Za novinare, fotografe i snimatelje Srebrenica je puno više od profesionalnog zadatka

  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024
  • Prva svjedočenja, snimci i fotografije preživjelih nakon pada Srebrenice bili su važan historijski dokument o genocidu.
    U godinama koje su uslijedile novinari, fotografi i snimatelji bilježili su priče o masovnim grobnicama, potrazi za nestalima, sudbinama preživjelih, sudskim procesima.
    Svi oni kažu da je Srebrenica za njih mnogo više od profesionalnog zadatka. #Srebrenica #Genocid


  • @zlatavelagic7366
    @zlatavelagic7366 2 місяці тому +5

    29 god poslije nisu nadeni posmrtni ostaci...zasto su sakriveni i prebacivani u druge grobnice...i jos kada cujem "nije genocid"...😢😢

  • @e.matovic
    @e.matovic 2 місяці тому +4

    30 godina nakon Genocida,
    i dalje se nađu posmrtni ostaci.
    Toliko razmjeran zločin je bio.

    • @eliotvarda
      @eliotvarda 2 місяці тому

      50 000 of their women, raped by their own kind, it is muslims we are talking about, the religion of peace, but really the religion of lies, THERE WAS A CRIME IN SREBRENICA, indeed, but not against Muslims, but against Serbs, so which makes this post a typical example of blaming the victims(what a sick mind is in muslim brainwashed brain to do what I am about to publicly disclose), what really happened, is that in Bosnia, muslims, fueled by their hate and a need for ethnic cleansing in the most inhumane way, raided small Serbian villages in the region of Srebrenica, I think the one of the first ones attacked was Višnjica, or Višnjičica village(something like that), but not the last, Muslims as I said raided those small villages, SLAUGHTERED AND RAPED THEIR FAMILIES, no children had seen mercy there, so, Serbian troops were informed, General Ratko Mladić marched with Serbian army, FIRST ORDERED MUSLIM CIVILIANS(which was obviously a mistake since they are all brainwashed, psychotic, expansionist savages, proof: could be seen now(2024) how their immigrants ravaged Sweden, Norway, Germany, entire Europe by their peaceful religion(but the truth is that they are required to hate us by their Quran, so we should just, cut the bullshit, hate them back and exhail them from europe)) TO EVACUATE, GAVE THEM A WINDOW OF MORE THAN A DAY(2-3 if i remember correctly), even organised buses and transportation to help muslim civilians escape(of course serbian civilians also), and than attacked with his army, when they walked themselves (serbian army) into the serbian villages ravaged by muslim savages, engaging in the conflict against terrorists(all armed male attackers), winning and capturing a number of terrorists alive, the soldiers and the whole army was disgusted, seeing the atrocities the muslim terrorists commited, enraged, the General Ratko Mladić ordered to execute their war captives(again, all male muslim apes) by shooting(not slaughter, like they did to serbian civilians, no rape, just a bullet), and war captives are, by law of warfare, not to be killed, so he, Ratko Mladić broke the law, (but that law, was in that case pointless, cause they just humanly killed monster butchers and rapists the muslims were, all of them came there to murder, steal, rape, they were killed because of that, which is just and righteous thing to do by the laws of logic), many older Serbs today disagree that shooting the war captives was the right choice to do, therefore saying it was a mistake, but based on how muslims proved to be nothing but aggressive animals, it obviously wasn't a mistake.
      In a years to come, muslims have dug up all the bones of their dead predecessors they could and carried them to Srebrenica to claim that we commited genocide against them, they were so desperate to frame us, that ANY SKELETON THEY COULD FIND THEY WOULD MOVE TO THE LOCATION OF SREBRENICA, every single bone they could find had to go there, no matter if it was some 200 year old muslim man, or some dog that died on the street. They say we commited genocide, YEA, THE GRANDPA OF MY COUSIN WAS SLAUGHTERED BY MUSLIMS(i think everyone in serbia knows someone who lost a family member due to muslim savagery), I have family in bosnia, they told me that all of the Serbs living in Bosnia are disgusted at muslims and their filth and lies, ONE OF THE BIGGEST MOSQUES IN Sarajevo WAS BUILT ON A FOUNDATION OF A CONCRETE, SPILLED IN A MASS GRAVE PIT OF TENS(MAYBE EVEN HUNDREDS) SLAUGHTERED SERBS BODIES, TO HIDE IT, SERBS WERE AGGRESSORS, YEA, THATS WHY THE WHOLE BOSNIA IS FILLED WITH MASS GRAVES OF SLAUGHTERED SERBIAN CIVILIANS, THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED IN SREBRENICA, I THINK STILL, MUSLIMS ARE DESPERATE TO FIND MORE SKELETONS TO DRAG TO SREBRENICA AND FRAME US, FUCK YOU MUSLIM TERRORIST!!!!

  • @vanjavanjaa1157
    @vanjavanjaa1157 2 місяці тому +4


    • @andrijakolarevic2245
      @andrijakolarevic2245 2 місяці тому

      Jel ti znaš šta se dogodilo? Kakve su reakcije iz tvoje "kuce" na to? Jel je vama prihvatljivo ubiti 8000 ljudi pucati im u potiljak?

    • @BoskoSavic
      @BoskoSavic 2 місяці тому

      Jebem ti mater u picku genocidnu

  • @faizabajramovic5132
    @faizabajramovic5132 3 місяці тому +12

    Ovo se pamti do SUDNJEG DANA

    • @CopiedVideos982
      @CopiedVideos982 2 місяці тому

      Nisi u pravu,pamtit će samo generacije koje su usko povezane sa žrtvama. Tko pamti žrtve prvog svjetskog rata? Tko ih spominje uopće? Tako će biti i da ovim,Mrtvo slovo na papiru za kojih 30 godina

    • @nikolapesic609
      @nikolapesic609 2 місяці тому +2

      Kao sto je jedan nas pametan covek reko Semir Osmanagić, kad bi stranci dozvolili da samo tri generacije zive u miru, na Balkanu bi svi postali braca. Ali svedoci smo da smo ovce

  • @natasasoftic8307
    @natasasoftic8307 3 місяці тому +3

    Dabogda se ovo nikad ne ponovilo

    • @CopiedVideos982
      @CopiedVideos982 2 місяці тому

      Nije ovo jedini genocid a ponavlja se upravo diljem zemlje,valjda imate televiziju i mobitel pa vidite da se dica ubijaju na sve strane

  • @Tusuba-c7d
    @Tusuba-c7d 2 місяці тому


  • @MaksimLazarevic-p4p
    @MaksimLazarevic-p4p 3 місяці тому +2

    Sbw vojska

  • @milanmoldovanovic7396
    @milanmoldovanovic7396 3 місяці тому +12

    Smarate vise sa tom Srebrenicom 30 godina prosle jbt,ajde gledaj malo u buducnost i napredak,sjasi vise i vi i Srebrenica

    • @S..992
      @S..992 2 місяці тому

      Znamo da bi vi volili da de zaboravi,da vi i dalje nas vrijedate,ali nemoze majka zaboravit da je rodila dijete i odhranila a vi došli i ubijali samo što vam ime nije svidalo,nikad necemo zaboravit i uvjek ce mo spominjati da ste počinili genocid

    • @CopiedVideos982
      @CopiedVideos982 2 місяці тому +2

      @@milanmoldovanovic7396 e tako razmišlja osviješten čovjek ali ne i onaj zatovan islamom ili bilo kojom drugom religijom i svojom ideologijom.
      Možeš pisati što god želiš,nećeš biti shvaćen

    • @sakisale3214
      @sakisale3214 2 місяці тому +8

      Mi se samo prisecamo da ne zaboravimo. Jer siguran sam ako se opet opustimo i zagrlimo svakog stradacemo opet

    • @dzaforedzic6594
      @dzaforedzic6594 2 місяці тому

      Smaracem vas vjecito kevu ti istinom vas ubijamo

    • @zemiraweber3602
      @zemiraweber3602 2 місяці тому

      Unistenje Mislimana iz Bosne i Hercegovine jos uvijek traje. U RS je nemoguce živjeti. Vojska iz Srbije hoda po Prijedoru i pokazuje svoju snagu. Iz godine u godinu je sve teze. Pustite nas da bar mirno žalimo .