awesome! I took all the parameters in the recursive CTE to avoid the joins. with recursive dt_cte as ( select period_start,period_end,product_id,average_daily_sales from sales union all select adddate(period_start,1),period_end,product_id,average_daily_sales from dt_cte where period_start
Thanks Ankit! ... and below is the query for Mysql workbench (If any one wants). Note: Addon/modified keywords/parameters are ---> recursive , date_add(dates,interval 1 day) with recursive t_sales as (select min(period_start) as dates,max(period_end) maxdate from sales union all select date_add(dates,interval 1 day) as dates,maxdate from t_sales where dates < maxdate) select product_id,year(dates) as report_year,sum(average_daily_sales) as total_amount from t_sales inner join sales on dates between period_start and period_end group by product_id,year(dates) order by product_id;
I tried in the postgres in little different way which could be interesting 1.I have assumed that data is large. 2.If data is large then generating data for each date will consume more space and time 3.So I computed the number of days month wise for corresponding year and computed by (days*sales) 4.Finally aggregated by product_id wise and year wise ------------------------------------------------------- with recursive r_cte as ( select min(period_start) as dates, max(period_end) as max_date from sales union all select (dates+interval '1 month')::date, max_date from r_cte --where dates < max_date where dates < date_trunc('month',max_date) ) ,dates_cte as ( select min(dates) as date_start , least(date_trunc('month',dates) + interval '1 month - 1 day', max(max_date))::date as date_end from r_cte group by dates order by dates ) , days_cte as ( select *, (date_end-date_start)+1 as monthly_days from dates_cte )select b.product_id, extract('year' from a.date_start) as year, (sum(a.monthly_days)*max(b.average_daily_sales)) as total_sales from days_cte a join sales b on a.date_start between b.period_start and b.period_end group by b.product_id, extract('year' from a.date_start) order by b.product_id ;
Learnt Something New today . Thanks for the video ... But question is how to remember what approach we need to take ? mostly seeing such type of questions all that comes in mind is to use case statement or any analytical functioin ..
Using recursive cte but with a different approach with cte as ( select year(min(period_start)) as sale_year from sales UNION ALL select sale_year+1 from cte where sale_year+1
postgre solution : with cte as (select s.product_id, extract(year from g.generated_date) as years, s.average_daily_sales from sales s cross join lateral generate_series(s.period_start, s.period_end, interval '1 day') as g(generated_date)) select product_id as id, years, sum(average_daily_sales) from cte group by 1, 2 order by 1;
Today I was asked the same question. I thought of using CASE for getting the years. Couldn't answer it. Immediately after the interview, I search it on leetcode followed by youtube mentioning "Total Sales by Amount Ankit Bansal" :) Thank you!
I have also used recursive CTE but in a different way. In the last, I haven't use any JOIN clause to solve this problem. Here is my code (very short & simple code I have written) : - with recursive cte as( select product_id, period_start, period_end, average_daily_sales from sales union select product_id, date_add(period_start, interval 1 day) period_start, period_end, average_daily_sales from cte where period_start < period_end) select product_id, year(period_start) report_year, sum(average_daily_sales) from cte group by 1,2
Hello Shubham, can you explain why you have done 'from cte' in second select. Why are we not writing 'from sales' ? . The CTE has not yet been created so how are we calling cte within the not yet created cte
When I started solving this problem without watching this video, I was thinking of this solution and one another option of finding a date diff between 2 dates and calculate the total sum. Thanks.
From Oracle/SQl... with d_dates (dates,max_dates) as ( select min(period_start) as dates, max(period_end) as max_dates from sales union all select dates+1 as dates,max_dates from d_dates where dates
It doesn't matter. I am covering all the dates for table. Overlap dates also will get joined to multiple product IDs. I think overlap is already there..
MYSQL Solution with recursive sales_data as ( select * from sales UNION ALL select t1.product_id, date_add(t1.period_start, interval 1 day) as period_start, t1.period_end,t1.average_daily_sales from sales_data t1 join sales t2 on t1.product_id = t2.product_id and t1.period_start < t2.period_end ) select product_id,year(period_start) as report_year, sum(average_daily_sales) as total_amount from sales_data group by 1,2 order by product_id
with r_cte as( select min(period_start) as date,max(period_end) as max_date from sales Union all select DATEADD(day,1,date),max_date from r_cte where date
I have a usecase as below There are n number of nodes connected to each other, Every output link of a node matches with the input link of another node I have to make them join based on inputlinkid and outputlinkid But the challenge here is I don't know how many nodes a flow has , so I have to create columns dynamically where each column represents a node name. Can you please help me how to create dynamic columns while running recursive cte
select * from sales; with recursive cte1 as ( select min(period_start) as dates,max(period_end) as max_dates from sales union all select date_add(dates,INTERVAL 1 DAY) as date,max_dates from cte1 where dates
with cte as( select min(period_start) as first_date, max(period_end) as last_date from sales2 union all select dateadd(day,1,first_date) ,last_date from cte where first_date < last_date ) select sum(average_daily_sales) as total_sales, year(first_date) as years,product_id from cte join sales2 on first_date between period_start and period_end group by year(first_date),product_id option(maxrecursion 1000)
with cte as( select product_id, period_start as start_date, period_end,average_daily_sales from sales union all select product_id, dateadd(day, 1, start_date) as start_date, period_end, average_daily_sales from cte where period_end > start_date) select product_id, YEAR(start_date) as dt_year , sum(average_daily_sales) as sales from cte group by product_id, YEAR(start_date) order by product_id option(maxrecursion 1000)
Hey Ankit, Thanks a lot for making this video. I had one small doubt so I have the exact same problem but some of the values in end date is null in data. How am I supposed to handle that in the query.
with cte(product_id,period_start,period_end,avg) as ( select product_id,period_start,period_end,average_daily_sales from sales --anchor query union all select product_id,period_start + interval '1' day,period_end,avg --recursive query from cte where period_start < period_end --filter to stop the recursion ) select product_id,to_char(period_start,'YYYY'),sum(avg) from cte --where product_id=3 group by product_id,to_char(period_start,'YYYY') order by product_id;
tried a different approach in the end: with cte as ( select min(period_start) as md,max(period_end) as pe from sales union all select dateadd(day,1,md),pe from cte where dateadd(day,1,md)
Solution in pyspark using udf since recursive CTE is not supported: from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from pyspark.sql.types import * from pyspark.sql.functions import * import os import findspark findspark.init('C:/spark-3.3.1-bin-hadoop3/spark-3.3.1-bin-hadoop3/') def generate_list(start,end): date_list=[] c=0 month_list={1:31,2:28,3:31,4:30,5:31,6:30,7:31,8:31,9:30,10:31,11:30,12:31} start_year=start[0:4] start_month=start[5:7] end_year=end[0:4] end_month=end[5:7] start_date=start[8:10] end_date=end[8:10] if(start_year==end_year and start_month==end_month): # for same year same month for i in range(int(start_date),int(end_date)+1): date=str(start_year)+'-'+str(start_month)+'-'+str(i) date_list.append(date) elif(start_year==end_year and start_month!=end_month): # for same year diff month while(int(start_month)
Another solution, without join. with recursive cte as( select product_id, period_start as exploded_date, period_end, average_daily_sales from recursive_sales union all select product_id, adddate(exploded_date,1), period_end, average_daily_sales from cte where exploded_date < period_end ) select product_id, year(exploded_date) as year, sum(average_daily_sales) as product_yearly_sale from cte group by product_id, year(exploded_date) order by product_id;
#day_6 WITH RECURSIVE cte AS ( SELECT MIN(period_start) AS min_date,MAX(period_end) as max_date FROM sales UNION ALL SELECT DATE_ADD(min_date,INTERVAL 1 DAY) AS min_date , max_date FROM cte WHERE min_date < max_date ) SELECT product_id,year(min_date) as reporting_year,SUM(average_daily_sales) AS total_amount FROM cte inner JOIN sales on min_date between period_start and period_end GROUP BY product_id,year(min_date) ORDER BY product_id,year(min_date)
@Ritika Jaiswal use this with recursive rec_cte as ( select min(period_start) as dates, max(period_end) as max_date from sales union all select date_add(dates, interval 1 day) as dates, max_date from rec_cte where dates < max_date ) select year(dates) as yr, product_id , sum(average_daily_sales) as total_sales from rec_cte inner join sales on dates between period_start and period_end group by yr,product_id order by yr, product_id
@@ankitbansal6 recursive cte ka concept samajh aa gaya... leetcode waala bro. Maine rewind kar ke dekha still difficulty hua samajhne me. Fir se try karta hu samajhne ka. Still ek baar ye topic pe thode aur videos bana do kuch examples ke please
DECLARE @startDate DATE, @endDate DATE; SELECT @startDate = MIN(period_start) FROM sales; SELECT @endDate = MAX(period_end) FROM sales; WITH date_tbl AS ( SELECT @startDate AS date_col UNION ALL SELECT DATEADD(DAY,1,date_col) FROM date_tbl WHERE date_col < @endDate ), sales_cte AS ( SELECT s.*, d.date_col FROM sales AS s INNER JOIN date_tbl AS d ON d.date_col BETWEEN s.period_start AND s.period_end ) SELECT product_id, YEAR(date_col) AS report_year, SUM(average_daily_sales) AS total_amount FROM sales_cte GROUP BY product_id, YEAR(date_col) ORDER BY product_id ASC OPTION(MAXRECURSION 0);
Your Teaching with recursive cte as ( select period_start as start, period_end as end, product_id, average_daily_sales from sales UNION ALL select DATE_ADD(start, INTERVAL 1 DAY), end, product_id, average_daily_sales from cte where DATEDIFF(end, start) > 0 ) select YEAR(start), product_id, count(*), sum(average_daily_sales) from cte group by YEAR(start), product_id order by product_id, YEAR(start);
Hello Sir, Could you please let me know the query for below question: INPUT: Date OrderValue 01-Sep-2021 10 05-Oct-2021 20 11-Dec-2021 30 OUTPUT: Date Value 30-Sep-2021 10 31-Oct-2021 30 30-Nov-2021 30 31-Dec-2021 60 We need to tell cumulative sum of ordervalue(for missing month as well) Thanks! (Sorry for commenting but going through these set of questions in interviews)
select a.last,sum(a.order_Value) over (order by last) val from (select case when d.rn 1 then 0 else det.order_value end order_Value,case when d.rn 1 then add_months(lastday,-rn+1) else lastday end as last from (select in_date,last_day(in_Date) lastday,order_value,to_char(in_date,'MM') mon, nvl(round((in_date - lag(in_date) over (order by in_date))/30),1) sub from detail) det,lateral(select rownum rn from dual connect by level
Last month from sept to dec( using date function) We will get 4 rows say this is temp table Now temp left join your_table On (to_char(,'YYYYMM') = to_char(,'YYYYMM')) Once this is created rolling sum can be created using windowing clause ( rows between unbounded preceding and current row) Hope this helps
Here I try to solve your que. Be aware that my date types are in %Y,%m,%d format CREATE table testone (org_date date, ordervalue int); insert into testone values ('2021-09-01',10), ('2021-10-05',20),('2021-12-11',30); Ans=>Query ---------- with recursive tab(min_date,max_date) as ( select min(org_date),max(org_date) from testone union all select date_add(min_date,interval 1 month),max_date from tab where extract(month from min_date) < extract(month from max_date) ) select concat_ws( '-' ,case when extract(month from min_date) in (9,11) then 30 else 31 end ,extract(month from min_date),extract(year from min_date) ) org_date, sum(ordervalue) over(order by min_date) sum from tab left join testone on month(org_date) = month(min_date)
Hi Shubham, Tried to solve your question in SQL server using recursive cte. Below is the solution. --First we will find the minimum date and last date of maximum date and find all the dates between them with r_cte as ( select min(Date) as min_date, dateadd(day,datediff(day,max(date),eomonth(max(date))),max(date)) as max_date from Projects.dbo.order_dates UNION ALL select dateadd(day,1,min_date) as min_date, max_date from r_cte where min_date
with cte as( select product_id,period_start,period_end,average_daily_sales,period_start as start_date from sales union all select product_id,period_start,period_end,average_daily_sales,dateadd(dd,1,start_date) from cte where dateadd(dd,1,start_date)
WITH RECURSIVE r_cte AS ( SELECT MIN(period_start) AS dates, MAX(period_end) AS max_date FROM sales UNION ALL SELECT DATE_ADD(dates, INTERVAL 1 DAY) AS dates, max_date FROM r_cte WHERE dates < max_date ) SELECT product_id, year(dates) as yr, sum(average_daily_sales) as total_amount FROM r_cte join sales on dates between period_start and period_end group by product_id, year(dates) order by product_id, year(dates);
MYSQL Version: with recursive sales_cte as( select *, 1 as n from sales union select s.product_id,date_add(sal.period_start,interval n day) period_start,s.period_end, s.average_daily_sales, n+1 as n from sales_cte s join sales sal on sal.product_id = s.product_id and date_add(sal.period_start,interval n day)!=date_add(s.period_end,interval 1 day) ) select product_id,Year(period_start) report_year,count(n)*average_daily_sales total_amount from sales_cte group by Year(period_start),product_id,average_daily_sales order by product_id,total_amount desc
with recursive each_day_sale as( select product_id,period_start,average_daily_sales, period_end, 1 as num from sales union all select product_id,date_add(period_start,interval num day) period_start, average_daily_sales,period_end,num as num from each_day_sale where period_start
with rec_sales as ( select product_id, min(period_start) min_period, max(period_end) max_period, average_daily_sales from sales group by product_id, average_daily_sales union all select product_id, dateadd(day, 1, min_period), max_period, average_daily_sales from rec_sales where min_period < max_period ) select product_id, year(min_period) report_year, sum(average_daily_sales) total_amount from rec_sales group by product_id, year(min_period) order by 1, 2 option (maxrecursion 1000)
Hello Ankit, can you explain why you have done 'from r_cte' in second select. Why are we not writing 'from sales' ? . The CTE has not yet been created so how are we calling cte within the not yet created cte. I understand the 1st select (creating anchor value) and the 3rd select perfectly and the remaining code as well as the logic behind it. Or maybe this is what the syntax of recursion is 😅
Here's my solution without need of join after recursion. Instead of creating days first and then joining, we can just keep increasing one day at a time until upper limit of date is reached. Since sale will remain same on all the days, we'll include sale as well and in the end we sum the sales on group product_id and year: with RECURSIVE cte1 as( select * from sales union ALL select product_id,TIMESTAMPADD(DAY,1,period_start) as period_start,period_end,average_daily_sales from cte1 where TIMESTAMPADD(DAY,1,period_start)
select product_id,yr,sum(sal2) from (select product_id,to_char(st1,'yyyy') yr,l,sal2 from (select product_id,period_start+l-1 st1,l,average_daily_sales sal2 from sales s, lateral(select level l from dual connect by level
WITH cte AS (SELECT product_id, period_start, period_end, average_daily_sales FROM sales UNION ALL SELECT product_id, DATEADD(DAY, 1, period_start) AS period_start, period_end, average_daily_sales FROM cte WHERE period_start
with recursive sale_dates as ( select product_id, period_start as sale_date from sales union all select sale_dates.product_id, sale_date + 1 as sale_date from sale_dates, sales where sale_date < sales.period_end and sale_dates.product_id = sales.product_id ), sale_year_days as (select product_id, date_part('year', sale_date) as sale_year, count(1) as sale_year_days from sale_dates group by product_id, date_part('year', sale_date)) select s.product_id, sale_year as report_year, sale_year_days * average_daily_sales as total_amount from sale_year_days syd, sales s where syd.product_id = s.product_id order by product_id, report_year
with recursive r_cte as ( select * from salesnew union all select product_id,date_add(period_start,interval 1 day),period_end,average_daily_Sales from r_cte where period_start
solved the problem using postgresql below is the code with recursive c1 as ( select * ,extract(year from period_start) as start_year ,extract(year from period_end) as end_year ,row_number() over (order by period_start) as rn from sales) ,c2 as ( select product_id,period_start as sales_start_date ,case when start_year = end_year then period_end else (start_year||'-12-31')::date end as sales_end_date ,average_daily_sales,start_year as sales_year, start_year,end_year,period_start,period_end,rn from c1 union all select c1.product_id ,(((c2.sales_year)+1)::varchar||'-01-01')::date as sales_start_date ,case when (c2.sales_year+1)=c1.end_year then c1.period_end else ((c2.sales_year+1)||'-12-31')::date end as sales_end_date ,c1.average_daily_sales ,(c2.sales_year+1) as sales_year,c1.start_year,c1.end_year ,c1.period_start,c1.period_end,c1.rn from c1 inner join c2 on c1.rn = c2.rn and (c2.sales_year + 1)
Please review the below code with out join and generating 100s of lines, which might be a problem if we have a huge difference bw start and end date with cte as (select product_id,period_start,period_end,average_daily_sales, year(period_start) as year_start, year(period_start) as year_end from sales union all select product_id,period_start,period_end,average_daily_sales, year_start+1, year_start+1 from cte where year_start
WITH cte AS ( SELECT product_id, period_start AS start_dates, period_end, average_daily_sales FROM sales1 UNION ALL SELECT product_id, DATEADD(DAY, 1, start_dates), period_end, average_daily_sales FROM cte WHERE DATEADD(DAY, 1, start_dates)
with recursive cte as ( select *, year(period_start) end_year, 1 as cnt from sales union all select cte.product_id, cte.period_start, cte.period_end, cte.average_Daily_sales, (year(period_start)+cnt) end_year, cte.cnt+1 as cnt from cte where (year(period_start)+cnt)
These videos are extremely helpful. I have searched a lot in UA-cam but none solves these many hard problems. Kudos to you :)
Thank you 😊
@@ankitbansal6 and good thing is you give create and insert statements. that makes whole experience awesome.
I took all the parameters in the recursive CTE to avoid the joins.
with recursive dt_cte as (
select period_start,period_end,product_id,average_daily_sales from sales
union all
select adddate(period_start,1),period_end,product_id,average_daily_sales
from dt_cte
where period_start
Good stuff. Thanks for posting.
This logic is just amazing!!!!! Too good solution. Even that inner join is a brilliant idea.
Thanks Ankit! ... and below is the query for Mysql workbench (If any one wants).
Note: Addon/modified keywords/parameters are ---> recursive , date_add(dates,interval 1 day)
with recursive t_sales as
(select min(period_start) as dates,max(period_end) maxdate from sales
union all
select date_add(dates,interval 1 day) as dates,maxdate from t_sales
where dates < maxdate)
select product_id,year(dates) as report_year,sum(average_daily_sales) as total_amount
from t_sales inner join sales
on dates between period_start and period_end
group by product_id,year(dates)
order by product_id;
Hi Ankit, can you please post some more questions on this topic? Also, how to understand when to use CTE/Recursive CTE?
keep rocking Ankit . Excellent explanation!
Great way to explain a concept, thank you bro.
Excellent explanation on recursive CTE.
Glad you liked it
zindagi me pehli baar recursive CTE smjh me aya hai
Shaandar zabardast zindabad
I tried in the postgres in little different way which could be interesting
1.I have assumed that data is large.
2.If data is large then generating data for each date will consume more space and time
3.So I computed the number of days month wise for corresponding year and computed by (days*sales)
4.Finally aggregated by product_id wise and year wise
with recursive r_cte as
select min(period_start) as dates, max(period_end) as max_date from sales
union all
select (dates+interval '1 month')::date, max_date from r_cte
--where dates < max_date
where dates < date_trunc('month',max_date)
,dates_cte as
select min(dates) as date_start
, least(date_trunc('month',dates) + interval '1 month - 1 day', max(max_date))::date as date_end
from r_cte
group by dates order by dates
, days_cte as (
select *, (date_end-date_start)+1 as monthly_days from dates_cte
b.product_id, extract('year' from a.date_start) as year, (sum(a.monthly_days)*max(b.average_daily_sales)) as total_sales
from days_cte a
join sales b on a.date_start between b.period_start and b.period_end
group by b.product_id, extract('year' from a.date_start)
order by b.product_id
amazing problem very helpful video
Thank you taking this up. really helpful to figure out the approach to solve any problem.
Learnt Something New today . Thanks for the video ... But question is how to remember what approach we need to take ? mostly seeing such type of questions all that comes in mind is to use case statement or any analytical functioin ..
🔥this is very useful, thanks for sharing..
Using recursive cte but with a different approach
with cte as (
select year(min(period_start)) as sale_year from sales
select sale_year+1 from cte where sale_year+1
I have a doubts, like hackerrank does not support recursive function, so how to do similar types of problem on it
postgre solution :
with cte as
(select s.product_id,
extract(year from g.generated_date) as years,
from sales s
cross join lateral generate_series(s.period_start, s.period_end, interval '1 day') as g(generated_date))
select product_id as id,
from cte
group by 1, 2
order by 1;
Ankit what will be the order of execution in case of recursive CTE?
Today I was asked the same question. I thought of using CASE for getting the years. Couldn't answer it. Immediately after the interview, I search it on leetcode followed by youtube mentioning "Total Sales by Amount Ankit Bansal" :) Thank you!
Which company? and Profile?
Awesome, I learnt recusive CTE very well
Good job!
I have also used recursive CTE but in a different way. In the last, I haven't use any JOIN clause to solve this problem.
Here is my code (very short & simple code I have written) : -
with recursive cte as(
select product_id, period_start, period_end, average_daily_sales from sales
select product_id, date_add(period_start, interval 1 day) period_start, period_end, average_daily_sales
from cte where period_start < period_end)
select product_id, year(period_start) report_year, sum(average_daily_sales)
from cte group by 1,2
Hello Shubham, can you explain why you have done 'from cte' in second select. Why are we not writing 'from sales' ? . The CTE has not yet been created so how are we calling cte within the not yet created cte
When I started solving this problem without watching this video, I was thinking of this solution and one another option of finding a date diff between 2 dates and calculate the total sum. Thanks.
From Oracle/SQl...
with d_dates (dates,max_dates)
select min(period_start) as dates, max(period_end) as max_dates from sales
union all
select dates+1 as dates,max_dates from d_dates
where dates
Thanks for the question and solution.
Nice one, Ankit :)
i think we should also take productid in CTE and use it in join so that if there are overlapping date range across product will not create issue.
It doesn't matter. I am covering all the dates for table. Overlap dates also will get joined to multiple product IDs. I think overlap is already there..
MYSQL Solution
with recursive sales_data as (
select * from sales
select t1.product_id,
date_add(t1.period_start, interval 1 day) as period_start,
from sales_data t1 join sales t2
on t1.product_id = t2.product_id
and t1.period_start < t2.period_end
select product_id,year(period_start) as report_year,
sum(average_daily_sales) as total_amount
from sales_data
group by 1,2 order by product_id
cant we take first and last day of year in between and make days as 365? and then count the sum? I think making it recursive will be heavy process
with r_cte as(
select min(period_start) as date,max(period_end) as max_date from sales
Union all
select DATEADD(day,1,date),max_date from r_cte where date
I have a usecase as below
There are n number of nodes connected to each other,
Every output link of a node matches with the input link of another node
I have to make them join based on inputlinkid and outputlinkid
But the challenge here is I don't know how many nodes a flow has , so I have to create columns dynamically where each column represents a node name.
Can you please help me how to create dynamic columns while running recursive cte
select * from sales;
with recursive cte1 as
( select min(period_start) as dates,max(period_end) as max_dates from sales
union all
select date_add(dates,INTERVAL 1 DAY) as date,max_dates from cte1
where dates
with cte as(
select min(period_start) as first_date, max(period_end) as last_date from sales2
union all
select dateadd(day,1,first_date) ,last_date from cte where first_date < last_date
select sum(average_daily_sales) as total_sales, year(first_date) as years,product_id from cte
join sales2 on first_date between period_start and period_end
group by year(first_date),product_id
option(maxrecursion 1000)
Hi ankit.. Can you please tell how to know when to use recursive cte
with recursive cte1 as(select "2018-12-01" as num
union all select date_add(num,interval 1 day) from cte1 where num
with cte as(
select product_id, period_start as start_date, period_end,average_daily_sales from sales
union all
select product_id, dateadd(day, 1, start_date) as start_date, period_end, average_daily_sales
from cte
where period_end > start_date)
select product_id, YEAR(start_date) as dt_year , sum(average_daily_sales) as sales from cte
group by product_id, YEAR(start_date)
order by product_id option(maxrecursion 1000)
Hey Ankit, Thanks a lot for making this video. I had one small doubt so I have the exact same problem but some of the values in end date is null in data. How am I supposed to handle that in the query.
So you need to put some default value to replace nulls. Maybe current date or check with business what is the expectation
with cte(product_id,period_start,period_end,avg) as
select product_id,period_start,period_end,average_daily_sales from sales --anchor query
union all
select product_id,period_start + interval '1' day,period_end,avg --recursive query
from cte
where period_start < period_end --filter to stop the recursion
select product_id,to_char(period_start,'YYYY'),sum(avg)
from cte --where product_id=3
group by product_id,to_char(period_start,'YYYY')
order by product_id;
Thanks for posting 👏
Hi Ankit, you've beautifully explained the concept. Can you please help mw with the join between 2 dates, how it works? Thanks!
its the same. just like you join a integer, similar is date.
tried a different approach in the end:
with cte as
select min(period_start) as md,max(period_end) as pe from sales
union all
select dateadd(day,1,md),pe from cte
where dateadd(day,1,md)
Solution in pyspark using udf since recursive CTE is not supported:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
import os
import findspark
def generate_list(start,end):
if(start_year==end_year and start_month==end_month): # for same year same month
for i in range(int(start_date),int(end_date)+1):
elif(start_year==end_year and start_month!=end_month): # for same year diff month
Only leap years are to be incorporated.
what is the meaning of leet code? please can u explain me?
It's a website
Another solution, without join.
with recursive cte as(
select product_id, period_start as exploded_date, period_end, average_daily_sales from recursive_sales
union all
select product_id, adddate(exploded_date,1), period_end, average_daily_sales from cte where exploded_date < period_end
select product_id, year(exploded_date) as year, sum(average_daily_sales) as product_yearly_sale from cte group by product_id, year(exploded_date) order by product_id;
SELECT MIN(period_start) AS min_date,MAX(period_end) as max_date FROM sales
SELECT DATE_ADD(min_date,INTERVAL 1 DAY) AS min_date , max_date FROM cte
WHERE min_date < max_date
product_id,year(min_date) as reporting_year,SUM(average_daily_sales) AS total_amount
FROM cte
inner JOIN sales on min_date between period_start and period_end
GROUP BY product_id,year(min_date)
ORDER BY product_id,year(min_date)
Can anyone tell me what is the alternative of option in mysql workbench?
@Ritika Jaiswal use this
with recursive rec_cte as
select min(period_start) as dates, max(period_end) as max_date from sales
union all
select date_add(dates, interval 1 day) as dates, max_date from rec_cte where dates < max_date
select year(dates) as yr, product_id , sum(average_daily_sales) as total_sales from rec_cte
inner join sales on dates between period_start and period_end
group by yr,product_id
order by yr, product_id
Upar se gaya bhai. 1-2 aur video bana ke samjha do please. Thode aur examples ke saath
Okay. Recursive CTE Ka concept samajh aaya kya ? Ya leetcode samajh nhi aaya ?
@@ankitbansal6 recursive cte ka concept samajh aa gaya... leetcode waala bro. Maine rewind kar ke dekha still difficulty hua samajhne me. Fir se try karta hu samajhne ka. Still ek baar ye topic pe thode aur videos bana do kuch examples ke please
@@swapnil3845 okay. Ek baar query khud run karke dekho step by step ..
@@ankitbansal6 okay bro. Try karta hu. Anyway thanks video ke liye concept tha. Abhi isko seekhta hu acche se
Do you have any Idea about how can I get all leetcode questions for free?
DM me on LinkedIn
DECLARE @startDate DATE, @endDate DATE;
SELECT @startDate = MIN(period_start) FROM sales;
SELECT @endDate = MAX(period_end) FROM sales;
WITH date_tbl AS
SELECT @startDate AS date_col
FROM date_tbl
WHERE date_col < @endDate
sales_cte AS
SELECT s.*, d.date_col
FROM sales AS s
INNER JOIN date_tbl AS d
ON d.date_col BETWEEN s.period_start AND s.period_end
SELECT product_id, YEAR(date_col) AS report_year, SUM(average_daily_sales) AS total_amount
FROM sales_cte
GROUP BY product_id, YEAR(date_col)
ORDER BY product_id ASC
Sir, this approch ok with 1 million record's
Your Teaching
with recursive cte as (
select period_start as start, period_end as end,
product_id, average_daily_sales
from sales
select DATE_ADD(start, INTERVAL 1 DAY), end, product_id, average_daily_sales from cte
where DATEDIFF(end, start) > 0
select YEAR(start), product_id, count(*), sum(average_daily_sales) from cte
group by YEAR(start), product_id
order by product_id, YEAR(start);
Hello Sir,
Could you please let me know the query for below question:
Date OrderValue
01-Sep-2021 10
05-Oct-2021 20
11-Dec-2021 30
Date Value
30-Sep-2021 10
31-Oct-2021 30
30-Nov-2021 30
31-Dec-2021 60
We need to tell cumulative sum of ordervalue(for missing month as well)
(Sorry for commenting but going through these set of questions in interviews)
select a.last,sum(a.order_Value) over (order by last) val from
(select case when d.rn 1 then 0 else det.order_value end order_Value,case when d.rn 1 then add_months(lastday,-rn+1) else lastday end as last
(select in_date,last_day(in_Date) lastday,order_value,to_char(in_date,'MM') mon,
nvl(round((in_date - lag(in_date) over (order by in_date))/30),1) sub
from detail) det,lateral(select rownum rn from dual connect by level
Last month from sept to dec( using date function)
We will get 4 rows say this is temp table
Now temp left join your_table
On (to_char(,'YYYYMM') = to_char(,'YYYYMM'))
Once this is created rolling sum can be created using windowing clause ( rows between unbounded preceding and current row)
Hope this helps
Here I try to solve your que. Be aware that my date types are in %Y,%m,%d format
CREATE table testone
(org_date date,
ordervalue int);
insert into testone values ('2021-09-01',10),
with recursive tab(min_date,max_date) as
select min(org_date),max(org_date) from testone
union all
select date_add(min_date,interval 1 month),max_date from tab where extract(month from min_date) < extract(month from max_date)
,case when extract(month from min_date) in (9,11) then 30 else 31 end
,extract(month from min_date),extract(year from min_date)
) org_date,
sum(ordervalue) over(order by min_date) sum
from tab left join testone
on month(org_date) = month(min_date)
Hi Shubham, Tried to solve your question in SQL server using recursive cte. Below is the solution.
--First we will find the minimum date and last date of maximum date and find all the dates between them
with r_cte as (
select min(Date) as min_date, dateadd(day,datediff(day,max(date),eomonth(max(date))),max(date)) as max_date from Projects.dbo.order_dates
select dateadd(day,1,min_date) as min_date, max_date from r_cte where min_date
with cte as(
select product_id,period_start,period_end,average_daily_sales,period_start as start_date from sales
union all
select product_id,period_start,period_end,average_daily_sales,dateadd(dd,1,start_date) from cte
where dateadd(dd,1,start_date)
SELECT MIN(period_start) AS dates, MAX(period_end) AS max_date FROM sales
SELECT DATE_ADD(dates, INTERVAL 1 DAY) AS dates, max_date FROM r_cte WHERE dates < max_date
SELECT product_id, year(dates) as yr, sum(average_daily_sales) as total_amount FROM r_cte join sales on dates between period_start and period_end
group by product_id, year(dates) order by product_id, year(dates);
MYSQL Version:
with recursive sales_cte as(
select *, 1 as n from sales
select s.product_id,date_add(sal.period_start,interval n day) period_start,s.period_end,
s.average_daily_sales, n+1 as n from sales_cte s
join sales sal
on sal.product_id = s.product_id and
date_add(sal.period_start,interval n day)!=date_add(s.period_end,interval 1 day)
select product_id,Year(period_start) report_year,count(n)*average_daily_sales total_amount
from sales_cte group by
order by product_id,total_amount desc
with recursive each_day_sale as(
select product_id,period_start,average_daily_sales, period_end, 1 as num from sales
union all
select product_id,date_add(period_start,interval num day) period_start,
average_daily_sales,period_end,num as num from each_day_sale
where period_start
this is very memmory consuming query , could hv been optmised
with rec_sales as
select product_id, min(period_start) min_period, max(period_end) max_period, average_daily_sales
from sales
group by product_id, average_daily_sales
union all
select product_id, dateadd(day, 1, min_period), max_period, average_daily_sales
from rec_sales
where min_period < max_period
select product_id, year(min_period) report_year, sum(average_daily_sales) total_amount
from rec_sales
group by product_id, year(min_period)
order by 1, 2
option (maxrecursion 1000)
Thank you 😊
Hello Ankit, can you explain why you have done 'from r_cte' in second select. Why are we not writing 'from sales' ? . The CTE has not yet been created so how are we calling cte within the not yet created cte.
I understand the 1st select (creating anchor value) and the 3rd select perfectly and the remaining code as well as the logic behind it.
Or maybe this is what the syntax of recursion is 😅
yeah, that's the syntax of recursive cte and that's why it gets its tag "recursive"
.. If not, then nothing special with recursive cte right?.
Here's my solution without need of join after recursion. Instead of creating days first and then joining, we can just keep increasing one day at a time until upper limit of date is reached. Since sale will remain same on all the days, we'll include sale as well and in the end we sum the sales on group product_id and year:
with RECURSIVE cte1 as(
select * from sales
union ALL
select product_id,TIMESTAMPADD(DAY,1,period_start) as period_start,period_end,average_daily_sales from cte1
where TIMESTAMPADD(DAY,1,period_start)
select product_id,yr,sum(sal2) from
(select product_id,to_char(st1,'yyyy') yr,l,sal2 from
(select product_id,period_start+l-1 st1,l,average_daily_sales sal2 from sales s,
lateral(select level l from dual connect by level
(SELECT product_id,
FROM sales
UNION ALL SELECT product_id,
DATEADD(DAY, 1, period_start) AS period_start,
FROM cte
WHERE period_start
with recursive sale_dates as
select product_id, period_start as sale_date from sales
union all
select sale_dates.product_id, sale_date + 1 as sale_date from sale_dates, sales
where sale_date < sales.period_end and sale_dates.product_id = sales.product_id
sale_year_days as
(select product_id, date_part('year', sale_date) as sale_year, count(1) as sale_year_days
group by product_id, date_part('year', sale_date))
select s.product_id, sale_year as report_year, sale_year_days * average_daily_sales as total_amount
sale_year_days syd,
sales s
syd.product_id = s.product_id
order by product_id, report_year
with recursive r_cte as (
select * from salesnew
union all
select product_id,date_add(period_start,interval 1 day),period_end,average_daily_Sales from r_cte
where period_start
solved the problem using postgresql
below is the code
with recursive c1 as (
select *
,extract(year from period_start) as start_year
,extract(year from period_end) as end_year
,row_number() over (order by period_start) as rn
from sales)
,c2 as (
select product_id,period_start as sales_start_date
,case when start_year = end_year then period_end
else (start_year||'-12-31')::date end as sales_end_date
,average_daily_sales,start_year as sales_year,
start_year,end_year,period_start,period_end,rn from c1
union all
select c1.product_id
,(((c2.sales_year)+1)::varchar||'-01-01')::date as sales_start_date
,case when (c2.sales_year+1)=c1.end_year then c1.period_end
else ((c2.sales_year+1)||'-12-31')::date end as sales_end_date
,(c2.sales_year+1) as sales_year,c1.start_year,c1.end_year
,c1.period_start,c1.period_end,c1.rn from c1
inner join c2
on c1.rn = c2.rn
and (c2.sales_year + 1)
Please review the below code with out join and generating 100s of lines,
which might be a problem if we have a huge difference bw start and end date
with cte as (select product_id,period_start,period_end,average_daily_sales,
year(period_start) as year_start,
year(period_start) as year_end
from sales
union all
select product_id,period_start,period_end,average_daily_sales,
from cte
where year_start
WITH cte AS (
SELECT product_id, period_start AS start_dates, period_end, average_daily_sales
FROM sales1
SELECT product_id, DATEADD(DAY, 1, start_dates), period_end, average_daily_sales
FROM cte
WHERE DATEADD(DAY, 1, start_dates)
with recursive cte as (
select *, year(period_start) end_year, 1 as cnt
from sales
union all
select cte.product_id, cte.period_start, cte.period_end, cte.average_Daily_sales, (year(period_start)+cnt) end_year, cte.cnt+1 as cnt
from cte where (year(period_start)+cnt)