Perhaps people are starting to realize that we should vote someone into office based on their merit, not their melanin level. Not all of course, some folks are stupid.
@@TrevorRobertsPlus that's true President Trump works very hard and he only gets 3 hours sleep at night, he won the US Presidency because he campaigned All Over America even in little towns while the elite Hillary Clinton refused to even visit those cities because she thought she had a locked in win with the states that always vote Democrat ... it was the fact that President Trump visited the small cities spoke to individuals and held rallies there that put him over the top and caused him to win the US election! President Trump is no slouch.... it's embarrassing for Britain that so many people make up lies about him.
@Diana Artemis LOL, you're a Muslim, America is the leader of the Free World and you're calling America shitholecountry obviously you hate America, Britain, Israel, and the Free World and you hate Christians and Jews you are a true spiteful Muslim .... and apparently you do live in a shitholecountry, otherwise why would you be so offended?
I liked trump as hes not ur average bent lawyer come political pig ,i think it would be good for America to have hime drain the cesspool and fix America
No different than nigel Farage saying terresa may was misled it wasn't her fault not 1 mp said she was a lying treacherous deceitful excuse for a prime minister
He is a criminal who should be deport immediately back to Pakistan. She should be serving a very long jail sentence for treason backing the most illegal policy in our entire history post war immigration policy. With the EU policy a close second I've never seen a more criminal policy that this immigration policy in our history. It needs to be massively reversed and those responsible for its implementation and execution sent to prison for the remainder of their natural lives (unless of course they are said illegal immigrants then they should be deported after an unlimited fine has been paid).
@@megmartel6005 what do you think the reason for that ? Also i want you to ask your grandparents, what is thier root and and what blood they carrying ? I bet you don't even know . I dare you . Sorry I'm one of those .who like to know what kind of devil blood im carrying .as most of the western love killing and blood Sorry now I'm a believer in what I'm thinking .i will never trust again .my thoughts and opinion .
My English ancestors go back for hundreds of years, with some German & French a long time ago. I don't care what yours is. If you're not European, then Europe isn't your ancestoral home. Japan for the Japanese & England for the English.
@@brianfinnegan9700 yes because criticizing the domestic and foreign policies of a government equates hating all people who practice Judaism. You're harming your cause by using this word so recklessly, this word is gradually losing its weaponized effect with time.
@gerard burton ..trump is already hammering the left and will destroy them in November ...stop listening to the UK media and get a reality check... economy is booming...most amount of black and Hispanic voters than any president in history ..learn some facts
@gerard burton as RED said you need to do some research. I would suggest typing the name Candace Owens into the YT search bar, you will learn so much about what black people in the USA think of Trump. Maybe so far, in your bubble, you have only watched Lefty news clips and listen to idiots like antifa so I would ask you why, on Antifa demos where they say are the voice for the minority, are there no people of colour standing with them? I would also ask you to look at a graph or pie chart on world religion that shows quite openly that islam is not a minority! Listening to fake news is fine, believing it without doing research is not. I actually think there might be more caucasian people suffering from white guilt hate Trump than people of colour. The Democrats (leftys) introduced the KKK too. Its the Dems that are keeping the people of colour down, NOT Republicans, and the black communities are starting to recognise this due to Candace Owens. She will be POTUS 1 day, not because she is a person of colour, or a woman, but because she is a breath of fresh air and would be a great leader. I often say that women and politics is a bad idea and if you look back through history and the present day and see what pathetic politicians make up the female side of world politics you might agree. Even the NZ PM dressing up as a muslim after the mosque attacks was virtue signalling, going all out to bow down to them when she could have, and should have addressed it in a normal political way. Not to mention the idiots we have here in the UK!!! From your Gina Millers to the Jess Phillips to the Rebecca Wrong Dailys, all inept and only their to give their careers a kick on. My point here is women generally let their emotions control their decisions and that cant be allowed to happen in politics, ever. Candace Owens is not one of these. She sees what is going on beneath the surface and outs it and gets people talking. Take a look, she is very inspirational
people didnt die during boris mayor era or during the times of the ira? say this we should ret rid of the tories then as homelessness gone up fook banks created rise of food prices train fares water and lecky etc
The problem with engaging Trump is that he IS the President of the United States. You simply can't match that, and by engaging him you just bring yourself down to the same petty social levels, not right fro a Mayor of London, but it's what he has done.
If it was Muslims stabbing each other. He sort it out. This way making London a no go area, property prices fall, So he can then sell to his Arab friends. Making huge profits.
@@marcokite a long time, but just give breif points. Like i disagree with multiculturalism. But in terms of his anti-Israel stance, and muslim sympathy for the Zionist destruction of the Middle East, he is 100% spot on. Sadam, Ghadaffi and Assad were all brilliant rulers. Much better than any of the puppet democracies or politicians anywhere else in the Zionist Occupied World. Give me a Sadam of a Jew like Theresa May, David Cameron, or Donald Trump any day of the week!
I remember when Galloway was practically the only person in MSM to criticise the government for banning protest in parliament square, now look where we are. Good to see he's still doing good work, shame he doesn't have more clout.
phk2000 London is less than 40% British born khan got 2thirds of the vote real brits did not vote for him, blame labour and tories for the lack of British in London they opened the gate to low skilled non English speaking economic migrants, how can people from the third world who don't speak English afford to live in the the most expensive city in the world, we are betrayed by elites who hate us. Vote them out ,ukip or for Britain are whats needed.
@@del_boy_trotter I dislike Kahn a lot and you and I are on the same side. It's just that I always need to use facts, assuming the 2011 census results are factual: "The latest data from the 2011 census recorded that 48.4% of Londoners considered themselves to be Christian, 12.39% considered themselves Muslim, 5% Hindu, 1.82% Jewish, 1.5% Sikh, 1% Buddhist and 0.6% Other. A large proportion, 20.73% of respondents, stated that they followed no religion."
Can you imagine the earth-shattering political change that would be achieved if we could unite George Galloway and Nigel Farage? Now that's something I'd love to see.
Jason Goodacre Real Londoners make up less than 50% of the population of London now, so this is a taste of things to come. It's an inexorable situation, brought about by our short sighted 'leaders' of the last few decades, who've carried out a huge social engineering experiment which has so obviously gone wrong.
Islam is not a Race it is nothing more than a Religious Ideology that has know place in the West. Religion is just Mind Control! Not the TRUTH! Or the LAW! The Government has been compromised by Foreign Investors and Bankers and Elites and Secret Societies! Who have abused there Positions and caused Chaos in the British Isles. LondonSTAN the Murder Capital And a Mayor Who is UNFIT for British Citizenship in my opinion. This whole entire MESS has been orchestrated to be this way but it MUST BE STOPPED
Sadiq was a "quota " mayor. Dark skin individual who got in that position because of the color of his skin not on the merits.I cannot believe Brits can do such a thing to themselves.He may be born in the UK however , Sadiq's actions, behavior, and narrative are not British.He is an odd ball if compared to Brits. It seems that the EU clouded the brains of the Brits big time. It will take decades to teach people that EU is a scheme which steals at slow pace and devoid nations of what is most important: sovereignty the country, the culture , traditions, control of the borders, freedom of doing business with everybody in this world and beyond. Sadiq will forever be a dark spot on the consciousness of the British people. and a lesson for the future generations.
disherdismore actually London is only (I say only but it’s bad enough ) 13% Muslim the idea that London is mostly foreign is true but it includes the Irish the poles the Eastern European’s and the indians
johnny foreigner so u think that the U.K. doesn’t have a indigenous population? Did u learn that at cultural study’s for lesbians u know exactly what he means in saying a real Londoner he means a white person who was born in London, one question can I as a white male be Chinese ?
Meg Martel Suppose the name should have given her away. These people have no compassion whatsoever. They are incapable of it, criminally incompetent and unfit for office
Brilliant George. On point as always. What a travesty Khan is still mayor and George has been sacked from his job with this station. London would be in a much better state if we had George in place of Khan.
I don't like some of Galloway's views, and in fact I detest them. But the one thing I have learnt over the years from listening to this man is, he is a true democratic parliamentarian. He believes in democracy and will fight it's corner for the Left and the Right wing of politics. He predicted the mess in Iraq/Libya/Syria 4 yrs before the allies even made it now he is spot on about our midget muslim mayor here in London. Ignore the media lies about Galloway and judge the man as a whole and not from lies you hear about him. ( as a right wing Tory it was not easy to say that about him, but it is the truth ).
Templar Knight I'm afraid that was democracy if you look at the demographics of London, i Unfortunately I believe he or another of the same brand may get a second term and within the next 15 to 20 years there will be sharia law imposed throughout!
Shows that Galloway criticise what needs to be criticised and always consistent regardless of race, religion and political agenda. Definition of unbiased and consistency
This is what happens when islamics are in political office.. and why islamics should never by law be able to hold any form of office in UK and in the West for that matter.
Galloway now agrees with Farage and Steve Bannon. Widdicombe of the Brexit Party wants to "correct" gay people. Ukip want to make "jokes" about putting bags over women's heads before raping them. And Trump wants the US corporates to buy into the NHS post-Brexit.
@@garsm2290 UKIP had to use dark humor to make a greater point about oppressive political correctness. Carl Benjamin, if you actually listen to him, is very liberal, he just can't stand indetitarian politics. He doesn't hate gay or Muslim people. The discussion of integration is such a nuanced thing that is lost on the identitarians. All identitarians do is yell "racism" while anyone with critical thinking skills can listen to these people and clearly see their actual intentions. Seriously, if you people can't understand or acknowledge how cancerous and divisive identity politics are, you are going continue losing the attention of the average citizen. Sadly, leftists have put all their chips in on it. You're trying to convince people to be ashamed of their immutable characteristics. Good luck with that.
Because majority of our country is brainwashed by Rupert Murdoch media outlets. Most people think they are "standing up to the establishment" but it's mainly just quiet racism. Edgy right wing bullshit. People would turn on Galloway for criticising Israel, screaming anti-semite while having a hatred for Muslim's. Brexit is really about immigration but as you are American, DO NOT confused our immigration with the Mexico border crisis. luckily enough we live on an Island.
You should try to find a video of him from a few years back appearing before the US Senate over charges of 'money for oil' and collusion with Saddam Hussein, he tied them up in Knots,
Didn't you see him slaughter your ministers when they lie about Iraq? No wonder America is drowning ,because the American in bar and hotels .they don't even know who controls thier country . Or how they recreote them , look at this . you may understand better . THE PROTOCOLS of elders zionist opinion .
George you are bravely articulating what many people are thinking and beginning to realise and believe. Khan is clearly out of his depth and very short on the necessary skill and talent for the role.
As well as him, the Met also has a lesbian Police chief, AND Fire chief! Yeah, you guessed it, chosen for political correctness. What are we turning into!!
Bombero Bob She said the London Bridge attack shows how wonderfully diverse London is. There were a couple of different nationalities attacked. Honestly.
He did not fail in anything. You voting people failed. You knew nothing about Muslims and their Doctrines. You thought of homogeneity which works with most of religions except his.
Knife crime has been an issue. It’s only getting attention now due to the demographic changes. Either way, knife crime has and mostly been gang related. Unaffordable housing has been a longtime issue in London, which many who held the role Mayor of London have failed to address. I’m not even a supporter of Kahn, but people can’t just place all London’s issues on him.
Islamophobia should be a virtue promoted and taught in our public schools. Everyone in their right minds should fear and resent that sick religion, and certainly not tolerate or accommodate it. And definitely not elect one of its followers as the mayor of your capital city. I figure his personal incompetence is the only reason he hasn't managed to completely destroy London yet. Of course you can argue that islamophobia as such doesn't really exist at all, given a phobia is defined by an irrational fear of something. This fear is very rational.
The rest of the world knows Britain's been conquered, that's why we don't holiday there anymore. You've lost your capital city, you've lost the city of your monarch, under the terms of war, until you get them back, you're a conquered land. RIP.
I can't actually believe I find myself agreeing with GG on this video..... but the fact he acknowledges the "failed experiment" of a Muslim mayor is astonishing. I agree with GG here..... and I admit.... I feel dirty
Just another politician who is skilful at politics and utterly without talent for governing. All his efforts go towards image management, and no noticeable efforts towards anything effective.
I lived in a West Kensington shared house back in 1990. A bloke in white pj's and a funny cap (a very unusual sight back in those days) was disgusted as I was cooking a full English breakfast in our shared kitchen. He wouldn't shut up about how filthy pigs are. It nearly spoilt my meal. I asked him why he was in a country where we love our bacon and pork sausages. He said "You will one day not have bacon". He scared the crap out of that 20 something version of me. All my questions were answered with citations and quotations. He was an indoctrinated, brainwashed, low IQ nutcase.
Abdul. Firstly, Rolf was not British, he was an Australian. Jim was one of 65,000,000 people in the UK. Islamist's groom and rape vulnerable young white girls on an industrial scale. But then, it is just so Islamic.
Surprised at Galloway, I find myself agreeing with him for most of this video - and now I can't shake the feeling something is wrong in the universe :(
remember the day you were riding the sub and a woman in a hijab and a big red bag smiled at you? this was the day you were killed, then you woke up in the parallel universe.
He won't take responsibility for anything. It's everyone else's fault. I've always wondered, what exactly does he do other than pretending to be sympathetic to issues that go against his deeply held beliefs.
I really don't think that Sadiq Khan is up to the very important job of operating the gate of a 5 aside football pitch, he'd be too busy planning his next move to park-keeper.
He's doing political jihad and anyone who follows his doing's and going's will spot this and if you don't believe my words then take a look for your self's. He should now be sacked and put out of politics for good.
political correctness Even if he's removed, they will still elect something like him. London is too liberal induced by the vast demographic shift and rising anti-semitism.
pat dunne Anti-Islam is more accurate label. You might scoff at the thought, but it is a form of political Jihad or Stealth jihad. The idea of using Western own laws against us. Muslim Brotherhood has been doing it for decades in the US with some success.
@blonde jon, brilliantly and succinctly put mate, 100 percent agree with you, we have an inherent right to self preservation and to defend our culture and history, funny that there isn't a mass migration to Pakistan, or any muslim dominated country, wonder why that is?
The last failed terrorists attack was two days ago & one of them is from Sadiq Khans area London, yet not one word about it that in its self tells you everything you need to know.
AnyColourYouLike so is Barbados ,so is Antigua ,st Kitts ,st Lucia ,st Vincent and the grenadines ,Antigua and Barbuda ,Cayman ,Bermuda ,Anguilla ,Montserrat ,Granada ,Tobago ,Bahamas They all secular countries All those countries are secular and your point is what
This Khan seems untouchable! An absolute failure, nothing is his fault, its everybody else's. ..but i'm sure his job is safe under this "Protect Islam at all costs" policy.
why do you ppl keep bringing religion in everything. have you ever seen any comments by Muslims about other religions the answer is no never that's the difference
Khan is an example of why affirmative action and positive discrimination is so dangerous. His election has cost many people their lives.
Before he criticises the American President, hr should clean up his own office.
What unbelievable hypocrisy!
Perhaps people are starting to realize that we should vote someone into office based on their merit, not their melanin level. Not all of course, some folks are stupid.
@@TrevorRobertsPlus that's true President Trump works very hard and he only gets 3 hours sleep at night, he won the US Presidency because he campaigned All Over America even in little towns while the elite Hillary Clinton refused to even visit those cities because she thought she had a locked in win with the states that always vote Democrat ... it was the fact that President Trump visited the small cities spoke to individuals and held rallies there that put him over the top and caused him to win the US election! President Trump is no slouch.... it's embarrassing for Britain that so many people make up lies about him.
@Diana Artemis LOL, you're a Muslim, America is the leader of the Free World and you're calling America shitholecountry obviously you hate America, Britain, Israel, and the Free World and you hate Christians and Jews you are a true spiteful Muslim .... and apparently you do live in a shitholecountry, otherwise why would you be so offended?
Dont accept others to critosize you. You need a safe space.
I liked trump as hes not ur average bent lawyer come political pig ,i think it would be good for America to have hime drain the cesspool and fix America
If Boris or Ken had let London decline like this, they'd have been hanging in chains on Westminster bridge....
Nah they would just be supported by the media and elected again.
There all mates masonic
Amazing speech from George- not a big fan but he is 100% correct.
I can’t believe they allow this amount of anti establishment material to be broadcast. Good stuff Mr. Galloway.
And Treacherous Theresa says Khan is doing a good job. This says it all about the pair of them.
A wanker backing another wanker.
Now she has gone thank god.
No different than nigel Farage saying terresa may was misled it wasn't her fault not 1 mp said she was a lying treacherous deceitful excuse for a prime minister
He is a criminal who should be deport immediately back to Pakistan. She should be serving a very long jail sentence for treason backing the most illegal policy in our entire history post war immigration policy.
With the EU policy a close second I've never seen a more criminal policy that this immigration policy in our history. It needs to be massively reversed and those responsible for its implementation and execution sent to prison for the remainder of their natural lives (unless of course they are said illegal immigrants then they should be deported after an unlimited fine has been paid).
Mr. Galloway 100% correct.
So are you.
@@7byseven You're both correct!
thegowerboy as usual: spot on x
He's British common sense.
thegowerboy ..Absolutely !
Khan doesn’t seem interested in London
He is either incompetent or complicit
He wants to make London even worse in order to make even more whites leave and thus make the reelection even more likely.
Turning London into Karachi
Or both!
If he thinks he represents the UK , then let the UK vote for the next London Mayor instead of just Londonstan.
Too many non-Brits in London
@@megmartel6005 what do you think the reason for that ? Also i want you to ask your grandparents, what is thier root and and what blood they carrying ? I bet you don't even know . I dare you . Sorry I'm one of those .who like to know what kind of devil blood im carrying .as most of the western love killing and blood
Sorry now I'm a believer in what I'm thinking .i will never trust again .my thoughts and opinion .
My English ancestors go back for hundreds of years, with some German & French a long time ago. I don't care what yours is. If you're not European, then Europe isn't your ancestoral home. Japan for the Japanese & England for the English.
@@faizawhite3390aren't you a lovely open minded little flower.. whose blood is being shed in London and by whom?
You are a fucking racist
George, I don't often agree with you but I do absolutely on this occasion and Brexit. You are bang on the money.
He's right about Zionism.
Outstanding broadcast. Brave, honest and straight to the point.
For the first time ever I agree with you George 100%, said.
Yes it's the only time I've ever agreed with him too, probably the last as well
George Gallaway is an honest man. This isn't the only time he's right. Respect to him.
@@anycolouryoulike8567 he's an antisemite douchbag
@@anycolouryoulike8567 being honest and right are not synonymous.
@@brianfinnegan9700 yes because criticizing the domestic and foreign policies of a government equates hating all people who practice Judaism. You're harming your cause by using this word so recklessly, this word is gradually losing its weaponized effect with time.
George, you have hit the nail on the head, your so correct and precise. I praise you for speaking out and highlighting the truth. Thank you.
Bloody excellent points of view from Galloway. Well said Sir.
Khan should be sacked ASAP. .too many people have died on his watch.
@gerard burton dont you dare put mr trump in the same breath as that pos kahn
@gerard burton ..trump is already hammering the left and will destroy them in November ...stop listening to the UK media and get a reality check... economy is booming...most amount of black and Hispanic voters than any president in history ..learn some facts
@gerard burton as RED said you need to do some research. I would suggest typing the name Candace Owens into the YT search bar, you will learn so much about what black people in the USA think of Trump. Maybe so far, in your bubble, you have only watched Lefty news clips and listen to idiots like antifa so I would ask you why, on Antifa demos where they say are the voice for the minority, are there no people of colour standing with them? I would also ask you to look at a graph or pie chart on world religion that shows quite openly that islam is not a minority! Listening to fake news is fine, believing it without doing research is not. I actually think there might be more caucasian people suffering from white guilt hate Trump than people of colour. The Democrats (leftys) introduced the KKK too. Its the Dems that are keeping the people of colour down, NOT Republicans, and the black communities are starting to recognise this due to Candace Owens. She will be POTUS 1 day, not because she is a person of colour, or a woman, but because she is a breath of fresh air and would be a great leader. I often say that women and politics is a bad idea and if you look back through history and the present day and see what pathetic politicians make up the female side of world politics you might agree. Even the NZ PM dressing up as a muslim after the mosque attacks was virtue signalling, going all out to bow down to them when she could have, and should have addressed it in a normal political way. Not to mention the idiots we have here in the UK!!! From your Gina Millers to the Jess Phillips to the Rebecca Wrong Dailys, all inept and only their to give their careers a kick on. My point here is women generally let their emotions control their decisions and that cant be allowed to happen in politics, ever. Candace Owens is not one of these. She sees what is going on beneath the surface and outs it and gets people talking. Take a look, she is very inspirational
people didnt die during boris mayor era or during the times of the ira? say this we should ret rid of the tories then as homelessness gone up fook banks created rise of food prices train fares water and lecky etc
@gerard burton trump the cunt aint going nowhere with the backing of the right wing backward cunts i mean evangelicals orange man is staying put
"I can't be bothered to stop knife crime but I have so much time to trash-talk Donald Trump!"
The trump balloon shows anyone how infantile Khan is. Concentrate on your own shit. The crime filled London Borough.
The problem with engaging Trump is that he IS the President of the United States.
You simply can't match that, and by engaging him you just bring yourself down to the same petty social levels, not right fro a Mayor of London, but it's what he has done.
@@markmark5269 , obviously, thanks for that.
If it was Muslims stabbing each other. He sort it out. This way making London a no go area, property prices fall, So he can then sell to his Arab friends. Making huge profits.
well said george
Khan smiling happily as he ruins London
he's doing it on purpose
London is fucked under this devious little weasel
sadly Londonistan has been ruined for many years ! ,khan is just the icing on the cake for the Islamic brotherhood
And getting us to pay him handsomely for it!!! We are 'dimmies'. So that is one part of Sharia being implemented.
Khan is London's Nero. He's fiddling while the city burns.
Whatever you think of George, here he`s telling the absolute truth!
BENTLEYQUAMP go George and Mossad.
Anti-semites and Islamaphobes both agree.....Khan is shite.
Have to agree. There is virtually no chance of me voting for George but always respect what he has to say, and I always respect his opinion.
Hes never lied if truth be told
Wow, George Galloway talking sense, hats off
He always does.
Not for the first time.
George was once lining his pockets from Islam .
He always does, he is one of Britain's most sensible and most conscientious people!
It"s a strange world sometimes......
1:50 I can't think of many people who are as brave as George to say this.
Straight truth.
This cannot be! I agree with George Galloway?!?!
what do you disagree with him on?
@@FrankLucas-pw5hs - how long have you got?
@@marcokite a long time, but just give breif points. Like i disagree with multiculturalism. But in terms of his anti-Israel stance, and muslim sympathy for the Zionist destruction of the Middle East, he is 100% spot on. Sadam, Ghadaffi and Assad were all brilliant rulers. Much better than any of the puppet democracies or politicians anywhere else in the Zionist Occupied World. Give me a Sadam of a Jew like Theresa May, David Cameron, or Donald Trump any day of the week!
same as? still dislike the cunt though
It's becoming a habit. 🥰
I remember when Galloway was practically the only person in MSM to criticise the government for banning protest in parliament square, now look where we are. Good to see he's still doing good work, shame he doesn't have more clout.
End Mass Immigration, the working class have had enough!
Wow George Galloway speaking pure truth.
For once
Wow! That is the best, the most honest, the most truthful rant about Khan I have ever heard!
I've always thought that. He was chosen as candidate because of his race and religion. Political correctness is a disaster.
Sadiq Kahn was voted in as Mayor??????? You Londoners deserve all you get then! What a joke. The world has gone mad...
phk2000 London is less than 40% British born khan got 2thirds of the vote real brits did not vote for him, blame labour and tories for the lack of British in London they opened the gate to low skilled non English speaking economic migrants, how can people from the third world who don't speak English afford to live in the the most expensive city in the world, we are betrayed by elites who hate us. Vote them out ,ukip or for Britain are whats needed.
How else do you think he reached that position?
Did you only just find out that he was voted in???
phk2000 ,, and you think this ain't all by design!?
phk2000 you sound like you ONLY JUST learnt this fact
Get khan out,Vote him Out!!!
Out ! Out ! Out !!!
@@markewings7525 How do you do that fellers, in a muslim majority city?
@@del_boy_trotter out!out!out!
@Tearlach Murray too many liberal air heads and Muslims
@@del_boy_trotter I dislike Kahn a lot and you and I are on the same side. It's just that I always need to use facts, assuming the 2011 census results are factual:
"The latest data from the 2011 census recorded that 48.4% of Londoners considered themselves to be Christian, 12.39% considered themselves Muslim, 5% Hindu, 1.82% Jewish, 1.5% Sikh, 1% Buddhist and 0.6% Other. A large proportion, 20.73% of respondents, stated that they followed no religion."
Can you imagine the earth-shattering political change that would be achieved if we could unite George Galloway and Nigel Farage? Now that's something I'd love to see.
Please Londoners get this guy out of office.
@jason Goodacre- Sign & share this petition;
No chance and its is a vision of the future as the Islamic vote now concentrated in the cities gets more political power.
Jason Goodacre Real Londoners make up less than 50% of the population of London now, so this is a taste of things to come. It's an inexorable situation, brought about by our short sighted 'leaders' of the last few decades, who've carried out a huge social engineering experiment which has so obviously gone wrong.
By any means possible... Sorry, just channeled some Lefty mongo, but bash on.
gerard burton Sorry to burst your bubble but Trump isn’t going anywhere.
Well done, you speak common sense. The mayor is a racist.
A P 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Against anyone who is not a Muslim
@@glenrevell8523 And what has he done to show that?
So is galloway
Islam is not a Race it is nothing more than a Religious Ideology that has know place in the West. Religion is just Mind Control! Not the TRUTH! Or the LAW!
The Government has been compromised by Foreign Investors and Bankers and Elites and Secret Societies!
Who have abused there Positions and caused Chaos in the British Isles.
LondonSTAN the Murder Capital
And a Mayor Who is UNFIT for British Citizenship in my opinion.
This whole entire MESS has been orchestrated to be this way but it MUST BE STOPPED
I agree with Galloway , khan only cares about charging motorist
Sadiq was a "quota " mayor. Dark skin individual who got in that position because of the color of his skin not on the merits.I cannot believe Brits can do such a thing to themselves.He may be born in the UK however , Sadiq's actions, behavior, and narrative are not British.He is an odd ball if compared to Brits. It seems that the EU clouded the brains of the Brits big time. It will take decades to teach people that EU is a scheme which steals at slow pace and devoid nations of what is most important: sovereignty the country, the culture , traditions, control of the borders, freedom of doing business with everybody in this world and beyond. Sadiq will forever be a dark spot on the consciousness of the British people. and a lesson for the future generations.
serbanmike most ‘Londoners’ are Muslims, only reason
he was voted in, plus PC of course
I live outside London so can’t vote for the mayor but I really wonder about the people of London that they vote in such a useless mayor
disherdismore actually London is only (I say only but it’s bad enough ) 13% Muslim the idea that London is mostly foreign is true but it includes the Irish the poles the Eastern European’s and the indians
Maurice Brown no they are not, most of the real Londoners have moved to within 1/2 hours of London now
@@MrTangolizard so what?
@Maurice Brown so, what is a real Londoner. I don't like you dogwhistle racism
johnny foreigner so u think that the U.K. doesn’t have a indigenous population? Did u learn that at cultural study’s for lesbians u know exactly what he means in saying a real Londoner he means a white person who was born in London, one question can I as a white male be Chinese ?
Straight talking George well done sir 👍🏼
Well said.
He should resign in office , mayor of London is useless a very disappointing 3 years
Up until a few months ago I never liked or listened to George Galloway. I have recently changed my mind. Keep it up Mr Galloway.
Zero all the way then for Khan, useless Mayor of Londond.
a sympathy vote for multicultualizum , and what a price it is out turning to be ?
works very well for me actually, I have zero problem assimilating into multicultural British society
What a terrible mayor he has turned out to be!
A purely cosmetic and politically correct appointment.
Why is he even there?
Get him out!
Another Politically correct appointment = lesbian Police Commissioner Cressida Dick "we've had child grooming gangs for centuries!!" Total disgrace
Meg Martel Suppose the name should have given her away.
These people have no compassion whatsoever. They are incapable of it, criminally incompetent and unfit for office
@@megmartel6005 These people are so unprincipled its mindblowing.
george is not the man he used to be and im pretty sure he knows What the united nations is up to if i do
about time George the first time I've ever agreed with you and thank you for being honest
Rock ON George!
Brilliant George. On point as always. What a travesty Khan is still mayor and George has been sacked from his job with this station. London would be in a much better state if we had George in place of Khan.
Sadiq Khan is more interested in undermining Jeremy Corbyn and planning his next career move.
I don't like some of Galloway's views, and in fact I detest them. But the one thing I have learnt over the years from listening to this man is, he is a true democratic parliamentarian. He believes in democracy and will fight it's corner for the Left and the Right wing of politics. He predicted the mess in Iraq/Libya/Syria 4 yrs before the allies even made it now he is spot on about our midget muslim mayor here in London. Ignore the media lies about Galloway and judge the man as a whole and not from lies you hear about him. ( as a right wing Tory it was not easy to say that about him, but it is the truth ).
Templar Knight I'm afraid that was democracy if you look at the demographics of London, i
Unfortunately I believe he or another of the same brand may get a second term and within the next 15 to 20 years there will be sharia law imposed throughout!
He’s too busy building more mosques in the city instead of affordable homes for London’s citizens
Khan needs to be thrown out!
or shot
In the garbage
Please share this.
If U throw Garbage Khan out of Mayoral office he will end up as UK PM.
pamela kingwell Realistically, that will never happen.
i cant stand galloway but i have to agree with him im glad he said what he said
is that a middle finger to uk mate
paul h yes I too was shocked to find myself agreeing
Galloway is a secret muslim. He never denies that he is a muslim.
K Cole : I have tried googling it , but could not find it. Do you have any links ?
Shows that Galloway criticise what needs to be criticised and always consistent regardless of race, religion and political agenda. Definition of unbiased and consistency
Must say i didnt use to like Galloway but he has gained my respect over the years.
This is what happens when islamics are in political office.. and why islamics should never by law be able to hold any form of office in UK and in the West for that matter.
Islamics? What is that? Seriously dislike close minded individuals like yourself.
The second highest position in charge of our police is a Muslim.
@@MulMhmm When you follow a set of beliefs that oppose country, including killing them. No way should they be near the West
A year on... and nothing has been done about this man...
Galloway now agrees with Farage and Steve Bannon. Widdicombe of the Brexit Party wants to "correct" gay people. Ukip want to make "jokes" about putting bags over women's heads before raping them. And Trump wants the US corporates to buy into the NHS post-Brexit.
Nothing will be done
Reptile man
Tap tap
@@garsm2290 UKIP had to use dark humor to make a greater point about oppressive political correctness. Carl Benjamin, if you actually listen to him, is very liberal, he just can't stand indetitarian politics. He doesn't hate gay or Muslim people. The discussion of integration is such a nuanced thing that is lost on the identitarians. All identitarians do is yell "racism" while anyone with critical thinking skills can listen to these people and clearly see their actual intentions.
Seriously, if you people can't understand or acknowledge how cancerous and divisive identity politics are, you are going continue losing the attention of the average citizen. Sadly, leftists have put all their chips in on it. You're trying to convince people to be ashamed of their immutable characteristics. Good luck with that.
I'm from the u.s. never seen this Galloway, but I agree with him 100%. Why so many against him over there.
Denis Brouillard because he speaks truth and people can't take it
Because majority of our country is brainwashed by Rupert Murdoch media outlets. Most people think they are "standing up to the establishment" but it's mainly just quiet racism. Edgy right wing bullshit. People would turn on Galloway for criticising Israel, screaming anti-semite while having a hatred for Muslim's. Brexit is really about immigration but as you are American, DO NOT confused our immigration with the Mexico border crisis. luckily enough we live on an Island.
You should try to find a video of him from a few years back appearing before the US Senate over charges of 'money for oil' and collusion with Saddam Hussein, he tied them up in Knots,
Didn't you see him slaughter your ministers when they lie about Iraq?
No wonder America is drowning ,because the American in bar and hotels .they don't even know who controls thier country . Or how they recreote them , look at this . you may understand better .
THE PROTOCOLS of elders zionist opinion .
George you are bravely articulating what many people are thinking and beginning to realise and believe. Khan is clearly out of his depth and very short on the necessary skill and talent for the role.
He’s sent London back 30yrs, just imagine if he made it to No10.
I think you made a tiny mistake in one additional zero. I think you meant 'back 300 yrs'
IBA TAN Atleast back then London was white.
If he'd sent London back 30 tears, it would be way saver and way less of an Islamic cesspool.
Chris C he's ten to twenty years too early for number ten. Although if there is a leadership battle in Labour, who knows.
Yeah, in 20 years he'll win a landslide on the back of the Muslim vote. Allah be fucking praised.
Wake up Britain
As well as him, the Met also has a lesbian Police chief, AND Fire chief! Yeah, you guessed it, chosen for political correctness. What are we turning into!!
Bombero Bob She said the London Bridge attack shows how wonderfully diverse London is. There were a couple of different nationalities attacked. Honestly.
Bombero Bob we are a civilisation in decline and the Muslims must be loving it.
Aaron Johnson We're a civilization about to severely lose our temper. It's going to get ugly.
i can see them mysteriously falling from roofs.
I agree he has failed to tackle crime ,,including the continuous knife crime
He did not fail in anything. You voting people failed. You knew nothing about Muslims and their Doctrines. You thought of homogeneity which works with most of religions except his.
Knife crime has been an issue. It’s only getting attention now due to the demographic changes. Either way, knife crime has and mostly been gang related.
Unaffordable housing has been a longtime issue in London, which many who held the role Mayor of London have failed to address.
I’m not even a supporter of Kahn, but people can’t just place all London’s issues on him.
Galamb koter
I didn't vote for any london mayor as I don't live in london ,and it's true what george galloway is saying
Islamophobia should be a virtue promoted and taught in our public schools. Everyone in their right minds should fear and resent that sick religion, and certainly not tolerate or accommodate it. And definitely not elect one of its followers as the mayor of your capital city. I figure his personal incompetence is the only reason he hasn't managed to completely destroy London yet.
Of course you can argue that islamophobia as such doesn't really exist at all, given a phobia is defined by an irrational fear of something. This fear is very rational.
The rest of the world knows Britain's been conquered, that's why we don't holiday there anymore.
You've lost your capital city, you've lost the city of your monarch, under the terms of war, until you get them back, you're a conquered land. RIP.
your thinking is very limited.
I’m very afraid that this is true 😔
Thanks GG for Keeping us always in the Truth Loops.
George has nailed it 100%
I agree, he is the worst mayor
I can't actually believe I find myself agreeing with GG on this video..... but the fact he acknowledges the "failed experiment" of a Muslim mayor is astonishing. I agree with GG here..... and I admit.... I feel dirty
i was thinking the same thing mate :D
Like the smell of Westminster . The smell of Kahn is spreading throughout the nation.
He's a bit biased, he ran for London Mayor.
@Ile Adura well, "Winder" no more.
Can we put Sadiq Khant in the stocks and throw rotten fruits and vegetables at him
Jedi13 unfortunately not that would be classed as a hate crime or racism or against his human rights or some bull crap... HOWEVER I AGREE!!!
His faith uses stones
@John Henshaw and bacon
George, I think you left out one important word....... I would rather call him a failed "LAB" experiment.
George Galloway who I normally always disagree with has hit the nail on the head as far as Khan is concerned. Well done George you got this one right.
Don't like or usually agree with Galloway, but have to give him props for calling it right on this
Just another politician who is skilful at politics and utterly without talent for governing. All his efforts go towards image management, and no noticeable efforts towards anything effective.
MisterHughes I wouldn’t say skilful at politics ,he contempt for trumps state visit to London on both occasions has been a huge own goal
@@dazspurs9899 Because master Trump is always innocent and at no fault?
@@hiddenknowledge2012 that's a different question altogether
Well said George ❤️👌👍
I will never visit that foreign city ever again. My capital needs moving.
im staying where i am well away from any city in england
It doesn’t need needs flushing
I lived in a West Kensington shared house back in 1990. A bloke in white pj's and a funny cap (a very unusual sight back in those days) was disgusted as I was cooking a full English breakfast in our shared kitchen. He wouldn't shut up about how filthy pigs are. It nearly spoilt my meal. I asked him why he was in a country where we love our bacon and pork sausages. He said "You will one day not have bacon".
He scared the crap out of that 20 something version of me. All my questions were answered with citations and quotations. He was an indoctrinated, brainwashed, low IQ nutcase.
No, Islamists just rape children.
Abdul. Firstly, Rolf was not British, he was an Australian. Jim was one of 65,000,000 people in the UK. Islamist's groom and rape vulnerable young white girls on an industrial scale. But then, it is just so Islamic.
First time I've ever agreed with Galloway...100%
Sadiq Khan was sworn in on The Koran that shows what he thinks about Britain
Dean Appleby you're putting his religion on the line which shows your bigotry! its his wish to swore on Buddhists or Hindu scriptures dumb ass!
Dean Appleby just as in lebenon a Muslim country a prime minister was elected by sworning on the bible!
Dean Appleby and he used taqqiya
Absolutely inspiring rant from George and bang on with his critique and wholly fair assessment of this failed Mayor.
Absolutely, failed experiment indeed! 😣
What FOOLS we were, time to make a stand and have him removed and have a MAYOR who really cares
Political correctness can be dangerous...
Correction, political correctness is dangerous.
@@yell50 CORRECT!!!!!
Can be? Its Hell on Earth!
A country that values truth, honesty and integrity has no need of it.
Political correctness is destroying our nation
Fair play George, respect to you!
Surprised at Galloway, I find myself agreeing with him for most of this video - and now I can't shake the feeling something is wrong in the universe :(
Never really seen eye to eye with Mr Galloway however, sometimes he is so damn right.
Quite prophetic in light of the current media surrounding London's current mayor.
Sadiq Khan is a man who is desperately desperately out of his depth, he lacks the experience, personality and charisma for this position.
Khan the NIGHT MAYOR of London.
Recall this little man
Well done George, right to the point
Am I living in a parallel universe?
I agree with most of what GG said 😂😂
remember the day you were riding the sub and a woman in a hijab and a big red bag smiled at you? this was the day you were killed, then you woke up in the parallel universe.
I want you george Galloway to be the mayor of london
I’m a conservative and this guy speaks straight facts
George well said don't always agree with you but you get the nod here👍
I don’t particularly like Galloway but he’s spot on here.
He won't take responsibility for anything. It's everyone else's fault. I've always wondered, what exactly does he do other than pretending to be sympathetic to issues that go against his deeply held beliefs.
I really don't think that Sadiq Khan is up to the very important job of operating the gate of a 5 aside football pitch, he'd be too busy planning his next move to park-keeper.
He's doing political jihad and anyone who follows his doing's and going's will spot this and if you don't believe my words then take a look for your self's. He should now be sacked and put out of politics for good.
political correctness Even if he's removed, they will still elect something like him. London is too liberal induced by the vast demographic shift and rising anti-semitism.
pat dunne Anti-Islam is more accurate label. You might scoff at the thought, but it is a form of political Jihad or Stealth jihad. The idea of using Western own laws against us. Muslim Brotherhood has been doing it for decades in the US with some success.
@blonde jon, brilliantly and succinctly put mate, 100 percent agree with you, we have an inherent right to self preservation and to defend our culture and history, funny that there isn't a mass migration to Pakistan, or any muslim dominated country, wonder why that is?
OK bring the Quraan verse that says that. oh you can't? I thought so. Dipshit.
I never thought I could ever agree with GG but Fair Play to Him for lettin’off about
Sadiq #Khunt 😳😯👏🏼👍🏻💯💚🤛🏻🎩🏴
billsykes75 You hate him now you agree with him. Next you will say never thought I would agree with Sadiq Khan! Twit
He mostly talks crap put he had a good pont about sadiq khan
even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Enjoy the fruits of cultural enrichment and political correctness, brits!
No thank you, I became an ex pat 3 years ago, they can stick their stinking multi culture where the sun doesn't shine.
The last failed terrorists attack was two days ago & one of them is from Sadiq Khans area London, yet not one word about it that in its self tells you everything you need to know.
London is not a safe city i would never visit there. Great rant George !
It's fine. Don't be put off by the press
Ann Other No it isn`t !
ruby tuesday I live on the edge of Peckham .. feels safe to me.
Too bad, you are missing out on seeing a great city!
I was born here and lived here all my life. London is not dangerous. the vast majority of incidents is dickhead on dickhead crime.
This is a Christian country enough said.
It's not a Christian country. It's a secular country. If you want to live in a Christian country, fuck off to Uganda or South Sudan.
@@anycolouryoulike8567 lol nicely done.
But the sikhs and hindus are lovely people.
AnyColourYouLike so is Barbados ,so is Antigua ,st Kitts ,st Lucia ,st Vincent and the grenadines ,Antigua and Barbuda ,Cayman ,Bermuda ,Anguilla ,Montserrat ,Granada ,Tobago ,Bahamas
They all secular countries
All those countries are secular and your point is what
@@benisrood ...I'm an atheist and yes this is a Christian country
I love your strong forthright talk & honestly. God bless you.
This Khan seems untouchable! An absolute failure, nothing is his fault, its everybody else's. ..but i'm sure his job is safe under this "Protect Islam at all costs" policy.
why do you ppl keep bringing religion in everything. have you ever seen any comments by Muslims about other religions the answer is no never that's the difference
2 years later … it's getting far worse and he's still not resigned. Still there..rotting London.
Thank you George for saying it as it is, you speak up on behalf of the British people!