You can't talk about the potato famine without mentioning my tribe, just sixteen years after the Choctaws were forced out of their homes and made to March during the trail of tears, they donated every bit of money they had. Relations between the Irish and Choctaws have been kindled ever since. The prime minster of Ireland just last month came not to visit the president or anyone in Washington but the our chief.
The American People are not responsible for the Trail of Tears - the Democrat Government was. Probably still is responsible for those horrible reservations and the sad way of life happening there. Only a few Elite headmen of the tribes really benefit from that miserable system. You can rest assured that the Prime Minister of Ireland only did that visit to further his political career- playing one off against the other, it's an old game. Millions of naïve people around the world have donated their hard earnt billions of dollars into the foul sink-hole of Africa and those people are no better off, but their politicians are rolling in more money from corrupt governments. Don't suffer from absurd sentimentality. Stop perpetuating this system of keeping indigenous people in zoos. It has not bettered their lives and their children deserve to live free to choose without propaganda from those who benefit from their imprisonment. Someone has to speak the truth.
@Rocki wahl.....Our extreme thanks to you "great spirtual people"........I can't bear to read about your sad history,and the policies that were created to Rob your terrotories,and destroy your colture,.Unfortulately Materialist colture ,destroys Spirtual colture,but rest assured it's just waiting in the wings,until the materialiasts destroy themselves...My advice would be ,adapt to the situation,but don't lose your Colture,or Language....Jesus said,"All the Empires of the Earth will pass,but my word shall not pass"....My profoung opoligies,if us Irish participated also,but we had little choice..I know you will understand,Blessings
@@@judithsmith8014 ......Well as the colonist policies robbed all the mineral and natural resources of these countries in Africa,no wonder it's a "foul sink hole",lol......But your comment was very interesting ,and true in many respects......The Media always write about "atrocities",and Terrorism,but they never give the real causes??
The census in Ireland in 1841 was 10.7 million citizens of the British Empire. The ports were not closed as in previous potato blights. Enough food was exported out of Ireland each and every year to feed 18 million citizens UNDER MILITARY ARMED GUARD. None of the 700,000 military in Ireland died of starvation, or helped in any way the the starving Catholic Irish. The Protestants were not subject to the Irish penal laws and did not suffer from starvation. Catholics could not own property in Ireland. The Military & Police were used to evict the Catholics from the Landlords shoddy cottages even when they were paying their rent. The cottages were then demolished to clear the land for food crops or animals. The eviction was a death sentence because they could not move into a neighbour's or relative's rented house. If they did that the neighbour or relative was also evicted and their house demolished. To-day If a Palestinian commit a crime against an Israeli his family home is demolished as a punishment. They must have learned it from the Irish Famine. Let's not call it a famine anymore it was the 3rd Genocide committed against the Irish by the British Empire. The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire sent three ships laden with food but were refused entry to Irish ports under order's of the Queen. The Cherokees that were evicted from their land by President Andrew Jackson against the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Unites States known as the Trail of Tears sent food to the starving Irish Catholics. Half of those Cherokees died on that 1,000 mile forced journey. The US also Deported 2 Million US citizens of Mexican Decent back to Mexico in the 1920's and again in the 1950's California. Immigration restrictions in the US started in the 1960's. And the of course we had the Chinese Exclusionary Act from 1882 to 1947. It excluded all Chinese from any country coming to the US during that period. So the Irish and chinese men who built the cross country railway in the US were not allowed to bring their families to the US.
RedShamrock A blight upon the potatoes of Ireland forever changed the histories of Ireland, England, and the United States of America. The blight that we now know was a water mold (and not a fungus as originally believed), Phytophthora infestans, attacked the cash crop of the Irish Catholic peasant farmer. This was the crop with which the Irish paid their rent to the English and Protestant landlords. Starving Irish peasants tried to eat the rotten potatoes and fell ill to cholera and typhus and whole villages were struck down. Many landlords evicted the starving tenants who could be found dying on sides of roads with mouths green from eating grass to fill their bellies. Other families were sent to workhouses where the overcrowding and poor conditions led to more starvation, sickness, and ultimately death. Going to a workhouse was akin to marching to one's own death. Some more sympathetic landlords paid the passage for their tenants to emigrate to America, Canada, and Australia. Ship owners took advantage of the situation and wedged hundreds of diseased and desperate Irish into ships that were hardly sea-worthy for the Trans-Atlantic trip. These ships became known as "coffin ships" as more than one-third of the passengers died on the voyage. The Irish that did survive the trip to America, Canada, or Australia on the coffin ships drummed up awareness and more importantly, aid in the form of food. But for every one ship sailing into Ireland with food, more were exporting grain-based alcohol, wool and flax, and other necessities such as wheat, oats, barley, butter, eggs, beef, and pork that could have helped feed the Irish people. The Irish themselves were accused of bringing the famine on themselves as they were viewed as a lazy, overpopulated race of people - never mind that they were not legally able to fish or hunt under British law. They starved in the midst of plenty because they were not allowed to provide for themselves and their families by any means other than agriculture. The Famine, or An Górta Mór, the Great Hunger, took more than one million lives, between those that died of starvation and those that left Ireland for a better life in America or elsewhere in the world. Those who were left behind in Ireland experienced a desperation that led to a massive change in politics and nationalism - it was only a few years later, in 1858 that the Irish Republican Brotherhood was founded. The British government and the British and Irish Protestant landowners still required the Irish peasants and laborers to pay their rent for the land they could not work due to the blight and the hunger upon them. In a lush island surrounded by water teaming with fish and land that fattened pig and cattle alike, how could one failed crop cause a Famine? According to British law, Irish Catholics could not apply for fishing or hunting licenses. Their pigs and cattle were sent to England to feed the British and to export for trade, while the landlords kept the fine cuts for themselves. Ireland was part of the British Empire, the most powerful empire in the world at that time - yet the British government stood by and did nothing to help their subjects overcome this hardship. In our time, an enforced famine such as this would be labeled genocide yet in the 1800s it was merely an unfortunate tragedy. As defined in the United Nation's 1948 Genocide Convention and the 1987 Genocide Convention Implementation Act, the legal definition of genocide is any of the acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, including by killing its members; causing them serious bodily or mental harm; deliberately inflicting on a group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. The British policy of mass starvation inflicted on Ireland from 1845 to 1850 constituted "genocide" against the Irish People as legally defined by the United Nations. A quote by John Mitchell (who published The United Irishman) states that "The Almighty indeed sent the potato blight, but the English created the Famine. From the Greek word for tribe (or race), genos, and the Latin term -cide, the word genocide refers to the extermination of the peoples of a nation (or religious group) carried out by an organization, usually a government. Such is the case when discussing the British treatment of Ireland during the potato blight; treatment which was based in the history of Ireland. William Makepiece Thackcray wrote: "...It is a frightful document against of the most melancholy stories in the whole world of insolence, rapine, brutal, endless slaughter and persecution on the part of the English master...There is no crime ever invented by eastern or western barbarians, no torture or Roman persecution or Spanish Inquisition, no tyranny of Nero or Alva but can be matched in the history of England in Ireland." (Metress, 2) A famine did not truly exist. There was no food shortage in Ireland evidenced by the fact that the British landowners continued to have a varied diet and food stuffs were exported. This was not the first failure of the potato crop in the history of Ireland. The starvation (and genocide) occurred as the British carried on their historical exploitation of the Irish people, failed to take appropriate action in the face of the failure of the potato crop, and maintained their racist attitude toward the Irish. The Penal Laws, first passed in 1695. were strictly enforced. These laws made it illegal for Catholics (Irish) to own land, and required the transfer of property from Catholics to Protestants; to have access to an education, and eliminated Gaelic as a language while preventing the development of an educated class; to enter professions, forcing the Irish to remain as sharecropping farmers; or to practice their religion. In addition, Catholics (Irish) could not vote, hold an office, purchase land, join the army, or engage in commerce. Simply put, the British turned the Irish into nothing better than slaves, subsisting on their small rented farms. The exportation of wheat, oats, barley, and rye did nothing to help the financial status of the poor farmer. The produce was used to pay taxes and rents to the English landlords, who then sold the farm products for great profit. These profits did nothing for the economy of Ireland, but did help the English landlords to prosper. The Irish farmer was forced to remain in poverty, and reliant on one crop, potato, for his subsistence. The potato became the dominant crop for the poor of Ireland as it was able to provide the greatest amount of food for the least acreage. Farming required a large family to tend the crops and the population grew as a result of need. Poverty forced the Irish to rely upon the potato and the potato kept the Irish impoverished. As the economic situation worsened, landlords who had the legal power to do so, evicted their Irish tenant farmers, filling the workhouses with poor, underfed, and diseased human beings who were destined to die. A caption under a picture shown in The Pictorial Times, October 10, 1846, best describes the circumstances of the great starvation, and the nature of the genocide: "Around them is plenty; rickyards, in full contempt, stand under their snug thatch, calculating the chances of advancing prices; or, the thrashed grain safely stored awaits only the opportunity of conveyance to be taken far away to feed strangers...But a strong arm interposes to hold the maddened infuriates away. Property laws supersede those of Nature. Grain is of more value than blood. And if they attempt to take of the fatness of the land that belongs to their lords, death by musketry, is a cheap government measure to provide for the wants of a starving and incensed people."(Food Riots, 2) It is time for the world to stop referring to this disastrous period in Irish history as the Great Famine, and to fully realize, and to acknowledge, the magnitude of the crime that systematically destroyed Irish nationalism, the Irish economy, the Irish culture, and the Irish people. Copy and pasted but hey
quite frankly i'm rather offended by how upbeat and lighthearted this video is, throwing a potato in the air as a little joke, that's like making a video about the haulocaust and playing with a swastica or something, it's a very touchy subject with us even today, it was genocide.
Hadron Wolf I'm Indian but I found it offensive too,any human with little empathy for another being would find it rude. Starvation of millions of people is no joke! This man lacks compassion.
I hate the term offensive (it has the snowflake generation stench all over it) but I definitely found it distrracting. It just doesn't fit, the guy seems to be doing a decent, reliable job and then all of a sudden he goes into that frenzy for no reason, like that 3:38 "and Ireland did TOOOOOO..." I mean, what the fuck was that about? Just tell a story, your viewers ain't a bunch of morons that will sleep if you don't give out a shriek every second sentence, this video is six minutes long for crying out loud!
Potatoes are yummy homie... Theys the fruit of the dirt! You can BBQ it, boil it, broil it, bake it, sauté it, theys um... Potato kebobs, potato creole, potato gumbo, you can pan fry, deep fry, stir fry , theys pineapple potato, lemon potato, coconut potato, pepper potato, mashed em, French fries, hash browns, tater tots, you can make potato pancakes, potato curry, potato soup, potato stew, potato salad, shrimp and potatoes, potatoes burger, potato sandwich.... That's about it.
If you would just invest in a better microphone, your videos would be A+ quality stuff. Love the info, the dynamic, and the graphics. Hate the fact that it's all being drowned out by a bad mic that's obviously hitting the red in input. You provide a really interesting take. Cheers.
Yeah, but the Irish had an uprising I believe and gained all but Ulster right? There is the Irish republic, I think what you were talking about was the Catholic sectors in the 6 or so counties that england still controls right?
I first learned about this in an econ class, not a history class. Potatoes during the famine are thought of as an example of a Giffen good. Even though price of the potatoes went up, people would buy more of them since they couldn't afford meat. With more income people would buy meat and fewer taters. The demand curve is funky for Giffen goods. Usually people purchase fewer of an item as the price goes up - or more of an item when their income goes up. There is debate if there is such thing as Giffen goods in the real world but it does exist as econ concept.
Greetings to great irish people from turkey :) glad that ottomans helped and saved your great people with 1000£ and 5 ships full of food love you all :)
Why are people so offended by this guy? He was upbeat, but did you expect him to do it in an Anthony Padilla style apology video? It was over 150 years ago. People need to stop getting offended over the littlest things.
Well it's by the hush, me boys, and sure that's to hold your noise And listen to poor Paddy's sad narration I was by hunger stressed, and in poverty distressed So I took a thought I'd leave the Irish nation Well I sold me ass and cow, my little pigs and sow My little plot of land I soon did part with And me sweetheart Bid McGee, I'm afraid I'll never see For I left her there that morning broken-hearted Here's you boys, now take my advice To America I'll have ye's not be going There is nothing here but war, where the murderin' cannons roar And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin Well meself and a hundred more, to America sailed o'er Our fortunes to be making we were thinkin' When we got to Yankee land, they put guns into our hands "Paddy, you must go and fight for Lincoln" Here's you boys, now take my advice To America I'll have ye's not be going There is nothing here but war, where the murderin' cannons roar And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin General Meagher to us he said, if you get shot or lose your head Every murdered soul of you'se will get a pension Well in the war lost me leg, they gave me a wooden peg And by soul it is the truth to you I mention Here's you boys, now take my advice To America I'll have ye's not be going There is nothing here but war, where the murderin' cannons roar And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin Well I think meself in luck, if I get fed on Indianbuck And old Ireland is the country I delight in To the devil, I would say, it's curse Americay For the truth I've had enough of your hard fightin Here's you boys, now take my advice To America I'll have ye's not be going There is nothing here but war, where the murderin' cannons roar And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin I wish I was at home I wish I was at home I wish I was at home I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin
I don't give a fuck about what happens to Britain when they leave the EU, but I am concerned about what's going to happen to Ireland and the rest of the world.
TheSubmissionChannel You decided to start a youtube post asking ''Where did the potatoes come from though? Peru?'' If there was a famine i don't think it was anything to do with Peruvian potatoes. There is a wealth of literature out there on the Famine - youtube is the last place i'd head to learn anything.
I'm English, but the potato famine was genocide whether the intention was to wipe out the Irish or not. How the fuck can you kill 25% of a countries population and then say "uh, sorry about that, it was a mistake!" Even the famine under Mao only killed 5% of China's population and people often bring it up as the worst thing in history. Same with the Benghal famine. Say what you want about Stalin and Mao, but at least the famines under them happened because they were rapidly industrializing, the English (and Churchill) just did those famines because they were greedy/malevolent and didn't give a shit about the people they responsible for.
The potato only diet in ireland wasn't a bad thing at the time, it was called a monodiet I think. A monodiet is living off one thing, in Asia rice was a HUGE monodiet for centuries
I am British, and feel shame at the Potato famine. It was genocide against Irish people. Where 2 million innocent Irish people were starved to death. We do not hear enough about our sins as a British nation. We always think we were the good guys. We are very immature. Some British people expect Irish people to admire Britain with total admiration, as if we never did anything bad to Ireland.
This was not a famine but a genocide, similar to the artificial famines the British had engineered during their Raj in the Indian subcontinent, the Bengal famine being the most infamous.
what are you talking about when you say that in the future the Irish might break free, they broke free almost 100 years ago and the part that stayed chose to by a majority vote.
There was no potato famine. There was a potato blight, but the potatoes they had were to be sold at market to buy other food stuffs, but they couldn't do that. All the good crops, butter, meat were being shipped to Britain and the rest of Europe while the Irish starved to death, were sent to Van Diemen's land and abroad on prison ships.
your videos are so great! but please i beg stop adding the weird music and greeen screen background, place it in a more common setting... kind of like a vlog brothers channel.. it will appeal a larger crowd.. sorry if this sounded mean but i thought your videos were really awesome and put togetherm
***If only the Irish followed Peru's example of using a mix diversity of potatoes, they probably would have never had the potatoe famine. Diversity is our best insurance.Thank you Peru for these innovations."***
Lazy Spark Then they would have known about as much about Peru as modern day Americans. At least today i am sure they know alot more about peru and other countries than americans.
Martin Murray What? I didn't know laws like that existed. The only law like that in Ireland that I'm aware of was the Education Act 1695 where it was illegal to send children off to be educated abroad and this was repealed in the 1780s well before the famine started.
@@@dan-lt1ts ...yea last time i went fishing in West Cork ,didn't catch one mackeral,or pollack...Where before you could catch hundreds...Blame it on Spanish, French,etc,who just suck all the fish out!
Terrible audio. Increasing the volume after recording is creating terrible distortion. Increase gain while recording instead ... or get a decent microphone.
A nutshell overview.. nothing more than anyone needs to know and no where any Irish citizens wants to go. I enjoyed the conscious perspective and can only thank my days Ireland is booming today, despite the troubled past. But history is history! Ireland is one of the most prosperous nation in Europe by GDP per Capita, even better than its ex-landlord Britain...
Heket: What the hell is wrong with people just someone should have given them some food this is why I hate people they should of done what Marie-Antoinette said “Qu'ils mangent de la brioche” in English “Let them eat cake”
I think your pithy and flippent presentation is quite insensitive and disrespectful. Your description of England dropping the ball (as you describe it) is equally uneducated. England had a policy of genocide and ethnic cleansing towards Ireland in an attempt to resolve the issue of something they called the Irish question. A policy that still reverberates almost 200 later.
None of my ancestors saw fit to glorify Southern Ireland. We don't know how many generations we've been in the US/CS only that DNA test results put me at 84% Irish, 3%Iberian peninsula & Viking raid rapes. Ya gotta have Iberian blood if ya want an occasional"Black Irish" kid, it goes with the territory....
@ Brian McNellis....How do you know really if your ancestors didn't glorify Southern Eire??...So who did they "glorify"...The "colonialist policies" of british governments?.....You really should do some study before you open your big "loyalist mouth"??....As for "Black Irish",nothing to do with "Iberian Blood",or the result of "viking rape victims"??.......Druidism,(Celts) always were a mixed bag,incorporating many different Peoples,from many different Races,but at least they spoke the same language,worshipped the same Gods...Pliny says they (Celts) were dark haired,but had striking "Blue eyes"...yes ,at least,one observer was correct......The Celts exist today,but in an "underground" way ,but mixing with other races is a kind of Hobby,lol...mixing with anglo saxons,vikings,latinos,asian,african,etc,is Fun,Fun ,Fun!!
You people are so glib about such serious issues. 1 million people starving to death is not a trivial issue. And yes profit was put before people. And England had the fickle finger of blame pointed at it. But people in England and Scotland had really hard times too. Brought about by English corn law in turn brought about by AMERICA flooding the market with cheap corn. America upsetting the apple cart again. So be careful who you blame. Nothing has really changed has it, if you think about it?
I think your humor is offensive and that you are making too light of a very serious situation. There is nothing funny about millions of people starving. I recommend using less tasteless jokes and being more respectful.
Would ireland welcome Britain’s poor and hungry? No chance they would They accept middle class English moving there, just about anyway, but they’d never accept masses of poor English moving their, they’d treat them like dirt
You seem to have a bit of a chip on your shoulder pall. British people are treated no different to Irish people in Ireland.There is absolutely nothing stopping somebody from Britain coming to Ireland and claiming welfare or Benefits. Maybe if you actually visited the place it would broaden your mind.
I’ve visited a few times What I’m saying though is if poor English people set up their communities and ghettos in places more like Dublin, cork, Galway etc, I think the Irish would hate them
Liam lll Fair enough. Im not sure really, it depends on how they interact with the local population. Ireland in the last 30 years has welcomed people from countries that I suppose you could say are less well off and they have set up communities without any major problems (for now, at least). I don't think English people wold be treated any differently poor or not. Ive noticed quiet alot more 2nd and 3rd generation (what would you call them English/Irish?) have move back from the UK in the last few years, they are defiantly not all middle class. Maybe that's to do with brexit, maybe the economy is stronger here at the minute, I don't know.
Utter dross. Potato blight affected the whole of northern Europe. Scots, eg, had the same problem. So did the Swedes. Scots and Swedes ate other things and moved and, largely, survived. The Irish killed themselves and blamed the Brits for a pogrom against Irish Catholics. The most oppressed people ever.
Potato famine what a joke Why not tell the truth This was genocide Britain saw its chance and took it Ireland was almost completely Irish speaking at that time o the irish it was An gorta mor meaning the great hunger not famine
You can't talk about the potato famine without mentioning my tribe, just sixteen years after the Choctaws were forced out of their homes and made to March during the trail of tears, they donated every bit of money they had. Relations between the Irish and Choctaws have been kindled ever since. The prime minster of Ireland just last month came not to visit the president or anyone in Washington but the our chief.
Rocki Wahl Thats pretty cool
Respect to your tribe and people, from Ireland my friend
The American People are not responsible for the Trail of Tears - the Democrat Government was. Probably still is responsible for those horrible reservations and the sad way of life happening there. Only a few Elite headmen of the tribes really benefit from that miserable system. You can rest assured that the Prime Minister of Ireland only did that visit to further his political career- playing one off against the other, it's an old game.
Millions of naïve people around the world have donated their hard earnt billions of dollars into the foul sink-hole of Africa and those people are no better off, but their politicians are rolling in more money from corrupt governments.
Don't suffer from absurd sentimentality. Stop perpetuating this system of keeping indigenous people in zoos. It has not bettered their lives and their children deserve to live free to choose without propaganda from those who benefit from their imprisonment. Someone has to speak the truth.
@Rocki wahl.....Our extreme thanks to you "great spirtual people"........I can't bear to read about your sad history,and the policies that were created to Rob your terrotories,and destroy your colture,.Unfortulately Materialist colture ,destroys Spirtual colture,but rest assured it's just waiting in the wings,until the materialiasts destroy themselves...My advice would be ,adapt to the situation,but don't lose your Colture,or Language....Jesus said,"All the Empires of the Earth will pass,but my word shall not pass"....My profoung opoligies,if us Irish participated also,but we had little choice..I know you will understand,Blessings
@@@judithsmith8014 ......Well as the colonist policies robbed all the mineral and natural resources of these countries in Africa,no wonder it's a "foul sink hole",lol......But your comment was very interesting ,and true in many respects......The Media always write about "atrocities",and Terrorism,but they never give the real causes??
The census in Ireland in 1841 was 10.7 million citizens of the British Empire. The ports were not closed as in previous potato blights. Enough food was exported out of Ireland each and every year to feed 18 million citizens UNDER MILITARY ARMED GUARD. None of the 700,000 military in Ireland died of starvation, or helped in any way the the starving Catholic Irish.
The Protestants were not subject to the Irish penal laws and did not suffer from starvation. Catholics could not own property in Ireland. The Military & Police were used to evict the Catholics from the Landlords shoddy cottages even when they were paying their rent. The cottages were then demolished to clear the land for food crops or animals. The eviction was a death sentence because they could not move into a neighbour's or relative's rented house. If they did that the neighbour or relative was also evicted and their house demolished. To-day If a Palestinian commit a crime against an Israeli his family home is demolished as a punishment. They must have learned it from the Irish Famine.
Let's not call it a famine anymore it was the 3rd Genocide committed against the Irish by the British Empire. The Sultan of the Ottoman Empire sent three ships laden with food but were refused entry to Irish ports under order's of the Queen. The Cherokees that were evicted from their land by President Andrew Jackson against the ruling of the Supreme Court of the Unites States known as the Trail of Tears sent food to the starving Irish Catholics. Half of those Cherokees died on that 1,000 mile forced journey.
The US also Deported 2 Million US citizens of Mexican Decent back to Mexico in the 1920's and again in the 1950's California. Immigration restrictions in the US started in the 1960's. And the of course we had the Chinese Exclusionary Act from 1882 to 1947. It excluded all Chinese from any country coming to the US during that period. So the Irish and chinese men who built the cross country railway in the US were not allowed to bring their families to the US.
+Cyborg Blowfish Finally, someone in here speaking some fuckin' sense. good on ye
@cyborg blowfish..yes well said
will just add the distruction of the Gaelic aristocracy and Royal families as well.
not famine. full blown genocide. British genocide
Am no it wasnt
yes it was an act of genocide
+Cathal Ó Diubháin by who?
A blight upon the potatoes of Ireland forever changed the histories of Ireland, England, and the United States of America. The blight that we now know was a water mold (and not a fungus as originally believed), Phytophthora infestans, attacked the cash crop of the Irish Catholic peasant farmer. This was the crop with which the Irish paid their rent to the English and Protestant landlords.
Starving Irish peasants tried to eat the rotten potatoes and fell ill to cholera and typhus and whole villages were struck down. Many landlords evicted the starving tenants who could be found dying on sides of roads with mouths green from eating grass to fill their bellies. Other families were sent to workhouses where the overcrowding and poor conditions led to more starvation, sickness, and ultimately death. Going to a workhouse was akin to marching to one's own death. Some more sympathetic landlords paid the passage for their tenants to emigrate to America, Canada, and Australia. Ship owners took advantage of the situation and wedged hundreds of diseased and desperate Irish into ships that were hardly sea-worthy for the Trans-Atlantic trip. These ships became known as "coffin ships" as more than one-third of the passengers died on the voyage.
The Irish that did survive the trip to America, Canada, or Australia on the coffin ships drummed up awareness and more importantly, aid in the form of food. But for every one ship sailing into Ireland with food, more were exporting grain-based alcohol, wool and flax, and other necessities such as wheat, oats, barley, butter, eggs, beef, and pork that could have helped feed the Irish people. The Irish themselves were accused of bringing the famine on themselves as they were viewed as a lazy, overpopulated race of people - never mind that they were not legally able to fish or hunt under British law. They starved in the midst of plenty because they were not allowed to provide for themselves and their families by any means other than agriculture.
The Famine, or An Górta Mór, the Great Hunger, took more than one million lives, between those that died of starvation and those that left Ireland for a better life in America or elsewhere in the world. Those who were left behind in Ireland experienced a desperation that led to a massive change in politics and nationalism - it was only a few years later, in 1858 that the Irish Republican Brotherhood was founded. The British government and the British and Irish Protestant landowners still required the Irish peasants and laborers to pay their rent for the land they could not work due to the blight and the hunger upon them. In a lush island surrounded by water teaming with fish and land that fattened pig and cattle alike, how could one failed crop cause a Famine? According to British law, Irish Catholics could not apply for fishing or hunting licenses. Their pigs and cattle were sent to England to feed the British and to export for trade, while the landlords kept the fine cuts for themselves. Ireland was part of the British Empire, the most powerful empire in the world at that time - yet the British government stood by and did nothing to help their subjects overcome this hardship. In our time, an enforced famine such as this would be labeled genocide yet in the 1800s it was merely an unfortunate tragedy. As defined in the United Nation's 1948 Genocide Convention and the 1987 Genocide Convention Implementation Act, the legal definition of genocide is any of the acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, including by killing its members; causing them serious bodily or mental harm; deliberately inflicting on a group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; and forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. The British policy of mass starvation inflicted on Ireland from 1845 to 1850 constituted "genocide" against the Irish People as legally defined by the United Nations. A quote by John Mitchell (who published The United Irishman) states that "The Almighty indeed sent the potato blight, but the English created the Famine.
From the Greek word for tribe (or race), genos, and the Latin term -cide, the word genocide refers to the extermination of the peoples of a nation (or religious group) carried out by an organization, usually a government. Such is the case when discussing the British treatment of Ireland during the potato blight; treatment which was based in the history of Ireland. William Makepiece Thackcray wrote:
"...It is a frightful document against of the most melancholy stories in the whole world of insolence, rapine, brutal, endless slaughter and persecution on the part of the English master...There is no crime ever invented by eastern or western barbarians, no torture or Roman persecution or Spanish Inquisition, no tyranny of Nero or Alva but can be matched in the history of England in Ireland." (Metress, 2)
A famine did not truly exist. There was no food shortage in Ireland evidenced by the fact that the British landowners continued to have a varied diet and food stuffs were exported. This was not the first failure of the potato crop in the history of Ireland. The starvation (and genocide) occurred as the British carried on their historical exploitation of the Irish people, failed to take appropriate action in the face of the failure of the potato crop, and maintained their racist attitude toward the Irish.
The Penal Laws, first passed in 1695. were strictly enforced. These laws made it illegal for Catholics (Irish) to own land, and required the transfer of property from Catholics to Protestants; to have access to an education, and eliminated Gaelic as a language while preventing the development of an educated class; to enter professions, forcing the Irish to remain as sharecropping farmers; or to practice their religion. In addition, Catholics (Irish) could not vote, hold an office, purchase land, join the army, or engage in commerce. Simply put, the British turned the Irish into nothing better than slaves, subsisting on their small rented farms.
The exportation of wheat, oats, barley, and rye did nothing to help the financial status of the poor farmer. The produce was used to pay taxes and rents to the English landlords, who then sold the farm products for great profit. These profits did nothing for the economy of Ireland, but did help the English landlords to prosper. The Irish farmer was forced to remain in poverty, and reliant on one crop, potato, for his subsistence.
The potato became the dominant crop for the poor of Ireland as it was able to provide the greatest amount of food for the least acreage. Farming required a large family to tend the crops and the population grew as a result of need. Poverty forced the Irish to rely upon the potato and the potato kept the Irish impoverished.
As the economic situation worsened, landlords who had the legal power to do so, evicted their Irish tenant farmers, filling the workhouses with poor, underfed, and diseased human beings who were destined to die.
A caption under a picture shown in The Pictorial Times, October 10, 1846, best describes the circumstances of the great starvation, and the nature of the genocide:
"Around them is plenty; rickyards, in full contempt, stand under their snug thatch, calculating the chances of advancing prices; or, the thrashed grain safely stored awaits only the opportunity of conveyance to be taken far away to feed strangers...But a strong arm interposes to hold the maddened infuriates away. Property laws supersede those of Nature. Grain is of more value than blood. And if they attempt to take of the fatness of the land that belongs to their lords, death by musketry, is a cheap government measure to provide for the wants of a starving and incensed people."(Food Riots, 2)
It is time for the world to stop referring to this disastrous period in Irish history as the Great Famine, and to fully realize, and to acknowledge, the magnitude of the crime that systematically destroyed Irish nationalism, the Irish economy, the Irish culture, and the Irish people.
Copy and pasted but hey
Cathal Ó Diubháin
Do something about it
quite frankly i'm rather offended by how upbeat and lighthearted this video is, throwing a potato in the air as a little joke, that's like making a video about the haulocaust and playing with a swastica or something, it's a very touchy subject with us even today, it was genocide.
Hadron Wolf I'm Indian but I found it offensive too,any human with little empathy for another being would find it rude. Starvation of millions of people is no joke! This man lacks compassion.
I hate the term offensive (it has the snowflake generation stench all over it) but I definitely found it distrracting. It just doesn't fit, the guy seems to be doing a decent, reliable job and then all of a sudden he goes into that frenzy for no reason, like that 3:38 "and Ireland did TOOOOOO..." I mean, what the fuck was that about? Just tell a story, your viewers ain't a bunch of morons that will sleep if you don't give out a shriek every second sentence, this video is six minutes long for crying out loud!
Wolfie, if ur gonna invoke the Holocaust to define being "offended" please take the time to use ur spellcheck. --
I got a joke ✈🏢
AliensAnonymous I give this joke 9 out of 11
Potatoes are yummy homie... Theys the fruit of the dirt! You can BBQ it, boil it, broil it, bake it, sauté it, theys um... Potato kebobs, potato creole, potato gumbo, you can pan fry, deep fry, stir fry , theys pineapple potato, lemon potato, coconut potato, pepper potato, mashed em, French fries, hash browns, tater tots, you can make potato pancakes, potato curry, potato soup, potato stew, potato salad, shrimp and potatoes, potatoes burger, potato sandwich.... That's about it.
+Gold Wolf uhm. There's no pineapples in Ireland.
Bubba approves
Im irish m8 want de fight me ye bich!
Gold Wolf shrimp too
dude Im irish m8 Wnna fight me kid I go boxing
Hi! Do you know the Ottoman Emperor Abdulmacid Han helped Irish People ? If you dont believe, please search it . Thanks
Who else is on here to do homework? Just me? Ok... :(
same lol
If you would just invest in a better microphone, your videos would be A+ quality stuff. Love the info, the dynamic, and the graphics. Hate the fact that it's all being drowned out by a bad mic that's obviously hitting the red in input. You provide a really interesting take. Cheers.
Yeah, but the Irish had an uprising I believe and gained all but Ulster right? There is the Irish republic, I think what you were talking about was the Catholic sectors in the 6 or so counties that england still controls right?
I first learned about this in an econ class, not a history class.
Potatoes during the famine are thought of as an example of a Giffen good. Even though price of the potatoes went up, people would buy more of them since they couldn't afford meat.
With more income people would buy meat and fewer taters. The demand curve is funky for Giffen goods. Usually people purchase fewer of an item as the price goes up - or more of an item when their income goes up. There is debate if there is such thing as Giffen goods in the real world but it does exist as econ concept.
Jesus Christ, the audio. You just potato famined my eardrums.
This channels and his explanations are so good! Subscribed!
Greetings to great irish people from turkey :)
glad that ottomans helped and saved your great people with 1000£ and 5 ships full of food
love you all :)
@blood knight...We thank the Ottoman Turks,and we haven't forgotten!
Why are people so offended by this guy? He was upbeat, but did you expect him to do it in an Anthony Padilla style apology video? It was over 150 years ago. People need to stop getting offended over the littlest things.
Jake Zook 150 years ago but still has an affect on Ireland’s population today.
Is it just me or is the audio a little messed up lately?
There's a lot more static in the background now
MrJoeRedford Stupid new wireless mic. I need a sound and lighting person.
+Keith Hughes (HipHughes) maybe ask for some help from some of the other experienced youtubers
+Keith Hughes (HipHughes) if your English then. this video is messed up the English made the famine worse alot worse hug
Well it's by the hush, me boys, and sure that's to hold your noise
And listen to poor Paddy's sad narration
I was by hunger stressed, and in poverty distressed
So I took a thought I'd leave the Irish nation
Well I sold me ass and cow, my little pigs and sow
My little plot of land I soon did part with
And me sweetheart Bid McGee, I'm afraid I'll never see
For I left her there that morning broken-hearted
Here's you boys, now take my advice
To America I'll have ye's not be going
There is nothing here but war, where the murderin' cannons roar
And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin
Well meself and a hundred more, to America sailed o'er
Our fortunes to be making we were thinkin'
When we got to Yankee land, they put guns into our hands
"Paddy, you must go and fight for Lincoln"
Here's you boys, now take my advice
To America I'll have ye's not be going
There is nothing here but war, where the murderin' cannons roar
And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin
General Meagher to us he said, if you get shot or lose your head
Every murdered soul of you'se will get a pension
Well in the war lost me leg, they gave me a wooden peg
And by soul it is the truth to you I mention
Here's you boys, now take my advice
To America I'll have ye's not be going
There is nothing here but war, where the murderin' cannons roar
And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin
Well I think meself in luck, if I get fed on Indianbuck
And old Ireland is the country I delight in
To the devil, I would say, it's curse Americay
For the truth I've had enough of your hard fightin
Here's you boys, now take my advice
To America I'll have ye's not be going
There is nothing here but war, where the murderin' cannons roar
And I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin
I wish I was at home
I wish I was at home
I wish I was at home
I wish I was at home in dear old Dublin
Ireland isn't part of Great Britain
Incorrect northern ireland part of gb
so the people that are from there are still irish because is part of ireland
and it will always be but ill let you think that
Yes we are part of the UK but if we were born in ireland we are irish
It's like saying La isn't in the USA
Northern ireland is sorry I just had to say that 👦
right you know nothing about history do you \
How much product do you use in your hair?
1 man consumed 50 potatoes a day?
Must have been tiny potatoes...
I don't give a fuck about what happens to Britain when they leave the EU, but I am concerned about what's going to happen to Ireland and the rest of the world.
What about Northern Ireland?
Willimations I'm hoping for a United Ireland.
also we did get help from an Indian tribe in Oklahoma
my ancestors have shared the few resources in their hands with the Irish - I am saddened by the famine - a Turkish citizen
The Palestinians:
"The Irish of the Middle East"
Britain couldn't hit a nail in a turd without ruining both - British colonial policy circa 1800.
Where did the potatoes come from though? Peru?
What is your point?
That's a very, very, very long story, but essentially yes
brendan w To learn? What is your point?
You decided to start a youtube post asking ''Where did the potatoes come from though? Peru?''
If there was a famine i don't think it was anything to do with Peruvian potatoes.
There is a wealth of literature out there on the Famine - youtube is the last place i'd head to learn anything.
brendan w Well Peruvian potatoes did lead to the common potato which is pretty much the only type grown outside of peru
Can you explain how People on an Island surrounded by water, Fish and a variety of Sea Creatures were subject to starvation?
I'm English, but the potato famine was genocide whether the intention was to wipe out the Irish or not. How the fuck can you kill 25% of a countries population and then say "uh, sorry about that, it was a mistake!" Even the famine under Mao only killed 5% of China's population and people often bring it up as the worst thing in history. Same with the Benghal famine. Say what you want about Stalin and Mao, but at least the famines under them happened because they were rapidly industrializing, the English (and Churchill) just did those famines because they were greedy/malevolent and didn't give a shit about the people they responsible for.
Did you do a video on all of the US territories and how we acquired them? If not, you should do a video on that...
The potato only diet in ireland wasn't a bad thing at the time, it was called a monodiet I think. A monodiet is living off one thing, in Asia rice was a HUGE monodiet for centuries
Then they discovered that dogs can be fried or boiled and taste like the next best thing after chicken.
RedShamrock I believe they drank buttermilk along with the spuds giving them a "complete" diet of protein, carbs, vitamins, etc.
RedShamrock I believe they drank buttermilk along with the spuds giving them a "complete" diet of protein, carbs, vitamins, etc.
you've just saved my a levels, thank you
Make sure you set your Mic Db lower next time Keith ;)
The IRA be like some cheeky bastards they sent the queen a Christmas present of exploding potatoes this year
I am British, and feel shame at the Potato famine. It was genocide against Irish people. Where 2 million innocent Irish people were starved to death. We do not hear enough about our sins as a British nation. We always think we were the good guys. We are very immature.
Some British people expect Irish people to admire Britain with total admiration, as if we never did anything bad to Ireland.
The Potato Famine - the watershed event in Irish history.
This was not a famine but a genocide, similar to the artificial famines the British had engineered during their Raj in the Indian subcontinent, the Bengal famine being the most infamous.
Oh wow... as an Irish woman I find this highly offensive 😬
Alannah Hoppner -- In all seriousness, why do you find this offensive? Explain your thoughts please...
Alannah Hoppner same im irish
@topman 75 It would be very hard to ban me, because it's not your video
i love your work
Erm how did it end?
Me teacher played this in class 😂😂😂
what are you talking about when you say that in the future the Irish might break free, they broke free almost 100 years ago and the part that stayed chose to by a majority vote.
50 potatoes daily? A family of 3 would eat 115 potatoes a day? I call bullshit
You not telling Ottoman empire helping Ireland and sending 5 ship worth of goods secretly because is have been block by British military
@Azharil Azizi
Right Bro,but i know that help never got to the people!...But our sinsere thanks anyway...Been to Turkey,lovely country,lovely people!
@@jangowan5742 I'm not from Turkey btw 😂
@@@Linuxfy ...Lol,never mind,nobody's perfect,ha
The audio is kind of bad
I've come a long way. Using a XLR RODE Broadcaster nowadays.
There was no potato famine. There was a potato blight, but the potatoes they had were to be sold at market to buy other food stuffs, but they couldn't do that. All the good crops, butter, meat were being shipped to Britain and the rest of Europe while the Irish starved to death, were sent to Van Diemen's land and abroad on prison ships.
The term irish potato famine is considered offensive your video is spot on but id change the title to just Irish famine
your videos are so great! but please i beg stop adding the weird music and greeen screen background, place it in a more common setting... kind of like a vlog brothers channel.. it will appeal a larger crowd.. sorry if this sounded mean but i thought your videos were really awesome and put togetherm
The Irish Potato is unique as it bears fruit in the form of a green tomato full of seeds and no other potato does. Potato boxty is goood!
***If only the Irish followed Peru's example of using a mix diversity of potatoes, they probably would have never had the potatoe famine. Diversity is our best insurance.Thank you Peru for these innovations."***
+B Charron I get your point but I'm pretty sure most in Irish potato farmers didn't know Peru existed.
Lazy Spark Then they would have known about as much about Peru as modern day Americans. At least today i am sure they know alot more about peru and other countries than americans.
+B Charron known as much? it was illegal for us to be educated u der brittish law. after they invaded us. sorry about that mate
Martin Murray What? I didn't know laws like that existed. The only law like that in Ireland that I'm aware of was the Education Act 1695 where it was illegal to send children off to be educated abroad and this was repealed in the 1780s well before the famine started.
Ireland is surrounded by fish.
if you were Irish and caught fishing, or hunting you would be sentenced to death
Kenneth Chou
But not intelligence
Mr X fucking moron most of the fish was hoarded by the British and exported and you weren't allowed too fish
@@@dan-lt1ts ...yea last time i went fishing in West Cork ,didn't catch one mackeral,or pollack...Where before you could catch hundreds...Blame it on Spanish, French,etc,who just suck all the fish out!
it was '45 to' 52
This sounding a like a future of USA with corn.
Cinedhíothú ar dhaoine neamhchiontacha. Scéal tragóideach an Ghorta
My family came from Ireland because of the famine.
and you are wrong. 50% of our population either died or emigrated
omg i'm a lawler
FFS get it right GENOCIDE not famine
Wait you forgot about the ottomans helping out Ireland?
no we didn't..but it never got to us...But our extreme thanks anyway!
I need to look at my Irish ancestry to see if I live in Texas because of the famine.
it was genocide, not a famine. There was lots of food in Ireland, the British shipped it out for profit in the hope they would kill of us Irish
***** Good man, this is true.. At least things have changed now and we get along great :)
plz get a bet mic
Terrible audio. Increasing the volume after recording is creating terrible distortion. Increase gain while recording instead ... or get a decent microphone.
Makes me think twice about eating another potato. Damn the English!
Around that time lots of people were surfs. The Russians were slaves of the Czar at that time.
A nutshell overview.. nothing more than anyone needs to know and no where any Irish citizens wants to go. I enjoyed the conscious perspective and can only thank my days Ireland is booming today, despite the troubled past. But history is history! Ireland is one of the most prosperous nation in Europe by GDP per Capita, even better than its ex-landlord Britain...
Don't get me wrong, but potatoes are good.
Ireland will never forgive or forget
Nice vid keep it up
Apart from the jokey baked or mash images. Good job
Tiocfaidh Ar La...
I really like what you do,
is the bias so ingrained it's impolitic to mention it?
Heket: What the hell is wrong with people just someone should have given them some food this is why I hate people they should of done what Marie-Antoinette said “Qu'ils mangent de la brioche” in English “Let them eat cake”
You can lead a horse to water....
And the British didn't, in fact they actively sought to avoid helping the Irish through the famine
+mbanana23456 +mark rainford He has a point we did do that. Ignore history and you'll find yourself repeating it.
now its the great kfc chicken famine
I think your pithy and flippent presentation is quite insensitive and disrespectful. Your description of England dropping the ball (as you describe it) is equally uneducated. England had a policy of genocide and ethnic cleansing towards Ireland in an attempt to resolve the issue of something they called the Irish question. A policy that still reverberates almost 200 later.
None of my ancestors saw fit to glorify Southern Ireland. We don't know how many generations we've been in the US/CS only that DNA test results put me at 84% Irish, 3%Iberian peninsula & Viking raid rapes. Ya gotta have Iberian blood if ya want an occasional"Black Irish" kid, it goes with the territory....
Brian McNellis....How do you know really if your ancestors didn't glorify Southern Eire??...So who did they "glorify"...The "colonialist policies" of british governments?.....You really should do some study before you open your big "loyalist mouth"??....As for "Black Irish",nothing to do with "Iberian Blood",or the result of "viking rape victims"??.......Druidism,(Celts) always were a mixed bag,incorporating many different Peoples,from many different Races,but at least they spoke the same language,worshipped the same Gods...Pliny says they (Celts) were dark haired,but had striking "Blue eyes"...yes ,at least,one observer was correct......The Celts exist today,but in an "underground" way ,but mixing with other races is a kind of Hobby,lol...mixing with anglo saxons,vikings,latinos,asian,african,etc,is Fun,Fun ,Fun!!
sucking money out as much as possible sounds like self serving psychologists
im irish
potatoes came from south america...and we're brought to ireland....via columbus and his jewish buddies...hobnobbing with the moors.
I like your intro
Pretty good
Hey suthers
who came here from JSE?
They were poor immigrants whom America accepted.
your audio, is very very non listen to able
You people are so glib about such serious issues. 1 million people starving to death is not a trivial issue. And yes profit was put before people. And England had the fickle finger of blame pointed at it. But people in England and Scotland had really hard times too. Brought about by English corn law in turn brought about by AMERICA flooding the market with cheap corn. America upsetting the apple cart again. So be careful who you blame. Nothing has really changed has it, if you think about it?
2 million people emigrated during the famine, you think if they could afford to emigrate, they could afford to eat at a decent restaurant
i like potatos!!!
I think your humor is offensive and that you are making too light of a very serious situation. There is nothing funny about millions of people starving. I recommend using less tasteless jokes and being more respectful.
Thank you
Heheheh yet another blight to come out of Mexico
this shit is interetsung bro
interesting *
Sorry what? This is why Ireland broke away from the United Kingdom?
John Delaney not an aggressive comment towards ye, but is this a pro-british or pro-irish comment
Just kidding
Would ireland welcome Britain’s poor and hungry?
No chance they would
They accept middle class English moving there, just about anyway, but they’d never accept masses of poor English moving their, they’d treat them like dirt
You seem to have a bit of a chip on your shoulder pall. British people are treated no different to Irish people in Ireland.There is absolutely nothing stopping somebody from Britain coming to Ireland and claiming welfare or Benefits. Maybe if you actually visited the place it would broaden your mind.
I’ve visited a few times
What I’m saying though is if poor English people set up their communities and ghettos in places more like Dublin, cork, Galway etc, I think the Irish would hate them
Liam lll Fair enough. Im not sure really, it depends on how they interact with the local population. Ireland in the last 30 years has welcomed people from countries that I suppose you could say are less well off and they have set up communities without any major problems (for now, at least). I don't think English people wold be treated any differently poor or not. Ive noticed quiet alot more 2nd and 3rd generation (what would you call them English/Irish?) have move back from the UK in the last few years, they are defiantly not all middle class. Maybe that's to do with brexit, maybe the economy is stronger here at the minute, I don't know.
Lol, British people dont exactly have a great track record of helping the poor. Stop trying to victimize the British
Some of you are racists im irish I know everything what happend
Talk to much
Love from England x
Utter dross. Potato blight affected the whole of northern Europe. Scots, eg, had the same problem. So did the Swedes. Scots and Swedes ate other things and moved and, largely, survived. The Irish killed themselves and blamed the Brits for a pogrom against Irish Catholics. The most oppressed people ever.
Floyd Mayweather Jr was right! this is nothin com peared to what my people went tru in slavery!
Potato famine what a joke Why not tell the truth This was genocide Britain saw its chance and took it Ireland was almost completely Irish speaking at that time o the irish it was An gorta mor meaning the great hunger not famine
wuhuu engelsk