would of been the biggest streamer ever

  • @shanbhu5
    @shanbhu5 Рік тому

    Respect it Seth, Dont let them buy you out. Go Birds!

  • @alicefox7076
    @alicefox7076 Рік тому

    There really needs to be a “Senior Circuit “ cod league for older players who still want to compete but just do t have the reaction time that the younger players have. Even if it wasn’t attached to the CDL

  • @jakeonyx4775
    @jakeonyx4775 Рік тому

    The King 👑

  • @kingb5531
    @kingb5531 Рік тому +1

    Gonna be 🔥

  • @LesherPog
    @LesherPog Рік тому

    I think having the watch party on twitch in that way will be tough. Hard to sync the 2nd monitor with the watch party reaction. I guess we’ll be waiting on UA-cam 🫡

  • @sogoCOD
    @sogoCOD Рік тому

    Great podcast H3CZ

  • @rw40491
    @rw40491 Рік тому

    Nice pod, would be cool to see more content with the pine Park guys on here. Could get you over that 1mil!!!

  • @Dreytin
    @Dreytin Рік тому


  • @cutlerhedtke2302
    @cutlerhedtke2302 Рік тому

    Colorado real estate. All 458s will be used and they’re surprisingly cheap(relatively) with the last ones being produced in 2015.

  • @ShreyasGaneshs
    @ShreyasGaneshs Рік тому

    YOOOOOO this is like a fever dream I thought this was a old video

  • @BEMagic18
    @BEMagic18 Рік тому +2

    Wow great episode

    • @Panduhmoniam
      @Panduhmoniam Рік тому +1

      Oh yeah? Commenting 1 minute after upload? That’s one hell of a playback speed.

    • @jcnelson_70
      @jcnelson_70 Рік тому


    • @BEMagic18
      @BEMagic18 Рік тому

      @@Panduhmoniam you’re up this early and offended 👁️👄👁️

  • @beikoh
    @beikoh Рік тому

    W Postcast!!!

  • @seanhalfcourt
    @seanhalfcourt Рік тому

    The most random comment on this podcast: Michael Jordan is still a minority owner of the Hornets, so the odds of him getting the Bulls are that much lower. The Reinsdorf’s are probably not going to sell the Bulls as long as they’re still the number one franchise in merchandising, but those days will be numbered if they don’t do something soon.

  • @Evan_Mason
    @Evan_Mason Рік тому

    Hope scump streams on YT for watch parties. As someone who basically only watches on their phone want to see the gameplay and have them talk over. Obviously I understand the reasons to stay on twitch though.

  • @adriancandelario2902
    @adriancandelario2902 Рік тому +1

    Yea they need to nerf or get rid of dynamic aim assist and raise the health a little bit

  • @vinnymistretta7429
    @vinnymistretta7429 Рік тому

    octane literally got the biggest brain for going out at ur peak after a solid career thats how u leave a legacy instead of trying to stretch it out and losing for years before retiring

  • @mikey2111
    @mikey2111 Рік тому

    That's how you see Scump doesn't really care about cars. Looking for a "new" 458. I believe that last one came of the assembly line in 2015 or something 🤣

  • @o.3313
    @o.3313 Рік тому

    Can't wait for Eatiots

  • @JoeMama-uq3kf
    @JoeMama-uq3kf Рік тому

    Scump on his first eavesdrop episode said he would never cheer for a Philadelphia team. How times have changed 😂

  • @kyleanderson4644
    @kyleanderson4644 Рік тому

    I like UA-cam more just because I’ll be working when games start and can’t watch the beginning, but when you got UA-cam you can go to the start and watch the whole thing.

    @S0RR0WSPELL Рік тому

    Sadly the best way to do the watch party is to do it on UA-cam but you could still stream your normal content on Twitch.

  • @stapes7344
    @stapes7344 Рік тому

    Scump became a eagles fan when they won the supebowl 😂

    • @dyon627
      @dyon627 Рік тому

      I mean he started watching football around that time and he’s from PA so it makes sense

  • @joshcanales5382
    @joshcanales5382 Рік тому

    Scump will have more viewers on twitch just listening to him talk then the actually cod matches on UA-cam tbh

    • @Foggycallabasashillshelicopter
      @Foggycallabasashillshelicopter Рік тому

      No shit Sherlock, he’s been doing that exact thing for years. He literally averages 30k….. maybe your just stupid and realizing that now 🤷🏽‍♀️ congrats man 👏🏼

  • @anibitscream
    @anibitscream Рік тому

    I still have the Legacy Jersey SEALED and now I will definitely store it away and forget about it

  • @yeahbaw
    @yeahbaw 11 місяців тому

    👑 scumpii , these yungins need to rekanize

  • @tyriffic96
    @tyriffic96 Рік тому

    If it does go to UA-cam just stream it fully on YT, feel like youll have more viewers that way, alot of people might not think its worth having two streams up but its not that big of a deal for us to hop over to YT to hangout. It shouldnt be on YT in the first place but gotta roll with the punches. My vote is just stream the 3 days on YT