It may justbe me, but I prefer old and simple rigs similar to this. No menus and simple to operate. Besides, it can and wil communicate with modern and expensive radios. I've made contact with other hams using radios muc much older than this. 73 everyone and may you have the very best of the Holiday season with your loved ones.
I had one of those. Bought it out of the case at HRO Atlanta.
Loved it.
I wish I never turned it loose.
My first HF rig.
The Canary Islands are Spanish but are off the coast of Morocco in North West Africa. It is actually a greater distance than the Spanish coast.
Mosley TA-53M is only 5ft off the ground
Nice 👍Always wanted a radio like that
They can be found quite often.
Our first HF All Band All mode Rig ...purchased Miami around 1997...Yaesu is in a closet somewhere collecting dust ........
Try getting it working. It's a great radio!
It may justbe me, but I prefer old and simple rigs similar to this. No menus and simple to operate. Besides, it can and wil communicate with modern and expensive radios. I've made contact with other hams using radios muc much older than this. 73 everyone and may you have the very best of the Holiday season with your loved ones.
Merry Christmas ⛄🎁