Ďakujem ;) Popisky sú štandard pri mojich posledných zostrihoch a je to reakcia na požiadavku od jedného diskutujúceho takže ak by mal niekto nejaké ďalšie nápady na zlepšenie, rád ich tam zapracujem ;)
Actually I'm wondering why does the modern Skoda engines have both pantographs up when it's at the station? I'm curious, I've never seen that before, and I'm just wondering why?
A good question. They do the same thing on the French railways too but only on the 1500DC network. 1500DC requires over 16 times more current than the same power loco on 25kv as power = Current x Volts. I assume because of the high current when starting the train they raise both pans then lower the front one. I do not know what the voltage is here whether it is 25kv or a lower DC voltage. Actually having just googled it they use 3KV,DC which means that it nly requires 1/2 current compared to a 1500DC loco, but compared to 25kv it still requires loads of current. Just look at 25kv catenary compared to 1500DC and you will see the masts and wires are heavier on SC
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Krása :) Bývam v Považskej Bystrici a dokážem sa pozerať na vlaky čo tade prejdú celý deň :)
Super zostrih :) pekne spracované a prekvapilo ma že aj s popiskami BIG LAJK+REŠPEKT :)
Ďakujem ;) Popisky sú štandard pri mojich posledných zostrihoch a je to reakcia na požiadavku od jedného diskutujúceho takže ak by mal niekto nejaké ďalšie nápady na zlepšenie, rád ich tam zapracujem ;)
Pozerám to v roku 2021 a neverím že tá stanica je teraz úplne iná
Další povedený sestřih, like :-)
Ďakujem ;)
Opäť nádherný zostrih vlakov...
Ďakujem ;)
Super video! ;)
tie 671dnotky majú pekný rozbeh ... pekné videjko dakujeme :))
Juraj Guričan a prave preto si vždycky sadnem nad motor :D aby som si aj pocas jazdy mohol pocuvat ten krasny zvuk, ale aj 109e ma pekny zvuk
pěkný video, povedlo se ti to. ten zelený most co je vysoko, to je dálnice?
Ďakujem ;) áno je to diaľnica :)
Actually I'm wondering why does the modern Skoda engines have both pantographs up when it's at the station? I'm curious, I've never seen that before, and I'm just wondering why?
A good question.
They do the same thing on the French railways too but only on the 1500DC network.
1500DC requires over 16 times more current than the same power loco on 25kv as power = Current x Volts.
I assume because of the high current when starting the train they raise both pans then lower the front one.
I do not know what the voltage is here whether it is 25kv or a lower DC voltage.
Actually having just googled it they use 3KV,DC which means that it nly requires 1/2 current compared to a 1500DC loco, but compared to 25kv it still requires loads of current.
Just look at 25kv catenary compared to 1500DC and you will see the masts and wires are heavier on SC
ah, good times...
Povodna stanica kolaje bolo krajsie ako teraz vlakom zdar
+HAPPY 3 Ďakujem ;)
Mať takýto výhľad tak hneď ruším káblovku